Rosreestr electronic services. Information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USR). Procedure for obtaining access

Rosreestr owns a unique database of real estate objects - the Unified State Register of Rights (USRP). Providing individuals and legal entities information from the Unified State Register is one of the most popular services of Rosreestr, which is also available in in electronic format.

On the Rosreestr portal there are electronic services “request to an information resource from the state real estate cadastre” and “request to an information resource from the Unified State Register of Rights”, which allow you to search for a real estate object, copy information, knowing only the address of the real estate object, obtain data about it cadastral number, area, category and much more.

Thanks to the creation of the “Request to Information Resource” service, government authorities and applicants - citizens and legal entities - will be able to promptly online obtain legally significant information on any real estate property throughout Russia, regardless of its location, and authorized bodies - also data on the rights to a particular subject real estate.

The creation of this system was the result of the efforts of Rosreestr to introduce new information technologies and integration of various data sources and internal systems.
The creation of this type of information resource not only determines new principles for organizing the process of providing public services, but also opens up a whole range of new possibilities.

Representatives of government authorities and bodies can act as users of the resource local government, as well as individuals and legal entities, arbitration managers and notaries.

There is a fee for access to information from the State Property Committee and the Unified State Register, with the exception of a limited category of persons entitled to receive information free of charge. At the same time, the cost of obtaining information from the State Property Committee and the Unified State Register using requests to Rosreestr information resources is significantly lower than the cost of obtaining such information through electronic requests sent through the Rosreestr portal directly to the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FKP Rosreestr" in the Vologda Region.

The main advantages of these services are obtaining information about a property within a few minutes, round-the-clock operation of the Rosreestr portal, as well as the minimum cost of obtaining information.

Exists several ways to obtain an access key to an information resource containing information from the Unified State Register .

First way . Individuals and legal entities can obtain an access key through the Rosreestr Internet portal at the Internet address:

To obtain an access key through the Rosreestr Internet portal, you must have an electronic digital signature (EDS) issued by a certification center accredited by Rosreestr. Requests for an access key from the Rosreestr Internet portal must be signed with the applicant’s digital signature; the user must have an electronic digital signature certificate and the Microsoft CAPICOM component installed. This feature is currently only supported in the Microsoft Internet Explorer Internet browser.

Second way . You can get the access key and when visiting a branch in person Federal State Budgetary Institution "FKP Rosreestra" for the Vologda region at the address: Vologda, Lavrova St., 13.

Third way. A request for an access key can be sent by mail.

The departments responsible for providing access keys issue keys or send messages about the refusal to provide a key to ensure access to the information resource within no more than five working days from the date of receipt of the request.

Providing access keys to applicants can be done both in the form of a paper document and in electronic form. Your preferred method must be indicated in your request.

After receiving the access key with the necessary information regarding further actions for its use (instructions) and obtaining information from the Unified State Register, applicants can find it in the “Request for an information resource” section of the Rosreestr Internet portal.

Payment for the provision of information contained in the Unified State Register by providing access to the information resource must be made by the applicant no later than one month from the date of provision of access keys.

For individuals, data from the Unified State Register information resource on 100 real estate objects will cost 250 rubles, on 1000 objects - 1000 rubles, on 10,000 - 5000. Thus, the cost of information on one real estate object is no more than 2.5 rubles. for individuals.

Press service of the Rosreestr Office for the Vologda Region

Previously, to resolve issues related to real estate in Rosreestr ( for example, obtaining information, documents, registering contracts and rights) had . High technologies are constantly evolving, and many government bodies review letters from citizens and organizations, and also provide services online.

Available to everyone interested parties via the Internet and became the main executive service on real estate issues.

Contents and structure of the resource

  • what Rosreestr is, what it does, what functions it performs;
  • history of federal service;
  • structure (, branches of the Federal Cadastral Chamber);
  • executives;
  • regulatory documents regulating the activities of the service.

Detailed information about the functions and services provided can be viewed by opening the “Activities” section in the header of the official website of Rosreestr. It also contains information about state programs in the real estate sector, road maps, and cadastral valuation.

The main databases for Rosreestr are the Unified State Register of Real Estate (since 01/01/2017) and the state data fund cadastral valuation.

Previously, before making a decision on the acquisition (alienation) of real estate, it was advisable to ask a question to a competent specialist - a lawyer. Today, with the Internet, it is no longer necessary to waste time and money.

Thus, in the “Feedback” section of the website, answers to common questions about real estate are published, in particular:

  • How to correctly request information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate?
  • Is it possible to correct the error in the register about the location of the boundaries of the property?
  • where and how to pay for services?
  • What is the procedure for registering title to a house?
  • Is it necessary to send an expert opinion to the commission when challenging the cadastral value?

