Home loan microloan. How to get home loans. General principles of microcredit at Home Loan

As of March 1, 2018, Russian banks provided more than 180 thousand mortgage loans amounting to more than 347 billion rubles. And in January everything mortgage loans, issued in Russia, exceeded the 2 trillion ruble mark.

These data indicate the popularity of the topic, so today we will look at what housing lending is and where and how you can get a mortgage. + We will give several recommendations that will increase your chances of getting a loan.

What is a mortgage?

A mortgage is a special type of loan for the purchase of a home. If a borrower uses a mortgage, he buys an apartment or house and immediately pledges it to the bank. At the same time, he remains the owner of the property, but cannot sell it.

The bank will resort to sanctions if the borrower commits the following violations:

  • sell an apartment or house
  • will allow damage to real estate
  • willfully change specifications apartment or house (for example, he makes a redevelopment and does not approve it)
  • will violate the terms of the insurance (if the insurance contract was drawn up together with the mortgage).

What are the conditions?

We will talk about the specific parameters of a profitable mortgage loan further.

In the meantime, let's consider General requirements that the bank presents to borrowers.

#1. Age

The minimum age to obtain a mortgage loan at most banks is 21 years old.

The upper limit is set individually and is usually 65-75 years. The highest age limit in the mortgage lending market is offered by Sovcombank and Sberbank.

#2. Solvency

First of all, banks look at whether the borrower can repay the loan and avoid delays.

Financial institution specialists evaluate:

  • official income
  • work experience at current place
  • position, profession
  • income of co-borrowers and guarantors (if any).

Banks also evaluate the borrower's expenses. If a client who wants to take out a loan has many dependents (children, retired parents, other people), then the likelihood of loan approval decreases.

Banks focus on solvency when determining maximum amount loan for the borrower and the loan term. A financial institution will not issue a loan if the monthly payment amount is more than 50% of the income of the borrower and his family. However, in practice, banks believe that clients cannot spend more than 40% of their income per month on a mortgage.

This means that in order to apply for a mortgage and pay 40 thousand rubles per month, the borrower (or the client’s entire family) must have a monthly income of 100 thousand rubles.

#3. Belonging to a preferential category

The state will help pay mortgages to the following categories of citizens:

  • families with 2 or more children (maternity capital is provided, which can be used to purchase housing)
  • young families
  • military personnel.

If the family has a certificate for maternity capital or its members are under 35 years old, then the state will contribute part of the loan or help with the down payment. Military personnel can expect to pay the mortgage in full if the value of the purchased property is 2.4 million rubles or less.

#4. Employment type

It is important for the bank that the borrower’s income is not only sufficient, but also constant. Therefore, financial institutions prefer clients who work in government organizations. Borrowers employed in large private companies also have a high probability of getting a loan.

To businessmen credit institutions are treated more strictly. A bank may refuse to issue a loan to a client who has his own business, even if he has an income of 100 thousand rubles per month. Credit managers believe that business profits are not constant, and the borrower may lose his source of livelihood at any time.

How much will you have to overpay?

Let's look at the situation using an example: The cost of the apartment is 4 million rubles, the loan term is 20 years, the interest rate is 11% per annum. Family doesn't use it maternal capital And state support. To repay such a loan, you will have to pay 41,288 rubles every month. In total, the family will spend 9 million 900 thousand rubles on the purchase of an apartment (4,000,000 is the cost of real estate, 5,900,000 is the overpayment on the loan).

In other words, in this example, the borrower is paying almost 2.5 times the value of the property if he decides to take out a home loan.

How to get a mortgage loan on your own?

Let's move on to the algorithm that will help you take out a loan for housing. Let's look at how a mortgage is obtained in two ways: independently and with the help of credit brokers.

Let's start with a situation where the borrower wants to save money on assistants and get a loan on his own. To do this, he will have to go through 6 stages.

#1. Choosing housing

Banks issue mortgage loans for the following types real estate:

  • apartments in new buildings
  • apartments on the secondary market
  • dachas, cottages
  • private houses.

You can also get a loan for housing that is purchased under a contract equity participation. But not all banks provide such loans.

The borrower must focus not only on desires, but also on possibilities. The bank will not give a loan if you have to pay more than 50% of the official price for housing monthly income. But in order to create a safety margin, we advise you to focus on housing for which you will have to pay no more than 40% of your monthly income.

