Mechanisms for solving the problem of energy saving in housing and communal services. Energy saving in housing and communal services. Tariff setting as a system error

L. R. Ibrasheva


Key words: energy saving, housing and communal services, energy saving technologies.

The problems of energy saving in the housing and communal services of Russia, as well as legal and program mechanisms for solving this problem are considered. An overview of energy-saving technologies used in housing and communal services is given. The experience of introducing energy-saving technologies in Kazan is presented.

Key words: energy saving, energy effectiveness, housing and communal services, energy saving technology.

The author analyzes problems of energy saving in Russian housing and communal services as well as legal and organizational aspects of their solutions. Energy saving technologies and some practice of their usage in the city of Kazan are describe.

Currently created the legislative framework in the field of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency, it quite strictly regulates the mandatory actions of all participants in the energy supply process,

aimed at increasing energy efficiency at the stages of production, transmission and consumption energy resources.

It is well known that the housing and communal services sector is the largest consumer of energy in the country, one of the most expensive industries Russian economy, in which energy resources are used extremely irrationally.

Department of Housing and Utilities

is a key industry for providing comfort, necessary conditions living and meeting the needs of the urban population. Housing and communal services for the population are of particular importance and are vital. Therefore, the goal of housing and communal services is to provide quality services to the population, since not only the comfort, but also the safety of citizens living in their homes depends on quality and stability. Consequently, housing and communal services shape the appropriate quality of life of the population, the culture of life and way of life, and largely determine the socio-economic potential of the territories, their investment attractiveness. However, the state of fixed assets is housing utilities characterized by a significant level of wear and low energy efficiency. It is obvious that this crisis state of the housing and communal services sector as a service sector is due to a combination of reasons: weak

technical base of the industry; lack of capacity; lack of necessary funds for development and ongoing maintenance, low level provision of services to the population, excessive budget burden, artificial

monopolism, lack of competition, etc. All this is determined by an ineffective socially oriented economy, a weak mechanism

setting tariffs, collecting payments for public utilities and control over

use of resources for the development of housing and communal services.

Consequently, this state of affairs in the industry shows that the capabilities of housing and communal services enterprises for significant transformations and modernization are still limited. This means that the housing and communal services sector is practically immune to energy saving. As S.P. Koval notes, currently in Russia more than 80% of the cost of housing and communal services is the supply of electricity, heat, gas, hot and cold water. The rest is property management, waste removal and disposal,

The energy intensity of providing public services is 4 or more times higher than the average for countries with a similar climate.

In relation to the housing and communal services sector, it is possible

highlight two main areas of energy saving:

1) Improvement of utilities

infrastructure, energy installations of suppliers and consumers, which involves, first of all, improving their

structures, through the introduction of innovative and high-quality energy-saving technologies.

2) Energy saving in buildings and structures, improvement of their designs. Most of these measures are relevant in terms of thermal energy, as well as in saving electricity used for thermal purposes and for lighting (not only more efficient light bulbs, but also certain requirements for the room, for example, up to the use of light or reflective colors).

Naturally, the problem of housing and communal services, in particular, high energy losses in this area, is not something that has just arisen for Russia. The foundations for the formation of a qualitatively new approach to energy and resource conservation in our country were

laid down in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation

Federation dated November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing changes to certain legislative acts Russian Federation"(hereinafter referred to as the law) and related programs.

In accordance with the law, energy saving involves reducing the volume of energy resources used while maintaining

the corresponding beneficial effect from their use (including the volume of products produced, work performed, services provided) through the implementation of organizational,

legal, technical, technological,

economic and other measures.

The management tool for implementing the principles of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency in practice are the corresponding targeted federal, regional and municipal programs. At a meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation on October 21, 2010, it was presented for consideration Government program energy saving and increasing energy efficiency in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 (hereinafter referred to as the program). The presented Program is aimed at implementing the decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On some measures to increase the energy and environmental efficiency of the Russian economy,” which established the goal of reducing the energy intensity of gross domestic production by 2020. internal product Russian Federation by at least 40% compared to 2007. Through the measures of the Program, it is planned to ensure a reduction in the energy intensity of GDP by no less than 13.5% by 2020; about 26.5% of the reduction in the energy intensity of GDP by 2020 is planned to be achieved through changes GDP structure and natural factors of technical progress, which together will ensure the implementation of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation.

The program includes a number of subprograms affecting various sectors of the economy, including housing and communal services:

efficiency in the electric power industry;

Subprogram for increasing energy

efficiency in heat supply and public infrastructure systems;

Subprogram for increasing energy

efficiency in the housing sector.

Regional and municipal authorities the authorities are also recommended to develop and

approve programs in the field of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency, in accordance with the requirements approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the target values

indicators of programs in the field of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency

should reflect:

1) increasing the efficiency of use of energy resources in the housing stock;

2) increasing the efficiency of use of energy resources in public infrastructure systems;

3) reducing losses of energy resources during their transmission, including in public infrastructure systems;

4) increasing the level of equipment with metering devices for used energy resources;

5) an increase in the number of cases of use of objects with high energy efficiency, objects belonging to objects with a high energy efficiency class, and (or) objects using secondary energy resources and (or) renewable energy sources as energy sources;

6) increasing the number of highly economical motor fuels Vehicle, vehicles belonging to objects with a high energy efficiency class, as well as an increase in the number of vehicles in respect of which measures have been taken to save energy and increase energy efficiency, including the replacement of gasoline used by vehicles as motor fuel with natural gas taking into account the availability of natural gas, proximity to natural gas sources and the economic feasibility of such substitution;

7) reduction of budget expenditures for the provision of energy resources to state institutions, municipal institutions, public authorities, bodies local government, as well as budget expenditures for the provision of subsidies to public utility organizations for the purchase of fuel, subsidies to citizens for payment of utility bills, taking into account changes in the volume of use of energy resources in these areas;

8) increase in volume extrabudgetary funds, used to finance energy saving and energy efficiency measures.

