Should I take out a loan now? Is it profitable to take out a loan now? What will happen to financial stability and wages?

The question of the advisability of obtaining a loan is regularly asked by a large number of people. This is quite logical, since applying for a loan is relatively simple and quite fast way to obtain financial resources allocated for the purchase of any goods or services, which are practically impossible to pay for without borrowing funds. Of course, such a development of events looks profitable and attractive, especially if there are no effective ways to preserve and accumulate your own funds.

However, when deciding to take out a loan, you need to understand its consequences. They are associated, first of all, with a serious increase in the financial burden on the borrower, who will be forced to give a significant part of the income to the credit institution for a certain time. It is important to note that the more serious the acquisition was, the greater the burden will be.

Is it worth taking a loan from a bank?

Of course, there is no clear answer to the question of whether it is worth taking a loan from a bank. The explanation for this is quite simple - the topic is extremely complex. Moreover, two different people may have different opinions about the advisability of a loan, being in the same situation, and the position and decision of each will be completely justified. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully consider the pros and cons of lending.

First you need to understand what a loan is. This term usually means borrowed funds, which a person takes from a bank with an obligation to return within a specified time frame and with interest. The amount of payments in excess of the principal amount of the debt is called overpayment and depends on the established interest rate. By and large, it is the rate that is the most important parameter that determines the feasibility of lending. Other important factors are the rate of inflation, the level of development of the credit market and the state of the economy.

Is it worth taking out a car loan?

A car rarely acts as an essential commodity. Therefore, it is advisable to take out a loan for its purchase if this allows you to get a significant discount or if a serious increase in price is planned in the near future due to an increase in duties or a rise in the exchange rate. In other words, car loans are profitable if the savings obtained are comparable to the amount of interest paid in the future on the loan.

Is it worth taking out a housing loan?

The situation when obtaining a loan to purchase a home is somewhat different. In most cases, in this situation we are talking about a mortgage, that is, taking out a loan secured by the purchased apartment or private house. Most experts consider this type of lending to be the most appropriate. This is due to several reasons:

  • buying a home requires a significant amount of money, which is almost impossible to save;
  • housing has high level liquidity, which allows you not to attract other collateral;
  • interest rate the mortgage loan is one of the lowest compared to other types of loans;
  • The cost of housing often not only does not fall over time, but even increases.

Of course, there are also very serious disadvantages mortgage lending. The main ones are the long loan period, during which the borrower will have to give a significant part of the income to the bank.

Is it worth taking out a secured loan?

Registration of collateral for a loan in the form of collateral or guarantee is one of the most effective ways obtain bank approval for the transaction. However, it is necessary to understand that if financial problems from the borrower real option developments will result in the transfer of the collateral into the ownership of the bank. Therefore, it is necessary to take out a secured loan only if the client has firm confidence in his own financial capabilities.

Lending risks

The lending process involves risks, both on the part of the bank and the borrower. Naturally, a person almost always risks significantly more, since he simply does not have the resources of a credit institution. The most serious risks are:

  • increase in interest rates;
  • the onset of a crisis in the economy, which may result in a decrease in income and the inability to timely service the loan;
  • sharp fluctuations exchange rate, especially if the loan is issued in dollars or euros, etc.

Pros and cons of loans

The main advantage of taking out a loan is the opportunity to make a purchase, which a person is unlikely to ever be able to make without attracting replacement funds. The number of lending disadvantages is much greater:

  • the need to pay not only the amount of the debt, but also the interest accrued on the loan;
  • the possibility of becoming dependent on the bank if any financial problems arise. This is explained by a sharp increase in the amount of payments due to penalties and interest;
  • the risk of loss not only of the purchased goods, but also of other property of the borrower.

What other loan options are there?

In addition to those described above, there are several more popular types of loans. These include:

  • consumer. In essence, a car loan is a type of consumer loan, characteristic features which is a relatively small loan amount and a short term, rarely exceeding 2 years, and usually ranging from 6 months to a year;
  • to carry out repairs in an apartment or house;
  • educational or recreational;
  • for business development.

Each of the described types of loans has its own characteristics, but the basic principle remains unchanged - the client repays the debt with accrued interest, and the feasibility of the loan is determined based on the interest rate and the duration of payments.

How to get by without loans?

