What is a universal electronic card of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Creation of a universal electronic card in Russia. Universal electronic card - another failure or breakthrough

When moving around the country, it is quite problematic to take with you a whole package of important papers that you may need on a trip. To this end, it was decided to produce a universal electronic card at the state level. This document allows you to minimize the amount of documentation that you often need to carry with you. The UEC contains at the same time such important papers as the compulsory medical insurance policy, pension certificate, TIN, ticket, electronic signature, as well as a payment card.

The decision to manufacture a universal plastic card was adopted in 2010. It was first released and has been in use since January 2013. The card is conceived as a simultaneous use of a payment and identification device. The validity period of such a document is limited and is 5 years.

Where and how can UEC be issued

A universal card was provided only to Russian citizens from the age of 14. And it was done completely free of charge. It was possible to submit an application to a special organization engaged in the manufacture universal cards points, or on the website of the State Service in the personal account of a citizen. It was necessary to fill out an application for its registration. In it, the applicant, in addition to basic information about himself, also indicated the name of the banking institution in which he would like to have an account. When applying, it was necessary to bring all the main documents of a Russian citizen:

  • general passport;
  • SNILS;
  • OMS policy.

The applicant was photographed at the place of appeal. The employee who accepted the documents issued a unique application number, by which the citizen could track the status of completion. After 30 days, the electronic card was ready, the applicant received an envelope with PIN codes along with it.

If desired, if it was noted in the application, then an electronic digital signature key was placed on the card chip. This service was not available at all card issuing points. Only in those where there was a technical possibility of such manufacture.

Refusal to manufacture UEC could follow for the following reasons:

  • the card has already been provided to this person;
  • the application was not completed in full in compliance with all the rules;
  • the application provided incorrect information or provided false information.

Video - How could UEC be issued

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 125 of March 25, 2011, the UEC contains not only an embedded chip with basic information about the owner stored on it, but also visual information:

  • Full name, date of birth, gender of the applicant;
  • photo of the owner;
  • UEC number, logo and period of validity;
  • SNILS;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • bank card number;
  • indication of the PRO100 payment system;
  • logo of the bank where there is an account of the owner of the electronic card;
  • signature example.

UEC can be used as a tool to provide the following services:

  1. Identifier. Allows the UEC holder to receive services in state, pension, municipal, medical institutions. Can serve as a ticket.
  2. Electronic signature. Provides the ability to use an electronic signature when sending legally significant documents. This feature will provide better protection for electronic papers. An electronic signature has the same legal basis as a regular signature in documents. To be able to use the UEC as an electronic digital signature, you need to purchase an additional device - a card reader. Also need to download free program"CryptoPro UEK CSP". After that, the cardholder has expanded opportunities for using the State Services portal, where confirmation in the form of an EDS may be required.
  3. Payment function. UEC can be used as usual bank card and pay with it for goods and services in those enterprises that use the PRO100 payment system. You must first select a bank and open a service account with it. Not all banks participate in this program. The list of main banking organizations that provide the possibility of using the payment function of a universal card includes Sberbank, Moscow Industrial Bank, Bank Uralsib.

Important! This card was used as a replacement for the most frequently requested documents. It was rarely used as a means of payment due to the limited use of the PRO100 payment system.

Positive and negative aspects of the use of UEC

The main benefits that the universal card provides are as follows:

  1. Reduce queues when applying for service in state and municipal institutions.
  2. There is an opportunity to speed up the process of paperwork. There is no need to provide many documents that are contained in one UEC. This is a pension certificate, and a compulsory medical insurance policy, and a TIN required to pay taxes.
  3. Speeds up the listing process Money as state fees and fines.
  4. It is possible to pay for urban transport, the cost of a trip on which, when using the UEC, should be cheaper than set price for normal travel.

The disadvantages of UEC are:

  1. The main negative indicator is that the UEC includes all important documents. When it is lost, the citizen becomes vulnerable. It is required to immediately report its loss to many instances. You also need to deal with the re-registration of new documents that were included in the UEC.
  2. The map is limited to the territory of Russia. Travel by it can be paid only in certain subjects of the Russian Federation. The payment function is performed exclusively for those organizations that support the PRO100 payment system.

Previously, to obtain UEC, it was required to apply to special centers of UEC JSC. It was necessary to fill out the proposed application.

Since January 1, 2017, the production of electronic universal cards has been discontinued. This decision is enshrined in Federal Law No. 471 dated 12/28/2016. Not only new cards, but also their duplicates are no longer issued. All holders of already received universal cards can continue to use them until their expiration date.

Attention! You can get acquainted with the text of the document at.

