Social stereotypes. Types of financial behavior of the population in post-crisis conditions stereotypes of financial behavior and their consequences

Under financial behavior Material external manifestations of activities on the use of money-focused on achieving various goals, in the context of formal and informal rules and social relationship. Thus, the area financial behaviorUnlike sociological theories of money, assumes the analysis of the actions of people in specific sociocultural contexts, including their motivation and meanings due to belonging to groups, social roles, status, characteristics, culture level, etc.

Financial behavior is historically specifically and changeable. It is associated with diverse installations regarding money in various social contexts generated by myths and prejudices, customs and habits of people. Its motifs do not always correspond to the criterion of rationality as determined by the money of the culture, on the contrary, the observed actions of people regarding money are often irrational, affective. Also, actual financial behavior is not always characterized by the methodology and accuracy, often adopts the forms of spontaneous, panic actions.

The most important aspect of the analysis of financial behavior is to identify it types Depending on the motivation and nature of the action constituting its basis. To analyze the motivational component of financial behavior, you can use the Ideal Types allocated by M. Weber social ActionWith the help of which the meanings of the money management in the daily lives of people are revealed. It should be borne in mind that this classification represents only the "ideal types of" financial behavior, which 1) is not found in its real life; 2) are always in complex dynamics, mutually rearranging and flowing one in another. The dynamics of types of financial behavior reflects the transformation as an economic and sociocultural situation and individual life situations individuals and groups.

Rational The type of financial behavior implies basics of value-known action and "based on strict accounting balance of income and expenses, on the cost and accumulation costs corresponding to it. Rational behavior is focused on the selection of the most effective means of achieving goals, it involves minimizing risks when maximizing profits. The objectives of rational financial behavior can be both preserving and accumulating resources and their increase, investment, as well as spending. The basis of rational financial behavior is the methodology, accuracy, calculation, orientation to prevent excess of costs over income and minimizing random losses. Rational financial behavior implies freedom of adoption of independent decisions, as well as a sufficient level of awareness and qualifications of actors.

Value-oriented The type of financial behavior relies on the value-known actions aimed at implementing ethical, ideological, spiritual values. Such behavior is characterized by altruism based on observance of moral norms, solidarity with social environment, the use of money to maintain and strengthen group affiliation and identity. Examples of value-oriented financial behavior are charitable donations, patronage, gratuitous support for relatives and loved ones, transferring money to religious needs, etc. It is motivated by a non-utilitarian calculation, but social norms and moral and spiritual values.

Rational and value-oriented behavior can be divided and analytically opposed based on the use of models " economic man"and" sociological person ", however, as already noted, modern science It does not have so much of their rigid dichotomy, as an analysis of transient, intermediate forms located in the continuum between two polar types.

The traditional action forms and traditional Financial behavior, involving reproduction of stable stereotypes of money treatment, learned during socialization. It is based on everyday common sense, conjugate with an empirically sound "practical" (in the terminology of M. Weber) rationality as the ability to calculate the immediate consequences of their actions, but not going beyond the usual objectives and means of their achievement. Traditional financial behavior is closely related to rational, but implies the inclusion of altruistic actions, if such are included in sustainable rules, for example, gifts to loved ones, participation in joint spending on public needs, donations in church, alms, etc.

Affective action for money determines affective Financial behavior, which is based on rampant, subordinate to emotional gusts spending, or, on the contrary, refusal to spend. Its variety can recognize the actions of gambling players focused on the maximum win without any insurance guarantees; intuitive, to the end are not calculated investments of money; Panic actions performed under the influence of spontaneous mass moods, rumor propagation, etc. At the heart of affective financial behavior, both emotional attitudes in relation to the money themselves - stress, passionate greed in their acquisition and affects caused by other experiences, such as fear of political instability.

Researchers identify more rare models of financial behavior, for example, consciously dysfunctional, Based on absolutization or, on the contrary, on consciously ignoring objective functions of money and rules for treatment. Sustainably incompetent Models appear in the absence of money handling skills and financial instruments, inherent in young people, old people, etc.