In general, within the framework of the State Energy Saving Program for increasing energy efficiency in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, it is planned to solve the following tasks regarding the housing and communal services sector:

Creation of a regulatory legal framework regulating the development of centralized heat supply systems for urban districts and urban settlements based on the use of the advantages of cogeneration and trigeneration heat and power plants;

Introduction to systems management

centralized heat supply to settlements through a single heat dispatcher;

Improvement tariff policy in the field of heat supply, stimulating the saving of energy resources, including the transition to settlements between heat energy consumers and heat supply organizations on the basis of two-part tariffs, stimulating consumers to install metering devices;

Improvement tax policy, stimulating the saving of energy resources;

Improving the quality of heat supply, introduction

indicators of the quality of thermal energy, heat consumption modes and conditions for monitoring their compliance, both from the outside

consumers and energy supply organizations with the establishment of the amount of sanctions for their violation;

Providing a systematic approach to optimizing the operation of centralized heat supply systems by implementing complex measures not only in heating networks (setup, adjustment, optimization of hydraulic mode), but also in heat consumption systems directly in buildings (insulation of the construction part of buildings, carrying out work to eliminate design and installation defects heating systems);

Implementation of standard projects

“Energy efficient city”, “Energy efficient quarter”, “ Energy efficient house»;

Conducting mandatory energy inspections of heat supply organizations and public utility organizations;

Implementation standard project"Effective

generation", aimed at modernization and reconstruction of boiler houses, liquidation

inefficiently operating boiler houses and transferring the heat load to efficient cogeneration, reducing on this basis fuel costs for heat generation;

Implementation of a standard project “Reliable networks”, including measures for the modernization and reconstruction of heating networks using the latest technologies and, on this basis, reducing the costs of heat transport, the use of pre-insulated pipes of high factory readiness with high heat-insulating properties of the heat-insulating structure, hermetically sealed thermal insulation from external moisture and with the device of a system for diagnosing the state of insulation, ensuring the use of bellows instead of stuffing box compensators, eliminating coolant leaks;

Improving government

standardization and control of technological losses in heating networks during the transfer of thermal energy based on the use of modern standards for the design of heating networks.

Achieving target indicators for energy saving and increasing energy efficiency in public infrastructure systems is planned taking into account the implementation of measures provided for by the Concept

federal target program « Comprehensive program modernization and reform of housing and communal services for 2010 -2020”, approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 2, 2010 No. 102-r.

It is also planned to achieve target indicators of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency in the housing stock, taking into account the implementation of measures provided for by the Concept of the federal target program “Comprehensive program for the modernization and reform of housing and communal services”

economy for 2010 - 2020”, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 2, 2010 No. 102-r.

An important organizational measure for energy saving and increasing energy efficiency in the housing stock is the conduct of voluntary and mandatory energy inspections of facilities housing stock. However, this aspect of the issue is the most problematic today. Homeowners are not required to conduct an energy inspection (energy audit). The cost of carrying out such work, as well as the implementation of data based on the results of the survey of activities, is completely transferred to the shoulders of the owners. Taking into account the dishonesty and opacity of the activities of Management Companies for homeowners, as well as the inertia in matters of management of the citizens themselves, it can be stated that achieving target indicators for reducing energy losses will be conditional. This problem is partly being resolved within the framework of the implementation of programs for modernizing utility infrastructure, ongoing and overhaul housing stock using energy-saving technologies.

In particular, today many different technological solutions have been developed that allow

energy saving.

Koval S.P. provides the following list of measures to improve energy efficiency in housing and communal services.

Fuel saving in the production of thermal and electrical energy involves:

The use of recuperative and regenerative burners (allows the air supplied to the combustion chamber to be heated by recycling the heat of exhaust gases);

Automation of combustion modes (maintaining an optimal fuel-air ratio);

Application of flameless volumetric combustion. ITAC technology;

Combustion of solid fuel in a fluidized bed;

Heat recovery from exhaust gases of the smoke removal system, heating of source water or supply air;

Minimizing the amount of boiler blowdown;

Superstructure of existing water heating or

steam boilers with gas turbine units;

Magnetostrictive cleaning of internal surfaces of boilers from scale;

Elimination of air suction in gas ducts and linings through cracks and leaks;

Collection and return of condensate to the boiler;

The use of economizers for preheating feed water in deaerators;

Reuse of steam in boilers;

Application of steam jet injectors;

Using the energy released when the pressure of the main gas decreases to generate electrical and thermal energy;

Cogeneration, joint production of thermal and electrical energy;

Reconstruction of a boiler house into a mini-CHP with a gas turbine superstructure;

Trigeneration, cogeneration

electrical, thermal energy, cold;

Reactive power compensation at the facility level.

