How much do postal workers earn in China? The real size of the Chinese salary and what can you buy with it? Salary to living expenses ratio

The average salary in China in 2019 is $750. Every year this figure increases by about 50 -70 dollars. . China's manufacturing industry is primarily focused on exporting goods around the world. Thanks to large production volumes, the level of GDP increases and wage hired workers.
Thanks to the wide range and very low prices, Chinese goods can be found in almost any country. Many different organizations, factories, factories and small enterprises provide jobs to millions of people every year.

Of course, compared to European salaries, wages in China can hardly be called high. But by Asian standards it is quite decent. That is why most representatives of Asia strive to find employment in the Celestial Empire.

Citizens of the People's Republic of China earn significantly more than migrants. This is due to the fact that the country has a large population, so the main preference is given to the Chinese. It is possible for a foreigner, but it is very difficult.

Comparison of average salary in China with other countries

After all, even despite the rapid development of industry and the increase in jobs, it is difficult to find a well-paid job in China. All “lucrative” vacancies have long been filled. Of course, China welcomes highly qualified workers. In this country, professionalism is valued and quite a lot of money is paid for it. But these are cases of exception rather than a pattern.

A foreigner can earn approximately 3,900 yuan in China. This is approximately $600. This small amount by European standards. But if you take into account the prices of food and housing, then this salary is considered very decent.

The People's Republic of China is constantly raising the minimum wage. If we take data for the period from 2010 to 2019, we can note that wages increased by almost half.

Chinese minimum wage comparison chart

In 2018, an ordinary factory employee without a specialized education received around $300. In 2019, this amount can reach 360-380 dollars, as the level of salaries is constantly growing.

The lowest wages are received by workers who are employed on agricultural farms. On average, their salary does not exceed $100 per month.

The work schedule on the farms is simply amazing: people work ten hours a day, seven days a week. The level of wages directly depends on the location. So, you can earn on average 800-900 dollars. And people living in rural areas, receive no more than $400.

The highest paid specialties

China is a country that invests heavily in innovation. Therefore, programmers and IT technology developers are in great demand here. Having gone to work in China for this special purpose, a person can expect a salary from 1000 to 2600 dollars per month.
The highest salaries are received by specialists working in the following areas:

  1. Science.
  2. Sports.
  3. Medicine.
  4. Programming.
  5. Education.
  6. Finance

That is why, if you want to find a job and earn good money in China in 2019, you need to try to get a job in these industries.

Salaries by profession

The size of wages in the People's Republic of China directly depends on the qualifications of the employee, his education and work experience. So, an engineer earns about $800. A smelter can expect a salary ranging from $700 to $900.

It is worth noting that the most high salaries in Beijing and Shanghai. So, for example, a worker at a factory in Shanghai can receive from 300 to 700 dollars, and in a provincial town a worker of the same class can expect a salary of no more than 250 dollars.

Teacher in English in 2019 he can find a job even without having a specialized education. Main requirements: perfect knowledge of Chinese and English, European appearance. Teachers, tutors and professors are paid on an hourly basis. On average it is 100 - 200 Chinese yuan. Converted to a dollar, this amount is equal to 31 dollars.

The fashion industry is also very popular in China. The Celestial Empire generously pays models of European appearance. So, having got a job as a model in 2019, a girl can count on a salary of $155 a day. After probationary period, a model can earn up to 5,000 yuan per day. That's $770.

But only some people get paid that kind of salary. Models often earn an average of around $300 per day.
Actors receive approximately 250 - 300 dollars a day. Quality control workers can earn between $100 and $200 per day.

In the service sector of the restaurant and hotel business, the lowest salaries are approximately $5,000-$7,000 per year. But there are premium restaurants and hotels, where a waiter can earn more than $1,000 a month + tips, and a cook can expect a salary of $1,200. An assistant chef earns an average of $800.

In the manufacturing industry, you can earn $6,400 per year in 2019; in construction, the average annual salary is $8,000. In China, it is not customary to name your monthly salary. All income is calculated in total for one year.

Schedule of taxes, profits and salaries in China

You can earn up to $9,000 in real estate. Social workers, teachers, educators, university professors and tutors receive no more than $10,000. IN major cities teachers can earn as much as $3,000 a month.

The trade sector is characterized by very high earnings. So its representatives (merchandisers, salespeople, managers, technologists) receive about 9,800 - 10,000 dollars a year. Healthcare employees earn between $9,500 and $10,000.

Scientific workers receive more than $13,000, and financial employees receive about $25,000 - $30,000 per year.

Representatives of IT technologies can easily earn up to $55,000 a year. Nannies who work for Chinese families earn from $1,700. Private teachers and family tutors receive more than $1,500.

