CASCO repairs in the official service are real. Car repair under comprehensive insurance. What should be done

Reading time: 6 minutes

Repair under CASCO is one of the options for compensation for damage under car insurance. By choosing it, the vehicle owner protects himself from additional worries associated with restoring the car. The insurance company that sells the policy organizes this process on its own. But the car owner who has chosen this type of compensation is obliged to have accurate information regarding the rules for carrying out repair work under CASCO.

Features of obtaining repairs under insurance

When an insurance company client has a CASCO policy in hand, in the event of damage to the car, he has two options: to receive compensation in monetary terms or to receive a repair service from the insurance company.

But insurance must cover everything possible options causing damage. For example, if the policy was issued only taking into account theft, then it will not be possible to use its other functions. This is quite likely when the car owner is the owner of a partial, and not full package CASCO.

Therefore, in order not to find yourself in a difficult situation and to get the necessary help from the insurance company, pay attention to the correctness of filling out the policy and review all its requirements. And if it provides for a referral for car repair under CASCO in case of damage, then all repair conditions, including deadlines, must be specified and regulated by the rules of the insurance itself.

Is repair possible when the owner himself is to blame for the malfunction?

The CASCO policy insures the vehicle regardless of who or what caused the damage to the car: the elements, criminals, another driver. And even if you yourself are the culprit of the accident or damaged the car through negligence. But on the condition that this does not contradict the agreement.

Repair from an authorized dealer

Typically, the insurance company sends cars that have a warranty to an official dealer for restoration. In this case, all deadlines can be clearly specified. For example, the time for repairs under CASCO insurance in Rosgosstrakh through a dealer is usually 15-30 days.

But it’s worth considering that car repairs under CASCO from an official dealer are not always beneficial for the insurance company, since it costs much more. Therefore, the car can be sent to another service station for restoration. This moment It is necessary to discuss this with a representative of the insurer at the stage of drawing up the contract.

How does the repair work?

The order of recovery procedures for vehicle, like compensation for losses under CASCO, is quite simple. To avoid delaying this process, it is recommended to proceed as follows:

  1. When an insured event occurs, you should contact the insurance company with a written statement. If the company’s employees already have all the documentation necessary to compensate for the damage, then you need to attach the papers to the application. Otherwise, you will need to collect and submit documents within the deadlines specified in the contract. We will tell you which ones below.
  2. Then provide the car to the IC specialists.
  3. After inspecting the vehicle, you will be given a referral for repairs to a service station.
  4. The next step is to provide the vehicle to the car service technician. Service station employees agree on the cost and timing of restoration work with representatives of the insurance company. Such negotiations last no more than 14 days, after which the driver is notified of the start of repairs.

The repair process itself can be carried out within 15-45 days from the date the vehicle arrives at the station. Upon completion, the car owner signs the acceptance certificate and notifies the insurance company.

The sequence of actions before transferring the car to the service station

When wondering how to repair a car under CASCO, you need to understand what preliminary stages you should go through (we have already talked about some of them):

  1. Collecting the necessary documents and sending them to the insurance company.
  2. Receiving directions for repairs.
  3. Carefully inspect the damage.
  4. Drawing up a special report (fault report), where all problems are recorded.
  5. Discussion of the insurer with the service station technician about repair details: availability of specialists, required parts, etc.
  6. Representatives of the insurer and the service station negotiate the exact timing of bringing the car in for repairs.


The list of papers required by the insurance company to issue a repair referral directly depends on the insured event.

Some programs provide for repairs under CASCO without documents from the traffic police. But most often you can’t do without them, which you can find out in insurance contract or by contacting a company representative when an insured event occurred.

Regardless of the program and type of case, the following documents must be submitted to the Investigative Committee:

  • car registration certificate;
  • diagnostic card.

If an accident occurs, additionally attached:

  • notification of an accident
  • copies of the traffic police protocol and the resolution on administrative offense or a certificate of refusal to initiate proceedings for an administrative offense.