Increasing the energy efficiency of heating networks involves the implementation of the following measures:

Optimization of pipeline cross-sections during relaying;

Laying of pipe-in-pipe pipelines with polyurethane foam insulation;

Replacing mineral wool insulation with

polyurethane foam with metal


Replacement of metal pipes with asbestos-cement ones;

Electrochemical protection of metal pipelines;

Application of remote diagnostic systems for the condition of pipelines;

Application of reasonable modes for reducing coolant temperature;

Elimination of suction of groundwater and wastewater into underground heating mains;

Installation of heat meters at central heating stations;

Replacement of inefficient shell-and-tube heat exchangers at central heating stations with plate ones. Elimination of leaks;

Installation of variable frequency drives to maintain optimal pressure in the networks (energy savings of 20-25% and reduction of accidents);

Closure of inefficient and unloaded boiler houses;

Carrying out measures to optimize the thermal conditions of the central heating station building and reuse heat from return network water and exhaust ventilation;

Carrying out measures to introduce an energy-efficient lighting system (replacing incandescent lamps with fluorescent and LED lamps, washing windows, painting walls in light colors);

Installation of adjustable valves for heat supply to loaded sections of heating mains;

The use of mobile measuring systems for diagnosing the condition and supply of heat, as well as for regulating heat supply;

Installation of heat meters at the heat supply inputs of buildings;

Introduction of cluster automated dispatching systems for central heating stations;

Complex hydraulic balancing of heating networks;

Official adoption of energy efficiency indicators in operating heating network organizations and central heating centers;

Bonus payments to employees operating heating networks and central heating stations, taking into account energy efficiency indicators.

Increasing energy efficiency

electrical networks and lighting systems involves the implementation of the following activities:

Elimination of underload of transformers (less than 30%)

Elimination of transformer overload;

Overload exception long sections distribution networks;

Installation of reactive power compensators at consumers;

Introduction of a distributed energy grid for reactive power compensation;

Elimination of current leaks on underground mains;

Timely replacement of insulators on power lines;

Improving the quality of electrical energy (use of shielding, energy-saving FORCE system);

Increasing the load of asynchronous motors (the load should be more than 50%);

The use of automatic switches from the “delta” connection to the “star” connection in light-load modes;

Replacement of asynchronous motors with synchronous ones;

Application of variable frequency drives in ventilation systems of power grid facilities;

Automatic maintenance of a given level of illumination using frequency regulators for power supply of fluorescent lamps;

Replacement of mercury fluorescent lamps with sodium and metal halide lamps;

The use of LED lamps for street and emergency lighting;

Application of efficient electrical components of lamps;

Use of lighting fixtures with reflectors;

Application of equipment for zonal

shutdowns based on light levels;

Use of automatic switches for emergency lighting;

Regular cleaning of transparent elements

lamps and automatic sensors


Regular cleaning of window glass

production premises and the use of light colors when painting walls;

Using light guides to illuminate dark rooms;

Development of energy balance of networks and constant assessment of power consumption modes to reduce irrational energy costs;

Bonuses for employees operating electrical networks and network enterprises, taking into account energy efficiency indicators.

Increasing the energy efficiency of water supply systems involves:

Reduce water use per own needs in water intake stations;

Introduction of water circulation systems at water intakes;

Optimization of filter washing modes;

Application of water-air washing technology;

Installation of repair kits on socket joints (give the socket a high degree of tightness);

Use of variable frequency drives at pumps at heating points and pumping stations;

Replacing metal pipes with polyethylene (reducing losses for maintaining excess pressure in coded pipes);

Application of electrochemical protection systems for steel pipelines;

Introduction of modern shut-off, control and safety valves;

Application of bellows compensators for hydraulic shocks;

Rehabilitation of dilapidated sections of water supply networks;

Optimization of water supply system operation, dispatching and automation of network management;

Installation of network pressure sensors and regulators on network branches;

Changing the centralized hot water supply scheme from circulation to circulation-boosting;

Installation of water flow meters at the entrances of water consumption facilities;

Installation of process water meters on problematic branches;

Bonuses for employees performing

operation of the water supply system by management organizations, taking into account energy efficiency indicators.

Among the non-traditional methods of energy saving in housing and communal services Koval S.P. highlights:

Using the heat of formation waters and geothermal sources for heating and hot water supply;

Usage solar collectors For

additional hot water supply and heating of buildings;

Creation of a seasonal and daily heat accumulation system;

The use of steam jet injectors in

as effective heat exchangers for recycling low-grade heat from steam;

The use of steam jet injectors to replace circulation pumps;

Using heat pumps for heating and

DHW with the extraction of low-grade heat from: sewage and industrial water discharges; heat basements buildings; heat from solar collectors; warm exhaust ventilation; heating system return water; waters of the sea and open reservoirs;

The use of gas generating units to replace natural gas and heat supply;

Use of coal mine methane;

Production of pellets, peat briquettes and their use for gas generation and heating;

Using distributed energy systems to organize heat supply settlements;

Use of waste incineration plants in distributed energy systems;

Use of heat from return network water for snow melting plants.

The issue of energy saving in housing and communal services remains relevant for the city of Kazan. The city is actively working to modernize its municipal infrastructure and has experience in introducing energy-saving and energy-efficient technologies. In particular, modernization

communal infrastructure is being carried out as part of the implementation of capital repair programs and in preparation for the 2013 Universiade.

