The authorities of the Kurgan region do not pay regional capital. The authorities of the Kurgan region do not pay regional maternity capital Other measures of social support for families with children using maternity capital in the Kurgan region and Kurgan

Regional maternal capital- subsidy for repayment mortgage loan at the birth of the first child – 197 young families will receive it. More than 76.6 million rubles will be allocated from the regional budget for these purposes. The corresponding decision was made at a meeting of the Government of the Kurgan Region chaired by Governor Alexei Kokorin on August 8.

Recipients of this support measure will be families (each spouse is under 35 years of age) who received a loan through the Kurgan Mortgage and Housing Corporation as part of the subprogram “Providing housing for young families in the Kurgan region” of the regional state program « Development housing construction for 2014-2018».

Another 5 young families also participating in the above-mentioned subprogram will be provided, at the expense of the regional budget, with an additional social payment upon the birth (adoption) of a child in the amount of 5% of the estimated cost of the purchased housing. total amount additional payments will be about 303 thousand rubles. This measure of support will be received by families who previously, under the federal target program“Housing” was provided with a social benefit for the purchase (construction) of housing.

Press service of the Governor of the Kurgan region, Tatyana Pankova

Latest news from the Kurgan region on the topic:
197 young families will receive regional maternity capital

197 young families will receive regional maternity capital- Kurgan

Regional maternity capital - a subsidy for repaying a mortgage loan at the birth of the first child - will be received by 197 young families.
09:22 08.08.2017 Government of the Kurgan region

In the Kurgan region, the elderly population predominates. by subsidizing families with children designed to increase the birth rate and thus “rejuvenate” the inhabitants of the region.

There are several social regulators of fertility and improving the well-being of families with children in the region:

  • common to all parents and children of the country in the form of federal maternity capital;
  • special, which applies only to Kurgan families, in the form of regional maternity capital.

It should be noted that the program for implementing the latter is very non-standard for the Russian Federation.

Demographic situation in the region

Since 1994 to the present, the population of the region has gradually falls- from 1.1 to 0.87 million people. This happens due to mortality that outweighs the birth rate, as well as due to migration loss. In 2014, the region's population decreased by 7.3 thousand people, 72% of whom moved to other regions of the country.

  • Since 2007 mortality is approximately at the same level with slight fluctuations (15.9-16.1 deaths per 1000 population).
  • From 2006 to 2015 birth rate in the region is growing with slight declines in 2011 and 2014. (in general, an increase from 10.6 to 14.0 births per 1000 people).

The prerequisites for an increase in the birth rate have been observed since 1998 (the number of births increased from 9.0 to 10.7 people per 1000 over 8 years), but the birth rate has increased most rapidly since 2007. Probably Social support played an important role in this families.

  • one (any) of the parents with whom the children live can apply;
  • each child must be alive at the time of applying for social benefits;
  • parents must permanently reside with their children in the Kurgan region.

To subsidy recipients to pay off the mortgage the following requirements apply:

  • the family can be complete or incomplete;
  • parents must be not older than 35 years at the time of birth of the child;
  • the presence at the time of applying for social assistance of a mortgage loan opened within the framework of one of the programs listed in Resolution No. 555 of November 19, 2012;
  • permanent residence and registration within the region;
  • Russian citizenship of the applicant;
  • lack of applications for federal maternity capital;
  • the family has not previously used assistance under the program “Providing housing for young families”;
  • Reimbursement of the principal amount of the mortgage loan will be made to one of the parents for whom the loan agreement has been drawn up.

Documents required for registration

Documents required to obtain regional maternity capital in Trans-Urals(25 thousand and 40 thousand rubles):

  • statement in the prescribed form;
  • birth certificates all children (or their adoption);
  • reference, confirming the cohabitation of the applicant and his children;
  • number bank account applicant.

If you wish to receive reimbursement of a loan issued, you must additionally attach documents confirming the relationship with the bank and the seller (developer) of housing.