Obtaining a loan, according to most experts, is most appropriate when there is a stable economic situation in the country. Therefore, now is far from the most favorable time to apply for a loan. This is explained by the fact that during a crisis, the risks of losing sources of income for the borrower increase significantly; therefore, the chance of difficulties with servicing and repaying the debt increases, which can lead to serious financial losses. As a result, you should make a decision to apply for a loan after thinking carefully and weighing the arguments for and against.

Today, the attitude of Russians towards lending has changed radically. If previously such banking services were treated with caution, now taking on debt obligations, both for serious reasons and without, has become a common practice. Proof of this is statistics, which say that more than 82 million Russian citizens have debt. At the same time, rapid growth of loans occurred in all segments: mortgage, consumer, commodity, credit cards. But this trend is also accompanied by widespread problems with debt repayment. In this regard, it is necessary to figure out whether it is worth taking out a loan at all.

Is it worth taking a loan: introductory information

We think everyone already understands what a loan is. Explain in detail that for the borrower this is a solution to material issues, and for the bank it is profit received by providing financial resources For temporary use, not necessary. Many people call credit bondage. This opinion arises because the person who takes out the loan necessarily returns not only its “body”, i.e. the amount of the principal debt, but also interest, which is a kind of commission for the lender.

Others may object, because a loan sometimes really helps out in difficult times. So the burning question arises: is it necessary to take out a loan? There is no clear answer in this situation. Even expert opinions differ on this matter. One thing we can say is that the level of lending has actually increased. We are accustomed to using other people's funds in the absence of our own.

This dynamic is frightening, since not all borrowers soberly assess their financial capabilities before putting on this yoke. There are, of course, people who will think carefully, based on their strengths and the circumstances that have arisen, whether to take out a loan or not. And if the situation requires it, they will still resort to borrowing money from the bank.

But even cautious and sober-minded people may have problems with loan repayments. After all, no one is immune from: job loss, deterioration of the economic situation in the country, the outbreak of a military conflict, etc. Of course, we cannot look into the future, so we start from what we have today. In general, when considering whether to take out a loan, you need to consider many aspects:

  • who wants to take out a loan (individual or entity);
  • for what purposes is it taken;
  • type of lending (consumer, mortgage, credit cards, refinancing, car loans);
  • conditions of certain credit programs, etc.

As the article progresses, we will examine all these points.

Good and bad loans

American investor, financial coach and businessman, Robert Kiyosaki divided loans into: good and bad. Good debts are those that add money to your capital and improve your quality of life. For example, you are a legal entity and have a business that requires investment. If you can’t attract investors, you can take out a loan.

However, it is worth doing this if you have a clearly drawn up business plan, have calculated everything, and are firmly confident that you will not “burn out.” A good loan could be mortgage, which is taken for further rental of housing. The tenant's rent will help you cover the costs of your mortgage. Bad loans– these are the ones who, on the contrary, take the last crumbs out of your pocket. Therefore, consumer loans, usually issued thoughtlessly, are considered bad.

Spoiled by consumer loans and their availability, we begin to live beyond our means, squander bank money, naively believing that the income will be enough to repay the debt. “In addition, this is beneficial because the credit load on family budget not that big if you add in minimum payments. But I will immediately get something that I won’t be able to afford even in a few years,” someone will assure. But a loan is always a risky step.

Most Russians do not bother calculating the total overpayment. But in vain. If they had not been lazy, they would have been dumbfounded by the usury of banks, abandoned the idea, and avoided problems. Before concluding a deal, think carefully about whether you need to take out a loan now. Maybe you can do without buying some things? Isn't it more advisable to be patient and save some money?

Is it possible to take out a loan: site opinion site

We believe that the root of evil is not the lenders, but the overestimation of their financial capabilities by borrowers and the misuse of money by them. After researching the advice of various experts and successful financially people, we have identified needs for which it is definitely not worth taking out a loan:

