Calculation of cbm: we determine the discount for OSAGO on our own. How is the OSAGO discount calculated? what is cbm

As we have already noted, the insurance company transmits data about drivers from its database, and people (policy entry operators) enter this information into the database. There may be a human factor - when entering the last name, first name, patronymic or date of birth of the driver, the operator could make a typo. If at least 1 letter or number in the database does not match the information that you enter when accessing the RSA AIS, the system will return an error and your discount will be lost.

Multi-vehicle management

The driver could be entered as a person admitted to drive in several insurance policies. At the same time, the CBM value could be different in each of these policies, since until 01/01/2013 the agent did not apply to a single database to determine the CBM, but gave a discount based on the previous policy. For example: Ivanov I.I. has his own car, and is also allowed to drive a car of his wife, whose driving experience is 2 years. In his policy, he has a CBM of 0.5, in his wife's policy - 0.9 (since the wife's insurance history has only 2 years, according to the number of years of experience). If the insurance company transmitted data on both policies, the value of CBM for Ivanov I.I. will be the maximum of the two, that is, 0.9.

Bankruptcy of an insurance company

The insurance company went bankrupt and did not transfer data to the RSA AIS system. In this case, there is simply no information about the driver's insurance history in a single database.

Unscrupulous agent or employee of the insurance company

By law, an agent must check your discount in the PCA database before issuing a policy. However, often the agent does not do this, taking advantage of the illiteracy of the client. By overestimating the Kbm, the agent increases the cost of the policy and thereby earns more. In this case, cbm = 1 is transferred to the PCA base, that is, the same if the policyholder would issue the policy for the first time.

What to do in order not to lose the accumulated discount for break-even insurance and restore the lost CBM?

Until July 1, 2014, insurers could use the "break-even statement" to determine the value of CBM. P 35 of the OSAGO rules reads: “In case of early termination or upon expiration of the contract compulsory insurance the insurer provides the policyholder with information about insurance in the form established in accordance with the law Russian Federation. Information about insurance is provided by the insurer free of charge in writing within 5 days from the date of the relevant application of the insured and is entered into automated system insurance." Thus, it was sufficient to apply to insurance company, where the last OSAGO policy was issued, receive a certificate in form No. 4 and, on its basis, issue the next OSAGO policy. At the next transfer of data on the value of cbm to the AIS RSA system, cbm was updated.

On July 1, 2014, amendments to the legislation came into force that do not allow the application of the CBM on the basis of a break-even certificate, namely:

Subparagraph "h" of paragraph 3 of Article 29 federal law dated July 1, 2011 N 170-FZ "On the technical inspection of vehicles and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" (with amendments and additions) amends the Federal Law "On Compulsory Insurance of Civil Liability of Vehicle Owners"

h) add clause 10.1 with the following content:

"10.1. Conclusion of a compulsory insurance contract without entering information about insurance into the automated information system of compulsory insurance created in accordance with Article 30 of this Federal Law, and checking the compliance of the information provided by the insured with the information contained in the automated information system compulsory insurance and in the unified automated information system for the technical inspection of information is not allowed.";

Thus, when issuing an OSAGO policy, the Insurer must check your CBM on the basis of the AIS RSA, as well as check the availability of a valid technical inspection coupon in the unified information system EAISTO. Without this, the issuance of an OSAGO policy is not allowed.

How to restore cbm? You can go 2 ways:

Option 1.

  • Determine at what point in time your cbm disappeared. For this you need to do cbm checks for different dates, and find which insurance company issued your policy with the wrong discount.
  • Find and scan copies of policies with the correct cbm value
  • Write complaints to the Central Bank, the PCA, the insurance company in which you are currently insured. Attach scans of policies on the basis of which you require recalculation of the discount to the complaint.
  • Within a month, your complaint should be considered and, depending on the set of documents that you send along with the complaint, a decision is made to restore the CBM.

Option 2

  • Check out the cbm. In the results of the check, you will see the button "Not satisfied with the cbm? Let's restore it." Our experts will do all the work for you, and within 1-5 days your cbm will be restored and you will be able to issue an OSAGO policy with the required discount or request a refund of the overpaid insurance premium from your insurance company.

and in the Memo of the Ministry of Finance for policyholders, defines the main characteristics of the KBM:

  • information about insured event for which reimbursement was made
  • the time of the reimbursement coincides with the validity period of the previous OSAGO agreement,
  • data on the payment of insurance are recorded in the AIS OSAGO, which is supervised by the RSA.

