Credit brokerage: business plan. How to open and make money on financial intermediation Loan broker how to become one

The task of a credit broker is to help in choosing a creditor bank and prepare documents. You can expand the range of services by adding representation of all the interests of the bank. The more banks a broker has, the more clients. Choosing the right location for your office is essential to business success.

At the moment, loans are the usual way by which you can solve almost all financial problems. This is precisely what explains the fact that the services of credit brokers are becoming more and more demanded every day.

Moreover, you can create a company that makes good money in this niche, which will simply provide consulting services. She will assist clients in choosing a bank, as well as in preparing all the necessary documents for obtaining a loan. Or you can create a company that will represent all the interests of the bank: from the first consultation to obtaining a loan.

In order to create such a company, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with a credit institution or a bank that gives the broker the right to represent the interests of the company's clients in the bank. The partner of the bank will receive a complete list of information on all existing credit systems, products, as well as forms of documents. Some of the existing banks and credit institutions provide their intermediaries with special software.

With the help of this software a broker and an organization or a bank can easily exchange all the information necessary for work via the Internet. This software greatly simplifies the entire process.

The more banks a broker manages to conclude cooperation agreements, the more clients he will have. The key to this business is the right location. Some brokers are looking for premises that are in close proximity to places where potential customers can gather. Such places are car markets or large retail outlets.

Other brokers open their own, which is located in the very center of the city. This location is convenient for customers, as they can get there without a single problem. If you manage to choose a good location for your office, and everything goes well, then you will have forty to seventy clients a month. Now let's talk about the office itself and what should be in it.

The office you choose should be small in size. He must be about fifteen square meters. This area can easily accommodate three broker managers. Broker managers will be the key specialists of your bureau.

Their duties will include explaining to the clients of the bureau the pros and cons of this or that credit program. They will also need to tell customers about all required documents to obtain a loan, to assist in paperwork, to assess the chances of borrowers to obtain a loan.

The manager-broker's salary consists of two parts. The first part is the salary, which is usually equal to six to ten thousand rubles. The second part of the salary is a percentage of each concluded transaction.

On average, this percentage is approximately equal to one percent of the amount of the loan issued to them. Experts advise paying a salary only to a broker manager only for the first two or three months of work. During this time, the employee will be able to get comfortable. And then stop paying salaries, and the specialist will have to provide himself with a decent salary.

In this case, the salary will be increased only from the manager-broker himself. This salary will be equal to the amount of interest from transactions concluded by him.

Each employee will need to equip their own workplace. The complete equipment of one place to work will cost you about forty thousand rubles. Another cost item for organizing this business is the purchase of a telephone line, as well as the connection of an Internet channel. In addition to managers, you will need to hire other staff, namely an accountant and a system administrator.

The tasks solved by these specialists can be. Wage an accountant will cost you about ten to fifteen thousand rubles per month of work. And it is enough for the system administrator to appear in the office once every three months. Each of his visits will cost about a thousand or one and a half thousand rubles.

How to choose a manager? And what knowledge should he have?

The manager must be well versed in loans and their processing. He must be able to assess the solvency of customers. This should be best taken by employees who have already worked in credit departments banks. You can also hire graduates who have close to banking specialty, but in this case they will have to be trained.

Experts estimate the average loan amount, which is issued by brokers, at about 250 or 300 thousand rubles. The most popular loans are consumer loans. In second place in popularity is a loan for the purchase of cars, more often supported. The main competitors of independent brokers are real estate agencies. Brokers do not specialize in all types of loans.

Bureaus for obtaining and processing loans have all completely different payment systems. The first system is a system where brokers receive a percentage of the amount of credit given to them. The second system is a fixed payment. There are times when a bank or credit institution simply refuses to issue a loan to a certain client. In this case, brokers do not receive money for their services.

Full support of the client until the client receives the courts costs five or ten percent of the loan amount. Loan brokers most effectively promote their services through outdoor advertising.

Advertisements are best placed close to. Also, the Internet can help to promote the services of credit brokers. Announcements that will talk about the services provided by brokers are best placed on special sites. It would also be nice to offer your services on various forums.

Why are bank guarantees needed?

