Installment credit card "Home Credit": customer reviews about the conditions. Installment card "Home Credit" - what is it? Terms, registration, reviews Minimum payment by installment card home

In the summer of 2017, a new interest-free installment card from Home Credit Bank entered the market. We already have 2 similar offers on the market: cards from Qiwi-bank and from Sovcombank. By the way, they are in very good demand among the population.

Many credit institutions are aware of the prospects of this direction. And they begin to prepare for the release of their own installment cards. Moreover, the conditions for new products are getting better and better. But not always. So the card from Alfa-Bank "", launched in the spring of 2018, offers very modest installment terms.

But Halva, on the contrary, is gradually evolving. Transforming from an ordinary credit card into an almost perfect banking product. Possibility to use own funds on the card. Receive for purchases (for example, 12% in Pyaterochka or Perekrestok stores). Interest on the balance of own funds. And all this is free.

What can offer a new and special installment card from HCB (Home bank loan or simply from a hamster)?

The creators of the new product immediately assured that their card would be much more successful and profitable compared to Halva and Conscience. They took into account all the shortcomings of competitors and took only the best.

Map from Hamster - an application for victory?

I immediately remember characters from Russian fairy tales.

The father had three sons. The older one was smart. The average was this way and that. The younger one was an idiot.

Why am I doing this? It was the youngest son who ended up on a horse, snatched off his beautiful wife, became king, and so on and so forth.

I don't know if Home Credit will be able to become a leader or if it's just a PR move and the product will be just one of the similar offerings on the market.

Let's figure it out.

In this article, we will look at:

  • what is an installment card from Home Credit;
  • what is new in it compared to competitors;
  • what are the benefits of plastic;
  • features and hidden conditions;
  • what you need to pay attention to.

So let's go…..

Basic rates and conditions

On the main page of the bank's website, we see the following information:

  • the card is free (issuance and maintenance);
  • installment period 3 months;
  • overpayment for the use of borrowed funds - 0 (subject to repayment on time);
  • 29.9% per annum in case of delay;
  • The card is accepted in all shops.

Sounds tempting. But usually the bank indicates all the most unpleasant in the tariffs, leaving the most delicious in sight.

Is an installment card a credit card?

Pretty popular question. Many still hardly imagine the functionality of cards with the installment function. And how do they differ from ordinary credit cards.

Let's go in order.

  1. The use of borrowed funds on a credit card involves a fee to the bank. You borrow money (in cash or buy goods in a store) and the bank charges interest on the amount of the debt. Until the loan is repaid in full, interest is dripping.
  2. High competition and the struggle for new customers among banks gave impetus to a new type of lending - an interest-free period. Here you can use credit money for free for a certain period of time (from several weeks to several months). It is only necessary to fully repay the debt to the bank by the end of the free period. One example is "" from Alfa Bank. With long grace periods, the bank also obliges to make a certain minimum payment once a month (usually 5-10% of the debt amount). If you do everything right, do not miss payments and repay the loan in full on time, you do not need to pay interest. Usually such cards have an annual maintenance fee. From 500-1000 rubles to ...... let's say several thousand.
  3. Installment cards became the next (or parallel) stage of the banks' battle for customers. The meaning of use is very similar to cards with an interest-free lending period. You buy goods by card, if you deposit money on time, you do not pay interest.

The differences are as follows:

  • The service is free. No need to pay banks only for the right (card) to use money if necessary. The installment card can be safely put on the shelf. And only use it in an emergency.
  • Debt payment algorithm. A very small amount is paid on credit cards every month, and the main (almost all) part of the debt must be paid by the end of the interest-free period. But on installment cards, we need to split up the debt and pay it in equal installments.

It turns out that, according to its parameters,

Installment cards are credit cards. But with slightly different rules for providing borrowed funds and a repayment algorithm.

How to use the card?

The Home Credit card gives you the opportunity to buy goods in any stores (including the Internet) in installments for 3 months. The amount of the debt is divided into 3 equal parts and you only have to repay 1/3 every month. If everything is done on time, you will not have to pay any interest on the use of credit funds.

Bought a TV for 30 thousand. Every month you have to pay 10 thousand rubles. If during this period you make more purchases, then we add a third of the cost of new purchases to the current monthly payment.

Another question is when to make payments so as not to fall into penalties?

The installment card has 2 parameters: payment and settlement period.

The payment period lasts exactly one month from the date of issue of the card. Then comes the settlement period - 20 days. The bank counts all your purchases for the month and determines the amount of the required payment. You have 20 days to deposit money.

For example. Issued a card on January 1st. The payment period is until February 1st. In a month you spent 30,000 thousand. It doesn't matter when. At the beginning of the month or January 31st. All expenses are summed up and divided by 3. Your payment will be 10,000 rubles. You need to make it from the 1st to the 20th of each month (billing period), starting from February 1.

If in February you spent another 30 thousand, then by the next billing period, the minimum payment will be 20,000.

Possibilities of use

The card is accepted absolutely in any stores. This is one of its main differences, I'm not afraid of this word - advantages over competitors (Halva and Conscience).

Many cardholders complain about the limited number of partner stores. When you need to find out in advance before buying whether the cards can be used in this retail chain.

As a result, many installment cards gather dust on the shelf. There is nowhere to pay them.

Plastic from a hamster is devoid of such inconvenience. In fact, we have an ordinary credit card. Where we use it is up to us. No restrictions and imposition by the bank of their stores.

Home Credit also plans to acquire partner stores. For purchases, a longer installment plan will be given. From 4 months to a year.

But there is no official list yet. The bank promises to publish the list soon.

The first list of partner stores appeared on the Home Credit website. Not very big yet. But a start has been made. The minimum installment period is 3 months. The maximum so far is 10. For most offers, the period of interest-free use is 4-6 months.

The number of partner stores has increased to 20,000.

But in any case, the minimum installment period of 3 months is already good.

For example, at Conscience and Halva, for the most popular stores, installments are given only 1-2 months.

