Are you required to pay into the capital repair fund? Should I pay for major home repairs?

The other day, Nizhny Novgorod residents received the first “fat” with new line– “contribution (tax) on major renovation" The amounts are quite large - from 250 rubles to 630. Disciplined payers immediately ran to pay for it all at the post office and savings banks, where another surprise awaited them - they would have to pay a hefty commission, from 30 to 50 rubles. But the worst thing is that with this first payment people are driving themselves into a trap! Why? Let's figure it out.

The problem of an unfair program has come into focus Union of Home Owners of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, whose activists decided to teach everyone how not to be deceived. The topic of the next meeting of the Union, which we had a chance to attend, was how to convey the truth about major repairs to more Nizhny Novgorod residents.

Natalya Shartanova

– Don’t even think about paying bills (a line on the receipt) for major repairs to the Regional Operator - this will be your voluntary agreement with all the points of the contract unknown to you and complete bondage! - says the chairman of the Union, Natalya Shartanova, - you do not own the common property - you do not have a green certificate for the right to own the common property of the house, the municipality (state) only transferred the apartment to you, but did not transfer the attics, staircases, roofs, basements, communications etc. Let the state (municipality) bear the burden of maintaining what it owns!

And the first payment on the bill before you see the contract means its conclusion. (Clause 1 of Article 181 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

But the “misunderstandings” don’t end there. Who runs to pay for the “fat” first? That's right, pensioners who are hardened by the system. Moreover, the current authorities are adding fuel to the fire. For example, social security has already threatened grandparents: if you don’t pay for major repairs, we will deprive you of your EDC (monthly monetary compensation). And, by the way, the EBC does not cover the overhaul and installation of meters, which are included in “fattenings”. And in general, as pensioners note, the rent is getting more and more every month, and the EBC is getting less and less.

Residents: “The rent is getting more and more, the food supply is getting less and less!”

In general, the implementation of the overhaul program was mired in lies from the very beginning. So, until November 8, apartment owners had to decide on how to accumulate funds for major repairs. To do this, it was necessary to initiate a meeting of owners, collect their signatures, a bunch of papers, make calculations, run around a bunch of authorities... Not only did the authorities hardly inform the townspeople about this, but they also hid the main thing. It turns out that it was the district administrations that had to do all this work!

Olga Shishkina

– A month before November 8, the organ local government was obliged to organize meetings of residents of all apartment buildings. But the administration pretended that this was not prescribed by law. In fact, we are not obliged to run around the floors, grab grannies by the hand, demand that they sign papers, but the authorities had to do this!– a member of the initiative group of the microdistrict named after clarifies the situation. Usilov's hero Olga Shishkina, who studies the issue of overhaul in detail.

But even if you and your neighbors unknowingly fell into a “common pot,” there is a way out. After all, you were simply deprived of the right to choose.

“We are talking about a violation of the procedure, which means we can go to court,” continues Olga Shishkina, “This is how it all happened in March: you received a payment slip with a new column and two barcodes, and they sent you back for clarification.” , and from there to a website on the Internet. And already on this site you can see the agreement. The very day you received the ticket is the date your rights were violated. You take the receipt and go to court with it, and explain like this: “I don’t have the Internet, I don’t know how to use it. And I ask you to remove the house from the common pot, because no one came to us and held meetings.”

And one moment. The fee for major repairs is calculated based on the number of square meters of the apartment and the number of owners. But for some reason the bill comes in the name of one person – the responsible tenant. Why should he alone take the rap for everyone? After all, maybe none of these owners live in the apartment. Therefore, this situation also needs to be explained in court: “My son lives in Murmansk and has no plans to return, and my mother is establishing life in the village. Send “fat” to them at new addresses.” That is, there should be as many bills as there are owners in each apartment. And everyone must pay in proportion to what they own.

