Club card Ikea Family. How to check the balance of IKEA Family card. What the map gives

The IKEA Family card is a universal tool that not only gives discounts on goods, but also opens unlimited possibilities.

All the features of the card will be described in detail in our review. Many enthusiastic reviews, as it is impossible to show us better, that the program started very well.

We will analyze the advantages of the card, and then you decide themselves - whether you need this plastic, or you can easily live without it.

Getting the card "IKEA Family" is very easy, just fill in the participant's special questionnaire (this can be done on the official website, or at the store's rack), and present it to the cashier - the seller.

The map is issued absolutely free.

So, what gives us a map of discounts from the club "IKEA FAMILY"?

1. Special prices for members of the IKEA Club

Participants "Club" are preferred customers of the company, they have the opportunity to buy goods at special reduced prices.

Special price tags are periodically updated, we advise you to pay attention to it. In a special department of the store, many shares and sales are carried out.

Watch out for new offers on the official website of the program.

2. Cognitive events for participants of the "IKEA Club"

How to equip your apartment in any style, for all new fashion standards, and without astronomical costs? Difficult to answer?

Employees and designers will hold the master - classes with you. Thematic events about the improvement of the apartment - no end.

Take them and our children, for them the organizers arrange the Swedish holidays.

Do not forget to pre-sign up, and bring a map with you.

3. Make a good deed - help children

With a map you can participate in the charity campaign "Children's villages - SOS, aimed at improving the lives of children - orphans.

It will not cost you anything, just present your cashier card when paying, and with each scanning, the company will send 1 ruble to the Charitable Foundation.

We will help children - orphans with general forces, we will make our country lighter, at the expense of several more children's smiles.

4. Get the first fresh news, coupons and surprises

Be sure to specify your email in the Participant questionnaire. You will periodically send news about special offers, promotions and events.

Also look for individual proposals for discount coupons in its electronic box (kind of small and very pleasant surprise).

5. Thematic contests with prizes, and the sea of \u200b\u200bcommunication

Do you know a lot of advice on apartment arrangement? Can you evaluate other tips?

Come on the site, participate in thematic contests, win valuable prizes from the IKEA catalog.

Communicate with other members of the "Club", discuss the pros and cons of the incoming new products, spend your free time with benefit.

6. Financial capabilities of the card

The company directly cooperates with the Bank of CJSC Credit Europe Bank. Therefore, a credit limit with reduced rates can be selected on your card "IKEA FAMILY".

Now, if you do not have enough your own money for a closed thing, take them from the bank, your card will give you this opportunity.

7. Partnership discounts on cards

The Swedish company directly cooperates with many partners, which in turn give discounts on their services.

The partner catalog is not very impressive yet, but over time they will increase them at times.

Discounts are currently reaching 25%. The following discounts are available for services: the right run, visiting cinemas, country rest, entertainment parks, museums, food ("Pizza World").

Basically, these discounts are given in cities: Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod. For a more detailed study of partners, we advise you to visit the company's website.

8. Insurance of real estate and property

You will be surprised, but the map will allow you to insure your property on very favorable terms.

Fast installation of insurance at a minimum of formalities is another plus program.

For the execution of the policy, contact the "IKEA on credit" department.

This list of advantages, did not include other important but the necessary options: discounts on Swedish products, notification of sales, etc.

Check the IKEA Family card, and use it with gifts completely free.

The store "IKEA" is of great popularity from buyers around the world. One of the reasons for this is promotions and discounts on the goods in stores. And to access such discounts, it is enough to make a special store store.

Need from "Ikea Family" Map: How to get it?

To get a card, you do not need to spend a lot of time. If you have 18, you need to write a statement, pointing in it the truthful data about yourself. Card can be obtained from 14 years old, but for this it is necessary for the written consent of the parents (for personal data processing).

Having received a card, you become a member of the club "IKEA FAMILI". You can use it in any store "IKEA", which is almost in every major city of the Russian Federation. Please note that you do not have to pay for the card and membership in the club.

"IKEA FAMILY" is a map (how to get it, we will tell further), which is neither a cumulative, nor credit, check it impossible, no accumulation on it does not occur. What is it needed for?

How to issue a card?

How to get a card "IKEA FAMILY"? You need to approach a special rack in any store "IKEA". Submit an employee documents certifying your identity and write a statement (the sample will give you). Specify your phone number, home or mobile, for feedback with you. After that, you will be handed map.

