Everything about mortgages: conditions, interest rates. Mortgage for the purchase of a home - key points that you should definitely ask about Mortgage loan loan

What is the procedure for obtaining a mortgage loan in 2018? What is mortgage interest rebate? Which bank is more profitable to take? mortgage?

Hello to regular readers of HeatherBeaver magazine, as well as to those who visited our resource for the first time! Denis Kuderin is with you.

We continue the multifaceted topic “Mortgage”. The topic of the new publication is mortgage loans.

The article will be of interest not only to those who want to purchase a home with a mortgage, but also to everyone who is interested in current financial issues.

Now let's talk about everything in order.

1. Mortgage loans - what they are, types and advantages

A mortgage loan is a type of loan that is issued against collateral. The collateral is the property that is purchased with the loan proceeds. As a rule, such property becomes real estate - an apartment or a private house.

In other words, the defining feature of a mortgage loan is the presence of collateral. If there is collateral, there is a mortgage; if not, it is some other loan, for example, a consumer loan.

The term itself is currently used in two meanings - it is also a pledge in the form real estate, and the loan itself, which is issued against this collateral.

Taking out an apartment on a mortgage or using a mortgage means purchasing housing on credit and leaving it as collateral for a credit institution.

Other signs mortgage loans:

  • issued for a long period (from 5 years to 50);
  • have a targeted nature - if the loan is issued for the purchase of housing, then it will not be possible to purchase something else with this money;
  • The owner does not have the right to fully dispose of the pledged property.

The word “mortgage” itself is of Greek origin and literally means “support” or “pillar”. This means that the property taken for the loan issued acts as a support - additional insurance in case of non-payment of debt.

For more details about how it works, read a separate resource article.

Important nuance

A mortgage, as already mentioned, requires a mandatory deposit. But this collateral must have certain properties. First of all, have a public character.

Authorities registering transactions make an official entry in the documents about the encumbrance of the property. Until the full amount of the debt is paid, the owner has no right to sell, donate or change apartments with a mortgage status.

Rates on mortgage loans are not as high as when issuing consumer loans, but long settlement periods allow banks to more than recoup the funds issued.

For financial institutions, such loans are very profitable, but at the same time risky. For this reason, banks make strict demands on borrowers and do not issue mortgages to everyone who wants one.

Types of mortgage loans

There are several options for classifying mortgage loans.

The criteria for distinguishing loans are as follows:

  • purpose of loans (for an apartment, for a house, for construction);
  • presence or absence of a down payment;
  • loan currency;
  • deadlines;
  • sources of financing;
  • interest rates.

Two in principle different types mortgage – a loan secured by existing real estate or a loan for the purchase of housing, which will act as collateral after signing a purchase/sale agreement.

In the first case, the borrower is not obliged to spend the issued loan solely on housing needs and can use it for other purposes. Such loans are not very popular, since not everyone is ready to pledge their personal home.

Competition among financial institutions has created great diversity credit programs. Each bank offers its own exclusive products, but the difference between them is rarely fundamental.

Advantages and disadvantages of mortgage loans

Briefly about the advantages of a mortgage.

The main ones:

  1. Quick solution to housing issue. Families do not need to save for an apartment for years or rent someone else’s property, spending their own resources on it. You can take out a loan and buy your own home already in the debut of family life.
  2. Economic benefits. We are talking about preferential categories of borrowers - young families with children, military personnel, young teachers. The state provides all these citizens with support in paying mortgage loans and the opportunity to actually save their own money.
  3. Profitable investment. A full-fledged living space, especially a new one, does not lose its value over the years, but on the contrary. Having an asset in the form of real estate, you can be sure that at any time you will be able to sell it at a favorable price.

It is impossible not to mention the disadvantages of a mortgage. The main one is overpayment of funds.


An apartment worth 2 million rubles. as a result, it will cost a buyer who takes out a regular mortgage loan without benefits 4 or even 4.5 million at an average interest rate of 13% per annum. At the same time, about 40% of the total family income must be paid every month.

Whether you are ready to pay the bank over the next 10-30 years is up to you to decide. However, in most situations, citizens do not have much choice - either a mortgage or lifelong absence of their own living space.

2. The procedure for mortgage housing lending in banks in 2018

The procedure for processing and issuing mortgage loans is controlled by federal law. In Russia, the main document regulating mortgage credit lending, there is a law from 1998, which is called “On Mortgage”.