  • The application along with the documents is provided personally, either through a representative, by mail, via the Internet or other means;
  • When sending documents by mail, their copies must be notarized, and no originals are required.

The procedure for disposing of regional maternity capital funds

If you wish to dispose of the money allocated to the family, in all cases it is provided this sequence of actions:

  • submission of documents;
  • registering the application and issuing a receipt (or sending it by mail within 5 days);
  • within 20 working days from the date of registration, the authorities make a decision;
  • a maximum of 5 days after this, a notification is sent to the applicant;
  • payment is provided in the next month after the month during which the application was submitted (until the 26th).

The legislative norms do not indicate what parents should spend social payments in the amount of 40 thousand and 25 thousand rubles on. This means families are given the freedom to use funds for priority needs. There is no need to coordinate expenses with government agencies and report on them. However lump sum payment for the first child has a clear purpose.

It can only be used to repay what has already been borrowed. home loan. Funds for cashless payments transferred to the bank to pay off the principal debt (body) of the loan. Interest on the loan, fines, commissions and fees cannot be paid from this amount.


Besides, due to families with two children, there are others in the Kurgan region improvement measures demographic situation . The mother or father (adoptive parents) of twins or triplets, as well as the parents of the third child, can count on help from the regional budget. A special type of assistance is provided to parents of the first child who already have a housing loan.

During the duration of the maternity capital programs The birth rate in the region is growing faster than it was before 2007. It is hoped that if programs are not cut due to lack of budget, financial injections into families will have a positive impact on demographics region, and on the welfare of the population.

The government of the Kurgan region intends to deprive young families of regional maternity capital. Currently, the program has already been cut by 150 million, and the financial department is preparing documents to cancel obligations to support young families within the framework of the Housing Construction Development programs. As a result, out of 1.2 thousand families in 2017, only 850 will be able to receive payments, and more than 330 families will remain on the waiting list at least until 2018. Activists demanding the restoration of the rights of young parents to receive regional support, reducing budget obligations a third are extremely dissatisfied. Officials and MPs blame unpopular measures on shortages own income, reducing actual debt to subsidy recipients, as well as the requirements of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation to reduce duplicate payments. Potential applicants for support have repeatedly noted the change in “categorical decisions of the government and the governor Alexey Kokorin to more loyal ones after drawing attention to the problems of young families from federal structures and public activists.”

Today, February 17, the financial department of the Kurgan region sent the adjusted budget indicators, providing for a reduction in funding for the Housing Construction Development program in terms of providing payments to regional maternity capital. According to the amendments approved at an extraordinary meeting of the Kurgan Regional Duma, 151.4 million rubles less is planned for regional subsidies for the birth or adoption of a child in the 2017 budget, compared to the original version of the bill. The current version of the main financial document of the Trans-Ural region states that a little more than 302.7 million rubles have been allocated for the provision of regional maternity capital.

Boss financial management Kurgan region Elena Lukashuk

Activists defending the rights of young families in the Kurgan region were unsettled by this decision of the regional government. Currently, representatives of the initiative group are waiting to set a date for a meeting with officials to clarify the situation and further actions. “I have already made an appointment with the head of the financial department, Elena Lukashuk. Now I'm waiting for a date for my personal appointment. This decision simply shocked us. Funding for the program is actually being cut by a third! Initially it was, but now it was cut by 150. This money could help with payments to about 420 families. There are still about 1,200 families in the region waiting to receive maternity capital. We want to understand what is happening,” activist Anna Karpova told the publication.

According to the official version of officials and deputies, the reduction in funding for one of the important social areas is due to a lower actual volume of applications submitted to receive payments. The head of the financial department, Elena Lukashuk, explained the decrease in indicators by the fact that the actual debts to the recipients of the 2015-2016 subsidy. As a deputy of the Kurgan Regional Duma explained to Pravda UrFO Evgeniy Kafeev While approved applicants are waiting to receive support, the remaining payments on their mortgage agreements may be reduced, accordingly, less funds are required from the budget to fulfill obligations to such families.