In case of a case that arose as a result of the participation of third parties, repair of a guaranteed car under CASCO requires, in addition to those mentioned, the following documents:

  • certificate form 3 from the Department of Internal Affairs;
  • notification from the police department;
  • copies of documents on the initiation of a criminal case or refusal to initiate it.

Repair period

The time allotted for the process of restoring the car begins from the moment the policyholder has submitted all the documentation to the insurance company.

The timing of repairs at the service station is provided for in the rules of the contract, but if this is not the case, then you should submit an application to the insurance company with a request to provide data on the timing.

In this case, the insurer may:

  • suggest contacting a service station;
  • give a written response;
  • refuse to provide such information.

If the insurance company entered according to the last option, then focus on Civil Code RF, which states that if the time of work performed is not indicated, then it must be carried out within a reasonable time.

Referral validity period

I would like to note that, according to the law, the insurer is not obliged to issue a referral for repairs. Therefore, this condition must be stipulated in the contract. It is necessary to indicate the time limits for issuing a referral or payment of the insurance amount and the validity period of the referral for repairs under CASCO.

If a company violates the terms and conditions and delays issuing a referral, the following steps should be taken:

  • take a repair order and an invoice from a service station employee indicating the cost of the work;
  • make a written claim and attach an invoice and work order to it.

Time spent by the car at the service station

According to the law, the maximum possible period for repairing a car under CASCO must not exceed 45 days, even if the contract does not contain a clause on restoration periods damaged car. When a car is repaired by an official dealer, as we have already mentioned, the restoration period can vary from 15 to 30 days.

Very often, the insurance company turns to unofficial service stations for repair services for a damaged vehicle, since in most situations this is cheaper. In this case, the time frame for car repair under CASCO is regulated by the contract or legislation and should not exceed 45 days, unless there are conflicts with a specific insurance program.

What to do when repairs are delayed

The recovery period may be delayed due to certain circumstances:

  1. The insurer does not make an advance payment.
  2. A long line at the car service center.
  3. The insurance company and the service station cannot agree on the cost.
  4. The service station is delaying repairs for unknown reasons.

In such cases, you must first understand the reasons why restoration procedures are not carried out. You can contact the service center management directly.

When it comes to failure to fulfill obligations by an insurance company, it is enough to write to it. If the problem lies in inflated prices for repairs, a written request is made to replace the repair contractor. At the same time, we must not forget that when the insurer and the service station cannot agree on the cost of repairs, this is not the driver’s problem. If the issue is not resolved within 14 days, you can demand compensation from the insurer for losses in cash.

Repair problems

When choosing the option of receiving insurance compensation in the form of repairs by referral, the car owner may encounter some problems.

The car may not be accepted at the service station even if there is a referral from the insurer. The reason may be the absence of any agreement on cooperation between the parties, the expiration of its validity or its termination, or the lack of documents on extension. Or the insurance company delayed payment for previously completed repairs, and for this reason the service has no desire to increase its own losses.

In addition, car repairs under CASCO may not be completed due to the fact that there are no parts, the technicians simply do not have time to complete everything on time, there are no qualified specialists, etc.

To avoid problems and delays, it is necessary to discuss in advance with the service station the time of receipt of the necessary spare parts, repair operations, and the availability of specialists.

How to get money instead of repairs

As mentioned above, a CASCO insurance policy is convenient because it gives you the opportunity to choose repairs or payment in cash. That is, the answer to the question whether it is possible to get money under CASCO insurance rather than repairs is positive. However, in this case, it is necessary to take into account that, having received funds from the insurance company, the driver carries out the repair procedure on his own.

This method is advantageous in that the insurance company client himself controls the situation with the absence or availability of spare parts necessary for repairs, monitors deadlines and discusses all the nuances with the craftsmen.

There is another option on how to get money instead of repairs under CASCO. This can happen if the insurance company, for unknown reasons, delays the registration of a referral to a service station, cannot reach an agreement with a car repair shop, or does not respond to the car owner at all. In this case, you need to file a claim and send it to the insurer. The contract should spell out such problems and options for solving them.

As practice shows, CASCO with cash payment is not always the best option way out of the situation. If the driver is a novice with little experience and has never encountered domestic service stations, it makes sense to agree to have the vehicle repaired under insurance.