The total typology of financial behavior at a level of practical cash management to achieve specific life goals is expressed in strategies several species, among which it is customary to allocate;

  • consumer strategy - spending on current needs as everyday character (buying food, clothing, etc.) and spending related to the acquisition of long-term items; Social spending (gifts, contributions, charity, etc.); Tracts related to the implementation of life strategies and plans (payment of education, self-development), with treating and maintaining health, with entertainment, etc. Consumption includes the necessary tax payments, interest on loans, etc.;
  • credit and borrowed strategy - Credits (consumer and targeted, for example, on education) and non-intersective debts, interest-free or percentage payments. Loans and debts account for liabilities of household budgets;
  • savings strategy - preservation of money with certain goals, for example, for future consumption, implementation in the future large shopping, realization of life plans (for children's education), etc. Under the conditions of distrust of savings money can be carried out in natural forms of treasures (jewels), those subjects that are considered as "eternal values" - antiques, works of art, real estate, etc. Savings behavior can manifest itself in the forms of targeted postponement of certain amounts or simply preserving non-revenue remnants, have a planned, regular or spontaneous nature. The size of the savings amounts can vary significantly, large savings are considered to be the on which the household can existe during the year without changing the prevailing type of consumption and lifestyle;
  • insurance strategy - A kind of savings, involving postponing money is not for future consumption, but "for a black day", "just in case." This can also include the acquisition of a variety of insurance, taking into account that in the absence of insurance case Insurance premium payments are noncompensated consumption;
  • investment strategy which involves a rational investment in economic activities in order to subsequent profit extraction.

Sources of cash labor and business activities, payments and benefits (pensions, scholarships, alimony), interest on deposits and dividends, as well as income from the use of property itself, representing natural savings, such as rental apartments, cottages, garage and t .. Along with regular receipts, there may be random and temporary, such as gifts and donations, inheritance, gaming financial behavior associated with the extraction of income from the stock exchange game, financial pyramids, lotteries, etc.

Thus, the strategies of financial behavior, including the choice of sources of cash receipt, may have active and passive character. Active strategies include earning and entrepreneurship, credit and investment behavior, and passive - social and private payments, savings and insurance behavior.

Various financial behavior strategies can be used in combinations of various levels of difficulty, include both savings and insurance strategies and investment, and the use of loans.

Choosing a strategy with specific actors, social groups It is today one of the main directions of financial behavior research. So, one of the most modern active strategies is to use loans. This strategy received extremely high distribution in economically developed societies that have reached the stage of mass consumption. It is prone to secured groups with a stable financial situation and confident in tomorrow, rationally planning their finances. According to sociologists, modern Russia Credit strategies are most common among middle-class representatives. At the same time, the loan is not an alternative to savings, and fills their insufficiency. An obstacle to the expansion of the use of the credit strategy is, on the one hand, the low level of majority revenues, and on the other - the development of interpersonal relationships and the preference of non-relational private debts by bank loans, especially since in Russia it is not customary to give money in interest (only 3% of creditors And 3.5% of borrowers talk about such practices). At the same time, groups are formed for which the risky credit behavior focused on the development of households at the expense of loans, mainly consumer loans. Savings in these groups, in which youth prevail under 27 years old, are insignificant and represent "insurance capital", which is lost over time, and debts increase, which makes them very vulnerable to external factors - changes in the economic situation, loss of work, etc. .

In the early 2000s. Researchers, recognizing the general passivity and conservatism of the financial behavior of Russians, noted the predominance of savings strategies over all the others, with the exception of consumer. In 2013, the VTsIOM survey showed that 2/3 of Russians there are no savings at all, since all revenues are spent to the end. The third of the respondents have stated the presence of savings, passive insurance strategies prevail ("for a black day"), and not active investment.

A similar attitude to savings can be explained, on the one hand, distrust with existing financial institutions, to the banking system, on the other - weak awareness of possible tools and mechanisms for saving, conservatism and the traditional of the financial behavior of the basic groups of the population. A significant role in the reproduction of passive strategies is played by the negative experience of the 1990s, when as a result of the dissemination of mass financial games and the lack of regulatory regulation that has done possible construction "Financial Pyramids", some suffered large and irreplaceable losses. Distribution to financial institutions is associated with distrust on the regulatory system as a whole, which causes the majority of even secured and competent people to take care of saving savings, and not about their increase.

In this article I want to disassemble some popular financial stereotypes Thinking, that is, psychological plants, one way or another related to the monetary sphere, which many people follow, perceiving them as an absolute truth, "just so" or "because it is necessary," without thinking about appropriateness specifically for their situation.

First of all, let's decide what is a stereotype of thinking. This is a psychologically programmed attitude of a person to one or another events, situations, actions, life spheres. If you read the sites about psychology, then they all write that the stereotypes of thinking is a negative phenomenon that has a negative impact on a person. I also adhere to this opinion, I am against stereotypes, and in my life I try not to be guided by them.

So, the stereotypes of thinking exist in all directions of human livelihoods, and us, due to the subject of the site, will be interested in those that are somehow related to the financial direction.

