Car loan from a Baltic bank. Apply for a consumer loan in cash to Baltic Bank online. How to find out the likely amount of your monthly payment

Baltic Bank is one of the most famous financial institutions in St. Petersburg. Currently, the bank's branch network is represented in many Russian cities, and active development is facilitated by the implementation of unique programs with the most favorable lending conditions.

basic information

Baltic Bank began operating in St. Petersburg in 1989, making it one of the oldest financial institutions in Russia. Bank branches are represented in 31 cities, as a result of which all interested people have the opportunity to take advantage of favorable conditions.

The bank network includes more than 1,500 devices. Thus, even making payments through bank ATMs is amazingly easy. Clients are offered payment cards Western Union, Visa International, MasterCard Worldwide.

At the same time, the quantity corporate clients reaches 20 thousand, private - two and a half million. The main source of profit of the Baltic Bank is income from transactions with individuals. Thus, you can count on the most favorable terms of cooperation.

Basic questions about car loans

Baltic Bank clients can purchase new cars of foreign and domestic production. In each case, the most favorable terms of cooperation are guaranteed:

  • currency: Russian rubles or euro;
  • annual interest rate- 15.25-18.5 (the exact size is determined individually, taking into account the selected currency);
  • minimum amount loan - 40 thousand rubles, maximum - more than one and a half million;
  • the initial standard contribution for regular clients of the Baltic Bank is 20 percent, for all others - 30, but recently a loan can be obtained even with a 15 percent contribution;
  • The repayment period for a car loan is from one to three years, but taking into account the regular rise in price of cars Russian market Loans are increasingly being provided for 5 years;
  • the commission payment for processing a loan ranges from 3,000 to 7,500 rubles (the exact amount depends on the cost of the car), but for clients of the Baltic Bank the commission is completely excluded;
  • One to three days are allotted for consideration of the received application;
  • penalties for each day of delay in payment are 0.3 percent;
  • Auto insurance is required for the entire loan repayment period, and you must obtain CASCO insurance against damage and loss from an authorized insurance organization.

The above conditions confirm the maximum benefit of the upcoming cooperation.

Attention! Car loan applications are available only to citizens Russian Federation who live in the area where the Baltic Bank office is present. Moreover, at the time of repayment of the loan, the minimum age of the borrower must be 21 years, the maximum - 55 years (women) - 60 (men).

What can you count on

Baltic Bank offers two main car loan schemes. The first program was created for any citizen of Russia, the second - only for financial clients. credit organization, which are obtained by accounts for regular receipt of salaries. In each case, the collection of documents is simplified, so that you can quickly complete the assigned tasks. In addition, the risk of being rejected for a car loan is virtually eliminated.

Experts note good conditions for cooperation between the Baltic Bank and car enthusiasts:

  1. There is a low interest rate on the loan for amounts in rubles and euros.
  2. Guaranteed optimal time loan repayment.
  3. The down payment, in comparison with some financial and credit institutions in Russia, pleases with a loyal indicator.
  4. Step-by-step cooperation and a specific pattern of interaction between representatives target audience with bank employees guarantees savings of nerves, time and effort. Initially, an application form is submitted, on the basis of which an initial decision is made. Subsequently, within three days, the established package of documents is collected. As a result, you can understand at what stage the consideration of the application is and what will happen in the near future.

Important! To receive financial assistance to purchase a car, it is necessary to register, taking into account the territorial location of the bank office, have a permanent job, and be able to use driver's license. Moreover, purchased cars become collateral for lending. In some cases, the loan is provided under the guarantee of the spouse.

Review of car loan programs

The main program is “Standard” However, for regular customers we offer another program with the most favorable conditions.


The loan is offered on the following terms:

  • minimum an initial fee- 15 percent of the cost of the car;
  • annual rate in rubles it is 13-17, in foreign currency - 10-12;
  • The loan can be provided from one to five years.

The above conditions are distinguished by loyalty. Besides bank employees ready to consider total income families when deciding whether to provide financial assistance to purchase a car.

Penalties for late payments are severe. For each fact of lateness, the fine can reach ten thousand rubles.

For maintaining an account in euros, the presence of additional commission. Its amount per month is 300 rubles.

Loyal car loan

This program designed specifically for those people who have opened an account with Baltic Bank or hold a salary card. The main advantage of regular customers is a reduction in the annual interest rate by one point. Moreover, commission payments can also be significantly reduced.