In 2010, a pilot project was fully implemented on the territory of the Khimgrad technopolis energy efficient home- "Green House". In preparation for the Universiade, which will be held in Kazan in 2013, the construction of sports facilities is carried out using energy-saving technologies, in particular, heat recovery systems are used. Heat recovery systems allow the heat generated in the ice rink's refrigeration machines to be used to heat the water in the pool. In priorities

Application of a radiatorless heating system -

warm floors, as well as warm walls - due to a fundamentally new system of insulation of external enclosing structures. Energy-saving lighting devices are widely used in the city. In addition, Kazan is

"pilot" site for the implementation of the project within the framework of federal program- “Energy efficient quarter”. The goal of the project is to modernize neighborhoods, neighborhoods and disseminate new technologies

energy and resource conservation throughout the country. 3 districts are participating in the project - Moskovsky, Novo-Savinovsky and Privolzhsky districts. Here, using the example of social facilities and various residential buildings, the most modern technologies energy resource saving. Primarily in social institutions and residential buildings energy-saving technologies have been introduced, such as the installation of communal heat metering devices, communal and apartment metering devices for hot and cold water supply; installation of devices

automated energy consumption accounting;

introduction of energy-saving lamps and technologies, automation of turning on lights in entrances; insulation of attics, basements, windows and entrance doors, translation separate houses for individual heating, etc. Also, one of the widely used technologies is the “thermal unit” system, designed to save heat due to the fact that they independently assess the weather situation - if the ambient temperature drops low, then the equipment will Residents' apartments are supplied with more coolant; if the air temperature is high enough, then the heating unit distributes the coolant so that there is no additional overheating and a comfortable temperature is set in the apartments.

In general, countries such as Japan, the USA and the European Union have extensive experience in the practical use and implementation of energy saving and energy efficiency technologies. It is advisable to use this experience when implementing energy efficient projects in housing and communal services in our country, taking into account regional characteristics.

Of particular importance is the appeal to the experience of working with the population in order to form appropriate energy-saving behavior. Energy saving at the level of an individual appears to be a serious problem, distinctive feature which is that authorities are often unable to show, for example, owners apartment building benefits from the introduction of energy-saving technologies, since the benefits are very remote or not always directly related to real economic benefits at the level of an individual consumer. In other words, a person, in his aspirations to improve the quality of his life, is not always guided only by considerations of saving financial resources; on the contrary, when it comes, for example, to health, he prefers to spend additional cash to purchase drinking water or a high-quality filter for purifying tap water, etc.

Analyzing the problem as a whole, one gets the impression that in the information

space, the emphasis is on the use of energy-saving technologies and technologies for increasing energy efficiency. The organizational and financial mechanisms for implementing measures in the field of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency in the housing and communal services sector remain hidden from public attention. In this regard, it is advisable in the process of studying foreign experience implementation of energy-saving projects in the housing and communal services sector, focus on studying these aspects. In addition, energy saving in the housing and public utilities sector of Russia involves solving problems taking into account the spatial, sectoral, demographic, transport, socio-economic and other specifics of Russian regions, as well as the presence or absence of energy resources in the region.


1. Koval, S.P. Energy saving in housing and communal services: 96 ways / S.P. Koval // (

2. Ibrasheva, L.R. The program of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency as a tool for the Strategy of sustainable development of the city (based on materials from Kazan) / L.R. Ibrasheva, A.M. Idiatullina // Vestnik KSTU. -2011. -No. 2. -P.198-212.

3. On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation: the federal law Russian Federation from 23.11. 2009. No. 261-FZ // Russian newspaper- Central issue. - 2009. - No. 5050 (226).

4. State energy saving program

increasing energy efficiency in

Russian Federation for the period until 2020/ (

5. At all Universiade 2013 venues there will be

apply energy saving technologies / (


6. Ilsur Metshin: “In the summer, the first energy-efficient quarter will appear in Kazan” / (http://


8. Gatiyatullina, D.A. Energy marketing as an effective way to energy saving: theoretical aspect/ D.A. Gatiyatullina// Vestnik Kazan. technol. unta. -2012. - T.15, No. 4. -P.149-159.

© L. R. Ibrasheva - Ph.D. social Sciences, Associate Professor department State and Municipal Administration and Sociology KNRTU, [email protected].

Zbigniew Brzezinski: “The life time of Russia is the life time of its housing and communal services”

We live in an era of rapid change and complexity. The standard of living, needs, value system, main types of resources and operating mechanisms. The importance of living comfort for the developing part of the world is growing every year.

In the near future, attention to housing and communal services, the quality and availability of housing and communal services will increase, both from the point of view of removing restrictions on socio-economic development municipalities, and from the point of view of realizing the capabilities of the individual and the development of human capital.

The importance of housing and communal services as the main sphere of urban economy is clearly recognized by authorities at all levels - federal, federal subjects, municipal. Problems that have accumulated over decades and have not been solved for a long time indicate a systemic crisis in the industry, which was doing without investment and accumulating physical wear and tear up to 70% on average for the industry, up to 90 and even almost 100% for a number of individual objects.

The equipment in use is based mainly on decisions from the middle of the last century; it is simply pointless to talk about obsolescence, and the level of energy efficiency is 2-3 times lower than the world average and 6-8 times lower than the level of developed countries in similar climatic conditions.

The possibility of transition to the use of new generation technologies and equipment is clearly recognized; a number of domestic consumers have the opportunity and use them in modern Russia on an individual basis, however, in order to transition to mass use, it is necessary to reform the industry, the problems of which are tied into the “Gordian knot” of domestic production.

