Refund of social tax deduction for education. Required documents for tax deduction for education: list and requirements. How to apply for a tax deduction for education

The national program “Maternity Capital” was created with the goal of increasing the birth rate in the country and consisted of financial support for families who decided to have two or more children.

A decade has passed since V.V. Putin approved this law project, which came into force almost immediately. Today residents Russian Federation take maternity capital for granted.

True, many still have questions about this state program. The most popular of them: what can you spend maternity capital on? In our article we will try to give detailed answers and tell the reader about what awaits him in the coming years.

What is the essence of the program

Matkapital is a significant financial support for all families, especially for those raising not one child, but two or more. Many modern parents, despite the difficult economic situation in the country, dream of having at least two children. And here the State offers no small amount. Why not? But it's not that simple. Maternity capital is received as a certificate that cannot be cashed out, but can be used for certain purposes.

This program has been in effect since January 1, 2007. It was initially assumed that it would expire in December 2016, but the President of the Russian Federation decided to extend it. So far only for two years. An option is now being considered to extend it until 2025.

Maternity capital is issued not only for the second child, but also for the third, fourth and subsequent children born no earlier than 2007.

Over the 10 years of its existence, maternity capital has been indexed several times. During this time, the amount on the certificate almost doubled.

Today it is 453,026 rubles. It has remained this way since 2015, since its growth has been suspended since 2016, and so far government officials are in no hurry to resume it. This is recorded in Law No. 415-FZ “On the Federal Budget” dated December 19, 2016.

A certificate for maternity capital can only be obtained if the couple has a second child. It does not belong to the one born. The whole family can use it. Therefore, when deciding on what to spend maternity capital on, you have the right to do what will be more profitable for your unit of society.

Who can count on receiving a certificate

Based on the name of the capital, it is clear that the mother of two or more children receives it. If for some reason she cannot do this, then the following persons have the right to draw up the document:

  • the father, if the mother is incompetent, deprived of parental rights or died;
  • a child under the age of majority;
  • a teenager undergoing full-time training;
  • young people under 23 years of age due to their parents’ deprivation of support from the state.

Based on Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006, you have the right to a certificate not only after the birth of your second child, but also after his adoption.

This program is national, so only citizens of the Russian Federation or persons with dual citizenship who have moved to another country for permanent residence can apply for maternity capital.

How to get a certificate

For getting maternity capital You should contact the territorial representative office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or any MFC. This can be done either personally or through a legal representative.

The procedure for obtaining a certificate is simple and does not take much time. If all the documents are in order, then in a month you will legally be able to think about what you can buy with maternity capital.

In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 1180n dated October 18, 2011, to obtain a certificate, you must submit the following package of documents:

  • statement;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • birth certificate of each child;
  • if the children are adopted, then a court decision on their adoption.

The requirement of Pension Fund employees to present other documents (extracts from the house register, etc.) is illegal.

If the father is going to apply for maternity capital, then in addition to the above papers, he must have official confirmation that the mother of the children cannot engage in this procedure.

This could be:

  • death certificate;
  • a court decision declaring her missing;
  • a court decision to deprive her of parental rights.

If the child himself is applying for maternity capital, then to the standard package, you will need to add one of the exact same documents, but for both parents.

Citizens of the Russian Federation who do not have permanent registration can indicate the address of their actual residence in the application.

One month after submitting the documents, the applicant will be notified by registered mail of acceptance government agency decision. If it is positive, then he can only visit the Pension Fund again and pick up the certificate.

Maternity capital: what can you use it for?

Initially, using a certificate you could:

  • buy a home;
  • pay for the child's education;
  • start forming a funded pension for the mother.

Later, the Government of the Russian Federation made it possible to repay part of the previously taken at the expense of maternity capital mortgage loan.

In addition, the national assistance program for families with two or more children was changed as follows:

  • 2011. It became possible to transfer money to the bank account of its owner. This way the family could build their own house.
  • 2015 Now, to use mother capital to make an initial fee For a mortgage, you do not need to wait until the child turns 3 years old.
  • 2016 the capital can be used for the technical rehabilitation of disabled children.