Baltic Bank offers financial assistance only for the purchase of new cars through dealerships. However, for responsible clients, the terms of cooperation are as beneficial as possible.

Write a review

In July 2008, I took out a car loan from the Baltic Bank (agreement No. 08913-AK dated July 30, 2008). Moreover, he succumbed to the persuasion of credit inspectors that their Bank was convenient and the rates were favorable. At the same time, there was an alternative to take from Sberbank at the same percentage. The Baltic Bank promised that they would not increase interest rates: “We have a reliable bank.”

In life, everything turned out to be exactly the opposite... After some time, the interest rate increased by 4 percent. But that wouldn’t be so bad... The problems started when the loan had already been repaid.

In July 2013, in accordance with the payment schedule, the loan was repaid in full and on time... In June 2015, it became necessary to borrow from another bank consumer loan. I contacted several banks, but the amount of approval from all banks turned out to be low. I started to figure it out. Through TsKKI I found out which bureaus my credit history is in. By sending certified telegrams to all bureaus, I achieved the receipt of my credit histories. It turned out that Baltic Bank did not deign to submit information about the closure of a car loan to the National Bureau of Credit History (NBKI). To this day, I have an active unclosed loan in the amount of 794,000 rubles, with an outstanding debt of 94,204?! This unreliable information does not allow other banks to correctly assess the volume of current liabilities and calculate the permissible loan load.

After personally contacting the Arkhangelsk branch of the Baltic Bank (at the place where the car loan was issued), I was told that they could not submit corrected information to the Credit History Bureau, but simply issued a certificate that the loan had been repaid. Unfortunately, this certificate is just a piece of paper, which most banks are not interested in and does not affect your credit history in any way.

On July 16, 2015, I contacted the NBKI with an official statement to correct the error in credit history. NBKI made a request to the Baltic Bank in order to confirm the repayment of the loan in full, but the Baltic Bank did not respond to the bureau’s request. I also wrote email to the Baltic Bank website with a demand to correct errors in the Credit History, but the Baltic Bank also did not deign to respond.

As a result, I wrote and mailed a complaint (with all supporting documents) to central bank Russia. Waiting for an answer. I'm cooking statement of claim to court.

I've been spending for several months own funds and time to correct the mistakes made by the bank. Being a bona fide borrower, I am forced to rent housing with my family (I am the head of large family) due to the fact that I cannot take out on credit the amount missing to renovate a new apartment.

Dear potential clients of the Baltic Bank, my good advice to you: “If you see this bank, pass by!”

I have already regretted many times that I became a client of this bank. And during this entire trial, the question arose: is credit history good for a conscientious borrower or evil? In my case, these are continuous problems. It costs money to contact the credit bureaus. There is no such bureau in our city - we have to carry out a complex and expensive request procedure. No one is going to control banks over the accuracy of what and how they record in the Credit History. Measures of influence on the bank in Hardly ever. So, as always, in our country they slipped us another pig in the form of a credit history.. ((((

Baltic Bank 09/30/2015 18:25

Dear Customer!
Thank you for contacting Baltic Bank PJSC (hereinafter referred to as the Bank) and in response we inform you that the Bank has taken measures to transfer all available information about your credit history to the credit history bureau in the manner prescribed Federal law dated December 30, 2004 No. 218-FZ “On credit histories”. Due to the information you have about possible incorrect reflection of information in your credit history in the credit history bureau, we ask you to provide a copy credit report to carry out activities to check and, if necessary, make changes to your credit history.
You can send the above information using the form feedback on the Bank’s website (, with the note “on the issue on BankiRu”.
PJSC Baltic Bank apologizes to you for the inconvenience caused.

Dear Customer!
In addition to the information previously provided, we inform you that the Bank thanks you for the prompt provision of your credit report. Based on the information provided, the Bank has begun measures to verify the accuracy of the information contained in your credit history at NBKI JSC.
You will be notified additionally about the results of the inspection.

Dear Customer!
Based on the results of the inspection, the Bank sent reliable information on your credit history in the disputed part to NBKI JSC.
The bank apologizes to you for the inconvenience caused.

08.09.2015 14:57

Bank response

Bank response

Background: I took out a car loan in 2005 from the Baltic Bank, in the Pushkinsky branch of St. Petersburg. I would like to immediately note the excellent service, the manager (I think “her name was Tatyana”) knew everything about the product, answered immediately and accurately. I came, filled out the form in half an hour, provided all the required documents and there were no problems. I paid it off early in 1.5 years instead of three. No problem.