SMS info and personal account

Services, unlike most credit organizations trying to earn an extra penny for providing SMS services, are completely free.

The bank will calculate the amount of the monthly payment. And SMS notifications will prompt (remind) in what period and how much money needs to be deposited. You will have almost 3 weeks to calmly pay off your current debt.

Also, all this information is available in your personal account.

Deposit and withdrawal of cash

It is not possible to withdraw money from the card. Moreover, the ban is not only on credit, but also on own funds.

You can replenish the card for free at "native" ATMs and cash desks of the bank. The card does not know how to withdraw money through a personal account from other banks.

There are several more exotic ways to replenish. Through your own My Credit service (the first 2 top-ups are free) and through the telephone menu (but a call from outside Moscow will be paid).


I think this is the most important point to pay attention to in the first place. The free installment plan is great. But what happens if the payment is not made on time?

We are all living people, but everyone can experience force majeure situations.

For delay, Home Credit begins to accrue interest at a rate of 29.9% per annum.

The bank rates are as follows.

It's written a little confusingly.

The meaning is the following.

If the next payment is not made on time, the bank charges interest for using the loan from the beginning of the last payment period (month) and only on the amount of the outstanding debt.

Example. Within 3 months, on the installment card, you must pay the bank 30,000 rubles (10 thousand each). The first 2 months were paid regularly and on time. Missed payment at the end. It is for the last month that the bank will begin to charge you interest for using the loan. And only for the remaining amount of the debt. That is, not 30 thousand, but only 10,000.

Interest continues to accrue until the loan is paid off in full.

Other features

Credit limit- from 10 to 300,000 rubles. The level is set at the discretion of the bank. With active use of the card, the limit will increase.

cash back- Partial refunds for purchases are not provided. Neither at the expense of credit, nor for their own.

Usage restrictions . The installment plan does not apply to operations not related to the purchase of goods (services), replenishment of electronic wallets, money transfers, purchase of lottery tickets, gambling.

Early repayments . You have the right to deposit money early. The bank has no sanctions in this regard. If you don’t want to pay for 3 months, deposit the required amount and immediately close the debt to the bank.

How to issue a card

There are 2 options for obtaining a card.

  1. Place an online order at official website Home Credit Bank. Leave your contact details and we will call you back within a few minutes.
  2. Come directly to the bank branch.

To get a card, you still need to visit the bank. But in the case of sending an online application through the site, you will immediately know whether the card was approved for you or not. With a positive decision, all that remains is to choose a department convenient for you and pick up the finished plastic.

Updated. The card can be delivered by courier to your home. For free.

When visiting the bank on your own to order a card, certain inconveniences may arise: loss of time (standing in line, waiting for the manager to complete all the documents and request approval), even if you fully meet the bank’s requirements for borrowers, there is a risk that the card may not approve.

Requirements for borrowers

To apply for a card, you will need 2 documents:

  1. Passport.
  2. The second identity document (rights, SNILS, passport).

Requirements are standard and very loyal.

  1. Citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  2. Local registration.
  3. Age 18 - 64 years.
  4. Availability of a cell phone and a second additional phone number.
  5. Experience at the last place of work from 3 months.

Comparison with Conscience and Halva

Based on the information received, it is already possible to deduce a certain verdict.

But is the card as good as the creators of the product say about it?

Let's make a comparison with the main (and so far the only) competitors: Halva and Conscience.

Home Credit Card Halva Conscience
Servicefor freefor freefor free
Credit limitup to 300 thousandup to 300 thousandup to 350 thousand
Withdrawalsnot providedonly ownnot provided
cash backNo12% (from own funds)No
SMS infofor freefor freefor free
Shopping by cardin any stores without restrictionsin installments in partner stores / in any stores at our own expensepartner stores
Minimum installment period3 months1 month1 month
Maximum installment period12 months12 months12 months
Receiptat the bank officeCourier deliveryCourier delivery

An installment card is a fairly new product in the banking services market. Unlike the usual credit cards, it allows you to purchase goods on an interest-free loan for a long time.
The Home Credit Bank installment card has become relatively popular among the inhabitants of our country recently. Let us consider in more detail the features of the design of this product in this bank.

Online application

Terms of use

The main conditions for using the installment card include:

  1. The installment period is up to 1 year. The maximum period applies only to special purchases that were made in partner stores. For purchases in other stores, the installment period does not exceed 2 months.
  2. There is no interest rate for the use of credit funds while the installment period continues. After it, the interest rate is 29.8% per year.
  3. The credit limit for each client is determined individually. Its value varies from 10 thousand to 300 thousand rubles.
  4. The amount of the mandatory monthly payment is 7% of the debt. It also includes various interest, commissions, possible penalties and overdue debt. In order to enjoy the benefits of installment plan, an individual needs to make a monthly repayment of borrowed funds in equal installments plus make a minimum payment.
  5. The tariff for SMS notifications is 99 rubles per month. This fee is debited in the month when the debit transaction was made.
  6. There is no fee for reissuing the card at the end of its validity period. If the reissue is carried out at the request of the client, then he will have to pay 200 rubles for such a procedure.
  7. There is no annual fee for using this product.

Home Credit Bank does not charge extra for the provision of such services on an installment card:

  • use of mobile or Internet banking;
  • provision of a card statement;
  • PIN code change;
  • blocking;
  • replenishment of the card with cash.

Requirements for the borrower and the list of documents

In order to receive an installment card at Home Credit Bank, a potential client must:

  • have Russian citizenship;
  • have a permanent registration in the region where there are offices of this bank;
  • meet age limits, the minimum value of which is 18 years old, and the maximum reaches 64 years old;
  • have a permanent income;
  • be employed at the last place of employment for at least 3 months.

To receive a card, an individual must provide a Russian passport. Non-working pensioners must also provide a pension certificate.

Home Credit installment card agreement - are there any pitfalls?