In the “Feedback” section there is a button “Citizens' Appeals ONLINE”, with which you can perform the following actions:

  • or the organization of work in general;
  • make proposals for improving the activities of the service.

At the top of the electronic form, you should indicate the Rosreestr department for the region (territory, Republic, district) to which the application is sent. If a visitor wishes to make an appointment, then in the section feedback he can find out the addresses of the nearest offices.

Current news about the work of the federal service is published in the section of the official website of the Rosreestr of Real Estate in the “Press Center” section.

Thus, the resource contains a large amount of information and many blocks with electronic services. To prevent the visitor from getting confused, the official website of Rosreestr has three large sections in the top header: for citizens, organizations and real estate professionals.

Section "Individuals"

The section for individuals contains a category of popular requests, with the help of which a visitor can find out useful information on how to register a plot of land and a house, obtain information from funds and registers, pay for services and much more.

The portal publishes informational information on the following important points for citizens:

  • package of documents required for each procedure;
  • timing;
  • cost;
  • options for obtaining Rosreestr services.

Rosreestr provides electronic services, thanks to which citizens have the opportunity to:

  • (from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, the state cadastral valuation data fund);
  • make sure the digital signature is correct;
  • submit an application for cadastral registration of a building, (premises, plot);
  • calculate the tax amount;
  • check the cadastral engineer (validity of the qualification certificate, results professional activity, what organization he is a member of).

The green block “Electronic Services” is located on the left side of the site.

Section "Legal entities"

Not only individuals, but also representatives of organizations can receive necessary information, extracts and services for real estate transactions without a personal visit to the office. The section of the Rosreestr website “For Legal Entities” contains blocks with useful information, electronic services and methods of obtaining services.

The following features are available to organizations on the website:

  • obtain extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (for example, about the cadastral value of land);
  • check the readiness of documents online;
  • use a public cadastral map;
  • submit applications for registration (rights, termination of rights, transactions), suspension of registration, correction technical error, return of documents and others.

Thus, information and online services are intelligently distributed into different subsections, and finding them will not be difficult. To simplify your search, you can use the special form in the upper left corner of the site.

Section "For Specialists"

The above electronic services may be needed by persons who are involved in real estate issues on duty. These include cadastral engineers, representatives self-regulatory organizations, managers, appraisers, notaries.

To make it easier to find the right service, a specialist must first select the appropriate category. So, for the cadastral engineer it is available reference Information for real estate online, submitting applications electronically, receiving statements and other opportunities.

Electronic site services

A block with a complete list of Rosreestr services online is located at: All the electronic services mentioned above are available here, as well as the following features:

  1. "Offices and reception areas." This electronic service allows you to find the nearest office, taking into account the type of service provided, and make an online appointment for a personal appointment.
  1. "Open Data". Information from some Russian state registers is publicly available:
  • valid licenses for carrying out geodetic and cartographic activities;
  • information about specialists (cadastral engineers, managers, appraisers, mediators).
  1. “Notices on the sale of a share in the right.” This contains information about the date of publication of the notice, the type of object being sold, its cadastral number, address, and seller.

Options for receiving government services

If you go to the Rosreestr website, in many sections you can see a round blue diagram “Ways to obtain services.” The following options are available.

  1. Electronic form This method allows you to quickly obtain reference information, extracts from Rosreestr, and check the status of the application. It is also more convenient to request information from the state real estate register on the official website than to come to the service office.
  1. Mail . If the website does not allow you to submit an application or document online, you can send it by regular mail to the following address: Moscow, Chistoprudny Blvd., 6/19, or to the territorial office of Rosreestr.
  1. Personal office visit. You can make an appointment online to submit or receive the necessary documents.
  1. Contacting multifunctional centers (MFC). MFCs provide various government services on a one-stop-shop basis, including an agreement with Rosreestr. These institutions were created to simplify bureaucratic procedures and reduce queues for obtaining necessary documents. You can find the addresses of the nearest MFCs in the electronic service of the Rosreestr Internet resource “Offices and Receptions”.
  1. Field service. The service is provided free of charge only to disabled people of the first and second groups, and WWII veterans upon provision of the appropriate documents. For other citizens, on-site services are paid. The service courier, in particular, accepts applications for cadastral registration and registration of rights, and delivers information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

And yet, most services are available to citizens and authorized persons of organizations electronically. The official website of Rosreestr allows you to get maximum necessary information and save time on bureaucratic procedures.