Work in the field of procurement, supply of goods and services requires certain measures from the participants in transactions, which will allow them to fulfill the obligations of the parties properly in order to exclude further disputes and disagreements.

One of the methods for ensuring the fulfillment of contracts is a bank guarantee (BG), which is widely used in contracts involving the state. A bank guarantee allows you to reimburse a certain amount to the customer if the supplier of goods or services, when fulfilling the contract, deviates from part of the obligations or refuses to fulfill them at all. The security of the contract guaranteed by the bank must comply with a number of legal requirements, namely

  • one month over the term of the contract
  • cannot be revoked before the expiration date
  • be included in the warranty register

To obtain a bank guarantee, it is necessary to complete a package of documents in accordance with the requirements credit institution, which is associated with certain efforts associated with the collection of documentation and the experience of filling out various forms. When registering a BG for a contract related to public procurement, you can only contact the banks mentioned in.

Banks from the Register of the Ministry of Finance impose a number of requirements on principals (customers who applied for a guarantee), which are not easy to fulfill in the absence of specific experience. Therefore, it is easier to entrust the organization of guaranteeing a transaction by a bank to professional intermediaries - bank guarantee agents, otherwise called bank guarantee brokers.

Bank guarantee agents - who are they?

Who are BG agents?

Specialist in bank guarantees is an intermediary between a banking institution and companies, as well as individual entrepreneurs who wish to purchase a guarantee from a credit institution. The profession of a BG agent is modern and in demand due to the economic requirements of supporting all transactions related to tenders. Often there are doubts about the reliability of the participants in contractual relations, and the guarantees of a banking institution can strengthen confidence in the solvency of the parties to the contract being signed. The help of a BG agent can hardly be overestimated given the tight deadlines for the preparation of tender documentation, his connections and skills can significantly speed up the process.

A proven specialist in bank guarantees is necessary for both customers and suppliers.

Why is it economically interesting to become a BG agent?

Joining the ranks of intermediaries between banks and entrepreneurs promises a number of profitable prospects

  1. Regular employment thanks to an increase in the number of contracts requiring guarantees. The popularity of the profession in the labor market is steadily growing due to the lack of specialists in the dynamically growing segment of public procurement and related areas.
  2. lining up partnerships in a business environment. Intermediaries help both banks and clients earn money.
  3. Noteworthy income, where the commission is calculated as a percentage of the transaction. Transparency of earnings control allows for financial planning.
  4. The possibility of investing earned on the terms of partnership with the bank. Detailed information from partner banks allows you to distribute savings in order to receive investment income.

Benefits of being an agent

Who can become an intermediary agent?

A Bank Guarantee Specialist is an occupation for those wishing to develop professional skills in cross-sales, banking, public procurement, and administration. Anyone who wants to work for themselves and has a basic knowledge of contractual relations, banking and computer technology can become an agent of bank guarantees. Experience in law, finance and accounting, as well as skills in working with documents, may be useful.

For those with experience in business communication, able to study and apply information useful in negotiations with clients, it will not be difficult to master the technical regulations and issue guarantees credit institution to conclude a contract in the interests of the client.

If official duties in the workplace and earnings currently do not suit you, it may make sense to consider the option of self-employment and focus on the specialty of a BG broker. Career prospects in the context of a developing market for public procurement, import substitution, defense orders, subject to the quality performance of the agent's obligations, can have a serious development. An alliance uniting like-minded professionals, for example, around a specialized Internet portal, can serve as a development in the specialty.

Agency business - your name and reputation

Promoting your own business in the business community is up to you. Attracting new customers, creating a positive story with positive reviews contribute to building a reputation as a conscientious agent. Your name can become a brand in the market of intermediary services, provided that you fulfill your obligations in good faith, which will subsequently allow you to sell an expanded range of near-banking products to numerous consumers of financial instruments.

Benefits of connecting agents to BG Internet portals

By becoming a BG broker and connecting to the public procurement portal or banking associations, you can count on

  • connection to advanced systems of work in the information environment;
  • improving knowledge and experience in the field of public procurement and tenders;
  • access to a growing client base;
  • remote work with flexible schedule where you can independently plan the day in accordance with personal priorities;
  • legal and reference assistance of project managers;
  • the ability to plan personal income, calculated in accordance with fixed rate from the bank's commission linked to the guarantee amount.

