Home and cottage insurance. Property insurance in Reso-garantiya Reso-garantiya dacha insurance

You can insure not only the health and life of the policyholder, but also his property. RESO-Garantiya is an insurer that, based on the individual needs of the client, provides insurance for any type of property. The company insures houses on plots, apartments, as well as mortgaged property. Each type of property has its own insurance nuances and a set of insured events. Learn more about RESO insurance.

Apartment in apartment building- it is always a neighborhood with other residents. Often, due to the negligence of one resident, the owners, as well as the property of other apartments, suffer. RESO-Garantiya offers clients insurance that covers not only the costs of repairs in the event of an accident. insured event, but also compensation for the costs of neighbors who suffered due to the fault of the policyholder.

Home insurance from RESO-Garantiya in an apartment building is presented in six types of offers.

Insurance policy "Brownie"

This is a type of property insurance in which the client has the opportunity to choose the objects of insurance, as well as the insured amount.

The list of insurance areas includes:

  1. Apartment design.
  2. Finishing.
  3. Technical equipment.
  4. Movable property.
  5. Civil responsibility.
  6. Life or health of apartment residents.

This is a universal policy that allows you to combine areas of insurance, as well as payment amounts.

Real estate insurance "Domovoy-Premium"

The insurance policy includes a full range of property insurance services and is presented in two sentences: A and B. It insures the structure of the apartment, movable property, decoration and civil liability.

Option “Brownie-Premium” A more expensive: its cost varies from 27,000 to 35,000 rubles, depending on the availability of a franchise. total amount insurance payment - up to 21,500,000 rubles.

Option B assumes that the construction period of the apartment building is no earlier than 1930, and the area of ​​the premises is no more than 150 m2. Maximum amount compensation for damage - up to 13,900,000 rubles. The cost of this option varies from 12,800 to 17,000 rubles per year.

"Domovoy-Express" - fast insurance of property of individuals

The policy insures the structure of the apartment, movable property, decoration and civil liability. Domovoy-Express insurance is also presented in two options - A and B:

  • Option A. In the first case, it is assumed that the structure of the apartment occupies no more than 120 m2, and the age of the house is no more than 55 years. The maximum total payment amount is 14,900,000 rubles. The cost of insurance with a franchise will cost 7,800 rubles, without it - 9,800.
  • Option B. The cost of the policy and the amount of insurance payments are reduced, but the list of insured events remains the same. Thus, the Domovoy-Express policy B will cost from 6,000 to 7,500 rubles.

The maximum amount to cover expenses for insured events is 6,550,000 rubles.

Policy "Brownie-Economy"

Economy insurance is represented by one universal offer that is suitable for insuring most apartments. Insurance is provided for two amounts of compensation for losses related to the structure of the apartment. The first of them involves insurance in the amount of up to 2,100,000 rubles, the policy itself costs 4,500 rubles. The second one is 3,000,000 rubles, and its cost is 6,000 rubles.

Coverage for damage to finishing is 450,000. For movable property, up to 300,000 is indemnified, the same amount is provided for coverage civil liability.

Peace of mind on the “Brownie-Vacation” trip

The “House-Vacation” offer has been compiled for those apartment owners who care about the safety of their property while they are away from home. The main advantage of this type of policy is that its price is fixed - 30 rubles per day, regardless of the duration of the contract. The minimum insurance period is 5 days. The maximum amount of insurance payment is 1,450,000 rubles.

The policy insures furnishings, movable property and civil liability. The apartment can be insured against gas explosion, fire, exposure to natural factors, fall of the house structure, robbery, as well as intentional damage.

"Brownie-Preferential" - insurance for all ages

A preferential type of insurance is designed to provide a material safety net for owners of apartments of any year built, its price is 3,000 rubles. The price of the policy includes a guarantee of payment up to 2,400,000 rubles.

RESO-Garantiya provides compensation for losses in construction, decoration, civil liability and damage to movable assets in an apartment up to 100 square meters.

Home insurance in RESO-Garantiya

The RESO-Garantiya company provides services for compensation of damage in case of fire, flood, robbery, explosions, natural disasters or simple negligence of the owner. A private house has a larger list of insured events, because it is more vulnerable. In addition, home insurance often includes compensation for damage to adjacent areas or buildings.