Sections of the article:

Real estate has become one of the main types of capital for both companies and any citizen.

And so that the soul does not suffer due to shifting boundaries land plots or, worse, due to their overlap with a neighboring plot, or unauthorized redevelopment apartments, you need to take care of the correct execution of documents for your objects. It involves obtaining information from the State Control Committee.

Since 2017 federal Service state registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) has changed the forms for providing information about real estate. Extracts from the Unified State Register have been replaced with Extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

This happened in connection with the requirements of the federal law “On State Registration of Real Estate” (No. 218-FZ), the implementation of the provisions of which was accompanied by the merger of 2 government agencies who were previously involved in accounting and registration of objects separately:

  1. State Real Estate Cadastre (GKN)
  2. Unified State Register of Rights (USRP)

The Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN) was created. He concentrated into a single database:

  • real estate data
  • information about property rights

EGRN has become the only reliable source of systematized information. Some information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate is open to public access.

EGRN is...

The Unified State Real Estate Cadastre (USRN) contains full information about all immovable objects and property registered in the cadastral register. It is consolidated into a single system.

The resource allows you to obtain information:

  • about land plots
  • about apartments
  • about houses

The set of information contains, in particular, information about the boundaries of land objects:

  • territories:
    • urban and rural settlements
    • district, regional and regional municipalities
  • small plots in gardens or populated areas
  • plots for farms
  • factories
  • aviation, river and sea ports
  • schools and kindergartens
  • hospitals
  • sanatoriums

The register takes into account the following boundaries:

They have to be taken into account when constructing new facilities and when reconstructing existing ones. There are boundaries for the protection zones of power lines, gas and oil pipelines, and for lands belonging to the forest fund or the Ministry of Defense. Information about all of them is also registered in the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

The preparation and systematization of information about the object is carried out in accordance with the law “On the State Real Estate Cadastre”.

Only in the Unified State Register of Real Estate you can obtain the required materials:

  • for transactions with objects
  • to clarify the characteristics of the object
  • for the court, where the owner of the site intends to protect the right of ownership
  • for compensation for damage caused to the building
  • for many other tasks

The information resource ensures the organization of the circulation of registered rights to real estate.

Types of USRN information

There are several types of real estate cadastre. In a certain situation, one specific one may be required.

  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate

This document contains the most complete information about the property.

The amount of information of interest in the extract from the Unified State Register can be determined independently. To do this, in the application for their receipt you need to indicate the necessary sections of the extract. Information about the presence or absence of restrictions (encumbrances) on plot of land are contained in the section on parts of the land plot, and information on the cadastral value is in the section on basic information about the plot.

Using it will provide:

Access to the resource is provided by a unique code - an “access key”.

You can get it using one of the following methods:

  • through the Rosreestr portal
  • at any document reception office of the Cadastral Chamber or MFC
  • requesting an access key by mail to the territorial department of the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FKP Rosreestr"

After receiving the key, the portal provides access to the list of public services of Rosreestr:

  • information about the addresses of the territorial departments of the Branch
  • electronic request form
  • instructions for using the access key

The key will be issued free of charge and has no expiration date. But there is a fee for access to information from the State Property Committee (with the exception of a limited category of persons who have the right to receive information free of charge).

Such a request for a submitted application provides:

  • search for real estate
  • copying information about an object for which only the address of the real estate is known, and, accordingly, obtaining data on the cadastral number, area, category and much more

About the advantages of the GKN service

  • prompt provision of information - in a few minutes
  • 24/7 portal opening hours
  • remote request - having access to the Internet, a request can be made anywhere

A significant circumstance is the cost of obtaining information from the State Tax Committee. It is much lower compared to the conventional method.

About the timing of the relevance of GKN information

The GKN information provided on the basis of any request is relevant as of the date of its signing.

If a lot of time has passed since they were received, the information about the site may lose its relevance.

There are many reasons. Eg, cadastral value lands are revalued as a result of mass state cadastral valuation once every 5 years. These revaluations are entered into the State Tax Code, which means they are updated once every 5 years.

It may happen that a cadastral extract was received, and six months later the results of the land revaluation were entered into the State Property Committee, that is, the previously received certificate will contain outdated information, and it will become invalid. You will have to apply again for an extract.