Speed ​​is an important condition for obtaining a guarantee

Doing business in modern conditions is associated with a number of restrictions, including temporary ones, therefore, as a rule, the winner is the one who was the first to fulfill all the conditions in order to receive a lucrative contract. In tenders for public procurement, the bill sometimes goes to the clock.

The possibility of organizing a bank guarantee by agents in a short time contributes to the demand for the services of brokers.

Agents of bank guarantees registered on Internet portals have the opportunity

  • use the express mode of warranty approval;
  • apply exclusive programs that allow you to make an application in 3 hours;
  • use electronic document management using EDS, which allows you to save time on visiting banking structures.

Exchanges of banking services

Internet associations of banks on one site allow individual agents to join the ranks of intermediaries that accompany customers on the way to receiving financial services.

After the electronic signing of the cooperation agreement, you can become a full-fledged participant in the online system for the sale of guarantees from different banks. Distinctive features Internet sites:

  • Automated business process technology ensures the confidentiality of personal data of transaction participants.
  • Bidders are offered unique preferential rates that are not available when contacting the bank directly.
  • Reducing the time for issuing ready-made guarantees due to streamlined processes.
  • Agents are not charged initial contributions You can start working immediately after registration.
  • The sales plan is not exposed, and free training is guaranteed.
  • The agency fee is credited to the agent's personal account on a monthly basis, it is easy to control.

Cooperation with the service allows you to receive income on conditions of complete data security. A multi-level security system accompanies all payments and other transactions.

Money and position are excellent conditions for working as an agent

Agent BG = success

Become an agent, because a specialist in bank guarantees can earn not only credibility in the business community, but also decent money. A successful broker receives 20-40% of the bank's commission, depending on the chosen platform for conducting the transaction. Taking into account the amounts of guarantees from which the bank commission, the agent's earnings are worth it to deal with the issuance of guarantees for clients.

Today, the system of lending to both individuals and legal entities has already crossed the threshold of its development and is firmly rooted not only in the West, but also in Russia.

In addition to the fact that a person in our country has ceased to be distrustful of lending, there is even a certain overabundance of organizations providing loan services. In order to get a really profitable loan for the implementation of certain goals (own business, closing a mortgage agreement, etc.), the consumer must know what conditions are provided by banks and organizations within his radius of access. If we ignore the settlements with a low number of inhabitants, where there are only 2-3 banks for the whole city, the number of creditors will become an order of magnitude larger. To take out a loan for favorable conditions, a person will have to study a lot of information.

And now companies or even individual entrepreneurs are entering the scene, providing invaluable services in the credit market. Such an entrepreneur is called a credit broker. This business is one of the few areas where demand exceeds supply. Since all the places in this area have not yet been filled, there is no fierce competition between individual enterprises providing this species services.

A loan broker provides consulting services, selects the most suitable bank and type of loan for your needs and opportunities, or even represents your interests in a bank for a small percentage or rate. This saves the borrower time, and often, with more profitable choice credit institution, even financial resources.

Speaking of finances. Based on the fact that this area of ​​business is quite new for Russia, even small companies doing business in the field of credit brokerage (and sometimes individual brokers) have a consistently high income. Next, we will consider a business plan generalized for all regions of Russia for the creation of an enterprise engaged in credit brokerage.

Definition of strategy

The starting point that opens the plan is the legal justification for the activity. A credit broker is not required to have a special license, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity. When this step is taken, it is worth joining a professional association and becoming an official representative of one or more banks, which will positively affect the level of trust in your company of new customers. At the planning stage, it is important to understand and determine what types of services your business will provide. You can limit yourself to consulting services, but for full return, in addition to consulting, it is necessary to include in your duties the selection of a bank and type of loan, up to the complete management of the client from the beginning of the operation to the final stage - receiving money. The final stage of relations with the client may be your representation of his interests in the bank.

An important item included in the business plan is the definition target audience. Its value at the initial stage is how much you can spend on advertising and hospitality, since advertising on public transport is unlikely to attract major client, and large-scale advertising on advertising banners costs an order of magnitude more expensive.