Annually average salary China rises by about 30-50 dollars. But this applies only to the in-demand specialties that this country needs. According to experts, in 2019 the following are in demand:

  1. Programmers.
  2. Translators - simultaneous interpreters.
  3. IT technology developers.
  4. Financiers.
  5. Credit experts.
  6. Financial analysts.

Unfavorable economic situation in our country led to a significant depreciation national currency. Thus, the average salary in Russia has become less than the income of Chinese residents. The Celestial Empire has always been a shining example of cheap labor and occupied one of the lowest places in the rankings general level life of the population.

Indeed, back in 2003, an income of $300 was considered acceptable for most Chinese families. Our compatriots are interested in the latest statistics obtained in 2019, or more precisely, what the wages of the Chinese are.

The past 10 years have seen significant growth in real earnings. At the end of 2018, the average salary was $740 per month. The following reasons for this trend can be identified:

  • stable increase in the productivity of technological capacities in China (by 12% annually);
  • modernization of production through the introduction of automated mechanisms and the latest developments;
  • increasing the degree of participation of Chinese businessmen in global procurement (today China accounts for 16% of this area);
  • GDP growth by 9% per year;
  • significant investments in the development of science and technology.

There is a special coefficient that reflects the difference between the incomes of different segments of the population in China in 2018; it is equal to 48%. This parameter takes into account absolutely all income and does not focus only on wages.

How much do representatives of various professions get paid in China?

Experts note an increase monthly payments in all areas of work. So, minimum wage The national average is $325. However, citizens complain about the proportional increase in the cost of essential products and the decrease in purchasing power.

  1. Specialists involved in the pharmaceutical industry are highly valued by employers. For drug manufacturers, the average salary ranges from 9 to 10 thousand dollars per year.
  2. Internet trading in China is booming, and although only 21% of workers have a college degree economic Education, annual income is $12,000.
  3. China is a country with a developed industrial complex. The state is sensitive to protection environment from the negative impact of human activity. According to statistics, in 2018 the average salary of employees of environmental structures was 14 thousand dollars.
  4. Imports and exports play a leading role in the formation of GDP, so qualified customs officers had an average income of $1,300 per month in 2019. Due to the accelerating pace of turnover, such specialists are extremely in demand.
  5. A chartered accountant in China makes about 17 thousand per year. Specialists with experience in doing business with foreign investors, international economic trends analysts and financial auditors.
  6. Salaries for website editors range from 17 to 20 thousand.
  7. Insurers in China received an average of $2,000 a month this year.
  8. Telecommunications in 2019 took the path of active development. The income of engineers specializing in network integration and adaptation to international standards quality. The average salary in this sector was $2,500 per billing month.
  9. 3G workers are in demand all over the world, and China is no exception. Monthly income a highly specialized employee starts at $3,000.
  10. The undoubted leaders among the highest paid professions are translators. Close cooperation with foreign business partners involves overcoming the language barrier. The average salary for synchronized swimmers in 2019 is $3,400.

If we consider income statistics in large cities for various industries, the maximum possible salary in 2019 is distributed as follows (in US dollars for one billing month):

  • finance and accounting - 2700;
  • sphere of integrated technologies – 3500;
  • electric power industry – 2920;
  • science and education – 3430;
  • healthcare – 2460;
  • culture and entertainment – ​​1300;
  • wholesale and retail – 1530;
  • mining - 4080;
  • social sector – 1620;
  • transport services – 1306;
  • real estate – 1089;
  • construction - 1780;
  • production – 2450;
  • agriculture – 980;
  • services – 1420;
  • public catering – 2320.

But these are statistical data for Beijing, and to obtain real information on the country it is necessary to divide the above figures at least in half. In China the figure minimum income in 2018 barely reached 21% of the global average, which puts the country in 159th place in terms of wages. There is a large gap between the salaries of different social classes.

The average salary in China is 2000-3000 yuan. Its value depends on the province in which the person works.

The state of any country sets a living wage. Various indicators are taken into account:

  • unemployment rate;
  • average salary;
  • price of goods;
  • well-being of the country.

China differs from other countries in that regions develop differently. Calculations do not show the real situation, since the intensity of improvement in the situation in each individual province is always different. In some areas, official salaries in 2019 reach $950. According to this indicator, China has overtaken Russia.

To take into account the development features of each region, the value living wage calculated local administration each province independently. The state provides official social guarantees. If the salary of a worker working at a factory and his pension are less than the current subsistence level, he can count on help from the authorities.

The cost of living for cities and regions in 2018 after monthly recalculation was in yuan:

  • Shanghai – 700;
  • Zhejiang – 400-600;
  • Anhui – 450;
  • Sichuan – 350-450.

