Forecast for the lira to dollar exchange rate. The exchange rate of the Turkish lira to the dollar in the near future. Dollar exchange rate in Turkey

Have you ever noticed how things are called differently in different parts of the country or world? Take, for example, the well-known dispute - front door or entrance, curb or curb, bun or loaf, etc. The eternal struggle between two cultures, which has been going on for many, many years. This trempel is the reason for constant disputes on the Internet. Do you know what this is? It turns out that this thing is in every home and is familiar to us from early childhood! And you've probably heard this word from grandmothers.

What is trempel? Origin of the word

According to one version, the word “trempel” is by no means borrowed. In pre-revolutionary times, there lived in Kharkov a successful German entrepreneur who had his own clothing factory. His last name was Trempel. He was used to being one step ahead of his competitors and tried to somehow stand out among other manufacturers.

It was Trempel who first came up with the idea of ​​​​using certain wooden devices to decorate his clothes. And on the hangers there was an embossing - his last name. This is how this unusual name stuck. And such clothes were sold, by the way, along with hangers. In Kharkov, Donetsk, Lugansk or Odessa, it still causes bewilderment if a trempel is called a hanger, and a person who does not know this term is considered a visitor.

A little history of the hanger

But there is an alternative version, according to which the invention of the hanger belongs to a completely different person. True, the name of the device is different. You will be surprised, but it turns out that the patent for the first similarity of a hanger was received back in 1869 by O. A. Norton. At that time, the invention was called a coat hook and was not even close to modern coat hangers. And in 1903, a wire factory worker A. Parkhouse, having heard plenty of complaints from colleagues about the lack of hooks for clothes and coats, came up with a similarity to the familiar hanger.

He made two identical ovals from wire, placed them opposite each other and connected the ends into a hook. And in 1932, someone thought of adding cardboard to the ovals so that the hanger would be stronger and clothes would sag when wet from rain. Over the years, a bottom bar (for storing trousers) was added to the design. Only one thing remains a mystery: how did they store their outfits before the trempels appeared? Really, as shown in the films - in huge long chests and drawers!

Case and number

The word "trempel" is beautifully inflected and changes according to number. By the way, the accent is correctly placed on the first syllable, although for some reason in some cities there are other options. Below is a table in which you can see all the declension cases and inflections of the word along with the correct stress.

Declension of the word "trempel"
NominativeWho? What?trempeltrempel
GenitiveWhom? What?trempeltrempel
DativeTo whom? Why?trempeltrempels
AccusativeWhom? What?trempeltrempel
InstrumentalBy whom? How?trempeltrempels
PrepositionalAbout whom? About what?trempeltrempels

Trampel or hanger?

It seems that it became clear what a trempel for clothes is. But is it correct to call it a hanger? It turns out that these are slightly different devices. The fact is that the trempel, also known as hangers, has an additional lower bar on which it is customary to place trousers, skirts, etc. But a hanger most often does not have this detail and is designed for less demanding things, such as trousers, sweaters, etc. . p. Although today it is quite difficult to accurately track the accuracy of this theory, because in everyday life, for most people, trempel is one and the same thing. Be that as it may, their purpose is almost the same, so it would not be a big mistake to confuse these concepts.

What kind of trempel is there?

Today, the variety in the world of hangers is so great that one’s eyes often run wild: blue, red, strict black, bright neon, etc. For kids, they came up with original hangers with their favorite characters from fairy tales, in the shape of hearts, flowers, etc. In general , picking up a trempel is a whole story! If we highlight the main criteria by which we can divide the types of hangers, we get the following:

  • the material from which the trempel is made (metal, wood, plastic and others);
  • hanger size (children's, adults, for outerwear);
  • presence/absence of a bottom bar or clothespins;
  • possibility/impossibility of folding (some hangers are made so that they can be easily folded and packed even in a woman’s handbag);
  • color (here the imagination of manufacturers is limitless).