Neglecting the peculiarities of the development of socio-technical systems threatens the emergence of neo-Luddism, when housing and communal services systems or their parts are not used or are decommissioned, one part of the economy “devours” another, and the system goes on a trajectory of self-destruction.

Currently, a number of strategic documents have been developed that set guidelines, goals, strategies and programs for reforming the housing and communal services. The documents provide the basis and opportunity to conduct active and targeted work on reforming the housing and communal services

A significant number of regulatory, administrative and methodological documents testify, on the one hand, to the seriousness of the authorities’ intentions, on the other hand, they confirm the situation of a systemic crisis, as a result of which a number of problems have accumulated, allowing only a comprehensive solution.

A significant number of problems are associated with the development processes of the system. For regions, including Moscow, a significant number of problems are transmitted from the federal level; many are born in conditions of corruption and an unformed state of law. The close interrelation of problems, the status of a city of federal significance, and common goals require joint consideration of these problems and joint work within the framework of an agreement between federal and city authorities.

The main directions of reform at the federal level are:

Development of competitive relations in the field of management and maintenance of housing stock;

Development of a system for managing the property complex of the public utility sector using concession agreements and other public-private partnership mechanisms;

Completion of the transfer of benefits and subsidies for housing and utilities to monetary form, which forms the basis of the reform of housing and communal services;

Development of a resource and energy saving system.

The main areas of reform in the Moscow Strategy 2025 are:

  • Improving the technical condition of the housing stock and the necessary volumes of its major repairs;
  • Dynamics of the cost of housing and communal services, taking into account the growth of household incomes and other factors;
  • Improving living conditions and public services in the city

Moscow is one of the few regions that used the professional potential of the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences to formulate a development strategy, including issues of reform and development of housing and communal services. Moscow should become a leading national center for the development and dissemination of innovations, a scientific and educational center of global importance. It is planned to create an international financial center in Moscow. These strategic goals impose high demands on the ecology of the urban environment, on the quality of municipal services, and on ensuring their uninterrupted provision at any time of the day. Therefore, the Housing and Communal Services Development Strategy is considered as one of the most important parts of the Moscow Development Strategy until 2025.

Strategic goals for the development of Moscow, the concentration of fixed assets of housing and communal services, the specifics of resources concentrating the country’s scientific and technical personnel and financial resources and related to solving problems at the federal level, doom Moscow to the role of a reform center, the role of a locomotive innovative development technologies and equipment for housing and communal services and a center for the diffusion of the latest technologies at the federal level.

A significant number of problems require the formation of a strategic management system at the federal and city levels (strategic management vertical), the involvement of civil society institutions in the processes of public control.

It is necessary to update the Moscow Strategy 2025, taking into account the impact of the crisis and the post-crisis period, intensifying reform and energy saving at the federal level, adjusting the goals and indicators for improving the quality of life and the efficiency of development of the socio-economic complex of Russia and housing and communal services in particular.

The significance and complex nature of the problems require joint efforts of federal and city authorities, attracting business within the framework of public-private partnerships and civil society institutions.

It is necessary to conduct a number of additional studies on the development of reforms in housing and communal services in the framework of the following areas:

Formation of SRO managers in the housing and communal services sector

Development of the institution of independent directors in corporate governance housing and communal services enterprises

Grant competitions for the development of strategies and programs for energy saving, innovative development and other issues of housing and communal services reform

Research work in the direction of “Energy efficient society”

Formation of a social minimum consumption of services in the housing and communal services sector

Development of social consumption standards

Introduction of social examination of draft laws in addition to anti-corruption examination

Housing and communal services in a network state and the development of direct democracy in the sphere of life support systems practices.

    Communal services are independent organizations and enterprises, repair and construction institutions, operational institutions, directorates; transport organizations.

    The main function of housing and communal services: ensuring normal living conditions for the population and the functioning of urban structures. Specific characteristics, commodity essence, divisibility and exclusivity of the public services sector.

    Rules for the return of financial support provided from the funds of the Housing and Communal Services Fund (HCF) in the Russian Federation. The main results of the conference call between the management of the Housing and Utilities Reform Fund and representatives of the regions.

    Problematic situation. Analysis of the state of housing and communal services. Analysis of the progress of housing and communal services reform. Creation of economic mechanisms in housing and communal services. Market mechanisms of functioning housing sector. Recommendations for the speedy reform of housing and communal services.

    Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus Belarusian State Economic University ABSTRACT on the topic “Ways to save fuel and energy resources in housing and communal services and consumer services”

    Determination of the goals, necessity and main directions of modernization of housing and communal services in the Republic of Bashkorstan. Study of investment opportunities in housing and communal services and analysis of the main and additional sources investing in the modernization of the housing and communal services system.

    Housing legislation and issues social support population. Functioning and reforming the sphere of housing and communal services of the territories. Transformation of the system of financing enterprises and organizations of housing and communal services and its territorial differentiation.

    Studying the history of the formation and development of the housing and communal services market in Russia. Consideration of the current state, government regulation and main measures to create a competitive and investment-attractive environment in the housing sector.

    The structure of housing and communal services, remote management of its facilities, accounting and calculation of payments for utilities. Creation and organization of work of unified information and settlement centers using the example of Moscow districts.

    Current state and concept of housing and communal services reform. Targets, main directions and most important measures for the system of ensuring quality standards for the provision of housing and communal services and living conditions for citizens.

    Analysis of priority areas and strategies of state policy in the field of housing and utilities. Tariff regulation as an instrument of public policy in public utilities. Attracting investment in the housing and communal services sector of municipalities.