RESO-Garantiya offers a tariff system that is accessible to everyone: depending on the amount insured, the policy can cost 10-50% less.
The cost of insurance is influenced by the number of risk groups for which funds are paid, as well as by the number of buildings.

RESO insurance offers two insurance programs not movable property with a plot of land.

"RESO-dom" - a universal policy

When concluding a RESO-dom contract, the insurance company insures dachas, bathhouses, cottages, garden houses, outbuildings, garages, fences, fences, landscape structures, as well as decoration, movable property and technical equipment.

When drawing up a contract, the client can set the insurance coverage option, select the insured amount, determine the number of buildings to be insured, and also indicate the duration of the contract. The cost of each specific policy depends on the individual characteristics of the property and the client’s requirements.

Policy without inspection

This type of insurance involves insuring property without providing an appraisal report and examination by an expert. RESO-Garantiya concludes an agreement to insure a house worth up to 1,000,000 rubles for up to three buildings on the site.

Calculating the cost of a home insurance policy

Each type of insurance involves the inclusion of different types of buildings, different costs, different variants insurance protection and property value. You can calculate the estimated cost of insurance using an online calculator on the official website reso.ru in the “Calculators” tab.

Then you need to select the required tab, in this case – “Insurance of cottages and houses”.

To obtain the estimated cost of the policy, you must fill in all the fields in the window that opens and click the “Calculate” button. You can discuss the subject value and conclude an agreement anywhere, at a convenient time, during a personal meeting with an insurance agent RESO-Garantiya.

"RESO-mortgage" - comprehensive insurance

The RESO-Garantiya company provides policies even for that type of property that the client does not fully own. Mortgage insurance is a range of services that are aimed at protecting property not only physically, but also legal aspect. The insurance policy includes three main services:

  1. Mortgage life insurance. REO-Guarantee in the event of death or disability of groups I and II ensures payment of the outstanding portion of the mortgage instead of the client. The rest of the insurance amount is paid to the beneficiary or heir.
  2. Apartment mortgage insurance. The company will pay the insured amount under the contract in a situation where the mortgaged property suffered damage regulated by the insured event.
  3. Property insurance in case of loss of property rights. If violations or errors are made when signing an agreement to purchase a mortgaged property, property rights are often limited or lost. RESO-Garantiya will compensate for all losses within the insured amount.

RESO-Mortgage insurance policy is a guarantee of fulfillment of the borrower’s obligations to repay the loan received. You can calculate the cost of the policy using a special calculator on the website. You can find it in the “Calculators” tab on home page website reso.ru. Next, you need to select “Mortgage Insurance”.

To obtain the estimated cost of insurance, you must fill in all the fields in the window that opens. Also go through the Google service check and click on the “Calculate” button.

Advantages of RESO-Garantiya insurance

The advantage of RESO-Garantiya in insurance is the conclusion of a contract without an expert assessment and determination of the exact value of the property. In addition, it is possible to enable full list risks. You can also submit documents online, which makes the review procedure more convenient and faster.

Registration will require a minimum amount of documents and time, since the preparation of the policy is carried out within one day. The main advantage is complete and timely. It is also important that the policy can be issued in installments.

It is important to remember that the amounts for insurance payments in case of damage to apartments from RESO-Garantiya are fixed. The offer is valid in all regions of Russia. For clients purchasing a private home insurance policy, a discount of 5% to 20% is available.

RESO-Garantiya is an insurance company that insures any type of property. The company offers six apartment insurance programs, two home insurance packages and a universal mortgage property insurance policy.

The main thing in the business of insuring suburban housing is to choose a program so that it turns out to be feasible for family budget, and in which case decent compensation would be paid, preferably without any bureaucratic slingshots. Well, to do this, you need to “dig deeper” into the programs that companies offer and study directly the insurers themselves - how they paid compensation to victims.

This article is a reference and information material; all information in it is presented for informational purposes and is for informational purposes only.

Program selection
The cost of the policy is, of course, important, but don’t be tempted by the cheapness. First of all, you need to choose an insurance program that is convenient and takes into account all your wishes. “It must correspond to the risks to which real estate and property are actually exposed,” says Yuri Goldberg, managing partner of the National Insurance and Credit Agency (NSCA).“There are companies that offer to buy insurance for only a thousand rubles, but it is possible that for so much low price the object will be insured only against earthquakes and tsunamis, which are practically impossible in Moscow,” argues Svetlana Shcherbakova, press secretary of JSC GSK Yugoria. If you expect to receive maximum payout, which will allow you to restore the house, then you need to insure it for its full value.