The refusal to issue UEC is associated with the following reasons:

  1. The actual functionality of the card was minimal compared to the ideas in the design of this system.
  2. The issuance and maintenance of the UEC entailed too large public expenditures.

The UEC was conceived as a special card capable of replacing in its own person all the documents currently available to each citizen: TIN, SNILS, medical policy, travel card, bank card. The electronic card was supposed to replace all paper media. Subsequently, it was planned to expand the functions of this card and turn it into an electronic passport.

Surely, everyone has already heard that there is such a thing as Unfortunately, not everyone knows the meaning and purpose of this card. So let's talk about UEC - what it is and why it is needed.

What is a universal electronic card?

First of all, it is necessary to understand what kind of tasks a universal card can solve. Regardless of the fact that the card is primarily a means of payment, its main significance is to simplify the access of citizens to services provided by the state and municipalities in electronic format.

It should be noted that projects that are implemented at the federal level are not commercial start-ups, and therefore there is a difference in financial opportunities depending on the region. The UEC card is financed not only from the federal, but also from the regional budgets (Moscow, Tatarstan, Bashkiria and some others).

But still, the transition to electronic service instead of live queues and paperwork is a global trend that most countries are striving for. The most important advantage is that these innovations make it possible to avoid bureaucratic delays. In addition, most countries practice projects that allow you to issue a UEC for free.

What options does the card have?

Of all the available features of the card, the most pleasant is that the UEC has an electronic signature. In other words, an electronic signature can be a worthy replacement for a regular one. In addition, it can be attached remotely. For example, on a government services website, such a signature can serve as

In addition, the universal electronic card contains the data of most documents - passports, policies, insurance certificates and others. As practice shows, such a card can be presented in many services instead of a regular paper document.

Many even imagine in this way the UEC that it is such a universal tool for replacing documents, and not for payments. But it can also be used for calculations. The limitation here is probably the PRO100 system. You can not use it everywhere, but if Sberbank issues UEC, then its ATMs will take such a card. In this case, the card can also be considered as a second wallet, where you can easily store your funds and, if necessary, get them from an ATM.

How to issue an electronic card?

To issue a card, it is enough to come to the registration point and present a passport and other documents, information about which will be entered on a new card. In addition, you must write an application for release, and after a while you will become the owner of the UEC.

Is it possible to pay UEC fare?

One of the most poorly implemented features is paying for public transport. If you have UEC, how to get such a service, you should not have a question. But it should be remembered that it turns out to be only in some regions. Such a card is a kind of wallet with which you can instantly pay for travel. This is a great idea and quite useful, it remains only to wait until it is very well developed.

What perspective do UEC cards have?

What is it - the project is excellent and without development? A mess, don't you think? I am very pleased with the fact that this banking product pay attention and develop it. The project is becoming more developed, the number of places for accepting such cards is also becoming wider, and perhaps most importantly, the functionality of the card is also growing.

To date, universal cards are mostly considered a pilot project, as their small presence in important areas of life is felt, but when many people use them, the system will still show all its usefulness.

So, we found out, UEC - what it is, so now we can say that this is a product of the future. Its application is relevant in most areas of life, but the system is still underdeveloped. Getting such a card is quite simple. You can contact the branch of Sberbank or another bank that issues such cards, or apply on the official website.

How to use?

Using the UEC is no different from a simple card. You can pay for services, purchases, withdraw cash and so on. The only thing that can become an obstacle to use is the PRO100 system, which is not used in every ATM. In particular, Sberbank has it. The card also contains all the data about the user, which is very convenient, because you do not need to carry a bunch of papers with you, but you can show only one card from which the necessary information will be read.

Is it possible

Every citizen has this right. To do this, just contact the point where you issued the card and submit an appropriate application.

Upon receipt of such a card, you can receive everything in the same way as before, in any usual way with the presentation of a passport and other documentation. If you refuse the card, you do not lose the right to receive services.

As the migration service promises, they will soon be used. Here it is said about plastic electronic cards, on which all the information necessary for a person is stored. It is also planned that such passports will be used as a key to enter the public services portal.


I would like to say that UEC is a great idea. Let's hope that it will develop, grow and expand its functionality. Who knows, maybe in many years it will replace all documents altogether, and we will no longer have the usual paper media, but only maps - and nothing more.

The Universal Electronic Card project is being implemented under the control of the Ministry economic development Russian Federation. This initiative is of national importance.

Related materials:

UEC JSC announces the cancellation of the issuance and issuance of universal electronic cards (UEC) from January 1, 2017. The corresponding decision was made at the federal level and enshrined in Federal Law No. 471-FZ of December 28, 2016.

based on his written statement. From the beginning of 2015, the card will be issued regardless of whether you have applied or not. If a citizen does not want to receive a UEC, he can apply for a refusal to receive a card.