During economic crisis(2009-2010) once a year, a family could apply to receive cash in the amount of 12 thousand rubles from maternity capital funds. The same situation repeated itself in 2015, only the payment increased to 20 thousand rubles.

The possibility of the family purchasing a car using maternal capital was repeatedly discussed. Officials wanted to transfer the money to a parent's deposit account so that the family could receive interest every month. Payments for education to parents were also considered.

Unfortunately, the purchase of the car, as well as the subsequent two proposals, were not approved.

Today, with the help of capital you can:

  • Optimize living conditions, provided that the house or apartment is located in our country. So that Russian citizens living abroad can also use maternity capital.
  • Pay for the child's education.
  • Start forming your mother's funded pension.
  • To carry out social adaptation of disabled children.

To make it easier for you to decide on the use case state support, let's look at each of them in more detail.

How to use a certificate for improvement of living conditions

If previously you had to wait until your second child’s third birthday to use maternity capital to purchase real estate, then starting in 2015, this was no longer necessary. The government passed this law to make people more willing to improve their living conditions. And it was right - this is the most popular way to implement a certificate.

What can you spend maternity capital on when choosing this direction of the program? Today, Russian families have the following options:

  • purchase of residential premises: apartment or house;
  • matkapital - as a down payment on a mortgage;
  • repayment of a previously taken out mortgage loan;
  • investing in shared construction of a residential building;
  • renovating a private residential building or increasing its area;
  • construction of a private house in which it is possible to live all year round;
  • receiving compensation for the costs of building a house if it was carried out at the expense of own funds(if payment documents are available).

Buying a house on plot of land, you will need to draw up two sales contracts: for land - separately, for construction - separately. The funds received from the state can only compensate for housing costs.

If your family has decided to solve their housing problems using the national program, be prepared to present the following documents to the Pension Fund:

  • relevant statement;
  • certificate;
  • passport;
  • SNILS;
  • purchase and sale agreement for a house or apartment;
  • permission to build (repair) a residential building;
  • an obligation certified by a notary that all family members are the owners of the purchased (built) housing;
  • mortgage agreement;
  • a bank statement containing information about the principal mortgage debt and the interest accrued on it.

How can you use a child's education certificate?

Initially this direction the use of maternal capital may seem absolutely unprofitable. Of course, education at universities is now almost all paid. And expensive. But is it worth saving funds for this until the child graduates from school? Moreover, their indexing has long been stopped..

With money received from the state you can pay for:

  • the child’s stay in kindergarten;
  • obtaining education at any university, regardless of whether the first child is studying or subsequent ones (only age matters - no older than 25 years);
  • accommodation in a student dormitory.

If a child has been expelled from an educational institution, you have the right to write an application to the Pension Fund, which will return the amount not spent on education back to the account. The funds remaining on it can be sold in any other way offered by the program.

If you want the state to help pay for all or part of your child’s education, contact the Pension Fund with the following package of documents:

  • statement;
  • certificate;
  • the applicant's passport;
  • SNILS;
  • an agreement on educating a child on a commercial basis;
  • a copy of the educational institution’s accreditation certificate;
  • a rental agreement for residential premises, if the goal is to pay for a hostel.

How to use a certificate for the funded part of your mother’s pension

As statistics show, of all the options, this is one of the most unpopular among residents of the Russian Federation. The number of capital certificate holders who choose it does not even reach 1%.

If a family does not experience housing problems and is confident that it can easily pay for their children’s education using their own funds, then why not take care of the mother’s future pension?

Moreover, if she changes her mind, the law will not prohibit the withdrawal of funds from the savings account of the Pension Fund. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s state-owned or not. After that, she will be able to use them at her own discretion, if it does not contradict the terms of the program.

If the mother did not live to see retirement, the savings accumulated thanks to maternal capital will be received by the first-line heirs: the husband and children.

Certificate for social adaptation of disabled children

Maternity capital will come in handy if there is a disabled child in the family. After all, his treatment and subsequent rehabilitation cost large sums money. Unfortunately, to compensate the costs in in this case not just difficult, but impossible.