  • buying a luxury car. It is no longer a means of transportation, but a luxury item. This affects its market price. The car will be expensive. We'll have to borrow a large sum. Banks will factor the risk of non-repayment into the rate. You will be forced to pay almost maximum percentage on loan. In addition, you will be subject to surety/bond. An expensive car is expensive to maintain. Will you be able to bear such expenses later?;
  • purchasing a new phone or other device. You should not chase after models of smartphones and other gadgets that have just entered the market. Don't "see" advertising. A new product in any store will be offered at an inflated price. Once the hype subsides, the cost will drop noticeably. After six months, the price may be equal to the monthly payment on the loan taken out;
  • trips, celebrations. The editors of our site recommend that you be careful when lending for events and entertainment. It would seem that what’s wrong with using borrowed funds to obtain intangible benefits? However, human emotions are one of the main problems associated with finances. A person who is unable to control his emotions will always be accompanied by difficulties, because... she will not be able to control how the money is spent. Soon the festive mood of people who took out a loan will be followed by frustration and anger at themselves for waste;
  • dangerous operations, including plastic surgery. Banks generally try not to provide funds for such purposes. You risk your health and even your life by taking this step. Having lost your health and then your ability to work, how will you pay off your debts?;
  • investment in securities. A loan for the purchase of bonds and shares has always been considered high-risk. Stock market characterized by instability. In this matter, you should not even rely on expert forecasts or quote estimates made by professionals. Your contribution may become worthless at any moment.

Advantages and disadvantages of lending: comparison table

A loan makes a person dependent on the bank, which, in turn, tries to present such a service as an increase in their standard of living, an opportunity to quickly achieve what they want. However, having borrowed money from them, we return exorbitantly more, as a result of which the loan becomes not so much a joy as a burden.

Instead of directing our energy to self-development and other tasks, we throw it at repaying the loan, filled with fear of delays and fines. Since taking out a loan is definitely an overpayment, we lose more than we gain. And you can't argue with that. Modern slavery is not a literal shackle, but a financial shackle. Having said so much about the disadvantages of bank loans, it is not fair to remain silent about their advantages, because they exist. To clearly see them and decide whether to take out a bank loan or not, see the table.

Video: to take a loan or not


To summarize, we can come to the conclusion that taking out a loan will be justified if:

  • the need for money is urgent, and there is no other way to find it;
  • purposes of use are: business, education, emergency treatment, mortgage. By the way, in 2017 and 2018 Housing loan has become even more accessible. Rates and prices for real estate are reduced. In addition, various programs are being developed that provide for the availability of shares and the provision of state assistance to large families;
  • you are an objectively assessing your financial situation, a reasonable and responsible person who does not follow the lead of first instincts and emotions;
  • there is a stable income, the value of which is at least 10 times the amount of the monthly loan payment.

It is worth taking out a loan, and it will be an advisable decision when the borrower carefully studies the loan agreement and is not lazy preliminary calculations and is not afraid to ask questions to bank employees.

Advertising banking services can be seen everywhere: on TV, on the Internet, on billboards and brochures. You can purchase goods on credit immediately in the store. Such a loan is presented as an objective opportunity bargain purchase, such a lifesaver. Behind minimum fee, buy whatever you want. Such availability of loans leads to rash actions. Without analyzing the consequences, we collect several credits.

Cold calculation

It is difficult not to succumb to the temptation of intrusive advertising if, moreover, they personally called you and offered to take out a loan. The conversation boils down to the fact that you have been pre-approved for a loan, and they will fill out the application themselves, you need a minimum of documents and even without collateral. The interest on the loan is from “…%” nothing at all, and monthly payment, very comfortable. How to refuse such an easy and available loan. What if such an offer no longer exists. And if, even after giving your consent, you wanted to refinance another loan, the interest rate is much lower. In reality, a completely different interest rate awaits you at the bank, as it is calculated individually. It is quite possible that the amount you are asking for is significantly less.

Listen to the conditions and ask to reschedule the conversation for another time, for the reason: you don’t have documents with you or you need to think about it. Next, a calculator and common sense will help you, real income minus expenses. If in the end there are finances left for the “airbag”. And you are confident in the stability of your income from a permanent job, then of course you can.

When “finance sings romances,” there is a chance of falling into a debt trap. Refuse the loan

Of course, anything happens in life. You need money very urgently, but friends and relatives are unable to help, so you have to take out a loan.

Good reasons to take out a loan

  • The situation when the “workhorse” laptop gave you a “surprise” and burned out. Where to go, of course, take a loan if there is no money. Thanks to a laptop you receive a salary or additional income and without him there is no way.
  • Or your smartphone is completely broken and cannot be repaired. Nowadays it is impossible without communication.
  • Thoughtful business opening (calculated business plan).
  • Treatment is urgently needed;
  • Purchasing an apartment;
  • Buying a car (as a means of earning money, or a necessity of life);
  • Additional education (opportunity to get a well-paid job).