If all three conditions are met, the experience of the driver affects the price of the insurance policy.

Where indicated in the policy

The legislation does not regulate the fixation of KBM in the OSAGO policy. Standard form the policy approved by the Government does not contain additional fields for the MSC, even in section 3, which lists the persons admitted to drive the vehicle.

The absence of KBM in the policy is quite logical - otherwise, all the coefficients that affect the calculation of the insurance premium would have to be rewritten. Some insurance companies prescribe KBM for all drivers, putting it in brackets after indicating the data on the person.

Initially, when filling out an application for concluding an OSAGO agreement, the insured enters all the coefficients assigned in previous years in section 7. This is sufficient for reconciliation with the PCA data.

Some insurance companies still prefer the openness principle of MSC. And they enter it either in front of each driver in section 3 of the policy, or in section 8 - “special marks”.

What does it depend on

CBM - bonus-malus coefficient - a concept with a literal translation from the Latin "good - bad", "a lot - a little". CBM is both a system of reward and punishment.

If the driver drives the car carefully, does not get into accidents, does not cause material harm to others, he saves money for the insurance company, because it does not have to make insurance payments. Accordingly, his exemplary legal behavior should be encouraged by providing a benefit (discount, bonus) to pay for the next insurance under the OSAGO program.

If the behavior of the driver on the road is dishonest, unlawful, indifferent to the life, health and property of other road users, the company performs extra work and bear the cost of insurance claims for emergencies. The price of insurance for the next year increases in proportion to the risks of payments, regardless of the insurer company. This function of the CBM is punitive-educational (malus).

In addition to the number of insurance payments, the coefficient is affected by:

  • The term of the OSAGO contract according to the KBM law is calculated only for contracts concluded for 1 year,
  • The number of drivers allowed to drive the vehicle. An OSAGO contract with restrictions means that any driver from the list can drive the car. Therefore, to calculate the maximum KBM.


For the correct use of the KBM table, you need to know:

  • the number of insured events with payments during the period of the previous contract. In this case, all payments for one case are summed up.
  • the class that was defined at the beginning of the previous contract.

Application of KBM

KBM is tied to the driver, not to the car. Each subsequent KBM is established on the basis of information about the driver's insurance history, taken from documents or from AIS OSAGO.

In case of early termination of OSAGO and the conclusion of a new one, the KBM calculated under the terminated contract is applied.

The calculation of KBM also depends on the form of the OSAGO agreement.

With a limited list of drivers in the policy, KBM is prescribed (in the contract) for each of them. But for the formula for calculating the insurance premium, the worst (greatest) coefficient is taken. If information about the driving classes of drivers is unknown, then the MSC is automatically assigned equal to 1.


In January 2015, 3 drivers are included in the policy. Two have a 3-year accident-free driving period. The CBM of the third at the end of 2013 was 0.95, and in 2014 3 insured events with payment were recorded. To calculate the price of OSAGO, the last driver's KBM will be used, which is equal to 1.55 in 2015.

If the old contract did not limit the circle of drivers, but the new one did, then provided that

  • no payments were made in the previous period,
  • the insured owner
  • the insurance company must apply the reduced CBM.

If drivers can drive a car, the circle of which is unknown and not limited at the time of the conclusion of the contract, then the class is assigned only to the owner of the vehicle. Accordingly, the entire history of payments for insured events "falls" fully on him. Payments for violations of other drivers will ruin the owner's KBM for the next year.

When concluding an unlimited OSAGO, KBM is assigned under the last contract. If there is no data in the AIS, then the KBM is calculated according to class 3 and is equal to - 1.

If the old contract is limited, but the new one is not, then the KBM is assigned according to the last class of the vehicle insured. If it is impossible to determine the class, class 3 is assigned and the full tariffication for KBM without discounts and surcharges equal to 1 is applied.

The reason for the decrease in CBM


  1. Reduction of CBM is the application preferential terms insurance, i.e. discount compared to the previous period.
  2. An increase in KBM is, on the contrary, an allowance to the last coefficient.