    Identification of the main problems in the development of housing and communal services in Russian regions in the chronically increasing non-payments of citizens for services provided. Prerequisites, content and difficulties of reforming the financing system of this industry.

    Characteristics of the urban service sector. Municipalization is the transfer of property rights by government authorities. Description of the municipal economy. Problems of reforming the housing and communal services enterprise. Municipal housing management.

    Abstract on the topic: Problems of using energy resources by Stanislav Tretyak, a student of grade 11-B Tretyak Dnepropetrovsk Contents page Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

    Methodological aspects of solving energy saving problems of various enterprises. Examination of energy facilities. Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the project. Selection of the main evaluation criterion when constructing a priority series of ESM. An example of an expert assessment.

    General problems of management and reform of housing and communal services. Public policy reform, tasks of local governments to reform the housing and communal services. general characteristics state of housing and communal services, main directions of development.

    Objectives and priorities of the energy strategy, parameters of energy security and efficiency. Features of environmental safety of energy, budget efficiency. The main similarities and differences between the principles of energy policy in Russia and the United States.

    Definition, current state, history of development, life cycle power industry of Belarus. Study of the economic potential and features of the formation of the market structure of the industry. Development of the fuel and energy complex in Belarus.

    Problems of development and execution of "Programs" integrated development heat supply systems". Modeling of conditions under which existing systems would operate at the level of an "ideal organization". Development investment programs local authorities.

The ultimate goals of energy and resource saving policy in the housing and communal services sector are to reduce production costs and the cost of services of housing and communal services enterprises and, accordingly, soften the process of reforming the system of payment for housing and utilities for the population during the transition of the industry to a break-even operating mode.

For housing and communal services in the field of energy and resource conservation, it is necessary to focus on the following areas:
1) saving on resource consumption and reducing heat loss:
- thermal insulation, increasing the thermal resistance of building envelopes;
- modernization of heat and water supply systems;
- use of non-traditional energy sources;
- accounting of energy resources and water;
2) regulation of energy and water consumption.

The main activities of the first direction include:
- additional thermal insulation of enclosing structures;
- gradual replacement of central heating substations with block-modular substations;
- introduction, where economically feasible, of decentralized heat supply sources;
- reduction of heat loss in engineering networks through a gradual transition to modern pipelines, including heating networks with polyurethane foam insulation;
- optimization of operating modes of heat and water supply networks through the introduction of automated control systems and adjustable drives of pumping units, replacement of pumps with an increased installed capacity;
- reconstruction of heating points using efficient thermomechanical equipment (for example, plate water heaters);
- the use in heat and water supply systems, instead of surface heat exchangers (boilers), of transonic jet-nozzle devices that simultaneously combine the functions of a heat exchanger and a pump and do not contain rotating and rubbing parts;
- widespread use of equipment for monitoring and diagnosing the condition of the internal surface of equipment and heat and water supply systems;
- application of the latest methods and technologies to remove deposits from heat exchange equipment, boilers, water supply systems and wells;
replacement of worn-out shut-off valves and sanitary devices in apartments and individual houses;
- conversion of boiler houses, where possible, to gas fuel;
- optimization of combustion processes in boiler furnaces and implementation of optimal control schedules using automation and control means, redistribution of heat loads due to ringing of heating networks;
- use of back-pressure turbines in boiler houses, installed parallel to the throttling device, to generate additional electricity;
- ensuring water treatment regimes, prohibiting the commissioning of boiler houses (both those completed with new construction and after major repairs of equipment) that are not equipped with water treatment units and have not passed operational and commissioning tests within the established time frame;
- replacement and cleaning of networks using new cleaning methods;
- carrying out routine adjustment work in heating networks and heating and hot water supply systems of buildings.

The use of non-traditional energy sources should be considered as one of the promising areas of energy and resource conservation in housing and communal services, which is also one of the aspects of solving environmental problems.

The second direction provides for the mandatory use of devices for metering and regulating energy consumption, which is provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Energy Saving”, Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as by resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation “On urgent measures for energy saving” No. 1087 dated 02.11.1995 and “On increasing the efficiency of use of energy resources and water by enterprises and organizations of the public sector” No. 832 dated 06.08.1997.

The total need of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for heat and water meters to equip the entire housing stock, healthcare facilities, education, etc. is more than 130 million units. Of these, about 24 million heat meters are needed to meter thermal energy, over 66 million water meters to meter hot and cold water, and more than 40 million gas meters to meter gas.

When developing a specific instrumentation program, it is necessary to resolve issues such as:
- selection and optimization of the range of technical means (metering devices, regulation, metrological support, means of operational collection and processing of information, dispatching, etc.);
- assessment of the volume of need for technical means;
- determining the need to change heat and water supply schemes for instrument metering and especially apartment-by-apartment metering;
- determination of the optimal order of work, taking into account the technical and economic capabilities of the region (municipality).

The primary task is to equip metering units at the boundaries of areas of responsibility between the systems of JSC Energo, heat and water supply sources of other ministries and departments, as well as municipal heat supply organizations. The analysis shows that in most cases, actual heat consumption is 40-80% of the calculated heating and hot water supply loads.

Priority tasks also include equipping with metering devices for inputs into buildings and premises occupied by public sector organizations. The implementation of such activities allows for budgetary organizations and municipal enterprises save payments for heat and water from 15 to 60%.

At the entrances to public buildings, pressure regulators should also be installed to minimize excess pressures, which cause irrational water consumption from taps and leaks from sanitary fittings.

