Deposit for 25 years together from Belagroprombank. Current offers on deposits in foreign currency at Belagroprombank. Deposit in Belagroprombank for pensioners

You don’t want to place money at the rates that banks offer on their deposits, and still hope that banks will start raising them? Then this article is definitely not for you. But for those of us who are planning to make a foreign currency “stash” before the New Year, this article may be very useful.

After all, if for deposits for a period of up to 3 months inclusive, banks give no more than 2.5% per annum, then for deposits for a period of 3 months to a year there are still rates of 3% (for revocable ones) or 4% (for irrevocable) per annum. Although for some reason there are no more such offers ;)

Our TOP is compiled according to the interest rate offered by banks. Although “experienced investors” look not only at the size of the bet, but also at other important parameters:

So, let's start with revocable deposits, which, let us remind you, are subject to return at any time, at the request of the depositor. True, in most cases (though not always) - with a significant loss of interest.

Revocable deposits

The best offers in the segment of revocable deposits with a placement period from three months to a year
Place in the ranking Bank / Name / Term Bid, % Bet type Original contribution Capitalization Possibility of replenishment
1 Technobank/ “E-Successful” in US dollars and euros/ 365 days 3 float 100 monthly no limits early termination: earlier than 32 days - 0.01% per annum; earlier than 100 days - 1.5% per annum; earlier than 180 days - 2.5% per annum; earlier 365 days - 3% per annum
Belagroprombank/ “Savings system Growth Line 3.0” in US dollars and euros/ 280 days 3 float 10 without capitalization, interest payment monthly
Belagroprombank/ “@gro” in US dollars and euros/ 185 days 3 fixed 25 monthly min. replenishment amount 5 USD/EUR no provision/early termination of the contract at the demand rate
Bank BelVEB/ “Internet-incl@d” in US dollars and euros/ 12 months 3 float 50 monthly no limits
Moscow-Minsk Bank/ Progressive/ 24 months 3 (storage period 12 months) fixed 5 monthly no limits early termination without recalculation of interest for each full storage period. Bid
early termination for each incomplete storage period - 0.01%
2 Bank BelVEB/Universal with floating rate in US dollars/12 months 2,9 float 100 monthly no limits multiple withdrawals of up to 50% of the deposit amount on the date of presentation of the first demand for the return of part of the deposit amount. Reducing the interest rate when withdrawing part of the deposit amount by 0.5 percentage points.
Bank BelVEB/Universal with floating rate in euro/12 months 2,9 float 100 monthly no limits multiple withdrawals of up to 50% of the deposit amount on the date of presentation of the first demand for the return of part of the deposit amount. Reducing the interest rate when withdrawing part of the deposit amount by 0.5 percentage points.
3 Belagroprombank/ “25 years together” in US dollars and euros for 370 days/ 96-370 days 2,8 fixed first 95 days 100 every 10 days from 5 dollars or euros within the limits of interest / upon early termination in the period from 1 to 95 days of storage - the “On demand” rate; from 96 to 370 days - current rate by deposit
Bank BelVEB/ “Internet-incl@d” in US dollars/ 6 months 2,8 float 50 monthly no limits multiple withdrawals of up to 50% of the deposit amount on the date of presentation of the first demand for the return of part of the deposit amount. Reducing the interest rate when withdrawing part of the deposit amount by 0.5 percentage points.
Paritetbank / “Stable income” in US dollars and euros for 15 months / 12 months 2,8 float 100 without capitalization, interest payment at the end of the term not provided not allowed / upon early termination up to 3 months - at a rate of 0.2%, from 3 to 6 months - at the contract rate reduced by 0.6 percentage points, from 6 to 9- ten months - at a rate reduced by 0.4 percentage points, from 9 to 12 months - at a rate reduced by 0.2 percentage points, from 12 to 15 months - at current rate
4 Bank Moscow-Minsk/ “Vesomy” in US dollars and euros/ 12 months 2,75 fixed 50/ 5 - in SBBO monthly no limits within the accrued interest / early termination at a rate of 0.01%
5 Belarusbank/ Internet deposit-Trend Revocable in US dollars and euros/ 12 months 2,7 float 100 monthly from 10 within interest / early termination at a rate of 0.1% per annum
Bank BelVEB/Universal with floating rate in US dollars/6 months 2.6 (up to 10 thousand) float 100 monthly no limits multiple withdrawals of up to 50% of the deposit amount on the date of presentation of the first demand for the return of part of the deposit amount. Reducing the interest rate when withdrawing part of the deposit amount by 0.5 percentage points.
2.7 (10 thousand or more)

