In Belarus, the law on parasitism was repealed. Lukashenko froze the “tax on parasitism” after protests in Belarus. Who won't pay tax for parasitism?


In the latest decree No. 1 (the numbering of these regulations is a special charm), the emphasis is on the employment of citizens. The collection from unemployed people “to finance government spending,” which caused the indignation of the masses, has been cancelled.

But for those who can work, but are not officially employed, it is too early to rejoice: they will be required to pay for state-subsidized services in full.

The government will determine the list of such services by April 1, and the norm itself will come into force on January 1, 2019.

The authorities took into account the lessons of the protests

So, the authorities reformatted their approach to the problem that Lukashenko spoke about more than once: they say, it’s not normal that half a million healthy adult Belarusians do not work anywhere.

In fact, the top government was prompted to come up with Decree No. 3 a couple of years ago by thinking about how to take a little more money from the population in times of crisis.

Having received it (and the previously apolitical public also took to the streets), those at the top realized that rudely extorting money with “chain letters” from tax inspectorates was a risky business.

At the same time, Lukashenko, although de facto Decree No. 3 last spring, time after time, respecting his ambitions, insisted that it has not been canceled, wait for a new edition.

The President also said that “These processes need to be managed not from Minsk.” Indeed, now local bosses and bosses will have to strain more.

They won't find a job for everyone

New document loads local authorities efforts to ensure employment for the population. But the possibilities of the vertical in this regard are limited.

Old enterprises and entire industries are stagnating, or even collapsing. Many factories already have more workers than required. Trying to breathe new life into zombie enterprises is a waste of time. And there is less and less money for injections into the public sector.

Yes, at the end of last year, decisions were signed - as officials and state media pathetically called them - on the emancipation of business. But, firstly, the solutions are half-hearted. Secondly, years of pressure on “lousy fleas” have discouraged many Belarusians from engaging in entrepreneurship. So you shouldn’t expect rapid, vigorous growth in this field (and therefore the creation of many new jobs in the private sector).

Decree No. 8 on development, adopted in December, although it looks progressive, will not solve the employment problem nationwide. The High Technology Park solves its problems not with numbers, but with skill, and the personnel they need are young and advanced. And where should millions of those who are no longer destined to retrain as programmers go?

Moreover, if we imagine that the authorities will launch more decisive economic reforms and restructure the inefficient public sector, then unemployment - at least for quite a long time - will only increase.

It is worth remembering that Lukashenko gave orders to get everyone employed by May 1 last year. And some of the officials even reported that the issue had been resolved. Today we see how it has been resolved.

The new decree instructs the government to set forecast indicators in the field of promoting employment and annually approve a list of territories “with a tense situation in the labor market.”

This means that we have entire regions where work is as tight as a tank.

Should we implant chips into “parasites”?

Miracles are not expected in terms of employment. This means that there will be quite a lot of those who will be pressured in a new way - by issuing a full bill for state-subsidized services.

And here, a priori, there are many questions. Let's take it. The officials themselves are confused about what percentage of the cost of housing and communal services is paid by the population. Further, citizens are gradually brought to full payment communal apartments, which means that the share government subsidies will decrease dynamically.

That is, it is necessary to install a staff of certain accountants who will painstakingly calculate how much should be ripped off from a particular “parasite” in a given month.

In addition, commissions will meet locally to determine which of the “parasites” should be pardoned due to difficult circumstances. life situation. This is, firstly, a humiliating procedure, and secondly, again a waste of man-hours. Let the vertical really care about new jobs at this time.

Further, in our country, travel in transport is subsidized. And how can one determine that it is a non-working citizen from whom the extra pennies should be knocked off who is passing on the subway or boarding the bus? Should the chips be implanted into “parasites”?

What an idea - let HTP deal with such technology. So we will have an IT police country, a dystopia incarnate.

I didn’t have the courage for a beautiful gesture

Yes, the new version of the decree is much less explosive. When “letters of happiness” arrived to hundreds of thousands of Belarusians, they simply refused, and then... Now it has been decided to suppress the “parasites” in a more selective and indirect way.

