Ground transport pass payment points. Social transport card. Where to top up your social card in person

Social card with which a student can pay for travel on land transport - banking product, which appeared not so long ago. New service quickly gained popularity, which is why many schoolchildren and students constantly use this service. But the questions are: what is this product, where can I top up my social card? ground transport, concern many to this day.

Social card (social network)- a payment banking product provided by the state to certain categories of citizens, including students. Socialka is a payment instrument with all the capabilities bank card. It is convenient to pay for travel and make purchases.

What does a Muscovite's social card look like?

All owners are provided with significant discounts on payments for the following types Vehicle:

  • trolleybuses;
  • city ​​buses;
  • trams;
  • metro,
  • commuter trains (action grace period limited for students).

Such a product, colloquially called a “school pass,” has a number of advantages:

  1. Significantly reduces the owner's expenses for traveling in public transport. Discounts can be obtained by presenting a document; this allows you to purchase a travel or single ticket with a good discount.
  2. Makes it possible to save on purchases in chain stores, which often hold promotions and offer big discounts specifically for students.
  3. Many pharmacy chains also provide discounts on such documents.
  4. Bookstores are another place where you can take advantage of social networks to get discounts.
  5. Discounts are available in many cinemas across the country for certain film showings.
  6. In addition, the plastic card can be used like an ordinary bank card, just place it on it cash, and you can use it to pay for any purchases and services.

The card makes it possible to significantly save on travel, travel as much as you like within a month on city and suburban transport for a fixed price (if you sign up for a discounted travel card), and enjoy discounts on goods and services.

How to get

Plastic processing takes place through Personal Area on the State Services portal, at issuing points or at the MFC. When received by a schoolchild under the age of fourteen, the registration procedure must be handled by the child’s parents. There is no charge for the registration procedure.

To receive the document you need to prepare the following:

  1. A certificate issued to the student in the place where he is studying.
  2. Completed application form.
  3. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  4. Birth certificate.
  5. Photos.

Upon provision of all documents, the plastic will be issued in about a month.

How to top up

So, where can a schoolchild or student recharge a ground transport pass? Where can I pay for discounted trips and put money on it?

You can refill your plastic in several ways:

  • through the Internet;
  • in cash through a bank;
  • depositing funds through a payment terminal;
  • transfer via mail;
  • online transfer from bank card or bills.

If funds are placed on the card in bank branch, you must have the following with you:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • details indicated on the plastic card.

The pass will be replenished within approximately 24 hours.

There are also special points for replenishing cards with cash, listed on the Internet. For example: in Moscow they can be topped up at travel card points affiliated with Mosgortrans.

Where else can I pay? Of course, online. For this procedure it is not at all necessary to go to the bank; everything can be done at home, via the Internet. All the user needs is to register in the personal account of the bank that issued the card. (Usually this is VTB Bank). When registering in your personal account, the document owner has the opportunity to:

  • refill plastic without leaving home;
  • monitor the account status;
  • control expenses.

You can also use the State Services portal, where the user’s personal account has a function that allows you to top up your account online. You can deposit money through ATMs and payment terminals installed in all shopping centers.

Another convenient option replenishment- depositing funds via online transfer from the application of any bank whose client is the owner.

One way to use social card— purchase of travel passes at a discount

How to use

To use the card in ground transport, you need to ensure that it is regularly topped up. You can deposit funds for the current month or replenish it in advance.

It must be remembered that the information displayed on the turnstile displays data exclusively for the current month, therefore, regular replenishment of the card is required. When traveling on all types of ground transport, you should show it to inspectors upon their request. The social card verifies the identity of the owner and gives him the opportunity to enjoy various benefits.

To use a discounted travel pass, a student or student must do the following:

  1. Show the card to the inspector when traveling on public transport.
  2. When boarding a vehicle equipped with an automatic control system: touch the card to the sensor or bring it close to you, wait for the permission signal, and go through the turnstile.