You can make OSAGO more profitable in the following cases:

  • Accident-free driving during the year of the old policy. The discount will be 5% for each year.
  • The conclusion of an unlimited contract, in which the owner of the vehicle has a lower BMF than the driver. However, the benefit will be limited only to the cost of the policy, data in the CMTPL AIS.
  • Loss of the entire MTPL insurance history, or a break in driving since 2011 (from that moment on, centralized fixation is carried out in the MTPL AIS), provided that the CBM is above 1.

There are several situations in which, when concluding a new contract, the insurer can apply an increased KBM to the driver:

  • If there are insurance payments for accidents for the past period,
  • When concluding an agreement for a limited number of drivers, while the reduced KBM is calculated, i.e. applies only when calculating the price of the policy. Personal KMB in this case will not change.
  • In the absence of data in the AIS OSAGO about the previous class of the driver, KBM-1 will be automatically assigned. So, if in the previous year the KMB was lower and there were no accidents, the driver will lose a discount of up to 50% (for class 12).

If the KBM is incorrect

Since 2015, the procedure for changing the KBM to OSAGO has been simplified. You can check the insurance history through the services on the PCA portal. If the policyholder finds that the calculated KBM is incorrect, then he directly applies to his insurance company with a statement about changing the coefficient. The employee checks the information in the system and corrects the error.

It is worth remembering that the RSA does not have the authority to enter data into the OSAGO AIS system, it only provides technical support. The data in the system is up-to-date: by law, the insurer is obliged to enter data on the conclusion, extension, change, termination, and others. Missed data is also entered, despite the prescription. Lost ones are not restored.

Application for recalculation

An application for the recalculation of the insurance premium is submitted directly to the insurance company (to the sales office and a copy with a mark of acceptance to the head office). There is no fixed form, so the content is free.

  • It is necessary to reflect the fact that the wrong KBM was indicated in the policy,
  • attach a copy of the extract from the AIS OSAGO from the RSA website, where the correct KBM is registered.
  • copy driving license, STS,
  • Indicate passport details and postal address.

The term of consideration is 30 days according to the law on the consideration of applications. If the insurance company refuses to recalculate the premium and make a change to the KBM, you should contact the Central Bank.

How long does KBM work

Set coefficient bonus malus valid

  • During the term of the OSAGO agreement, under which the next class is assigned to the driver,
  • Upon reaching class 13 and the condition of accident-free driving in the future - indefinitely.

The bonus-malus coefficient is the only opportunity for a driver to influence the cost of OSAGO by lawful behavior. Possibly in 2017 at the suggestion of the PCA the legislative framework and regulations will change for the better for vehicle owners. Until this happens, do not break the rules and track your insurance history through the OSAGO AIS service.

The price of an OSAGO policy depends not only on the power of the vehicle, driving experience, age and place of residence of the driver, but also on how carefully he behaves on the road. Car owners who do not get into accidents (at least through their own fault) can count on a discount on OSAGO up to 50%. But those who are often to blame for an accident will pay 2.5 times more for insurance. How much exactly the discount or surcharge will be depends on the bonus-malus coefficient (MBM). So, what are the rules for calculating KBM?

Discount or penalty?

KBM is otherwise called a discount for accident-free driving. If the driver has never been the culprit of an accident over the past year, it means that the insurance company did not have to spend money on it. For this, the client can be encouraged and next year they can sell him insurance at a discount - provide a bonus.

If the driver got into an accident, the insurer had to fork out for payments. And in order to compensate for their costs and at the same time encourage the unfortunate driver to be more careful on the road, the insurance company, extending the policy, will increase the price of OSAGO - it will provide a malus.

What accidents are counted?

To begin with, we note that not every accident affects the calculation of the KBM. OSAGO is not property. Therefore, the calculation takes into account only those accidents in which the insurer had to perform insurance payment for your client.

If the driver in the accident is not to blame, or the incident was not registered with the traffic police, or the issue was settled according to the European protocol, then this does not threaten the car owner with an increase in the cost of OSAGO.

Table of odds bonus-malus

To determine the coefficient, such a table for calculating the KBM is used.

Surcharges and discounts

Bonus-malus ratio

Source class

New class

0 fear. payments

1 fear. pay

2 fear. payments

3 fear. payments

4 or more insurance payments

The first two columns indicate the class at the beginning of insurance and the corresponding coefficient. The remaining columns of the table allow you to determine how the class and KBM will change in the presence or absence of accidents.

The column headings show the number of cases in the past period in which compensation was paid. Accordingly, the first column with the number 0 means that there were no accidents, and the fifth, with the number 4+, indicates that the person had an accident more than four times. The numbers and letters in the body of the table show how the OSAGO class changes depending on the number of accidents on the road through his fault.