Thus, financial institutions do not have unlimited freedom in transactions with loans and collateral - their activities are strictly defined by the law.

However, banks have the right to decide who to issue mortgage loans to and who not.

The following requirements are imposed on potential borrowers:

  • age: at the time of issue, the client should not be less than 21 years old, and at the time of the expected end of payments - no more than 65;
  • income level – total income family must exceed the amount monthly payments, at least 2 times;
  • having a stable job;
  • having citizenship of the country in which the loan is issued (for most types of mortgages).

Myself mortgage loan characterized by certain indicators that must be specified in the contract.

The most important parameters of secured loans:

  • loan terms (5-30 years, in some banks – up to 50 years);
  • interest rate (on average in Russian banks - 12%);
  • maximum loan amount (in Russian companies– from 1 to 20 million rubles. and more);
  • the amount of the fine for delay and the duration of the sanctions.

In 2016, there was a tendency in the Russian Federation to reduce interest rates in large credit institutions.

The reason for this phenomenon is obvious - the demand for mortgage housing in conditions of a permanent crisis in the economy is steadily falling, and banks have to make concessions in order to attract new clients.

All details about it are in a separate article.

3. How to get a mortgage loan - step-by-step instructions

The procedure for obtaining a mortgage largely depends on the financial institution you apply to. All offices have their own rules, their own requirements for borrowers and the documents provided, and their own deadlines for processing applications.

Some institutions provide consumers preferential terms: a mortgage is issued, as they say, “according to two documents,” quickly and without hassle.

The efficiency, loyalty and other concessions of banks are rarely disinterested - such companies, as a rule, have a larger down payment and higher interest rates.

Now let's talk in detail about how to get a mortgage.

Step 1. Selecting a property

Most experts agree that you should choose housing in advance, before contacting the bank. True, some believe that this can be done later, when all agreements with the credit company have been reached.

In the latter case, the client must know in advance how much he should claim. That is, he will still have to study the real estate market.

What kind of housing is purchased with a mortgage:

  • finished apartments in new buildings;
  • housing under construction;
  • real estate for secondary market;
  • private houses, cottages.

Some banks, for example, Rosselkhozbank or Sberbank, issue loans for building a house.

Important information

Not all sellers are ready to work with credit money, so it is necessary to warn apartment owners about the method of purchasing housing (especially on the secondary market) in advance. This will save you from misunderstandings and deal breakdowns at the paperwork stage.

Banks also do not work with all real estate properties. Loans are issued only for full-fledged housing, corresponding established requirements. Apartments and houses cannot be in disrepair, dilapidated, or intended for demolition.

And one more nuance - housing requires a professional assessment. Banks need confidence that the loan size corresponds to the cost of the apartment or house.

Step 2. Select a bank

Each borrower has his own criteria for choosing a financial institution. But the first thing clients look at is interest rates. It is this indicator that is decisive.

Experts advise that you first learn everything about mortgage programs at the bank whose services you regularly use. Managers have a more loyal and friendly attitude towards regular customers.

A few more tips:

  • Be sure to ask what the conditions for early repayment are - what if your income increases and you want to pay off the loan earlier;
  • read reviews of the bank from other clients who have already used mortgage programs;
  • make a list of questions you are interested in that you will need to ask the manager during the first conversation;
  • count yours monthly income– if it is too small, think about attracting co-borrowers.

Find out in advance what the monthly fees will be, and total amount, which you will eventually have to pay.

Step 3. Preparing documents

To increase your chances of getting a positive response from banks, submit an application to several credit companies at once. If you are given the go-ahead by 2-3 banks at once, you will be able to choose an office with the maximum favorable tariffs and conditions.

List of documents that managers usually require:

  • copy of the passport;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • marriage document;
  • a certificate from a medical institution confirming the absence of mental illness;
  • income certificate;
  • a copy of the work book;
  • documents for the property (if you have already chosen housing).

If there are co-borrowers, then certificates of their income level will be required.

Step 4. Transaction insurance

Insurance is a mandatory stage of any mortgage transaction. All costs for this item fall on the fragile shoulders of the borrower. However, only collateral insurance is mandatory; all other methods of reducing risks are voluntary.

To protect their assets, banks use tricks, forcing clients to insure not only their property, but also their ability to work and life.

As a result, the bank’s risks are insured (at the borrower’s expense), but not the apartment owner’s risks. In the event of insured events, all payments will go to the financial company. If the client wishes to refuse insurance, banks respond by raising the interest rate.

