Features of the placement of the population of Russia. Urban and rural settlement of the population of the Russian Federation Urbanization in Russia

20.08.2014 10816 0

Objectives: Examine the density of the population of Russia. To acquaint with the main types of rural settlements, the life of a resident of the village, with the peculiarities of the village national culture. Find out the influence of urbanization on the village, the consequences and possible ways to solve the problem.

Equipment:Population density maps, political and administrative, physical; additional literature.

During the classes

I.Organizing time

II.Checking homework

1)Repetition of terms:

Urbanization, agglomeration, megalopolis, infrastructure, fertility, mortality, age-age, migration, depopulation, natural growth, immigration, emigration.

2)Front work on the principle "I know that ...". Students at will or in turn give a definition. For example,I know urbanization - the growth process of cities and urban population; Distribution of urban lifestyle.

3)Geographical dictation:

a) the difference between fertility and mortality ...(Natural increase).

b) Reducing the population in the country ...(depopulation).

c) accumulation of cities around a large city ...(agglomeration).

d) mechanical movement of the population ...(migration).

e) Departure of people from the country ...(emigration).

e) entry of people to the country ...(immigration).

g) the number of 1000 inhabitants born for the year ...(Fertility).

h) the process of growth of cities and urban population, the spread of the urban lifestyle ...(urbanization).

and) the number of dead per 1000 inhabitants for the year ...(mortality).

to) a set of structures, buildings, services necessary for the normal life of the population ...(infrastructure).

4)Check the results of a sociocultural workshop.

a) the excursion "coat of arms of Russia" (optional);

b) a story about his beloved city (optional);

c) verification of the results of the study by the population of their place of residence.

5)Check the task of group number 3 (p. 79, uch. A.):

but) Nizhny Novgorod - bitter;

b) Vyatka - Kirov;

c) Ekaterinburg - Sverdlovsk;

d) Samara - Kuibyshev;

e) Tver - Kalinin;

e) Ekaterinodar - Krasnodar;

g) Izhevsk - Ustinov;

h) St. Petersburg - Petrograd - Leningrad;

and) Rybinsk - Andropov;

k) Tsaritsyn - Stalingrad - Volgograd;

l) Ulyanovsk - Simbirsk;

m) Perm - Molotov;

n) Naberezhnye Chelny - Brezhnev;

o) Vladikavkaz - Dzaoudzhikau - Ordzhonikidze.

III. Studying a new material


1.Placement of the population of Russia;

2.Rural population;

3.Rural settlements, their diversity;

4.Village problems.

-78% of the population of Russia are citizens, but 27% of the population, almost 1/3 of Russians, live in countryside. How is the population on the territory of Russia, what is the main zone of settlement (or the main band of resettlement), the zone of the North, the arid zone? How does the rural population of Russia live? What is the difference between the lifestyle of the village? What problems have to solve the rural population? Does the village of Russia die? We will consider these questions at today's lesson.

1. Placing the population of Russia

-Russian population is unevenly posted. The average population density is 8.6 people per 1 km 2. But in the European part of Russia, the density is 29 people per 1 km 2, and in Siberia 2.5 people per 1 km 2.

During the 20th century, the population "spread" from the center (Volzhko-Oksky Meternrech) to the north and east, where the population is numerically increased several times. The population of the Far East has increased 5 times, Eastern Siberia. 3 times, and in the Khanty-Mansiysk district - 33 times.

On the territory of Russia, two types of settlement of the territory are allocated (uch. A. Fig. 12, p. 50, uch. D. Fig. 18, p. 51):

1.The zone of focal settlement: settlements are scattered in Taiga and Tundra (Zone of the North). The average distance between them often exceeds 100 km.

2.Zone solid settlement ("Main zone" by uch. D.), or the main band of settlement. Its area is 1/3 of the territory of Russia, and the share of the population living here is more than 93% of the population of Russia.

Writing to notebook

Equidal maps- These are cards on which the size of the territory (district) correspond not to its area, but the population of the population (Fig. 11, p. 48, uch. A.).

