Frame house construction company. Frame houses. Architectural section of the project

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  • Frame houses - Modern technologies in construction

    Frame houses in St. Petersburg, Moscow and all of Russia, successfully builds SK "Spruce"

    In Russia prefer brick houses Others, refusing traditional wood. And what to say about the relatively new for Russia frame house-building. However, the frame - as a way to build a house was used in Russia for a long time.

    After all, what is frame house? The base that is filled with filler. Samanny houses in Russia are also a framework.

    But leave the past. Questions of the modern customer building at home:

    • quality,
    • rapid up
    • cost.

    For these parameters, a frame house - optimal choice. FROM modern technologies Construction lives in such a house several generations, the durability of the frame at proper operation of 150 years.

    Choosing a performer, pay attention to the company's work on the wooden house-building market, is a quality assurance.

    About company: SK "El" builds wooden houses 15 years, has its own production. The quality of work is confirmed by the reviews of customers. On the company's website you will find a hundred ready projects frame houses. Developers will change the project for your requirements or prepare project documentation on sketches.

    • The speed of the construction is the advantage of the frame. Since the house does not give a shrinkage, the design is light, any type of foundation, including the pile-screw, on which the frame is going to immediately.
    • Another advantage is a house in any terrain and on any soils, and therefore it is not necessary to order soil studies.
    • And, of course, democratic prices. You can always choose a convenient option.

    More about the frame house

    The frame is a keyword, this is the base is made from various materials. Now, frame houses and baths in Sank-Petersburg, Moscow, Russia and Net, but in Europe, Crimea are very popular.

    The frame gaps are filled with insulation, which is characterized by price and in thermal insulation characteristics, but made of environmentally friendly material.

    The outer part of the house is overwhelmed with water-repellent material (often drywall), then it is trimmed with a finishing material at the request of the customer (siding, fibro-cement plates, thermopanels). The inner part of the frame house is separated by any material.

    Frame house turnkey. Projects and prices

    The site has projects of houses of various architectural forms and layouts. Before you make a choice, we offer to watch frame houses - photos and layouts are presented in the project. You will pick up a house for yourself and a family in which it will be warm and cozy, and oriented in prices.

    The projects present photos of the facades, sometimes some elements that interest you. Listen to the framework of a frame house.

    If you have questions, call the company managers in touch. Calculation of the frame house is free.

    Buy frame house easily?

    With the seeming simplicity, the choice is not so simple. Why? The housekeeping market is represented by many companies. Which one to stop the choice?

    So, having driven the desired word, you started searching, chose several attractive sites. And then what to do?

    Pay attention than the company does. If she offers brick houses, wood, log cabins, for sure this is a subcontractor. Cannot do everyone! No one says that the subcontractor is certainly bad. But more expensive.

    The guarantee of the quality of the material provided will be the availability of the company own production. This reduces the end of the final product and allows you to quickly replace the components.

    Watch reviews. If there is no, then the likelihood is that the company is young. Negative reviews - not always testimony of bad work, perhaps these are competitors, although the dissatisfied customers can also be. Unfortunately, everyone is very difficult to please. But if there are many negative reviews, then, despite the conviction of the performer, it is still worth thinking.

    It will not prevent to see the video about the company, where the behavior of workers' brigade and qualifications can be seen.

    See the shape and time of delivery. It is important to know the rules for concluding contracts, the accuracy of the performance of execution, quality control at the construction stages.

    Look and providing workers housing, if there is no at least a taking place on the site, you will have to order additionally.

    Very good, if you can talk to someone from former customers. But this, unfortunately, is almost not real, unless you advised this company acquaintances who have already built a house.

    Is the frame home for accommodation convenient?

    Frame structures are common in Germany, Great Britain, Canada and the United States. For such technologies in these countries, up to 70% of country cottages are built.

    Do you think this is evidenced by the convenience of houses?

    Subtlety: Better, if the frame structure will be erected by specialists. Collect the skeleton design so that it stoke for many years, is a difficult task. The masters will make it faster and better.

    Planning in a frame house is not limited to anything, so you arrange everything as you want. If you take advantage of the planners, it will be an ideal home.

