The main sources of business financing briefly. Business financing: main sources and programs. Income in money

For businesses, both start-up and already developed, entrepreneurs are looking for sources of financing. Enterprises and organizations develop and live when there is constant financial income. At the same time, to open and organize your own business, cash savings often not enough. When compiling financial plan funding sources need to be taken into account.

Funding sources can be divided into two types:

These two forms of business financing can be used both separately and combined with each other.

Business financing

For the successful development of any business, it is necessary to find funds; without free money, the business fades.

Also the state has programs for receiving grants, budget subsidies, loans with a lower rate. When distributing public funds, more attention is paid to innovative, socially oriented, production enterprises. For the funds received, you will need to report that they were used for their intended purpose. For some programs, funds are provided free of charge.

Funding sources are existing or expected ways to obtain Money. The article contains the most common sources of business financing, their advantages and disadvantages.

One of the main functions of the CFO is to seek resources to finance the operating and investment activity. An effective top manager always considers a full range of possible sources of raising funds and chooses the most profitable one. Consider the most common sources of funding, evaluate the pros and cons of their use.

What are funding sources

Funding sources are existing and expected channels for obtaining funds that the company will spend on capital investments: the purchase of fixed assets, reconstruction, modernization, construction.

According to the direction of origin, sources of financing are divided into internal and external. Domestic sources of financing are the mobilization of their own financial resources enterprises, the optimal use of reserves and earned profits. External - this is the money attracted by the enterprise from the external environment.

It is clear that the use of internal sources of financing is cheaper and safer for financial stability enterprises than outsourcing. But not always an enterprise can fully ensure its functioning on its own, especially when it comes to capital-intensive industries. Moreover, focusing on the maximum use of internal resources will not always be the right decision for the CFO.

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What will help: to understand from what sources the funds are attracted, and to control their receipt.

What will help : approve unified investment management rules. The document establishes the procedure for substantiating and coordinating new projects implemented in the company. All sources of funding for the project are listed. For example, ruble or foreign currency bank loans, interest-bearing and interest-free loans of the group companies, own funds.

Internal sources of financing of the organization: pros and cons

To understand the advantages and disadvantages of using certain sources of financing for the activities of an enterprise, we will consider each of them in more detail.

Net profit

At first glance, the most logical own source of financing for the company's activities is net profit. Arguments for use of net profit to finance investments will be:

  1. No percentage load on usage net profit for investment.
  2. decline tax burden for business.

But there is one significant disadvantage in the use of net profit. The main purpose of the operation of the enterprise is to increase the dividends of its owners. The more profits are invested, the smaller the share of dividends will be. In this situation, there is no unambiguously correct solution, but there are three directions of the dividend policy, one of which can be followed by your company.

The first direction is called the “Model of the residual principle of dividend payment”. It is based on the fact that the final amount of dividends does not affect market value company, and therefore the investment interests of the company are more important than the interests of its shareholders.

The second direction is called "The active role of dividends in creating company value" and is based on the fact that amount of dividends paid directly affects the value of shares.

The third direction is called the Tax Differentiation Model and has the main goal of optimizing the income tax, regardless of the proportions of the distribution of investments and dividends.

What will help: compute size limit borrowed money for a successful commercial activities companies.

What will help: assess the degree of independence of the company from external sources of financing.

Depreciation deductions

The second most important domestic source of business financing. Advantage depreciation charges, as a source of investment, in comparison with others, is that for any financial situation, this source always remains at the disposal of the enterprise. In order to fully use the potential of depreciation charges, it is necessary to develop an optimal depreciation policy, which will consist of:

  1. Choice of term beneficial use OS.
  2. Choosing a depreciation method for fixed assets.
  3. Annual revaluation of fixed assets.
  4. overhaul OS.
  5. Reconstruction and modernization of OS.

Thanks to a correctly chosen depreciation policy, leading enterprises refinance up to 80% of fixed assets using depreciation charges.