#2. Bank selection

There is no shortage of offers in the mortgage lending market. Choosing financial institution And specific loan, pay attention to:

  • down payment amount
  • credit limit
  • insurance
  • credit institution reputation
  • reviews
  • early repayment conditions
  • maximum permissible delays
  • number of documents to be processed.

If not all of your income is official, contact banks that offer mortgages based on two documents. In such companies, interest rates are 2-3% higher than the market average. But they give money without proof of income.

#3. Collecting papers, submitting an application

Let's look at what documents are needed for a mortgage.

Banks will ask you to present the following documents:

  • loan application
  • Borrower’s passport (if there are guarantors and co-borrowers - copies of their passports)
  • certificate of income for the last 6 months (form 2-NDFL or bank)
  • copy work book certified by the employer
  • business registration documents (if the borrower owns a business)
  • documents for an apartment or house that you plan to purchase with a mortgage.

If you plan to get a mortgage and use maternity capital (or get an apartment using military loans), you will need papers confirming the benefits.

For holders of maternity capital:

  • certificate (or certificates, if there are several)
  • consent from Pension Fund for the use of funds
  • consent from the seller of an apartment or house to sell real estate using maternity capital.

For the military:

  • permission from Rosvoenipoteka.

#4. Registration of the contract

Mortgage agreements are drawn up by banks, and clients only sign them. But this does not prevent you from studying the text of the contract from the first to the last page.

In the agreement, carefully study the following loan parameters:

  • maturity
  • monthly payment
  • effective interest rate
  • early repayment conditions
  • commissions (for opening an account, conducting transactions, etc.)
  • fines for late payments.

If you are not satisfied with at least one condition, you can tell the credit manager about it. If the bank does not want to change the agreement, it is better to find another credit institution.

To sign loan agreement on the same day you receive it for study, optional. You can take a copy home and re-read it in a calm environment with a qualified lawyer.

If the conditions suit you, start looking for an apartment.

#5. Buying an apartment, signing a loan agreement

Find an apartment or house that suits both you and the bank. Typically, lending institutions take 1-2 months to select a property. If during this period the borrower does not decide on an apartment or house, the bank may cancel the decision to approve the loan.

As soon as the object is selected, you can sign an agreement on the purchase/sale of an apartment (house) and a mortgage agreement with the bank. The property is immediately pledged to a credit institution, and a special document is drawn up - a mortgage.

#6. Transaction insurance

Russian legislation obliges borrowers who take out a mortgage to insure the transaction.

The requirements of the law “On Mortgage (Pledge of Real Estate)” apply only to apartment insurance. But banks offer clients to take out insurance policies on life, solvency, health, and the risk of loan non-repayment. The cost of such insurance can reach up to 10−15% of the loan amount. Banks, if the client did not want to pay for the policy.

#7 Paperwork

The last thing left to do is to register the transaction with Rosreestr. To do this, bring and submit all documents to the Rosreestr office or online - mortgage agreement, purchase/sale agreement of an apartment or house, mortgage, insurance policy. In 2-3 days, information about the transaction will appear in Rosreestr, and you will become the owner of a new apartment.

Why do you need a credit broker?

The algorithm described above allows you to get a mortgage yourself. It is not that complicated, but if you do everything alone, it will take 2-3 months. In addition, if there is, then the financial institution may refuse the loan.

Turning to credit broker, these problems can be avoided. He will submit applications to several banks at once. Several credit institutions will simultaneously consider the borrower's candidacy. This will allow you to avoid wasting time collecting documents for each bank.

Brokers also have connections with credit managers at banks and can influence their decisions. It happens that a client who could not get a loan on his own applied for a loan without problems after contacting a broker. In addition, intermediaries know how to make loan terms more favorable and reduce interest rate for the client by 1.5−2%. Over a period of 15-20 years, this allows you to save 1-2 million rubles.

Where to get a mortgage?

We studied which banks provide mortgages and compiled our TOP credit offers. The rating includes reliable organizations from among the 20 largest banks in the country.

If you think , Which bank is better to get it from? mortgage, take advantage of any offer from our article.

#1. Tinkoff Mortgage

Myself Tinkoff Bank does not provide mortgage loans. But the company reached an agreement with other lending institutions, and now Tinkoff loans are offered profitable loans for housing.

  • interest rate - from 6 to 14.5% per annum
  • loan term - from 10 to 25 years
  • minimum contribution - from 10 to 40%
  • the maximum amount is up to 99 million rubles.