As you can see, you need to choose even such a simple device wisely. It is unlikely that you will remain in a good mood if your new hangers burst under the weight of a heavy coat, and your child’s dress simply does not fit on the hanger. So analyze your needs, think about what trempel you need, look at the photo - and go to the nearest store. And remember: it’s better not to skimp on your purchase. It has long been known that the stingy pays twice, and the trempel is an important detail for the safety of clothes!

An invariable element of the interior is the hanger. We encounter this object when we enter a room from the street. Today, many varieties of such products are produced. They are built into a closet, hung on the wall, or placed on the floor. Clothes hangers easy to move to the right place, floor products can be an independent piece of furniture.

If there was no structure for storing outerwear, people would put coats and jackets on the shelf, having previously rolled up the items. The clothes would take on an unpresentable appearance, so this element is difficult to overestimate. Interesting design and convenience make these items popular. Such products are purchased for the hallway, veranda, and placed in the bedroom and bathroom. Designs in the shape of wood, letters of the alphabet, interesting figures, etc. are used as hangers. Hangers complement the interior, it takes on a finished look.


When entering a room, a person immediately takes off his outer clothing. Removed items are hung in the closet, on wall hooks; floor models are used for these purposes. You have access to the desired wardrobe item placed on it. When clothes are placed in a closet, you have to spend time searching for the right thing. You don’t have to look for a coat on a floor hanger; it’s in plain sight. The cabinet takes up more space than a floor-standing structure. Not all hallways have space to install it, so a floor product becomes the preferred option.

The advantages of such interior items:

  • Mobility is an important advantage, since the hanger can be easily moved to another place at any time.
  • Wall-mounted products are attached to the wall, which damages the coating. During dismantling, you will have to repair the surface. This will not happen with the floor option. If you have changed the decor in the room and the hanger is no longer needed, you can easily put it away in the utility room.
  • A rich model range makes it possible to choose an item to suit any interior style.
  • Capacity. On the hanger you can place many things in a circle, which is convenient if you have guests.

On such a device, clothes hang freely; some models are equipped with hangers on which wardrobe items are placed. If your clothes are wet and need to be dried, hang them up carefully and move them close to a heat source.


Depending on the material used, hangers are as follows:

  • The metal structure has impressive weight and excellent stability. Such products are made of chromed aluminum, painted in different colors. It is roomy, will allow you to place a lot of things, and is irreplaceable if you have guests. Simple devices are painted in a variety of colors.
  • Forged products will become a unique decoration for the veranda or hallway. They are stable, comfortable and practical. Such a product will enliven the interior and bring chic to it.
  • Wooden models look great in the hallway. They are made from different types of trees. Strong and durable products are obtained from this material. The wooden structure is appropriate in a classic interior and in a fashionable loft. It will complement the country style interior. This option is suitable for a hallway decorated with natural materials.
  • Plastic models are lightweight and inexpensive, but if there are a lot of things on them, they can fall.

Select suitable option for office, home, cafe. There are many original models for solving interior problems on sale. Unique products are created by designers to order, in which case they fit perfectly into the home decor.

Variety of models

A huge selection of such items allows you to choose the right option for a specific design. There are many types of floor hangers.

Tripod hanger is a tripod with hooks; they are often equipped with additional hooks for bags and a horizontal hoop for umbrellas. The bottom is made like a tripod or with a flat base. This convenient design will solve the problem with many things in the hallway. It is convenient to hang jackets, coats and other things on it.

Model in the form of a chair with a high back will allow you to change your shoes by sitting on it. It has a shelf for shoes and a bar with hooks for clothes. This convenient option, especially if the apartment has old man or small children. There are folding models that can be hung in a closet. This original and functional item will become the highlight of the hallway interior.

Hanger rack It has U-shape. The crossbar is equipped with hooks or is intended for placing clothes on hangers. This product is placed in the dressing room. Your things will not get wrinkled and will look impeccable. A good option is a model with a stand for umbrellas, shelves or special holders for hats.

Hanger-basket has a base made in the form of a basket. Umbrellas, slippers and other things are stored in it. It is indispensable in your home, but it takes more space than the previous option.