For expensive objects, “boxed products” are not suitable; as a rule, they do not take into account all the nuances and are designed for lower insurance amounts. But if there is no time to conclude an agreement, much less to inspect it, then you can buy a “quick policy”, however, be sure to make sure that its program includes all the main risks, and sum insured corresponds as closely as possible to the value of the property. You also need to check whether a deductible is provided. “And you should carefully consider the valuation of property, since each company has its own methodology, and in some places the value may be higher and in others less than the actual value. You should also study all kinds of exceptions to the insurance rules. For example, in many companies insurance cover ceases to apply from the moment the house is rented to third parties,” advises Dmitry Shchegelsky, President of the St. Petersburg Chamber of Real Estate.

In general, there are quite a lot of decent insurance programs on the market - there is plenty to choose from. For example, in “Rosno” for owners of inexpensive country houses, buildings and property are offered classic product "Podvorye" and boxed product - "Podvorye-Express" , and for owners of expensive cottages it is valid insurance program "Citadel" , according to which, in addition to buildings and structures on the site and property, it is proposed to insure the land plot, landscape structures, trees, ATVs, scooters, etc. “These programs are presented in several versions: basic, full and extended, differing in the set of risks and service component,” says Artem Iskra, Director of the Property Insurance Department individuals"Rosno".

GSK "Yugoria" has a program "Home is confidence" by which it is possible to protect residential or country house, interior decoration, buildings on the site, household property and engineering equipment. “The client himself determines the combination of insurance risks he needs and can insure the property without taking into account wear and tear and without inspection. In addition, policies are issued according to a simplified procedure based on an oral statement from the client, and when concluding an insurance contract, documents confirming ownership of the property are not required. real estate, they are obligatory only upon payment insurance compensation. And brick insurance country house, for example, the cost 800 thousand with interior finishing 300 thousand rubles. under this program, the full package of risks will cost 3,240 rubles per year "- says Svetlana Shcherbakova.

You can choose risks by insuring yourself according to the program "RESO-Dom" from RESO-Garantiya, and you can pay for the policy in installments, for which no additional interest is charged. For example, the product " House Express" It differs from the Renaissance Insurance group in that it allows you to insure for up to 500 thousand US dollars without inspection, inventory, photographs and provision of title documents. “In this case, payments are made in the amount of actual damage without deductions and restrictions within the limits of the insured amount. And issuing such a policy takes only a few minutes,” reports Natalya Karpova, executive vice president of the Renaissance Insurance group. Those who are interested in landscape design insurance, need advice from a risk manager and assistance in collecting the necessary documents for payment, can choose the classic insurance program from Renaissance Insurance. Only in this case, a company specialist conducts an inspection and draws up detailed inventory accepted for property insurance.

From point of view Marina Shmanova, head of the sales department of the MirKasko.ru insurance center, the most interesting are insurance programs that allow you to protect several objects under one policy. "For example, this "Casco+" the company "Yugoria" - one policy provides protection for both the car and or. Or "My Fortress is Express" from the UralSib company, under such a program you can immediately insure your house and apartment,” says the expert.

Among the “boxed” products, one can also highlight the programs of OSJSC “Russia” - "Dachny" And "Protection-Home". “The “Dachny” policy provides insurance for one main suburban building or one main and one additional structure (bathhouse, outbuilding, garage, gazebo, etc.). Insurance coverage covers losses resulting from causes such as fire, explosion, flood, natural disasters, illegal actions of third parties, falling solid bodies, collision or run-over. The “Protection-Home” policy is intended to insure private households and property in them, subject to permanent residence. An insured event is the death or damage of the insured property due to reasons such as fire, explosion, flood, natural disasters and illegal actions of third parties,” says Andrey Lifantiy (Russia OSJSC).

Choosing a company
When planning to conclude an insurance contract, it is important not only to choose the optimal program, but also a reliable insurer. "The insurance company must have financial stability and be present on the market for quite a long time,” says Yuri Goldberg (NSKA). And the most reliable companies, according to Svetlana Shcherbakova (“Yugoria”), are federal, operating at least 10 on the market and having an expanded branch network. In addition, when applying for a policy, reliable companies provide the services of agents who can approach the client at a time convenient for him, and as for property insurance, a good insurer must have a certain methodology that allows one to determine the insured value of real estate.