Accounts payable management

Reserves for future expenses

reserves upcoming expenses can also be used as funding sources. Such reserves are created against future obligations and provide an economically justified uniform distribution of costs over time. A competent financial director will be able to build reserve management in such a way that the enterprise for some time will be able to use the balance of funds free from obligations to finance current activities.

The disadvantage of this method can be called only a legislative limit on the amounts that can be recognized as reserves, and increased control of inspection services.

revenue of the future periods

Deferred income is a great way to get funding without external sources. But, unfortunately, it is not available to everyone. The most common deferred income is state and non-state targeted financing and various types of prepayments and security payments.

More on the topic:

What will help: to form such a capital structure and sources of financing that will be optimal for your company in a given period of time.

What will help: choose from several projects the one in which it is more profitable to invest money.

External sources of company financing: advantages and disadvantages

External sources of financing of the enterprise are usually divided into debt and equity.

Debt financing is reimbursable financing on a repayable basis. The main areas of debt financing are: obtaining a loan, leasing, debt securities.


Credit is the most common method of investing in fixed assets. long-term loans, – short-term, including overdraft ( see what is an overdraft ) and factoring. Benefits of using a loan include:

  • the relative ease of its attraction;
  • the presence of (often) one lender, which entails ease of maintenance;
  • reduced rates with subsidies and/or a good credit rating.

The disadvantages of a loan are:

  • comparative high cost of use;
  • requirements of banks for the provision of guarantees and collateral;
  • difficulty in obtaining a loan at the start-up stage of a business.


Debt securities

These are mainly bonds, certificates and bills. They are an alternative to a bank loan, convenient for both the investor and the borrower.

A bond is a security issued by the debtor strictly for a certain period of time, after which it must be redeemed. The yield on a bond is a coupon.


As with any other financial management issue, there is no single right strategy for raising funds. For each enterprise and for each market condition, this strategy must be created anew, based on the principles of maximizing the company's value and competitive policy.

As an example, I will cite Uber, which, while remaining a private company, has already attracted more than $15 billion in investments and continues to organize new rounds. Why does it need such an aggressive funding policy? Not because she really lacks resources, but because she has chosen a strategy of violent expansion and suppression of competitors, by any means. Experience shows that Uber has been successfully implementing this strategy so far.

As a counterexample, Google increased its cost of capital more than 100 times after its IPO. For her, the increase in share capital has become a strategy for success, as well as for Sberbank, whose shares have grown in price by more than 1,000 times.

Happy day to everyone who stumbled upon this post in the middle, or at the end of the working day! Today we will reveal such a minor, auxiliary topic as the main sources of business financing. You just need to delve into this topic if your goal is to understand how the economic system society. Let me remind you that the study of this section is provided for by all the specifications of the discipline "Social Science"

Sources of financing

Business is, in short, entrepreneurial activity, the purpose of which is to make a profit, that is, roughly speaking, to make money. Business starts with the first transaction, when you sell something: a product or a service, or something else (who knows what will be invented there in the future!).

Any business starts with start-up capital. He can be anyone. For example, one of my friends started a business with 10,000 rubles and from a closet that he rented. In it, he began to repair computers. This happens if you do not have rich relatives who can help with start-up capital.

Thus, the first source of business financing is personal savings of citizens. This is the money that you put in socks, or in a box, or in a piggy bank.

Second source business finance are investments. An investor can invest in your company, firm, or personally in you if he sees the potential in your business. Of course, the investor is also wildly risky. But that's why he is an investor, to risk his money.

For example, everyone knows the history of Apple, how many movies about Steve Jobs have been made! Steve himself called investors to invest in his startup in the garage. In the end, the guys from Silicon Valley were lucky and they invested money in them, and did not lose.

As for Russia, there are many investors in Russia, but they are afraid to invest money, preferring foreign offshore companies and foreign companies.

The third such source are bank loans. You can go to the bank and if you have a good credit history, and you defend your business plan well, then they can give you a substantial amount.