There is a practice of not focusing on a particular type of loan, which increases the scope for action, and loan brokers practically do not process mortgage due to high competition construction firms. Of course, there is a difference where to open your business - in the capital, a regional center or a provincial town. The more inhabitants in locality, the more profit you can count on, but the business will also require more substantial financial injections.

The next point that a novice credit broker should think about is education, dictated by the need to understand what exactly is happening in the credit market, within banks, which will allow you to more clearly choose the strategy and tactics of enterprise development. This may be self-education or obtaining an official diploma. The second option is preferable, because it dramatically increases the degree of trust of new customers in you.

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Staff and premises

The business plan also includes an item on personnel and selection of office space. At first, having necessary knowledge in the field of economics, lending and accounting, you can not involve additional staff in your business, managing completely on your own. But if there are trends for development, you can simply not cope with the amount of work. A broker may have 3 customer service specialists on staff, who most likely will need to be further trained.

It makes sense to pay attention to graduates of economic faculties, holders of the necessary knowledge, although most likely this knowledge will require additional practical education and customer service skills. For these purposes the best choice there will be former bank employees who already have all the necessary knowledge. For greater convenience, you may need a system administrator and an accountant who will relieve you of the extra burden and free up time to develop your business.

Properly chosen location of the office space is the key to the success of the enterprise. It should have certain characteristics: it should be in the accessibility zone (it can be easily reached), preferably not far from the places of concentration of representatives of the target audience, the presence of parking near the office will be a big plus. A properly located office will provide your office with up to 100 people per month even at the start. Choose the size of the office in proportion to the number of people involved in your enterprise (on average, from 15 to 50 sq.m). If you have a staffed staff that includes several other operators besides you, then having a manager's office will create additional solidity for you and your business.

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Advertising issues

Our business plan puts this point not at the very beginning, but in terms of importance it, perhaps, takes the first place. Advertising is necessary in order to attract customers. A properly conducted advertising campaign can ensure the prosperity of your business, and an incorrectly conducted advertising campaign can not work at all or simply scare you away.

  1. Internet. Everyone uses the Internet. For effective actions on the Internet, it is necessary to present information about your services on specialized sites and forums, as well as use the services of Internet advertising companies. It is important to develop your own web page with information about contacts, services provided and containing informational articles.
  2. Outdoor advertising. Place ads near your office and near banks, so you can attract more customers from your target audience.
  3. Advertising in newspapers.
  4. Advertising in public transport. This kind of advertising move can be effective if the direction of your business is consumer lending.
  5. Recommendations. This is a special kind of advertising, which, as a rule, brings 100% customers. To do this, you need to print Business Cards. A recommendation is the best advertisement.

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Cost and benefit calculations

After the necessary steps included in the business plan have been considered, let's move on to calculating the costs and possible profits.

The legal justification of a business (registration of IP) is not the most expensive column and costs 20-30 thousand rubles. once.

Personnel training can amount to 15-30 thousand rubles. per person.

Operators are paid from the percentage of transactions, which can be up to 30 thousand rubles. per month per person

The average rate of an accountant is about 15 thousand rubles. per month.

In a large organization, a system administrator must be at the workplace all day, his salary is about 30 thousand rubles. But if the office is small, then you can limit yourself to calls with a payment of 1.5 - 2 thousand rubles. for the challenge.

Renting an office in a large city - such as, for example, St. Petersburg - will cost at least 40 thousand rubles. per month, although it is possible here various options depending on the size of the room and where it is located.

Loan brokers are people who act as intermediaries between borrowers and banks. In some situations, only with the help of a loan can you cope with financial problems Therefore, the services of such specialists are quite in demand.

Brokers provide clients with advice, as well as help them arrange all primary documentation. Read the reviews before asking for help from such a specialist. former clients on the Internet to assess the level of his preparation. If you decide to work independently in this direction, you should know that before becoming a loan broker, you must first undergo special training.

How to start a brokerage business?

In any case, first of all, you need to draw up a competent business plan for a loan broker.

It should consist of the following items:

  • Service list;
  • Office location;
  • Staff;
  • The level of competition;
  • Payback of a business project.