Following such stereotypes may entail a lot of negative consequences, among which I can allocate two main:

  • The desire for stereotypical purposes, and not to its own;
  • Deterioration of financial condition.

I draw your attention: it will not necessarily, and not necessarily the consequences will be negative. It is possible that the well-established financial stereotypes of thinking coincide with your own glances. And it is possible that some well-established financial traditions are best suitable for use in your situation. Why not.

The main goal of this publication is not to convince you of what you are doing, but just make you think about some things that before that seemed to you an axiom - the truth that does not require evidence. Analyze it and independently come to the conclusions: whether it is worth thinking in each particular situation with stereotypes and act in accordance with them, or not.

So, here are some financial stereotypes of thinking.

Stereotype 1. To earn a lot - you need to work much. It is not at all necessary, and very often everything happens completely on the contrary: a person works very much, but earns little. In my opinion, it was more correct to use another statement belonging to Steve Jobs: "It is necessary to work not 12 hours, but head."

Stereotype 2. Money is needed to spend them. This is the easiest, but not the most effective use of money. If you spend everything earned, you will never become rich and financially independent. In my opinion, it is much more important to use money like a source passive income, remedy financial protection, Association financial stability and independence.

Stereotype 3. You need to get a prestigious, high-paying profession and work in the specialty. This stereotype is often the opposite, programms people to achieve smaller results in life than they are capable of. And from a financial point of view, the benefit in such a situation is very doubtful. I even wrote a separate article on this topic :. I advise you to get acquainted and think about whether to follow this stereotype of thinking.

Stereotype 4. Money must earn a man, and a woman should spend them. I understand that a dangerous topic, but still. I believe that all cases are individual. And a woman can be a good financial getter, and a man is a good manager. In addition, it is much more correct when the one who has earned them is managed - this is true, and excludes any disagreement about the trends. In general, and stereotypes in this regard - it was a topic for a separate article, you can also read it.

Stereotype 5. Family budget Must be common. Again, not every family is suitable such a budget type. Most often he, on the contrary, causes. In developed capitalist countries, families are more often used, and it solves many problems that create a common one. As a last resort there is a compromise - a mixed type of budget.

Stereotype 6. Home Financial goal - Own housing. Many people who do not have their own real estate, first of all, seek to acquire it, wink the money for these purposes, take. And to achieve this goal often leaves a lot of years, perhaps - half aim, and even more. Think, maybe this is not the most important thing, and it is worth striving for something else, more? To the fact that in the future will allow the housing issue to solve much easier?

Stereotype 7. You need to have our own car. Because it is convenience, comfort and something else like that. However, it is necessary to see and the opposite direction: the car is " passive asset", Which requires considerable financial costs and at the same time only loses its value. If you take a calculator and consider, in many cases you will be more profitable for a taxi than on your own car. And there will be much less problems at the same time, incl. and financial.

Stereotype 8. You need to be "no worse than others." The most terrible, in my opinion, financial stereotype of thinking. I will explain his essence: very many people spend big money only to seem "not worse than others", to be like everyone else. There may also be desires for having cars, and rest on expensive resorts, and a frequent change of brand gadgets, and visiting expensive salons / institutions and a lot more. And if all previous stereotypes of thinking are rather a past past, then this one - on the contrary, the modern, formed not so long ago.

The fault of this stereotype is the strong dependence of the majority of people from and the influence in which we all live. I recommend to read the links on the links to learn how people who do not know whether they become addicted to stereotypes and follow someone else, and not their own goals, much losing from it, including financially.

I only identified the most common financial stereotypes of thinking, you can probably find others. If you know them - write in the comments, it will be interesting and useful to know everyone.

I'm saying goodbye to you. Be careful and overwhelming with your finances, and they will definitely respond to you. Join the number of subscribers and regular readers of the site and increase your financial literacy! To new meetings on the pages of the site!

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Social stereotype is a relatively stable and simplified image. social object - man, group, phenomena or events. These are also common opinions on the distribution of certain traits in groups of people. For example: "Emotional Italians" or "Politicians - Lyguns".

Why do stereotypes arise? Probably there are two main reasons. The first: mental laziness. A person does not want to take an intellectual effort to learn more about the event, a group of people or a person, so sincerely believes what I knew about before. Second: lack of information or time. This often happens: you have only a few small facts, on the basis of which you need to quickly make a decision. Social stereotypes also occur under influence personal experience, beliefs and preferences. It is only worth understanding that all these three parameters are purely personal, that is, subjective.