When applying for a mortgage at Tinkoff, you simultaneously apply to several partner banks. They study the application and formulate an individual offer. If the loan has been approved by several credit institutions, the borrower himself decides which bank to take out a mortgage loan from.

#2. Opening

Otkritie Bank offers favorable mortgage loans to all categories of clients.

  • interest rate - from 9.35% per annum
  • loan term - from 5 to 30 years
  • minimum contribution - from 10%
  • amount - 0.5−30 million rubles.

You can apply for a mortgage at Otkritie Bank on the official website. To receive pre-approval via SMS, just fill out a form. If the decision is positive, you need to provide documents for the borrower and the property to the Otkritie Bank branch. The loan specialist will examine the papers and make a decision.

There are several ways to repay a housing loan from Otkritie Bank:

  • in company branches
  • at Otkritie ATMs accepting cash
  • in Qiwi and Eleksnet terminals
  • through the Zolotaya Korona system
  • via Yandex. Money
  • interbank transfer
  • in Svyaznoy, Eldorado, Telepay.

Follow the payment repayment schedule to avoid paying fines. Transfer money 2-3 days before the day indicated in the schedule. If you repay the loan through Otkritie partners (Qiwi, Eleksnet, Golden Crown and other systems), we recommend increasing the period to 4-5 days.

#3. VTB

Borrowers can get a mortgage from the country's second largest bank, VTB.

  • interest rate - from 8.8% per annum
  • loan term - up to 20 years
  • minimum contribution - from 10%
  • amount - up to 60 million rubles.

To get a mortgage from VTB, contact a bank branch with documents or fill out an application on the website. The credit manager will review the papers to make a decision. If it is positive, you can choose an apartment and enter into an agreement. The procedure for applying for a loan at VTB takes 1-2 weeks.

You can repay the loan at ATMs and VTB branches. The bank's facilities and offices are presented on interactive map on the official website and application of the bank.

#4. Sberbank

Sberbank issues mortgage loans to military personnel, families with children, young families and other borrowers.

  • interest rate - from 6% per annum
  • loan term - up to 30 years
  • minimum contribution - from 10%
  • amount - 0.3−8 million rubles.

Sberbank accepts applications for mortgage loans on its website and in branches. Prepare documents in advance so the loan officer can review them more quickly. The decision will be made 1-2 weeks after the transfer of papers. You are given a month to search for housing, during which time you need to have time to select a property, conclude a mortgage agreement and insure your apartment or house.

You can repay loans at ATMs and Sberbank offices. Sberbank partner points also accept.

The advantage of the offer from Sberbank is low rates on a mortgage. The company provides loans at 6% per annum to participants of the state program “Mortgage with state support for families with children.”

#5. Raiffeisen Bank

The branch of the Austrian banking group in Russia, Raiffeisen Bank, offers to take advantage of the mortgage lending program.

  • interest rate - from 9.5% per annum
  • loan term - 1−30 years
  • minimum contribution - from 10%
  • amount - up to 26 million rubles.

You can get a loan from Raiffeisen Bank by submitting an application on the official website. After the preliminary decision, you can prepare documents and visit the Raiffeisenbank office. If the loan is approved, the borrower will be able to take out a mortgage with an interest rate of 9.5% per annum in 2018.

To repay a loan from Raiffeisenbank, you can use ATMs and company branches.

Which bank has the lowest mortgage?? Now minimum percentage Sberbank offers housing loans. Here you can get a mortgage loan at 6% per annum if you participate in government programs or buy apartments from partner developers.

We believe you should pay attention to them before taking out a mortgage.

#1. Do not take foreign currency loans

From foreign currency mortgage Several tens of thousands of people have already been affected. They took out loans in dollars or euros at a favorable rate (1−2%), but were unable to repay the loan when the ruble exchange rate decreased by 1.5−2 times in 2014-2015.

If you receive a salary in rubles, then take out loans in rubles. If your employer pays you in Euros or US dollars, you may want to consider these currencies for your home loan.

#2. Read the contract carefully

We have already said that you need to study the loan agreement carefully.

  • If you know a lawyer or Bank employee, invite him with you to apply for a loan. Representatives of such professions know what to look for and will immediately find mistakes in the papers.
  • If there is at least one condition in the contract that does not suit you, do not sign it. Mortgages can be obtained from dozens of banks, and among them there are credit institutions that do not deceive clients.