Another source is government grants. Searching on the Internet state organization, which distributes grants for entrepreneurial activities and forward. For example, in our Perm region The Ministry of Agricultural Development gave, and seems to give grants to those who decided to start farming.

On this, in principle, the main sources of financing end and the non-main ones begin.

Among them, for example, you can highlight loans from individuals. For example, you know that your friend has money. You come to him and tell him to lend them to you. And he can give. Or maybe not. And if a person is not your friend, then he can hire bandits to beat your debt out of you.

It is clear that this is all some kind of rubbish, but there are persistent rumors that they have returned. So nothing can be ruled out.

Also, non-primary sources include the rental of property. Well, this is understandable if you already have a business and it has some kind of commercial property: official cars, or apartments, or retail space.

Something else important

There is such a task in the Unified State Examination in social studies of the second part of the test, in which you need to make a plan on a similar topic. By the way, I will now lay out this plan, which I made with my own hand. I do not recommend writing it off directly, because if it is published here, it is no longer unique.

Plan for the task of the second part:

Topic: Main sources of business financing

  1. The concept of a source of business financing.
  2. Internal sources
  • Profit from the lease of the company's assets
  • Financial savings
  • Profit from the sale of company shares

3. External sources

  • Bank loans
  • Investment funds
  • Public funding: e.g. through a system of grants

4. Financing a business as a condition for the success of its operation

5. Business planning as a condition for providing business with financing

I think you got the idea on this topic! Share the article on social networks, and also join our Vkontakte group.

Sincerely, Andrey Puchkov

The development of technology is forcing an increasing number of people to think about their own business, as there are fewer jobs every day, even specialists and professionals are being replaced by robots. The main questions when starting a business are: the idea and the means to start. How and where you can raise capital is described in this article. When choosing a financing method, it is advisable to contact trusted sources and trusted investors.

AT modern world a person is constantly surrounded by various kinds of businesses. Most of them are created by ordinary people who had an idea. Its implementation could take a long time. Sometimes a worthwhile project quickly turns into a profitable business. An economist once said, “Looking for a business idea? Find in environment something you don't like." This is how dry closets appeared on the streets, cafes with the possibility of taking out an order, and much more.

Business types

With the advent of new technologies and the increase in people's needs for comfort and luxury, the number of types of business is also growing. You can list the areas and directions endlessly, we focus on the main ones:

  • auto business;
  • tourism and transport;
  • wholesale and retail trade;
  • repair and construction works;
  • Agriculture;
  • entertainment and hobbies;
  • education;
  • beauty and health and others.

Many of them have already partially or completely switched to an online platform. When choosing a direction, one should be guided not only by profitability, but also by personal interest. It is necessary to feel sincere interest in the business, to burn with it and strive to bring the enterprise to a qualitatively new level in terms of profitability and development prospects.

The cost of starting a business depends not only on the direction, but also on the form of entrepreneurship. In a number of situations, only a small amount is enough to register a business, as an office, you can use both your own apartment and a garage, and personal development tools will become mobile devices. This option is especially common among freelancers and people involved in Internet projects.

Company registration fee:

  • IP - eight hundred rubles, as well as payment for copying materials;
  • LLC - four thousand rubles, in addition to this, a minimum of ten thousand is required authorized capital(data for 2018).

As for investment in a new enterprise, it can be very different, as it consists of the price of equipment, the rental of premises, if required, the number of personnel who will need to pay wages, and so on. So, how much money you need to open your own business is not an unambiguous question, since it depends on many factors.

Drawing up a business plan for the project

This is one of the key aspects when planning future activities. The drafting of the project begins with the definition of goals and the time frame for their implementation. Next, the calculation of the resources that are required at the initial stage and the payback period is carried out. The last parameter is extremely important when attracting investors. People who are ready to invest their money in someone else's business, first of all, look at the period of time within which they will begin to receive dividends.