Stereotypes can be:

  • positive;
  • negative;
  • accurate;
  • approximate;
  • neutral;
  • excessively generalized;
  • overly simplified;

No need to engage in self-deception and think that you are definitely not subject to stereotypes. They live in us affect the worldview, behavior and sometimes contribute to the incorrect understanding of reality. Internet, TV, communication, personal (and at the same time spoiled by virtue) experience, incorrect sensations and intuition - all this creates a huge number of stereotypes in our psyche.

At the same time, it is impossible to forget that stereotypes may be relevant to the truth, even if not always. For example, drivers of minibuses, lawyers, politicians, actors and representatives of many other professions are subject to professional deformation.

Professional deformation - cognitive distortion, psychological disorientation of the individual, formed due to the constant pressure of external and internal factors professional activity. That is, by chance, the chosen lawyer will be more like another chance of a chosen lawyer than on the bus driver. The profession changes a person and it cannot be denyed. Due to this, the approach to the representative of various professions may differ.

It is impossible to completely get rid of stereotypes, so it is necessary to at least learn to live with them and notice, especially when making important decisions: with whom to do business, where to move, what work is to get a job.

But for starters, let's discuss what functions is the stereotyping process.

Functions and role stereotyping

Early studies assumed that stereotypes were used only with rigid and authoritarian people. Modern studies argue that a complete understanding of stereotypes requires consideration from two additional perspectives: as divided within a certain culture / subculture and formed in the consciousness of a separate person.

Communication between cognitive and social functions

Stereotyping can serve as cognitive functions at the interpersonal level and social functions on the intergroup level.

Cognitive functions

Stereotypes help to understand the world. They represent the form of categorization that contributes to the simplification and systematization of information. Thus, the information is easier to identify, withdraw, predict or respond.

Psychologist Gordon Alport suggested possible answers to the question why people are easier to understand the information in categories.

  • First, so they can refer to the category to determine the answer template.
  • Secondly, the categorized information is more specific than non-iced, since categorization emphasizes the properties that are divided by all members of the group.
  • Thirdly, people can easily describe the object in the category, because the objects in the same category have general characteristics.
  • Finally, people can take as proper characteristics of a particular category, because the category itself may be an arbitrary group.

Stereotypes function as temporary and saved our time, allowing you to act more efficiently.

Social Functions: Social Classification

People exhibit their collective me (their membership in the group) in the positive light in the following situations:

  • When stereotypes are used to explain social events. Take, for example, this situation. The scientist Henri Tajfel believes that the "Protocol of the Sion Wise men" allowed people to explain social events and makes sense only because Jews have certain characteristics.
  • When stereotypes are used to substantiate the activities of their own group to another group. For example, a stereotype that Indian or Chinese will not be able to achieve financial success without European help.
  • When stereotypes are used to differentiate the group as positively different from external groups.

Social functions: Social influence and consensus

Stereotypes are an indicator of a common consensus. In Nazi Germany, Hitler united the nation due to hate to the Jews. Although at the same time there were a huge number of disagreements among the Germans themselves, the Jewish question was so strong that they overshadowed all the others.

Stereotypes of behavior

It was empirically established that if a person associates himself with any group, he begins to lead himself, as a typical representative, although this behavior was not peculiar. For example:

  • At the concert of the musical group, a person may behave stereotypically for the fans of this group.
  • When a person reminds what kind of nationality he is, he begins to behave, based on the stereotypes of his people.
  • A person from London behaves like a person from London when he reminds about it.

It can be said that when a person consciously or unconsciously visits a stereotype, he seems to be launched in it a template behavior and thinking program. In your power to decide whether it is worthy to him or change it. As we said - not all stereotypes are bad, some of them have very reasonable foundations.

How to get rid of stereotypes

Know about your stereotypes

To get rid of stereotypes, you need to begin to understand how you are subject to. They may be such a large amount that it will cause bewilderment. If so, then select a dozen of the strongest or so that most destructively affect your life: gender, racial, religious prejudices.

You can also negatively refer to musicians, scientists, drivers, children, government representatives and many other estates or groups. But if you are aware of it, then take the first step in the right direction.

Recognize negative effects of stereotypes

This step can be combined with the first because they are closely connected. You have to find out what the stereotypes make it bad. It is necessary to observe all the spheres of life, even the most unexpected or those who seem not very important at first glance:

  • Financial sphere.
  • Social sphere.
  • Mental health.

For example, thoughts about swinging as "stupid and uneducated" can be dismissed to you forever from visiting the gym. Well, who will you make this worse?