But all the same, there will probably be a lot of absurdities and scandals on this basis. And the vertical will begin to waste gunpowder on stupid little things.

Why not honestly admit that Decree No. 3 was completely screwed up and simply cancel it? Don’t waste time on trifles, don’t come up with any new, more veiled extortions. Yes, the employment problem needs to be solved, but why through maternity rule-making?

The high authorities did not have the courage to make a beautiful gesture. The Belarusian government avoids admitting its mistakes, it is afraid of appearing weak.

As a result, every now and then she looks not too smart, stubborn and petty.

No one was going to let go of Decree No. 3 “On the Prevention of Social Dependency.” On the contrary, it is being prepared new edition, providing for much broader control over employment and income of the population than in the original version. These issues were discussed at a meeting with the President of Belarus on August 3 following the results of the report on demographic situation and promoting employment.

The authorities are aware of the role human capital and hope to maintain and increase the dynamics of population growth. True, so far it leaves much to be desired: as of July 1, 2017, only 9495.5 thousand people lived in the republic - almost 682 thousand less than at the beginning of 1996. Although in 2014-2016. There was some improvement, but this year the decline began again. However, the President is confident that Belarus can feed 20 million people, but first it needs to reach 15 million people. " This economic security of our country, the power of our state, and it is always in the people", said Alexander Lukashenko.

In this matter, the state is obliged to act proactively, predict future processes and respond to them in a timely manner. “Creating conditions to stimulate the birth rate, providing people with work, increasing their well-being are the main government tasks, tasks local authorities authorities that need to be addressed. There is the most severe demand from any official for solving these social issues,” the President said.

Second, no less important question- promoting employment of the population. “Everyone who wants to work should have this opportunity. Therefore, authorities need to provide assistance to everyone who needs it. Actively retrain citizens and assist them in organizing their own business,” said the head of state. The main thesis of the authorities: “everyone who wants to work must have a job, and in our country they have it.”

For the implementation of such a concept, Decree No. 3 “On the Prevention of Social Dependency” remains an important tool. Its new edition should be ready by October current year.

The wave of protests against the decree did not force the authorities to change their minds. " Society must know that there can be no cancellation of the decree, - said the President. - I have already motivated this question: we have at least half a million unemployed people. Of these, we can free 200 thousand: those with many children, the sick, the disabled, people who may want to work, but are unable to do so due to life circumstances. But where is 300 thousand? Therefore, Decree No. 3 means 300 thousand of those who should work, but do not work. And we must make them work. That's all ideology».

According to the President, local authorities, which directly control the labor market and see every person, and local executive authorities should have all the powers and leverage over these people to solve this problem. Along with the government, deputies should also take an active part in the development of the new version of the decree. " The deputy cannot avoid this problem", said the head of state.

It is interesting that until recently, the development and adoption of decrees and decrees usually completely dispensed with the participation of parliamentarians. But it turns out that this is also “their bread” - probably in case they have to explain themselves to the population.

A new approach to stimulating employment will be the implementation of the norms of the new edition of Decree No. 3 by local authorities. The government also proposes to implement the principle “if you don’t work, you pay for services.” It is assumed that able-bodied citizens who are not employed in the economy will pay for services subsidized from the state budget at a cost that ensures reimbursement of the costs of their provision.

Now all the options that could be used to build work in this direction are being studied. The government is also developing a list of such services. To implement new approaches, a Belarusian integrated service and settlement system is being created. After a meeting with the head of state, Minister of Labor and Social Protection Irina Kostevich explained that by the end of 2018, all citizens of the country should receive ID cards that allow them to determine whether a person pays taxes and contributions to the Social Security Fund. Able-bodied citizens not employed in the economy will pay for those services that are financed by the state. If a person does not work, “then the state will provide services in a completely different way,” the minister said.