Owners of an MTPL policy can find more useful information in the material "".

Refusal to pay MTPL and CASCO insurance. What's legal and what's not: Video

When an insured event occurs, the car owner faces a serious dilemma about where to carry out repairs under comprehensive insurance: at an official dealer or at another company? From this article you will learn about how a comprehensive insurance case should be filed, what are the main advantages and disadvantages of contacting an official dealer for car repairs, as well as the features of cooperation with unofficial dealers. Who should you go to if you have such a choice?

Repair from an authorized dealer

When purchasing a variety of goods and services, a person, of course, wants to see high quality and a decent level of service. However, in reality, people who contact an official dealer may encounter some problems. Below you can find examples from practice, but first it’s worth considering the advantages of such a solution. So, the main advantages:

  • Professionalism of employees. This is one of the main advantages. Employees of the official dealer regularly undergo training and advanced training courses organized by the automaker. So, you can hope for high quality service.
  • Guarantee for work performed. If within a year after the repair, a repeated breakdown occurs (not through your fault), the restoration should be performed free of charge at an official dealership.
  • Equipment high level. Machines and various mechanisms installed at an official dealer are tested and have certificates.
  • Fast delivery of auto parts. In addition, an official dealer may have its own warehouse of various consumables.

But this choice also has its drawbacks. Among the disadvantages of contacting an official dealer:

  • High price. The same work in another place can cost you a third less. It is for this reason that comprehensive insurance for cars under warranty always turns out to be more expensive. Also, the option “repair from an official dealer” for a vehicle older than three years increases the tariff by 10-20%. This is due to the fact that for a non-warranty car, the wear and tear of spare parts increases over time, and with it the cost of repairs in general, although the car itself is getting cheaper.
  • Quality. It is not always really high. Thus, clients often notice large gaps or crookedly installed parts. The influence of the so-called human factor when contacting an official dealer, no less.
  • Delaying deadlines. When concluding a contract, a period of 30 days is prescribed. However, repairs often take two months.
  • Fraud. Dishonest repair workers can commit any violation. Thus, there is a known case when the gearbox was replaced with a faulty one, and the service employees denied any guilt. In this case, there is only one way out - court. And the client managed to prove he was right; the experts were on his side. Only after this did the employees admit that they had replaced the unit, and the service center suffered heavy losses.

Repair under comprehensive insurance from an unofficial dealer

If your insurance includes the option “repair at an unofficial dealer,” then your car is probably more than three years old. You will also be taken to such a car service if the car is older than three years and there is an option to “send it for repairs by the insurer.” In this case, the decision will be made automatically. However, there is no need to be afraid of this. Just like interacting with an official dealer, in this case there are both advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantage is the very fact of having a comprehensive insurance policy. Many drivers, in principle, do not apply for comprehensive insurance for cars older than three years. However, this is very short-sighted. Repairs due to damage caused to vehicles may be required after an accident, natural disaster, illegal actions of third parties, hitting various obstacles, falling into holes or fire.

Any of these situations leads to large losses for the owner. Do not think that an unofficial dealer is a small private garage. Most often this big company engaged in repairs and technical maintenance vehicles, sales of auto parts or even sales of cars.

CASCO repair work performed by an unofficial dealer involves restoring the car in any of the above situations, and faulty parts and mechanisms must be replaced with new and original ones. In this case, wear is not taken into account.

Of course, the price of such services will be lower than when interacting with an official dealer. This is due to the fact that such organizations do not need to invest large sums in advertising, certification, purchasing unnecessarily expensive equipment, etc.

The quality of repairs performed by an unofficial dealer can be as high as that of an official one. It is worth noting that only a private company is able to set its own work schedule (for example, many organizations work around the clock), and therefore clients are usually satisfied with the speed and quality of their work.

Many customers are willing to pay more to get the option of “repair at the direction of the policyholder” and cooperate with an unofficial dealer who has been performing its duties efficiently for many years. This may seem counterintuitive, but practice proves otherwise. After all, the service must be accredited by an insurance company. That is, an unofficial dealer must have professional equipment, competent craftsmen and an organized workshop. Stipulated deadlines, high quality, etc. must also be met.