When applying for an installment card, you should carefully read the loan agreement, since interest-free use of borrowed capital for such a long period of time does not apply to all transactions, For example:

  • making payments in favor of Internet wallets;
  • buying lottery tickets;
  • the cost of acquiring bonds or precious metals;
  • payment for the services of a casino and other similar establishments.

If the client conducts one of the above operations, then he will have to pay interest in the amount of 29.8% per annum.

It is worth considering the fact that for late repayment of debt (in case of violation of the debt repayment schedule) or for depositing an amount that is less than the minimum calculated on the card, penalties are applied, the amount of which reaches 20% per year.

Submit an application for an installment card

Apply for a loan without leaving home! Click on the "Online Application" button and you will automatically be taken to a small loan application form.

Online application

You can apply for an installment card on the bank's website by going to the "Installment card" section.

To issue a request for issuing a card, you need to click the "Issue a card" button.

The client will need to enter personal information about himself, indicating:

  • surname, name, patronymic;
  • date of birth;
  • series and number of the passport;
  • Mobile phone number;
  • email (if available).

You must also agree to the terms for the processing of personal data. After the person clicks the "Next" button, an SMS message will be sent to the phone number entered in the application. This notification will contain a code that will need to be entered on the site to confirm the operation.

The application for issuing an installment card is transferred to the bank for processing. An employee of Home Credit Bank contacts the client, clarifies the details and invites him to visit the office to sign a loan agreement and receive a card.

How to activate the card

Before using the card to pay in stores, it must be activated. Activation process can be done directly at the bank branch specialist of this institution. The client is given a temporary PIN code, which is valid for 72 hours. To use the card permanently, it needs to be changed. You can do this by contacting the hotline on one of the phones 8-800-700-80-06 or 8-495-785-82-22.

The card activation procedure can also be done on the bank's website. You will need to enter the card number (it is written on the front side of the card and consists of 16 digits). You will need to provide your passport number. After the client clicks the "Continue" button, it will also be necessary to prescribe the expiration date of the card and the security code located on the back.

Please note: the surname and first name of the owner must be printed in English letters.

After filling in all the information on the site, an SMS message will be sent to the client, in which the code will be indicated. By entering it into a special form on the site, the cardholder confirms the process of its activation.

How to use installment card

After the installment card has been activated, it is ready for use. You can pay with it at retail outlets for various purchases. To do this, just insert the installment card into a special reader - POS-terminal. Confirmation of the operation is carried out by entering the PIN code, which was previously installed on the card.

If the client pays for goods for a small amount, the value of which does not exceed 1000 rubles, then there is no need to enter a PIN code, it is enough to attach the card to the reader. This feature greatly simplifies and speeds up the payment process.

If the client plans to use the card to pay for the purchase in the online store, then the site will need to indicate the details of this card, namely:

  • installment card number;
  • its validity period;
  • The CVV code is located on the back of the card and consists of 3 digits, it is used instead of the PIN code.

In addition, an SMS message with a code is sent to the client's phone specified in the contract, which must be entered on the site to confirm the payment procedure.

After the purchase has been made, it is necessary to return the borrowed capital. As mentioned above, all payments are made in equal installments.

For example, a person purchases a smartphone in the amount of 6,000 rubles, the installment plan for which will last for 6 months. Thus, the client will have to make a monthly payment equal to 1000 rubles for six months.

List of partner stores

Partner stores of Home Credit Bank offer customers who purchase goods from them on an installment card, an interest-free loan for up to 12 months.

In partner stores, the client can purchase a variety of goods, for example:

  • clothes;
  • household appliances;
  • sporting goods;
  • decorations;
  • airplane tickets.

The list of the main partner stores of Home Credit Bank is presented in the table:

Name of shop Installment period
Samsonite 4 months
Lamoda 6 months
Aeroflot 4 months
Lensmaster 4 months
Technopark 6 months
Kari and Kari kids 3 months
Modis 3 months
Pandora 4 months
OneTwoTrip 4 months
The Snow Queen 6 months
585 Gold 6 months
know-how 6 months 7 months

A list of all available partners can be found on the bank's website.

Personal Area

Internet banking with access to the Personal Account allows the client to manage his card without contacting the bank office.

In addition, the Personal Account displays detailed information on this product, namely:

  • amount of used credit limit;
  • date of repayment of credit funds;
  • monthly payment amounts.

Internet banking is absolutely free. Get access to this resource simple enough. You can do this in several ways:

  1. Contact the bank office in person - this can be done immediately, when issuing a card, so as not to go to the branch several times. You will need to write a statement of a certain sample, as well as come up with a password to go into the system. Login and password are sent to the client to the phone number that was registered in the loan agreement.
  2. Call the Contact Center at one of the phone numbers 8-800-700-80-06 or 8-495-785-82-22. When calling the Customer Support Center, the customer needs to provide certain data to confirm his identity, for example, a code word, information from a passport. Without fail, you will also need to name the installment card number and the phone number that was indicated in the contract. After agreeing the password, the login will be sent to the phone number.
  3. Perform self-registration on the bank's website. At the top, you need to click the "Login" button, then click the "Internet Banking" button. This can also be done through the Personal Account. Here you need to enter personal data:
  • contract or card number;
  • series and number of the passport;
  • image code.

After clicking the "Continue" button, the registration process in the system takes place. Username and password are sent via SMS.

Please note: after completing the registration process in the Personal Account, you need to change the access password to the system when you first enter the interface.

Card replenishment methods

In order to use the credit funds available on the installment card, it is necessary to replenish this product on a monthly basis.