Among the priority measures, it is necessary to especially note the creation of a system that ensures the widespread installation and maintenance of metering units, as well as devices for regulating the consumption of heat, water and other energy resources.

Accounting organization schemes should be developed for all levels of consumption - thermal district, residential neighborhood, homeowners' association, residential building, apartment. In all cases, one should strive to minimize the fleet of metering devices and reduce their range. The choice of energy and water metering schemes, as well as measuring instruments for use at metering units, must be made by their owner in agreement with heat and water supply organizations.

To ensure the practical implementation of energy and resource saving projects in housing and communal services, it is necessary to create an effective economic mechanism, which includes market incentives and clear measures to support energy conservation measures.

1. The most significant and quickly payback measures to increase the thermal protection of the building envelope are measures to reduce heat consumption through transparent fences, especially for reconstructed buildings, by reducing the glazing coefficient, excess transmission losses and heat losses due to infiltration.

2. Insulation of external walls, coverings and ceilings up to the level of requirements of SNiP P-3-79 (1998), stage II, gives a lesser effect and is cost-effective for new construction, as well as for the reconstruction of large-panel houses, where the additional effect associated with operational expenses for repairing facades, joints, etc. For other buildings, the payback period exceeds 10 years, and for old buildings it reaches 20 years.

3. A less significant effect on insulating the building shell by glazing balconies and loggias is achieved by using ordinary glass (payback period up to 9 years); When using special glass, the payback period increases to 20 years. However, it is advisable to include glazing in a house reconstruction project, since residents, by glazing their summer areas on their own, thereby violate appearance buildings.

4. Among the measures aimed at saving heat in engineering systems residential buildings, the greatest economic efficiency for new construction is the use of mechanical ventilation systems with heat recovery from exhaust air, including using a heat pump, for the needs of hot water supply (payback period 4-6 years), apartment energy metering and automatic individual control of heat transfer heating devices. Payback of costs here should be expected in 1.5-2 years for a reconstructed fund and in 5-6 years for new construction. Heating systems during reconstruction can be carried out either according to horizontal two-pipe or according to generally accepted schemes: single-pipe with lower or upper wiring, and in new buildings - with apartment wiring.

5. For gasified residential buildings with large area apartments (old stock) as an alternative to the central one (from autonomous boiler houses), local (apartment) heating and hot water supply from individual gas heat generators can be used. If necessary, heating of common premises in this case should be carried out with electrical appliances, including storage devices, operating according to a forced energy consumption schedule with payment at a two-rate tariff.

Based on the above, it can be noted that the main ways to reduce energy resources are, on the one hand, the selection and installation of energy-efficient units, equipment and systems of heat and water sources, networks for their transportation to consumers (buildings); on the other hand, eliminating existing overexpenditures and excess heat and water losses by increasing the level and quality of operation.

The first of these ways of energy saving are medium- or long-term measures with a payback period of at least 4-7 years and are costly. These activities require design, construction and installation work, which requires significant financial costs due to bank loans and investments. The payback period for these costs, including repayment of loans with interest, goes beyond the time frame of the housing and communal services reform.
The second of the ways of energy saving are short-term with implementation and obtaining an economic effect within 1-2 years. They can be low-cost and even cost-free if the effect is achieved only by changing the modes or regulations of technological processes. These activities essentially include mainly work to improve the level and quality of operation existing systems heat and water supply for housing and communal services facilities.

The word “energy efficiency,” which is included in the name of your council, has long had a purely “production” meaning and was used in relation to equipment, vehicles, etc. And recently it has been increasingly used in connection with the housing and communal services reform. Some time ago, your council was one of the initiators of a Russian-German round table on the topic “Financing energy efficiency projects in housing and communal services.” What explains the intrusion of energy efficiency problems into the complex set of problems of the domestic housing and communal services?

To answer this question, you will have to start from afar. As is known, fast growth and exorbitantly large utility bills have become one of the most pressing social problems in our country. On average, each Russian family spends 22% on housing and communal services, according to the Chairman of the Federation Council Sergei Mironov. total income. True, this amount varies greatly depending on different regions. In Moscow, for example, it does not exceed 10% - this is achieved through huge subsidies covered from local budget. Other regions are also trying to keep utility bills within more or less reasonable limits by partially financing the housing and communal services sector.

However, this order will soon come to an end. Looming on the horizon is a widespread increase in the payment of utility services by the population to 100% (which means a complete rejection of all kinds of additional payments at the expense of the budget), which the authorities have been talking about for several years. At first they were going to do this in 2006, then the deadline was postponed to 2010. And some subjects of the Federation, for example Tatarstan, managed to reach this milestone. But not everyone was lucky, and a number of regions were allowed to switch to 100% payment for housing and communal services only in 2012.

How much should the average Russian family pay for utilities? According to the same Sergei Mironov, no more than 10% of total income. The most striking thing is that, according to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, in fact, the share of spending on utilities per family in 2009 did not exceed 8% and even in 2012 will be 9.5%. Of course, these figures are nothing more than the notorious “average temperature in the hospital.” And we have many regions where costs for housing and communal services reach 15-20 and even 25% of the family budget.

The population reacts to this simply: millions of citizens underpay for utilities, and many do not pay a penny for months or even years, especially since the legislation does not clearly define the mechanisms for repaying debts. As the minister said regional development Russia Victor Basargin, at the end of last year the population owed housing and communal services enterprises 64.9 billion rubles, and accounts payable organizations providing housing and communal services exceeds 79 billion rubles.