We asked the director of the housing and engineering infrastructure department of the city administration, Sergei Sinitsin, to comment on the situation in which residents of Nizhny apartment buildings were left in the cold, and the municipality did not help them figure it out.

Sergey Sinitsin

– Yes, indeed, the administration should initiate meetings of residents. But initiation is different. We either had conversations with the chairmen of apartment buildings (MKD), or posted notices with a proposal to hold a meeting. But people didn’t respond to them, says Sergei Grigorievich.

To be honest, we doubted the reality of such statements. Such advertisements in Nizhny Novgorod none of those we interviewed saw it.

“I saw photographs in which everything was recorded,” Sinitsin continues to insist. “Perhaps people simply read and tore down these advertisements.” In addition, we published 150 thousand brochures and conducted 149 training seminars. In our region, 11 percent of houses switched to a special account. This is the most large percentage in the Volga Federal District.

However, Mr. Sinitsin notes that if you or your neighbors did not choose a special account, there is no tragedy in this. And you don’t have to go to court; you can sort it out peacefully. Residents of apartment buildings have the opportunity to transfer to a checking account after a certain period. Currently it is two years, but a bill with a period of only one year is being considered. That is, residents will be able to carry out the procedure of choosing a method for accumulating funds for major repairs, and if a special account is chosen, the money that has already fallen into the “cauldron” will be returned.

In the near future, members of the Union of Home Owners and other interested organizations plan to organize public events, disseminate information in in social networks, answer all questions of people who are not indifferent to the problem of major repairs.

Photo by Irina Elagina

Since 2012, a law on independent payment by apartment owners for major repairs of residential buildings came into force. Many people did not approve of the new line in the rent bill. In this regard, citizens have a question: do they need to pay for major repairs? apartment building, and is it possible to legally refuse monthly contributions? You need to pay for major repairs, but there are several ways you can avoid these payments.

Should contributions for major repairs be made voluntarily?

According to the amendment to the Housing Code, the population of the country is obliged to make contributions for major repairs to their regional operators or to the “common pot”. It is worth noting that if the decision of the general meeting regarding the latter case was not made, then contributions for the “common pot” are charged by default.

Since apartment owners also have common property in the building, they are obliged to maintain such property, including paying for its major repairs.

The share of expenses paid for the maintenance of the house is determined by the size of the area common property- the larger it is, the larger the payments will be.

Why doesn’t the responsibility for major repairs lie with the state?

Every apartment owner tries to maintain order in it, but the house itself also requires care. The responsibility for routine repairs of apartment buildings lies with management companies - they must maintain entrances, basements and other premises that are in common use in proper condition.

However, to replace worn-out pipes or an old elevator, serious investments are required. It is quite difficult to collect a substantial amount at one time, so money for major repairs needs to be saved, just as owners of private houses renovate their houses at their own expense, setting aside some of the money for carrying out particularly costly capital work in the future.

According to the Ministry of Construction, more than 1 million m² of apartment buildings in Russia currently require repairs. To update the current roof in a standard five-story building, approximately 1.5 million rubles are required, and to replace the elevator - 2 million. Pay for such repairs budget funds irrational.

In Russia, approximately 30% of the population has private houses, and to repair the same roof, their owners use their own money rather than budget money. Likewise, owners of apartment buildings must repair their property not at the expense of the budget, but at their own expense.

Who can avoid paying for major repairs?

For vulnerable categories of the population and older people, significant social support. Individual categories citizens have the opportunity to benefit from compensation, which can be 50 or 100% of the contribution for major repairs.

The article of the law provides for exemption from payment of contributions in the following cases:

  • if there are 4 or fewer apartments in a residential building, subject to independent maintenance of the house by the residents, it should be noted that, if desired, the owners of apartments in such buildings also have the opportunity to use the overhaul program after writing a corresponding application to their management company;
  • persons living in public housing;
  • persons living in new houses that were put into operation no earlier than 5 years ago;
  • persons living in emergency apartments;
  • residents of houses whose apartment exits lead directly to the street due to the lack of entrances, respectively, the total area in similar houses also missing.