When drawing up a business plan, you should be guided by the following rules:

  1. Timely study the entrepreneurial market, analyze existing companies, potential competitors.
  2. Determine the advantages of your company, which will allow you to become better than competitors. The project plan should reflect all strengths.
  3. Refine strengths and weak sides project, as well as ways to overcome shortcomings.
  4. Write a marketing plan, write an advertising campaign in one section, and methods for attracting regular customers in the second.
  5. Determine what the main problem, that is, what problem the new business will solve.

As part of the financial plan, it is worth identifying possible unforeseen losses and options for raising additional money. Such reinsurance will avoid problems during implementation.

Today, there are many business development strategies, let's consider the most common among them, which have proven effective for a long time.

Key areas of entrepreneurship development:

  • market penetration - access to new potential customers through territorial change location, as well as the release of new products;
  • market development - the opening of new outlets for goods and services;
  • alternative channels - the choice of new distribution channels, for example, the use of an online platform;
  • product development - improvement of manufactured goods and improvement of the quality of services provided by attracting specialists;
  • new products - the creation of new goods and services allows not only to attract new customers, but also to expand the range of consumption of existing consumers.

When choosing a strategy, it is important to focus on the characteristics of the market, the age category of the bulk of potential customers, their interests and needs.

Where to get money - the main forms of sources of finance

The issue of finding money is especially acute when it comes to expensive business projects that require the purchase of equipment. To successfully complete the case, it is worth drawing up a detailed and truthful plan. Openness attracts investors. The main sources of business financing are divided into external and internal.


The main external sources of business financing include:

All external sources of funding are associated with the need to return funds to third parties. Investing in start-up businesses is a common form of investing money.


First of all, when looking for money, a novice and existing entrepreneur turns to his own money. The main resources used to finance a business, as internal, include:

  • initial capital - basic investment in development;
  • income received from activities;
  • money of employees and relatives of a businessman.

The capital of the enterprise is based on the initial investments of the founders. Of course, in the twenty-first century it is possible to start a business without any money, but it is much easier when there is a certain amount accumulated on your own, which is investment capital.

There are several options for attracting investments at the initial stage of business development. All of them are available to a beginner in business, but you should not try to use everything at once. It is recommended to choose several main areas and focus on them. Start-up capital for a small business can be found through various methods.

Own funds

The most common answer to the question: “Why don’t you start your own business? - No money". Indeed, most undertakings require an infusion of finance. They represent an investment in a start-up project. Below will be presented options for where you can take funds from outside, but it is often difficult to do without your own money.

As a rule, if a person does not have enough finance himself, then he attracts one or more people into a partnership. At the initial stage, and later on, it is easier to do business in a group, and of course, finding a certain amount, for example, is easier for three than alone.

It is recommended to immediately share the responsibilities between the founders and the principles of making a profit. There are many varieties: for some, dividends are determined equally, for others - in accordance with investments, and for others, based on the amount of work done.

State Grants and State Assistance Program

Receiving grants and other forms of assistance from government agencies- the procedure is long, burdened with the collection of many documents. In most cases, the authorities support initiatives in industries that are of interest to the country as a whole.

It is difficult to get a grant for an enterprise aimed at opening an amusement park or a cafe. However, if the project satisfies any social needs, for the implementation of which the authorities do not have free funds, then there is a chance to secure financial support.

When contacting government agencies, it is worth carefully working out the project, collecting all the documentation, obtaining permits, and the like. The allocation of money will occur only if the subject shows:

  • the admissibility of activities, that is, the availability of permits;
  • social significance - how it will help society or certain categories of the population;
  • profitability - the business will not burn out;
  • personal willingness to take responsibility for any outcome.

Features in the allocation of a grant are the need to pay tax on the money received and the phased receipt of funds in accordance with the business plan. Financing small businesses by the state is one of the priority areas in modern Russia. The difficulty is that for the past few years there has been a budget deficit.