Since the President supported such a concept, it remains to finalize the new version of Decree No. 3, and also to develop an integrated service and settlement system that will cover various spheres of society’s life as quickly as possible. At the same time, the implementation of the norms of the new decree is supposed to be transferred to the competence of local authorities. In the near future, it is they who will have to deal with the discontent of the population, assess who and for what reason found themselves in a “difficult life situation” and whether they can be helped in any way.

Thus, the authorities do not intend to “slow down” Decree No. 3, as other citizens had hoped. On the contrary, officials are going to learn some lessons from the spring events and collect money from the population that is not working for various reasons more effectively at a qualitatively new level. It must be assumed that the developers and authors of the project are confident in advance that their brainchild will not contradict the norms of the Constitution, which guarantee Belarusians the right to health care, including free treatment in state health care institutions (Article 45), accessibility and free general secondary and vocational education ( Art. 49). True, many countries have similar systems, for example, compulsory insurance health in Lithuania. But at the same time there are a number of other mechanisms, for example, unemployment benefits, on which a person can live. Moreover, in the EU, the USA and post-Soviet countries, the state did not declare itself “social” and did not instill paternalistic attitudes in the population for years. So now we will have to pay not so much for social services as for getting rid of illusions.

Let's pay attention to one more detail. The meeting discussed not only demographics, employment and payment for social services. The topics of declaration of income and property and tax evasion were also raised. It was decided to pay more attention to these issues. This should also be done by citizens who, in the excitement of discussing the “tax on parasites,” did not pay attention to paragraph 15 of Decree No. 3. Meanwhile, it stipulates that in order to identify citizens who do not participate in financing government spending or participating in such financing for less than 183 calendar days in tax period, tax authorities have the right to monitor the compliance of citizens’ expenses with income on the basis of available information about the income, property and other expenses of citizens. If the tax authorities establish that someone is not living within legal means, i.e. its expenses exceed its income, information about which is available tax authorities, or the fact of receipt of income is not confirmed, then the citizen will be sent a written request to provide explanations about the sources of income. If explanations are not given within the established 30-day period or their content turns out to be unconvincing, the citizen will have to pay tax on the amount of excess expenses over income.

Instructions on the procedure for monitoring the compliance of citizens' expenses with income on the basis of information available to the tax authorities on income, property and other expenses of citizens without requiring a declaration of income and property, approved. by resolution of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of August 31, 2015 No. 22, and a new version of the Law “On Declaration individuals income and property at the request of the tax authorities" open up wide opportunities for identifying persons living beyond their means and collecting taxes from them. This could replenish the treasury much more significantly than the notorious “tax on parasites”, if, of course, the regulatory authorities begin to seriously use these mechanisms. True, then, most likely, the interests of not the unemployed and housewives, but of very important, perhaps even influential persons, will be affected. But they do have money to pay taxes.

More details on the Economic Newspaper website:

On April 2, 2015, according to the order of President Lukashenko of Belarus, a law came into force stating that it is possible to introduce a basic decree on the prevention of social dependency, or parasitism in other words.

He introduced the right to collect (contractual agreement), which amounts to 4.2 million rubles, it can be paid over a period of time, no discount is provided. Everyone who falls into this category must pay it; payment is made in tax service. You have to pay a large or small fee, but every parasite is obliged to do it.

First there is a warning, and then a fee, because the main thing for a person is employment. The amount of taxation is provided for by law; new laws may be developed in 2018.

Who will pay the tax on parasitism in Belarus 2018?

A Belarusian who did not work more than 183 days a year will pay. The list of exceptions includes minors, disabled people, pensioners, students or those citizens who left Belarus for a period of more than 183 days. It is not known when the country will be exempt from the tax, as long as it is included in the number of countries in whose territories the payment of the tax on parasitism applies.

Last news

Chairman Constitutional Court Belarus was informed that the implementation of the “decree on parasitism” does not violate the Constitution. Adopting a tax on parasitism in Belarus 2018, the latest news is that the adoption of the decree leads to changes in the code. Miklashevich said that unemployment has been minimized due to the real opportunity to work. The fee will be 4.2 million rubles, every parasite must pay. You can read more in the news. Also, a video about the tax was shot with the representative of Gavara, Elena Linkevich.