It may find out that your many restrictive beliefs are built on stereotypes. For example, you are 50 years old and you do not create your own business, because you think that old old are for this. Although everyone knows examples when people and in a more solid age have sought tremendous success in business.

Reduce your self-esteem

To begin with, reducing your prejudice regarding this Council. Actually, how many stereotypes do not appear thanks to an overpriced self-esteem? After all, he is immediately clear, who is and what is. This is the form of ignorance.

Therefore, if you have an overestimated self-esteem, admit to yourself. If you are afraid that this approach will reduce the quality of life, then try again over the second item and how the negative consequences are stereotypes. You will realize that this is a small price for expanding your worldview, to have a lot of new acquaintances and socialize truly.

Find out what benefit does the get rid of stereotypes

Make up detailed list how your thinking, beliefs and values \u200b\u200bmay change, if you begin to consider each person you encountered as a person. Previously, you probably glued dozens of shortcuts on it, and he and his mouth did not have time to open. To judge a person from pure sheet - is it really not more interesting?

Enjoy yourself the most different people. Yes, the people relative to us are more pleasant, but it is so easy to rust in the conformism. Travel more - at least to other cities.

We wish you good luck!

during financial crisis


The identification of groups of commercial banks, which bring the greatest instability to the banking sector, as well as the definition of factors due to the stereotypes of their behavior, is always the urgent task, especially during the financial crisis.

The report analyzes the stereotypes of the behavior of Russian commercial banks and the allocation of groups of potentially unstable banks. For this purpose, the method of dynamic analysis of patterns from year to year is used, the sample is 366 Russian commercial banks. For the first time this approach was used to identify the structural features of Turkey's development for 1988-1999. (Aleckerov et al., 1997; Aleskerov et al., 2001). The technique allows you to compare the models of the behavior of banks in the pre-crisis period of time and stereotypes of the behavior of the banks that they choose in the crisis. A comprehensive analysis is carried out on the basis of a system of indicators that takes into account the structure of banking operations, the level of financial intermediation, capital adequacy and liquidity, as well as the quality of the loan portfolio.

The technique described above was repeatedly used in practice for analyzing Russian commercial banks. In particular, development analysis was carried out banking system In 1999-2003 (Alekeners, licorice and checked, 2006) and the study of the largest balance of Russian banks for the period from 1999 to 2007 (Alekerov et al., 2008).

It is shown that most Russian commercial banks (about 54% of all the banks under consideration) are focused on the provision of traditional. There are also banks (their share is 4-5%), specializing exclusively on investment activities. In addition, part of banks (about 34%) reoriented to investment activitiesWearing a more risky character. The most unstable behavior during the crisis is demonstrated by banks that are included in financial and industrial groups or are focused on servicing strategic clients, and thus directly depend on their main activity.

Moreover, it can be noted that the dominant patterns can be assessed as adequate long-term development of the banking sector: a high level of credit activity at good capital adequacy (on average about 17-18%) in combination with liquidity reserve (70% and higher). About 20% of Russian banks are either stably adhere to, or in most periods choose such behaviors. But on the interval under consideration, the growth of time patterns and greater manifestation of anomalous traditional commercial Bank Patterns (too high profitability and excess liquidity), whose share is about 7-8%, which can be regarded as a signal of increasing the riskiness of operations of commercial banks, and, therefore, their instability.

  • Lesson Plan: Definitions: demography, population reproduction. Types of reproduction, 123.59kb.
  • Problems of assessing the financial condition of organizations in the conditions of global financial, 147.64KB.
  • KM66.

    Types of financial behavior of the population in post-crisis conditions

    Types of People's Financial Behavior in Post-Crisis Conditions

    Annotation. In order to identify new trends in the financial behavior of the population after economic crisis The author was held a small sociological survey, which was attended by representatives different groups population. The survey showed a relatively high level of confidence in the banks from the population and the average leaning to the loan. People in the post-crisis period are ready to help the money to friends and relatives, most of them consider themselves generous, but are not ready to risk.

    Keywords: Debt. Saving. Financial literacy. Financial behavior. Income level. Consumers. Savings. Borrowers. Post-crisis period.


    Abstract. In Order to Identify Emerging Trends in The Financial Behavior of the Population After the Economic Crisis, Author Had An Opinion Poll, Which Was Attended by Representatives of Various Groups. The Survey Showed A Relative High Level of Confidence In The Banks of the Population and the Average Propensity to Credit. People in Post-Crisis Period Are Ready to Contribute Money to Friends and Relatives, Most of Them Consider Themselves to Be Generous, But Are Not Willing to Take Risks.