In addition, there is provision for dormitory residents separate program co-financing. For disabled people of groups 1 and 2 and families with disabled children, the state will also compensate half of the cost of contributions.

Exemption from payment of contributions is provided for pensioners over 80 years of age, labor and WWII veterans. Elderly people over 70 years of age will have to pay only half of the established amount.

Determining the amount of the contribution and the queue for major repairs

Each subject of the federation determines the amount of contributions separately:

  • the tariff in Moscow is 15 rubles. for 1 m²;
  • in Voronezh - 6.6 rubles;
  • in St. Petersburg - 2.5 rubles;
  • in Tyumen - 20 rubles.

Residents of different houses may see different bill amounts on their receipts. They are calculated according to the following data:

  1. Age of the house. If the building was completed just a year ago, then no repairs are required. large amount. And on the contrary, pre-revolutionary buildings require significantly more funds for repairs, so the contribution amount for such houses will be larger.
  2. Elevators. Elevator maintenance and repairs require additional funds, so residents of buildings equipped with elevators will also have to pay more.

The queue for repair work is determined depending on the following criteria:

  • statute of limitations for putting the house into operation;
  • statute of limitations for the last repair;
  • the ratio between the amount of money collected for repairs and the amount required for it.

All work performed must be carried out according to the plan drawn up local authorities. Such plans must contain dates for work to be carried out on each individual home. Anyone has the right to access this data.

Are fees for major repairs legal?

The requirement to pay for major repairs is not only legal, but also necessary in the current situation in the country. Old condition housing stock currently leaves much to be desired, which creates the threat of numerous emergency situations in the near future.

By paying fees in accordance with the law, apartment owners not only comply with the requirements of the law, but also ensure their own safety.

The money paid is not considered taxable since it is only spent on intended purpose. Regional budgets can allocate funds for building repairs.

Deferred payments

Residents often encounter problems regarding deadlines set by the state. For example, the regional law in the Tula region stipulates that 3 years after the commissioning of a new building, residents undertake to begin paying contributions for its major repairs.

However, in most cases, developers provide a five-year warranty on buildings, and in such cases, residents do not understand why they should waste their money. You should know that if there is no need for major work on the house, residents have the right to ask for a deferment. Homeowners are discussing the decision on it at general meeting. If all apartment owners make a unanimous decision to postpone, then the administration should accommodate them.

To obtain such a deferment, it is necessary to submit a collective application to the administration, signed by all residents. The authorities will inspect the building, assess its condition, and then either refuse or issue a deferment.

Only those residents of buildings whose service life does not exceed five years have the right to a deferment.

Video about paying for major repairs

How can you avoid paying legally?

Those who do not want to pay for major repairs should be aware of the following nuances:

  1. When renting out an apartment, the corresponding bills can be paid from the money paid by the tenants.
  2. You can also carry out major repairs yourself, “throwing away” the entire house for repair work. The question is, will it be possible to save in this case, depends on the amount of the estimate.
  3. Residents can provide the façade of their building for those who wish to place advertisements, banners, etc. on it. This method exempts residents from any investments on completely legal grounds.

What happens if you don't pay your dues? Ignoring an invoice for major repairs may result in penalties and debt collection in court.

In this case, the debtor will be limited in the ability to use subsidies and benefits that may be due to their relatives.

Citizens receive receipts every month; many pay them in the specified amount and do not try to challenge them.

Let’s try to figure out what will happen if it’s an apartment building. After acceptance Federal Law

Regarding major repairs, disputes and misunderstandings very often arose in terms of how much the contribution for major repairs is charged, who is responsible for collecting it and where the funds are sent.

All activities of regional operators (funds) and specially created commissions are regulated by Federal legislation and the current Housing Code. They also clearly stipulate that to pay for capital repairs related to common property apartment building is the responsibility of the owner non-residential premises

and apartments located in this building.