Helpful information

  • You can find out what is an encumbrance on a land plot
  • The new Classifier VRI-2019 will allow you to become familiar with the possibilities of any type of permitted use of land plots.
  • You can get an idea of ​​the town planning regulations and its significance for the development of sites.
  • The procedure for changing the VRI of land plots, in force since 2017, can be found
  • An idea of ​​the town planning regulations and its significance for the development of plots can be obtained
  • You can familiarize yourself with the rules for the demolition of unauthorized buildings according to the new law 2018
  • You can familiarize yourself with the new procedure for preparing for transactions and their notarization
  • You can find out how to calculate personal income tax when selling real estate

For more than a week, the service for electronic submission of documents for registration of real estate rights in electronic form has been operating on the Rosreestr website in all regions. Russian Federation. Services are also provided electronically for registering real estate with the state cadastral register, issuing information from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It (USRP) and the State Real Estate Cadastre (GKN).

Having decided that possible “at the start” technical problems in the operation of the service should have been more or less eliminated by this time, I went to the Rosreestr website to evaluate from my own experience the “convenience” of the operation of these services.

Request for information from the Unified State Register and State Property Committee

First of all, I will focus on such services as “Request to an information resource” (IR Unified State Register and IR GKN).

So, when visiting the site and wanting to use these services, the applicant is faced with the need to obtain an access key. Without this key, you will not be able to use these services. At the same time, for individuals, such a key is provided free of charge; for legal entities, this option is paid (200 rubles for the State Tax Code and 250 rubles for the Unified State Register).

First of all, I was interested in obtaining information from the Unified State Register. Accordingly, I like individual, having filled out the necessary registration form in the “Information from the Unified State Register of Information Resource” section, I received the key I needed. It should be noted that the key consists of a fairly large number of characters, which caused some inconvenience when, due to logging out of the system, it was necessary to re-enter it. The algorithm of actions for obtaining a key to access the State Property Committee IR is similar.

To obtain the appropriate extract from the Unified State Register, you must first ensure the sufficiency Money on the Applicant’s account and, if necessary, top it up, for which you need to receive a payment code and select the appropriate payment method ( plastic card, through payment terminal, from Qiwi wallet balance). The choice of the amount of the fee is made by the Applicant based on the number of real estate objects about which information is requested (initial offer of 100 objects - cost 250 rubles).

The resource provides general information about the property (type of property, address, area, purpose of the building and the presence of registered rights) without payment. This information is not intended for official submission of documents to other organizations. However, this resource will allow you to establish in real time, for example, the presence of encumbrances on the property of interest, which, as a rule, is especially interesting when purchasing real estate.

Since I was also interested in the process of obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register, I clicked the “send request” button and sent a request to receive information in the amount of the Unified State Register extract. At the same time, it is provided for sending such a request both with the signing of its digital signature, and without using the digital signature, in cases where the Applicant does not have one (my option).

I would especially like to note that all the objects that I searched for through the Unified State Register information resource were found and their characteristics corresponded to reality, while the State Property Committee IR was somewhat disappointed in this regard by not finding information about any of the objects I requested that were registered in the cadastral register.

This service will be useful to a citizen or organization that needs to regularly request information contained in the Unified State Register (considering that the minimum number of objects that can be ordered is 100 pieces), as well as receive notifications about changes in the Unified State Register information on real estate properties they own.

Thus, I did not notice any significant difficulties in working with these services. The main issue in the effectiveness of this resource is the availability of information about the object in the electronic database and the absence of technical problems when filling out requests.

Electronic submission of documents for registration of rights to real estate

Things are a little different with such a service as electronic submission of documents for registering rights to real estate.

Despite the fact that I currently had no need for state registration of rights to real estate, I still decided to see what this service was like.

The conditions for filling out data about the object and the applicant do not differ significantly from the conditions for filling out a request for information from the Unified State Register. However, when submitting documents for registration of rights, it is necessary to take into account the existing requirements for the attached documents. As indicated on the website, documents must be attached in pairs with digital signature files. Electronic images of documents must be attached in pdf format. Electronic documents must be attached in xml format.

At the same time, depending on the purpose of the application, the service offers to attach certain documents. In addition, to determine the list of documents required to obtain the service for state registration of rights, the applicant can also use the service “ Life situations» 9preparation of a package of documents for uploading by Rosreestr specialists). This service is paid.

Thus, the very idea is to allow citizens and legal entities to submit Required documents for registration of rights to real estate in electronic form - seems very interesting, since in any case this will speed up the process of processing documents and will allow you not to waste time filling out this information by a Rosreestr employee when he receives documents.

However, taking into account the requirements for electronic documents, as well as the need for the applicant, in any case, to provide original documents to the relevant territorial body, this may lead to the fact that this service will not be sufficiently popular among persons who do not have a constant need to register rights to real estate.

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