Only 4 banks are willing to pay interest at the maximum rate of 3% per annum.

The Belagroprombank deposit “Savings System Growth Line 3.0” provides for the payment of interest at the depositor’s choice:

· cash;

· by non-cash transfer to the account specified in the application.

Deposits "@gro" Belagroprombank, "E-Successful" Technobank, "Internet-incl@d" of Bank BelVEB, and "Internet Deposit-Trend Revocable" of Belarusbank are opened through the Internet banking system of the corresponding bank using cards issued by these banks.

Opening a deposit account in RBSS is possible only in the currency of the account for which the payment card was issued, with which the operation of opening a deposit is carried out.

Please note, according to the deposit "E-Successful" Technobank there is the possibility of early termination of the contract, albeit with a slight reduction in the interest rate.

Deposit agreements "25 years together» Belagroprombank And "Stable income" Paritetbank are issued for a period of more than a year, but can be terminated earlier without a complete loss of interest. Please also note that according to the deposit "25 years together» interest is capitalized every ten days- every 10 calendar days.

And the contribution Bank Moscow-Minsk "Progressive" is issued for 2 years, but according to it the client chooses the storage period: 3, 6, 12 or 24 months. At the end of each selected period, you can terminate the contract early without recalculating interest at a reduced rate.

By deposits Bank BelVEB "Universal with floating rate" for 6 months, the size of the rate itself depends on the amount in the account.

For the “Universal” deposit and “Internet-incl@dam” Bank BelVEB terms allow multiple withdrawals of up to 50% of the deposit amount as of the date of the first request for the return of part of the deposit amount. True, in this case the interest rate will be reduced by 0.5 percentage points.

Now let’s talk about the best irrevocable deposits in foreign currency. Having chosen this option for placing your funds, you MUST REMEMBER that the bank is not obliged to return the deposit according to your requirement.

Early termination of the contract is possible only in special (most often tragic) situations. life situations. The bank makes a decision on the return of funds from an irrevocable deposit individually in each specific case.

Irrevocable deposits

The best offers in the segment of irrevocable deposits with a placement period from three months to a year
Place in the ranking Bank / Name / Term Bid, % Bet type Original contribution Capitalization Possibility of replenishment Partial withdrawal / Early termination
1 Bank Moscow-Minsk/ “Optimal” in US dollars and euros/ 12 months 4 fixed 50/ 5 - in SBBO monthly no limits within percent / not allowed
Bank BelVEB/ "Vydatny" in US dollars and euros/ 12 months 4 float 100 monthly no limits not allowed
Bank BelVEB/ Yubileiny in US dollars and euros/ 12 months 4 fixed 1 000 monthly not provided not provided
Bank BelVEB/ "Yubileyny online" in US dollars and euros/ 12 months 4 fixed 1 000 monthly not provided not provided
2 Bank BelVEB/ "Vydatny" in US dollars/ 6 months 3,8 float 100 monthly no limits not allowed
3 BNB-Bank/ “Investment in the Future” in US dollars/ 12 months 3,75 float 250 not allowed
4 Bank BelVEB/ “Universal irrevocable” in US dollars and euros/ 12 months 3,6 fixed 100 monthly no limits not allowed
5 Alfa-Bank/Alfa-Prime in US dollars/12 months 3,5 fixed first 6 months 100 monthly allowed, except 3 last months and up to maximum amount by deposit within percent / not provided
BNB-Bank/ “Investment in the Future” in US dollars/ from 9 to 11 months 3,5 float 250 without capitalization with interest payment at the end of the term or monthly capitalization (base interest rate decreases by 0.5 percentage points) allowed in any amount until the day preceding 3 months before the expiration date not allowed
BNB-Bank/ “Seize the moment” in US dollars/ 1 year 3,5 float 250 at the end of the term not provided Not allowed
BelVEB Bank/ “Universal Irrevocable” in US dollars/ 6 months 3,5 fixed 100 monthly no limits not allowed

What is the article about?