Home Credit Bank offers its customers various ways of replenishment, which are carried out without commission. They belong to:

  1. Card replenishment using the voice menu. The client needs to call the contact center, and, following the prompts, make a payment. In this way, you can make a payment using the details of a card that was issued in another bank.
  2. Transfer of funds using the Personal Account. You can transfer funds from a current or card account that was issued at Home Credit Bank.
  3. Payment via mobile application allows you to pay from any card or account that was issued in a third-party banking institution.
  4. Payment on the bank's website- the client needs to select the "Make a payment" section. Using the prompts on the site, payment is made using the details of the card, which was issued in another bank.
  5. Cash replenishment at terminals and ATMs- replenishment must be carried out in devices that belong to Home Credit Bank. You must have an installment card that needs to be topped up.
  6. Making a payment at the cash desk of Home Credit Bank- you will need to specify the card details for replenishment.

In addition, there are also ways to replenish the card, for which an additional fee is charged. These include:

  • using money transfer systems- payment is made at QIWI service points. You need to show your passport and name the details for transferring funds, namely the contract number and account number;
  • in other banks- the procedure for depositing funds depends on the specific standards adopted in a particular banking institution;
  • using electronic transfer at Russian Post offices- you will need to fill out a special form for electronic transfer by contacting one of the branches of this organization.

The time of crediting funds to the card account will depend on the chosen method of replenishment. In some situations, for example, when making a payment at the cash desk of a third-party bank, it will take a long time for the money to be credited to the account. This must be taken into account when replenishing.

Is there a catch? Pros and cons of the card

The main benefits of an installment card include:

  1. The client can pay with a card and purchase goods without overpaying within a period of 2 to 12 months, depending on where the purchase was made.
  2. You can pay by card both in regular stores and on Internet sites.
  3. No annual banking fees for this product.
  4. Numerous ways to replenish the card without applying an additional commission.

One of the significant drawbacks of this card is its narrow specialization, that is, the client can only use the installment card to pay in stores, supermarkets and other retail outlets and networks.

There is no option to withdraw cash. That is, if a client tries to insert a card into an ATM and requests a certain amount for cashing out, the system will generate an error.

Customer reviews about the card for 2018

On the Internet you can find various reviews about this card: both positive and negative.

Installment card holders who leave positive reviews speak flatteringly about the possibility of purchasing goods on credit for a long period without charging an additional commission, especially when it comes to purchases from partner stores. Customers also note the possibility of making purchases in various online stores, which is very convenient for those who are used to purchasing goods remotely, without going to retail outlets.

In negative reviews, there is dissatisfaction with the inability to withdraw cash, as with other types of credit cards. In contrast to the free use of credit funds, individual owners also indicate rather high interest rates for using the loan when the installment period ends.

But all customers agree: it is necessary to carefully study the loan agreement on the card before putting your signature in order to use this product correctly.

Question answer

Customers who intend to issue an installment card from Home Credit Bank or are already using its benefits have certain questions. Consider the answers to the most common of them.

Why is there a hamster on the map?

The design of the installment card has been changed. At the moment, it is blue plastic with the Latin name Home Credit Bank.

Can I pay off a loan with a Home Credit installment card?

The installment card is designed for making purchases in various stores and retail chains. The credit limit cannot be used to repay a loan that was obtained from a third-party bank.

Can I withdraw money from a Home Credit installment card?

It is not possible to withdraw funds from this card. It is intended only for making purchases in the retail network.

Can I pay for products?

The client can pay with an installment card by purchasing any products in stores.

How does the installment card work?

The amount of expenses incurred for the purchase of various goods divided into equal payments, which can be repaid both throughout the entire term of the installment plan, and immediately, by making early repayment of the borrowed funds.

Please note: subject to the billing period (20 days), the use of credit funds will be free of charge, otherwise the client will have to pay an interest rate of 29.8%.

The client can also make partial repayments by making a minimum payment. In this case, the installment period will be suspended and the cardholder will have to pay interest at the above interest rate until the loan is repaid in full.

What is the billing period?

The installment card has two periods:

  • payment - lasts for a month from the moment the card is issued, that is, this is the period when the client makes purchases by paying with this card;
  • settlement - the next month, which comes after the previous period. It lasts for 20 days, during which the client must make all or part of the payment in order to return the borrowed funds.

For example, a client draws up a card on June 1, and on the same day buys a tablet, paying 10,000 rubles. Until July 1, the card will have a payment period during which the cardholder can make purchases within the grace period. Starting from July 1 to July 21, an individual needs to pay a fee for using credit funds, since the billing period begins. If the tablet was issued in installments for 4 months, then the client must at least deposit 2,500 rubles before July 21.

If the cardholder actively uses it in settlements, then all amounts of purchases made during the payment period are subject to consolidation. The amount of funds spent is divided into equal parts, and the client pays them in the billing period.

How to find out the minimum payment?

The size of the minimum installment card payment can be found by calling the hotline at one of the phones 8-800-700-80-06 or 8-495-785-82-22, as well as by contacting the bank office.

In addition, the cardholder can view this information in the Personal Account.

How to reissue an installment card?

After the expiration of the card, you must contact the branch of the Home Credit Bank for a reissue of the card and write a corresponding application.

If there are problems with the card, for example, it was lost or stolen, it must first be blocked and then reissued. This procedure is carried out in order to limit the access to funds of fraudsters if they have taken possession of the card.

The client needs to be prepared for the fact that reissuing the card before its expiration date will cost him 200 rubles. While the planned procedure (when 5 years have passed since the card was issued) is free of charge.

Is it possible to increase the limit on the card?

Client personally can't increase credit limit that was set on the card. The Bank independently decides to increase the credit limit, based on the frequency of use of this payment instrument, as well as on the repayment of the debt in a timely manner.

How to create or restore a pin code?

You can generate an installment card PIN code without visiting a branch by calling the Contact Center at 8-800-700-80-06 or 8-495-785-82-22. After the client announces to the bank employee a request to change the PIN code on the card, he, in turn, will switch the client to the voice system.

Following the IVR prompts, you can carry out the procedure for creating or restoring this parameter.

To carry out this procedure, the cardholder will have to:

  • know the code word specified in the loan agreement;
  • have a passport with you to indicate its data;
  • dial the number of the card by which the PIN code is changed.

How to close an installment card?