    Frame house and photo

    Frame house - photo buildings in large quantities are presented on the websites of companies that are engaged in construction. And with each time they are becoming more. Houses are different architectural solutionsAnd the external finish is two buildings that are built on a single project makes unique.

    If your home is different from the photo on the project, then only for the better.

    Surely you mentally draw my dream home. Frame house building will make it possible to realize the dream with the least material costs.

    Frame house on video

    Frame houses are the most faster. The team of specialists will collect the design for 20-30 days (including pile Fundam). The assembly occurs according to the instructions, step by step, observing the assembly technologies, is important.

    The owners of the future houses wish to be aware of what happens on construction site. Looking at the video, you will have an idea of \u200b\u200beach assembly stage. However, the brigadier will not refuse to tell everything in detail.

    Frame house: construction technology. General principles

    Traditionally, the technologies for the construction of frame house-building are divided into three types:

    • canadian wooden house;
    • german technologies;
    • framework technology.

    Stages of construction are the same: the foundation, frame, roof, walls, floors, finishing.

    Since the design of the frame is light, then any foundation is suitable: pile-screw, ribbon finely brewed, columnal (put on unstable soils) and even tiled.

    The first two species are optimal, the pile-screw is used for quick construction.

    Frame - any, used wood, metal, reinforced concrete. Our company recommends a tree as reliable and environmentally friendly material.

    Next, a multilayer casing is superimposed on the frame (waterproofing film, a vapor insulation diffuse membrane, a heater from mineral wool, a heatel of the foam type, wood chip wheels - OSB and a finishing material of the day of the external and internal sheat). Such a trim gives the house excellent thermal insulation characteristics.

    Regardless of the chosen technology, take care of the roof. The roof is insulated with rigid mineral wool plates. For additional insulation on the floor of the attic space, a layer of clay is poured.

    Calculation of a frame house

    Calculate quantity essential materials For the construction of a skeleton house will help on the company's website. But it will not hurt to know that this is not the ultimate cost, because the calculation does not enter excavation (Excavator, gravel and sand for work) and summing up communications (water, sewage, electrician).

    This is taken care of this in advance, as some work take place at the same time (for example, external sewer and plumbing pipes and it is better to lay at one time with the foundation, to make electric separation before outer skin).

    Think about heating, if it is gas, then document documents no later than the start of construction.

    A detailed list of materials with their value is listed in the estimate. List This is long, here are just some materials: Metal pillars for foundation, reinforcement of different diameter, boards of different cross-sectional area, bunch, concrete for screed, waterproofing and vapor barrier film, various sheets of plywood, osb, roofing iron or other material for roofing, siding Another upholstery, nails, staples, hardware, corners, drainage system, mineral wool, foam ... during the construction of the house you need more finish floors, windows, doors ...

    Detailed calculation of materials that will be needed for the construction of the house will make the designer. We removed the calculator from the site, because the exact calculations makes a specialist. And approximate - confused.

    Common Error: For example, the calculation showed that a number of cubic meters of the board will need for the roof rafters. A person believes that this is the ultimate digit, but does not take into account that the material comes with certain sizes, the circumcision board is not suitable for such a work. For example, if a board is required 3 m, and supplied at 3.5 m, then from each board 0.5 meters will be cropped. The boards are not enough.

    C.that is better: buy a frame house on a turnkey or erect him in stages?

    Choice optimal option in your hands. Why?

    Turnkey house is more attractive, but buy not everyone for your pocket right away.

    You can leave the frame home unfortunately.


    • foundation for the winter;
    • the foundation, frame and roof (in this case, the flooring is not necessary);
    • foundation, frame, roofing and exterior lining with waterproofing and windproof;
    • foundation, frame, roofing and outer covering with waterproofing and windproof, ceilings and floor, partitions.

    It is undesirable to leave a skeleton house for the winter with windows and doors. The rest is not bad, to some extent there are advantages in it: the next season will be revealed by shoals, if any. Many projects of frame houses are built in St. Petersburg and Moscow turnkey with the finish.