Often you can hear the question - how to get the card "IKEA FAMILY" via the Internet? Its design can be carried out on the website of the trading network, however, the final design and direct receipt will still have to go to one of the shops. And in order to issue a map "Online", you need to register, download the questionnaire and fill it out, after which send the completed file through a special form. Later you will receive a message containing further instructions.

Why do I want a map of Ikea Family, what does it give?

Becoming the owner of the named card, you will receive the following privileges:

  • Numerous discounts. A list of the range of goods that can be purchased at discounted prices is published monthly. Strections are also held for the sale of goods before the sale.
  • They wanted to have a snack and went to a Swedish restaurant, located in every hypermarket, you are waiting for a discount on some dishes, and a cup of tea or coffee can be offered for free.
  • Free online publication on interesting interior design ideas. The latest news about the company's innovations, new promotions and much more.
  • Special conditions when returning and exchanged goods. Details on conditions need to find out from the seller in the supermarket.

Full information about the possibilities and privileges can be found in any store, in the department "IKEA FAMILI". Going to the official website, you can also find out all the information you are interested in. In other words, almost every regular customer of this network will not prevent « Ikea Family »Map. How to get it - understandable, but what to do in case of her loss?

If you lost a card

Lost cards - not uncommon. It can happen with each of us, and you should not panic. It is very simple to restore it. You will be given temporary, and if you are more accurate, then a one-time printout. Then you will guide a special stand with several screens. You will enter your data that was previously given during registration. The system will check the data coincidence and, with a positive result, will give a temporary card.

Going to the store employee, you will exchange it on a new card. In other words, the process of how to issue a map "IKEA FAMILI » For the first time or restore lost, much different.

How to use a map

Holders "IKEA Famili" card characterize it only from a positive side - they like the bonuses provided by its owners.

When you purchase anything in the store or restaurant "IKEA", you need to give a cashier map at the time of payment. By the way, the map is called. Therefore, it should not be given to the calculation to third parties, as well as transmit coupons for discounts, etc.

You should only use the map to the person, on whose name the card is registered and who signed on the reverse side. The map of the family owner's family can take advantage of the map, but during the purchase the owner is better to be nearby. More than one card is prohibited.

What if you have forgotten the card at home or did you lose it at all?

If during the calculation you found that I left your card at home, you can still take advantage of your privileges. To do this, you can approach IKEA employee to execute a temporary card. It is valid for one day. For this, the application is not replenished again, and the procedure for obtaining a temporary card will not take much time.

What needs to be done if you lost and can not find the "IKEA FAMILI" map? As described above, you can ask for help of a store employee. You will be given a new one, without re-filling the questionnaire. If you find lost, it needs to be returned to the store. Since you get a refusal to issue a new card if the store staff will establish that three or more cards are issued in your name. About any changes in your personal data must be reported to store employees, to make changes.

Personal Information

In order to issue a "IKEA" card, you need to specify passport details in the application and agree to process information. Only after that you will be presented from IKEA Family card. How to get it with the provision of a minimum of information, and whether it is worth it?

To protect personal information from disclosure, the company carries out all sorts of measures. And you can be confident in the preservation of your data. Suppose you want the company to stop using your data, and fill out the application. But in this case you cease to be a member of the club and you will not be able to use the bonuses of the IKEA Famil membership bonuses.

Speaking about how to get a "IKEA Famili" card in Moscow or other cities, it is worth noting that the method of filling the role profile does not play (online or in the store). All data must be strictly reliable.

What do you say about the map "IKEA FAMILI"

According to user reviews, the club card has its advantages. So, free tea and coffee for cardholders are undoubtedly a plus.

The card is made very quickly. She is nominal, but in fact there is no special control for it, and anyone can use it. A bright map decoration, by the way, allows you to find it in the wallet in seconds.

Many card holders say that thanks to her they were able to significantly save on purchases, but some claim that they could not buy products on the action.

It should be known that for each purchase that you made on the IKEA card, 50 kopecks is listed in charity funds.

Entry into the club "IKEA" will take no more than five minutes from the buyer. Fill out the customer's profile and arrange "IKEA Family" can be on the store in the store or on the official website. To do this, you have to specify passport details. Please note: Only personal passport data should be submitted to the questionnaire. It is forbidden to draw up a map on acquaintances or family members, specify false information.

When filling out a questionnaire in the store, the client receives the card instantly. From this minute, all the advantages of Ikea Family are available. When filling out the online form, the client will be offered to print a temporary card and come to the network store for the use of a printed card for permanent.