Suit model Convenient for storing trousers and jackets. It is also suitable for a dressing room. A floor hanger will help keep your suit tidy. It will be a wonderful addition to your office, and your jacket will always be in perfect condition. Such an item is necessary not only for men's suits and ties. Women's items can also be hung on the product: cardigan, shawl, coat.

Non-standard hanger models

They combine functionality and beauty. Unusual products became fashionable back in the 70s of the last century in Italy. Scandinavian designers once came up with tree-shaped hangers that look great in the interior. If you have the desire and space, you can place several of these decorative trees at the entrance. Today in interiors you can find hangers in the shape of flowers, abstract items, etc. Mobile objects are in fashion. Products on wheels are used in offices as they are easy to move. But they can be a great addition to your home decor.

Products with a special adjustment system allow you to change the height. The system of a standard hanger will make a convenient design for children. This is especially true when many children are invited to the house for a celebration. Geometric designs made of chromed metal, original models in the form of art objects are available to everyone. Having purchased a bright design, focus on it. Owners spacious apartments And country houses can safely choose a fancy model that will become an original piece of furniture.

Choosing a clothes hanger

It’s difficult to do without a hanger in an apartment, country house, the office needs it. Depends on her appearance hallway The hanger should be in harmony with the interior and accommodate all the necessary clothes. For an apartment, it is better to opt for a compact floor-standing product. Floor hangers often have questionable stability, so when choosing, you need to consider what items they will be used for. There are many interesting items on sale, from which it is easy to choose a high-quality, stable and safe model.

The choice of hanger depends on the design of the room; you can buy a product made from valuable wood of different shades or opt for a simpler option. Hangers have hooks that are made of wood, metal, and plastic. Products with metal hooks are stronger and will serve you well for a long time. You should think about where exactly the item will be placed.

Advice! It is necessary to take into account the size of the room where you plan to place the item, as well as the number of residents in the apartment or house. If one or two people live in a home, then any compact option will suit you. In an apartment where a large friendly family lives, they purchase a floor-standing option that can easily fit the clothes of all household members.

More massive models are selected for the hallway, and a lighter version is suitable for the bedroom and bathroom.

DIY floor hanger

Build such a piece of furniture from an old floor lamp. To do this, remove the lampshade and wire, and attach the hooks to the tripod. If there is a tree growing on your garden plot or dacha that has not produced fruit for a long time, then use it for hanging. The plant is chopped down and the branches are removed. The bark is removed; if left, it will begin to fall off over time, and things will cling to its uneven surfaces. After cleaning the wood, you need to go over it with sandpaper. The structure is then attached to the base.

The item for storing clothes should not have sharp parts, so as not to damage the floor or things. It must be stable, aesthetically pleasing, and reliable. Stability is ensured by the base, which is made in the form of a circle and crosses. The center of gravity is placed as low as possible. For this, heavy bars and metal parts are used. Installation of the product on three points of support is necessary for the stability of the structure. The bottom of the hanger is upholstered with a material that is softer than the floor covering. This will prevent leaving marks on the floor. To give the product functionality, hooks are attached to it.

Important! The center of gravity of the clothing placed on the product should not extend beyond its cross. Otherwise, the product will not be stable and will fall.

The final stage is giving the structure a finished look. Cover the lower part of the product with fabric, wood, or plastic. The structure is covered with a layer of paint or varnish.

Basic interior items form the style of the room and make it attractive. It's the little things that create an impression of the room and the owner. Interior items can emphasize the individuality of a home and tell about the character of the owner.

43 photos of floor clothes hangers:

The spectacle of the falling value of the Turkish lira has caused serious concern among Turks, as well as everyone who does business in Turkey, such as those interested in e. Last Tuesday, the lira hit a record low of 3.7790 against 1 US dollar. It was a blow, but compared to the 17% drop against the dollar last year, this is just a drop.

When discussing the reasons for the depreciation of the Turkish lira, it seems that it is quite easy to diagnose the problem - these are also security problems, but, as it turned out, in reality everything is not so simple. Let's talk about the reasons that led to such a jump in the course.