General provisions on the universal electronic card are definedFederal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services".

In early 2014, the Federation Council approved changes to the federal law"On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services", which extend the terms for issuing universal cards on the basis of applications from citizens until December 31, 2014. Mandatory issuance of the UEC for citizens who have not submitted applications for refusal is provided for from January 1, 2015.

In 2014, the Moscow Government plans to issue 500,000 universal electronic cards with a transport application.

— Editorial

UEC - what does a universal card give to citizens of the Russian Federation?

The Universal Electronic Card (UEC) is designed to certify the rights of the UEC user to receive state and municipal services, as well as to pay for these services in electronic form.

The card can be a carrier of a qualified electronic digital signature (EDS) of a citizen, which enables him to perform legally significant actions, including receiving state, municipal and commercial services in electronic form.

The main features of the UEC electronic banking application, operating throughout the Russian Federation, include:

  1. Payment for state, municipal and commercial services.
  2. Payment for goods and services in a retail network.
  3. Withdrawing cash from ATMs.
  4. Banking services (deposits, loans, Money transfers etc., the list of services is established by the issuing bank).

Additionally, UEC can host independent regional and municipal electronic applications that provide services in a particular region.

UEK - a new passport?

Currently, the UEC does not have the status of an identity document (although the bill on the introduction of an electronic passport in 2015 was submitted to the State Duma in January 2013 and is under consideration).

UEC does not replace a passport, passport or driver's license of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

UEC provides access to information about the owner of the UEC to certify his rights to receive state, municipal services and other services.

Where and how can I use UEC

The card is a tool that will allow departments, funds, organizations and institutions to provide citizens with a wide range of services in electronic form. The card can be used:

  • at ATMs and POS-terminals;
  • in the terminals of the network of participants of the Unified payment and service system "Universal Electronic Card";
  • in departments, (MFC);
  • in transport (metro, ground transport);
  • on the Unified portal of state and municipal services.
  • on regional portals of state and municipal services;
  • on the UEC-online Portal;
  • on the portals of commercial service providers who have received the appropriate permission to authorize UEC users.

In the near future, with the help of UEC, as the developers promise, there will be opportunities:

  • receive information about the provided utilities, and about charges to them with the possibility of payment;
  • making an appointment with a doctor, filling out an application for high-tech assistance, obtaining primary medical care and services of electronic registry, electronic medical history, electronic prescriptions, payment for medicines and services;
  • obtaining information about the results of the Unified State Examination, entrance examinations and enrollment in universities, about the progress of the child;
  • enrolling a child in kindergarten;
  • use the card as an analogue of a travel ticket, including for preferential categories of citizens;
  • draw up and receive benefits for temporary disability, for pregnancy and childbirth, for child care;
  • apply for the appointment or recalculation of a pension;
  • get up and withdraw from school tax authority, submit tax returns, get information about unpaid fines and pay for them
  • apply for unemployment benefits financial assistance and assistance in finding employment;
  • receive information about the state of the individual personal account in the compulsory pension insurance, an application for transfer to a non-state pension fund.
  • pay traffic police fines, duties upon receipt driving license, registration or deregistration of the vehicle;
  • remote execution of insurance contracts.


When applying for a UEC, it is strongly recommended to have a policy with you mandatory health insurance . In the absence of a policy, the applicant will not be able to receive medical services on the card. Moreover, from January 1, 2014, the presence of a compulsory medical insurance policy is a prerequisite for obtaining UEC.

For example, military personnel and equivalent citizens cannot receive UEC, tk. they are not issued a compulsory medical insurance policy.


At present, the insurance number of the individual personal account of the insured person in the system of compulsory pension insurance of the Russian Federation (SNILS) is the most popular identifier of a citizen and is used to receive services on state portals. When using UEC SNILS is read automatically.

Using UEC on the Internet

To use the UEC on the Internet, use card reader - a device for interaction with the UEC, which has certified software and hardware protection.

Any card reader that complies with the PC/SC standard can be used to work on the UEC user's personal computer. Card readers for UEC are supplied by independent vendors. Also requiredinstall software(it is free, as reported on the UEC website, you can download the program on the manufacturer's website CIPF "CryptoPro UEC CSP") that allows you to work with an electronic signature.

With the use of a card reader, the holder of a universal electronic card has access to all electronic services, provided on the portals of state and municipal services, as well as to sign, for example, contracts (which is important for freelancers and those who cannot physically sign a document).

At the beginning of April 2013 Labor Code The Russian Federation introduced amendments regulating remote employment. Now an employment contract drawn up in electronic form, certified by the electronic signatures of the parties, has the same force as a paper contract signed personally. In this case, in employment contract it should be indicated within what time the employer and employee must confirm receipt of the electronic document from each other.