#3. Calculate your forces

There are still banks in Russia that provide mortgage loans and expect that borrowers will spend 60-70% of their monthly income on them.

It’s difficult to live in this mode for 10-15 years. It is better to limit costs to 30-40% of monthly income. In this case, you will have to reduce the mortgage amount. This can be done in two ways: take a loan for a long term, and also choose cheaper housing.

In the first case

  • the likelihood of loan approval decreases as the term increases
  • The monthly payment decreases slightly as the loan term increases.

Let's consider an example: There are two loans with the same amounts and interest (3 million rubles, 12% per annum), but for different periods (one for 20 years, the other for 30 years). Using an online calculator to calculate mortgage terms, we get:

  • monthly payment for a loan for 20 years - 33,033 rubles (overpayment - 4,927,820 rubles)
  • monthly payment for a loan for 30 years - 30,858 rubles (overpayment - 8,109,016 rubles)

The contribution that will have to be paid every month has decreased by only 2 thousand (this is less than 10%), and the overpayment will increase by more than 3 million.

That is why the borrower, before receiving a mortgage, needs to correlate his desires and capabilities. Otherwise, a housing loan can become bondage for life.

To avoid this situation, use online calculators to calculate the mortgage. They work the same way and produce identical results. Find loan calculators You can visit banks’ websites (links will follow).

In the second case

If you take out a mortgage for an apartment that costs less than you originally planned, you can repay the loan faster. This will make it possible to obtain a new loan for real estate with an increased area and improved layout.

#4. Create a safety net

If you do not repay the loan on time, the bank will impose sanctions - fines or seizure of real estate.

To avoid getting into this situation, put money aside to pay off your mortgage in a deposit. Try to save up enough money to pay your monthly installments for 6-8 months.

You can also pay off the loan early. This is beneficial: the faster you repay the loan, the less you overpay to the bank. However, not all credit institutions welcome early returns loans - some companies fine clients who repay loans ahead of schedule. If you took out a loan from such a bank, we recommend saving money rather than paying off the mortgage with it at the first opportunity.

#5. Take out a loan at the right time

Housing has a minimum price when demand for it is reduced. Try to guess the time when the price of an apartment or house will fall, and buy real estate during this period.

This way you will not only save on the cost of housing, but also take out a mortgage favorable interest rate. Banks lower interest rates when apartment sales fall and accommodate clients halfway in other matters. The only thing you need to do is to track when housing prices and sales are falling, and plan to purchase an apartment or house at exactly this time.


A mortgage is a good (and sometimes the only) way to improve living conditions. Mortgage lending allows you to buy an apartment right now, rather than putting off the issue of real estate for 10-15 years.

Mortgage loan amounts, as a rule, start from 1-2 million rubles. Few banks give loans for such amounts without proof of income. Almost all credit institutions require borrowers to confirm financial condition, availability of a place of work and attract guarantors. We recommend that you think about this in advance so as not to waste time when applying for a loan.

In an unstable environment economic situation Not everyone can buy their own home. Some of us in this case resort to not quite good options– renting an apartment today is very expensive. And as a result, such a solution will only temporarily correct the situation. If you are able to pay for your rented property, it makes sense to consider taking out a loan to buy a home in Moscow. Nowadays, many banks offer quite favorable loan terms for real estate.

Standard lending programs

You have decided to get a mortgage loan for real estate: evaluate own strength, Firstly. Although existing programs They offer very favorable conditions, you need to pay every month. In addition, you need to plan additional expenses at the initial stage - a standard transaction involves notarization, insurance, and commission. All this will need to be paid on the day of the transaction. In the future, expenses will only include the monthly fee. Mortgage interest rates in Moscow banks may vary; in fact, their value determines the total cost of the mortgage. Therefore, before making a decision in favor of one bank or another, you should carefully study existing offers. In general, there are several important aspects, which need to be emphasized:

  • bank mortgage rates;
  • reputation of the financial and credit institution;
  • contribution amount;
  • mortgage interest;
  • schedule;
  • mortgage term.