It must be remembered that when using automatic passage systems, the plastic will be activated again only after a few minutes; earlier its use will be impossible.

If the pass stops working in public transport, the following steps should be taken:

  • check the availability of funds in the account;
  • replenish them if they run out.

In other cases (when there is money on the travel card, but it is impossible to pass), you should do this:

  1. Contact an employee of a specialized ticket sales kiosk, where the user of a faulty travel card will be issued a free ticket, valid for three days from the date of activation.
  2. Transfer the faulty plastic to the MFC or other issuing structure.
  3. Receive a temporary single ticket (valid for 30 calendar days), which you can use until a new card is issued.

In contact with


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A resident of the Krylatskoye district took a social card from her son and went to a kiosk to top it up. In order for a student to travel for free on public transport (any), you need to pay 630 rubles. Of these, 380 are for the metro and monorail, and 250 are for buses, trolleybuses and trams. If the boy had traveled at an adult fare, he would have had to pay five times more for travel. Therefore, there is no point in refusing a social card, which, by the way, is issued completely free of charge (how exactly, see below - author's note).

But it so happened that topping up your travel card account is a whole problem! - said the woman. - At least, we have been trying to solve it for several days. There are no problems with the metro - you can put money on your social card at any cash desk. And with ground transport there was complete confusion. All Mosgortrans kiosks where salespeople work have been closed in our area. Not every metro station has terminals. And many do not have the “replenishment of social cards” function; through them you can only top up “troika”. I called " hotline» Mosgortrans. They said that you can buy a school pass through Eleksnet machines. In our area, this machine is located a 20-minute walk from the metro station. Let's go. As a result, the terminal wrote: “The service on the machine is temporarily unavailable.” It would seem that what could be easier than buying a bus ticket? Maybe they do this so that schoolchildren and students travel at adult rates?


The press service of the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans told KP correspondents that at the moment kiosks with live sellers are being actively closed, and instead they are being replaced by terminals that operate around the clock. You can recognize them from afar - these are large white square monolithic blocks with screens. You can pay for travel on ground transport either in cash or using a bank card (from any bank). Now you can pay for a travel ticket at 98 Mosgortrans retail outlets - these are the same kiosks where sellers sit. Another 50 terminals operate autonomously. And 25 are at the connection stage.

The address of each point can be found on our website, the company reported. - To do this, click on the “passengers” section, then “tariffs and tickets” and, finally, in the left navigation column - “points for selling tickets and replenishing the balance of transport cards.” And there are all the addresses - every single one (173 in total). Let's say, in the area of ​​the Krylatskoye metro station there are 17 points for replenishing student social cards.


At a kiosk with the help of a salesperson

Using the machine (select the item “Troika Transport Card, SKS and SKU”, insert the card into the card reader and select the service of interest; for convenience, you can top up a student’s social card on any day of the month, but only for the current and next calendar months - the servant's replenishment of the social card for the next month is indicated by the abbreviation “SM”)

Students can apply for a special social card, which allows its owner to enjoy certain benefits when traveling on transport operating in the city. The discount that is provided in this case allows you to significantly save on travel, since the cost of tickets for ground transport and the metro takes a fairly significant amount from family budget. In addition, using this service allows you to make an appointment with a doctor, pay medical services on benefits and enjoy other advantages of this service. Citizens who have issued such a card must replenish it from time to time. There are simple and accessible methods for this.

Methods for replenishing a student’s social card

Any student can apply for a card full-time training on the city services website. In addition to discounted travel on transport, its holder can use it to pay for various goods and services via the Internet.

You can top up your personal social card in several ways, and the money is credited to your account almost instantly.

Online replenishment

You can add funds to your student's card balance using the online service. For this purpose, you need to go to the city services website or the website of the bank that issued the card, log in using the login and password received during registration and enter your personal account. It has a feature that allows you to top up your student's card account within a few minutes.