    Important! When erecting a frame house, follow the rules and instructions, construction norms Collected in the SP 31-105-2002. Errors Frame technology does not forgive.

    Design and construction of frame houses

    My name is Andrei, I design and rank frame houses in the Moscow region.If you need a frame house, write me This e-mail address is protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    • Price sections Architectural AR and constructive solution Kr 3 00 rub for m² Floor Square (detailed drawings for the construction and statement of materials). Project example (download).
    • Section sections (heating and ventilation), VK (water supply and sewage), electrician (EO) - I can accurately respond after discussion of the type of selected systems and type of equipment.


    • The cost of construction is determined individually and depends on the complexity of the project, the area of \u200b\u200bthe house, such as the rafter system and materials.
    • You already have a project and you know exactly how your dream house should look, but calculations and sizes are made with regard to other building materials. Do not be discouraged, there is a way out. I can redo your project for the construction of a cottage on Canadian or Finnish frame technology. 3D project model allows you to see how the house will look like before the construction. The project will be adapted to the climatic conditions of your region.Send me email general plans Floors and types of facade, I can answer in terms of cost and design timing. Enough drawing from hand or link to the project you like. For example, below the sketch of the 1st floor, which was sent to me, and the layout that we agreed with the customer.

    • Terms and price suits, I send you a small questionnaire to fill in order to choose materials, window size and doors, ceiling height, roofing form. Talk and choose framework technology For design: Canadian, Finnish, passive with double walls.
    • The next design stage is the coordination of layouts and the location of window, door and staircases.

    • Designing a skeleton house in 3D. You will receive a bulk model. Switching scenes and layers, you can independently look at the future project from all sides. New ideas are always arising, we introduce edits.
    • I think the materials (boards and plates of the plating for the frame).

    • I make drawings of walls, overlappings, rafter system
    • If you have questions during construction, I can help you with advice.

    What to pay attention to when ordering designing a skeleton house

    • Type of foundation

    Decide S. : pile, ribbon, stove, ground floor. The choice affects the budget and ground plot. Ground floorOf course, it will be more expensive. The ribbon on non-empty sandy soils can be finely brewed. For clay, it is better to choose a pile foundation from the pile expansion at the bottom to prevent pile pushing when the soil is freezing. The monolithic foundation plate acts as not only the foundation base, but it can immediately lay the water heating system of the warm floor.

    • If the foundation is already on the site

    number Determined only by quality already existing foundation. If the surface of the ribbon is uneven, then 2 bottom strapping boards will be required to align the base for the construction of the platform. In all other versions of one board of the lower strapping, it is enough.

    • Selection of frame technology

    From the board, the cross section of 150 x 50 mm passes through all the norms of energy saving for central Russia and is ideal for country cottagewhich family enjoys on weekends and on vacation. In Canada, a warmed frame of 150 mm is a standard of insulation.

      Mansard or Cold Attic

    When designing two-storey frame houses, choose between a full-fledged second floor with a cold attic and residential attic. Mansardesvery popular in Russia, but I recommend to evaluate how convenient for you to live in rooms with beveled ceilings. This is the most important criterion when choosing to do the attic residential or not.

    • Slabs for roughing

    Under construction It is very important whether OSB-3 plates or plywood with a spike-groove lock or with a straight edge will be used. If you can only buy regular sheets with a straight edge in your region, then in between lags, additional blocks should be installed for mounting the black floor plates. In the figure on the left plate of the black floor of the OSB-3 spike groove without blocks. Right drawing is the direct edge of OSB-3 and blocks for fastening between lags.

    • Step pitch and lag overlap

    And the lag of the floor depends on the size of the OSB-3 plates or plywood that you plan to buy. For European plates 2500 x 1250 mm pitch racks 625.5 mm, for lag 417 mm. If the Canadian size is available 2440 x 1220 mm, then step racks 610.5 mm, 407 mm. I recommend spending some time before ordering design and decide on the materials that you will buy. Note, in Figure below, the frame racks coincide with the sizes of the OSB-3 plates.

    • Roof material

    The roofing type affects the design of the rafter system. For metal tile, an obligatory for soft tile It is necessary for the base in the form of OSB-3 plates or plywood. In the figure on the right, a controller and a doomle for mounting a metal tile. On the right - the OSB-3 will be installed on the rafter for mounting the soft tiles.