Each bank, guided by organizational policy and internal regulatory documents, offers lending under certain conditions. The same applies to the requirements for borrowers - age criteria, actual income, length of service, etc. The down payment can vary from 10 to 30%, taking into account the conditions of the selected program. As for the urgency of repayment, loans are mainly given on a long-term basis - from 5 to 30 years. Naturally, it is profitable to pay the entire amount within 5 years; you can save on interest payments, but often not everyone has this opportunity. Therefore, after the transaction is concluded, most pay off the loan, taking into account the maximum possible term.

Secondary market or new construction?

This factor is also no less important. As a rule, large developers often enter into agreements with banks partnerships and sell apartments on more attractive terms when compared with standard programs. In addition, in this case you will be able to independently choose the layout, floor, etc. Purchasing ready-made housing for secondary use also has its advantages - you can move into the apartment immediately after registration, and this is an important plus. Think through all these nuances in advance; purchasing real estate is a serious matter that needs to be carefully considered.

How to get a loan to buy real estate

After the initial analysis, which is carried out on the basis of the submitted documents, you will already know whether it is worth pursuing this further. The main factors that will determine the possibility of purchasing housing on credit are:

  • total family income;
  • credit history;
  • general experience;
  • age, etc.

In some cases, a criminal record may be taken into account. But for most banks this is not a significant factor.

Where is it more profitable to get a mortgage in Moscow?

In practice the most favorable mortgage for housing provides low interest rates, reasonable insurance rates, no additional commissions. And it’s quite possible to find such a program. To obtain favorable loan for housing, you need to pay attention to studying existing offers. And they can have significant differences, and it is necessary to familiarize yourself with them before purchasing real estate. To reduce your time spent going to banks, we have compiled a complete database existing programs different creditors. With our service you can find the most favorable rates that will allow you to buy the home of your dreams today.

Many people dream of buying an apartment, but not everyone can afford to spend such a significant amount of money at once. There is often only one way out in such a situation - to take out a mortgage loan. Many cannot decide to take such a responsible step, realizing that such a loan will have to be repaid for a very long time. However, if you follow a few rules, as well as carefully choosing a bank, you can move into your own apartment without significant problems.

How to take out a mortgage loan correctly and profitably

The decision to buy an apartment with a mortgage becomes the most important decision in life for many. At the same time, I really want the loan to be as profitable as possible and not become bondage.

How to take out a mortgage loan? This question inevitably arises among potential borrowers. There are actually several important rules, compliance with which will help make the purchase of an apartment a joyful event and will not allow the registration of a mortgage to ruin the life of the borrower.

  1. Before you apply for a mortgage, you should evaluate your options. It is advisable that monthly payments do not exceed one third family budget. If you don't follow this rule, it can be very difficult to pay off your mortgage.
  2. It is best to improve your living conditions gradually. In this case, the payment amount will be lower. In addition, you will be able to pay off your mortgage faster, and if you want to buy a larger apartment in the future, you will be able to get a loan under more favorable conditions.
  3. It is not enough to simply take out a mortgage loan from a bank. You must make your monthly payments on time. Maximum savings on the family budget will help create a safety net. Ideally, it should be around three monthly payments. This will help you pay your mortgage even in case of temporary difficulties. When the “stash” is created, partial early repayments can begin. This will help you save on interest payments.

The minimum overpayment can be achieved not only when selected Better conditions on a mortgage loan. It is important to buy an apartment when the market is falling. Is it worth taking out a mortgage this year? Read our special review.

The best banks for a mortgage loan

There is no need to rush into getting a mortgage. Before making a decision, you should carefully read the proposals of various credit organizations. To understand where it is better to get a mortgage loan. In this case, you should take into account not only the interest rate, but also other conditions:

  • Availability of additional commissions, insurance and payments.
  • Conditions for early repayment (including partial).
  • Down payment amount. Let’s say right away that it is quite difficult to get a mortgage loan without a down payment in 2019, because these are big risks for the bank. As a rule, the down payment on such loans starts from 10 percent. If you do not have a down payment to purchase an apartment on credit, pay attention to banks where you can arrange consumer loan for any purpose. The money received can be used for a down payment on a mortgage.

A large number of offers on the market often leads to potential borrowers may get confused and confused. A huge number of tempting advertising slogans can be completely misleading. Therefore, it would be useful to use the TOP 5 best banks for a mortgage loan, compiled by specialists, when choosing.

Online mortgage on favorable terms at Otkritie Bank

When deciding which bank to apply for a mortgage loan from, you should not ignore Otkritie Bank. Terms and Conditions mortgage lending They're pretty loyal here. The client is offered several interesting programs to choose from, depending on the needs of the borrower.