To understand everything in more detail, you need to familiarize yourself with a step-by-step business plan on how to become a loan broker, and study each of its points separately.

Business registration

To start commercial activities, you need to open an LLC or register an individual entrepreneur. If you do not have enough time or money for this, before becoming a broker, you can work with the first clients without official registration, as a private person. But in order to avoid problems in the future, the documents must be formalized. For the first time, you can work in the status of an individual entrepreneur under a simplified taxation system.

No certificates, licenses or other permits are required for intermediary activities in the field of lending.


Some banks provide special program, with which they exchange broker information over the Internet. This greatly simplifies the work. The more partner banks you have, the more visitors will appear in the company.

Office location

It is desirable that office space located near a bank, business center or car market. If you manage to choose the right location, the influx of customers to your company will be stable.

You don't need a big office to work. It is enough to rent a room with an area of ​​​​10-20 square meters. meters. It should equip workplaces for managers who will provide clients with information about credit products different banks, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

A credit broker can run his business without an office. In this case, all you need to work is a table, a chair and a computer with Internet access. You can also advise clients by visiting their homes. Such a service usually costs more, so it brings additional profit.


To work in a brokerage office, you need to hire the following staff:
  • Managers;
  • System Administrator;
  • Accountant.

Managers must objectively assess the solvency of customers, as well as clearly know the procedure for obtaining a loan. Therefore, for such a position it is desirable to take former employees banks or graduates with higher economic education with their further training in practice.

Such specialists are paid a fixed salary of 6-10 rubles and a certain percentage of each transaction. From each loan, employees receive 0.5-1%. When things get better, the salary can be withdrawn, since quite a decent salary will be obtained on interest. Each employee must have his own workplace, for the arrangement of which 40 thousand rubles will have to be spent. You will also have to purchase a dedicated channel on the Internet and a telephone line.

As an accountant and an IT specialist, you can hire employees from an outsourcing company. The system administrator will come to the office once a quarter. He will have to pay about 2,000 rubles for each visit. An accountant charges an average of 20,000 rubles a month for his services.

As you can see, the business idea of ​​a loan broker does not require large investments, but at the same time it allows you to get a good profit.

Business promotion and competition

In order to promote this business, it is advisable to use outdoor advertising and the Internet.

If your company has a corporate website, it will significantly raise its status. It contains information about prices and services. Also, promote your business through forums and print ads.


The payback period of the initial investment largely depends on how well the company works. Of the 60–70 clients who visit the brokerage office every month, 30–40 people receive loans. Some of them are screened out by banks, and specialists themselves refuse to work with the rest. At first, you will have about 20 visitors per month. But with time client base will grow and income will increase. Success in work is ensured by a successful advertising campaign. Under favorable circumstances, you will return the starting capital in 3-4 months. Now you know how to become a broker in Russia, so everything is in your hands.

Main difficulties

Beginning businessmen face many problems that prevent them from gaining a foothold in the market. The first is finding clients. This question is central to any kind of business. Many clients are simply afraid to contact such specialists, because there are many scammers among them. If you charge a large advance for your services, it is unlikely that your office will have many visitors.

In addition, clients want the broker to guarantee that they can get a loan. Most often, these are people who cannot officially confirm their income, or customers with a bad credit history.

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Remember that a solvent client with a positive credit history cannot be denied by several banks at once. If this happened, then he hid some information from you. Therefore, do not forget to check all documents so as not to get into an unpleasant story.

Main problems

If you have firmly decided that I want to become a broker, you must first of all familiarize yourself with all the problems that may arise in the process of work.

Most banks refuse to cooperate with unknown specialists. They believe that a conscientious borrower will come to them for a loan without seeking outside help. Therefore, it is quite difficult to understand how to become a successful broker without having any connections with the bank's management.


Once you know what it takes to become a broker, you can get to work. Promoting your own brand without bank connections and a large customer base is not so easy. To understand all the intricacies of this business, you should first work as a loan agent and study everything in detail.