Why is the Turkish lira falling?

Slowdown of reforms: in the first half of the 2000s, a period of rapid economic growth. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who at that time headed the newly elected Justice and Development Party (AKP), introduced new reforms that changed the Turkish economy. There began a sharp increase in production volume, infrastructure development, influx foreign investment, including in and tourism. This economic growth has become main reason, according to which the country easily emerged from the 2008 crisis, which affected the economy of every country in the world.

But in last years reforms stopped. In the wake of the popularity of his previous successes, Erdogan neglected several important factors, including the domestic savings rate, stagnant productivity, rising unemployment and rising labor costs. All this affects the exchange rate of the Turkish lira and requires long-overdue structural reforms.

Regional instability: The chaos reigning in neighboring Syria and Iran is causing the lira to fall. Security concerns in Turkey itself have less of an impact. A failed coup in July 2016 prompted the government to declare a state of emergency, leading to a decline in credit rating from the influential Standard & Poor's and Moody's. The latter agency confirmed that the country's outlook is stable, saying that Turkey's "large and flexible economy" with its strong financial indicators compensates for short-term shocks. Fitch, the third major agency, maintains its rating investment rating countries.

Changes to the Constitution: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is moving forward in his bid to secure parliamentary approval for a new draft constitution that would give him unprecedented power. This move divided the Turks into two camps and added to the general atmosphere of uncertainty.

Government inaction: For years, the Turkish government has resisted proposals to eliminate the country's balance of payments deficit and has focused on working with Turkish companies that borrow in US dollars and earn revenue in a weakened lira.

The end of a period of rapid growth
: Since the 1990s, Turkey's growth has been meteoric. This had to end sooner or later - and that time came during the Eurozone crisis, which reduced growth from 9.2% and 8.8% in 2010 and 2011 to 3.3%. However, it is worth noting that Turkey continues to outpace the rest of Europe in terms of growth, with growth projected to be around 3% this year compared to Europe's overall 1.5% growth.

Trump Presidency: While Turkish leaders are outwardly positive about the new US leadership, there are concerns that a Trump presidency could have a negative impact on Turkey's economy. Trump's plans to cut taxes and increase infrastructure spending could lead to higher interest rates in the US, which will further impact the lira.

What does the Turkish government intend to do about the weakened lira?

Although factors such as regional instability or the Trump presidency cannot be resolved easily or quickly, the government can control the course through its influence on Turkey's monetary policy.

Foreign currency deposits: in an attempt to cope with currency volatility, central bank introduced foreign currency deposits. Swap mechanism - banks provide lira to the Central Bank in response to dollar loans, which they will repay by deadline. This will reduce the liquidity of the lira and increase the volume of currency as the cost of borrowing from banks in lira increases. While economists warn the measure may not stop volatility forever, it will help stabilize the lira.

Increase in interest rates: next week the Central Bank of Turkey plans to hold a meeting dedicated to monetary policy. Analysts say the only correct solution is to raise interest rates, which will stop the depreciation of the lira. This is exactly what happened in 2014, when a sharp decline in the Turkish currency caused the lending rate to increase to 4.5%. The move left the lira 7.6% weaker against the dollar. Analysts say the rate hike will boost domestic demand, send a signal to markets and bolster investor confidence - a critical point as emerging market investors tend to be uncertainty-averse. The longer the Bank delays this step from implementation, the higher the interest rate will be.

Hidden tightening of monetary policy: The central bank introduced a series of measures to tighten liquidity, effectively increasing borrowing costs without officially raising interest rates. Economists call this a "disguised" tightening of monetary policy. The bank also reduced loan limits on the interbank money market up to 11 billion liras ($2.9 billion) to further strengthen the lira.

Turkish lira exchange rate forecast for 2017

It is predicted that the lira will continue to fall without reaching the end. However, last week Erdogan said that Central Bank it is possible to take “all necessary steps” to protect the lira. The president is seeking to prevent the economy from collapsing ahead of an upcoming referendum on changes to the Constitution that would give him even more powers. Analysts said he expected the lira to weaken to stem the post-referendum slide, a major source of uncertainty for investors.