Types of mortgage programs at Otkritie Bank

  1. Buying an apartment in a new building.
  2. Buying an apartment on the secondary market.
  3. Refinancing mortgage loans from other banks.
  4. Military mortgage.
  5. Real estate for maternity capital.
  6. Mortgage lending for the purchase of large apartments.

The interest rate at Otkritie Bank is determined by the mortgage program under which the loan was issued. You can count on a minimum percentage of 8.9% when purchasing an apartment in a new building or military mortgage. Other features include a down payment of 10% and maximum term- 30 years. The mortgage application process takes place online.

Advantageous mortgage loan online through the Tinkoff-Mortgage service

The Tinkoff Bank service offers to consider offers from several banks for loans to purchase an apartment. At the same time, you can leave behind the frightening thought of having to run around the offices of various credit institutions. An online application for a mortgage through the Tinkoff website allows you to shift all the problems of sending documents to the bank to your personal manager.

After filling out the form on the website Tinkoff Bank your application will be considered by several partner banks at once. After approval, all you have to do is choose best bank for a mortgage from the proposed list. Moreover, when applying for a loan through Tinkoff, you can get a discount on the interest rate of up to 1.5%. Taking into account large amounts and the loan term, this is quite a significant saving.

At this moment minimum bid For a mortgage loan for an apartment in a new building, the interest rate starts at only 6% per annum. The maximum term is 25 years and the loan amount is up to 100 million rubles. It is very important that not only company employees, but also individual entrepreneurs can apply for a mortgage loan through the service.

Mortgage loan with bad credit history from BZhF bank

In the bank Housing Finance Anyone can apply for a mortgage loan. Moreover, as the bank states, even borrowers with a bad credit history in the past can get a loan. The main thing is that at the time of submitting the application there are no current overdue payments on loans from other banks. This is one of the few banks where you can get a mortgage loan without refusal due to bad credit history in past. BJF statistics show that the bank approves 82% of mortgage applications submitted. This is a very high figure!

Conditions of a mortgage loan at the Housing Finance Bank

  • Mortgage on 2 documents (passport and second document - SNILS, TIN, driver's license).
  • There is a mortgage program that allows you to get a loan without certificates on the day you apply.
  • Official proof of income reduces the interest rate and increases the loan limit.
  • The transaction and apartment are completed in no more than 3 days.
  • A mortgage loan is issued directly from the bank, without the participation of agents, intermediaries and commissions.
  • Important! Residents of the following cities can apply for a mortgage loan online: Moscow and the region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, Volgograd, Ekaterinburg, Kazan, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Novorossiysk, Novosibirsk, Omsk.

Mortgage loan is profitable with government support from VTB Bank

  • The interest rate here starts at 10.2%.
  • The down payment is less than in many other banks - 10%.
  • Possibility of registration without an advance payment for maternity capital.

In addition, this bank operates the “Mortgage Loan with State Support” program. The program implies preferential lending families whose second or third child was born on January 1, 2018. For a certain period, a preferential rate of 6% is established for down payment from 20%. Do you agree that this is beneficial?

There is also an interesting program “More meters - lower rate” when purchasing an apartment from 65 sq. m. meters. That is, the larger the apartment, the lower the interest rate.

Mortgage lending for the construction or purchase of a country house from Sberbank

The largest bank in the country, Sberbank, is also very active in mortgage market lending. The bank willingly lends to both the developers themselves and borrowers who want an apartment on a mortgage. Moreover, even pensioners can take out a mortgage loan, but provided that the loan is repaid until the borrower is 75 years old.

Like other banks, it offers a mortgage loan with state support for families with children; mortgages for new buildings and secondary housing; military mortgage programs; mortgage using maternal capital. There are also programs that are not always found in other banks. This is a mortgage loan for the construction of a residential building, as well as a mortgage loan for the purchase or construction of country real estate ( a private house, garden plot, etc.).

Experts say that interest in mortgage lending will not decrease in 2019. Most likely, it will only grow. With the right attitude towards such loans, a mortgage will only bring the joy of moving to a new home. However, you should not take out a loan from the first bank you come across. It is important to figure out where it is more profitable to take out a mortgage loan. This will help save the lion's share of the family budget.

P/S before taking out a mortgage, be sure to look at “5 Rules for a Comfortable Mortgage”

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