“It’s also worth paying attention to the company’s rating. The likelihood that the leading company will not fulfill its obligations due to bankruptcy is very small, he assures Maxim Gofman, product manager for retail insurance management at RESO-Garantiya Insurance Company. - And also positive characteristic- large fees for insurance of cottages and dachas, this indicates that many people trust this company with the safety of their property. And of course, when choosing, you should rely on the recommendations of acquaintances and friends who have used the services of insurers.” But here it is important to find a person who has already applied for payment for country property insurance, talk to him and find out how the company behaved in the event of an insured event, because whatever you say, the main thing in insurance is payment as a result of an accident.

The main thing is payment
In order not to be disappointed in insurance when an insured event occurs, you must initially be very careful about the relevant clauses of the insurance contract. “When concluding an insurance contract, you need to pay attention to the conditions under which payment is made upon the occurrence of insurance event(for example, completely for the damaged surface or is calculated in proportion to the size of the damaged area), whether payment is made for related elements. It is important in what time it is necessary to submit a statement about the event, whether an expert is required to inspect the damaged property and what package of documents will need to be collected for the insurance company,” says Marina Shmanova (MirKasko.ru insurance center). Naturally, the longer the period allotted for filing an application and collecting documents and the smaller the package, the more convenient it is for the property owner.

Having agreed to certain conditions and signed an insurance contract, you must not violate your obligations, otherwise there may be no payment. “At the same time, one of the most important conditions for payment of money is a statement of an insured event within the time period specified in the contract,” says Yuri Goldberg (NSKA). It is also important to provide the insurer with everything Required documents, including - about the ownership of the house and about the events that occurred that resulted in damage (for example, a certificate from the Fire Inspectorate). “And it is necessary to understand that an insurance company employee can humanly sympathize with the client, and if the payment does not seem significant to him, he will turn a blind eye to any violations, but if we are talking about large amounts, then it’s better not to take risks - here it’s especially important to fulfill the terms of the contract verbatim and within the allotted time frame,” advises Yuri Goldberg (NSKA).

Well, you can get a very impressive amount from insurance. The main cause of insurance claims for suburban real estate is fire (and most often as a result of a short circuit and improper operation and installation of stoves and fireplaces) and water damage, and the average size payments, according to Andrey Lifanty (OSJSC "Russia"), is 500,000 rub. . But, of course, more serious payments are not uncommon. “For example, our company insured a house in Leningrad region- the building itself worth 2 million rubles and movable property worth 400 thousand rubles. Due to wear and tear on the stove's chimney, a fire broke out and the building burned out completely. The policyholder received compensation in full - 2 million 400 thousand rubles ., and for the policy he paid about 9 thousand rubles .,” says Maxim Goffman (“RESO-Garantiya”). – Or another example: brick house was insured for a million and the cost of the policy was about 5 thousand rubles . At the beginning of April, the area was flooded, and the amount of damage caused was 854 thousand rubles .».

And of course, the more expensive the house and the higher the insurance premium, the more substantial the payments. “For example, recently a ball valve burst in the cottage of one of our clients. The furniture and decoration of the first and basement floors were seriously damaged, the payment amounted to about 36 thousand US dollars . And in March 2010, during the absence of residents, a country stone house in the Moscow region partially burned down. The cause of the fire was a short circuit in the kitchen. The house was insured for 450 thousand dollars , while the policy cost $750, and the payment was $150,338 “- says Natalya Karpova (“Renaissance Insurance”).

Portal summary
The best thing is for nothing to happen at all. But life is life. In order to receive compensation for all possible troubles, you need to carefully select an insurance program and insurance company and comply with all the terms of the contract. There is no need to try to be cunning - you will make things worse for yourself.