If your car is under warranty and the insurance company sends it to an unofficial dealer for repairs, you will have to fight to change that decision. At the same time, cars older than three years can be safely repaired by an unofficial dealer. He also has the right to strive to obtain confirmation of quality and service. However, if you are not ready for such a decision, you can try to come to an agreement with the insurance company and reimburse the difference in the cost of services directly at the company’s cash desk. And then arrange the option for the policyholder to choose a car service. This will save you from conflicts with the insurance company when approving a service station for repairs.

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Buying a car is a joyful but stressful situation. For a considerable time before this, all thoughts are occupied with choosing an expensive purchase. Then the new car owner is informed about the urgent purchase mandatory policy OSAGO. Finally comes the turn to think about buying an optional, but the required policy CASCO. Car sellers try to take advantage of this situation when it is purchased at a car dealership. The dealer is bound by a contract with certain insurance companies whose services he will offer.

Reasons why you should purchase a CASCO policy from a dealer:

  • All problems are resolved on the spot. There is no need for an additional trip to the insurance company
  • Purchasing a CASCO policy is a voluntary purchase. It protects the property interests of the car owner. But danger may lurk already when leaving the car dealership where you were purchased a car. In case of purchase insurance policy right on the spot, the vehicle is immediately provided with its protection

Disadvantages of purchasing a CASCO policy from a dealer:

  • The choice among insurance companies is limited. The dealer has agreements with several, most often the most popular, insurers. Meanwhile, the conditions under which a purchase can be made may be more attractive for a particular owner in other insurance companies
  • Can't be obtained locally full information about the proposed company. She may be on the verge of bankruptcy. There is no way to find out reviews about the company or go to forums where you can read advice from motorists
  • The price of the policy may be inflated. For the same price you can purchase a completely different set of services and obligations. It is not possible to compare offers from several insurance companies
  • The dealer will strongly encourage you to purchase from the insurance company from which he receives higher percentage when selling a policy. There will be no objective assessment
  • An ordinary seller may appear as a dealer. A person who is highly qualified to explain the characteristics of various car models may not be an expert in the field of insurance. Many “little things” may be missed, which will have an impact in the future when an insured event occurs.
  • Lack of information about promotions carried out by the company. Such events are done regularly to attract customers. You may not find out about this at a car dealership and may not take advantage of this convenient opportunity.

Many sellers at a car dealership refuse to sell a car on credit without simultaneously concluding an agreement to purchase a policy. This requirement is illegal. Contacting the Consumer Protection Society will help solve this problem.

Advantages and disadvantages of purchasing CASCO insurance from an insurance company

The advantages of purchasing a CASCO policy in an insurance campaign are the following circumstances:

  • Before contacting the office, take the time to research various options offered by insurance companies and choose the most suitable option
  • First, you can independently calculate the cost of the policy and choose the insurance company that offers the most suitable conditions
  • There is a possibility of registration electronic policy online
  • You can use the policy delivery service to your home at any time at the specified address
  • The policy can be purchased in installments
  • The insurance company may offer design options that reduce the cost of the policy, for example, a deductible
  • A discount may be provided if the vehicle is intended to be used for short distances.
  • Depending on individual circumstances, a personal discount may be provided

The disadvantages of registration with an insurance company include the situation when a CASCO policy is issued with some delay, since an insured event may occur during this period.

What factors influence the cost of CASCO insurance?

Insurance companies have the opportunity to independently determine the list of factors that will influence the final cost when purchasing a CASCO policy.

Most insurance companies take into account the following circumstances:

  • The price for which the car was purchased. It is confirmed by the existence of a purchase and sale agreement. If you purchase a used vehicle, you can conduct an expert assessment
  • Year of manufacture of the car. If the policy is issued for a car that has already been discontinued, its cost will be increased
  • Engine power. The likelihood of an insured event occurring will be greater for cars with a higher power value. This value may be different for different modifications of the same model.
  • The region where the vehicle is intended to be used. Statistics are kept of road accidents that occurred in different regions. If there have been many accidents in the operational area over the past year, then the coefficient will be increasing
  • The place this modification occupies in the ranking for theftability
  • For which person is the policy issued - legal or physical?
  • The period for which the policy is issued
  • Having a franchise allows you to count on a significant discount

Purpose of a car as a taxi or instruction during training in a driving school will increase the cost of the policy.