When choosing a source of financing, you can be confused about which loan to choose.
The consumer one is the most popular, it can be targeted and non-targeted, collateralized and without collateral.
It is best to contact the bank through which you receive your salary. The interest rate for salary clients starts from 9%. The bank has more confidence in such clients, and therefore they can offer special conditions for lending. Take advantage of this opportunity. Not salary client such privileges will not be offered. And the interest rate is usually almost the maximum.

Non-targeted loans:

Loan for emergency needs, credit cards.
The size of such a loan is usually not large, but the interest rates are high. The bank has no information on what the funds will be spent on and for this reason the bank does not want to take risks. Since there is a high risk that the client simply will not return the money. Passport is the main document for providing a non-targeted loan.

Loans that are issued for specific purposes, with collateral or guarantee. The collateral can be: an apartment, a car, securities, precious metals.
When applying for a loan, all collateral details are specified in the agreement. Cost, actual location of the apartment or car, and other information. If it turns out that the client was unable to pay the loan in full or in part, then the credit institution sells the collateral (car, apartment, etc.).
Loans with guarantee
A guarantee increases the likelihood of loan approval and the interest rate is more favorable.
Without collateral
The loan is issued without collateral or guarantee.
Some banks advertise the service of issuing loans without collateral in the amount of up to a million rubles. In fact, it is impossible to get such a loan. Those who receive a salary from this bank and have a good credit history have this chance.

Buying an apartment, summer house or cottage on credit. You can buy an apartment in a new building or on the secondary housing market, with a down payment of 10% of the mortgage amount.
The bank retains as collateral mortgaged apartment or an apartment that you have.

With a car loan you can buy a new or used car. Some banks will require you to insure your car under CASCO and take out life insurance. There are credit organizations, where CASCO according to your wishes. It’s not uncommon to offer a car loan without down payment and certificates: for new or used cars;
for cars of Russian and foreign production.
Two documents are required for registration.

Credit cards

If you do not have cash with you for a purchase, with a card you can purchase goods at any time. And pay for the amount spent later. Many banks provide a grace period of 50 to 100 days for debt repayment. It is also convenient to use the card if you need to “borrow” before payday. The main thing is during grace period return the money spent, then no interest will be charged. If you do not pay the loan on time, you will end up with a decent amount of debt, since interest on credit cards big.

  1. Receive the desired product here and now. And you don’t have to wait long to finally save money. Moreover, prices are only rising; while you save up, this product will cost more.
  2. Monthly payments are minimal. Compared to paying the full price for the product at once. This greatly knocks the family budget out of a stable position.
  3. Payback of monthly loan payments from income received from renting a car purchased on credit. Or you yourself work on it, and as a result of this activity, the cost of loan payments is compensated several times.

Disadvantages of loans

  1. Significant overpayment on the loan. This becomes obvious if you count total amount payments. And we will see a significant difference in the total amount for the loan and the amount if the product is purchased immediately for full price.
  2. The overpayment increases in case of late payments. If payment is late, you will have to pay a fine. The measure is one-time and each bank has its own fine amount. One will have a fixed amount of the fine, for example, five hundred rubles for each delay. In another bank, the fine is increasing, for example, five hundred rubles for the first delay, six hundred rubles for the second, eight hundred rubles for the third. Late loan payments are costly. As a result, goods purchased on credit will be several times more expensive than the actual cost.
  3. If it is not possible to pay the monthly payment on time, in addition to the fine from the next day, penalties will be charged. Maximum size depends on the “greed” of the bank.
  4. To all these nuances, a daily interest rate is added due to late payment of the loan. The amount of interest increases significantly as a result of delay.

What happens if there is a delay in payment?

Banks are required to submit delinquency data to credit bureaus twice a week. As a result, other banks may well refuse to issue a loan due to poor credit history.

Don't forget to pay on time

To make you make a payment sooner, the bank begins to do this:

  • send SMS messages
  • call
  • write letters

In the event that these measures have not changed the situation with payments, and approximately two or three months have passed. Creditors transmit the data to the collection agency. And then the “fun” life begins. They don't stand on ceremony. Everyone knows such stories. Of course, each lender has its own rules with these agencies. In any case, try not to forget about payments so as not to become acquainted with debt collectors. You wouldn’t wish such “joys of life” on anyone.