Tariffs for insurance of suburban real estate in July 2011 in Moscow

Insurance Company Object of insurance Insurance rate,% Insurance risks
UralSib House (with or without decoration) 0.5-0.9 (1-1.5 for wooden houses) Fire; explosion; exposure to steam, condensation and/or liquid; illegal actions of third parties, theft, robbery, robbery; exposure to natural hazards; collision with other objects
Property in the house 1-2
RESO-guarantee 0,3-0,6 Fire, lightning strike, gas explosion
Property in the house 0,4-1,4
House (with or without finishing), household construction 0,3-0,8 Fire, lightning strike, gas explosion, natural disasters;
burglary, robbery;
illegal actions of third parties
Property in the house 0,6-1,6
House (with or without finishing), household construction 0,4-0,9 Fire, lightning strike, gas explosion; natural disasters;
burglary, robbery;
illegal actions of third parties;
water damage from plumbing, heating, sewer and fire protection systems;
collision, blow
Property in the house 0,6-2
Insurance group"Progress-Garant" House 0,3-0,81 Fire, lightning strike, explosion of gas used for domestic purposes; flooding as a result of fire extinguishing, accidents of water supply, heating, sewerage systems,
penetration of water from neighboring
premises , natural disasters, mechanical damage,
illegal actions of third parties (burglary, robbery, robbery, hooliganism)
Finishing 0,35-0,9
Property in the house 0,4-1,62
Yugoria House without finishing 0,18-0,4 Fire, lightning strike; natural disasters, failure of water supply, heating, sewerage and fire protection systems; illegal actions of third parties
Finished house 0,3-0,5
Finishing 0,4-0,6
Property in the house 0,5-0,8
Outbuildings 0,5-0,6
Insurance company"Russia" House 0,5-0,7 Fire, explosion, flood, natural disasters, illegal actions of third parties, falling solid bodies; collision or collision
Property in the house 1,2
Landscape structures, swimming pools, decorative elements 0,8

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  1. Are unfinished products accepted for insurance? construction projects?

    Yes, home insurance is issued on an individual basis, if the building has walls, roofing, closed window and door openings.

  2. If the building is not registered, will you take it for insurance?

    Yes, if you have a document for the land plot on which it is located.

  3. Is real estate accepted for insurance in the absence of a certificate of ownership?

    Not only a certificate of ownership or an extract from the Unified State Register can be accepted as a document confirming the right to receive insurance payment. The specified documents can be replaced by an alienation agreement (purchase and sale, gift, exchange), a certificate of inheritance, an extract/certificate local administration and other documents that make it possible to clearly determine who owns the insurance territory.
    In the process of transfer of rights, when title documents are completely absent, we propose to draw up an agreement on the condition “at the expense of whom it should be”: payment of insurance compensation, according to this condition, will be made to the person who confirmed his rights to the damaged/lost property at the time of the loss settlement. occurrence of an insured event.

  4. Can social housing be insured?

    Yes, premises used by citizens for residence on the basis of a contract social hiring, can be accepted for insurance on general conditions. Payment of insurance compensation will be made to any of the adults registered in the insured premises (registration is established according to the passport data).

  5. I rented a country house for a long term, can I insure it for my benefit?

    Yes, if the lease agreement stipulates your obligation to restore property damaged for any reason, carry out scheduled/unscheduled repairs, etc.
    Also, in favor of the tenant, the tenant's movable property located in the rented premises, as well as leased property for which he is financially responsible under the lease agreement, can be insured. Otherwise, the recipient of the payment will be the owner of the rented property.

  6. How long should I wait to receive payment?

    15 working days from the date of receipt of the last of the loss documents

  7. I want to buy a policy as a gift for a friend, but I have nothing to do with the object of insurance itself. Is this possible?

    Yes, sure. To purchase an insurance contract, you do not have to be the owner or have at least some relation to the insurance object. Absolutely any person can buy a property insurance contract (become an insured), and the payment of insurance compensation is always received by the person who has the official right to own, use, and dispose of the insured property (for example, the owner).

  8. Property in shared ownership- what can you suggest?

    Common joint and common shared ownership (both with and without the allocation of shares) is not a rare case. First you need to determine what exactly you want to provide with insurance protection: the entire object or only the part that belongs to you.
    Features of property insurance in shared ownership:

    • In respect of the entire object, insurance is carried out in favor of all its owners, including minors. In this case, the payment of insurance compensation is made either according to the share in the ownership of each of the owners (in the case of common ownership), or in full to one of the owners (in the case of common joint ownership).
    • In relation to part of the object, insurance is carried out in favor of the owner(s) of this part. If the share of ownership is not allocated (does not have clear documented boundaries), the insurance contract can be concluded on the basis of a plan of the property drawn up and signed by all its owners for the purpose of concluding an insurance contract, which indicates the part transferred for insurance (notarization of the plan is not required) .
  9. Is it possible to insure movable property located outside the home?