The client can close the installment card if personally apply to one of the branches of this bank. There is no possibility of closing this banking product remotely.

Before going to the bank, the cardholder must make sure that there is no debt on the card. If there is an outstanding debt, the bank will refuse to close the loan agreement.

note: there must be a zero balance on the card, that is, there must also be no personal funds.

The best option to make sure that there is no debt is to contact the bank and get a card account statement or view information in your Personal Account.

All paid services on the card must be disabled, and payment for all these services must also be made.

You need to go to the bank branch, you must definitely take your passport and the card itself with you. The client writes a corresponding application with a request to close the card account and stop servicing this product.

You should be prepared for the fact that the card will not be closed on the same day when the client contacts the bank. This process will take quite a long time - up to 45 days.

Hello dear readers. I am glad to welcome you again on the pages of my blog.

The banking services market does not stand still: new products, services and programs are constantly appearing. Financial companies are trying to meet the requirements of customers, which, by the way, are becoming larger and tougher.

As you probably already know, this year banks began to offer consumers a new product - installment cards. More recently, two projects had fame in this area - "" from Kiwi-Bank and "" from Sovcombank. The products became successful, and gradually other banks also began to realize the prospects of this market. The third bank that created a new offer for its customers was Home Credit, which issued its installment card. Today I want to tell you about her.

About bank

First, I'll tell you a little about the company that issues the card - it is quite possible that not everyone has heard the name.

For the first time, the bank (then it was called Technopolis) appeared in 1990, and 13 years later acquired its current name. Since 2002, Home Credit has been part of the international group of companies PPF Group, which has offices in several dozen countries.

"Home Credit" actively works with the population, attracting deposits and issuing various loans. Here you can always get a card for daily payments or order a Home installment card.

Today, Home Credit and Finance Bank (full name) is in the TOP-40 largest banks in the country, which allows it to work with both private individuals and state-owned companies with virtually no restrictions. There are Home Credit offices in all major cities of Russia.

What is a Home Credit installment card?

The phrase "installment card" still causes misunderstanding even among "experienced" bank customers - not everyone knows what this product is and how it works. Well, it's easy for me to say it again:

Installment card- one of the types of conventional credit cards. The essence is the same: the bank issues a loan, you spend the funds and then repay the debt, but only the interest that has “accumulated” for a loan is not paid by the client himself, but by the store where the purchase was made.

Thus, by issuing an installment card, you will pay for the goods as much as they cost (and not a penny more), but you will “delay” the actual payment for the goods or service for several weeks.

Of course, not all stores are willing to pay the bank “per customer”, but many outlets are willing to make small expenses in order to dramatically increase the number of visitors.

What are the terms of use?

In general, the conditions for the Home Credit installment credit card are as follows:

  • completely free maintenance (you don’t have to pay for the release either)
  • credit limit - up to 300 thousand rubles (minimum - 10 thousand)
  • interest-free period (time when interest is not charged) – 3 months
  • statements, SMS informing, Internet banking - free of charge
  • rate for using the loan at the end of the installment period– 29.9% per annum
  • no cash withdrawal option

How to use?

In application, the card from Home Credit Bank is no different from its plastic counterparts. If you pay for purchases in a store, you need to insert the card into the reader and enter the PIN code (by the way, if you are going to spend less than 1000 rubles, you can simply attach the “plastic” and not enter the pin).

When purchasing via the Internet, you need to enter all the card details (including the CVV code - the same three digits on the side of the card), wait for an SMS message and enter the numbers on the page that opens.

Due to the active development of payment technologies, many banks have begun issuing cards that can be "attached" to the phone (using Apple Pay, Samsung Pay or Android Pay). The bad news for the "geeks" of modern technology is that the installment card from Home Credit Bank (as, indeed, all other cards of this company) does not support this function.

However, even despite a small drawback, the offer of Home Credit Bank is quite competitive. And to understand whether this card is better or worse compared to its competitors, the next section will help us.

Are there any benefits?

As I mentioned at the beginning of the article, at the time the HCF-Bank product appeared in Russia, there were two installment cards Halva and Conscience, and another one (Tinkoff Platinum) is similar to our today's product. We will compare with them.

Home Credit card"Conscience""Halva"Tinkoff Platinum
Cost of useFor freeFor freeFor freeFree for the first year, then 590 rubles
cashbackNot providedNot provided1.5% (when paying with your own money)up to 30%
Where can you get it?At bank offices (available throughout Russia)Courier delivery (ordering a card via the Internet)Delivery by courier or in person at the officeHome delivery
WithdrawalsNot providedNot provided Not provided

2.9% of the amount + 290 rubles

Credit limitup to 300 thousand rublesup to 300 thousand rublesup to 350 thousand rublesup to 300 thousand rubles

In principle, the proposals are approximately equal (for some indicator, one stands out, for some - the other). However, the installment card from Home Credit has one major advantage.

A little higher, I said that the store pays the interest on the loan, and not the holder of the "plastic", and that is why installment cards work only in certain stores. This applies to "Conscience" and "Halva" in full - on the websites of banks there are lists of partners, buying from which you can use installments.

With this card, things are a little different.

There is no list of stores cooperating with the bank on the Home Credit card - installment plans will be provided for any purchase.

I think it is this circumstance that will tip the scales in favor of the offer from HCF-Bank for many consumers. The product from Home Credit Bank "installment card 1000" does not depend on partner stores - you can spend money where you want and pay in installments for any purchase.

However, here it is impossible not to say that in some outlets "Conscience" and "Halva" offer a very large installment plan - for 12 months. For the Bank's HomeCredit card, the period is strictly limited to 3 months (for now, the bank promises to present a list of partner stores of the Home Credit installment card, for purchases in which it will also be possible to pay during the year).

How much do you need to pay and when?

Like other credit cards, the conditions for using the offer from Home Finance Bank imply the return of the borrowed money on time - sanctions are imposed for violation of this clause.