The task (work with the map):

Compare the geographical map of Fig. Pa, uch. A., with equidet maps Fig. 11B and 11B. Answer the questions:

-What regions had the greatest growth in the population during the XX century., I.e. since 1926

(Card b) to 1989 (Card B)?(Students celebrate the territories of the Urals, West Siberian, East Siberian, Far Eastern regions.)

-What areas on the equidetage map have a large area than in the geographic map, i.e., a greater population, and therefore a large area?(Central, North-West, North Caucasian, Moscow and Moscow region.)

2. Rural population

Rural Russia

The face between the village and the city is vague. Buildings on the outskirts of a big city with wooden houses And with cottages are very similar to the countryside. But in the villages, you can often see the streets from multi-storey houses.

What can be called countryside? What is the difference between the village from the city?

Modern scientists believe that cities arise on trade and exchange, in production, in management of areas and countries, i.e. on external relations. The village can live by itself using fields, forests, meadows. Countryside stores tradition, and the city - distributes a new one.

In Russia, the city considers the settlement with a number of more than 12 million people. But there are cities less, and the villages more. The biggest rural settlements are located in the Krasnodar Territory - the village with a population of 20-30 thousand people.BUTslapakovskoye village near Stavropol is the largest village with a population of about 50 thousand. But it is important that people are busy. Most of the villagers are busy in agriculture and animal husbandry.

Between the city and the village there is a transitional settlement form - this is the village of Urbantype (previously called pans, settlement),whereresidents work in industriesin transport. The village is usually big, has a church, school, shops. The village is usually without church and a smaller village. The farm has one, two houses away from villages and villages.

In the countryside livesUA population, and at the beginning of the 20th century, 85% of the population was rural.

3. Rural settlements, their diversity

Questions to class:

- What settlements are considered to be rural settlements?(Settlements with a population of less than 12 thousand people.)

- What types of rural settlements Can you allocate?(In Russia, the following types of rural settlements can be distinguished: villages, villages, farm, villages, aules. Village predominate and villages. Rural residents have traditionally lived communities.)

- What is characteristic of a rural lifestyle?(Students can take part in the discussion of this issue, based on their living experience in rural areas, as many of them live grandparents in the villages.)

- And what is the main occupation of rural residents?(Agriculture - crop production, animal husbandry.)

- Why should not be very large?(The larger in the town, the further getting to the fields.)

- What depends on the density of rural settlements?(The more festive soil, the greater the number of people it can feed, the higher the population density.)

Consequently, rural settlements are stationed zonally and have the features of the settlement in each natural zone (Fig. 22, uch. A.; Fig. 19, uch. D.).

The task:

Using the textbook text (uch. A., p. 87), fill in the table.

4. Village problems

The main problem of the village is the problem of extinction villages. Thousands of villages disappeared for the period of urbanization in Russia. In the villages who live their last years, the elderly remained, mostly women.

The village has always been strong in good faith, hardworking, love for the family. Traditions of agriculture, moral foundations were kept in the village. But now the fields come to the launch, overgrow forest.

Without traditions and national culture, no people can exist.

One of the ways to solve the problem of aging the village can be the population of the fading villages of migrants from the north, refugees and forced migrants.

IV. Refreigs

- What is the difference between rural settlements from urban?(In terms of population: the rural settlement has a population of less than 12 thousand people; in the occupation of the population: residents of the rural settlement are engaged in agriculture.)

- Why are the villages and the village of the forest zone can not be large?(Low-chicken podzolic and sod-podzolic soils do not give high yields and cannot feed the numerous population. Soils require fertilizers, and should be not far from the farm.)

-Name the two main zones of the population settlement in Russia.(The main zone of the settlement and the zone of the North.)

- Where is the main bar of the settlement (main zone)?(Most of the European Russia, narrowing to the south of Siberia and the Far East (along the Siberian Highway).)

- Prove that rural settlements arise on resources.(Rural residents use land, forest, hunting and water resources. Using resources, residents of the village provided themselves almost to all.)