    Yes. This applies to certain items of movable property which, by their nature, functional purpose may be located outside the insured premises (garden furniture, swings, garden equipment, etc.). Such property is accepted for insurance only if a separate list (inventory) is drawn up, exclusively on the terms of the “Platinum” product.

  10. Now no one lives in a country house, we rarely go there - will you take it for insurance or does someone have to live there?

    Insurance is accepted as a real residential building (with permanent registration, year-round accommodation), and houses with non-permanent residence. At the same time, the very fact of absence of permanent residence (more than 240 days a year) does not increase the cost of insurance, but is necessary for Ingosstrakh only to collect statistical data.

  11. Rodents have damaged the furniture at your dacha - will you pay for repairs?

    Yes, provided that the additional risk of “Animal Action” is included in the insurance contract. For this risk, insurance covers damage caused to the insured property by animals that do not belong to the policyholder or his friends, guests, employees, etc.

  12. In spring there are floods or rising groundwater levels. Does Ingosstrakh pay for such cases?

    Yes, if the specified events relate to non-standard for the given area, dangerous natural phenomena, which is confirmed by a certificate from Roshydromet.

Refund limit

Established in the insurance contract size limit payments of insurance compensation for the entire period of insurance, after which the insurance contract is terminated.

Insurance premium

An insurance fee that must be paid by the policyholder or his representative.

Insurance risk

The expected event, in the event of which an insurance contract is concluded.

Insurance case

Accomplished event from among provided for by the agreement insurance and entailing the insurer’s obligation to pay insurance compensation.

Sum insured

Determined by the insurance contract sum of money, on the basis of which the amount of the insurance premium (insurance contributions) and the amount of insurance payment upon the occurrence of an insured event are established. When insuring property, the insured amount can be set equal to or lower than its insured value.

Insurance compensation

The amount received by the person in whose favor the insurance contract is concluded, or his legal representative upon the occurrence of an insured event.

Monetary losses of the person in whose favor the insurance contract is concluded as a result of the occurrence of an insured event.

Insurance claim form

Property insurance provides monetary form compensation (payment is made in rubles to the bank account of the person in whose favor the insurance contract was concluded).


The part of the damage determined by the contract that is not subject to compensation by the insurer, established as a percentage of the insured amount or in a fixed monetary value.


Insurance organization created in accordance with the law Russian Federation to carry out insurance activities and has received a license to carry out the corresponding type of insurance activities in established by law ok.

Insurance contract

An insurance contract is understood as an agreement between the policyholder and the insurer, according to which the insurer, for the payment stipulated by the contract (insurance premium), upon the occurrence of an event (insured event) stipulated in the contract, undertakes to compensate the person in whose favor the insurance contract was concluded for damages caused by of this event, damage in the amount (limit) and in the manner determined by the rules and/or the insurance contract. An insurance contract is a combination of an insurance policy and the text of the insurance rules on the basis of which it was concluded, as well as appendices to insurance policy(if available).

Insurance rules

Insurance conditions that define the rights and obligations of the parties under the insurance contract, the object of insurance, a list of insured events and exceptions under which the insurer is released from liability. The text of the insurance rules is an integral part of the insurance contract.


A legal or capable individual who enters into an insurance contract in his own favor or in favor of a third party (beneficiary) and pays insurance premiums under such an agreement. The conclusion of an insurance contract in favor of the insured is possible only if the insured has a legal or other legal act or a contract of interest in preserving the insured property. When concluding an insurance contract in favor of the beneficiary, the policyholder may not have a property interest.

Insured person

In terms of civil liability insurance: a person whose liability for causing harm to life, health or property of individuals, property of legal entities, municipalities, constituent entities of the Russian Federation or the Russian Federation is insured under an insurance contract.


A person appointed by the policyholder or entity having an interest in preserving the insured property (property interest) based on law, another legal act or contract, in whose favor the insurance contract was concluded.

Insurance period

The validity period of the insurance contract usually coincides with the validity period of the insurance contract.

Contract time

Time during which it is valid insurance liability the insurer, as a rule, coincides with the insurance period.