The calculation of KBM is carried out according to the following principle. One is subtracted from the coefficient value, and the result is multiplied by 100%. When a person purchases OSAGO for the first time, he automatically receives the 3rd class with KBM 1. Such a driver pays 100% of the cost of insurance - without any discounts or surcharges.

If the BMF is determined at the level of 0.9, then it turns out: (0.9 - 1) * 100% = -10%. So the driver is entitled to a 10% discount.

If the coefficient is 2.45, then: (2.45 - 1) * 100% \u003d 145%. The cost of the policy increases by 145%, that is, the car owner pays 2.45 times more for insurance. This is the punishment for creating accidents on the road.

How to determine the coefficient according to the table?

Before calculating the CBM, or rather, discounts or surcharges in accordance with the insurance history, you need to determine the class of the driver in order to know which coefficient to apply.

Let's say a car owner has recently received a license, bought a car and came to draw up OSAGO. He is assigned the standard 3rd class. A year passed, and he came to renew the insurance. An employee looks at the insurance history and finds out that in the past year, the client was not involved in any accidents.

The table shows that in the absence of an accident after the expiration of the annual insurance period, the driver moves to the 4th class, and his coefficient decreases from 1 to 0.95. When renewing the contract, the car owner can pay for insurance with a 5% discount. The next time, when issuing OSAGO, the insurer will already be guided by the line of the table corresponding to the 4th class.

If it turns out that during this time there was one accident due to the fault of the driver, then his class will change from 3rd to 1st, and the MSC will increase from 1 to 1.55. For insurance for New Year you have to pay 55% more. Further, the calculation of the KBM will be made on the basis of the line corresponding to the 2nd class. Only two years later, a person will be able to return the 3rd class and start earning a discount.

If the driver falls into the M class, it will take him as much as five years to reach the standard 3rd class again.

If several people are included in the policy, then the discount or surcharge is determined by the worst of the coefficients.

How to find out your ratio?

Very rarely, KBM is indicated in the insurance policy. Therefore, in order to determine your OSAGO class and, accordingly, the size of the discount or surcharge, you will have to contact the insurer, calculate the KBM yourself using the table or use the PCA database.

When requesting a driving class, the insurance company is obliged to provide a certificate in form No. 4 with all the necessary information within five days. This document is useful if the car owner plans to change the insurer.

On the PCA website, to find out the coefficient, you need to go to the “OSAGO” section and click on the “Information for policyholders and victims” tab. Among other information services, you will also find the determination of the coefficient. To obtain information, just enter your full name and driver's license number in the form that opens.

So we learned what KBM is, why it is needed, and how to calculate it.

Some drivers with motor third party liability insurance can count on concessions in the form of a discount. It relies on a trouble-free, high-quality ride. The CBM indicator is set for the insured and is taken into account by all insurance companies.

General provisions

Under the KBM refers to the coefficient, which is called "bonus-malus". This indicator is determined when applying for a policy. It is formed taking into account the driving history of the insurer. This system was introduced after the adoption of the law on OSAGO, but it began to operate in 2013.

On a note! KBM is accrued on an accumulative basis. The higher the accident-free driving experience, the higher the discount will be set.

To determine the class of the driver, information such as:

  • vehicle type;
  • make, model of car (it is necessary to determine whether a particular car has been in an accident before);
  • place of residence and registration of the car;
  • the age of the insured;
  • driving experience;
  • insurance history.

The CMTPL discount for accident-free driving grows along with the class and experience of a citizen's high-quality driving. For example, initially the driver is assigned a coefficient of 1 in the third class of insurance. After five years of operation of the vehicle without participation in an accident, it has a chance to increase the class and size of the discount. During this period, he will be given a 25% discount.

On a note! Class 0 to 2 is for drivers with less than 3 years of driving experience.

When is the initial coefficient assigned?

The initial indicator is assigned to a driver without an insurance history. This situation occurs when initial registration insurance. Also, the standard is determined for a transit car and a car with foreign registration.

Previously, KBM was calculated in relation to the vehicle. When selling the car, the discount from the former owner was also canceled. Today, the bonus is assigned to a specific driver, which allows him to keep his concessions for a well-deserved quality ride.

Attention! The discount is mandatory canceled if the driver gets into an accident and his fault is proven.