Financial card design

Join the IKEA Family club can every adult citizen of the Russian Federation. The IKEA Family Financial Card will require additional conditions:

  • availability of permanent registration in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • availability of stationary home and working phones;
  • the presence of a personal mobile phone that will need to confirm.

Due to the fact that the financial card combines a credit card, installment card and club card, the "IKEA" partner of Bank Europe Bank checks future customers for solvency. Be careful: to obtain a loan over a limit set by the Bank, will have to present additional documents confirming the sufficient amount of income.

Bonuses and Benefits for IKEA Family Card Owners

Club and financial cards of IKEA stores give special features. Among them:

  • discounts on the map "IKEA FAMILI" for positions marked in the trading hall with special price tags;
  • participation in promotions and draws;
  • free visit to the events from IKEA with the whole family;
  • free hot drinks in IKEA restaurants.

Owners of a financial card from "Credit Europe Bank" Available special offers for acquisitions:

  • instant installments of the store, regardless of their cost;
  • payment of installments without interpretation subject to payments without delays;
  • loan up to 350,000 rubles;
  • 50 preferential days for free use of credit funds.

How to use IKEA Family card profitable

For efficient savings and full use of the advantages of IKEA FEMILI cards, do not forget to present it to the cashier in restaurants and network stores. The company also advises to subscribe to an SMS or Email newsletter. Customers consisting in the IKEA club will be able to learn about the sale, nearest dates of events or promotions.

If in the store you found that the card remained at home, consult a rack. Temporary replacement will be ready for five minutes. Discounts according to the temporary map "IKEA FEMILI" are provided in the same volume as on constant.

Interest-free installments and favorable credit conditions are available only with timely payment. Please note: the payment is considered timely if the funds arrived at the card until 21:00 the last day of the expiration date. On the day of the arrears of debt, the interest rate will increase to 29.9%, and with the next delay - up to 59.9% per annum.

The term of the financial card from IKEA is 3 years. For each year of use, the owner pays 300 rubles. Additional commission is also charged for some ways to replenish the card, withdrawal cash and receiving bank statement.

Top up the balance of the card, thereby paying off the debt, you can:

  • at the office of the branch "Credit Europe Bank" at the place of registration of the cardholder;
  • in the ATM "Credit Europe Bank" with the function of making cash;
  • online translation from the map of another bank of Russia;
  • translating with the help of "Russian Post" by the details of the card;
  • electronic payment system "Yandex. Money "or" Kiwi-wallet ".

The IKEA Financial Card belongs to the VISA payment system, but it is impossible to cash out in ATMs of other banks. For cash withdrawal, an ATM "Credit Europe Bank" is needed with cash issuing function. The Commission for such an operation will be 200 rubles.

Is it worth making the IKEA Family card and to whom it will come in handy

Club card "IKEA" gives many advantages without imposing any obligations on its owner. Discounts on the map "IKEA FAMILI", free drinks in the restaurant, stocks and events from the store are worth the five minutes that will go to design a card.

Leaving the IKEA Family financial card questionnaire, remember the responsibility that any credit card involves. The financial card service will cost the Client of the Bank in 300 rubles per year, and installments and credit will be beneficial only with timely debt repayment.

To arrange "IKEA FAMILI" stands if in the near future you are planning to make a large purchase of European quality furniture. If you are accustomed to paying 100% of the cost at the time of purchase or already use another installment card, it is better to give preference by a club card without financial obligations.

IKEA and Credit Europe Bank merged to create a special card that you can pay for purchases. - Enough to go to the company's website. The process of carrying out the operations you need as simple as possible. Buy a promotional product get a discount Or check the balance on the map will not work. It is these possibilities that make the IKEA card popular among users.


Every day, thousands of people make purchases in a famous hypermarket. Such popularity is explained by the fact that the range of goods is very wide. Everything is here: from decor elements to luxurious furniture. The owner of an apartment or giving will be satisfied with such a wide choice. The financial card was specifically created in order not to limit in the desires of his buyer. With it, you can easily pay in stores in this network. If necessary, the possibility of purchasing goods in the amount of 3000 p. By installments, the period of which is 3 months.

After the expiration, you will be charged percent for the residue, the calculation of 29% per year.
If you want to become a member of the IKEA Club, the availability of a card will provide you with such an opportunity.

In addition, you can:

  • check the goods at a special price
  • receive notifications about upcoming promotions or discounts
  • be able to drink coffee for free for free, as well as get a special discount on the dishes you have chosen.
  • to participate in discussion with other buyers or discuss questions regarding the repair, etc. after registering in the Internet community.

How can I get an IKEA card?