    • Dimensions of doorways

    It should be selected taking into account the purpose of the room. For sleeping and living rooms at least 900 mm to put the doors with a cloth 800 mm. In this case, there will be no problems with the drift of furniture. For technical premises (bathrooms, wardrobes, hallways) I recommend the doorways at least 800 mm under the door cloth of 700 mm.

    The entrance door usually has a lower threshold, which increases the height of the opening to 2100 mm. Width of at least 900 mm. Remember that all furniture will have to be driven through the front door.

    • Source of heating

    If you are planning to carry out gas, then the boiler house must meet the requirements of gas workers. If type Gas, I will design a boiler room, taking into account the requirements for lighting, ceiling height, room size and dimensions of doorways.

    • Ceiling height

    The height of the ceiling, which is measured from the draft floor to the lower surface of the ceiling lag, I recommend choosing taking into account the size of the drywall. My experience shows that it is optimal to put sheets vertically. In this case, the sophisticated edge is put off and an imperceptible seam is obtained. For example, if you buy sheets with a size of 2500 x 1200 mm, then the height of the room is 2530 mm. Plasterboard is attached to the ceiling 12 mm + 2500 mm Length of the plasterboard sheet on + 18 mm Clearance for finishing floor (laminate, parquet board). As a result, after completing the interior decoration, the ceiling height will be 2.5 m. If you plan a sheet of 3000 x 1200mm, then the height from the draft floor to the lag is recommended 3030 mm.

    The height from the rough floor to the top of the windowspecker depends on what size radiators will be installed under the horses. At the height of the radiator, 600 mm must be laid at least 900 mm. The height of the windows is limited only by the height of the room itself.

    • Overactions roofing

    Rights of the roof are protected from the sun and rain, but in addition to their mass can be loaded in the weight of snow on the roof. Usually, the overhangs 600 mm can be designed without problems. Overaight 800 mm and will require diagonal stops that you can see in German graders and French Chateau.

    Architectural section of the project

    If you decide to build a frame house, but have not yet decided on the choice of project, you can order architectural project Taking into account all your needs. From you need introductory information:

    • the size;
    • number of floors;
    • adaptation to the terrain relief;
    • number of rooms, their purpose;
    • the presence of a garage or terrace.

    The choice of architectural style when designing is influenced, first of all,your personal preferences. However, some technical parameters should be taken into account:

    • the presence of attic or cold attic room;
    • the presence of a porch or terrace, their location;
    • view of the roof (duplex, tent, broken, etc.).

    Visualization of the 3D model will allow you to see how the building will be and in advance.

    If you are interested to know what 3d model looks like in Sketchup, then you can see the example of the project you can

    We dreamed about the construction of the house for a long time. While copied money, I studied a lot of information about various technologies, materials, widespread errors, etc. Therefore, by the time of the selection of the brigade, we approached with a good luggage of knowledge and an accurate understanding of what we need. On our application ...

    there were three responses on the site: - One of them from construction company (with the transcendental price tag), we did not even consider this option - the second - from the builder. He has a price in the process of communication several times changed in the most side, the arguments were extensive, no specifics. - Third - from Yuri. Yuri immediately placed us to himself by the fact that he was very reasonable and professionally led the dialogue and the price called concrete, while playing that she would come to her. We met with Yuri on our site, talked, discussed the project, and after a few days already concluded an agreement and work began to boil. The guys work quickly, nicely, neatly. After reading feedback on various forums about unsuccessful construction sites, we were customized to duty at the construction site in a queue and control the process)). And first, even tried to do it. But very quickly came to the conclusion that the guys are real professionals, and there is no need to follow the construction. As a result, in the construction process, we practically did not participate, came on the weekend and rejoiced how our home grows. In the process of work, the builders gave us recommendations on materials, helped them in procurement on partner prices. The house turned out warm quality and inexpensive. Just as we dreamed about. We are very grateful to the guys for their responsible attitude to work, for the willingness to go towards honesty and positive. Yuri and his brigade recommend everyone who plans to build a frame house. For sure you will not regret!