The country's Communist Party has developed special program improvements standard of living citizens. The main goal is to increase wages for people in different professions. The government expects to achieve a positive result in 2021.

Due to different standards of living, each province is forced to take a differentiated approach to calculating the cost of one hour of working time. This makes it possible to establish a minimum salary for teachers. It is divided into two groups:

  • Monthly. Citizens work at the plant all day long.
  • Hourly. The minimum salary is 1050–2430 yuan, if converted into rubles it will be 9662–23392 per month. The specific salary depends on the capabilities of the region. The richer he is, the higher it is. In some regions it reaches 1600-1800 yuan.

Average salary

Today, China's economy, when compared with rapidly developing countries, is considered the most powerful. This development has a positive impact on the value cash payment, taxable. average value monthly salary reaches 6193 yuan (59,840 rubles or 901 dollars).


Residents of China's capital receive the highest wages. In the new year 2019, it will be $1,600 in foreign currency. If we compare it with last year 2018, it increased by $230. In other provinces of the country it is much lower than Beijing salaries.


There is a huge number here financial assets different countries. Business meetings take place in the city, multimillion-dollar contracts are signed. This status was reflected in the amount of wages. The metropolis has long been considered a leader in this position. However, in 2019 it came second after Beijing. Now average earnings does not exceed 1480 US dollars.


The Chinese, as well as foreign guests, love to visit this metropolis. They are attracted by the warm climate, fast career. There are many job opportunities available in Guangzhou, which has led to the concentration of a large number of highly skilled workers. Two years ago, the average salary reached $1,300. In 2019, it became $100 higher.

Average salary of various professions by industry

In China, the maximum salary depends on the specific industry. Employees receive the highest:

  • financial institutions;
  • education;
  • IT communications;
  • healthcare;
  • Sciences;
  • sports.

A Chinese engineer earns approximately $650. Melter at the plant $740 – $900. The minimum wage is paid to blue-collar workers, in manufacturing, hotels and restaurants. For example, in Jiangsu the salary of an ordinary worker does not exceed $240. Since there are very few available vacancies, highly qualified specialists quite often occupy low-paid positions.

The employee's qualifications professional activity in a particular industry is the main determining factor in a person's future earnings. Moreover, it does not matter at all whether he is Chinese or a person of another nationality.

Bank employees and financial workers receive the highest salaries. IT specialists are in second place. The salary of directors of companies engaged in the provision of economic services reaches 14,000–19,000 yuan. If we convert these amounts into rubles, we get 135,275–183,584 rubles.

Average salary

Industry Salary, yuan Salary, rubles
Financing 9 500 93 071
IT technologies 10 340 101 300
The science 7 460 73 085
Electricity supply, gas supply 6 580 64 463
Recreation and tourism, sports 6 070 59 467
Leasing 6 050 59 271
Social activities, medicine 5 970 58 487
Logistics, transport, storage 6 000 58 781
Education 5 550 54 373
Administration, management 5 200 50 944
Trading activities 5 030 49 278
Minerals 4 960 48 592
Industry 4 620 45 261
Repair work, construction 4 080 39 971
Water supply, waste disposal 4 000 39 187
Hotels, restaurants 3 410 33 407
Agriculture 3 000 29 390

At the exchange rate as of 03/12/2019.

Each province in China has the right to set its own minimum wage. It is of interest that the Ministry labor resources and social security allows regions to solve this problem themselves. When calculating the minimum wage, local management must take into account several factors:

  • the magnitude of economic growth;
  • the amount of average income;
  • percentage of unemployed in the country;
  • prices for food products;
  • real estate value.

Average salaries paid in cities and regions

Provinces Salary, yuan Salary, rubles
Shanghai 3 430 33 603
Tianjin 3 060 29 978
Zhejiang 3 020 29 586
Beijing 3010 29 488
Shandong 2 820 27 628
Girin 2 790 27 627
Inner Mongolia 2 780 27 235
Hubei 2 760 27 039
Henan 2 730 26 745
Fujian, Shanxi 2 720 26 647
Heilongjiang, Guizhou 2 690 26 353
Ningxia Hui Autonomous Republic 2 680 26 255
Gansu 1 630 15 969
Hunan 2 590 25 374
Qinghai 2 520 24688

At the exchange rate as of 03/12/2019.

What salary do foreign citizens receive?

In China, foreign citizens must speak Chinese to find work. No one requires thorough mastery, just being familiar with the basics is enough.

If a foreigner has a specific education and speaks Chinese fluently, it will not be difficult for him to find a suitable activity.

The most popular specialties in 2019 are:

  • engineers;
  • architects;
  • IT specialists.