New in the law

Amendments to the law have come into force when applying for a consumer loan up to one year. Now on new loans, starting from January 28, 2019, the rate is no higher than 1.5% per day. Further, the maximum interest rate will decrease to 1% from July.
Since our population is overburdened with debt, they want to introduce restrictions. Since the fall of 2019, around October, banks have been required to calculate the client’s debt load for a loan of 10 thousand rubles or more. Accordingly, getting a loan will be more difficult.

Based on the above, everyone makes their own decision whether to take out a loan or not.

After reading the conditions for receiving consumer loan, it would be worth finding out

IN last years For many people (if not most), going to the bank for a loan has become the norm. Partly due to the fact that some people no longer understand that they can save money and not overpay for a loan. To some extent, this has already become a habit. But, as the slogan of our website says, a loan must be taken wisely. This article will help you decide.

“Do I need it?” or why people take loans

Is it worth taking out a loan if you have the opportunity to save up? Of course it's not worth it.

But there are three questions here:

  1. How urgently do you need what you are going to purchase on credit?
  2. If you don’t need it urgently, but still need it, then how much time will you have to save?
  3. Can your relatives or friends borrow the required amount?

If the need is so urgent that there is simply no time to save and relatives and friends cannot help, then it is advisable to take out a loan.

But here again a nuance arises: some people exaggerate the urgency of things they want to purchase as soon as possible.

Such things include:

  • telephone;
  • computer/laptop/tablet;
  • household appliances;
  • interior items;
  • other small purchases.

Of course, if your laptop suddenly burns out, and you are working on it, and there is no money for a new one, then you will have to take out a loan.

All of the above items can be bought by saving up money over several months. And the urgency in their necessary existence is overstated. For example, your microwave is broken, and you won’t have money for a new one until next month. So what, you can’t live without a microwave for a month? Soups, borscht, etc. can be heated in a bowl on the stove, and if there are no bowls, there will always be enough money for a couple of pieces.

A separate case is when a person takes out a loan to pay off the current one. It might work once, but then banks will refuse without exception. It is better to contact the bank to restructure payments or.

For what purposes is it advisable to take out a loan:

  • buying a home;
  • buying a car (if it is vital);
  • major renovation with updating furniture, plumbing and other things;
  • opening or developing a business;
  • treatment (for example, expensive surgery);
  • education.

If you save, then what’s the right way?

How to save and save money:

  • develop self-discipline. If you need to save at least 5,000 rubles a month, stick to the plan and in the future you will manage your money correctly;
  • do not make unnecessary purchases. You can save on clothes, shoes, and jewelry (especially for women). You can visit restaurants, clubs, and entertainment venues less often. You can indulge yourself less often with store-bought treats;
  • look for additional sources of income. For example, on a monthly vacation you can set aside a couple of weeks for part-time work;
  • make a contribution.

Saving is a great way to save some money. Essentially, this is the opposite of a loan: you don't pay the bank, but the bank pays you. Plus, if you later need to apply for a loan, then at the bank where the deposit was opened, the chances of a positive decision increase.

How to take out a loan correctly so as not to regret If a loan is still necessary, then in order to be more or less confident that it will be repaid in good faith, evaluate possible risks

and consequences.

Financial opportunities Of course, the bank will not give a loan if it is not sure that your will allow it to be paid. But you yourself will also evaluate your capabilities: exactly how much you can allocate from your budget to repay the loan.

Calculate based on the minimum budget. For example, if you have a piecework salary in the range of 30,000-50,000 rubles, then take into account the minimum value, that is, 30,000 rubles, since 50,000 is unknown in what months it will be and whether it will be during the loan repayment period at all.

Actual total payout amount

Some people don’t even think that the interest rate is indicated per annum (that is, for one year) and if you take out a loan for several years, then the interest rate, roughly speaking, is multiplied by these several years.

Let's look at a conditional example of a loan of 100,000 rubles for 1 year at 20% per annum. Conventionally, we must pay 120,000 rubles in 1 year. And if you take the same loan with the same rate for 5 years, then conditionally you have to pay twice as much, that is, 200,000 rubles.

It is also important to remember that when different types When repaying a loan (annuity or differential), the total amount will vary. Therefore, if it is not important to you in what form to repay the loan, calculate both payment options and choose the one where the amount is lower.