    My work is devoted to a very relevant problem at the junction of two disciplines - psychology and the economy, the study of groups of the population, which are fundamentally different from each other by their attitude to the loan, debt, savings. The purpose of my work is not easy to find out certain preferences of certain categories of the population, but also in determining new trends that have occupied during the period when our country has already got rid of the consequences of the recent financial and economic crisis. The problem of interest cannot be attributed to fully studied and analyzed, since there is currently a discussion on the allocation of certain groups of the population, depending on their financial behavior. There are various classifications to allocate certain categories of the population, and yet the problem is still very fresh and requires additional research.

    The main method that was used by me during the study is empirical. He consisted in conducting a sociological anonymous survey, in which representatives of various segments of the population participated. Along with empirical, I used and the theoretical method was used - this is a study of articles of an economic and psychological nature in order to obtain the necessary information for further independent study.

    As mentioned earlier, there are various classifications of the population in financial behavior, but, in my opinion, the most complete and brightest is the classification that we will consider. It allows you to take into account a number of factors affecting the financial activity of the population.

    In accordance with the classification under consideration allocate six so-called clusters: Forced consumers, active savings, careful savings, cautious borrowers, active borrowers and active consumers. Each cluster is characterized by its peculiarities that, in my opinion, are interesting and require additional consideration.

    Forced consumers - These are very poor and desperate people, they have no savings. They do not give money to anyone and they themselves never occupy, do not take loans and under no circumstances are not ready to risk. Almost all incomes go to the purchase of food and essential goods. They no longer need them, they do not believe in anything and do not hope for anything. Life made them embittered and irritated. We are extremely negative. Do not understand financial issues.

    Active savings also characterized by a sufficiently low level of material position, but if they appear free cash, try to postpone them, make savings. The presence of savings is considered as an important indicator Stability, security. Money is not allowed almost never and they are trying not to take, since there is nothing to give. Share the concepts of loan and debt. The loan includes positively, to debt - negatively. It is believed that it is necessary to live by means, economically, and only loafers and tuneaders are closed in debts.

    Careful savingsOn the contrary, willingly ready to give money to the debt to others, but they themselves are not inclined to take and take loans. Rather, they will work as much as you need to accumulate the necessary amount. In financial matters, careful and caution are shown: they believe that "better tit in hand than a crane in the sky." Not ready to risk, carefully and carefully treat money. In their opinion, the money is taken in debt not looseners and not calculating, self-confident citizens, but unfortunate people who force circumstances to this, so they relate to them with understanding and sympathy.

    Careful borrowers Another people in debt are almost never allowed, but they themselves are very positive about loans and loans. Savings are doing, but it is believed that with their help to solve those problems that they have, impossible. Carefully relate to major spending. These are people with moderate income - not rich, but not poor. They seek to increase the level of their material situation, which they are not satisfied. They have a need for a loan and the desire to take it, but they are afraid that they will not be able to return the loan on time. Risk leaning - average.

    Active borrowers Quietly relate to money: they can give themselves to others, and if necessary, take or take a loan, make savings, are able to risk. Well informed on financial issues. The most promising from the point of view of obtaining a loan group - and although it takes it, and plan it to do.

    Active consumers Have a relatively high level of income and demonstrate a slight attitude to life. Do not know what thrift is - believe that money should be spent, use, but not to save, respectively, do not consider it necessary to make savings. Skeptically relate to loans, do not seek them, because they themselves are able to provide themselves with a worthy standard of living. Prefer not to contact banks and financial organizations, they decide their problems through relatives and friends. If necessary, you will easily take money in debt, as they know that they will always be able to pay. Similarly, they can provide their familiar financial assistance. Ready to risk - demonstrate a very high tendency to risk.

    The most numerous cluster is a cluster "Active Savings", although in terms of financial organizations, the best option It is an increase in the cluster of "active borrowers".

    It should also be noted that the attitude of citizens to pay for money in debt has a significant impact of such parameters as age, education, occupation, sphere of employment, family income level.

    Citizens aged 31 to 44 years old are the greatest tendency to borrow. In young people (18-30 years), the desire to live in debt is expressed somewhat weaker. Perhaps this is due to the fact that their future is seen by them yet not yet defined: many of them have no stable work, there is no confidence in tomorrow. Between 45 and 54, the attitude towards debt is rather neutral, and after 55 - sharply negative. These circumstances are probably related to pronounced conservatism of the older generation, for which the concept of debt has a special symbolic load. A debt is a rather negative phenomenon that causes shame and accompanied by a loss of self-esteem. He serves as a sign of even poverty, but extreme poverty.