Venture capital is cash investments third-party investors who are focused on new projects and startups. Investors are willing to take risks, but expect higher returns than those who finance standard destinations.

Thus, venture investors tend to invest in many non-obvious projects and benefit from the high returns of some of them.

When attracting this kind of capital, it is worth emphasizing the high profitability of the business in the short term. If this is acceptable by the realizable enterprise, then there are great chances of attracting venture capital investors.

Private foundations and business incubators

Business incubators are a fairly new direction in modern Russian Federation. They are organizations that oversee and support start-up entrepreneurs at all stages of development.

In most cases, their assistance is based on the provision of premises, legal support and accounting services. Rendering financial assistance is not provided for in a direct form, but a businessman has the opportunity to save money in a number of areas, as well as receive the necessary consulting support.

Private funds created by businessmen and investors are also one of the options for attracting third-party capital. The main thing is that the goals of the entrepreneur and his idea are consonant with the values ​​and principles of the organization. As a rule, it is easier to obtain financing from a private foundation than from public authorities.

Business angel investments

A business angel is a cross between venture investors and an incubator, as it provides both financial and advisory support to a young entrepreneur at the start of project development.

In some cases, an option is provided when financing is carried out on the condition of business division, that is, the transfer of part of the company to an angel. This option is often considered by singles, that is, people who single-handedly open a company, as well as those who have not been able to raise capital by other methods. For example, at one time the Amazon company appeared precisely thanks to such investors, not a single banking organization believed in the idea of ​​a company whose creator is the wealthiest person today. A business can be financed in different ways, in particular, with the support of other businessmen.

Bank lending

The most common way to attract external capital is debt in a financial and credit organization. The evolution of the development of the banking sector has led to the fact that the economic potential of the direction has gained great power. It is very difficult to predict whether a loan will be received, as banks take into account many aspects, and there is also a human factor.

When choosing this method, it is recommended to make an extensive list of potential lenders, and be willing to visit more than one institution. Business loans are issued by special people who are market analysts and evaluate the prospects for the development of a particular direction, but they are all people. The mood of this or that person, in particular, depends on whether the application will be approved.

A positive answer: whether it is worth lending to a client, is affected by such a factor as the availability of previously issued loans and their repayment. The most interesting thing is that banks are most loyal to those people who have had or have difficulties with returning money. For the bank, this is an indicator that they will take maximum percentage from the client.

Leasing is a lifesaver for many aspiring entrepreneurs who are burdened by the purchase of expensive tools. Buying equipment is much more difficult and expensive than renting it.

Usually, interest rate not very high, although it all depends on the subject, and recoup monthly payment much lighter than the cost of the tool. A striking example of a modern leasing business is carsharing. A person, having rented a certain number of cars, rents it out every minute to everyone who wants it. His expense items are app maintenance and car maintenance. The rest of the difference between income and interest on leasing goes to him.


Loans are divided into short-term and long-term. In the first case, we are talking about a short-term loan of money, for example, to buy resources. The advantage of this type of loans is low interest and the absence of long-term financial dependence on the lender.

Long-term loans are usually secured by property. The essence of such a debt is that in case of non-payment of the loan, the lender seizes the property of the company as compensation for the lost money. Thus, the provision of property provides more opportunities for the entrepreneur. If the company does not have real estate, then any personal property, for example, an apartment or a country house, can act as collateral. People also pledge cars and other valuables as collateral.

Loans are provided with guarantors. This option is not presented in all banks, and in most cases it takes place when it comes to small amounts Oh.

Crowdfunding platforms in Russia and abroad

Crowdfunding is a specialized platform where money is raised for specific purposes. Most of all, they are socially oriented, for example, helping victims of natural disasters, however, there are platforms focused on the development of certain business sectors.

In particular, young musicians often raise funds in this way to release an album or record a video. If a person feels that his undertaking will be interesting to large masses, then he can turn to this method of raising funds.