This is because maternity capital can be used:

  • to very specific technical devices for rehabilitation, and within the framework of a program drawn up individually for a disabled child;
  • for devices and manipulations not included in list b
  • free

Use funds received from the state for national program, it cannot be used as payment for treatment - in the Russian Federation it is free. But quotas, for example, for operations are not enough to provide even half of the population with them. And some types of surgical intervention are not performed at all in Russia.

In addition, the certificate can only be sold as compensation for the cost of rehabilitation equipment already purchased. Very often they are so expensive that families simply do not have the money for them.

Today it is difficult to say whether such a necessary program of assistance to compatriots will be continued. And what can be purchased with maternity capital. But let’s hope that this bill will not be curtailed and will be improved in the near future.

To contribute to the rehabilitation of the economy and the growth of the country’s welfare, the government is creating special projects. In order to support young families and improve their standard of living, the state created the Maternity Capital program.

Citizens of Russia who have had a second child can become its owners.

Without a doubt, such a program contributes to the fact that the population is not afraid to give birth to a second or third baby. It is constantly being developed and supplemented.

Therefore, it is important for parents to know when they can use maternity capital after the birth of a child and what changes have occurred in 2019.

In accordance with the law, money from maternity capital can be used for certain purposes three years after the birth of a second baby in the family.

But many families find it quite difficult to provide for their children; they do not have enough financial resources, so the state allows them to receive a lump sum payment.

Thus, 25,000 rubles from maternity capital can be obtained for the needs of the family.

Maternity capital is a certificate issued by the state to a family that has had a second child.

The legislation does not establish specific deadlines for when exactly this certificate must be obtained. It can be issued at any time after the right to it arises.

To receive family capital, you must meet the following conditions:

  1. The mother has a second child.
  2. The mother had a third and subsequent child, but the maternity capital had not been formalized before.
  3. A man can become the owner of maternity capital if he is considered the adoptive parent of a second or subsequent child.
  4. When dad is recognized as the only parent due to the death of mom, deprivation of her parental rights, or the mother has committed a crime against her own children, then dad can issue a certificate.
  5. A mother can become the owner of a certificate if her children’s father died, was deprived of parental rights, or committed a crime against his children.
  6. A minor child also has the right to obtain maternity capital in cases where he was left without parents who were entitled to receive a certificate.
  7. A child under 23 years of age who is left without parental care and is studying to become an owner of maternity capital can full-time studying at an educational institution. At the same time, no other additional professional education programs are applied to the child.

If the applicant meets at least one of the above conditions, then he has the right to become the owner of maternity capital. To do this, he should contact the pension fund office at his place of residence.

The amount of maternity capital in 2019 is 453,026 rubles. The figure has not changed since 2016.

But previously this amount was subject to indexation and increased in accordance with rising inflation. For example, in 2007, maternity capital was 250,000 rubles.

In 2016, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection made a proposal to freeze the indexation of maternity capital for the period from 2017 to 2020.

Therefore, the amount of maternity capital will not grow in the near future; accordingly, the procedure for registering and using certificate funds for this moment has the meaning.

To receive maternity capital, you need to contact the Pension Fund branch at the recipient’s place of registration. This can be done personally or through a proxy. The second option involves having a notarized power of attorney.

The certificate is issued taking into account certain principles:

To obtain a certificate you will need the following list of documents:

  1. Application for maternity capital.
  2. Identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  3. Birth documents for all children. In case of adoption - adoption certificates.
  4. Documents that confirm that children have Russian citizenship. They can be stamps or certificates from the migration service.
  5. Documents confirming the registration of the children's legal representative or proxy.

The list of documents presented above is standard, but in some cases the fund may require additional information.

The pension fund satisfies almost all applications for a certificate. Refusal is possible only if there are compelling reasons.

The application is considered for 1 month. During this time, the department checks the submitted documents and makes a decision.

After agreement, Pension Fund must notify the applicant of the decision within 5 working days and set a date for issuing the certificate.

Having received maternity capital, parents can exercise the right to receive financial support from the state. The government has adopted several federal laws that regulate the procedure for receiving money.

It is important to consider that adult family members will not be able to manage money at their own discretion.. You cannot use all the funds at once.

The law strictly defines cases when parents can use maternity capital or part of it immediately after the birth or adoption of a child. These measures mainly involve attracting credit funds.