    Citizens in higher, secondary and secondary special education are not characterized by any specific attitude to debt: among them, about the same number and those who support borrowing, and those who do not approve of them. But people with incomplete medium and primary education relate to the possibility of lending money extremely negative.

    We are willingly ready to take money into debt temporarily unemployed and housewives, the tasteful employees and students and students are also positive as a whole, negatively belongs to the borrowings of pensioners and entrepreneurs. At the opinion of pensioners, significant influence is apparently their age and low income, while entrepreneurs whose income is relatively high may simply do not need additional borrowed funds.

    Among working citizens, representatives of the intelligentsia and state employees - employed in the spheres of culture and art, education and health care are allocated to their positive attitude towards borrowing; Workers financial Sector and police officers and internal affairs bodies. The negative attitude is characteristic only for utility workers and household services.

    With an increase in the average monthly income, the family will increase the readiness of citizens to occupy money. Provided people are much more willingly ready to take money in duty, rather than those who live beyond the feature of poverty. Naturally, having a high level of income, psychologically much easier to accept debentures. These people compared to the rest have greater confidence and in themselves, and in the future, they are not overwhelmed with stereotypes that they need to live "by means", they are accustomed to strive for more. If for poor debt means fear and poverty, then for many secured citizens to live on credit, apparently becomes fashionable, prestigious and even naturally.

    Do not affect the attitude towards borrowing such parameters as the floor and position.

    The data was collected and processed in the pre-crisis period and reflect the picture of the time. Obviously, the credit activity of the population during the period of the financial crisis has changed after it. In the post-crisis period, credit activity is still at the stage of freezing. In this regard, the banking sector is important to learn lessons from the global financial and banking crisis and use the most effective approaches in the formation of credit activity.

    In my opinion, it is advisable to first say a few words about changes in the behavior of banks. The policy of light money helped banks to avoid bankruptcies. But they are already refused by credit risks that they took before the crisis. One of the problems directly related to the financial crisis is that in its credit practice, banks switched from the model of "sustainable client relations" and careful analysis of credit risk for each borrower to the model of "mass service of strangers" and the acquisition of credit risk, relying on someone else's opinion . The post-crisis period is generally characterized by an increase in lending risks. Unfortunately, good borrowers did not add. As for the bank loans themselves, the following facts are there: car loans and mortgage credit lending Now they are not priority growth directions. Growth demonstrate only consumer loanswhich are adequate thanks to short urgency than and the remaining demand for them is explained. Banks are more aggressively reduced volume retail lending Compared to corporate. This means that the loan can rather count large russian companiesthan the Middle Size Companies, which is due to the concerns of banks in demand for their products and their burden debt. This is also the financial behavior of the population. It may happen that in conditions of limited income growth, the increase in the credit lever will not be so attractive. Chief factor Here is the predictability and security of jobs and income in the future. Most likely, a change in the relationship of the population to savings will be connected with the policies of banks. If banks try to maintain interest rates at a fairly low level, it will mean a decrease in deposit rates, and as a result, reducing the savings rate of the population. So access to financial resources The states as it may automatically mean the impossibility of relying on the population savings and makes the banking sector more and more vulnerable to the policies of the financial authorities. This dependence does not contribute to the long-term restoration of credit activity. Loans to the population are slowly growing as consumer demand is restored.

    The financial crisis is already behind, and it's time to find out what new trends have been manifested in the financial behavior of the population of our country. To this end, I conducted a sociological survey, offering respondents to answer the questions of the questionnaire called "Attitude to Debt and Loan". Students of universities in Saratov, employees of financial and credit institutions, retirees and some other faces took part in the survey.

    The results of the study showed that most of the respondents (57%) almost never take money in debt. The overwhelming majority of respondents, namely, 72% believe that it is possible to ask for debt only in case of acute necessity and only 7% said that it was necessary to calculate only on themselves. Ready to provide financial assistance to friends 86%, help everyone, not only to friends - 4%. They are ready to give a well-known person to a duty, but at the same time there will be an excitement of 29%, 64% will remain absolutely calm, and 7% will be very nervous, since they are more deceived.

    Only 7% of all respondents recognized themselves greedy, 43% consider themselves greedy only in some situations, half of the respondents, according to their own opinion, are more generous, of which 14% hate greedy and envious people.

    As for the credit activity of the population, then the situation is not so bad here. We are ready to take a loan to buy expensive things and most likely it will make 43% of respondents, a small percentage of respondents (7%) stated that they would not take a loan, even if they really enjoy the thing. But all the same, most prefer to do with their means and postpone the little one month.