By uch. A.: §11 and §19; By uch. D.: §8.

The entire territory of Russia, with the exception of some areas, is practically populated, but populated extremely unevenly. The average population density is 8.6 people per quarter. km (in the European part - 29 people per quarter. km, and in Asian - about 2 people per quarter km). The greatest density population (which decreases gradually to the north, south and east) is observed in. The highest population density (320 people per 1 sq. Km) in the Moscow region, and the lowest - in the Evenki AO (0.03 people per 1 sqm).

Forms of resettlement and types of settlements

Lives in settlements that are divided into:

  • cities;
  • urban-type settlements;
  • working villages;
  • resort villages;
  • countryside (villages, villages, aules, stages).

The city in Russia is the settlement in which at least 12 thousand people lives, provided that 95% of them are workers and employees, as well as members of their families.

The village of urban type is the settlement, the population of which at least 3 thousand people and the share of unoccupied agriculture is 85%.

Residents of cities and urban-type settlements are considered urban population.

Russia has more than a thousand cities and about 2,200 urban-type settlements.

Cities are distinguished by functions: industrial, transport, scientific centers, resort cities, etc., as well as in humanity: small (up to 20 thousand), medium (up to 100 thousand), large (up to 250 thousand), large (up to 500 thousand), the largest (up to 1 million ) And the city millionaires.

Millionaire city : Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Samara, Omsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Perm.

Millionaire city, as well as a number of largest cities together with the adjacent cities of smaller sizes form city agglomeration . The largest agglomeration of Russia is Moscow (14 million people). Other large agglomerations: Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Ekatirinburgskaya.

Next Stage of Urban Development - megalopolis In Russia, not yet presented. In the formation stage, Megalopolis Moscow is Vladimir - Nizhny Novgorod, it is possible to form Megalopolis on the axis Moscow - St. Petersburg.

Rural settlement differs from urban smaller sizes and specificity, i.e. The nature of the rural settlement varies in the natural zones depending on the conditions for economic activity, customs and traditions living in those regions of nation.

In the tundra area Major permanent settlements along the banks of the rivers are dominated, where residents are engaged in hunting and fishing, which are combined with temporary points, where the flock of reindeer herders stops.

In north Settlements, medium largests are also located along the banks of the rivers and lakes, since the forest is most often fused. Residents of these villages are engaged in logging and fuel.

In southern Taiga The network of small settlements is usually dedicated to the elevation, where small agricultural lands are interspersed with forests and swamps.

In southern forest zone Agriculture is no longer focal, but a selective character (rapidly up to 40% of the square). The network of settlements here is very thick, but the number of residents in them is small (on average 100 inhabitants). This is due to low fertility of podzolic and dend-podzolic soils.

In and steppe zonesWhere are the most fertile soils -, there is a solid farming. The network of settlements here is less dense than B, but settlements themselves are numerous.

In dry i. Agriculture again acquires the features of the focal type, so rural settlements are large and located in the valleys of rivers and in pastures.

In mountainous areas The settlement is subordinate to high-rise zonality: large settlements are located in the river valleys, the inhabitants of which are engaged, and the small settlements of the animals are located above.

Urbanization in Russia

In Russia, as in most developed, posted: the ratio of urban and rural residents preserved at the 1989 census level - 73% (or 106.4 million people) and 27% (or 38.8 million people), respectively.

Most of the urban population of Russia lives in large, largest cities and cities - millionaires. Moreover, almost the fifth of the country's population lives in 13 cities - "Millionnies": the number of the two largest cities of Russia amounted to: Moscow - 10.4 million people, - 4.7 million people. The capital of the Russian Federation is among the 20 largest cities in the world. Among the subjects of the Russian Federation, the highest levels of urbanization (not counting Moscow and S.Petherburg) have: Murmansk region (92%), Magadan region (92%) and Khanty-Mansiysk AO (91%). The lowest indicators have the Ust-Ordi Buryat AO (0%), Koryak AO (26%), Evenki AO (33%), Chechen Republic (34%).

