Raph Hot Line Yur Person. Hotline Raiffeisen Bank. What questions can be solved by phone

Raiffeisenbank is one of the largest banks in Russia. At the moment, more than 200 branches are working in the country, but it is not always convenient to contact the office directly to customers. For the comfort and convenience of users, the Bank provides a hotline through which at any time of the day you can get a certificate, order an extract or consult with a qualified bank employee.

Information provided

Raiffeisenbank hotline operators will answer all the questions you are interested in. The client can receive information on such products:

  • Information on the balance card, the list of operations carried out, blocking the map in case of its theft;
  • Execution of road checks;
  • The procedure for opening deposits and accounts;
  • Obtaining and ordering a map;
  • Opening a safe cell;
  • Connecting information on SMS (additional charges are charged);
  • Information on the location of the nearest ATMs and branches of the bank, their time.

It should be remembered that all information can be provided by an employee of the bank only after identifying the person. These measures are aimed at preventing crimes and theft of personal data of the Bank's customers. Consulting services are provided without identification.

Methods of communication with support service

To get information about the services provided or to help solve problems you can in several ways:

  1. By phone number of the hotline Raiffeisenbank;
  2. By filling out the feedback form;
  3. By sending a paper letter.

Lists of contact numbers

The fastest and easiest way to communicate with the bank is a phone call. Hotline Raiffeisenbank is available around the clock, without breaks and weekends.

For users of Raiffeisenbank, the official telephone of the hotline: 8-800-700-91-00. You can call for free by this number from any region of Russia. Phone Hotline Raiffeisenbank for Moscow and Area: +7 495 721-91-00.

The full list of regional hotline rooms can be viewed on the official website of Raiffeisenbank. It is important to remember that an additional fee will be filmed for a call to the number of another region in accordance with the tariffs of the mobile operator.

City Information Center number Support service for card holders
St. Petersburg +7 812 3-344-343 +7 812 718-55-33
Krasnodar +7 861 210-99-00 +7 861 210-99-11
Novosibirsk +7 383-319-13-22 +7 383 319-13-23
Ufa +7 347 293-69-26 +7 347 293-69-11
Krasnoyarsk +7 3912 74-99-00 +7 3912 74-99-11
Permian +7 342 218-35-25 +7 342 218-35-18

By calling one of these numbers, the Bank's client has the opportunity to get acquainted with the information menu. Following the voice prompts, you can find the service of interest and information about it or switch to communication with the bank manager.

Mode of operation of the hotline and the cost of circulation

The possibility of contacting the Bank's support service is absolutely free, money can be charged only for a call to the bank. The Raiffeisenbank information line is considered multichannel, respectively, there will be no need for long waiting.

It is worth knowing!

It should be borne in mind that the Bank has the right to refuse consulting services with incorrect or inactive formulations of the client's appeal. Before the call to the hot line, the user is desirable to prepare a specific question for which the operator will respond as much as possible.

Raiffeisenbank Hotline Phone Voice Menu Scheme

To save time and convenience, a voice menu is provided, during the entry to which the bank client should press the number 3. The menu includes the following items:

  1. Information about the bank card;
  2. Card balance or account;
  3. Product information (accounts, deposits, deposits);
  4. Activation or recovery password;
  5. Order statements or details;
  6. Information on departments, exchange rate, ATMs;
  7. Registration of a new service.

So, Raiffeisenbank's clients have the opportunity to contact the bank through a hotline for a single phone number for all regions of the Russian Federation. It should be remembered that if the phone of the hotline for the owners of Raiffeisenbank's cards starts with the numbers of 8800, then the call will be free. When using other numbers for the conversation, a certain amount will be written off.

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