In other words, you will still have to insure yourself. To reduce costs, I recommend choosing a comprehensive option and insuring, as they say, “in bulk” for all cases at once.

Step 5. Registration of a mortgage and purchase/sale agreement

Signing loan agreement– the most important stage of the transaction.

I think there is no need to remind you that the document, no matter how long and complex it may seem to you, must be studied thoroughly. This should be done before your signatures are submitted.

Pay special attention to the financial side of the transaction - the amount of contributions, type of payments, amount of fines in case of non-payment. It’s good if the bank provides a detailed table of payments for the years ahead.

Immediately after signing loan document or at the same time a purchase/sale agreement is signed.

The method of transferring money is discussed individually. This is either a transfer of funds to the seller’s bank account or transfer of finance through a safe deposit box.

4. Early repayment of the mortgage - pros and cons

An important point that should be addressed separately.

Banks have an extremely negative attitude towards late loan payments. They are also not enthusiastic about early repayment of debts, since such events deprive financial companies of part of their profits.

Majority credit organizations prefer annuity payments (payments of the same size every month). Early repayment under such a system will lead either to a decrease in the interest rate or to a reduction in the payment period. Both options are unprofitable for the bank.

Banks have no legal grounds to refuse clients early repayment, but they can in every possible way interfere with clients’ desire to pay off their debt as soon as possible.

Various tricks are used:

  • limiting the amount of early payments;
  • moratorium on early repayment– a long period of time during which it is prohibited to deposit additional amounts;
  • complicated procedure for processing early payments.

Sometimes it is more profitable to continue paying on time than to repay the loan early. This also applies to those cases when, in order to reduce the loan term, the borrower saves on the standard of living of his family.

5. What is mortgage interest rebate?

Interest refund – another one important question regarding mortgage lending.

Legal definition

Refund of interest on a mortgage loan is an opportunity provided by Russian law to return part of the funds paid by mortgage borrowers.

Strictly speaking, it is not the payments themselves that are returned to the client’s pocket, but the taxes on this amount. What you receive in your hands is called “property tax deduction" By law, this amount is 13% of the mortgage loan.

This interest is returned not by the bank, but by the state. Essentially, it’s like your personal money that your employer withheld from your salary or paid by you yourself if you are an entrepreneur or business owner.

If you wish to receive a deduction, you must submit the relevant documents to tax office. If the mortgage transaction was carried out according to all the rules, there should be no refusal.

6. How to choose a bank - TOP 5 banks with profitable mortgage programs

When choosing a bank, some clients pay attention to the size of the down payment, while others pay attention to the interest rate. The third category of clients is interested in relaxed loan terms.

The table includes banks that are leaders among financial companies Russian Federation in popularity among all categories of borrowers:

7. Credit brokerage services – professional assistance in obtaining a mortgage

Applying for and obtaining a mortgage loan on your own is a labor-intensive process that will require your concentration, time and nervous resources.

There is only one way to make your task easier - to act through a professional intermediary. Such a person is called a credit broker.

This specialist is well aware of all banking programs and will help you find the most attractive and economically feasible option.

Mortgage brokers are found in special companies; they are also found in every major real estate agency.

In the capital, the recognized leaders among brokers are:

» - a company providing services to individuals and legal entities since 2010;
« LK-loan» - a young company, does not take any advance payments from its clients, payment only according to the contract;
« Selection of a Mortgage» - provides a 100% guarantee of loan approval from Moscow banks. The company has been working with individuals and legal entities since 2012;
« Kommersant-Credit» - all company employees previously worked as managers and in the security service of banks;
« Credit Laboratory» - many years of experience of the company’s specialists allows us to prepare the client for the specific requests of credit institutions.

The intermediary between the borrower and the bank not only looks for the best options, but, if necessary, can act as a guarantor for his client. The help of such a person is especially relevant in cases where obtaining a mortgage is complicated by a number of specific factors that confuse the borrower.

Many people dream of buying an apartment, but not everyone can afford to spend such a significant amount of money at once. There is often only one way out in such a situation - to take out a mortgage loan. Many cannot decide to take such a responsible step, realizing that such a loan will have to be repaid for a very long time. However, if you follow a few rules, as well as carefully choosing a bank, you can move into your own apartment without significant problems.