Calculating the amount of the payment to be made in the current month is very simple. Since the same “free” period (3 months) is still valid for all purchases, you need to sum up all purchases made using the card and divide the total by 3. The resulting figure is the amount that you need to pay.

For clarity, an example: In January, you made 3 purchases with a card - in the amount of 20, 5 and 35 thousand rubles (60 thousand in total). You need to repay the debt in 3 months (this is the maximum - otherwise you will “get” on interest), and the funds should be returned in equal installments. We divide 60 thousand by 3 and get 20 thousand rubles - this is how much you need to put on the card in February, March and April, so as not to overpay for purchases.

What are the consequences of breaking deadlines?

As for the consequences of violating the deadlines, they are quite severe and merciless. Even if you are late for at least one day, the installment plan will expire and interest will be charged on the amount of the debt. The rate is quite big - 29.9% per annum, and given that it will be considered from the first day of purchase, it becomes quite sad.

That is why try not to put down on the very last day, but a little in advance - in this case, delays in making payments will not prevent you from meeting the deadline. A few days before the next payment, an SMS message will be sent to the phone (and if you install the Home Credit application, also a push notification) with information about the last date of depositing funds and the amount of the required amount.

How to issue a card?

Banks are doing their best to make the process of obtaining cards less burdensome for the client. Home Credit did not go against the trend, offering consumers two ways to apply:

  • in the office through the manager
  • through the Internet

If you want to go to the branch, then you run the risk of standing in line (there are not so many offices, in most cities there are 2-3 pieces) and face the incompetence of managers.

Another tip: order a personalized card. Yes, at first you will receive a copy without your full name, however, upon receipt, you can ask for a personal card. Of course, it takes longer to make, but you can endure a few days for the sake of "plastic" with full functionality. By the way, you do not need to pay anything for this service at Home Credit Bank.

The terms for card approval are minimal - if you use the Internet, you will receive a preliminary decision instantly. The bank will immediately notify you of readiness, you can pick up the contract and the “plastic” at the nearest branch or representative office.

They will also tell you how to activate the card - you can do this either through the application or in the office.

If you wish to receive an installment card from Home Credit Bank, then you will be required to prove your compliance with the requirements of the company. By the way, here is the list:

  • have Russian citizenship
  • be between the ages of 18 and 64 (as of the date of application)
  • have permanent residence in the region where the card is issued
  • have a work and home phone number (if there is no landline at home, then a mobile phone is allowed)
  • work at least 3 months at the last job

A rather serious and impressive list, but it is not as difficult to comply with it as it seems.

What are the requirements for borrowers?

Since the bank must know who it is dealing with, documents are required from the borrower. Quite a bit - just two:

  • identity card (passport)
  • any other document (driver's license, SNILS, passport or something else)

Strictly speaking, the rules of Home Credit Bank state that only a passport is enough. However, the chance of approval of the application in the case of providing two documents is much higher, so I do not recommend neglecting this.

Loans are becoming more and more popular today. the population has less living money, and the needs are growing, and the prices of goods are rising.

Back in early 2017, representatives of Home Credit Bank promised to bring to the market a unique banking product, which Russian citizens have not yet seen analogues. And, indeed, such a product appeared, called the "Installment Card" from Home Credit.

The essence of the installment card: to give the opportunity to buy any product by paying its cost not immediately, but in a few months, without interest.

I am sure that many will not believe in such conditions, they are too good to be true. But, indeed, with an installment card, you can make a purchase in absolutely any store in Russia and return the cost of the purchase to the bank within three months without interest. Of course, the bank will not do charity, so the terms of use of the card indicate that if you do not meet the designated 3 months, the bank will charge interest on the balance of the debt in the amount of 29.9% per annum, which will accrue every month until you fully repay the debt .

Tariffs and terms of service of the Home Credit installment card

Let's take a closer look at the tariffs and conditions of a bank card in order to understand if there are any pitfalls and "surprises" there.

  • Issuing and annual maintenance of the card is free of charge.
  • Reissue of the card in case of loss - 200 rubles.
  • Credit limit - from 10 to 300 thousand rubles.
  • The interest rate during the installment period is 0 percent per annum.
  • In case of violation of the installment terms and non-payment of the monthly payment - 29.9% per annum.
  • Cash withdrawal from ATMs is not provided.
  • SMS informing on the card - no commission.
  • Monthly account statements are free.
  • Issuing a new pin code - 0 rubles.
  • Internet and mobile banking - no commission.
  • Blocking / unblocking the card - also without charging a commission.
  • Depositing cash to the card through an ATM, terminal, bank cash desk is absolutely free.

Features of using the installment card

The installment card is distributed with certain restrictions, because its main purpose is to make it possible to make an expensive purchase in installments without interest; there are other banking products for other purposes. I suggest you find out about the restrictions that the bank imposes on this product:

  • A purchase can be made in any store in the world that can work with Visa cards, there are no restrictions;
  • The card is serviced by Visa and has Classic status;
  • Usually, an installment card is issued unnamed, with PayWave technology, which will allow you to make purchases simply by holding the card to the terminal without having to enter a pin code. If you wish, you can order a personalized card;
  • This card cannot be attached to the increasingly popular payment services: Android Pay, Samsung Pay and Apple Pay. You can pay directly with the card itself;
  • The card is not intended for withdrawing cash from an ATM or bank cash desks; using this product, you can only make purchases;
  • The terms of using the installment plan assume that you will pay off the debt for the purchase within three months, however, you can fully pay off the debt at any time without penalties and interest;
  • To issue a card, no guarantors, income statements or any other documents are needed. All you need is your passport and application.

Stores partners installment cards

Home Credit Bank has entered into individual agreements with large stores in our country so that you can make purchases in them and receive a longer installment plan. When buying in any store in the world, you get a standard installment plan for 3 months. If you make a purchase in a partner store, you can count on easier conditions and longer terms.