    Interesting, in my opinion, the fact is the unanimous decision of all respondents to me on what money should work. 100% "yes" suggests that in the post-crisis period, people understand: money should not just lie, they need to invest. This suggests that the investment activity of citizens is on high level In the post-crisis time.

    Now about savings: ready to deny themselves in the most needed to postpone money for a black day 29%, the same number of people spend money, as soon as they appear and 36% said that this problem would be able to worry them when they were For 40, while they do not postpone money for a black day.

    Mercantile interests manifested in 36% of respondents who believe that money is the main thing in life. And back to lending issues again. It is noteworthy that 21% of respondents took a loan, and it is mainly people with higher economic education, of which 33% appreciated the level of their financial literacy How high. The survey showed that the financial crisis of 2008-2009. Negatively affected the psychological situation of the population. 57% of those who participated in the survey are afraid that they will not be able to return a loan on time. Nevertheless, the same %% of the respondents can say with confidence that they trust the bank whose clients are. Banks do not bask mostly students perhaps this is associated with a low level of financial literacy and mainly with an average income level, which does not allow them to be full-fledged participants in financial and credit relations.

    It is impossible not to stop your attention on questions aimed at finding out whether citizens are ready to risk, surviving the financial and economic crisis. Ready to take a chance and put most of their financial assets 21% of those who participated in the survey. The larger part is not inclined to risk (50%). The crisis probably made it thoroughly count its budget 57% of respondents and could not make it take 29%, the rest, most likely, did it before the crisis, and after him.

    Ready to take a loan, assuming that interest rate It will change, only 7% of respondents only if money is very necessary - 36% and are not ready to do 57%.

    To the question wherever you spent $ 1 million, 50% answered that they had invested them in real estate, 22% were considered that the best option would open an account in the bank and to live percentage. Such options how to organize a business to invest in securities - enjoyed less popular.


    Summing up my small study, it is necessary to note the following: Despite the rather complicated economic situation and the state of some tension, the level of public confidence banks cannot be described as low. A relatively large percentage of respondents expressed a positive attitude towards the loan and the willingness to take it if the need to appear. Undoubtedly positive is the fact that in the post-crisis period, money did not begin in the first place in the consciousness of our citizens, many are ready to help their close and relatives, if they are in a serious financial situation.

    The financial behavior of the population can be considered in terms of psychology. According to Psychologists, D. Kaneman and V. Smith, the economic behavior of the subject in most cases is managed by intuitive "cognitions", and rational thinking is used only for adjustment. The dominance of intuition is explained by the fact that intuitive solutions have reactions to more accessible aspects of reality. But such "lightweight" perception is inherent in distortion, since the similarity of objects is available to perception easier than differences, object changes - easier than their absolute value. The above authors talk about the existence of two types of rationality - conscious and unconscious. However, most of the knowledge we used and the ability to make decisions are unconscious. In addition, each person has the rules of action, traditions and principles developed at the family and social levels, according to which it builds his behavior, including economic.

    It is considered proven that the economy is not the sphere where subjects of economic activity can make decisions based on rational thinking. The nature of the behavior of the subjects of the economy is determined by genetic (congenital) basics of their psyche, habits (i.e. institutions). Their actions will be determined not by the desire to maximize utility, as it is considered in the neoclassical tradition, and the desire to preserve the status quo, to avoid risk and uncertainty. All this suggests that a person on the basis of his own intuition decides whether he should take a loan or better to engage in accumulation. The subjective factor, in my opinion, plays a significant role in determining the financial behavior of the population. If in the crisis period, everyone is taking a negative mood, it is likely that it will be one of the reasons for reducing confidence in banks and falling credit activity.

    Our country came out of the financial crisis and practically returned to the initial positions, however, the spent sociological survey showed some negative trends. This applies primarily lending. Despite the fact that most are still trusted by banks, a large percentage of respondents are afraid that they will not be able to return a loan on time, which can cause a decrease in the number of those who want to take a bank loan. I think in this matter the greatest effect can only be given the right and carried out in the interests of working citizens public policy. If it is able to provide the citizens of our country confidence in tomorrow, I think and with credit activity will be all in perfect order. To the banks will be advisable to concentrate their efforts to increase the level of financial literacy of the population, because, as the survey shows, they take credit more often those that are better enlightened in financial matters - works in financial institutions or at least economic Education. In my opinion, even such measures from banks as consulting citizens on lending issues and a clear explanation of all the advantages and disadvantages will give a visible result.


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