How to take out a mortgage loan correctly and profitably

The decision to buy an apartment with a mortgage becomes the most important decision in life for many. At the same time, I really want the loan to be as profitable as possible and not become bondage.

How to take out a mortgage loan? This question inevitably arises among potential borrowers. There are actually several important rules, compliance with which will help make the purchase of an apartment a joyful event and will not allow the registration of a mortgage to ruin the life of the borrower.

  1. Before you apply for a mortgage, you should evaluate your options. It is advisable that monthly payments do not exceed one third of the family budget. If you don't follow this rule, it can be very difficult to pay off your mortgage.
  2. Best to improve living conditions gradually. In this case, the payment amount will be lower. In addition, you will be able to pay off your mortgage faster, and if you want to buy a larger apartment in the future, you will be able to get a loan for more profitable terms.
  3. It is not enough to simply take out a mortgage loan from a bank. You must make your monthly payments on time. Maximum savings on the family budget will help create a safety net. Ideally, it should be around three monthly payments. This will help you pay your mortgage even in case of temporary difficulties. When the “stash” is created, partial early repayments can begin. This will help you save on interest payments.

The minimum overpayment can be achieved not only when selected Better conditions on a mortgage loan. It is important to buy an apartment when the market is falling. Is it worth taking out a mortgage this year? Read our special review.

The best banks for a mortgage loan

There is no need to rush into getting a mortgage. Even before making a decision, you should carefully read the offers of various credit institutions. To understand where it is better to get a mortgage loan. In this case, you should take into account not only the interest rate, but also other conditions:

  • Availability additional commissions, insurance and payments.
  • Conditions for early repayment (including partial).
  • Size down payment. Let’s say right away that it is quite difficult to get a mortgage loan without a down payment in 2019, because these are big risks for the bank. As a rule, the down payment on such loans starts from 10 percent. If you do not have a down payment to purchase an apartment on credit, pay attention to banks where you can arrange consumer loan for any purpose. The money received can be used for a down payment on a mortgage.

A large number of offers on the market often leads to potential borrowers becoming confused and confused. A huge number of tempting advertising slogans can be completely misleading. Therefore, it would be useful to use the TOP 5 best banks for a mortgage loan, compiled by specialists, when choosing.

Online mortgage on favorable terms at Otkritie Bank

When deciding which bank to apply for a mortgage loan from, you should not ignore Otkritie Bank. Mortgage lending conditions here are quite flexible. The client is offered several interesting programs to choose from, depending on the needs of the borrower.

Types of mortgage programs at Otkritie Bank

  1. Buying an apartment in a new building.
  2. Buying an apartment on the secondary market.
  3. Refinancing mortgage loans from other banks.
  4. Military mortgage.
  5. Property under maternal capital.
  6. Mortgage lending for the purchase of large apartments.

The interest rate at Otkritie Bank is determined by the mortgage program under which the loan was issued. On minimum percentage– 8.9% can be calculated when purchasing an apartment in a new building or a military mortgage. Other features include a down payment of 10% and maximum term- 30 years. The mortgage application process takes place online.

Advantageous mortgage loan online through the Tinkoff-Mortgage service

The Tinkoff Bank service offers to consider offers from several banks for loans to purchase an apartment. At the same time, you can leave behind the frightening thought of having to run around the offices of various credit institutions. Online application for a mortgage through the Tinkoff website allows you to transfer all the problems of sending documents to the bank to your personal manager.

After filling out the form on the website Tinkoff Bank your application will be considered by several partner banks at once. After approval, all you have to do is choose best bank for a mortgage from the proposed list. Moreover, when applying for a loan through Tinkoff, you can get a discount on the interest rate of up to 1.5%. Taking into account large amounts and the loan term, this is quite a significant saving.

At this moment minimum bid For a mortgage loan for an apartment in a new building, the interest rate starts at only 6% per annum. The maximum term is 25 years and the loan amount is up to 100 million rubles. It is very important that not only company employees, but also individual entrepreneurs can apply for a mortgage loan through the service.

Mortgage loan with bad credit history from BZhF bank

In the bank Housing Finance Anyone can apply for a mortgage loan. Moreover, as the bank states, even borrowers with a bad credit history in the past can get a loan. The main thing is that at the time of submitting the application there are no current overdue payments on loans from other banks. This is one of the few banks where you can get a mortgage loan without refusal due to bad credit history in past. BJF statistics show that the bank approves 82% of mortgage applications submitted. This is a very high figure!