  • 1 Deposits in Belagromrombank in foreign currency- interest on deposits
    • 1.1 Online contribution "@gro"
    • 1.2 Contribution “Standard”
    • 1.3 Contribution “25 years together”
    • 1.4 Contribution “Growth Line 3.0. Up to a year"
    • 1.5 Contribution “Growth Line 3.0. Over a year"
    • 1.6 Current bank account
    • 1.7 Deposit “On demand”
  • 2 Deposit in Belagroprombank for pensioners

Today, in 2020, offers for deposits in banks of the Republic of Belarus are in no way inferior in terms of profitability to Russian deposits in banks in St. Petersburg, Moscow, various offers for deposits in Gazprombank, Sberbank and other popular banks.

OJSC Belagroprombank has been operating for 20 years and is included in the TOP 1000 best banks in the world, and also has 18th position in the list of the 25 largest banks in Eastern and Central Europe.

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Deposits in Belagromrombank in foreign currency - interest on deposits

Belagroprombank offers several options for various categories citizens in Russian and Belarusian rubles, dollars and euros.

Online contribution "@gro"

The currencies in which you can make a deposit under this program are Belarusian rubles, dollars, euros and Russian rubles. Wherein minimum amount The deposit is 50 Belarusian rubles, 25 dollars, 25 euros or 2 thousand Russian rubles. Partial withdrawals are not provided, but you can replenish the deposit if you wish. You can make a deposit for a period of 95 to 185 days, and the interest rate will be as follows:

  • 15.5-16% for Belarusian rubles;
  • 2.5-3% for dollars and euros;
  • 10-12% for Russian rubles.

If you want to withdraw money from the deposit ahead of schedule, interest will be accrued at the “On Demand” rate, which means that part of your earnings will be retained. But the most important thing about the deposit is that you can make it without leaving your home, right on the Internet.

Deposit "Standard"

This is a fixed-term irrevocable deposit. Minimum deposit amount: 50 Belarusian rubles, 50 dollars or euros and 3 thousand Russian rubles. It is possible to replenish the deposit, but it is not possible partial withdrawal amounts. If you want to make a deposit in Belarusian rubles, then you will expect an interest rate of 17-20.5%, if in dollars and euros - 2.5-4%, and if in Russian rubles, then your profit will be 8-12% per annum, while in foreign currency the terms are in the range of 95-735 days. Such conditions can compete with the maximum interest rates on deposits in Moscow banks.

Contribution “25 years together”

The minimum amount of this special deposit is 100 Belarusian rubles, 100 dollars or euros and 5 thousand Russian rubles. The interest rate depends on the period - fixed and variable. The period that you can determine for yourself ranges between 95 and 370 days. At the same time, the highest interest rate will be for Belarusian rubles - 16%, for dollars and euros - 2.8%, and for Russian rubles - as much as 12%, which is quite a lot for a foreign currency. Interest on the deposit is accrued every 10 days, which is very unusual for deposits. It is also possible to replenish the deposit, but, unfortunately, partial withdrawal of money from the account is not possible. If you want to terminate the contract ahead of schedule, you will receive interest at the Demand Deposit rate for a period of up to 95 days. And in the period from 95 to 370 days you will not lose interest at your own rate, which significantly adds to the advantages of the “25 years together” deposit.