Maternity capital can be spent for the following purposes:

  1. Improvement of living conditions, purchase, construction or reconstruction of housing.
  2. Education of children in paid educational programs approved by the state.
  3. Payment for maintenance in educational programs.
  4. Payment for rented housing or dormitory for the period of children's education.
  5. Creation pension savings for the mother in a non-state pension fund.
  6. Purchase of goods and services aimed at social adaptation and integration into society of disabled children.

It should be taken into account that cash from maternity capital in 2019 cannot be spent on payment medical care children with disabilities, which is described in Article 10 of the federal law “On the social protection of children with disabilities in the Russian Federation”.

For many large families The actual question is when can you receive payment from maternity capital.

Previously, parents could not use money from certificates for the family’s personal needs.

But since 2015, a one-time payment was introduced as an anti-crisis measure. Since 2016, every family that has 2 or more children can receive one-time financial assistance.

The territorial factor does not affect the amount of benefits.

Thus, all maternity capital cannot be received in cash, but a one-time payment is allowed, the amount of which is 25,000 rubles.

All families, regardless of need and the amount of funds that have already been used, are in the same conditions and can receive 25,000 from maternity capital in 2019.

Citizens who became parents of a second child this year also have this right. They can submit two applications at once: for the issuance of a certificate and for cashing out this amount.

The law that was in force previously specified the cutoff date for receiving payments from maternity capital—November 30, 2017. Citizens had less than six months to apply to the authorities for this amount.

Applications for 25,000 rubles are not currently accepted. This is due to the fact that there is no official order to allocate funds from the certificate for lump sum payments.

The amendment should come into force on July 23, 2019, when applications will begin to be accepted.

It is worth checking the information first. After this, you can come with the documents to the MFC or the Pension Fund.

Today, maternity capital can be used to buy a home at any time, without waiting three years. You can deposit the entire amount from the certificate, it is equal to 453,026 rubles.

But this money alone is not enough to buy an apartment, so many are forced to take out a loan or other housing loan from a bank.

If you already have debts to the bank related to the purchase of a home, you can use maternity capital to pay off the mortgage in full or in part.

It is the attraction credit organizations makes it possible to use the certificate to purchase housing immediately after the right to it arises.

It is important to consider that if a family has its own savings, then you can buy an apartment with an additional payment from these funds.

In this case, you will not have to take out a loan, but this can only be done three years after the birth of your second baby.

To use maternity capital to purchase housing, you must submit an application to the Pension Fund, where you indicate the purpose of using these funds.

The documents are checked within a month, but even after a positive decision is made, parents cannot withdraw money on their own. In this case, they will be transferred to the bank, home seller or developer.

It is worth considering that any attempts to withdraw funds from maternity capital in cash are illegal. Criminal liability is provided for such actions.

Moreover, if the owner of the certificate gives his consent to cashing, he is considered an accomplice to a criminal offense.

The only exceptions are one-time payments, receiving compensation for the costs of building housing or purchasing goods and services for disabled children.

In order for the Pension Fund to allocate funds for the purchase of an apartment, a family with children must fulfill the following conditions:

  1. The last condition of the Pension Fund requires that it be stated in contracts and that a written obligation be drawn up, certified by a notary. Wherein:
  2. This requirement must be fulfilled within six months after the funds are transferred to the seller or bank.
  3. The property of children and spouses is established in shares, by agreement between family members.

It is necessary to take into account the ownership rights of children who were born after the transaction was completed, but before the repayment of obligations with family capital and the final registration of ownership of the apartment.

Thus, in order to improve the lives of families with children, the state introduced a maternity capital certificate. It is allowed to be spent only on certain purposes when the child turns three years old.

This can be done at any time if the funds will be used to pay off a previously issued mortgage or to take out a new loan.

Maternity capital can be used to pay off the mortgage debt before the child turns three years old. It is only necessary to convince the Pension Fund of the targeted spending of the money borrowed from the bank. To do this, the parent needs to provide an agreement with the bank, documents for the purchased housing and some other papers. For attempting to deceive the state, you can be imprisoned for 10 years and pay a fine of up to 1,000,000 rubles.