Which countries have or don't have tax?

Everyone is interested in which countries have a tax on parasitism besides Belarus and the USSR? There is no practice in the world of paying the fee; unemployed citizens will not pay. For example, in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, the Russian Federation and abroad the CIS there is no such law adopted. They are exempt from this fee. Each country, Russia independently organizes people so that they can work. The boss gives a choice, and the person decides which job is right for him.

Tax on parasitism in Belarus 2018 canceled

For now, the due collection from non-working residents will not be cancelled. Information was received from the relevant ministry that many citizens admitted that they were being supported by others. More than 100 residents have been able to pay the fee since January 1st. Cancellation is not yet envisaged.

Who won't pay tax for parasitism?

  • minors (child under 18 years of age);
  • pensioners;
  • disabled people;
  • housewife;
  • incompetent;
  • artisans;
  • a citizen who arrived in Belarus after March 31;
  • citizens who left the territory of Belarus, that is, stayed in it for less than 183 days;
  • citizens who have paid all taxes in full (20 basic units);
  • working under contracts;
  • members of creative unions;
  • Social worker;
  • served for more than six months.

For mothers who look after children under 3 years of age, no fee is paid. Regarding housewives, the fee is also canceled. You must present documents to avoid or evade paying the fee.

Tax on parasitism in Belarus 2018, who is exempt from the tax?

News in Brest “Charter 97”: the tax on parasitism was abolished in Vitebsk. In the Vitebsk region, 38 Belarusians reported that they did not participate in financing the country’s expenses. As a result, the amount was 115.8 million rubles, of which, according to latest news 18.4 million rubles were paid. You can read more in the news about who pays where and who is exempt.

Penalty for non-payment

If citizens did not have time to pay or did not fully pay the tax on parasitism, they imposed a fine in the amount of 2 to 4 basic units or administrative arrest. During it, a person is required to perform useful work for the public.

The list of objects and type of work is approved by local legislative bodies. Sometimes a submitted petition can delay the payment term; you can find out the detailed text and where to submit it on the forum.

Tax on parasitism in Belarus 2018 canceled or not

Taxation for 2018 has not been abolished; as of January 1, 420 people admitted to parasitism and paid the fee. By the first of October, a database will be created according to which to identify everyone who did not participate in the financing of government spending and admitted to this. Everything must be paid by the first of November. If any resident ignores the notice, he will pay 4 basic amounts or be administratively arrested for 15 days.

Do villagers need to be paid?

Rural residents are exempt from paying; in their area, an exemption has been introduced such as paying a tax on parasitism. This category of the population must necessarily engage in agroecotourism; the person must be officially registered as a farmer. Belarus protects this category from payment. If a person is not engaged in agroecotourism, then he is taxed unlike other rural residents. Special clarifications are introduced and tax payment deadlines are introduced.

How to bypass the fee: latest news?

It is quite difficult to bypass payment for parasitism; even renting out an apartment does not exempt you from paying dependency tax. If a person is a freelancer, this is also not an indicator; it all depends on what amount was contributed to the state. The basic payment may not be made if a person joins the military. The next method of bypassing payment is to buy a house in the village and register it as an agricultural estate; you can also officially become a farmer. In addition, you can become a writer and go abroad for 6 months. In such cases the state budget others will raise it.

Tax on parasitism in Russia since 2018

Decree No. 3 “On the Prevention of Social Dependency” will not be repealed, but during the year it has been instructed not to collect the corresponding fee. This decision was made today at a meeting on current issues development of the country was voiced by Alexander Lukashenko, the press service of the head of state reports.

“During March, if necessary, we need to adjust this decree. But the decree will not be canceled. First of all, tell the officials that it will be implemented with the adjustments that I said,” he said Alexander Lukashenko.