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Contribution “Growth Line 3.0. Up to a year"

This deposit has a minimum amount that will pleasantly please those who want to earn money, but do not have an impressive amount of capital. After all, it is only 10 Belarusian rubles and 10 each for the dollar and euro, and for Russian rubles the minimum amount is only 500 units. The storage period can range from 35 to 280 calendar days, and interest rates for Belarusian rubles 14-16%, for dollars and euros - 1.5-3%, and for Russian rubles - 8-11%. Earnings in the form of interest are accrued every month and paid in cash or through bank transfer. Deposit replenishment is allowed, but partial withdrawal is not allowed Money. Prolongation and early termination of the deposit are available at the “On Demand” tariff.

Contribution “Growth Line 3.0. Over a year"

The conditions for the deposit are the same as in the previous one. But interest rates are fixed at maximum heights, namely: 16% for Belarusian rubles, 3% for dollars and euros and 12% for Russian rubles.

Current bank account

The current bank account of Belagroprombank is designed to provide it for storing and depositing funds. By opening this account, you can:

  • transfer money to a current account;
  • transfer money from a current account to any other, including the bank itself;
  • receive cash from a current account;
  • carry out other operations that do not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

For Belarusian rubles the rate is 0.5%, for dollars, euros and Russian rubles - 0.1%.

Advice: if your initial goal is the convenient accumulation of funds with the possibility of constant replenishment, withdrawal, transfer, payment of bills and other transactions, then the offer for the current settlement bank account for you.

Deposit "On demand"

The “On Demand” deposit seems to have been created specifically for those who do not want to bother their heads with numbers and have risks early withdrawal funds. In addition, the deposit conditions are very simple. You can open an account for any amount in any currency offered. At the same time, in standard Belarusian rubles the interest rate will be 2%, and in foreign currency 0.1%.

Deposit in Belagroprombank for pensioners

For pensioners, Belagroprombank has developed a special deposit at favorable preferential terms. All a pensioner needs to open a deposit is to confirm his social status, that is, to present documents confirming his right to benefits. However, the “Pension” deposit at 2% per annum, unfortunately, does not imply an account in foreign currency.

Advice: if a pensioner wants to open a deposit in foreign currency, he can choose any of the deposits proposed above. After all, the minimum investment amount is quite acceptable for this category of citizens.

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So now you know where to invest your money to make a profit. At the same time, the profit is passive. It’s easy to open your own deposit even with small funds, and it’s just as easy to understand how to calculate the annual percentage on the deposit that you open, although Belagroprombank also implies opening a deposit in favor of another person. The interest rates and terms are also very favorable and convenient for earning foreign currency income.

The history of modern OJSC Belagroprombank dates back to September 3, 1991, when the Belarusian joint-stock commercial agro-industrial bank Belagroprombank was registered.

For 25 years now, the bank has been operating as an independent financial institution and is authorized bank Government of the Republic of Belarus for services government programs. The bank's philosophy is “Working for the benefit of each individual client, to be useful to society as a whole.” Service to more than 48 thousand clients - business entities and 1.9 million individuals is carried out in more than 350 points throughout the country.
In the cash settlement center No. 39 in Vileyka, Belagroprombank OJSC - Minsk Regional Administration, an event “We are 25!” was recently held, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the formation of the bank. The celebration was attended by representatives of the branch of Belagroprombank OJSC - Minsk Regional Administration, as well as veterans of the bank. During the event, representatives of the bank visited the state educational institution “Vileya Special General Education Boarding School for Children with Severe Speech Impairments”, where the children were given gifts for the school. The first deputy head of the branch, M. E. Dubrovsky, and the head of the cash settlement center No. 39 in Vileika, S. V. Abramov, solemnly congratulated the team. For conscientious work, responsibility, diligence, professionalism in work, gratitude from the bank and the primary trade union organization of the branch was received by the head of the client management department A. P. Yurchenko, the chief specialist of the settlement department G. P. Kadushkevich, the senior cashier S. V. Kovalenok, the chief legal adviser Zenko I. L.
To continue the celebration, a festive concert was organized for guests and employees. In honor of the upcoming 25th anniversary, a tree was planted on the bank's territory and a memorial plaque was installed, and 25 balloons were released into the sky. During the festive tea party, the veterans recalled the history of the bank's development and gave parting words to the younger generation. A photo exhibition “We are 25!” was organized in the bank building, which presents significant events in the life of the cash settlement center and the daily work of specialists.
The bank’s corporate slogan is “Traditions of the Future.” We talk about the best of the past (our traditions) and the future, the traditions of which we are forming today. We express our gratitude to the bank’s clients and all those who cooperate with us. We invite everyone to take part in the relay race in in social networks Facebook and VKontakte “What Can You?”, the goal of which is to raise money for a rehabilitation simulator for disabled children.
We are also pleased to announce that on the eve of its anniversary the bank is offering a new term Bank deposit(deposit) “25 years together” for individuals, and for corporate clients bank created profitable terms services as part of the “25 bonuses for business” promotion.
Irina SELYUN, category I specialist of the client management department.
Photo by Alexey KAMINSKY

