Power of attorney to receive funds from the current account. Bank power of attorney. From a private person

Types and methods of issuing a power of attorney at the bank

Many banking clients often there is a need to carry out any operations not personally, but through a trusted person. Moreover, it does not matter whether the client is an individual, an organization or an individual entrepreneur - this situation can become relevant for any category of clients at any time.

To send your representative to the bank, you need to issue a bank power of attorney with a notary or directly with a bank manager. It is important to do this correctly so that this document does not raise questions and the trusted operation is carried out by your representative without your personal presence. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account security issues and not allow your trusted person to exceed the authority entrusted to him.

Bank power of attorney for individuals

For individuals, the need to transfer powers arises most often to ensure access of third parties to their own financial resources. For example, your deposit is about to expire and you would like to close the deposit agreement or reissue it, but you cannot personally contact the bank. In such a situation, you can go to the bank office where the deposit is opened in advance and issue a bank power of attorney to receive funds from the deposit account.

In addition to a bank power of attorney, to transfer the right to carry out certain operations, you can draw up a notarized power of attorney at any notary office. Some banks accept such a power of attorney even more readily than an intrabank power of attorney. But you will definitely have to provide a photocopy of the authorized person's passport and wait for the verification of the authenticity of such a power of attorney, which can take up to several days, and thus affect the efficiency of the transfer of powers.

Most convenient option- take care of such an opportunity in advance and issue a bank power of attorney immediately upon opening an account. Each bank has its own standard of intrabank power of attorney, which is used in all situations requiring the transfer of authority. As a rule, these are either one-time powers of attorney, or powers of attorney only for a specific type of operation - closing an account, accessing a safe deposit box, withdrawing funds, processing plastic card etc. This way you are safe own finances... A sample bank power of attorney can be found at the end of this article.

The terms of the bank power of attorney are determined by the bank independently. The standard term is 1 year, rarely more.

Bank power of attorney for legal entities

It is much more relevant than for individuals to draw up and receive a bank power of attorney for organizations and individual entrepreneurs... Legal entities that have high turnover and conduct extensive accounting are forced to quite often receive account statements from the bank (a power of attorney is drawn up to receive statements in the bank), and those of them who work with cash must hand over cash to the cashier (power of attorney for replenishment accounts).

Of course, it would be strange if the director of a large corporation personally came to the bank to deposit cash or receive a statement. But since this information is a banking secret, the bank cannot entrust its content to outsiders. In this regard, issuing a bank power of attorney is a mandatory procedure in such cases.

Most often, the procedure for drawing up a bank power of attorney for organizations is as follows:

  1. The head of the organization (or individual entrepreneur) signs an agreement for maintaining a bank account and fills in bank card with a sample of your own signature. As soon as the signature of the manager is accepted by the bank, he can sign any types of documents, including a power of attorney to receive statements from the bank or any other type of intrabank power of attorney.

    Attention! It is important to put such a signature, which you can then reproduce, since all the signatures that you put will be compared with the signature on the card.

  2. The head of the organization fills out a power of attorney in the form of the bank, in which he indicates the types of transactions available under the power of attorney, and the proxy also fills out a card with a sample of his signature. The seal of the company or organization is put if the power of attorney is not drawn up for an entrepreneur who works without a seal.
  3. From the moment of acceptance of the card with sample signatures, the authorized person can perform approved transactions on the organization's account without the presence of its immediate manager.

By investing his funds in a bank - in the form of a fixed-term deposit, in the form of precious metal ingots or impersonal metal, the depositor gets the right of sole access to his savings. In order to make a debit transaction or close an account, you must independently come to the bank branch, in most cases - to the branch where the deposit was originally issued. Relatives do not have the right to access their accounts, and even with a deposit agreement, passbook, depositor's passport, etc., they will not be able to receive either funds or information about the state of the account. In order not to be left without access to their savings in a critical situation (in case of illness, long business trip, etc.), many bank clients decide to issue a power of attorney. About what types of these documents are accepted by banks, and about the rights that can be granted to authorized persons - below.

Notarized power of attorney for the right to dispose of bank deposits

Power of attorney for the right to dispose of funds for bank account drawn up in accordance with clause 1 of Art. 185 chapter 10 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in three forms:

  • in the form of a notarized document (outside the bank). For persons in places of deprivation of liberty, a power of attorney certified by the head of the prison or colony is equated to notarial powers of attorney;
  • in the form of a document certified by an authorized employee of the bank;
  • in the form of a document certified by an executive authority, local government, the head of the organization where the depositor studies or works, the head physician of the hospital where the bank's client is located, as well as the head of the housing office at the place of residence.

A power of attorney for the right to dispose of precious metal ingots or impersonal metal for the compulsory medical insurance is issued only in the form of a notarized document. The cost of such a document varies from 1000 to 1500 rubles, the registration is carried out by both private and state notaries. The depositor can indicate in the document one or several accounts, the management of which he entrusts to his relative or close person. You can also clarify the list of account transactions that are allowed to be performed without the presence of the account owner. Most notaries do not require the presence of a trustee or the presence of the original of his passport when drawing up a power of attorney, but the person's passport details will need to be provided.