Among the regions, the highest rates (78%), the Central District (77%), and (76%). The least urbanized (50%).

Zones of the settlement of the population of Russia

In the density and peculiarities of the settlement of people, the prevailing types of settlements and the degree of economic development in Russia distinguish several zones.

The main strip of settlement

It includes almost the entire European part of Russia, south of Siberia and the Far East and occupies 34% of the country's territory. There is a zone of a continuous settlement of the country and 93% of its population live. Within this zone, there is a high density of the population (50 people per 1 sq. Km), a large number of major cities, almost the entire manufacturing industry is concentrated. agriculture (without reindeer herding) countries.

Zone of the Far North

It is located north of the main bandwidth and includes 64% of the country's territory. Requirements within this zone focal, i.e. Separate settlements and their groups are scattered by islands on immense expanses of tundra and taiga, near large resource bases, according to river valleys and along transport routes. The population density is very low here - 0.9 people per square meters of km and there are only 11.5 million people. Currently, there is an outflow of the population from this zone.

Arid zone

This zone is in areas where big cities Form close to deposits, and rural settlements where water comes.

The zone of continuous settlement, or the main bar of the settlement, is characterized by a developed network of settlements, a variety and maturity of the forms of resettlement, focuses the overwhelming part of large cities and major urban agglomerations, industry centers. Hence the high population density of the main band covering the European part of Russia without the North and rarely populated areas of the Caspian lowland, passing submitting Siberia and the Far East.

This will take the European republics of the Bl. zag.

From the north and south, the main bar of the settlement is focused by zones, sharply differing in natural conditions.

The zone of the Far North is characterized by the foci of settlement. Here is the low population density, which is explained by the serability of climate, the scattering of settlements, a rare network of railways, a small number of large industrial enterprises.

The arid zone of focal form of resettlement includes extensive desert and semi-desert territories to the south of the main resettlement strip, also rarely seen and also with extreme, albeit otherwise, conditions. It covers the Northern Caspian, West Kazakhstan and most of the Central Kazakhstan, Northern Turkmenistan, Karakalpakia. These territories are characterized by a production type of C / x (distant animals), a developed fuel industry industry, a solveness of large basic settlements located in permanent sources of water supply.

The zone of oasis and industrial ranges was formed at the junction of the mountain and flat parts of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. In its composition, the ranges with the highest in the republics of the bl. zag. Fluscy of the rural population, all major Central Asian cities. For the national economic basis, a combination of developed agriculture on irrigated lands and leading industries complemented by the extractive industry has been peculiar. It is thus the main lane of the settlement of the southeast macroregion (intermittent places).

Mountain zone in extreme south bl. zag. It is distinguished by very peculiar form of resettlement: here the outflow of the population is combined with some inflow of the population due to the following major types of development: industrial, hydropower, recreational.


Applying to the conclusion of his work, I would like to say that E.R. Rossia and Bl. Zar., Very different with each other. Those or other features of these territories attract the population. Everyone chooses the place to taste where it will live, but nevertheless Russia and other countries of the world. " (G.M. LAPPO)


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9. Ozerov G.N., Pokhaishevsky V.V. Geography of the global urbanization process. M.1981

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14. Economic and social geography of Russia. Edited by Professor A.T, Khrushchev.m.1997

Demography- science of population and its reproduction

    Demographic crisis - Reduction of population

    Natural population growth - Exceeding the number of people born over the number of dead

    Population explosion - a sharp increase in population growth as a result of a sharp decrease in mortality while maintaining a high birth rate

    Concentration of the population - concentration of the population in separate centers, areas.

    Focal settlement - At the extreme north of Russia, which occupies 66% of the country's territory, where only one fifteenth part of the population of Russia lives - about 10 million people.

    Solid settlement area - This is most of ETR, South Siberia and D. Vostok. This is 30% of the territory and 93% of the country's population.

    Population density - This is the number of people living on 1 square kilometer. Measured in pers. / Km 2

    SPN-average population density -Contact the population in the area of \u200b\u200bthe territory

    Reproduction of the population - process of human production by people, the process of continuous change of generations.