23.11.2010 2:30

In May 2008, I took out a car loan and for more than one year I have always made loan payments on time and without a single delay.

It's no secret that at the end of 2008 there was a global financial crisis. economic crisis. As a result, my income decreased by 20-25%.

In May current year The deadline for prolonging the MTPL and CASCO policies was approaching. The CASCO policy expired at 24:00. 05/06/2009 Therefore, in order to avoid a gap between the first year of insurance and the second, I had to take out a CASCO policy on 05/07/2009. But since I have financial difficulties associated with reducing wages, it took me several days to collect the necessary amount and pay for new OSAGO and CASCO policies.
May 8, 9 and 10 of this year were holidays.

As soon as the required amount was found, I immediately went to the insurance company, namely on May 14, 2009, and on the same day I issued a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, I was going to issue a CASCO policy on the same day, but at the insurance company I had a disagreement with an employee, which deals with insurance. I was asked how much I would like to insure my car for, since a year ago, according to the purchase and sale agreement, the car cost 561,280.00 rubles and knowing that during the first year of operation the car loses about 15% of its original value, my answer was 490 000.00 or 500,000.00 rub. The answer I received was that the insurance company employee needed time to negotiate with the head office on this issue.

The next day I received this answer: Insurance Company I’m ready to insure my car for the amount of RUB 540,000.00. and no less, i.e. over the course of a year of operation, according to the insurance company, the car lost 3.8% of its original value! To be honest, I was not ready for such a result, but I had no choice, I had to rake all the money out of my wallet. As a result, at 12:45 p.m. On May 15, 2009, I nevertheless took out a CASCO policy and immediately went to the bank office to provide insurance. Since the bank office is located next to the insurance office, after 4-5 minutes, having driven a car, I was already at the bank, just in time before the lunch break and handed over Required documents To the Chief Credit Inspector N.V. Rogacheva 05/15/2009, time interval from 12 hours 50 minutes to 12 hours 55 minutes!

What happened next shocked me, frankly. The bank charges a fine of $300 for untimely provision of documents confirming the extension and the fact of payment for the CASCO policy, in addition, it claims in writing that I allegedly provided the necessary documents not on 05/15/2009, but on 05/22/2009! I really want to look into the eyes of the Chief Credit Inspector of the Novgorod branch of Baltic Bank OJSC, N.V. Rogacheva. and ask her how magically her visa and the date 05/22/2009 appeared on the copy of the CASCO and MTPL policy?!

To the director of the Novgorod branch of OJSC "Baltic Bank" VORONKOV N.A. I would like to state the following: CASCO and OSAGO policies, as well as the necessary receipts, were in the credit department and were handed over personally to N.V. Rogacheva. 05/15/2009, during the time period from 12:50 to 12:55.
The written statement of the Deputy Director of the Novgorod branch of OJSC "Baltic Bank" V.V. STROKOV, in the part that states that the documents were provided on May 22, 2009, IS NOT TRUE!
In this regard, I ask for a personal meeting with the director of the Novgorod branch of Baltic Bank OJSC, NIKOLAY ALEXANDROVICH VORONKOV.

client of your bank Smirnov Pavel Petrovich.

From the administrator: 05/22/2009 I did not visit this department!

After communicating with the employees of this bank, I generally lost confidence in St. Petersburg banks.

In 2003, I took out a loan from the BB to purchase a Land cruiser, before that I had experience early repayment car loan, the same manager worked. But the registration procedure was completely different. Referring to the absence of managers, the manager left the documents for signature, did not provide the originals of the contracts, said that everything was in order and that he could pick up the car and that he would settle all other formalities...

Having paid 30% of the cost of Toyota Center Avtovo, I took the car and happily enjoyed owning it for 11 days, after which it was stolen from me. I called the manager, he offered to pick up the documents and... apply for insurance retroactively.

Having finally received the vehicle pledge agreement, I learned about my obligation to insure the vehicle within 10 days after signing the agreement. The contracts were stapled and only the last sheets were signed. Naturally, I suspected malicious intent in the actions of the managers of the bank and the car dealership and, as part of a criminal case of theft, I initiated an inspection of the paperwork procedure, but it all ended with formal explanations from the managers in the Department of Economic Crimes, naturally, no violations were identified... after which I wrote to the prosecutor’s office

A trial was held on BB's claim, the court did not take into account the violations during registration, and satisfied the claim. As a matter of principle, I don’t pay off the debt, I hope justice will finally prevail and the rotten BB will finally fall apart.