If the client's account does not contain precious metals, but money, then it is easier and faster to issue a bank, and not a notarized power of attorney, more details about it.

Bank power of attorney to manage the deposit

Bank power of attorney, like a notarial one, gives the authorized person the right to make expenditure transactions on a current account or a term deposit of the principal, including - to terminate the deposit agreement. You can issue a power of attorney for one or several people, while their presence and presentation of passports at the time of registration of the document is not required. Power of attorney in most banks, including Sberbank, is issued free of charge.

A power of attorney in the bank can be issued both for one and for several time deposits, while it is necessary to indicate in it exactly what actions the principal instructs the authorized person to perform on his behalf (you can only allow partial withdrawal money, without termination of the deposit).

According to Art. 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the validity period of a power of attorney cannot exceed 3 years. If the date of issue is not indicated in the power of attorney, this document shall be deemed null and void. If the validity period of the power of attorney is not specified, by default it equals one year.

Thus, if the depositor wants to worry about his relatives and save them from the hassle in the event of his serious illness, temporary disability or death, it is advisable to issue a power of attorney when opening a deposit. Moreover, this document is drawn up for up to 3 years, free of charge at a bank branch or for a low fee - at any notary.

If a bank client cannot carry out his activities personally (make payments, transfers and receiving Money, open accounts / deposits), he has the right to formalize the transfer of rights to conduct banking operations secured by a power of attorney. In this article, we propose to download the power of attorney form for representing interests in the bank.

Power of attorney to the bank - a document drawn up in writing by the principal to represent interests on his behalf in banking institutions by an attorney (the person who has accepted the authority to conduct operations).

How to issue a power of attorney to the bank

When drawing up a power of attorney form, it is necessary to take into account some features:

  • The attorney can expand and limit the activities of the attorney;
  • The rights of the attorney must be extremely clear (for example, there is access to conduct transactions with one account);
  • An attorney can personally conduct transactions in the bank or transfer his rights to another person on the basis of a transfer;
  • New contracts are concluded only on behalf of the principal.

Principle of drawing up a power of attorney

A power of attorney is a certificate that transfers the rights of a citizen to conclude transactions of a various nature in the name of the trustee. Documentation is needed to avoid unforeseen situations. V in this case the trustee represents the rights and obligations of the trustee.

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The power of attorney has the right to draw up:

  • An individual (has the right to issue a personal account, make financial investments).
  • A legal entity (has the right to open or close a personal account, submit the necessary documentation to perform a specific operation, make financial investments, create a letter of credit, issue an excerpt personal account).

Drawing up a document does not take much time and has a simple form that must be filled out by the trusting party.

What rights does a power of attorney give to a bank trusted person

The document is a necessary element that confirms the existence of a relationship between a citizen and a financial institution. In this regard, the trustee has the right to produce monetary transactions... Banking documents are drawn up in relation to a private entity or a specific institution.

A properly executed package of documentation pre-insures the rights of the trustee. The main provision is the definition of the powers of the principal:

  • Disposal of financial resources that are contained in the personal account of the trustee.
  • Personal account replenishment.
  • Money transfer.
  • Receiving funds.
  • Opening a deposit.
  • Closing a deposit.
  • Registration of a personal account.
  • Draw up an excerpt of a personal account.
  • Visit to a safe deposit box.
  • Other operations that are recorded in the document.

1. To dispose of funds on the accounts of a bank client, including replenishing the account, transferring and receiving funds

When using funds, you must submit the following documents:

  • Certificate, which indicates the data of the principal (original in writing).
  • Settlement documents with the indication of the requisite (bank card and print).

In order to carry out financial transactions, it is necessary to indicate in the provision of the agreement a clause that authorizes a citizen of a banking institution to perform any action.

2. Open deposits and close them

To use the contribution, you must provide the following list of documentation:

  • Certificate confirming the right to this activity with the indication of personal data.
  • Notarized certification.

Notarization of the document will be required to open a deposit using foreign currency. This process regulates and controls interest rate currency at a given time and its ratio to cash.

When collecting all funds, the document is considered terminated ahead of time. In this regard, the personal account is closed. Therefore, it is enough to have a power of attorney with you to purchase a financial resource.

3. Issue bank cards

Receiving bank card possible only by the owner, whose details are indicated in the contract. This is due to the law on not providing the card to third parties. That is, only the owner has the right to use the property.

Exceptions are credit cards... In this case, the banking organization shifts all responsibility for the maintenance of financial assets to the owner.

4. Receive an account statement

In order to dispose of the facial form and financial resources on the account you must provide:

  • Certificate confirming the right to this activity.
  • Identity certificate.
  • Personal insurance document.