Analysts also note that, despite the instability of the lira, financial system Turkey, macroeconomic indicators and young labor resources make it possible to say that the country's economic prospects remain positive.

Fiscal policy: It is one of the cornerstones of the Turkish economy. The country's balance sheet remained stable in the face of financial crises, and this should continue, thanks to thoughtful fiscal policy. This helped Turkey reduce its debentures and be at the forefront among your European neighbors in reducing government debt.

High macroeconomic indicators: Statistics from Turkey's trade sector, labor market and industry indicate that the country's macroeconomic indicators remain strong. Turkey's macroeconomic policies have made it one of the fastest growing economies in the region.

Call of the banking sector: Turkey's banking sector was built on simple savings and lending, avoiding risky products. The sector has also excelled in asset quality management, low levels of non-performing loans, and Turkish banks have excellent protection against asset quality deterioration. The banking sector also benefits from a young workforce - 85% of workers have higher or postgraduate education.

Young, educated workforce: Türkiye is the youngest country in Europe, with half the population under 40 years of age. Increasing living standards enable young people to study longer and later, resulting in a more educated workforce and fueling a rich entrepreneurial tradition.

Unique location: geographical position Turkey's east-west location makes it attractive to investors and trading partners. Although currencies may fall and rise, and geopolitical tensions may ebb and flow, the advantageous geographic location will never change.

The exchange rate of the Turkish lira against the dollar has decreased significantly. Factors putting pressure on the lira, as a rule, are of a political nature and it is quite difficult even for economists to predict the further development of the situation. How to save savings during periods of instability?

Turkish lira to dollar exchange rate today

The exchange rate of the Turkish lira to the dollar today has lost its stability and independence. Export operations, carried out in US currency, greatly undermine confidence in the national monetary measure.

Decreasing factors:

  1. Decrease in agricultural production.
  2. Failure of demand for rural real estate.
  3. Destabilization of the world market due to the heightened military threat.
  4. Speculation on the stock exchange.
  5. Corruption in government agencies.

The decline in positive dynamics (the lira fell by 15% during 2014) made it possible to observe an appreciation in recent years, which may make it possible to predict an appreciation in the future.

Turkish lira to dollar exchange rate dynamics in recent months

The unstable exchange rate of the Turkish lira to the dollar - the dynamics of deterioration in economic sphere countries.

Ways of stabilization:

  • increase in interest rates;
  • increasing exports in national currency;
  • government support for small businesses;
  • processing loans in Turkish lira;
  • release of the dollar from national circulation;
  • increase in value money supply through tourism services;
  • regulation of exchange trading.

Largest financial fund Ziraat Bankas? predicts that the lira exchange rate will stabilize at an acceptable level at the end of summer. The Central Bank of Turkey carries out a number of stabilizing procedures.

You can invest your funds in rubles during sharp fluctuations in the lira. The commission for withdrawal and exchange of currency is low enough to maximize the profit received from a transaction of even a medium scale.

Turkish lira to euro exchange rate. How to save cash when exchanging?

The exchange rate of the Turkish lira to the euro is not stable; the euro directly depends on the dollar. If you take euros with you on vacation, be prepared to receive change in dollars, but this is the least profitable option.

The best option: take rubles, which are quoted in all countries. Tips from a professional tourist:

  • break most of your cash into small bills;
  • keep half of the amount in an electronic wallet;
  • Please note that in large institutions in Istanbul they can only accept the lira, which is more profitable to take at the current rate than to exchange the entire amount at once;
  • don't forget to bargain;
  • try to carry out exchange transactions in special receivers foreign currency, preventing theft or receipt of counterfeit bills.

Where can I see the exchange rate of the Turkish lira to the ruble?

There are official online charts showing the exchange rate of the Turkish lira to the ruble. To analyze the short term, you do not need to have special knowledge.