There is only one way to solve the problem: to develop and begin to implement a program to improve the energy efficiency of housing and communal services. The economic effect can be truly colossal, because housing and communal services consume up to 45% of thermal and 20% of electrical energy produced in the country. That is why it is necessary to more actively introduce such technologies for energy supply to buildings and such designs of residential buildings so that the costs of their heating, supply of water and electricity are reduced, and along with them, payments for utility services are reduced.

– In my opinion, something is already being done in this direction. In the immediate vicinity of the house where I live, several five- and twelve-story buildings were “sheathed” with slabs of thermal insulation material, and then lined with elegant plastic. I read in the newspapers that heating costs for such houses have dropped dramatically. Although their residents say that this did not affect the payment for housing and communal services...

– It should have been reflected. And if the payment for heating the apartment has not decreased, this should be dealt with not by the utility company servicing the house, but by criminologists.

I believe that readers of the Trade and Industrial Vedomosti newspaper will be interested to know that most new buildings in Moscow and other cities are now being constructed using heat-saving materials and are therefore considered energy efficient. Already this year, new residential buildings should be on average 15% more energy efficient than those built in 2010, in 2015 – by 30% and in 2020 – by 40%.

– Now let’s talk about the Russian-German round table held in the Federation Council on the topic “Financing energy efficiency projects in housing and communal services,” of which you were one of the organizers. Why was it Russian-German? After all, we have a lot of our own specialists working on solving energy efficiency problems. And who on the Russian side took part in it?

– We invited German specialists, since Germany is one of the technological leaders in the world in the field of energy efficiency: there is a lot to learn from the Germans. The round table meeting was attended by members of the Federation Council and the State Duma, senior managers of housing and communal services institutions from more than thirty constituent entities of the Federation, scientists, experts, representatives of Russian and German business circles.

The round table meeting was opened by Chairman of the Federation Council Sergei Mironov. In particular, he particularly noted the high efficiency of capital investments in housing and communal services. Investments in this industry bring even more economic effect than investments in the mineral resource complex, since they pay off in just three to five years. Sergei Mironov reported that Russia has developed and adopted special programs to improve energy efficiency, the state has allocated 17 billion rubles for this purpose. It is important that they are spent rationally, because, according to the Chairman of the Federation Council, “... our housing and communal services are a huge “black hole” into which a huge amount of energy resources and financial resources fall.”

– The participation of German specialists in solving our energy efficiency problems was limited only to their presence at the round table meeting or are they already working on Russian market?

– Yes, they work, and quite fruitfully. The head of the representative office of the German banking group KfW spoke about this (“ Credit Institute on restoration") in Russia Daniil Algulyan. KfW has recently financed a number of large-scale projects in Russia for total amount more than 3 billion euros. The banking group’s specialists conducted more than three hundred consultations in our country, mainly in the area of ​​solving energy efficiency problems.

– What assessment did the round table participants give to the state of the Russian public utilities sector from the perspective of energy efficiency?

– Mostly sharply critical. Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Energy Ivan Grachev said that the wear and tear of heating networks in Russian cities exceeds 60% and at least 500-600 billion dollars are required to repair them. It is naive to believe that this can be done at the expense of the population - it is impossible to collect such a colossal amount by increasing tariffs. This means that the state will continue to participate in the reconstruction and renovation of housing and communal services.

The deputy rightly pointed out that the law on energy efficiency in Russia is imperfect and, in particular, unreasonably repressive. For example, it provides for fines for apartment owners if they do not install temperature sensors. But such sensors are expensive, and 60% of citizens are not able to purchase them. This means that certain subsidies need to be provided here too. low-income citizens for the purchase and installation of sensors - you can’t do without it.

– From everything you just said, it directly follows that energy efficiency issues are the core of the housing and communal services reform, and it’s hard to disagree with this. But what exactly needs to be done so that the ideas and principles of energy efficiency “capture the masses” and become the subject of attention of all organizations involved in this reform? And what needs to be done to ensure that energy efficiency opens a green street at all levels government controlled?

– Without the participation of the state, such complex and multifaceted problems as the widespread introduction of energy efficiency principles cannot be solved. It is necessary to develop government instruments for financial support of energy efficient projects. They should include subsidizing loans for these purposes, co-financing, sharing the risks of companies with the state, etc. In addition, a more favorable investment climate should be created in the housing and communal services sector. Investments in energy-saving technologies, in economical home heating systems and in buildings of modern designs that save heat and electricity should become more profitable for investors.

– What contribution to solving all these problems can and is going to be made by the Advisory Council on Innovation, Modernization and Energy Efficiency?

– I believe that the Russian-German round table organized by our council is the first experience in mastering the achievements of many foreign countries in the field of energy efficiency. In Europe, North America, and East Asia there are impressive achievements in introducing energy efficiency principles in housing and communal services. Using this experience can be extremely useful for Russia, and we will try to develop a creative use of this experience. In addition, we see our task as helping to attract foreign investment to innovative facilities of our country.

I believe that, relying on the high authority of the Federation Council among the population, we will contribute to the intensification of information and educational activities and public support for measures aimed at increasing energy efficiency in a variety of areas. Therefore, I will repeat once again what I said at the very beginning: if we want sooner or later payments for housing and communal services to decrease and become more affordable, we need to persistently and purposefully address issues of energy efficiency in this industry. There is no other way.

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