Insurance territory

The territory defined in the insurance contract (country, region, route, etc.), within which an insured event occurring during the validity period of the insurance contract entails the insurer’s obligations to pay insurance compensation. For property and civil liability, the insurance territory is the address of the location of the property; for civil liability insurance for the actions of animals, the insurance territory is the territory of the Russian Federation.

Incomplete proportional insurance

The condition of incomplete proportional insurance means that the insured amount established in the contract is lower than the insured value of the property and the payment of insurance compensation is made in the same proportion to the amount of damage in which the insured amount was related to the insured value.


The condition of incomplete insurance means that the insured amount established in the contract is lower than the insured value of the property. In this case, payment of insurance compensation can be made both taking into account the ratio of the sum insured to the insured value (incomplete proportional insurance) and without taking into account this ratio (incomplete disproportionate insurance).

Full insurance

The condition of full insurance means that the insured amount established in the contract is equal to the insured value of the property

Incomplete disproportionate

The condition of incomplete disproportionate insurance means that the insured amount established in the contract is lower than the insured value of the property and the payment of insurance compensation is made without taking into account the proportion in which the insured amount was related to the insured value.

A gradual decrease in the original value of property during its use.

Reimbursement system

The compensation system refers to the procedure for accounting for wear and tear on replaced materials/parts in case of partial damage to property: the “New for Old” compensation system assumes that wear and tear is not charged on replaced materials/parts in the event of partial damage (the payment is equal to the cost of new parts), the “Old” compensation system for old" assumes that replacement materials/parts in case of partial damage are subject to depreciation during the operation of the damaged property (the payment is equal to the cost of new parts minus depreciation during the period of operation)

Bonus system

Reward system for our clients. Bonus is a discount that you receive when renewing your policy if you have not had any losses.

Insurance value

The true, actual value of property for insurance purposes. Various methods are used to determine the insurance value economic assessment, as a rule, when insuring suburban real estate, decoration and engineering equipment insurance cost is equal to the replacement cost (including wear and tear), and when insuring movable property and structural elements of apartments/townhouses - to the market value (minus wear and tear).

  1. an extensive list of insurance objects - in addition to insuring any buildings, you can insure fences and railings, tools, technical equipment, landscape structures, greenhouses, swimming pools and much more;
  2. wide scope of insurance coverage;
  3. provision of installments up to six months;
  4. Having concluded an installment agreement at the dacha, you can pay the remaining fees at the branch or at the central office of the company;
  5. payment of compensation within 15 days after signing the insurance act.
What can be insured under the RESO-Dom policy?

The RESO-Dom policy makes it possible to reliably protect your property outside the city:

  • dacha, cottage, garden house, their interior decoration and movable property
  • bathhouse, utility block, garage, as well as any technical equipment of buildings
  • fences and enclosures
  • landscape structures.
How does insurance coverage work?

The RESO-Dom policy will compensate for losses in the event

  • fire (A)
  • hooliganism and vandalism (B)
  • property theft (B)
  • natural disaster, including prolonged rains, heavy snowfalls, unusual for the area, etc. (D)
  • accidents of heating, water supply, sewer and other networks (D)
  • collision Vehicle, falling trees and other objects (E)
You yourself determine the amount of insurance coverage you need.

For each insurance object, you can choose your own option:

A+B+C+D+E+E- for an expensive cottage

Where to begin?

Invite our insurance representative and take the time to talk with him.
This will help you:

  • correctly estimate the cost country house and property
  • agree on a payment schedule that suits you
  • find out in advance what needs to be done in the event of an insured event and how to receive compensation.

The amounts insured and the insurance premium are not an official offer of RESO-Garantiya.
Please check the final cost of the policy with your insurance representative or at the RESO branch nearest to you.


Possible discounts on property insurance for individuals (Domovoy, RESO-Dom products):

  • A discount of 5% for each year of break-even continuous insurance, but not more than 20% and not lower than the level established by the tariffs.
  • A 5% discount for RESO-Garantiya clients who have a policy for any type of insurance, but not lower than the level established by the tariffs.

Let's consider which insurance company is better to insure your real estate. Today there are a large number of insurance companies, each of which offers its own package of services. These include:

Every citizen can insure their home with the following trusted companies:

  1. AlfaInsurance.
  2. Rosgosstrakh.
  3. Alliance (ROSNO).
  4. RESO-Garantiya.
  5. SOGAZ.

Where is the best place to get home insurance under different conditions?