A loan broker assists individuals and legal entities in obtaining a loan from a bank. For this, he receives a reward in the form of a percentage of the transaction. To start doing such a business in Russia legally, you need to register a company or individual entrepreneur, study the legal framework, the situation on the financial market, decide on a niche, attract customers. You can also use the experience of existing companies and open a franchise business.


The loan broker is a member financial market- an intermediary between the bank and the borrower. In simple words- a credit broker assists in obtaining loans to individuals and legal entities.

But do not confuse this with “black brokers”, when an intermediary negotiates with a friend who works at a bank, and a loan is issued in circumvention of established regulations, or with fraudulent schemes, when money is taken from a client for a service, but he does not receive a loan in the end. This material is about legal business.

The main formats of credit brokerage:

  • mediation in the process of obtaining a consumer loan for individuals;
  • mediation in obtaining a loan and financing for business legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;
  • mortgage mediation (mortgage broker).

Why and who needs such a service?

To make it clear, an example with a consumer loan.

Initial data: Vasily urgently needs to take a consumer loan in the amount of 300 thousand rubles.

Option for the development of events No. 1. There are 12 different banks in the city. He starts calling banks and writing down interest rates and conditions to find the best option.

Vasily finds out that interest rate depends on many parameters: credit history, place of work, loan term, availability of insurance, etc. He is offered to visit the bank office and apply for a loan. Vasily goes to bank offices to apply and choose the most profitable proposition. He spends the whole day on this.

As a result, he submits applications to three banks: in one he is denied, in another they ask for additional documents, in the third they approve the amount of 200 thousand rubles. But this amount does not suit him. Time and nerves spent, money not taken.

Option for the development of events number 2: Vasily turns to a loan broker. Here they evaluate his solvency, check his credit history, advise, help to choose a bank and profitable program lending. If there are errors in the credit history (for example, the balance of the current loan or non-existent delays are incorrectly reflected), the credit broker provides a service to correct them.

They help to collect and fill out documents, negotiate with bank employees. Vasily just needs to come to the bank, sign the contract and collect the required amount.

Outcome: Vasily receives the necessary amount under optimal conditions, saving his time and nerves. For this, he pays a certain percentage to the loan broker - as a rule, from 2% to 10% of the amount of the loan received.

The client pays the credit broker for:

  • legal support of a lending transaction;
  • solvency check;
  • assistance in paperwork, consulting on banking services;
  • help with selection the best option and with design;
  • saving money and time.

Important! Clients will go to a credit broker if the benefit from the received loan exceeds the amount of remuneration for the services of an intermediary.

Is the business of providing financial intermediation services relevant?

According to the Fitch rating agency, about 40 million people in Russia (and this is 26% of all residents of the country, or one in four) have bank loans. At the same time, the number of banks in Russia has been rapidly declining over the past few years. For example, in 2010, 1058 banks operated in the Russian Federation, and at the beginning of 2017 - 623.

Despite this situation in the banking sector, and to some extent even thanks to it, the services of credit brokers are becoming more and more in demand. This is due to the fact that many microfinance organizations have appeared on the market offering “easy money” at crazy interest rates. To take a loan in such companies, it is enough to present only a passport. Money will be given at a rate of 1% per day and above (and this is from 365% per annum).

However financial literacy population and the desire to save their own money are growing. People are looking for ways to save money and time. For a month (data for September 2017) search system Yandex registers more than 69,000 queries for the phrase "assistance in obtaining a loan" and more than 34,000 queries for the phrase "loan broker".

As for small businesses, in order to obtain a loan from a bank at an acceptable loan rate, one has to collect a considerable package of documents: the charter, certificates of registration and amendments, management and official reporting data, documents for real estate and vehicles and others. It is good if the company has a competent accountant who will quickly cope with the task. If this is not so, then the collection of documents turns into a "going through the throes." Contacting a loan broker greatly simplifies the process and saves time.

How to start a business legally

special separate law regulating the work of credit brokers in Russia, no. However, there is a very useful document - Profstandard "Credit Brokerage Specialist" No. 449, it was approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 175n dated March 19, 2015.

It describes in detail what a credit broker should know and be able to do, conditions and requirements, a list of services and labor activities.