First, the potential owner of the card must be an adult, as well as to have permanent registration in the Region of the Region. If everything is in order, the design process does not take much time, it is enough to provide your passport. No other documents are required of you. You can get the map in any network hypermarket. After all the necessary manipulations, the card will be yours in an hour.

On the same day, you can make purchases in installments, as well as make cashless payment.

How to check the balance on the map of IKEA?

A feature of this card is that it belongs to the VISA payment system, and therefore complies with international standards. It is worth considering that this card can be paid only in the network of hypermarkets, i.e. Using the services of an ATM or other places is not possible. Check the balance on the card can be in several ways. You can use the free SMS-alert service or get acquainted with the check data after making a purchase (you will see everything you need), and each time after using the map you will be paid out of the bank every month. That is such light ways you can find out all about your balance on the map.

Benefits of the IKEA financial card:

  1. Provided the possibility of installing the goods.
  2. The rapid process of registration of the map.
  3. Ability to have the privileges of the IKEA Club Member.
  4. The ability to connect to the insurance program, on favorable terms, the bank held.

The IKEA Family Financial Card will be a good assistant during shopping in the network of hypermarkets. With it, you will not have to refuse to buy the goods you like, you do not need to spend a lot of time to get a financial card, as well as from the moment of receipt of the card you are not just a buyer, but an equal member of the IKEA Club. Now you are new opportunities and privileges. Special promotions, discounts and suggestions. What could be better than to take advantage of the hospitality of your favorite hypermarket and feel here at home?

View on the map

Video instruction how to check the balance

Like most major trading organizations, the Scandinavian company IKEA has been successfully implementing its products on the Russian market for many years, also offers its clients a system of shares and discounts. For example, a significant benefit, making purchases, can be obtained by applying a special IKEA Family card.

What gives IKEA Family card

The presence of a nominal card certifying membership in the company's club allows:

  • access to individual categories of goods are not at their usual price, but much lower;
  • participate in master classes and other entertainment activities;
  • get acquainted with the personal offers from the store and regularly receive design recommendations for the decoration of the house and garden and updates in this area;
  • exchange ideas on the site with the rest of people consisting of a club and take part in contests;
  • purchase furniture, dishes and other household accessories at prices Sales earlier than the beginning of this event;
  • take advantage of all offers from IKEA partners;
  • insure property;
  • acquire products and eat in Fudcort Ikea with discounts.

IKEA Family Club Card

What the map gives

The ownership of IKEA Family is a chance to take advantage of all the positive parties to membership in this club, which are listed above. Also, the map allows for free to drink a cup of tea or coffee in the restaurant IKEA and systematically receive catalogs from the company containing information about new design projects of the company.

Where and how to get a club card

You can contact any of the ICA stores, making personal data in the company received from the company employee. The form should make exceptionally reliable information about yourself regarding passport data, the location of the permanent registration, stationary and mobile phone number and the email mailbox. Be sure to require a personal signature of the potential owner of the card.

Discounts on a map

Lower prices are available on some product names, but not at absolutely all positions in the store. This information is indicated on the price tags, where two options are given - excluding discount on the map and using the map.

In order for the goods discount to be involved, paying the goods at the checkout, provide the cashier with the card, where the name and surname of the owner will be.

Rules for use of the club card

Discounts on the map can not be added one to the other or accumulate. The map can be applied exclusively that person on which it is registered. Temporarily leaning it to make purchases to another person can not. Each client is allowed to arrange no more than one name card. Spouse / spouse or children owner cards can make purchases using a discount only in the presence of a card holder.

What to do in case of loss or damage

If the client has lost the map or she has become unusable for one reason or another, it should be reported to the store. The employee of the company will give a temporary card after the client from a special stand will confirm all the information made earlier in the questionnaire. The second time to fill out the form of the questionnaire is not required.
A temporary card operates exactly one day. It will have to be requested every time the store visit to receive service according to the conditions of membership in the club.


How to issue a map of IKEA Family via the Internet

To order a map, you will need to print a number of data in an electronic questionnaire consisting of five sections, where you need to make personal information about the buyer. On the fact of filling the questionnaire to had or mobile phone number will come an electronic map.

How to present an electronic card IKEA Family

A card downloaded to any gadget should be made when paying for purchases at the checkout.

How to get a card IKEA Family

To purchase a permanent map of IKEA FEMILE, follows after filling out the application in online mode Print a temporary card and provide it in a hypermarket. In return for a paper version, the client receives a plastic name card.