    Natural population movement - A combination of four processes: fertility, mortality, marriage and divorce

    Demographic transition or demographic revolution - Transition from one type of population reproduction to another.

    Archetype It is characteristic of the early stages of human development during assigning farm. The population is strictly limited by the resources of the territory. Mortality is almost equal to fertility, very slow population growth.

    Traditional type VN - associated with the agrarian economy. People live "How our fathers and grandfathers lived". Very high fertility and highly high mortality, especially in childhood. A small natural population growth and low life expectancy: 25 - 35 years.

    Modern type of population reproduction - regulation of the number of children in the family, reduced mortality sometimes negative, i.e. Dies more than born.

    Emancipation of women - Cancellation of restrictions, equation of women in rights with men.

    Urbanization - The growth of the share of the urban population, raising the role of cities and the spread of the urban lifestyle.

    Migration of the population - Resettlement, movement of the population.

    Emigration - Departure from the country.

    Immigration - entrance to the country.

    Reaamigration- Return of emigrated people to their former place of residence.

    Types of internal migration : 1. Drive 2. Returns: A - seasonal; b - pendulum or daily days; B - irregular, for example, on vacation.

    Depopulation - Reduction of population

    Non-violent resettlement - voluntary relocation, migration of people for various reasons.

    Violent resettlement - associated with repression, deportation of the population.

    Demographic situation - The estimated ratio of fertility, mortality and migration mobility, creating a certain sexual agent and the dynamics of its number.

    Labor resources - Part of the country's population, which has the necessary physical development, mental abilities and knowledge for work.

    Worker age in Russia: Men are 16-59 years; Women 16-54 years

    Labor resources - These are people of working age with the exception of persons with disabilities 1 and 2 groups, plus working retirees and adolescents.

    Economically active population - This is a busy (working) population and unemployed, actively seeking work.

    Labor market - The ratio of demand for labor (entrepreneurs) and its proposals (workers).

    Deficit employees - lack of workers: Exceeding the number of jobs on the number of people who want to work.

    Labor productivity - The number of products created per unit of time. Or the amount of time spent on the manufacture of a unit of products.

    Requirement: 1-process area of \u200b\u200bthe territory; 2 - A set of settlements in this area

    Settlement - Compactly built-up plot with the necessary equipment for the life and work of people.

    Two main types of settlements : urban and rural

    Types of rural settlements: Group - villages, villages, villages, kislaki, aules; Disperse or point resettlement: farm, farm, ranch.

    Rural population - People living in the countryside

    Agricultural population - people engaged in agriculture

    Functions of settlements - their role, appointment in society

    Types of setting functions : 1- City-serving; 2-City-forming: Central and Special

    City agglomeration - groups of nearby cities, combined with close relations: labor, cultural and household, industrial and infrastructure.

    Cities - millionaires Cities with CN 1 million or more people. In Russia, their 15 (nand January 1, 2015): Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Ekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Samara, Rostov -na - Donu, Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Perm, Voronezh, Volgograd

    Megalopolis - Establishing several urban agglomerations

    Gardarika - So called Kievan Rus in the Middle Ages, Europeans for a large number of cities in Russia.

    Administratively - territorial division - The system of organization of the state, on the basis of which the bodies of state and management are functioning.

    Industrialization - the creation of large machine production in all branches of the economy.

    Hierarchy - Location of parts of the whole in order from the highest to the lower.

    Infrastructure - A combination of services necessary for the normal life of the population.

    Assimilation - The merger of one people with another, the absorption of one people to others, while the language is lost, on which the assimilated peoples have previously said.

    Birthday - The number of people born during the year per thousand people.

    Mortality - Number of people who have deceased during the year from every thousand people.

    Natural population decline - Natural mortality. All people, unfortunately, dying sooner or later.

    Unnatural settlement of the population - related to violent death, for example, during war, spontaneous and other disasters.

    Desurbanization - The process of relocation from cities in the suburbs and villages.

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