Conditions of a mortgage loan at the Housing Finance Bank

  • Mortgage on 2 documents (passport and second document - SNILS, TIN, driver's license).
  • There is a mortgage program that allows you to get a loan without certificates on the day you apply.
  • Official proof of income reduces the interest rate and increases the loan limit.
  • The transaction and apartment are completed in no more than 3 days.
  • A mortgage loan is issued directly from the bank, without the participation of agents, intermediaries and commissions.
  • Important! Residents of the following cities can apply for a mortgage loan online: Moscow and the region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, Volgograd, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Novorossiysk, Novosibirsk, Omsk.

Mortgage loan is profitable with government support from VTB Bank

  • The interest rate here starts at 10.2%.
  • The down payment is less than in many other banks - 10%.
  • Possibility of registration without an advance payment for maternity capital.

In addition, this bank operates the “Mortgage Loan with State Support” program. The program implies preferential lending families whose second or third child was born on January 1, 2018. For a certain period, a preferential rate of 6% is established with a down payment of 20%. Do you agree that this is beneficial?

There is also an interesting program “More meters - lower rate” when purchasing an apartment from 65 sq. m. meters. That is, the larger the apartment, the lower the interest rate.

Mortgage lending for the construction or purchase of a country house from Sberbank

The largest bank in the country, Sberbank, is also very active in mortgage market lending. The bank willingly lends to both the developers themselves and borrowers who want an apartment on a mortgage. Moreover, even pensioners can take out a mortgage loan, but provided that the loan is repaid until the borrower is 75 years old.

Like other banks, it offers a mortgage loan with state support for families with children; mortgages for new buildings and secondary housing; military mortgage programs; mortgage using maternal capital. There are also programs that are not always found in other banks. This is a mortgage loan for the construction of a residential building, as well as a mortgage loan for the purchase or construction countryside real estate(private house, garden plot, etc.).

Experts say that interest in mortgage lending will not decrease in 2019. Most likely, it will only grow. With the right attitude towards such loans, a mortgage will only bring the joy of moving to a new home. However, you should not take out a loan from the first bank you come across. It is important to figure out where it is more profitable to take out a mortgage loan. This will help save the lion's share of the family budget.

P/S before taking out a mortgage, be sure to look at “5 Rules for a Comfortable Mortgage”

Welcome! Today we’ll talk about a mortgage loan to purchase a home. You will learn what a mortgage for the purchase of a home is, what is needed to purchase a home with a mortgage, how to choose the right bank, and how an apartment purchased with a mortgage is properly registered.

Housing is one of the basic needs of a modern person. Every adult often faces the question of how to buy it if prices are prohibitively high and there is no such amount on hand. An alternative in this case is mortgage lending.

Purchasing a home with a mortgage implies a targeted bank subsidy issued for a long period. In this case, the borrower undertakes to return to the bank the amount of the main loan plus established by the bank interest rates for the use of funds. Loan terms for this type of service range from 5 to 30 years. In this case, the purchased object remains pledged to the credit institution for the period of lending.

Those who have decided to take such a step will have to make an in-depth analysis of the parameters of the upcoming mortgage according to several criteria and make a choice. This choice will accompany potential borrower at all stages of loan processing. These are the following parameters:

  • Type of mortgage. Today in Russia mortgages are sold commercial banks and with state support in the form of special programs. Participation in government programs only available certain categories citizens: workers budgetary organizations, military personnel and young families. A loan with government participation has lower interest rates. So, in 2017, rates vary within 12%, as opposed to bank rates of 13-17%.
  • Housing type. Here you have to choose between new construction and secondary housing. The type of housing directly affects the formation of the mortgage interest rate. A building under construction in which apartments have not been put into operation is considered a risk factor for the bank. The lender takes into account the fact that construction may stop at any stage or may not be accepted for operation at all by state supervisory authorities. If the borrower defaults, the bank will not be able to sell such housing and will lose funds.

The way out of this situation is to choose apartments from those developers who cooperate with the bank.

As for secondary housing, each bank has its own map, according to which the property being purchased should be located. There are a number of requirements for technical condition: emergency buildings that may be demolished in the near future are not accepted.

  • Payment type. There are two main types: annuity and differentiated. The first option involves repaying the loan in equal amounts until the end of the term, and the second differs in that interest rates will be paid at the beginning of the loan, and at the end only the body of the loan remains to be repaid. By default, almost all banks in Russia use the annuity type of payments. But if the borrower has the right to initiate a differentiated type. The question is which option is beneficial.