The President instructed to determine by April 1 the lists of those who must make payments on the basis of Decree No. 3. “The lists must be verified. We need to involve everyone - deputies of local Soviets, police, local police officers, special services - everyone must be involved, but compile these lists. Each chairman of the city and district executive committees, heads of administrations in regional centers and the city of Minsk should have them. And the presidential administration, together with the government, must organize control over the implementation of this decision. And God forbid, you offend at least one person,” said the head of state.

Alexander Lukashenko said that during this year they will not collect fees from those who will be included in the relevant lists. “Whoever paid in 2016 will be counted towards 2017 if it does not work. If he gets a job, we will return this money from the budget at his request,” the president said.

“In 2016, a certain number (thousands of people) made payments without contesting. Today I am lifting the requirement that everyone we identify for the first quarter pay this money. We will not collect this money for 2016 from those who must pay. And those who paid will not pay in 2017. If they work in 2017, we must return this money upon their request,” explained Alexander Lukashenko.

According to him, the decree on parasitism is not economic and financial. “This is an ideological, moral decree. None there big money the state will not receive it. The purpose of this decree is one thing - to force those who must and who can to work. This is the main thing,” the president noted.

“Naturally, I observe as much as possible and monitor all sorts of writings in the media - both opposition and pro-government. And I know the statements of representatives of the fifth column and something else - something that society does not know. Although there was a hint about this in the media,” the president said.

At the same time, the head of state noted the disgusting and irresponsible execution of the decree on the part of responsible officials. “Our deputies did not find their place there either. Moreover different levels, especially local Soviets,” he said.

“Every chairman of the district executive committee, heads of administrations in cities, district administrations - this is primarily their work. And control rests with the governors and the mayor of Minsk. You should have these lists of slackers there who need to be forced to work. And honest people should not have been touched at all. We should not offend people, especially at this time. And those who today, 200-500 people each, take to the streets and start shouting, these are not those parasites who are really parasites. These are mainly those people who are offended, to whom we sent these notices for no apparent reason,” said Alexander Lukashenko.

Money from parasites goes to children!

According to him, all money collected under Decree No. 3 should be used exclusively for the maintenance of children, the president said.

“All payments, so as not to be reproached, must remain in local budgets. Not in regional ones, but in district ones. And this money, down to the last penny, should be used to support children. Only for children!” - said Alexander Lukashenko.

“And the most important thing is that each district head at a session of district and city councils must report down to the penny for what purposes he spent this money. Or that kindergarten, or an orphanage, or they helped someone, bought something, fed them, gave them something to drink, and so on. Exclusively for children. And God forbid, even one penny will go to other purposes - repairing roads, apartments...” the president added.

About those working in Russia: “We will not force you to pay a fee, we will allow you to pay for services at full cost”

The President drew attention to the fact that some Belarusians go to Russia to work.

“Does a decree prohibit someone from working in Russia or even abroad? On the contrary, we welcome it. We understand that bad tilers will not be welcomed in Moscow. Good specialists work there. And thank God they are working. I'm always proud of that. But your family lives here, your children go to school for free, we treat them. Public utilities and so on... And you, after working, come here,” the president noted.

“If you can’t pay the 13% tax that all people pay, go pay this miserable fee. Is that really the point? - said Alexander Lukashenko. “We can very clearly define the list of these people who should participate in the content of government events. We will not force them to pay this fee, but will allow them to pay for all services in the state according to full price“, says the head of state.

According to Alexander Lukashenko, such changes will be fair.

“Choose where to work, earn money. But if you don’t support your own state, don’t participate in these events, go and pay. This is one of the options. I’m specifically talking about this to emphasize the essence and concept of this decree,” said the head of state.

Finalize the maternity leave by October 1

If local authorities must formulate the lists of payers themselves by the end of the first quarter of this year, then officials will have another six months to polish this base. “The second stage is October 1 this year. All lists must be perfect. If someone has complaints, you must meet with them there, locally, during the summer, come to an agreement, and find them a job...” the president instructed.