Orange quarter

This bright orange-yellow color is unmistakably recognized by any resident of our area - after all, cash settlement center No. 28 of Belagroprombank OJSC, which announced itself in this color, has been serving island residents for decades. And the other day there was another reason to remember him and thank him for his many years of efforts to preserve and increase the material well-being of our people: Belagroprombank celebrated its 25th anniversary.

Two and a half decades have flown by unnoticed since that distant day when Belagroprombank accepted its first client. Few of the Ostrovets residents remember that his Ostrovets branch did not always occupy two-story “mansions” with good repairs, soft sofas for clients and a TV...

– The history of our bank begins in 1991. Since that time, we have experienced more than one structural reform: we were a department of the open joint stock company, then a cash settlement center with its “head” in Smorgon. Now they have become RCC No. 28 of the Grodno regional administration, -says the head of cash settlement center No. 28, Petr Viktorovich Ustinovich. “But one thing remains unchanged: our main task is to provide quality services to the population. And we try to ensure that clients who once trusted Belagroprombank remain with us in the future.

RCC No. 28 works in two main areas: servicing corporate clients and lending to some regional organizations, as well as working with individuals, which includes deposit transactions, payment for various services, foreign exchange transactions, various types of loans, accepting payments, Money transfers and transactions with bank payment cards.

Don’t forget about the opportunity to register here insurance policies and “hand over” the proceeds as individual entrepreneurs, as well as legal entities.

To mark the anniversary, Belagroprombank OJSC has developed so-called “gift packages” for its clients. You can learn more about them by contacting RCC No. 28.

“The theater begins with a coat rack, and a bank begins with a cash register,” his first director admonished the then young and inexperienced Viktor Ustinovich more than 20 years ago. A person, she taught, when arriving at a bank, first of all evaluates the “waiting room”, appearance the specialist who serves him, the attentiveness, politeness and competence of the employees. If a client feels the warmth and care of an employee, his desire to help, then he will definitely come to this bank again.

Pyotr Viktorovich himself follows this principle and taught it to his employees. This is probably why, and not just because of the cheerful orange color, many island residents go to “pay for utilities” at RCC No. 28.

The language of numbers

*In 1995, the staff of the Ostrovets branch of Belagroprombank numbered 51 people. On this moment RCC No. 28 employs 22 specialists.

*The staff of the Ostrovets RCC is mainly female: out of 22 employees, only three are men.

*For January-August current year the profit of Belagroprombank OJSC amounted to 12,000 rubles, positive financial results RCC No. 28 in Ostrovets – 602.7 thousand rubles.

*The average length of service of employees of RCC No. 28 is 15 years.

Uncalculated twist of fate

Alla Ivanovna Stefanovich, a category I specialist in the settlements sector, came to work at the Ostrovets branch of Belagroprombank from… kindergarten. Thanks to such a sharp turn of fate and her sister’s unexpected proposal to radically change her life, Anna Ivanova 22 years ago changed not only her job, but also her place of residence, moving to distant Ostrovets from the city of Ivanovo, Brest region.

Having graduated from Pinsk in absentia banking college, the woman first worked with clients-investors of retirement age, giving them the warmth of her soul, listening and helping to do right choice or simply fill out the paperwork. She quickly became one of their own, dear and close to them.