In your personal account of the online service system, you need to find the “Top up balance” function, click on it and enter the necessary data in the new window:

  • card number;
  • replenishment amount;
  • account number (card) from which funds will be debited to replenish the account.

In the online service you can easily track card activities: expenses, replenishment, account status.

Replenishment at kiosks and ticket offices

You can transfer money to the student’s social card account, which allows you to have benefits for travel on public transport, using kiosks that sell travel tickets, as well as at the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans. To do this, you need to dictate the requested card information to the cashier (the PIN code is entered by the cardholder independently) and deposit cash.

Through State Services

You can replenish your social card account through the government services website. To do this, you need to log in to the main page of the site. At the top of the main page you need to select “Payment”. In the new window that opens, on the left side of the menu, select “ Social support" After completing this action, the “Student’s Social Card” will appear on the right side of the window in the “Services” section. By selecting “Cost of the service and payment procedure”, familiarize yourself with possible changes that could happen in current period card actions.

To be able to pay with a card on the site, you need to register on it. Registered clients need to log in to this service and continue to pay for the service by clicking the SNILS button. Only using your personal account, you can carry out operations to credit funds to this card.

Today, using the State Services service is the most popular method of replenishment, since no service fee is charged, while simplicity and accessibility this method allows you to perform actions to credit funds to your account almost instantly.

Electronic money

You can top up your card balance using electronic money. To do this you need to go to your online wallet(WebMoney, Qiwi, Yandex.Money) and send the required amount of funds to the card, indicating its number and the transfer amount. You can also use mobile applications for smartphones that support this service. Mobile app“My travel card” allows you to easily top up your card balance through VTB and Bank of Moscow.

Replenishment in terminals

Simple and pretty in a convenient way is to replenish a student’s social card in terminals that are installed in many public places - supermarkets, in the subway, on the street near shops and public transport stops. To use this method, just select “Replenish student card” in the terminal menu and enter the card PIN code; after processing the request, you need to enter the amount required to top up the account, and wait again until the request is processed. After this, the terminal will issue a check.

How to top up a card for ground transport?

To top up your card for ground transport, you need to go to one of the kiosks " Travel tickets» Mosgortrans and top up your balance with the help of a cashier. In self-service terminals “Eleksnet”, “Moskovsky” credit bank» you can also perform this operation. Such terminals operate in all administrative districts of the capital.

Nuances of replenishing a social card through Sberbank

Sberbank cardholders can also top up their social card account to use ground transport services. Sberbank online allows you to significantly simplify this procedure. This operation is tied to bank account card owner. To transfer money to your travel card, you just need to do remittance to another bank.

By logging into the Sberbank Online program at home page website, you need to select in the “Transfers” section “Transfer to a card in another bank.” In the template that opens, you need to enter the data required for the transfer:

  • card number of the recipient of funds;
  • select the account from which funds will be debited;
  • enter the required amount to be credited to the card;
  • Check the correctness of the data entered and click “Translate”.

Limits and commission

When funds are credited to a student’s card through the State Services website, no commission is charged. The replenishment service is free. Servicing a student’s social card throughout the year is carried out by the bank that issues it free of charge.

When replenishing the card at ATMs of third-party banks, a service fee is charged in accordance with the tariffs of a particular bank.

The bank that issued the card can set limits on withdrawals from the card; the bank will have to post information about this in its branches and on the official website.

How to check my account?

You can check your balance by visiting your personal account, which is registered on the city services website. It is necessary to regularly check the status of your account to avoid problems with payment for services at the most unexpected moment.

Balance information can also be found at the nearest branch of the bank that issued the card. You can also find out how much money is in your account directly on the website of the bank that issued the card. To do this, you need to go to your personal account and check your balance. Any card transactions are recorded in your personal account.

The cardholder can write an application to the bank to be notified monthly about the status of the account by email.

You can also check the balance using a receipt issued by the terminal in which the replenishment is made.

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