By general rule parents only 3 years after the birth of the child. However, there are exceptions to this rule. Knowing about them, the family will be able to solve some pressing problems without waiting for a 3-year period.

Options for early use of “maternity” payment

The use of maternity capital funds until 3 years after the birth of a child was introduced shortly after the program began to operate. Lawmakers made concessions, realizing that sometimes the three-year wait for a federal payment is a heavy burden for parents. Families have been allowed to dispose of maternity capital ahead of schedule since 2009, allowing them to pay off mortgage loans immediately after the birth of the baby.

In the following, the list special occasions, under which allocated funds can be spent ahead of schedule, has been expanded. Parents have the right to use maternity capital until the child is 3 years old for the following needs:

  • to pay interest and principal mortgage debt, if the family took out a loan for construction or purchase of housing;
  • for the purchase of auxiliary and adaptation aids for a disabled child;
  • for the services of specialists who help a disabled child adapt to society.

Down payment on mortgage

Improving housing conditions is one of the areas on which citizens have the right to spend state capital. To solve this problem, parents often have to take out a mortgage. Banks, dividing the loan over many years, demand that part of it be repaid immediately. As a rule, it ranges from 10 to 30% total amount. A young family often does not have such a substantial amount available, and then maternity capital will become a great help for it.

Attention! Banks do not always agree to issue loans, knowing that they will be partially covered by maternal capital. This is due, in particular, to the fact that it takes quite a long time for the Pension Fund to transfer money - about 2 months after the conclusion of the agreement. Sometimes not available in banks credit programs, allowing you to accept the first payment using maternity capital.

Mortgage repayment

Experts say that this is the most popular option for spending maternity capital - 95% of families partially or fully pay off their mortgage.

By taking out a mortgage on real estate, the parent will receive ownership of it. However, in the documentation of Rosreestr a note will be made that the housing is given to him under bank collateral. To remove the encumbrance, the borrower must completely close the loan. Before this, he will not be able to dispose of the house or apartment at his own discretion.

The loan for an apartment is repaid with maternal payments as follows:

  • Having chosen a bank, the parent submits an application and attaches the necessary documents;
  • The application is processed within 2-7 days;
  • If the answer is positive, the search for suitable housing begins;
  • documents for an apartment (room, house) are provided to the bank;
  • agreement with the parent loan agreement;
  • the bank issues money;
  • the real estate sale transaction is registered, after which the parent pays the seller;
  • the owner of the family capital applies to the Pension Fund with an application for disposal of the allocated funds, attaching banking and housing documents;
  • The Pension Fund reviews the application within 30 days, and if officials do not see any violations, then the amount of maternity capital specified by the parent is transferred to the bank.

If the decision of the pension department is positive, the money will be financial institution are received within 2 months after the parent submits an application to the Pension Fund. When part of the mortgage loan is repaid, the bank draws up a new payment schedule for the borrower.

The law prohibits spending maternity capital:

  • to pay bank fines arising from late loan payments;
  • on penalties that were formed for the same reason.

Important! Banks do not have the right to refuse a parent to repay an already taken out mortgage loan with maternity capital. Such a refusal should be appealed in court.

Banks often offer clients more high interest rates on a mortgage when they find out that they are going to cover part of the debt with maternity capital.

The disadvantages of paying off a mortgage using this payment are described in the video:

Construction of a house using loan funds

Family capital is allowed to be used ahead of schedule to build a house if a loan was issued for this purpose. The pension fund will cover it (partially or in full) with a “maternity” payment if the holder of the certificate documents that the money borrowed from the bank was spent on building housing. This right has been available to family citizens since the beginning of 2016.

The house can be built on our own families or employed construction workers.

Targeted loan for housing

Parents do not have to borrow money for housing from the bank. Matkapital can be used to pay off debts to other organizations that lend funds legally: pawnshops, credit consumer cooperatives, etc.

One caveat has been made regarding credit consumer cooperatives: they must pass state registration 3 years (at least) before the money is lent to the parent.

However, taking targeted loans from such organizations is less profitable than from banks, since they are issued at high interest rates.

One-time payment

Last year, part of the family capital could be obtained in “real” money. In 2015, parents could.