If OSAGO provides driver liability insurance in case of an accident, then CASCO protects property from various risks, including road accidents, theft (theft), damage to property by hooligans, as well as in case of accidents or natural disasters.

The large number of insurance risks that can be protected against makes such insurance much more expensive than compulsory auto insurance policies.

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Each insurance company must fulfill its obligations under the contract for the money that the client pays.

That's why the repair insurance property– the car must be produced on time and of the highest quality.

Direction and validity period

Every car owner who has a CASCO policy has every right to use it upon the occurrence of the insured event specified in the insurance contract.

When an insured event occurs under a CASCO policy, the contract may provide for several options for compensation for damage to the car owner’s property.

These methods include:

  1. Payment by the insurer of a sum of money that should cover the entire cost of repair work along with the purchase of spare parts and materials.
  2. Issuing a referral to the client for repairs from an official dealer of a car service station.
  3. Issuing a referral to repair a damaged car at the insurer's auto repair shop or service station at the discretion of the company.
  4. Issuing a referral for repair of car damage in a car repair shop at the discretion of the policy holder.

Very often, difficulties arise precisely in cases where a referral is issued to the car owner to have his car repaired at a car service center on behalf of the insurer or its official dealer.

Here we encounter delays in repairs, underpayments for restoration work on the part of the company, poor-quality repairs, discrepancies in the documentation, which indicates prices and the availability of damaged parts, as well as a number of other problems.

In what order do you receive a referral for car repair? To smoothly receive compensation under CASCO in the form of repairs or in another way, you need to know the rules by which the insured person should act.

Typically, such rules are prescribed either in the insurance contract, or are issued to the company’s client along with the policy.

Therefore, as soon as an insured event occurs, the owner of the car and the policy must do the following:

  1. Try to photograph everything or film it on a video camera.
  2. Collect everything Required documents on the car, attach them, evidentiary videos or photographs and the policy to the application when submitting to the insurance company.
  3. The insurer will review all the documents and, if the paper check is positive, will send its expert appraiser to inspect the damage to the car and evaluate it (if it was not theft).
  4. After the examination, a calculation and a report with the results is made, which reflects the cost of repair work with detail.
  5. The insurer issues a referral for car repairs from the service company with which it has a partnership.
  6. After the car has been delivered to the service center, the mechanics will once again examine all the damage and recalculate the cost of repair work. It is this recalculation that will be closer to reality.
  7. All documentation with the results of the recalculation is sent to the insurance company.
  8. And now the insurer can either disagree with the calculation sent from the auto repair shop, or accept it and pay by bank transfer to the service station’s account.
  9. The timing for calculating the cost of repairs is regulated by the internal regulations of the insurance company, so they should be clarified.

The document “Referral for car repair by” must necessarily contain the following items and sections:

  1. The name of the insurer and its contact details.
  2. FULL NAME. car owner and car data.
  3. Information about car damage.
  4. Number and date of the report on the occurrence of the insured event.
  5. The amount of repairs calculated by an expert appraiser.
  6. List of attachments - calculation, examination report, etc.
  7. Signature and seal of the company.

The stage of recalculating the cost of repairs may take a different period of time. Here everything will depend on the coherence of the system of cooperation between the insurance company and the car service center, or on the insurance company itself.

In practice, this can take either 2 days or 2 months; usually the settlement procedure is not delayed longer than 2 and a half months. Separate law There is no specific stage for regulation of this stage yet.

All payment terms should be immediately clarified with the insurer in order to understand when the technicians will begin directly repairing the car.

Legal term

In any case, the car owner has no time to wait for the auto repair shop to restore the car and delay the repair time.

It doesn’t matter whether the owner of a used car earns his living, or whether he simply uses the car for personal use - according to the laws Russian Federation Deadlines must be met strictly, as well as the quality of service and repairs.