If a foreign citizen speaks excellent Chinese, he can be hired as a consultant in a prestigious office. China needs translators. There is a shortage of advertising workers in this country. If a foreigner speaks English, even if he does not have a diploma from a higher educational institution, he can become a teacher of this language in a school or any educational institution.

The average salary for foreign citizen in China depends on the province where he has to work. Typically, $20 is paid for one hour of private English teaching. If the lesson takes place at school, the teacher receives $30.

The average salary in China for 2015 is 740 US dollars, this is approximately the same level as countries such as Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, Mexico, Georgia, Azerbaijan or Egypt; before the fall of the ruble, salaries in China were half as much as in Russia. Average salaries in each province of China are different; in urban areas they are much higher than in rural areas. Salaries are high in the cities of Shanghai and Beijing, although the price level there is much higher than in the provinces.

Minimum wage in China

The minimum wage in China for 2015 is 2030 yuan or 325 US dollars, the hourly minimum wage is 18.5 yuan, however, such data is typical only for the city of Shenzhen, where these maximum data are registered, recall that Shenzhen is located near Hong Kong and is a special economic zone in China. It is difficult to estimate the average salary in China, the same applies to the minimum salary; in Shanghai and Beijing they are much higher than in rural areas. The average salary in Shanghai is 900 US dollars, in the provinces of China it is about 400 dollars at best.

You can live comfortably in China on $200 a month if you are not burdened by the very expensive rent of an apartment or house.

If a Chinese gets a job, he is guaranteed to receive a salary, since very serious penalties are provided for non-payment of this salary, including the death penalty.

Traditionally, the lowest salaries in China are in rural areas in the agricultural sector of the economy; working in the fields you can earn a maximum of $200 a month, often the average salary here is only $150, this is the reason for the outflow of rural residents to cities where salaries are several times higher. Workers in tourism, hotel and restaurant businesses have approximately the same level of income. The highest salaries are in enterprises of an innovative nature, IT industry, communications, science, medicine, sports, finance, heavy industry, military sphere, education.

Unemployment in China

The unemployment rate in China is 4.1%, and this figure has remained at the same level for several years in a row, this is one of the lowest rates in the world, lower than in the USA, Japan or Switzerland.

Nevertheless, China is a little similar to Russia or Ukraine; here it is considered normal that a person with a higher education could not find a suitable job and works, for example, as a seller in the market.

Pensions in China

Average pensions in China are also last years growth, today the average pension is 230 US dollars.

Comparison of average salaries in China and Russia

The average salary in Russia in 2015 was about 33,000 rubles. In mid-summer 2015, average salaries in China for the first time outstripped salaries in Russia; now 30,000 rubles at the rate of 65 equals 500 dollars. Naturally, oil may rise in price, then wages in Russia will also rise, but they are still unlikely to reach those in China. China itself has always symbolized the working class, when people are willing to work for a cup of rice; on the Internet you can find many stories about terrible conditions and poverty in China. Of course, every country in the world has its own price level, perhaps in China there are more expensive consumer goods and especially food products, which offset some advantage in wages, but the fact remains a fact.

Over the past 10 years, as you can see, wages in China have increased from 300 dollars to 733, by approximately 150%; in 2014, wage growth was 12%. An increase in wages in China may also mean a slowdown in the growth of the economy of this country, and even lead to a general economic crisis, which we are now observing, a big merit in this is such an increase in average salaries. Many companies cannot develop at such a pace, since they have to bear increased costs in the form of already relatively big salaries workers and employees.

Prospects for economic development in China and Russia

In China, there is a higher stratification of the population in terms of income; if in cities salaries can exceed $1,000, then in villages it is still the same $300 and no more. So the difference in income between the richest and the poorest in China is 47, in Russia 42. But the most important thing is that China is now showing rapid growth in productivity, which is directly related to technology, innovation and technology. It is very easy to compare Russia and China, and it is clear who will have an advantage in this regard; in Russia they invest very poorly in innovation, counting on the sale of oil and gas; in China the situation is not the same. For example, China purchases a third of all industrial robots in the world, while Cathay's economy will be only 15% of the world's. Russia buys 1% of the global robot market, the Russian economy is 2.5% of the global one.

An increase in wages in China means a suspension of the transfer of production here from Western countries; in Russia it is the opposite, however, due to global sanctions, this is almost impossible. From now on, China can embark on the path of development of developed industrial countries, Russia, on the contrary, is just about to embark on the path of development of developing countries, one can only expect higher growth rates of the Russian economy and a slowdown in China, but this is still not happening today. To increase labor productivity it is necessary foreign investment, the Russian treasury is emptying, the Chinese one is showing the opposite trend. Look for money within Russia, but look at the lending rates, who needs such loans and how to pay them off later, the lending rate per annum in yuan is 5.35% and tends to fall.

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