A bill on such a one-time payment in 2017 is also being considered by the Government and deputies. There was even a proposal from the LDPR faction to increase its size to 50,000 rubles. However, until now the law on one-time cashing out of maternity capital this year was not adopted by legislators.

Documents required for transfer of maternity capital

To receive “maternal” money without waiting for a 3-year period, a citizen must contact the Pension Fund. There, in addition to his passport and certificate of family capital, he presents:

  • target loan/credit agreement concluded with a bank or other financial institution(copy, but have the original with you);
  • mortgage agreement that went through (copy with original);
  • a certificate provided by the bank (or other organization), which indicates the cash balance that the borrower is obliged to return to the lender;
  • a written undertaking by the owner of the certificate that within six months after the housing becomes his property, he will re-register it in the name of all members of his family (each of them will receive their share);
  • a certificate/extract from Rosreestr confirming that he owns a house or residential premises - if a resale property was purchased with a loan, or new flat, which has already been put into operation (copy with the original).

If the money was borrowed for unfinished housing, then, instead of a certificate (extract) of ownership of the object, the citizen provides other documents to the Pension Fund.

The specified documents are attached to the parent’s application, in which he asks to dispose of the family capital belonging to him in a certain way.

. The document is current as of August 2017.

You should obtain a receipt from the Pension Fund stating that the application and documents were accepted, indicating the date of this event. Officials make a positive or negative decision within 30 days.

What you can’t spend maternity capital on up to 3 years

Until a child reaches the age of three, the law seriously restricts the mother (or father) of the child in the disposal of maternal capital. It cannot be directed:

  • teaching one of the children raised in the family;
  • for the purchase, construction or reconstruction of housing directly (without involving a bank or other financial institutions);

Also, the Pension Fund will not transfer money as payment consumer loan, even if it was spent on solving the family’s housing problems. The credit (loan) must be targeted, that is, the agreement with the financial institution must state that the loan is used for the purchase/construction/reconstruction of a residential premises or house.

The law does not allow parents to use maternity capital if the loan was issued by a microfinance organization. This restriction was introduced in March 2015.

Responsibility for illegal use of maternal capital

Despite numerous criminal trials involving fraudulent parents and their accomplices, abuses of maternity capital continue to this day. Although the main illegal schemes are well known to law enforcement agencies:

  • the certificate received from the state is sold to another person - at par or cheaper;
  • deliberately false papers and information are provided to the Pension Fund;
  • older, cheaper housing is purchased than indicated in the documents;
  • non-existent real estate is purchased from an imaginary seller (using fictitious documentation);
  • Housing using maternal capital is purchased from close relatives, who continue to live in “their” apartment, returning part of the funds in cash.

In addition, there are many offers on the Internet to cash out payments through intermediary companies. These schemes are not only risky for greedy parents, who could be left homeless and financially homeless, but are also completely illegal. Possible frauds with maternity capital are described in the information video:

If a civil court recognizes a transaction involving maternity capital as imaginary, it will be terminated, and the federal payment will be returned to the state. If the recipient has already managed to dispose of it, he will have to return the money from his own funds. In this case, the bank commission for remittance.

Criminal cases are often initiated against enterprising businessmen under Art. 159.2 of the Criminal Code - for fraud in receiving payments. This special offense was introduced at the end of 2012. Since then, for such fraud you can be imprisoned for as long as 10 years and pay a fine of up to 1 million rubles.

Table 2. Maximum criminal penalty for fraud with maternity capital.

Act Maximum penalty
Fraudulent actions regarding family benefits (illegal receipt or expenditure, intentional misrepresentation, etc.) committed by parents alone. – fine 120,000 rubles;

– compulsory work – up to 360 hours;

– forced labor – up to two years;

– correctional labor – up to a year;

– arrest – up to 4 months.

The same actions committed by prior criminal conspiracy of persons. – fine 300,000 rubles;

– 4 years in prison.

The same actions committed on a large scale or using the official status of a participant in a crime. – fine 500,000 rubles;

– 6 years in prison.

The same actions committed by an organized group. – fine 1,000,000 rubles;

– 10 years in prison.