Payment of the fee in installments

“They (payers) need to be told about this in advance so that they contribute 10-15 rubles, and not 200 or 300 at once,” noted Alexander Lukashenko. According to him, the surge in society did not even occur because people received corresponding letters about the need to pay the fee. "Is not main reason“, the president is confident. — People, having read this letter, saw that they had to immediately pay 300-400 rubles for last year. And everyone was not ready for this, or it became a pity to pay this money. This is understandable, such a human reaction. Therefore, people should know during the year that they will have to pay. Or get a job and how everyone can work.”

Special instructions: start with family and friends

“I want those sitting here and those who hear me today in the media to hear me. For now, I appeal to civil servants and other significant persons in the country: please find jobs for your wives, husbands, mistresses and lovers, relatives and friends. Those who must and can work. If your wife or mistress is sick, well, we will treat you. If they can work and should, they should be at work from April 1 at most,” said Alexander Lukashenko.

“You can say: yes, they will pay 200 dollars, or 400 rubles a year. No, it is desirable that they be at work,” the Belarusian president emphasized. — I don’t want to name specific names. Colonel Shpegun (Head of the Operational Analytical Center under the President Sergei Shpegun - Editor’s note) should take this issue personally under control and report to me after April 1.”

“Look at the personnel register, who is her rich husband, that she is sitting today doing nothing, having a child of 20-22 years old and not having a retirement age. You probably know some of them, and so do I. But I’m not naming names yet,” added Alexander Lukashenko.

Meanwhile, changes are being prepared to the decree on parasites: in the near future the list of social dependents may be seriously reduced. One of the leaders of the “Tell the Truth” campaign previously told TUT.BY about this. Andrey Dmitriev after a meeting with the Deputy Speaker of Parliament Boleslav Pirshtuk.

Tax officials received about 470 thousand notices for payment of the fee for parasitism.

Let us remind you that the authorities had to send chain letters by January 20, and the tax had to be paid by February 20. But those who received the notice after the deadline had to pay the fee within a month. In addition, Belarusians who received a “letter of happiness” but decided to prove that they did not have to pay the fee were also required to pay the fee within a month if they were still recognized as tax payers.

On April 2, 2015, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko adopted Decree No. 3 “On the Prevention of Social Dependency” and introduced a special tax, which is popularly known as a tax on “parasitism.” If a person does not have a permanent job for six months, he must pay to the treasury this type collection A citizen who decides to evade payment obligations may face forced labor.


The tax on “parasitism” in Belarus was introduced for the following purposes:

  • Replenishment of the treasury. The country's stable economy depends on this. Now the treasury is enriched thanks to those people who, due to various circumstances, did not pay income taxes.
  • Free medicine. Yes, medicine has always been free. Every working citizen has a healthcare tax deducted, but the unemployed also received free medical care, without paying any fees.
  • Reducing the unemployment rate. This is what the government's decision was aimed at in the first place. Thus, unemployment is the scourge of our time, and every state strives to reduce its level. After the decree, many began to look for work so as not to pay taxes out of their own pockets.

Who said that the tax on “parasitism” has been abolished since 2017?

Over time, it can be noted that this collection had an impact on the country’s economy. Some people admitted that they were supported, but they were also able to make payments without any problems. Therefore, we can hardly expect the decree to be canceled in the near future.

Who is exempt from paying?

The following citizens may not pay the “parasitism” tax:

  • Persons under 18 years of age.
  • Pensioners. Women aged 55 and men over 60 do not pay the fee, as they are on well-deserved retirement.
  • Students. Full-time students who are entering education for the first time. If this is not your first education, you will have to pay to the state.
  • Disabled and incompetent citizens.
  • People who arrived in the Republic of Belarus after the adoption of the decree.
  • Citizens who stay in the country for less than 183 days a year.
  • Clergy of religious organizations.
  • Villager. IN rural areas There are practically no vacancies, so all residents are mainly engaged in farming, and this is also considered work and involves the payment of taxes.
  • Parents. When a child reaches three years of age, one of the parents has the right not to pay the “parasitism” tax.
  • Parents of disabled children. They do not pay tax on “parasitism” in Belarus until the child turns 18 years old. After this, you must return to work or pay a fee.
  • Citizens who stay for a long time in the territory of another country must submit all documents and stamps in their passports confirming their residence abroad.
  • The military simply provides a military ID. A conscript employee who has served less than 183 days in a year must pay a fee.
  • Individual entrepreneurs. Only if you have paid more than 20 basic amounts of taxes for the year.
  • Lawyers, notaries, whose total tax for the year was more than 70 basic units. They may not pay the tax on “parasitism” in Belarus (2015).