In the city

Companies where you can better insure city real estate:

  • Alpha.
  • Foreign insurance.
  • Country.

Country or country

Dacha plots are most often concentrated away from developed system fire departments and police departments. The fact is that such houses are most often endangered. Where is the best place to insure a house in the village?
The following companies offer policies:


It is not always possible to build a house in a short time. The construction process of a facility may be slowed down during cold weather, due to lack of money or for other reasons. To protect your already invested finances, you should use the services of the following insurance companies:

  • Ingosstrakh.
  • Renaissance insurance.

Various options


This company is one of the oldest in the Russian Federation engaged in real estate insurance.

It offers its clients two programs:

As an additional bonus, the two programs include the opportunity to insure not only the house, but also the property located inside the building. This even includes engineering and other communications.

VTB Insurance (home custodian)

This company has developed the following insurance programs for its clients:

  • "Hi, neighbor!"— for property and apartment insurance.
  • "Home Advantage"— for insurance of country houses.
  • "Advantage for the apartment» - for apartment insurance.
  • "Advantage for furniture"— for furniture insurance.

VSK Insurance House

The company works on financial market 25 years. Insures houses, apartments and other residential real estate.

The insurance company evaluates the property free of charge, and you can pay the tariff in installments. It is also possible to obtain insurance online.

The company can offer the following programs to its clients:


The company has been operating in the financial market for 25 years. She offers her clients insurance for apartments, cottages, houses against fire and flooding. The Domostroy program remains very popular. It provides for the following risk packages:

  • Premium
  • Express.
  • Economy
  • Preferential.

Rules of the Reso Dom program provide protection for country buildings and dachas land plots and apartments.

For example, if you insure a house for 6.5 million rubles, then the insurance will be 19.6 thousand rubles, and insurance of a fence for 150 thousand rubles will be 600 rubles.


This company belongs to the universal insurers at the federal level. The key home insurance package includes the following risks:

Besides, an additional bonus the following risks appear:

  • broken glass;
  • radiation exposure;
  • breakdowns.

Important! SOGAZ provides insurance only if the insurance amount in terms of volume is above 60 thousand rubles and not higher than 3.5 million rubles.

Alpha insurance

This company has worked on the market for about 10 years. It is one of the top five leaders in the open insurance market.
Alfa Insurance provides clients with the following popular programs:

  1. Repair insurance.
  2. Protecting neighbors.
  3. “Even a flood” (a comprehensive package of risks - valuables, repairs, finishing, civil liability).
  4. Calm.

This company is popular due to its fast payment of insurance claims, and you can also apply for a policy online.


The company has been in the financing market for 70 years. You can insure property with Ingosstrakh using 20 insurance programs. Some of them can be highlighted:

  • Platinum – full package, for a period of 3 months.
  • Vacation pay is a short-term policy.
  • Freedom.
  • Express – economical insurance.

Representative offices exist in countries near and far abroad.


The company has been operating in the insurance market for 25 years. It offers numerous options for home and apartment insurance. There are restrictions on payments for elements of “load-bearing structures” and “finishing”.

The company offers clients wishing to insure real estate to use the following programs:

  1. House. The basic set includes the following risks: gas explosion, lightning strike, falling aircraft, vehicle entry. The extended package contains the following risks: flood, natural disasters, attacks by third parties.
  2. Apartment. The company insures the following risks: fire, gas explosion, flood, natural disasters, force majeure, illegal actions.


This bank is the largest in the Russian Federation. The state-owned company provides various insurance services for houses and apartments. The main home insurance program is Home Protection.

Where is the best place to go?

Today, for home insurance, people are increasingly turning to a company such as VTB 24. This company has been operating on the market for 15 years. Its offices are located in 114 cities of the Russian Federation. Financial stability the company is confirmed by reputable rating agencies, own funds firms amount to 12 billion rubles.

VTB Insurance is always responsible for all obligations undertaken and this is one of the main advantages for purchasing a policy. According to the rating of the EXPERT RA agency, the company belongs to the A++ reliability category (the highest level of reliability).

In fact, today it is quite difficult to choose the right insurance company. The reason is their wide variety. But it is best to trust trusted insurers who already have sufficient experience and have never let their clients down.

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