    Evaluation 5+

    Leonid, Vsevolozhsk

    Order services: construction. Laying laminate. Construction of frame houses.

    According to the results of the work performed (the log grinding in the house is 6x6m, the wooden floor device with insulation of 2 floors, installation of the window and the inlet door, etc.) performed flawlessly, taking into account the alterations for other mountain builders. The cost of the service complies with the result. I am struck clean after ...

    Evaluation 5

    Olga, Communar

    Order services: construction of houses from a bar.

    We want to thank Ruslan Valentinovich and his brigade for excellent work. Conducted exterior decoration and the insulation of a two-story house bath from a log of 6 * 8 with an attic, a broken roof. There was only a log house. They helped embody our desires and vision of the house in a professionally made individual ...

    project. Everything agreed with us if additional questions arose. And with such a huge experience, we have always received professional advice and support in ambiguous situations that inevitably arise during construction. What is not very important - there was always order on the plot! Many thanks to you not only for professionalism, but also for a warm, human attitude. Now we are waiting for the next spring! For interior decoration, except for these guys, we will not contact anyone!

    Evaluation 5+

    Natalia., Vyborg

    Order services: construction of houses.

    Nikolai is a wonderful master of your business. The fire-furnace, which we choose purely by external attributes, he developed and built not only as we wanted, but did even better, adding the functionality, which we did not even expect a rather modest size from the fire furnace. What can be built ...

    on the foundation 1x1 meter? As a result of his work, we got a beauty with a large furnace, decorations and shelves from colored bricks. In addition, he used the entire height of the premises of 1 and 2 floors for better heating, as we asked. The fact of its possession of the computer was extremely pleasant. Construction and arrangement small house (6x6m) We were originally thought about in a computer model, which Nikolai was sent, this allowed him to design the oven leaving us only 1 time and further sending offices by email. I can not not note his accuracy in work, because we came on weekends for other works on cottage plotAlmost lived, its "construction site" did not go beyond the placement. And besides, it is without prejudice, although not without difficulty, the mistakes admitted to the builders of a church, and our inexperienced designers. In addition to high quality construction work We felt his possession and other professions. In a word, a wagon, but high-quality in every case he touched. In communication is light, but not rant. Nikolai is a master of the case, and not a master of the word. The deadline for execution did not delay, even a bit previously expected, although it worked calmly, not in a hurry. The construction went smoothly, without breaks and not slowly. The cost turned out to be practically the same as we initially expected a year before the start of construction, when we knew about Nicolaya, a report for all purchases is full. No unexpected additional expenses", Only what is stipulated at the procurement stage. Nikolay, thank you so much. I would recommend such a master to all my friends and colleagues. Thanks for what you can read real reviews real peopleFor which you can make such a choice, which we made with my wife.

    Evaluation 5+ Woodhouse offers to order a turnkey frame house to all residents of Moscow and Moscow region. The advantages of this construction technology include not only high speed:
    • ease of construction, thanks to which it is not required to make a massive foundation and wait for the so-called shrinkage, as in the case of brick and wooden houses;
    • environmental friendliness and safety using modern insulation and insulation materials;
    • wide design variability, the ability to make projects in various styles and directions;
    • moderate cost, regardless of the area and complexity of the project.
    High quality of finished housing is a comfortable microclimate, the optimal level of humidity, the protection against cold and resistance to wind loads is the result of using quality building materials. Thanks to the versatility of this technology frame structures You can combine with other materials and structures, use large sliding glass input groups and partitions, making attic, balconies, add-in.

    Typical and individual projects "turnkey"

    You can choose one of the ready-made typical projects, as well as stay on individual design. In the section "Gallery" on the site you can familiarize yourself with the various types of buildings that were performed more than once and brought to perfection. You can stay on simple one-story house With Mansard I. panoramic windows, as well as choose a modern European style or stricter English classics. To build a turnkey frame house at a bargain price, decide on preferences and budget, and call our specialists. Woodhouse engineers and designers will develop quality projectwhich will be ready for almost a couple of weeks.
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