Improvement trend domestic policy The Central Bank, thanks to the isolation of the dollar and its release into circulation, is favorable for the owners of the lira.

Is it possible to maintain an investor's portfolio in Turkey? You can give money in , which will cover currency risks. Trust an experienced broker with options operations and you can save your finances by acquiring powerful assets in a short time.

Dollar exchange rate in Turkey

The ratio of the bi-currency basket is influenced by many factors, including the general decline of the world economy, the level industrial development Turkey with a disproportionate population growth index.

However, the Turkish coin is relatively stable, which attracts currency traders who prefer to balance trades with exotic currency pairs, like USD/TRY. The position of the lira is ensured by the sovereignty of the Turkish state, its economic condition and involvement in the international market.

USD/TRY exchange rate chart and forecasts for 2016

Western analysts' forecasts financial structures regarding the relationship between the American and Turkish currencies on this year look very depressing for the Turkish side. A disappointing rebound in the value of the dollar against the lira is expected in the second quarter. It is assumed that 1 USD will be equal to 3.85 TRY.

The chart and forecasts for the USD/TRY exchange rate for 2016 have already shown the general trend in the past month, when the Turkish coin jumped the psychological barrier at 3.02. Apparently, the sad picture will continue, given that inflationary processes have not yet been completed in the country.

History of the Turkish lira to dollar exchange rate

The history of the Turkish lira to dollar exchange rate allows you to obtain accurate information on a specific date from a database formed for a certain period. This is perhaps due to the fact that all information about quotes, depreciation or increase in exchange rate is stored in a journal and stored in an archive.

In the table below you can trace the history of the Turkish lira during the last week of April:

Date Turkish lira US dollar

04/11/2016 2.8259 TRY = 1 USD

04/10/2016 2.8523 TRY = 1 USD

09/04/2016 2.8489 TRY = 1 USD

08/04/2016 2.8489 TRY = 1 USD

04/07/2016 2.8646 TRY = 1 USD

06/04/2016 2.8412 TRY = 1 USD

05/04/2016 2.8319 TRY = 1 USD

Official exchange rate of the National Bank of Turkey

To know official rate currency that sets National Bank Turkey, available on the organization’s website. If you are not well versed in foreign language portals, check exchange rates on Russified portals. Current Turkish currency exchange rate in Russian banks look in the section.

Advice from When investing in Turkish currency, choose small transactions to begin with to get a feel for this market before moving on to large investments.

The Turkish lira is sometimes also called Turkish ruble or Turkish dollar.
All courses presented on this page are exchange-traded and broadcast in real time.

Turkish lira exchange rate in Turkey today

You will see approximately the following table of rates in Turkish exchange offices + the exchange office commission will appear in the price. The data presented above will help you objectively evaluate currency exchange offers and calculate your travel budget. We recommend buying/selling the Turkish lira at a price that differs by no more than 1% from the current rate.
This exchange rate is a leading indicator. Therefore, if the exchange office has a different lira rate, then they will react a little later + do not forget about the commission (spread) of the exchange office, which is included immediately in the sale price and the purchase price.

Lira to ruble exchange rate

or how many rubles is 1 lira worth

Multiply any price tag in Turkey by the current value and get the price in rubles.

Turkish lira to ruble exchange rate - dynamics

This graph reflects how profitable it is for Russians receiving salaries in rubles to travel to Turkey. As we see, in 2015, everything went up in price by about one and a half times for our tourists. Now the situation is gradually stabilizing.

Turkish lira dollar rate - dynamics

or how much lira is worth 1 dollar

This chart is for residents of Turkey, like the dollar exchange rate for Russians. The higher it is, the worse their life is, and the cheaper it is for tourists to visit Turkey.

What currency is it beneficial to take with you to Turkey?
Dollars and euros. They can always be exchanged for Turkish lira at the most favorable rate.
And you can pay in dollars almost everywhere.
Remember, buying lira in Russia at the Central Bank exchange rate is extremely unprofitable. Have a good trip!

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