In order to obtain the excerpt of a personal account, many financial institutions offer to use the new software and hardware complex. In the process, a competent specialist will be able to advise the client on issues of interest to him. You can also use e-mail. In this case, the presence of a power of attorney is optional. It is enough to have the personal data of the owner.

5. Have access to safe deposit boxes

A tenant is a person who has legal access to a safe deposit box.

The lessee has the right to draw up a document for the use of the item by an individual or legal entity.

The safe deposit box is provided for the use of the client at a certain time, which is established by the rules of the financial institution. The process takes place when there is a tenant key and a key that is stored in the institution.

In order to use the cell, you must have:

  • Key.
  • Identity certificate.
  • Power of attorney.

6. Carry out other actions recorded in the power of attorney

With the help of the certificate, you can perform the following operations:

  • Personal account blocking. This operation can be done both in the bank department using a power of attorney, and by hotline with the indication of the client's personal data.
  • Unlocking the card. Perhaps in financial institution when certifying a passport and a power of attorney.

Who can draw up a power of attorney to the bank

A certificate for the execution of a certain transaction in a financial institution is drawn up by the owner of the personal account:

  • Individual.
  • Entity.

From a private person

An individual most often uses the service in the absence of access to financial resources... That is why an act is drawn up that transfers powers to a citizen.

Most the best option registration of an act at a bank branch is considered. The most popular is the one-off form.

From a legal entity

The organization of a certain process forces the organization to resort to banking services... This is due to the extensive accounting activities, which involves close cooperation with the branch of a financial institution. The state of a personal account is a bank secret, therefore the presence of a power of attorney is considered a necessary component.

Power of attorney to the bank from a legal entity: content of the document

The text contains:

  • The name of the institution.
  • Personal and passport information of the general representative.
  • Bank details of the institution.
  • The name of the institution that carries out the process of drawing up the act.
  • Functional purpose of the act.
  • Signature stamp.
  • Dating.

1. Date and place of issue of the power of attorney

The dating and location of the institution are discussed in advance. The registration of the relevant act is drawn up in a financial institution or in a notary office. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the name and address of the location in the drawn up document.

2. Name and details of the organization issuing the power of attorney

In the executed act, it is necessary to indicate:

  • The name of the institution.
  • The actual address.
  • Legal address.
  • Requisite data.

3. Information about the representative

The representative's information has the following characteristics:

  • Personal information.
  • Passport information.
  • Taxpayer identification number.

4. List of delegated powers

The most common situations in the field of banking:

  • Continue the deposit account period.
  • Accounting registration.
  • Certain operations with personal account institutions.
  • The process of interacting with the cell.

5. Period of validity of the power of attorney

Section 186 Civil Code Russian Federation determines the validity period of the document:

  • One-time certificate (for performing one process).
  • Long-term certificate (for an indefinite period).
  • In the absence of a term, the certificate is considered valid for a year.

The procedure for issuing a power of attorney to the bank from a legal entity

In order to draw up a contract, you must indicate the dating, which includes the place and date of registration. The following points are also necessary provisions:

  • Personal and passport data of the giver.
  • Personal and passport data of the trustee.
  • A certain power that a citizen must perform.

These provisions are filled in at the bank branch with the help of a specialist or independently. This moment depends on the action of the trustee.

Sample power of attorney to the bank from a legal entity

The certificate form looks like this:

  • Title of the certificate.
  • Dating (absence of this clause invalidates the document).
  • The name of the institution.
  • Registration number of the institution.
  • Personal data of the general founder.
  • Passport data of the general founder.
  • Taxpayer identification number.
  • Defined functional intentions.
  • Period of validity.
  • Signature, seal of the general founder.

Perhaps, registration for several citizens at a time.

Power of attorney to represent interests legal entity

(place of power of attorney)


(date of the power of attorney)


(full name of the legal entity)

(Further " Society"), Registered" _____ "_______________ _____. at the location ________________________________________________________________________, PSRN _________________________, TIN ________________________, represented by __________________

Acting on the basis _______________

(name of the position of the head, full name)

This power of attorney authorizes ______________________

(Statutes, Regulations)

Passport series _________ No. __________________

(surname, name, patronymic of the representative)

issued "___" ___________ ________ __________________________________________________,

(issued by)

registered (s) at the place of residence at: ________________________________


represent the interests of the Company in __________________ on all issues related to the implementation of transactions on the current account (s):



To perform representative functions, the authorized person is granted the following powers:

  • submit payment orders and other settlement documents for payment;
  • receive statements from the account (s);
  • deliver cash to the Bank;
  • receive cash from the account;
  • receive statements of account (s), information on the status of account (s) and other documents related to servicing the account;
  • perform other legal actions related to the execution of this order.

The power of attorney was issued without the right of substitution.

The power of attorney is valid until "___" ______________ ________ year.

the power of attorney must be valid for no more than 3 years

I certify the signature of the authorized person (representative) ___________________.

(signature example)

___________________ ___________________/________________________________________/

(position of the head) (signature) (full name of the head of the Company)

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