Moreover, the creation of the site does not have to be focused only on Russian investors. Often people from other countries actively support ideas that are close to them in spirit. Billions of dollars are raised each year through small donations. The main principle is voluntary participation, and the contribution can be even the smallest. Attribute this method it is not worth it to the main ones, but it can allow you to collect additional finances.

What sources of financing are beneficial for small or medium businesses?

There is no unequivocal answer as to what kind of financing for small and medium-sized businesses is better to choose. It all depends on the direction of the enterprise, the riskiness and the chosen strategy.

The advantages of internal sources of business financing are that there is no need to attract third-party money, but in practice it is not always possible to implement this option. The need to find additional funds, as a rule, is associated precisely with the lack of internal capital of the company.

When choosing a particular external source it is advisable to choose loans with a low interest rate and a long term, if there is no confidence in the imminent receipt of income. It often takes several years to reach zero. With the Internet business, this situation is changing, profits can be made almost immediately.

In practice, there are different sources of financing for small businesses; when choosing, you should be guided by a prepared business plan. If an entrepreneur has the opportunity to start a business solely with his own money, then this is an expedient act, since otherwise it will be necessary to return the funds, without having a guarantee of success. Business can be funded different ways As a rule, the entrepreneur uses several methods. How big money is required to start or develop, the more options the entrepreneur resorts to.

In contact with

The heads and heads of the financial structures of today's domestic enterprises show a serious interest in the selection and search for ways and means to finance their business.

Banks and stock markets provide an opportunity to consider various proposals on this issue, explaining their features, correlating them with changes in the money market.

We suggest you consider the standard and most effective methods obtaining capital for business development.

The source of obtaining finance for a businessman can be classified as both external and internal.

The first category includes those assets monetary units that the organization receives "from outside", from companies from which the business is not directly curled, for example, a bank, depositors, investments. Which tool to use and direct is determined according to several main points:

  • Price
  • Passive, exactly its type
  • Necessity and time

Sources from outside

This type is divided into equity and debt. In the first case, the company uses its own funds, in the second case, it takes a loan. Investors believe that the last financing instrument is more profitable, since the cost of such an instrument already includes a small insurance amount, “at risk”. Business owners also see their benefits in this type of financing, in this situation there is no need to allocate funds for the lender in the organization.

The disadvantage of such a tool is that it makes the company dependent on situations on economic market, in a recession, for example, the organization may not be able to repay the loan.

Debt financing, types

  • syndicated loan

This form is used if one bank is unable to issue the requested amount of funds. Then the creditors form an association, and certain contractual relations are drawn up both within the syndicate and with the recipient of the loan, which determine the algorithm of actions to repay the loan.

According to statistics, our banking organizations rarely use this method as a source of financing; Western companies use it more often.

Bonds can be offered as an alternative to this method.

  • Bonds

Issued big companies to raise additional funds. Such papers may be free access, you can also easily purchase and sell them. Sustainable enterprises that are able to make a forecast economic situation, issue bonds denominated in foreign currency.

  • Overdraft

In essence, this is a short-term loan. Overdraft is divided into classic, advance, collection. A significant difference from a loan is that it is repaid in full, at the expense of funds debited from the card. Its advantage is that for its registration you do not need any additional documents, except for your own banking plastic card with its limit. For this type of lending, it is enough that the movement of funds on the card is constant. Minus - high interest and a short term for repayment of the loan.

  • Leasing

Another form of lending, when the lessor leases for a long period of any type of property with the possibility of either returning or redeeming it. The advantages of leasing are that the profits of enterprises using leasing are less taxed. Leasing enables business owners to update their technical base. If, in a situation with a loan, you will have an agreement that will prescribe clear terms, amounts of payments, then you can always agree with the lessor on conditions that take into account your capabilities. Interest rates on leasing, as a rule, are several percent higher for a loan, however, despite this, the total benefits from such a type of lending as leasing are greater than from a classic loan.