Who pays contributions for major repairs and in what amount?

According to the law, the right to charge contributions has either a regional fund (operator), which owns constantly updated databases of real estate owners and the area of ​​their premises and apartments, or a division specially created by the owners. Monthly capital contribution

  • is calculated based on the area of ​​the premises and the coefficients approved by the subject of the federation. It varies in different regions of the country:
  • Moscow and Moscow region - from 8.3 to 17 rubles/square meter.
  • St. Petersburg - from 3.5 rubles/square meter.
  • Murmansk – from 3 rubles/square meter.
  • Samara – from 5 rubles/square meter.

Voronezh - from 6.5 rubles/square meter.

Where can funds raised for major repairs be spent?

The types of activities for which funds collected by residents for capital repairs can be spent are directed exclusively to the repair of common property of residents and owners, and in no case for cosmetic repairs of individual premises and apartments.

  1. It includes:
  2. Work on insulation, restoration, painting and renovation of the building facade.
  3. Repair work on restoration and repair of the foundation. Maintaining Integrity basements
  4. and common areas.
  5. Cosmetic repairs of staircases, including replacement of steps and railings.
  6. Maintaining the operability of elevators, elevator shafts, timely repair and replacement of elevator equipment.
  7. Major and current repairs engineering systems and communications of an apartment building.
If the operator of the funds collected for major repairs is a specially created unit of residents of an apartment building, then the owners of apartments and non-residential premises have the right to independently look for an organization that will carry out all repair work. Otherwise, the choice remains with the subject of the federation.

The program for carrying out capital repair work is approved annually by local governments and posted on the website for general information.

For whom are there benefits for paying contributions for major repairs?

  • Owners of apartments in emergency and dilapidated buildings subject to demolition or resettlement.
  • Persons who are tenants of apartments and premises located in apartment buildings owned by the state or municipality.
  • Tenants of premises or apartments in an apartment building located on state or municipal land plots.
  • Owners of real estate that should be seized into the ownership of the state or municipality.

There are also citizens who can reduce the amount of payment by an amount from 30 to 100%:

  1. Single pensioners, apartment owners who are over 70 and 80 years old.
  2. Persons with established disabilities of groups 1 and 2 or families raising children with established disabilities of groups 1 or 2.
  3. Disabled people and participants of the Great Patriotic War and other military operations.
  4. Liquidators of the man-made disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and tests in Semipalatinsk.
  5. Persons working in certain professions in certain populated areas, for example, teachers in the Far North.

What happens if you don’t pay for major repairs of an apartment building

Monthly payments are actually equivalent to utility bills, so their late payment or non-payment for a long time can have quite serious consequences:

  • To begin with, a representative of the regional operator or the apartment building commission will collect the balance of the debt and remind the defaulter every month about the existing debt in writing or by telephone.
  • If the debt reaches more than 10,000 rubles, the debtor may be prohibited from crossing the state border.
  • Debt over 10 thousand rubles may entail initiation judicial trial, during which the debtor’s property may be seized or it may be withdrawn from the citizen’s use and sold for debts.
Judicial practice in 2017 regarding whether or not to pay contributions for major repairs suggests that extreme measures of seizure or seizure of debt property are usually not used; housing remains the property of the citizen.

Judicial practice on the issue of overhaul in the video:

In 2017, reviews about whether it is worth paying for a major overhaul suggest a couple legal ways do not make monthly payments:

  1. Carry out deprivatization - return previously privatized housing from private property to the state one.
  2. Hold a general meeting of residents, at which more than 50% of the votes will be in favor of carrying out major repairs on their own or independently finding construction crews who will carry out all the work.

A huge problem for modern population began a major overhaul of apartment buildings. To pay or not? This is the question that worries many citizens. What do lawyers think about this? How should the population act? All this will be discussed further below. In fact, questions related to major repairs do not have a clear answer that will satisfy the population. Therefore, we have to look at the situation from different angles.