Financial Card IKEA Family

Credit limit on the IKEA Family card

According to a financial card, you can get a credit limit in the amount of from 10 to 500 thousand Russian rubles. The final loan amount is determined when approving the application for the provision of a map and is determined by the specifics of the credit history of the borrower, the presence of all required documents and the size of its regular income.

Purchases in installments

The client has the ability to place the purchase of goods in installments for a period of six months. Additional commission in the form of interest accrued on the loan and payments are not charged.

Money for the decorated purchase of goods in installments can be returned at the same time, or during the established period without interest, or stretch payments for three years, making a monthly amount in the prescribed amount.

Advantages and disadvantages of the financial card IKEA Family

Among the advantages of using the ICE financial card, you can select the following.

  • Fast design procedure, the likelihood of taking advantage of discounts immediately upon issuing a map.
  • 50-day grace loan service period.
  • The amount of the amount of the monetary limit is resumed when making regular payments.
  • The card can be paid for any position in any IKEA hypermarket in Russia.
  • You can control the balance on the credit limit on the map using the service of SMS-alerts on the account status.
  • The card can be used as a club.

To the negative points of ownership, such a card should be related to the need to make timely payments on the loan, as well as pay the annual maintenance of the card (300 rubles per year).

It should be borne in mind that the map is valid only within our country, abroad pay the purchases on it will not work. You can also not pay purchases in other sales organizations.

How to get a financial card

The financial card is issued for three years. The interest rate on the loan is 29.9% per annum, and after three years - 59.9%.

To get a map, you must match a number of requirements:

  • be adults;
  • to have Russian citizenship or a residence permit in the Russian Federation (and documents that serve as a substantiation for this type of residence permit, for example, a foreigner's employment contract with a Russian employer);
  • have a permanent or temporary registration in the village where the map is planned;
  • provide information on a confirmed source of income.

For registration of the map, the Russians need to be provided:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with registration;
  • certificate of employment indicating the start date of work, posts, size of the monthly salary, all details of the organization, as well as with the print and signature of the head;
  • certificate of income in 2-NDFL format;
  • banking extract for a salary account with the flow of money over the past four months with the stamp of the bank and the signature of the employee;
  • if a citizen is an individual entrepreneur, then it is necessary to provide tax reporting on the forms of 3-NDFL, ENVD, ECN for the last year.

Documents confirming income may not be required if you leave a request for a loan amount no more than 140 thousand rubles.

To become a card holder, you need to use one of two ways.

  1. Personally write an application for receiving a map in the store, providing a passport.
  2. Fill out an application on the site.

The time of consideration of the application, regardless of the method of its supply, is usually about half an hour. But, according to the conditions for the provision of a loan, the Bank reserves the right to decide on the issuance of a credit card for thirty calendar days. In practice, this period is involved in extremely rare cases.

You can get the ready-made card after approval of the statement, personally, after the selected store in advance and, turning to the "IKEA on credit" department.

How to pay a credit on IKEA Family card

  • Make money on a map through any operating department "Credit Europe Bank".
  • It is possible to pay off the debt and by translating from the current account, decorated in another credit institution.
  • The operation should be done either online through the banking application, or with the help of the operator in the Bank's Office. It should be borne in mind that sending money in this way can be carried out within five working days, so the money should be transferred in advance in order to prevent the overdue to repay and impose a fine.
  • Mandatory payment can be sent to a credit account and through Russian Post with money transfer (it is also necessary to take into account that the translation can go a few days).
  • You can replenish the account of the Credit Card IKEA FEMILE through automated QIWI terminals and Eleksnet. At the same time will have to pay the commission in the amount of from 2 to 5% of the amount made.
  • Making cash through an ATM "Credit Europe Bank" does not imply the removal of the commission for the operation.
  • You can list the funds on the card from other accounts in the bank's personal account or on the IKEA website, as well as through mobile applications of other banks, for example, Sberbank online.

Penalties in case of delay

If a monthly payment is not possible in a timely manner, a penalty is charged, which makes up 20% per annum on the amount of overdue payment or the total amount of overdue commissions (but not more than 490 rubles), which is multiplied by the number of payment periods when the Commissions were not paid.

How to check the balance of the financial card

Find out how much money remains on the account, you can:

  • entering the personal account on the bank's website;
  • using the service for obtaining SMS alerts containing account status information;
  • by calling the bank.

Personal Cabinet IKEA Family

To register on the site, contact the bank and get personal login and password there. Next, you need to dial this combination and log in, confirming information by the introduction of the activation code. This code will be sent to the mobile phone number.

How to close the map

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