According to Elena Lukashuk, the decision of the relevant department was also influenced by the proposal of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation to reduce 110 million expenses in this area. Evgeniy Kafeev clarified that the federal department is appealing to all entities with the requirement to cut back on duplicate support measures. Given the lack of their own income and the requirements of the federal center, Kurgan officials are currently working to abolish further payments of regional maternity capital. “This is our regional measure. Now we are at the stage of signing an agreement on receiving subsidies, which provides for the cancellation of all expenditure obligations that are not assigned to us under federal law,” the head of the financial department told the deputies.

Indirectly, officials and parliamentarians point to the lack of their own income. Elena Lukashuk noted that if this indicator increases, the government will return to consider issues of increasing funding this direction. Evgeny Kafeev also noted that if there are sufficient resources, the regional government will not abandon its obligations to young families.

Meanwhile, according to the Department of Science and Education of the Kurgan Region, since the beginning of 2017, 12 families have already applied for regional maternity capital aimed at repaying accounts payable under mortgage agreements. The department reported that 1,185 families who received a positive conclusion from the commission are currently awaiting payments. “We have 302 million rubles at our disposal, with the help of which in 2017 we will close all applications from 2015 and part of the applications submitted in 2016. In the first quarter of 2017, we will issue an order on payments to 337 families, in the second quarter, presumably, to 197 families,” the Trans-Ural Department of Education told the publication.

Lump sums must also be repaid in the first quarter. social payments 12 families. This type support involves payment of 5% of the average estimated cost of housing. The amount of such payment varies from 5 to 80 thousand rubles. At the same time, department specialists note that it will not be possible to close all applications for maternity capital submitted in 2016 for 302 million. “Today we were informed from the financial department about the reduction in the amount. We are powerless in in this case and work based on the fact of financing. Currently, we have 534 families awaiting payments from 2015 and 606 from 2016. In 2017, we will be able to finance payments for 850 families who applied for subsidies in 2015 and until May 2016,” explained the education department.

Previously, Pravda UrFO spoke in detail about the conflict between subsidy recipients and the Trans-Ural government, which suddenly canceled payments to regional maternity capital at the end of 2014. The actions of the authorities caused dissatisfaction on the part of young families, which in some cases. After the situation became public, the regional government extended payments until . However, potential applicants for the subsidy did not find unconditional support from officials and deputies. Often, young parents, instead of a positive conclusion from the commission, received from officials “offers to move to more comfortable and prosperous regions, for example,

Young families of the Kurgan region are demanding that Governor Alexei Kokorin pay the regional capital they are entitled to by law to cover part of the mortgage costs. By order of the head of the region himself, since 2016. Each young family is entitled to 358 thousand rubles upon the birth or adoption of a child, but this subsidy is not paid.

In the Kurgan region, young families are collecting signatures on the website for a petition addressed to Vladimir Putin and Governor Alexei Kokorin demanding payment of regional maternity capital (RMC). According to the author of the petition, Dmitry Dubrovin, at the end of 2015. By order of the head of the region, the Kurgan region announced the payment of maternity capital for young families under the age of 35 upon the birth or adoption of a child. “Until now, despite the recognition of our right to receive RMC in 2016, RMC has not been provided to us, which makes our rights enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other federal laws, illusory. For two years, we have been deprived of the opportunity to exercise this right: the RMK should have been aimed at repaying part of the mortgage debt, which would significantly reduce the burden on the budget of a young family with small children,” Dubrovin writes in the petition.

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra

Young families in eight cities of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug will hold a single protest on April 22 to defend their rights to receive subsidies under the regional program “Affordable Housing for Young People.” Funding for this program decreases every year, and in just three last year decreased from 1 billion to 109 million rubles. The district government and Governor Natalya Komarova annually extend the program, excluding from the queue for subsidies families where one of the spouses turns 36 years old, regardless of the fact that they received payments.


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