Innovation in Russia

Should I pay for major repairs of an apartment building? This question interests all people living in Russia, in particular in apartment buildings.

Major renovation of real estate is a mandatory process. It helps restore and maintain buildings and structures in a normal, usable condition. We can say that the proceeds are used to carry out major repairs of this or that housing.

In Russia, paying for major repairs is considered a kind of innovation. It appeared just a few years ago. And so people don't know whether to pay for it. Some people immediately pay the received receipts, while others refuse to deposit funds. Who is right? What can lawyers say about this?

Who pays

It is difficult to get a clear answer from them. Sooner or later the question arises that it is necessary to carry out major repairs of apartment buildings. Who should pay?

In this area, lawyers accurately determine the payers of the fees being studied. To correctly answer the question posed, you need to refer to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. It clearly states who the payer is.

In accordance with the established rules, all owners of premises (residential or not) will pay. In other words, property owners. It would seem that everything is simple. But in practice this is not the case. What problems and issues does major renovation of apartment buildings bring? Should I pay or not for it? What are the consequences of non-payment of invoices? Is there really anything to be afraid of? Lawyers have a huge number of opinions on these issues. But finding a definite answer is very problematic.

Payer categories

Who exactly in practice transfers certain amounts for home repairs? Normal question. After all, it often happens that an apartment has several owners. How then to transfer funds? And is it worth doing?

Today, lawyers and legislation note the following categories of payers:

  • apartment owners (all in general);
  • owners of non-residential real estate (if it is located in an apartment building);
  • tenants (pay according to their invoices).

Accordingly, there is nothing difficult in the process. All citizens pay for certain received receipts on their own. Contributions for major repairs come in the form of a separate payment, but together with other housing and communal services payments.


Many people are interested in how pensioners should act in this or that case. It's no secret that retirement age is the basis for receiving many benefits in Russia. What can we say about major renovations for retirees?

Some people believe that older people are required to pay their bills. And this despite the fact that public services This category of the population has benefits. Is it really necessary to pay pensioners for major repairs of apartment buildings?

Lawyers say that citizens of retirement age are not exempt from of this payment. Instead, they are entitled to compensation in certain amounts. Accordingly, pensioners pay for major repairs, but the same money is returned to them. In practice, there is no complete exemption from the outstanding payment.

Citizens 70-80 years old still transfer funds using incoming payments. Up to 80 years of age, the population receives a refund of half of the money paid, after the specified age - 100% of the amount paid for major repairs. These are the rules established in Russia today.

Who doesn't pay 100%?

All the information listed is just the beginning. What else does the major renovation of apartment buildings have in store? Should the population of the Russian Federation pay or not according to the receipts issued to them?

According to the established rules, it became clear who exactly should pay the money for the upcoming major repairs. Are there categories of the population that are 100% exempt from this payment?

Yes. Lawyers point out that not everyone needs to pay the receipts they receive. After all, according to the law, property owners take responsibility for the repair and maintenance of the property.

Accordingly, you can not pay:

  • citizens living in an apartment under a social tenancy agreement;
  • people who use an apartment without ownership rights (for example, registered in housing);
  • those who hired or rented an apartment building.

Special cases

What other features should you pay attention to? There are a number of cases in which even property owners can be legally exempt from contributions. When does such a chance occur?

What does a major renovation of apartment buildings involve? Do I need to pay the bills sent by the relevant fund? Yes, but not always. If the house does not participate in the capital repair program. These are special cases. They don't happen that often.

When exactly? If:

  • the property is recognized as unsafe;
  • is new and put into operation less than 5 years ago;
  • the house is not an apartment building;
  • the land under the property is seized by the state.

Accordingly, in a new building or dilapidated and dangerous housing, you don’t have to pay for major repairs. This is normal. And not everyone knows about it.