  • Parents with many children, raising three or more children.
  • Citizens undergoing retraining will be exempt from paying the fee if they carry out retraining in the direction of the employment center.
  • Officially, the unemployed must be registered with the employment center, but for no more than three years. You can only refuse a job offer twice.
  • Owners of rented apartments are provided that they pay taxes on funds received from the rental of property.
  • Seriously ill patients must provide a certificate of incapacity for work or a certificate confirming that they are under treatment.
  • People of creative professions must provide a ticket stating that they are members of a creative union.
  • Prisoners are citizens serving a sentence in a correctional colony for more than six months.

Countries that have a tax on parasitism

Apart from the Republic of Belarus, there is no such tax anywhere else. Each country deals with unemployment in its own way. Today, Belarusians are not very happy with this state of affairs.

Who tracks the "parasites"?

The tax authority inspects the income and expenses of citizens and finds out who did not make any payments. Further, the citizen is recognized as a social dependent, and a receipt for payment of the fee is sent to him.

Penalty for non-payment

If you do not pay the tax on “parasitism” in Belarus (2015) on time, you can receive a fine. It is charged in the amount of 2-4 basic payments. Or an administrative arrest may be imposed, the period of which can be up to 15 days. For each citizen, the punishment is determined individually. During the arrest, the offender must perform community service. What kind of work will be carried out is decided by local authorities. Please note that pregnant women are exempt from detention.

When to pay?

Social dependency is subject to a fee, which is payable by November 15 of the following year. If in fixed time have not made payments, they will be imposed automatically. For example, the fee for 2016 must be paid by November 15, 2017. It's better not to be late with payment. It is also very important to bring documents on time confirming the possibility of not paying the fee.

What should I do if I receive a notification?

If you have received a letter stating that you are a “parasite,” then within 30 calendar days you can provide the tax service with documents that you are exempt from paying tax. Your papers are checked within 30 days. If tax office If you arrange the documents, then you can forget about payment. And if they didn’t like something, they’ll have to sort it out or redo the certificates.

Collection nuances

Many argue that social dependency is no longer subject to levy. But, to their great regret, there are no prerequisites that the authorities will decide to cancel the collection. Therefore, you need to know all the nuances of this bill so that there are no troubles later. Many people think that if there is no registration in Belarus, then there is no need to pay the fee. Actually this is not true. Such citizens are also monitored, and if they evade payment, they are put on the wanted list. The government of the country states that ignorance of the law on the fee does not exempt from paying it.

Many articles online have told people that housewives may not pay the fee. However, the President has repeatedly commented this case. If the family decided that the husband can fully provide for his wife, then he can pay the fee for her. Only those housewives who are in their care are exempt. minor child, or if they are mothers of many children. So there is no need to wonder whether the tax on “parasitism” will be abolished. Most likely not.

After the introduction of this fee, according to official data, unemployment in the country fell sharply. Many residents of Belarus are afraid of losing their position. By signing this bill, the president pursued certain goals, which, in his words, fully justified themselves. The law equalized all segments of the population, both poor and rich. In the first days after the adoption of the decree, many were indignant at the order signed by Lukashenko. And now mass protests and street demonstrations for the abolition of the decree continue.

And for those citizens who do not want to work, there is an alternative - paying tax. The authorities say that no one is forcing people to work, that this bill does not violate the Constitution of the country, which states that a person has the right to choose. Whether to work or not is up to the individual to decide; the state simply asks to finance its treasury.

Articles on the topic