It should be borne in mind that the profitability of a loan consists of many factors and is determined only relatively. But other things being equal, differentiated repayment is more profitable.

  • Loan currency. We should not repeat the mistake of those 600,000 citizens who last years took out a mortgage in foreign currency and found themselves in a very difficult situation. Oscillations exchange rate have played a cruel joke in recent years. In 2014-2015, due to the difference in the ruble exchange rate against foreign currency, monthly repayments of borrowers almost doubled. Only banks emerge as winners from this situation, and borrowers lose not only their housing, but also the funds previously paid for it.

As a rule, foreign currency loans are always offered at significantly low interest rates. But as practice has shown, the risks are prohibitively high. Therefore, the choice must be made clearly in favor of the ruble.

Banks agree to issue funds after they are fully convinced of minimizing their own risks. This indicator is expressed in the solvency of the potential borrower and the liquidity of the purchased housing.

What can you buy with a mortgage?

On borrowed funds you can buy residential and commercial premises, country houses or cottages, land and even objects under construction.

Each bank puts forward its own strict requirements regarding the housing purchased. They should be clarified with each financial institution separately. But the common denominator of the requirements is identical. Real estate assessment criteria generally relate to the following characteristics:

  • legal “purity” of the object;
  • specifications;
  • liquidity.

A residential mortgage on a property requires compliance with the following legal requirements:

  • The apartment or house should not be the subject of collateral or legal proceedings;
  • If the owner is elderly or a minor, or they have a share in the property;
  • Privatized housing is also subject to thorough inspection. If there are people who have their share, then they can present their right to part of the property at any time;
  • The owner of a residential property must have legal capacity;
  • An apartment or house is put up for sale immediately upon the commencement of the right of inheritance;
  • Sale of an object by proxy.

Detailed information about the alienation of real estate, the existence of rental obligations or judicial arrest can be obtained through the MFC or by contacting the Unified State Register of Real Estate. Title documents are issued in the form of an extract from the relevant registers. They are collected by the seller himself before the transaction.

An indicator of the technical condition is the year the housing was built. Banks give preference to buildings no older than the 1990s. But “Khrushchevkas”, despite their practicality and quality, have less and less consumer interest, since after just a few years they can be considered dilapidated and lose that small share of liquidity. In general, the technical wear and tear of the house should be no more than 60%.

Some banks do not accept studio-type apartments for financing. In this case, you will have to find housing with a separate kitchen. Also, real estate that does not have communication networks is not eligible for financing.

Houses under construction have high consumer attractiveness.

You should also be attentive to apartments where conversion has been carried out. Changing the original layout of the apartment in multi-storey building requires technical approval and permitting documentation. In practice, not all owners comply with these rules.

If you bet on housing under construction, you should choose from the offers of that construction company, which is accredited by the selected bank. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the bank will not want to risk investing.

Liquidity of housing means its marketability today and over the coming decades. This parameter is determined based on the expert opinion of a licensed real estate appraiser. Financial institutions tend to trust their own appraisers over those preferred by the client. On this point, it is advisable to rely on the recommendations of a potential lender.

How to choose a bank

Russians have no difficulty choosing banking services and products. The number of licensed banks as of 2017 is 623. The choice of bank in such cases is determined only by individual parameters. What are these parameters? Let's list them in order.

  1. Interest rate. Regarding this point, specialists’ forecasts for 2017 are very optimistic. In particular, it is worth recalling the speech of Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov. According to his opinion, in the next 2 years interest rates are expected to decline to 7-8%. And already in the current 2017, the population can pay 10% per annum on housing.

Favorable conditions for this should have been oil prices and the stagnation of the real estate market observed in recent years. However, oil prices have not reached the expected level and the situation remains unstable.

But, nevertheless, one can notice a positive trend in the mortgage offers of the country's leading banks.

  1. An initial fee. Typically this amount ranges from 10 to 30% of the cost of the purchased object. But what if there is no such amount?

A number of banks are ready to pay the entire cost of real estate. In this case, naturally, interest rates will be much higher. For example, Metallinvestbank offers mortgage products with the same name. Such financing is available to those who are employed. Interest rates are 14% per annum. There is an important condition - the borrower’s income must exceed the amount of monthly mortgage payments at least twice.

Vozrozhdenie Bank and Promsvyazbank offer similar offers at 13% per annum.