From the admin: What documents did the manager leave for you to sign? Which branch did you apply for a car loan at? Were there clauses on compulsory insurance in the 2003 contract?

lech2000: It was not the manager who left the documents for me, but I for the manager, they were simply the signed last sheets of all copies of contracts and acts, they were not even stapled at the time of signing, i.e. the documents given to me after the theft could be radically different from what I saw when signing. And I did this because I trusted the manager as a person whom I had known for 3 years by that time.

This happened in the central lending department on Bolshaya Morskaya, if I’m not mistaken, house number 43.

Baltic Bank provides the opportunity to get a cash loan for favorable conditions, for a long term with low interest rates per annum. Anyone can take out a cash loan for any purpose from the Baltic Bank adult citizen RF.

Along with the long existence of this financial institution, the bank always cares about quality customer service. Each repeated application for a loan product provides an opportunity to enjoy a loyal bonus program to reduce interest rates.

Main characteristics credit products from the Baltic Bank.

Important: Applications for a loan from a Baltic bank are processed instantly. The client has the opportunity to receive a response within 1 business day.

Applying for a loan takes approximately 30 minutes, after which you will be able to manage credit funds according to need.

Note: in addition to credit products, Baltic Bank offers a wide variety of design projects salary cards and insurance in various areas

What are the conditions for obtaining a loan from Baltic Bank in 2018?

Regardless economic situation in the country, the Baltic Bank in 2018 does not increase interest rates on loans and offers to issue a cash loan on the same terms as the previous year.

In order to take out a loan from this bank, you can use the online application or contact a bank branch with a corresponding application.

Credit limits and conditions for obtaining a cash loan

Credit limitCertificate of incomeLoan termsSurety
Up to 1 million rublesNot requiredNot required
From 1 to 5 million rublesRequiredMinimum 6 months, maximum 5 yearsDepending on the borrower's income
From 5 to 10 millionrequiredMinimum 6 months, maximum 5 yearsRequired by individuals, not required by entrepreneurs.

Note: Baltic Bank serves both individuals and provides loans for the development of small and medium-sized businesses.

Obtaining a loan to legal entities is provided on favorable terms for the development of business activities.

Depending on the amount of your loan and the conditions for receiving the loan, each client is set their own interest rate. There is no fixed APR for everyone. Since loans vary in loan terms and amounts to be received.

In order to apply for a loan from a Baltic bank, you will need the following documents:

  • Document confirming identity and registration.
  • At the bank's request, a certificate of income.
  • A certificate confirming employment is possible.

For entrepreneurs:

  • A certificate of restaurant organization is required.
  • Founder's certificate.
  • For amounts over 5 million documents will be requested accounting profitability of this enterprise.

Important: to get a cash loan from a Baltic bank, a minimum package of documents will be required, the client must provide truthful information about his financial situation.

Online application is not a loan in Baltic

Applying for a consumer loan or cash loan is accelerated thanks to the ability to fill out online applications for credit. You can fill out such an application on the bank’s official website. When filling out the online application, you will need to indicate the following information:

  • Passport details.
  • Information about employment and income.
  • Purpose of the loan.
  • Contact information.

After the initial processing of your application, a representative of the bank will contact you within 2 hours in order to clarify the data and obtain additional information, if required. Next, the bank will make a decision, which you will be informed about by telephone.

  • If your application is approved, the following algorithm of actions can be followed:
  • In agreement with the consultant, you select a specific branch and time to visit it.
  • To speed up the registration procedure, you need to prepare all the necessary documents before going to the bank.
  • Signing procedure loan agreement takes about 30 minutes.
  • After which you can receive cash at the bank’s cash desk or receive money on a debit card.

Note: Along with the agreement, you will be provided with a payment schedule with a detailed schedule of the amount to be repaid and interest on the loan.

A loan from Baltic Bank can be repaid ahead of schedule without penalties or commissions to the bank.

How to find out the likely amount of your monthly payment

For the convenience of determining the loan amount, before submitting an online application, you can use the loan calculator presented on the website. The calculator will calculate the preliminary amount to be repaid and the possible monthly payment.

This procedure will allow you to independently determine the loan amount, in accordance with your income and capabilities. After preliminary calculation of the loan amount, you must enter this information in the online cash loan application form.