  • Credit based on a rating agency

AT this case, the rating agency is the guarantor of the bank and indicates whether the issuer will be able to fulfill all of its obligations. Based on their opinion, lenders, entrepreneurs decide which source of financing is the most profitable, where demand is higher. With a positive assessment of the rating agency, the competitiveness of the enterprise increases.

  • secured loan

A secured loan must be backed by some valuable property that will ensure the organization issuing the loan that you will definitely repay the issued loan. sum of money. The property is sold only if the borrower fails to meet its debt obligations. The disadvantages are that such a loan requires more time to process it and is associated with the risk of losing the pledged property. Plus - the interest rate is much lower compared to a classic loan.

State lending

  • Direct capital investments. These funds are directed to enterprises located in the public sector. Accordingly, all profits are state-owned.
  • Subsidies. Allocation of small amounts, incomplete or partial funding. It covers both private and public companies. The positive feature of this kind of financing is that it is interest-free, free and gratuitous.
  • State order. The state acts as a buyer and forms an order for the production of a particular product to a particular company. An example is RZD. The road is state-owned, and what moves along it is created by private organizations. In this case, the state does not spend on production, and the manufacturer receives a profit from sales.

Equity financing, types

Raising funds through shares. Shares are issued by those organizations that have taken place in the market and have stable cash flows. Shares may be offered primary, secondary, partially or in full.

  • Venture Capital

Funds used to invest by an external investor through third parties in new, growing businesses, or those that are on the verge of bankruptcy. This type of investment involves high risk, but also income, whose size is defined as "above average". Through venture capital investments, it is also possible to acquire a share in the company's ownership.

  • Syndicated investments

A united group of investors (having a romantic name "business angels"), on their own initiative, invests in projects that they consider the most profitable. This method of receiving funds is also associated with the risk of lack of benefits (a business angel invests his own funds), but is practically devoid of bureaucratic delays.

Internal sources

Such funds are formed as a result of the work of the enterprise. This includes: sales revenue, gross margin. This may include:

  • Profits that are undistributed

These are the funds that remain with the organization after it has paid all taxes, carried out all monetary transactions by shares. Such money is sent to the company's assets and used for its further development and growth. Such funds can be identified for the acquisition valuable papers or simply stored in the cash balance feed.

  • Automatic funding

Funds received as a result of an increase in the size of liabilities (increase in debt on a loan), when accrued (but retained) wages employees. Such funds are automatically distributed to the needs of the organization. This type is associated with huge risks in the form of an increase in the financial obligations of the company.

  • Factoring

It includes three parties: a factor (buyer of claims), a debtor (buyer of goods) and a creditor (supplier). In essence, this is short-term speculation. accounts receivable, as a rule, with a discount of 10 - 60 percent. View short term loan secured by company assets.

  • Capital optimization

It implies the creation of certain projects aimed at increasing or decreasing profitability. In this case, as a rule, comprehensive measures are taken that allow free funds to appear that can be reinvested in other areas of the organization's work, aimed at expanding it or creating new projects.

  • Discarding a non-core asset

Assets that do not bring monetary benefits, on the contrary, divert funds and attention to themselves. In this case, the best way out is to sell such assets, and the proceeds must be transferred to the direction that the company considers a priority.

  • Fund for depreciation

Depreciation is the depreciation of production facilities, more precisely, its monetary expression. The amount of money from which the fund is formed, directed to these needs, is included in the cost of production, and accordingly affects the price. The main tools of the enterprise are repaired, replaced or rebuilt from these funds. The required amount of deduction is calculated from the initial price of the asset under which depreciation is calculated. If the equipment needs to be repaired or replaced immediately, then the company can take the accelerated depreciation path. In this case, deductions are made in a larger volume than the normative ones. This method is recommended only for large businesses, since when buying new equipment, volumes increase, the amount of goods produced increases and depreciation is calculated for a larger number of products, and, therefore, there is no price increase.

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