  1. No proof of income. The next nuance concerns those 30% Russian citizens who work in the shadow sector of the economy. Such citizens receive salaries in “envelopes”, so they do not have the opportunity to confirm their income with official certificates. Some banks take these realities into account. Banks provide a mortgage based on two documents or a certificate in the bank’s form.

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Stages of a mortgage transaction

When all the analytical part of the work on choosing a mortgage has been done, it’s time to start the practical part. A mortgage transaction consists of several stages. The obtaining process may take several months.

Collection of documents

The basic package of documents includes the following papers:

  • civil passports of the parties to the transaction: spouses and guarantors (if applicable);
  • document confirming marital status;
  • certificate of income or 2-NDFL;
  • documents confirming work activity.

Each bank has its own set list of documents, so in practice you will have to collect much more documents. You should go to a loan specialist with these documents. At the bank you will need to fill out a simple form and sign the application.

Review of documents

The bank accepts documents for consideration and within the next few weeks makes a decision: positive or refusal. In the first case, the loan specialist will announce maximum amount, which the borrower can count on, and will provide the parameters purchased housing. The bank's decision is usually valid for 2-6 months. During this period, it is necessary to find suitable housing.

If you refuse, do not give up. Most of the certificates received are valid for 6 months. The application should be submitted to other banks.

Selection of real estate

When suitable housing is found, the borrower will need to obtain a copy following documents and take it to the bank:

  • title document for real estate: contract of sale, exchange, donation, right of inheritance or other;
  • extract from the house register;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of legal purity object;
  • copies of personal accounts;
  • consent of the co-owners to the sale;
  • owners' passports;
  • cadastral passport;
  • conclusion of an independent appraiser;
  • technical certificate;
  • certificate from the BTI.

The point about evaluation is especially worth noting. It can be carried out by a specialist with the appropriate license. In practice, banks have their own staff specialists or accredited companies. The opinion of an outside specialist may be rejected. Here it is advisable to use the services of an appraiser recommended by the bank.


There are three parties involved in the transaction: the seller, the borrower and the bank representative. The borrower signs the mortgage agreement. A purchase and sale agreement is signed between the seller and the buyer. The seller will receive his money from the account where the money from the bank will be received. But he will be able to use the funds no earlier than 5 days from the date of the transaction.

All costs associated with the transaction are borne by the buyer. This may include notary services, insurance, state registration fees, etc.

How to close and early repayment

The mortgage is given for an average period of 5 to 30 years. In practice, on average, a mortgage is provided for 15 years. According to experts, too long terms (more than 20 years) are fraught with large overpayments. Short deadlines create pressure family budget and increase the risk of delays.

In any case, every borrower believes that the sooner the financial burden is removed from the shoulders, the better. This right is provided for at the legislative level. If an initiative is taken for early repayment, the bank does not have the right to refuse. It is also prohibited by law financial institutions impose additional penalties or penalties for early repayment. It should be borne in mind that banks by default practice annuity payments, in which the risk of loss of profit has already been taken into account.

Repayments are of the following types:

  • full repayment of the mortgage. After paying the debt, the bank issues the appropriate certificate and documents for the purchased property. The history is entered into the credit registry. The transaction is considered completed;
  • partial repayment of the annuity. In this case, the borrower has the opportunity to reduce the term or amount of payments;
  • Partial early repayment involves a reduction in differentiated payments: interest and the principal of the loan.

The borrower must inform the bank of his intention to make an early payment. It can be done different ways from a simple call to visiting a branch. It all depends on the bank and its capabilities.


Mortgage is primarily valuable financial lesson, experience in social discipline. For those who have decided to take this step, it will be useful to study the entire financial and legal part of the procedure. Consultations from independent specialists and the experience of other borrowers will not be superfluous.

It is important to calculate all development options. The legislation provides for various alternative options in case of aggravation of mortgage obligations: refinancing, on-lending, bankruptcy individuals or a simple application to the bank management to extend the term or reduce payments. Such rights of borrowers are delegated by law.

If you require legal support for a mortgage and a solution in difficult situation, then be sure to sign up for free consultation to our lawyer in a special form.

You will also find ours useful, which will allow you to calculate your mortgage payment.

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In unstable conditions economic situation Not everyone can buy their own home. Some of us in this case resort to not quite good options– renting an apartment today is very expensive. And as a result, such a solution will only temporarily correct the situation. If you are able to pay for your rented property, it makes sense to consider taking out a loan to buy a home in Moscow. Nowadays, many banks offer quite favorable loan terms for real estate.