Honest data

When filling out the form, enter only reliable data. The bank will check them anyway and if they are not correct, you will not receive a loan.

Loan agreement

Always carefully read the loan agreement from cover to cover and all the fine print footnotes at the bottom of the pages. Often it is the footnotes that help you understand how much you can get into trouble. The contract must reflect all commissions and insurance, both one-time and monthly, if any, as well as all fines that may be imposed for delays, cash withdrawals from the card, etc. The same applies to connection additional services, such as SMS notifications and others.

Feel free to ask a bank employee about the availability of all kinds of payments. You can spend hours asking him about all the nuances of lending, he is obliged to sort everything out for you. You are a client, you have the right to know everything that is required to make a decision.

Don't take the bank employee's word for it

Remember: all conditions are reflected in loan agreement. Whatever the employee tells you, if it’s not in the contract, then it’s not in reality.

Take exactly as much as you need

For example, if you have 100,000 rubles for a vacation, and a trip costs 150,000 rubles, then take out on credit only the missing amount of 50,000 rubles. You will pay it off faster and thus reduce the overpayment for the extra loan period.

Maximum package of documents

To get more profitable terms for a loan, it is better to spend some time collecting all kinds of documents. Sometimes just one additional document in addition to the main ones can affect the reduction in interest rate. It is better to spend even a few days to collect the maximum number of documents than to overpay extra interest.

Targeted loan

If you need a loan for a specific purchase, always take a targeted loan. As a rule, such credit programs cheaper than non-targeted consumer loans for unspecified needs. If you need a car, take out a car loan; if you want to make repairs, take out a loan for repairs, etc.

Comparison of loan programs

If you see something in an advertisement that you think is profitable loan offer, don’t rush to rejoice: everything is always good in advertising. If the interest rate is low, this does not mean that the entire loan is profitable. There may likely be monthly fees, compulsory insurance(or increase in rate if insurance is refused), lack of opportunity early repayment and other unpleasant nuances for the borrower. Therefore, always compare " profitable loans» according to all conditions and choose the really most profitable one.

Some people are afraid of loans, and they never dare to get involved with them. Others, on the contrary, seem to be obsessed with “credit mania.”
The first type of people are people who are very cautious, not sociable and shy. Such a person, even if he has the opportunity to take out a loan and, with a guarantee, repay it earlier deadline, he will never take such a step. He is ready for years and even decades to buy an apartment or a car, just so as not to get involved with loans for anything.

But the second type is optimists, open and sociable people who don’t really worry about possible risks and problems. “I live now, and tomorrow will come tomorrow, somehow I’ll pay...” This position is very dangerous. A person risks getting into a lot of problems and becoming a chronic debtor.

Both of the above cases are extremes and they will not lead to anything good. So what to do in this case? When can you still take out a loan?

If your wealth has been growing over the past few years, even if only in small steps, then you can easily afford to take out a loan. In this case, you will most likely be able to pay it off without much damage. By taking out a loan, you deliberately limit yourself in spending. So you must take this step consciously and without regret. Otherwise, you may later regret what you did.

But if your material well-being has recently remained unchanged or even worsened, it’s worth thinking hard about: “Is it worth it?” Credit is not a panacea for solving money problems. It is, rather, an attempt to move to a higher level of material wealth. And for this you must stand firmly on the previous one. You must have funds for the essentials: what to eat, what to wear, how to pay for housing, and more.

Many loan users are worried about the same question: “What if I suddenly cannot repay the loan for one reason or another (for example, losing my job)?” What can I say here? If the economic and political components of life in a country are stable, then there is no need to worry too much. You are a responsible person and have full awareness of what you are doing. Right? This will partly serve as a guarantee that the material income necessary to repay the loan will find you. It doesn’t matter at all whether you repay the loan in a year, as planned, or in several years. It is only important that your financial well-being is more or less at the same level or even grows.

And finally, I would like to draw your attention to the esoteric point of view on this issue. Watch for signs of fate. If you apply to banks for a loan and are constantly rejected, then this is not a very good warning. First refusal, second, third, fourth... Stop... stop, no need to break into a closed door. Most likely, even if you manage to get a loan, you will be very disappointed later.

I wish you luck in everything credit operations, and even better, such prosperity that even thoughts about loans will not arise!

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