In order to receive unhindered payments instead of being referred to a service station for repairs, the policyholder must know how to correctly refuse repair services under CASCO.

How to refuse repairs under CASCO

Step-by-step guidance on receiving payments instead of repairs under a CASCO policy in the event of an insured event, the conditions in the contract for mandatory repairs and the presence of an accident report, which is the company’s recognition of this fact:

  1. You should bring the car to the insurance company for inspection.
  2. By agreement with the insurer, the examination can be carried out on site using the services of an independent appraiser.
  3. After the inspection, you send the car for repairs anywhere. Auto repair shop at your discretion.
  4. You make repairs at your own expense.
  5. Again, present the car to the insurance company expert for inspection, but with attached documentation from the car service center.
  6. You receive a car inspection report from the appraiser and all additional documents that he provides.
  7. Bring all the papers from the expert appraiser and the auto repair shop to the insurance company and attach them to the application.

But besides this option, there is another one - simpler and easier. Even if CASCO specifies repairs and not payment, according to the law, the client still has the right to choose.

After all, according to Art. 929 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, insurers are not obliged to issue directions for repairs of property affected by damage. It means that insurance compensation, in fact, the company is obliged to pay in money.

That is why the policyholder has the right to immediately submit an application marked cash payments, and not taking a damaged car for repairs.

Note! The act of occurrence of an insured event is important document, on the basis of which the insurer’s obligations arise that it should fulfill under the terms of the contract.

1. What is comprehensive insurance?

Casco is the type additional insurance car, suggesting financial protection from damage or theft. If we outline the difference between compulsory motor liability insurance and comprehensive insurance in simple words, then OSAGO protects you from liability for damage caused to other people in the event of an accident due to your fault, but does not compensate for your own losses, and comprehensive insurance, on the contrary, protects you regardless of who was guilty of causing the damage. This is precisely why OSAGO is a compulsory type of insurance, and comprehensive insurance is voluntary. By the way, the word casco is spelled exactly this way - many people mistakenly write it in capital letters, by analogy with OSAGO, believing that it is an abbreviation. In fact, the word casco is borrowed and is not an abbreviation.

2. Why is insurance under a comprehensive insurance policy so expensive?

That's it objective reasons. First of all, comprehensive insurance does not have an upper limit on the sum insured - it directly depends on the value of the car, which is specified in the insurance contract. At OSAGO, as we remember, maximum size payments for damage caused are equal to 400 thousand rubles, and in case of damage to health - 500 thousand. In the case of comprehensive insurance, you can insure a car of any value with the possibility of full compensation in case of damage or theft - that is, insurance payment can easily amount to several million rubles. But the downside of such a potential payment is the high cost of insurance. In addition, it is worth remembering that comprehensive insurance is designed to cover all your mistakes (except for those expressly specified in the contract) and all possible risks, which means the volume of these risks is greater than in the case, for example, with compulsory motor liability insurance.

3. What does the cost of comprehensive insurance depend on?

As mentioned above, the cost of comprehensive insurance largely depends on the sum insured - that is, the amount at which the car is valued under the contract. However, the final price tag also depends on several other factors: in this paragraph we will mention only those that cannot be influenced when applying for a comprehensive insurance policy. For starters, this is the driving experience of the people who will be driving the car: it is logical to assume that an inexperienced driver has a greater chance of damaging the car and applying for payment. Another factor is insurance history. If you already have several accidents due to your fault, the next policy will most likely cost you more. Well, another parameter that you cannot influence is the theftability of the car. Cars that are popular with car thieves are in a “high-risk group”, and the cost of comprehensive insurance for them, accordingly, may be higher.

4. How to save money when purchasing a comprehensive insurance policy?

So, you have chosen a car, and for it, as well as for your experience and insurance history, you can no longer influence. But for the final cost of comprehensive insurance, you can very well, and significantly. To do this, you need to correctly determine the degree of protection you need for your car. Here are the factors that directly affect the cost of comprehensive insurance.