Standard lending programs

You have decided to get a mortgage loan for real estate: evaluate own strength, Firstly. Although existing programs They offer very favorable conditions, you need to pay every month. In addition, you need to plan additional expenses at the initial stage - a standard transaction involves notarization, insurance, and commission. All this will need to be paid on the day of the transaction. In the future, expenses will only include the monthly fee. Mortgage interest rates in Moscow banks may vary; in fact, their value determines the total cost of the mortgage. Therefore, before making a decision in favor of one bank or another, you should carefully study existing offers. In general, there are several important aspects, which need to be emphasized:

  • bank mortgage rates;
  • reputation of the financial and credit institution;
  • contribution amount;
  • mortgage interest;
  • schedule;
  • mortgage term.

Each bank, guided by organizational policy and internal regulatory documents, offers lending under certain conditions. The same applies to the requirements for borrowers - age criteria, actual income, length of service, etc. The down payment can vary from 10 to 30%, taking into account the conditions of the selected program. As for the urgency of repayment, loans are mainly given on a long-term basis - from 5 to 30 years. Naturally, it is profitable to pay the entire amount within 5 years; you can save on interest payments, but often not everyone has this opportunity. Therefore, after the transaction is concluded, most pay off the loan, taking into account the maximum possible term.

Secondary market or new construction?

This factor is also no less important. As a rule, large developers often enter into agreements with banks partnerships and sell apartments on more attractive terms when compared with standard programs. In addition, in this case you will be able to independently choose the layout, floor, etc. Purchasing ready-made housing for secondary use also has its advantages - you can move into the apartment immediately after registration, and this is an important plus. Think through all these nuances in advance; purchasing real estate is a serious matter that needs to be carefully considered.

How to get a loan to buy real estate

After the initial analysis, which is carried out on the basis of the submitted documents, you will already know whether it is worth pursuing this further. The main factors that will determine the possibility of purchasing housing on credit are:

  • total family income;
  • credit history;
  • general experience;
  • age, etc.

In some cases, a criminal record may be taken into account. But for most banks this is not a significant factor.

Where is it more profitable to get a mortgage in Moscow?

In practice the most favorable mortgage for housing provides low interest rates, reasonable insurance rates, and no additional commissions. And it’s quite possible to find such a program. To obtain favorable loan for housing, you need to pay attention to studying existing offers. And they can have significant differences, and it is necessary to familiarize yourself with them before purchasing real estate. To reduce your time spent going to banks, we have compiled a complete database existing programs different creditors. With our service you can find the most favorable rates that will allow you to buy the home of your dreams today.

For many families, a mortgage in Moscow is the only possible variant purchasing housing. Nowadays, it can be obtained without a down payment, using maternity capital or by taking part in special programs for military or young families. The main thing is to find out what the interest rate is on a particular loan, and clarify the terms of the loan, as well as correctly fill out the mortgage documents.

How to get a mortgage in Moscow

In order for Moscow banks to provide you with mortgage lending in 2019, you must act as follows:

  1. Initially, you need to compare the terms of such lending, find out what the mortgage interest rate is and the payment terms in each bank. Should choose the best option for yourself, using an online mortgage calculator to estimate your costs.
  2. Then you must submit the documents required by the mortgage.
  3. Next, you need to choose a home for which the bank will issue money.
  4. When approving a mortgage, you should enter into an insurance agreement, make mutual settlements with the home seller and officially register the loan.

What documents are needed for a mortgage in Moscow

To take out a mortgage in Moscow for a new house or apartment, you need to submit a number of documents to the bank. Their list includes:

  • Passport. If you need military mortgage, you must present a military ID. Males also need to submit a military ID.
  • SNILS.
  • Education documents.
  • Marriage certificate, birth documents of children.
  • Work record book from work (if you are officially employed).
  • Certificates confirming income level.

In some cases, the terms of the mortgage may require additional documentation. This could be a certificate of death of relatives, a pension certificate, documents on the right to own expensive property. The Bank determines the list of such documents on an individual basis.

Which bank in Moscow is better to take out a mortgage?

Mortgages in Moscow banks can be issued under different conditions. Its most profitable mortgage programs are offered by Sberbank, VTB, Alfa-Bank and some others. Here you will be offered low rates for mortgages in Moscow and even refinancing.

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