  • Aeroflot - 4 months;
  • ANEX Shop - 4 months;
  • Know-How - 6 months;
  • DNS - 6 months;
  • Snow Queen - 6 months;
  • Technopark - 6 months;
  • Shatura - 10 months;
  • Lamoda - 6 months;
  • OneTwoTrip! - 3 months;
  • Kari - 4 months;
  • Pandora - 4 months;
  • HomeMe - 6 months;
  • Sunlight - 6 months;
  • Vsekupi.Online - 12 months;
  • 123.Ru - 3 months;
  • InTouch - 3 months;
  • Elena Furs - 10 months;
  • Mosavtoshina - 3 months;
  • Cook House - 3 months;
  • Riforma - 6 months;
  • Mouzenidis Travel - 7 months;
  • 585 Gold - 6 months;
  • Lapis lazuli - 6 months;
  • Sofa color - 6 months;
  • Ascona - 6 months;
  • Hilding Anders - 6 months;
  • Golden - 6 months;
  • Unichel - 4 months;
  • BORK - 6 months;
  • Technique (IP Gumerova) – 6 months.

How to get an installment card from Home Credit Bank

To apply for a card, you only need a passport, no additional documents are needed. Therefore, you can do this either at any branch of the bank, or by filling out a form on the bank's website.

  • Contact the bank office and leave a request through the manager.

I recommend that you submit an application through the Home Credit official website, so you will immediately find out the answer, the date of delivery of the card to your city and you do not need to go to the city and look for a bank office. In addition, there are usually queues in banks, and you have to spend a lot of time.

As soon as you receive an SMS on your phone stating that the card is waiting for you at the bank branch, you will only have to come to the branch and receive an unnamed installment card in your hands. You can use the card immediately after receiving it.

Requirements for the borrower:

  • Russian citizenship;
  • Be at least 18 years of age and not older than 64 years of age at the time of application;
  • Live in the region where the card is issued;
  • Have a cell or home, as well as a fixed work number;
  • Have a stable salary and work in the last place for at least 3 months.

Installment payment is a type of payment for goods or services, in which the payment is made not in full, but in installments, over a period of time. The main difference between an installment loan and a loan is that with a loan you borrow money from the bank in order to pay it for the goods. And with an installment plan, you conclude an agreement with the seller, under which you undertake to pay for the goods gradually.

Often the concept of installments implies the absence of interest.

Briefly about the map itself. This is a fairly new loan model, which is currently used only by Home Credit, Qiwi and Sovcombank banks. The principle of the card is as follows:

  • You buy a product in a store;
  • Its cost is divided by the number of months of payment;
  • During these months you pay for your purchase.

Most importantly, no interest is charged on this card. This is a clear advantage of such a card in comparison with a credit card. Let's talk in more detail about the pros and cons of the installment card.

Pros and cons of installment cards

Card pros:

  • The possibility of obtaining an interest-free loan. As long as you pay in installments, no interest will accrue on your purchases;
  • A large number of partner stores;
  • Transparent payment scheme;
  • Free registration and maintenance;
  • Replenishment without commission in many ways;
  • Free SMS informing and mobile banking.

Now for the disadvantages. From the point of view of an ordinary plastic card, Home's product has one obvious drawback - the inability to withdraw cash. An installment card is only suitable for paying for purchases in partner stores by bank transfer.

Another big disadvantage is penalties in case of delay. At the moment when you overdue the payment, the installment stops working and a regular loan begins at 29.9% per annum.

Where can I get a card

Dealt with the pros and cons. Now about how you can get an installment card.

You can do this in three ways:

  • in person at any point of sale or bank branch;
  • leave a request on the site;
  • Call the hotline in your city.

The questionnaire for obtaining a card is quite simple and consists of 2 parts:

  • Information about the borrower (full name + e-mail);
  • Contact information + date of birth.

After that, the application is submitted for pre-processing. After the application is sent to the bank, the credit institution makes a preliminary decision and informs the client about it by phone. During the conversation, you can specify the place of work, the contact phone number of the boss and several numbers of your inner circle. After that, the credit institution makes the final decision on the advisability of issuing an installment card.

In order to increase your chances of getting a card, it is best to contact the office of a credit institution or any point of sale. There, the employee will immediately enter your information into the database and make not a preliminary, but a final decision.

The term for issuing an installment card is 7-14 days. You can get a card either at any office in your city (indicating its address in advance) or by courier directly to the door.

Requirements for obtaining an installment card

Like any bank, Home Credit has requirements for providing its loan products. Below is a list that must be met in order to receive an installment card.

  • The client must be between the ages of 18 and 64;
  • Have a steady source of income and work experience of at least 3 months;
  • Have a permanent registration in any region of the Russian Federation;
  • Be a citizen of the Russian Federation.

In order to verify information about the place of work, the phone number of your immediate supervisor may be required. And to get in touch with the borrower, in case there are difficulties - the phone numbers of his close relatives.

As for documents, here the requirements are also minimal. The borrower will only need a passport + another identity document. This can be a driver's license, TIN, passport, etc.

Despite the fact that many claim that the bank thoroughly checks all the information, this is not entirely true. The bank can check the information, call the contact numbers. But this only works if the client is suspicious or goes through the internal lists of banks as a defaulter.

That is why you should not despair if you do not have the required work experience or an official source of income. You can tell the employee who will process your application that you work informally and give an approximate amount of income per month. This will reduce the likelihood of card approval by 5-10%, no more.

From the requirements, let's move on to the conditions and tariffs for using the card.

Terms of use of the card

Home Credit provides its customers with the following conditions for using the card:

  • Credit limit: Individual. From 10,000 to 300,000 rubles.
  • Payment term: 3 months are allotted for payment of each item.
  • Installment interest: 0%
  • Interest in case of late payment: 29.9%
  • Cash withdrawal: no
  • SMS and Internet Banking: free.

Also, Home Credit has an agreement with some partner companies: Eldorado, Bagheera, MFO Buy not Save, etc. Installment plans in these stores are discussed individually. The minimum installment period is 3 months. The maximum is 12.