  • Level of protection against potential problems: complete protection against damage and theft, or partial protection against only one of these cases. For example, if at work your car is parked in a closed parking lot, and at home in your own garage, then you can neglect the risk of theft and insure only against possible damage in an accident. This will significantly reduce the cost of the policy.
  • Franchise. The deductible itself is a pre-agreed loss that is not compensated upon the occurrence of an insured event. Simply put, this is the amount that the insurer will not pay you if the damage is less than it. For example, if an agreement is drawn up with a deductible of 15,000 rubles, then all damage estimated to be less than this amount will be repaired at your own expense. This may seem inconvenient, but it allows, for example, experienced drivers to save a significant amount by “sharing responsibility.” However, if you are an inexperienced driver, but are calm about minor scratches, cracks in bumpers and mirrors and other minor defects, there is also nothing stopping you from “collecting” them over the course of a year, and then eliminating them “in one sitting,” exceeding the deductible amount.
  • The degree of protection of the car from theft. It is important for the insurer whether the car has an anti-theft system and where it is stored. So, if there are no alarms or anti-theft systems, and the car spends the night in the courtyard of a high-rise building, the cost of comprehensive insurance will be higher. Therefore, it can often be more profitable to equip your car with at least a simple anti-theft system and allocate a couple of thousand a month for a space in the nearest parking lot than to overpay a significant amount when concluding a comprehensive insurance agreement.
  • Type of damages. When an insured event occurs - for example, an accident - you can compensate for its consequences in different ways: the insurer can repair the car in a service convenient for him, pay for repairs in a service chosen by the buyer, or provide monetary compensation, which the car owner is free to spend on repairs himself. It is not difficult to guess that the first of these options is the most convenient for the insurer, and therefore the cost of comprehensive insurance in this case may be lower than in the other two. In addition, the option of repairs from an official dealer has a chance to be the most expensive, since the insurer can reasonably include a certain increasing coefficient in such a policy.
  • Additional terms and conditions. The final cost of a comprehensive insurance policy can be influenced by a considerable number of smaller factors. Thus, purchasing MTPL and comprehensive insurance policies from one insurer can have a positive effect on the price of the second. Your ability to pay your premium in cash immediately is another way to win over your insurer. Payments in the event of an accident can be made with or without wear and tear - this must also be stipulated in the insurance contract and affects its cost. Besides, sum insured- that is, total amount, for which the car is insured - can be aggregate or non-aggregate. In the first case, each payment under the contract is deducted from this amount, and, for example, if a car is stolen after restoration in an accident, you will be paid only the balance of the insured amount not spent on repairs. In the second case, the amount does not decrease, and the insurer in each insured event is liable for the damage in full. But it is easy to understand that the cost of a comprehensive insurance policy in the first case will be lower.
  • Installment plan. Yes, the installment plan itself does not make the policy cheaper, and sometimes even, on the contrary, slightly increases its cost. However, the ability to pay the cost of comprehensive insurance not at once, but in installments over several months very often makes life much easier - after all, the policy can cost several tens or even hundreds of thousands of rubles.

5. Is it worth taking out a comprehensive insurance policy?

The answer to this question depends entirely on the car owner. It’s not for nothing that we say “owner”: if you buy a car on credit, then the bank will be its owner until the loan is fully repaid, and he will definitely make sure that you provide full insurance of the car at your own expense. In the vast majority of cases, comprehensive insurance is a prerequisite when purchasing a car on credit.

If you purchased a car without outside help, the choice is yours. Experienced drivers with extensive experience of accident-free driving can, for example, think about insuring their car against theft and accidents - that is, those situations that are beyond their control. Drivers with little experience will appreciate the opportunity to eliminate possible consequences"the hardships of learning." Besides, Insurance companies often offer quite interesting and convenient accompanying conditions: for example, in addition to payment by installments, they can compensate for the cost of tow truck services in case of an accident, quickly send you for repairs to the service center specified in the contract, and also repair a slightly damaged car without a certificate of an accident issued by the traffic police . Therefore, if you decide to insure your car under a comprehensive insurance policy, the main thing is to choose a good insurer and the most convenient conditions for yourself.

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