How to check KBM?

In order to find out your coefficient for the driver, the car owner needs to fill out a special application on the PCA website. When using third-party resources, the applicant puts his personal data at risk.

An accident-free driving period will not count for a contract that has been terminated prematurely. Also, the year of time will not be taken into account if the driver is included in an already valid policy.

How is KBM confirmed?

Not always the correct coefficient is reflected in the current policy. There is no rule that would force the insurer to use up-to-date information. But in some cases, such a requirement is enshrined internal regulations the firm itself.

In such cases, drivers have to confirm the absence of accidents for reporting period. An accident certificate must be taken for the period of validity of the previous policy. The document is issued by the company that issued insurance to the client for the reporting period. A certificate is issued free of charge. The following nuances must be observed:

  • the law provides for 5 days for issuing a certificate, therefore, an application for it must be submitted in advance;
  • a conclusion is issued on the contract that has ceased to be valid, that is, on the already completed insurance period.

But, if the data provided by the driver does not match the information from the PCA, then the last source is given priority. To prove your class, the car owner will need to take out insurance based on data from the PCA.

After that, it will be necessary to file a claim with the Union of Motor Insurers with requirements for the recalculation of the KBM. Together with the application, scanned copies of the driver's license, certificates of the absence of an accident for the reporting period, and the previous policy are submitted.

It takes 3-4 months to process an application. After the recalculation is made, the applicant will be notified. He will be advised to recalculate under the current contract. When reissuing the policy, based on the response of the PCA, the funds overpaid earlier by the driver will be refunded.

What is the feature of KBM for OSAGO 2018?

As noted above, according to the new insurance rules, the discount is assigned to the driver, not the car. This allows the insured to save a bonus when buying a new car.

There is a cumulative principle. The longer the accident-free record, the higher the amount of relief. But CBM also works in the opposite direction. If the applicant repeatedly gets into an accident, then class M is assigned to him. This category not only cancels the discount, but also determines the multiplying factor. With a coefficient of 2.5%, the insurer will be forced to pay 145% of the cost of the policy, instead of the initial 100% of the price.

If within a year from the date of the last traffic accident the driver was not recognized as a guilty participant in the accident, then certain classes will be assigned to him again. But, if the applicant had a class below 1, then he will have to travel for 3 years to restore his reputation.

The system is used everywhere, therefore, it operates throughout the country. When calculating the amount of the discount, the insurer must use the general AIS data. But not in all cases, the discount due to a citizen is applied, it happens because of mistakes made when entering information into a common database.

In order to confirm or upgrade the class you will need:

  • comply with traffic rules;
  • use your car correctly and for its intended purpose;
  • increase the degree of attentiveness and concentration when moving.

Maximum discount for OSAGO in 2018

The norms of the current legislation determine that the maximum discount for food without accidents is 50%. The numerical value of this class is 13. The discount allows you to halve the cost of the policy. You can get a class with a corresponding discount for 10 or more years of quality driving.

Considering that, for each year of quality driving, a 0.5% discount is due, it is possible to achieve a 50% discount in a ten-year period. You need to upgrade your class from 1 to 13.

When multiple drivers

So, how is the discount calculated, if several drivers are involved in the management of the vehicle, then a policy with a limited number of drivers will be issued. Note that the insurance class is set for each driver individually. That is, everyone is guaranteed their own discount. The general class is calculated taking into account the data of the applicant with the smallest class.

On a note! When insurance is issued for two drivers, the lowest rates will be taken into account when calculating the discount. If one applicant has a 40% discount, and the other has a 10% discount. THEN the cost of OSAGO will be reduced by only 10%.

How is the discount calculated for an unlimited number of drivers. This is when three or more drivers can be involved in driving a specific vehicle. In this case, information on the KBM of the owner of this car is taken into account.

Currently, there are a huge number of accidents involving vehicles on the roads of our country. In order to somehow protect yourself in an accident, the driver needs to take out an insurance policy.

Every year more and more motorists are wondering how to restore the OSAGO discount. This is due to the fact that when extending a motor vehicle citizen, the cost of the policy is calculated without taking into account the discount. This is a rather unpleasant situation, especially if the driver has a long continuous accident-free record and the discount reaches 50 percent.

Burning out accumulated bonuses may seem like a hopeless situation, however, there are several ways in which you can restore KBM ( bonus-malus coefficient). This article will tell about this and much more.