Also, entrepreneurs wishing to open such a business must adhere to and not violate the norms established by relevant and related laws. These include:

  • the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • Civil Code;
  • the federal law"About credit histories";
  • Law "On banks and banking»;
  • Federal Law "On Personal Data";
  • tax code;
  • Law "On Advertising";
  • and a number of other, including local, regulations.

Legal subtleties: the activity of providing services of a credit broker is not subject to licensing. You can work in this area both in the status of an individual entrepreneur and an LLC. As the optimal tax system, experts advise choosing the USN 6%.

Scheme of work and a step-by-step plan for starting a business

Before opening a business providing credit broker services, you need to study the situation on the financial services market in the region where you plan to open a business.

  1. Visit bank branches, get acquainted with their loan offers, requirements for borrowers, and possible loan amounts. Negotiate financial mediation. Some banks officially work with loan brokers by entering into agency agreements. In such cases, in addition to remuneration for their services from clients, the intermediary also receives an agency fee from the bank. However, this is not the end in itself of the work of a credit broker. The purpose of a loan broker is to select banking product with optimal conditions: term, rate, amount, so that the client does not overpay extra money and save his time.
  2. Visit the companies of existing credit intermediaries and see how the business works "from the inside". Decide on a niche (mortgage, consumer loans or business loans). This is necessary to understand the portrait of the target client and the range of services provided.
  3. To study the legislative framework, features and conditions for working with credit history verification services, such as NBKI (National Bureau of Credit History), Equifax. The presence of debt writ of execution checked on the FSSP website ( Federal Service bailiffs).
  4. Register a company or individual entrepreneurship, come up with a name, conduct an advertising campaign, place ads for clients.
  5. Rent an office, equip it with office equipment and furniture, connect the Internet and telephone, hire employees.

As for the fifth step, you can start without an office, it is enough to have on hand mobile phone and access to the Internet. You can also start working remotely: create a website or landing page on the Internet through which to offer your services.

Customer acquisition channels are standard: contextual advertising, social media, ads on paid and free online platforms ("Avito", "My Advertising", "From Hand to Hand") and others.

Experts also recommend that you inform all your friends and acquaintances about the business related to obtaining loans. After all, the more people know about the possibility of obtaining a loan faster and cheaper by contacting a loan broker, the greater will be the flow of customers. Of course, you still need to prove yourself: to provide quality services.

Overview of loan broker franchises

You can simplify the process of creating and starting a company providing loan broker services if you open such a franchise business. Let's move on to an overview of two franchises that are represented on the franchising market in Russia.

The company positions itself as a center for raising funds for people and businesses. Partners are offered three tariff plans to choose from: "Start", "Standard" and "Exclusive". You can find out the cost of a franchise on the company's website:

"Banking Advisor" offers not just assistance in opening a credit broker company, but a ready-made business model, which includes:

  • site development;
  • office design project;
  • CRM-system with a module for checking credit histories;
  • online learning;
  • drawing up a business plan;
  • templates for all types of contracts;
  • plus a number of additional options (depending on the package).

Watch the video about the franchise "Banking Advisor"

Franchise "Financial partners"

The company "Financial partners" acts as an intermediary in the provision of services for registration consumer loans, mortgages, business loans, car loans, leasing. Website link:

Franchise packages are described in Table 1.

Table 1. Offers for partners of the company "Financial Partners"

The composition and cost of the package

Light package

Package "Standard"

Package "All at once"

Who suits

For cities with a population of less than 300 thousand people or for already operating companies

For cities with population over 300,000

For cities with a population of more than 300 thousand people

Start time

What's included

Office launch;

Proprietary CRM system;

Launching a client flow;

Online course for employees;

contracts for work;

Business cards and corporate identity;

Marketing kit;

Online consultations

The whole Light package plus:

Opening and furnishing an office;


Course of Study;

50 customer applications for loans and mortgages;

At least five channels of work with banks;

At least five certificates of partner banks

The whole package "Standard" plus:

At least ten channels for working with banks;

At least ten certificates of partner banks;

Selection of employees;

100 customer applications for loans and mortgages;

Departure of a specialist to launch the office and


Credit history correction services;

For 5000 rubles. replenished balance on checks

Franchise cost

390 000 rubles

590 000 rubles

890 000 rubles

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