Higher education. Orenburgsky State University(specialization: economics and management of heavy engineering enterprises).
August 18, 2017.

Everyone has heard about this type state aid families with children as maternity capital, but many are not aware of existing restrictions in receiving and spending these funds. We propose to correct this knowledge gap.

From small lump sum payments, deductions for children and monthly benefits there is practically no sense, but maternity capital is a significant form of support that really helps to put children on their feet. MoneyMan will tell you what new and future parents should know about this.

What is maternity capital and who is entitled to it?

In January 2017, a happy event occurred in the Karapuzov family of Karina and Sergei - the second long-awaited child, Kolya, was born. The parents’ first-born is 16-year-old Kostya.

Meanwhile, their friends Detochkin are also planning a new baby - the couple are expecting a daughter. However, the father of the family, Danila, already has a son from his first marriage, who lives with him and his pregnant wife Daria, who did not adopt her husband’s child.

Both families became interested in the possibility of receiving maternity capital, as they heard that a subsidy is given for the birth of a second child in the family. We suggest you find out whether parents will receive help from the state.

Terms of service

The main provisions relating to maternity capital are regulated Federal law dated December 29, 2006 N 256-FZ “On additional measures state support for families with children.”

According to this act, maternity (family) capital (MSC) is the means federal budget, which are sent to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for additional financial support for families with children.

Basic provisions for MSK:

The parent and child, whose birth (adoption) gives the right to receive MSC, must have Russian citizenship;
the right to a subsidy arises on the birthday (adoption) of the 2nd and subsequent children;
You can exercise your rights, that is, spend MSK, only after the child turns 3 years old, thanks to whose appearance the right to state assistance arose;
MSK can only be spent on certain purposes;
MSC can be spent partially and for various purposes permitted by law.

The following are eligible to receive MSK:

Mothers who gave birth or adopted a 2nd child after January 1, 2007;
mothers who gave birth or adopted a 3rd (or subsequent children) after January 1, 2007;
fathers who are the sole adoptive parents of the 2nd and subsequent children, if the court made a decision on adoption after January 1, 2007;
fathers if the mothers of their children died or lost parental rights, but had the right to MSC (regardless of the father’s citizenship);
children if their only parent died or was deprived of parental rights, but had the right to MSC.

In the latter case, the amount of MSC is distributed in equal shares among all children of the only parent.

Karapuzova Karina is the mother of two children (boys Kolya and Kostya), and Kolya was born in January 2017. It turns out that the mother gave birth to her second baby after January 1, 2007, which means the Karapuzovs will receive MSC.

But the Detochkins will not be able to get help. The fact is that capital is issued either to mom or dad (the conditions are listed above), and not to the family. It turns out that there are actually 2 children in the family, but Daria will have a first-born, who is legally considered her only child, because she did not adopt Danila’s son.

On paper, Daria will be the mother of only one child, although she is raising two children. In this case, the Detochkins cannot count on MSC. Daria will receive the right to state assistance only after the adoption of her husband’s child.

Maternity capital amount

According to the law “On Additional Measures...” the amount of maternity capital is 250,000 rubles. But thanks to indexations, by 2016 its size reached 453,026 rubles. However, in 2016, for the first time during the program, a decision was made not to index the size of the MSK.

The Federal Budget Law for 2017 confirmed that there will be no indexations in 2017. In addition, the president approved a law according to which indexation is frozen until 2020.

It turns out that in 2017, and in all subsequent periods until 2020, the amount of maternity capital is RUB 453,026 .

What can you spend maternity capital on?

As already mentioned, MSK can be spent strictly for certain purposes. The law specifies 4 areas for spending funds.

Improving living conditions

In accordance with this direction, MSC is spent on creating more comfortable living conditions for the family. You can spend money on:

buying an apartment or house;
participation in shared construction;
individual housing construction(individual housing construction), in other words, construction own home;
reconstruction of an individual housing construction project - repair, completion, expansion of area;
mortgage lending for the purchase of a house or apartment - a down payment or repayment of interest on the loan.

The last point is popular among recipients of state aid. Most often, MSC becomes a help for buying an apartment on credit, since the main “stumbling block” is always the down payment on an apartment.