Why can BMF be calculated incorrectly?

Before talking about how to restore the OSAGO discount (Rosgosstrakh offers it to its customers), you first need to understand the main reasons due to which it may not be calculated correctly. This will greatly simplify the process of restoring the discount and save a lot of time.

All information about insurance experience and previous policies is stored in a single electronic database AIS, which is under the jurisdiction of the PCA. When making changes to the database and updating data about a particular driver, various errors can be made that will cause an incorrectly calculated car insurance discount.

In addition, there are a number of other reasons for a decrease in KBM, among which the most common are:

  1. Replacement of a driver's license or data about an individual.
  2. The insurer did not transfer information about the driver to the PCA.
  3. Mistakes made by the insurance agent when filling out the policy.
  4. Change of the insurance program.
  5. Interruption of accident-free experience.
  6. Permission to control the machine for several drivers.

Regardless of the reason for the loss of insurance points, each driver can return the overpayment under OSAGO and restore the discount in one of several ways, about which will be discussed a little further, but for now we should consider each reason in more detail.

Replacement of driver's license or personal data

One of the frequently asked questions for many drivers is: “How to restore the OSAGO discount after replacing the rights?” And this is not surprising, because every motorist changed his driver's license at least once in his life. Each document is assigned an individual number, which must be entered into a single electronic database. If this is not done, then the insurance history is reset to zero, and you will not receive any discount when applying for a policy. The same applies to name changes.

The insurer did not submit the necessary information about the client to the PCA

Employees are the same people as you and I, therefore, due to their negligence, inattention or other human factors may not transfer data to the AIS about the insured. A similar situation may arise in the liquidation of an insurance company. How to restore the OSAGO discount (Rosgosstrakh offers its customers such an opportunity) will be discussed a little later.

Incorrectly completed insurance policy

Even the slightest mistake made when filling out insurance contract, can lead to the return of the BMF to the base value. This is due to the fact that if incorrect data is entered into the policy, then they will also fall into the AIS, as a result of which the driver will be perceived as a completely different person.

Allowing multiple people to drive

A similar situation applies mainly to corporate transport, which is used by several employees of the company. In this case, when issuing an OSAGO policy, the smallest amount of KBM will be taken into account.

Changing the insurance program or interrupting the accident-free period

If the driver has not been in a traffic accident for one full year, then he is awarded insurance points that provide a discount when renewing the policy. If the insurance program has been changed or the driver has not driven a car for more than one year, then all accumulated points are burned out and the KBM is reset. How to restore discounts on in this case? Unfortunately not.

Is it worth restoring insurance points?

The amount of the discount depends on many factors, among which the main ones are the accident-free period of driving and the number of accidents involving the driver. If the owner of the car regularly gets into an accident, then when applying for an insurance policy, he is charged a coefficient of 2.45. It follows from this that he will have to pay for the insurance of his vehicle almost 2.5 times more than the average driver.

If a car enthusiast observes the speed limit and traffic rules, and also does not get into an accident, then over time he can accumulate insurance points, which will allow him to receive an almost 50 percent discount on insurance services.

Thus, the question of how to restore the OSAGO discount in Rosgosstrakh is very relevant today, since KBM allows you to significantly save on motor insurance. In addition, if the insurer incorrectly calculated the coefficient for previous policies, then the driver will receive compensation when the points are restored.

Basic methods of KBM recovery

So, you contacted the insurance company to renew the policy and found that it has risen in price. What to do in this case, and how to restore the OSAGO discount? VSK offers its clients assistance, other insurance companies do the same. The first step is to calm down, because there is nothing wrong with that.

You can return the previous discount by:

  • submitting an application to the UK;
  • appeals to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • compiling

Each of the methods has certain nuances, so it is necessary to dwell on each of them in more detail.

through the insurer

Many drivers are interested in the question: “How to restore the OSAGO discount after replacing the rights?” The simplest and fast way will contact your insurer. The current legislation obliges insurance companies to consider all complaints and appeals of customers related to OSAGO.

In this regard, most UK websites even have a special section where you can file a complaint online. You will need to attach scanned copies of the previous policy or a certificate certifying the absence of insured events for the client, issued by the insurer, to the form. If there is no access to the Internet, then you can write a statement in writing and send it by registered mail to the physical address of the company. The application must be submitted in two copies, and photocopies of the above documents are attached to it.