Now let's move on to how to pay for purchases.

Payment redemption

The first redemption of purchases occurs 51 days after the card is issued. For example, having received a card on August 1, you will have to make the first payment on it on September 20 - 1/3 of your expenses on this card for 51 days. After that, you will need to transfer money to a bank account after 31 calendar days.

You can repay your debt through:

  • Electronic wallets (Webmoney, Yandex, Qiwi);
  • ATMs and terminals Home credit;
  • At the Home Credit office;
  • ATMs and terminals Svyaznoy and Euroset;
  • ATMs of other banks;
  • From a debit card of another bank.

Everything is the same as with any other Home Loan product. If you want to pay without a commission, we advise you to pay off the debt either at the Home Credit office or at their ATMs. In all other cases, the commission will be from 1 to 5% of the payment amount

When issuing an installment card, a bank employee will say that it is recommended to repay the debt 10 days before the due date. This extra precaution arose from the fact that a few years ago, many paid their loans through postal orders, which took just 10 days. If you do not plan to pay via mail, you can ignore this precaution.

If you make payments through Home Credit ATMs or using an electronic wallet, then the term for crediting money to your account is 1 business day. Through ATMs of other networks, the transfer time is up to 3 working days.

Monthly payment calculation

The accrual and calculation of monthly payments are carried out according to the simplest scheme. All your purchases during the billing period are summed up and divided by 3.

For clarity, the following is a theoretical situation:

  1. In November, you bought a laptop for 45,000 rubles.
  2. In December, you bought a phone for 15,000 rubles.

As you can see, the payment scheme for your purchases is quite simple and transparent, unlike many other loan products.

What happens if you don't pay your installments on time?

If you fail to pay one of the card payments on time, you will automatically be charged interest in the amount of 29.9% per annum for each day of delay. After the money is credited to the account, the card will work as usual.

The advantage of the card is that the payment arrears will not affect the purchases made in the next month. The installment card will not turn into a credit card, and if you pay off the debt before the next payment date, then no interest will be charged on purchases made during this month.

For example, if your due date is February 11th and you paid for your purchases on March 9th, you will only be credited pennies on the amount owed through January. If you transfer money on March 12, then interest will be charged on purchases for the period February 11 - March 11.

What profit does the installment card bring to the bank

It may seem strange to many why a bank needs an installment card at all. There are several answers. Firstly, the bank increases the loyalty of its potential customers with such products and makes them look at their other loan products, which, in turn, are quite expensive. Secondly, some people still miss the moment of payment by installments and after that they pay the bank those notorious 29.9% per annum, which is quite expensive compared to the average retail lending rate.

Banks also make money by attracting customers to partner stores. About 20% of online purchases are made in installments. And the installment card will help draw attention to partner stores.

Comparison with other installment cards

Everything is relative. Therefore, let's decide how profitable the installment card from Home is, first with its 2 analogues - the card and. Then also compare with two popular credit cards from Sberbank and Tinkoff.

First Conscience and Halva.

Installment from Home Credit Conscience Halva
Credit limit 10,000 - 300,000 rubles 350,000 rubles 5,000 - 300,000 rubles
Debt maturity 3-12 months Each store is different. Individual installment periods for each store
% on loan 0 0 0
29.9 29+290 rub. fine 10
No No No
Issue cost 0 0 0
Maintenance cost 0 0 0
SMS and mobile banking 0 0 0

According to the main criteria, all three cards are approximately equal. But the installment plan from Home has one advantage - the minimum installment period is 3 months. With Halva and conscience, you will have to look at how long you take a “loan”. Not with Home.

Also, Home has a more developed network of partners than Qiwi and Sovcombank. That is why in more stores you can pay for purchases with this card. Cash withdrawal is not provided in any of the options.

Now and in comparison with the installment card from Home.

Installment from Home Credit Credit card "Molodezhnaya" from Sberbank Tinkoff Platinum by Tinkoff
Credit limit 10,000 - 300,000 rubles up to 200,000 rubles Up to 300,000 rubles
Debt maturity 3-12 months individually 55 days (grace period)
% on loan 0 Individually (from 4% per month) Individually (from 5% per month)
% on overdue debt 29.9 Individually (from 20%) individually (25)
Possibility to withdraw cash (commission) No Yes Yes (2.9%+290 rubles)
Issue cost 0 250 rubles 250 rubles
Maintenance cost 0 750 rubles per year 0
SMS and mobile banking 0 62 rubles per month 59 rubles per month + insurance 0.89% of the credit limit per month

As you can see, the conditions for credit cards are quite strict. Banks require a lot of money for using a credit limit, but they also provide considerable convenience. A clear plus before installments is the possibility of withdrawing cash, but the commission is quite high. Other advantages are working with any stores and the opportunity to participate in competitive programs and bonuses.

Installment card or classic credit card

The answer is not as obvious as you think. With all its advantages, the installment card has one obvious drawback - it is not suitable for working with cash. You will not be able to withdraw money from it and pay in cash at the expense of the credit limit. Therefore, if you plan to work with only one card with a credit limit, then it should be a credit card.

Another thing is if you have a debit card that holds your money. Then the installment card from Home is an interesting and profitable option. You will be able to buy goods in almost all stores, not only in Russia, but also abroad, and at the same time pay a fixed price for them for three months.

As a result: if you work with one card or you need a billing period of more than 3 months, you need to take a credit card. If you want to work only with a bank transfer and 3 months is convenient for you, then the installment card from Home is the best option.


Home Loan turned out to be a rather interesting and, most importantly, profitable product for the client. An installment card is accepted in almost any store, it is honest and has preferential terms for all categories of citizens. And in order to issue it, it is enough to meet simple requirements.

If you need a card to go to the bank as little as possible and spend as much as possible, the installment card from Home will be a good option. And for everyday use, it is better to add ordinary debit plastic to this card.

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