– Working in a bank is not just about numbers, as many people think. It's also about communication. I remember an old grandmother came up to me and handed me a handkerchief, in which cookies and two candies were wrapped in a napkin, - they say, help yourself, -Anna Ivanovna says . – This warmth and sincerity will remain with me forever. And this is mine - to work with people, no matter what age. I dream that, when I retire, I will leave numbers and help people who need the help of a nanny.

When the woman was transferred to another department, older people besieged the boss’s office for a long time with a request to return her to her previous workplace.

For more than two decades, Anna Ivanovna worked in all areas: she was behind the cash register, in the computer department, and “on the payroll” - but everywhere the most important thing for her was the opportunity to communicate with people.

– Things happen at work and at home, –says Anna Ivanovna, - but a kind word from the boss, Pyotr Viktorovich Ustinovich, will always help you get together, calm down and believe that everything in life is temporary - and problems too.

When you work with soul and pleasure, the day goes by quickly. And then another, a third - a whole year... And one day, looking back, you realize with satisfaction that a lot has been done during this time. But there is still more to be done: to teach young people, to pass on their knowledge and skills.

And this means that one of the most experienced specialists of RCC No. 28 in Ostrovets still has to work and work - so that her bank can celebrate more than one similar anniversary with new victories and successes...

Prepared by Olga KHOTYANOVICH,photo by the author.

The savings products market in Belarus has always been distinguished by its dynamism: almost every day, interest rates change in one direction or another, every week new deposits appear and old ones are closed. FINANCE.TUT.BY looked at what banks are now offering to depositors.

Considering the large number of offers from banks and the high speed of changes in the market, quickly finding the right option without “selling it out” is not an easy task. Our rating includes deposits with different shelf life only with fixed rates, the size of which the bank does not have the right to change. Deposits in the tables are presented in ascending order from the shortest shelf life to the longest.

Photo: Reuters

Deposits in Belarusian rubles

In the rating of deposits in national currency irrevocable online deposits from Belgazprombank, which are paired with "MTBelkami" from MTBank significantly increased the representation of online deposits among irrevocable deposits in Belarusian rubles.



Idea Bank

19.5% for 30 days


23% for 30 days


20% for 45 days

ON-contribution v.1.6

24.3% for 45 days

25 years together

21.5% for 95 days

ON-contribution v.1.8

24.3% for 90 days


21.5% for 95 days

Zepter sketch

27% for 200 days

21.5% for 180 days

ON-contribution v.1.7

27% for 210 days


21.5% for 185 days

27% for 360 days


21% for 360 days


27% for 360 days

5 stars. Rock

25% for 540 days

Deposits in dollars and euros

During May, the movement of rates on foreign currency deposits was multidirectional: some banks both reduced yields and increased them on individual products. However, all this did not in any way affect the maximum rates: 4% for revocable and 5% for irrevocable deposits (except for short periods), all that remains is to choose a suitable storage period.




1.5% for 30 days

Zepter chord

3.5% for 35 days


2% for 45 days


4% for 95 days

25 years together

4% for 95 days


4.5% for 185 days

Stable vacation

4% for 185 days

ON-contribution v.2.4

5% for 210 days


4% for 185 days


5% for 360 days

European for 1 year

4% for 360 days

Zepter sketch

5% for 370 days

VTB Bank

4% for 732 days


5% for 735 days


4% for 1095 days


5% for 750 days

Bank Moscow-Minsk
Send a request

4% for 1080 days

2 years irrevocable - standard

5% for 720 days

European for 2 years

5% for 720 days


5% for 735 days

VTB Bank

5% for 732 days

36 months irrevocable

5% for 1080 days

Deposits in Russian rubles

And deposits in Russian rubles are showing little activity towards increasing profitability. Three banks at once: Belagroprombank, Bank Moscow-Minsk And Fransabank- decided to raise interest rates on their products. Plus, Belagroprombank with its new anniversary product "25 years together" raised the top rating bar from 13% to 13.5% per annum for a period of 95 days.



Alpha hit
Alfa Bank

9% for 30 days


9% for 30 days


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