The secretary will have to register the appeal in a special journal, and on one of the applications put down registration number and printing, and then send by mail to the client. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the insurance company has 10 days during which it must establish the problem of combustion of CBM and solve this problem. And how to restore the OSAGO discount if a year has passed, you ask? Unfortunately, this case does not provide for the possibility of restoring the KBM.

What to do if the insurance company has been liquidated?

If the insurer with whom you issued the insurance policy no longer operates, then you can restore the KBM through the Central Bank of the Russian Federation or the PCA. You will learn more about the procedure for applying and submitting documents to these authorities below.

Applying to the Central Bank

How to restore the OSAGO discount through central bank RF? It is very simple, but it is necessary to take into account the fact that this instance considers only those appeals of citizens that are filed under OSAGO, which ended no more than one year ago.

To restore the KBM, you need to go to the Internet reception of the Central Bank and fill out an online form, entering all the necessary information and indicating “Incorrect calculation of the KBM” as the reason. It will also be necessary to attach a scanned copy of the previous policy or a certificate confirming the absence of insurance payments to the form. This method is very convenient, because the driver will receive notifications about the status of his application by e-mail. The time for the Central Bank to make a decision can take up to 30 days, during which representatives of the authority will check the relevance of the information provided by the driver, establish the cause of the problem and make a final decision.

Now you know how to restore the OSAGO discount. Alfa insurance and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation help to solve this problem on the same principle. If suddenly, for some reason, contacting these authorities does not bring any results, then you should file a complaint with the PCA, which is the most powerful tool in solving this problem.

Contacting the RSA

PCA is one of the most influential organizations in the world of auto insurance. It can not only exert significant pressure on the insurance companies, but also deprive them of their licenses, which is something every insurer is afraid of. Therefore, when mentioning only the name of this instance, any insurer will strive by all means to solve the client's problem. It should be noted that the PCA does not have the right to make any changes to the unified electronic database, since this is the responsibility of insurance companies.

So, how to restore OSAGO discounts in PCA? On the official Internet resource given authority detailed instructions on the procedure for restoring discounts under the OSAGO policy. There you can also find the relevant application form and contact information for consultation.

Recovery of KBM through an insurance broker

This method of restoring insurance points is not the most successful, but it cannot be completely ruled out. Motorists prefer to avoid these companies as they charge a commission for their services. Nevertheless, they work very quickly and will be able to help you restore the OSAGO discount in 1 day. The only exception will be the case if you have previously been in a traffic accident, the culprit of which was yourself.

Turning to will be justified if you do not have time to study on your own restoration of KBM on autocitizen, and the accumulated points provide a really big discount. Otherwise, you will pay for the services of the company much more than you save on insurance.

KBM recovery via the Internet

Nowadays, through the Internet, you can solve various questions, so many motorists are interested in the question of how to restore the OSAGO discount without leaving your own home.

On the World Wide Web, you can find many online services, among which there are both paid and free ones, which allow you to quickly and easily restore KBM. All that is required of you is to fill out a special form and attach scanned copies to it. required documents. However, you should be very careful in your choice because last years divorced a lot of cybercriminals.

What documents may be needed to restore the KBM?

In order to regain your legal discount on insurance, earned for many years of accident-free driving, you must submit certain documents. The most important of these are last year's insurance policies. If for some reason you cannot find them, then in this case you will need to contact the insurer and ask him to provide a certificate certifying the absence of insured events.

In some cases, the insurer may ask you for a certificate from the traffic police about the absence of offenses, so in order for the recovery process to go as quickly as possible, it is worth getting it in advance. However, there is one small nuance here. The thing is that the traffic police is not obliged to provide such certificates, so it all depends on the loyalty of the defender of law and order.

It would not be superfluous to make screenshots from the RSA website, as well as photocopies technical passport on the vehicle, driver's license and certificate of inspection. Having copies of all of these documents can greatly speed up and simplify the application process.


So, now you know how to restore the OSAGO discount. In this article, all the methods for solving car insurance problems that exist today have been considered. As practice shows, in most cases everything ends with contacting the insurance company. Indeed, despite the fact that insurers are very reluctant to accept applications from their clients, nevertheless, no one wants to pay a large fine or lose a license. However, if suddenly, for some reason, the UK could not solve the problem of incorrect calculation of the coefficient, then you can always contact higher authorities.

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