How much pay

An important point is the amount of payment. How is it calculated? What factors influence the amount of the contribution for major repairs? There are quite a lot of them.

How much to pay for major renovations of an apartment building? The exact amount is determined depending on:

  • year of construction of the property;
  • presence/absence of an elevator;
  • square footage of the apartment;
  • region of location of the property;
  • work plan;
  • number of floors in the house.

However, the payment amount is usually not too large. Only in combination with other housing and communal services do you have to pay a fairly large share of your salary each month to the organizations serving the house. And that's why people are not too willing to pay for major repairs.

Where to pay

The next question that interests residents is where to pay for major repairs of an apartment building. Which organization collects Money for upcoming work?

Funding for major repairs is carried out according to several schemes. This:

  1. Transferring money to the account of an apartment building. A very common option.
  2. Depositing funds to the regional operator. In practice, it occurs more often than the first.

Where exactly is this or that money transferred? Now in Russia there are special funds for capital repairs. They collect funds for the process, as well as issue receipts of the established form.

Origins of the problem

So is it necessary to pay money for major renovations of apartment buildings? To pay or not? The opinion of a lawyer who has ever studied this topic usually does not provide a clear answer that can satisfy the population.

In general, transferring funds is required by law. But in Russia, issues related to major repairs cause many problems. Why?

The whole point is that the population massively refuses to make the appropriate contributions. Some believe that issuing receipts is an easy way to collect additional funds from the public. A kind of deception covered up by a major overhaul.

The main source of disagreement is the actual lack of a basis for collecting money for repairs. Some residents say they are paying their bills, but their homes are still not in the best condition. And major repairs are not carried out in them.

Some residents refuse to pay because they simply do not believe that they will live to see the large-scale work carried out on their houses. Some even say that repairs to the entrance were done only once in recent years 25. But they still continue to collect money from residents.

This is why people are thinking about whether to pay for major renovations of an apartment building. After all, in fact, residents do not know where their money is spent. Major repairs are rarely carried out, and funds are collected monthly.

Consequences of non-payment

Despite this, contributions for major repairs are obligatory payment. Moreover, this statement was accepted on a legal basis. There is even separate law, indicating the need for maintenance of apartment buildings by owners.

Major repairs of apartment buildings - is it necessary to pay or not? Yes, if the citizen does not belong to the preferential categories that were already mentioned earlier. Non-payment of invoices brings many problems.

What are the consequences of debt for major repairs? Today it is:

  • ban on leaving the country (with a debt of 10 thousand rubles);
  • inability to conclude a transaction involving one or another real estate;
  • confiscation of real estate and property.

In some cases, a citizen may lose certain subsidies and benefits. Therefore, evading payment of funds for major repairs is fraught negative consequences for all owners.

Real picture

How are things really going in the country? The population does not always act within the framework of established legislation. And major renovations are no exception. In fact, all apartment owners are divided into several categories. The first does not pay fees at all. In fact, such people are simply accumulating debt. The second one impeccably pays the bills. And someone, before depositing this or that money, is interested in what it will be spent on. And only after verifying the security of the payment, he transfers the money to the account of the overhaul fund. Major repairs of apartment buildings - do you have to pay? It's not so easy to understand this topic!

Of course, everyone has their own opinion regarding the issue being studied. Both defaulters and payers of issued receipts are right in their own way. On the one hand, you may never wait for a major home renovation. Then no one will return the money to the residents. The question arises - where will they go? On the other hand, if the capital repair fund does not have the funds to carry out certain works, then apartment house they won't repair it. There’s simply no point! All this makes people think about whether to pay money or not.

Results and conclusions

So, today, at the legislative level, it has been decided that residents are required to contribute certain amounts for major repairs of apartment buildings. To pay or not? Lawyers say that by law, citizens must pay all receipts that they receive. And for major repairs as well. But this does not mean that absolutely all residents will begin to pay off their accumulated debts. In practice, some, as already mentioned, refuse this payment.