Please note that when purchasing a home with a mortgage, a family does not have to wait until the child reaches three years of age - you can spend MSK on the mortgage even before this period.

You can also use the funds to cover interest on a mortgage agreement concluded before the birth of the child.

The Karapuzovs, as soon as they learned about the addition, immediately decided to expand and take out a mortgage for a 4-room apartment in a new building. Therefore, they took out a loan in September 2016, when the second child had not yet been born.

For coverage mortgage interest the family decided to spend 300,000 rubles. MSK, and they will make the first payment from this money in February, that is, just after Kolya’s birth.

Getting a child's education

In this case, the money is spent on:

keeping a child in educational institutions: kindergartens or clubs, nurseries, various clubs, sports sections;
studying at a university and/or living in its dormitories;
training in sports, music, dance and other schools;
participation in educational programs.

Key assumptions and limitations:

Educational institutions must have appropriate accreditation;
organizations must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation;
MSC can be spent on such purposes only 3 years after the birth of the child;
the funds can be spent on the education of any of the children.

At the moment, the eldest son of the Karapuzovs is 16 years old. However, in 2 years (in 2019) Kostya plans to enroll as a full-time student at Moscow State University. The remaining 153,026 rubles. The parents decided to spend MSC on the education of their first child.

Karina and Sergei will have to pay for the first course of study from their own funds, since Kolya will only be 2 years old at this time. But the next semesters can already be paid for from MSC funds.

Adaptation of disabled children

According to this direction, funds are spent on goods and services that contribute to the social adaptation and integration of children with disabilities into society. These could be keyboards, portable bathtubs, lifts or reader-secretary services, etc.

Key points:

Expenses for medical and rehabilitation measures paid from the budget are excluded;
you can spend MSC in this direction without waiting 3 years;
all expenses must be documented by contracts, receipts, etc.;
You can purchase services and goods for any of the children.

Formation of a funded pension

MSC is allowed to invest in the mother's future. At her choice, the money is transferred to trust management UK ( management company) or a non-state pension fund. In the future, after retirement, these funds can be received in the form of urgent or lump sum payment, as well as in the form of a funded pension.

How to get MSC

The right to receive such assistance is confirmed by a state certificate for maternity (family) capital. To obtain it, in ordinary cases, you need to contact the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with the following package of documents:

birth (adoption) certificates of all children;
documents confirming the Russian citizenship of children born (adopted) after January 1, 2007;
documents confirming the identity and powers of the authorized representative (if the documents are not submitted in person).

To receive or educate children, brothers or sisters, you need to contact the tax office, serving your area registration address, with a prepared package of documents.

The kit should include:

  1. 3NDFL tax return for the year with calculations;
  2. an application for a deduction in connection with paying for the education of oneself, children or brothers/sisters;
  3. application for transfer of amounts to your details;
  4. a copy of your passport, TIN number;
  5. original certificate of 2NDFL income for the year. Take it from your place of work.
  6. a copy of the one-year training agreement. There may be two contracts per semester. The agreement (one or two) must cover the study period from January to December of the year for which you plan to return the tax. If you are not paying for yourself, then the contract must be in your name. There is no need to certify copies.
  7. A copy of payment documents (receipts, checks, bills, account statements). Payment documents must confirm the entire amount that you request as social deduction. There is no need to certify copies.
  8. A copy of the educational institution's license and/or accreditation, certified by the educational institution with a blue seal.
  9. Certificate stating that you or your child, brother, sister studied at given year in an educational institution. Issued by the educational institution.
  10. If you paid for your children's education, you will need a copy of the birth certificate confirming your relationship.
  11. If you paid for your brother or sister’s education, you must also confirm with copies of your and your brother’s/sister’s birth certificates.
  12. Yours Bank details full.

You can submit documents immediately after the end of the year in which tuition payments were made, and within three subsequent years. Refunds will be made within four months to your bank account. Of course, provided that you have not made any mistakes when filling out the documents, since the desk audit, which checks in detail the accuracy of the data you provided in the declaration.

On the pages of our website you will find application forms and declarations for tax refunds while studying, you will find tips on filling out the declaration, and you can also seek help from a specialist.

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