Important: loans from the Baltic bank, issued without certificates and guarantors in the amount up to 1 million rubles

Credit limits and interest per annum for their use

Type of loan productInterest, per annumCredit limit in rublesLoan termsLoan objectives, terms and conditions
Personal21-23 200,000 – 1 million6-36 monthsSalary clients
Affiliate24-25 200 thousand – 400 thousand6-60 monthsFor investors and new clients
Educational18.99 According to the training contractUp to 5 yearsFor students
Refinancing24 According to the re-lending agreementFrom 3 to 36 monthsBorrowers of other banks
Prestige18,99-19,99 50 thousand – 1 million6- 60 monthsFor repeat clients

Note: the range of interest rates per annum varies within from 14.9 to 24%. Interest rates are calculated individually depending on the amount and terms of the loan, as well as the purpose of the loan .

Documents for obtaining a loan under the relevant lending program

ProgramPackage of documents, conditions
Age 21 -65 years.
AffiliatePermanent employment in the region.
Age 18 -65 years.
Availability plastic card organizations.
PrestigePermanent employment in the region.
Age 23 -65 years.
Availability of a plastic card of the organization.
One or more loan agreements.
At least receipts for 6 payments on that loan

Important: in accordance with the refinancing program at the Baltic Bank. Loan terms under this program may be increased up to 84 months – 7 years. To confirm your identity, you will need a passport or other document confirming this information.

Advantages and disadvantages of a loan from a Baltic bank

Baltic offers maximum amounts at minimal interest rates.

Pros and cons of a loan from a Baltic bank

Baltic Bank provides the opportunity to get a cash loan for any purpose; the procedure for obtaining a loan has some differences for bank clients and new clients. The bank offers a wide variety of lending programs, including educational and refinancing programs.

  • Standard car loan program
  • Preferential conditions for respectable clients Baltic Bank
  • Loan for comprehensive insurance (10%, subject to a down payment of more than 30%/40%)
  • Credit for additional payment equipment (subject to the amount car loan no more than 70%/80%).

What cars can be borrowed from Baltic Bank?

New cars of foreign and Russian production.

On what terms does Baltic Bank provide a car loan?

1) currency: rubles/euro

2) interest rate: from 15.25% to 18.5% per annum (depending on the currency car loan and the client's attitude towards Baltic Bank)

3) amount: from 40 thousand rubles. and more than 1.5 million rubles.

4) down payment: from 30%, for clients Baltic Bank- from 20%

5) deadline car loan: from 1 year to 3 years

6) registration fee: from 3 thousand rubles. up to 7.5 thousand rubles. (depending on the cost of the car); for clients Baltic Bank- absent

7) application review period: 1-3 days

8) car insurance: mandatory for a period car loan in the insurance company offered Baltic Bank(hull insurance against damage and loss)

9) fine: 0.3% for each day of delay car loan

What are the main requirements of Baltic Bank for car loan borrowers?

  • registration of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • place of work: in the presence area Baltic Bank
  • age: women - 21-55 years old, men - 21-60 years old at the time of expiration car loan.

To obtain a car loan from Baltic Bank, you must submit an application. It is possible to issue electronic application and receive a preliminary positive decision on loan approval, along with an SMS code.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical solutions legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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The bank requires you to provide a certificate that can confirm the borrower's solvency.

The car is given to the credit institution as collateral, as specified in the contract.

Debt repayment is carried out according to the provided schedule - annex to the agreement form.

About company

PJSC Baltic Bank is considered one of the oldest commercial banks in perestroika and post-Soviet Russia. They were founded in 1989 and have more than 1.5 million clients - citizens and organizations.

Car loans – relatively recently opened financial product, developed by the bank together with car dealerships - partners of the credit institution.

The company's offices are located in St. Petersburg, Leningrad, Pskov, Murmansk regions and the Republic of Karelia. Bank loans are available to borrowers - citizens of Russia.

Requirements for the borrower

Borrowers for car loans from Baltic Bank can be citizens of the Russian Federation aged 18-60 years at the time of applying.

The pledge on the car is formalized by an additional agreement or the terms of the encumbrance are included in the contract.

The application is submitted in person at any bank office. The processing time for the application is no more than two days.

The borrower must be solvent - work employment contract at least 6 months in one organization or have passive income. To do this, you can bring a 2-NDFL certificate or a bank form.


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