Some offer to pay for major repairs after certain work has been carried out. Then, when it becomes clear what the population is paying for. But this initiative did not receive support. Accordingly, so far in Russia the situation with major repairs is ambiguous. You have to pay, but for what exactly is not entirely clear. After all, in fact, a citizen transfers money for a service that is not provided.

What is clear is that you will have to pay for home repairs. Otherwise, the citizen will face a number of negative consequences.

Russian citizens are expressing increasing dissatisfaction with the need to pay for major repairs, because funds must be paid regardless of whether repair work is needed or not. Therefore, the pressing question is Do I need to pay for major repairs?, worries every homeowner now.

On this moment Most of the country's population must allocate a certain amount from their monthly budget, which is sent to the so-called “common pot,” but the real possibility of carrying out the repair itself may take 20 or 30 years. Many are now afraid of inflation, which will lead to a significant reduction in the accumulated amount, so they refuse to pay receipts and are in no hurry to sign contracts. But in this case, the bailiffs begin to work, penalties and fines are assessed.

Homeowners' rights

In fact, every citizen, in accordance with federal and regional laws, is required to pay such fees. In the new receipts that residents of apartment buildings received in December, an additional line appeared for payment for major repairs, which prescribed the obligation to pay several rubles for each square meter apartments. The size of this fee is determined by regional level, but the requirement itself has legislative form as amendments to Housing Code RF.

Owners have the right to choose the method of accumulating funds for major repairs. For example, they can be placed on the account of a regional operator in the so-called “common pot” or in a special bank account. If the payment for major home repairs, which is accumulated in a special account, is not accepted at Sberbank, you need to enter into an agreement with the major repair fund. The last option applies to those houses where HOAs have been created. At their general meetings, they had to decide how they would keep the money: in the form of a separate account or in a “cauldron”. The remaining owners, who turned out to be the majority, had practically no choice, since they automatically found themselves in it, which is explained by the passivity of the residents and reluctance to participate in meetings.

Overhaul program

In accordance with the regional program for the overhaul of houses, posted on the website of the regional operator, funds for its implementation are replenished from various sources. This is payment for homeowners, funds from the regional budget, as well as the Housing and Communal Services Fund. The minimum cost of the overhaul fee is determined regional authorities, but if the owners wish at the general meeting, it can be increased. The regional budget is responsible for the implementation of this program.

You can also see on the website when repairs will take place. If it has already been done, you need to show the regional operator the agreement with the contractor. In this case, the cost of major repairs of an apartment building will be less, since the money spent on it can be counted as spent on repairing the facade, roof, foundation, as well as for internal communications.

What's the best way to pay for major repairs?

Today, only residents living in “judicial houses” can not pay receipts for major repairs. Everyone else can accumulate funds in a special account, which is created on the account of the regional operator. This will allow you to control the flow of funds and use them when repairs are really needed. Moreover, this method will make it possible to spend money on the house that collected it.

But it is not suitable for houses that have less than 5 floors, or have shops on the ground floors. The fact is that according to the law, it is the owners of the apartments who are obliged to pay for the repairs of these premises. Therefore, it is better for them to collect funds for the “common pot.”

Maybe you don't have to pay?

If you have any doubts about whether you need to pay for major repairs, it is important to know some subtleties. For example, if a debt arises to pay these expenses, they will pass to another owner during the sale of the apartment in the form of unfulfilled obligations. Since many owners have a sharply negative attitude towards new additional expenses, this can lead to a lot of debt. As a result, transactions for the alienation of real estate will become more complicated.

To prevent this, the Fund will issue certificates of debt status. To receive them, you only need to present a passport and a document of ownership. In any case, you need to pay for major repairs, since all collected funds are spent strictly for their intended purpose and fund officials cannot dispose of them. In addition, the regional budget provides additional program co-financing.

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