The cost of a card reader in retail trade is 200-400 rubles.

How to get UEC?

UEC is issued free of charge to citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of a personal application.

The card is valid for five years.

At the moment, it is not possible to apply for a UEC remotely. To do this, you need to go to the service point, which is also the point of acceptance of applications.

For citizens under 14 years of age, an application for the issuance of a UEC is submitted and signed by a legal representative. In this case, placing a photo of a minor on the UEC is not necessary.

Minors between the ages of fourteen and eighteen can independently apply for a UEC and receive a card, as well as refuse it.

When submitting an application, a citizen must have with him:

  • identity document (required);
  • compulsory health insurance policy ( mandatory from January 1, 2014);
  • insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (if any).

An application can be submitted in Moscow, having only temporary registration in the capital (only for citizens of the Russian Federation). But filing an application by proxy is not provided for by law.

There, at the service point, the applicant will be photographed. You can bring your own photocolor or black and white,electronically or on paper), but it must meet the following requirements:

  • For paper photos 3.5 x 4.5 cm, on matte paper up to 0.3 mm thick, without creases, scratches and other damage, andthe image must be in focus, pThe distance from the chin to the top of the head should be 70-80% of the image height.
  • For photos in electronic form, the photo must be saved with a resolution of 420 dots wide by 525 dots high up to 480 dots wide by 600 dots high depending on the optical resolution of the image with an aspect ratio of 4:5 in JPEG format. Maximum size color photo file 300 KB, minimum - 90 KB. The maximum file size for a monochrome photo is 60 KB, the minimum is 17 KB. Colors: either 24-bit RGB color space, where each pixel has 8 bits for each color component (red, green, and blue); or 8-bit monochrome color space in which there are 8 bits of brightness value per pixel.When using a scanner, the photo must be scanned at an optical resolution between 533 and 610 dpi.

If desired, the applicant can include in the data that his card will "carry" the key of the electronic signature. This signature will have the same legal effect as the personal physical signature of the applicant.

When submitting an application, the applicant chooses the bank to which the card will be linked to the account.

While the choice of banks is limited. AT affiliate program involved:

  1. OJSC "Sberbank of Russia"
  2. JSC "Bank Uralsib"
  4. JSC "Moscow Industrial Bank"
  5. OJSC CB "Center-invest"
  6. JSC "Bank "Saint-Petersburg"
  7. OJSC Bank AVB
  8. ZAO Surgutneftegazbank
  9. Bank "Northern Credit" (OJSC)
  10. JSCB Almazergienbank OJSC
  11. "Zapsibkombank" JSC
  12. OJSC "Asia-Pacific Bank"
  13. OJSC Khanty-Mansiysk Bank
  14. LLC Khakass Municipal Bank

The account, if available, can be linked to the card, or first opened and then linked. But for these actions in the bank you need to form yourself. They will not link your account to the card at the service point, it is not their competence.

When the card is ready, the applicant needs to visit the card issuing point (it is indicated in the application, as the rules for receiving the application and issuing points are the same) and receive the card itself and an envelope with PIN codes for it. PIN codes are needed for different functions (a separate code for each function): for personal identification when receiving services, signing documents with an electronic signature, used when need to change codes for these two actions, and a PIN code for the banking application.

If you receive a card in Moscow, on the website uec.mos.ru you can check the status of the application for the issuance of the UEC, and check the card itself. From there you can go toportal of state and municipal services of the city of Moscow.

If there is a marriage, the UEC is replaced free of charge on the basis of an application.

Moscow region

There are 4 service points in the Moscow region.

JSC "Universal electronic map of the Moscow region".

Replacement in case of theft, loss or expirationUEC

In case of loss, you should immediately report this to the organization that issued the UEC (for Moscow, this is the State Unitary Enterprise Moscow Social Register, for the Moscow region - OJSC "Universal electronic map of the Moscow region"), to the bank in which an account is opened linked to the UEC and, if there is an electronic signature on the lost UEC, to the certification center that issued the certificate of the electronic signature verification key placed on the UEC.

A citizen has the right to apply for a duplicate UEC. Issuance of a duplicate is carried out on a paid basis.

In case of expiration, replacement of the bank, the card is issued free of charge.

Refusal from UEC

If you do not want to receive a personal electronic card, you need to contact an organization authorized to issue cards (for Moscow, this is the Moscow Social Register State Unitary Enterprise, for the Moscow Region, OJSC Universal Electronic Card of the Moscow Region).

But it should be borne in mind that you can refuse to use the UEC only if the UEC is released. Therefore, it makes sense to apply for a refusal after January 1, 2014, when cards will be issued in large quantities.

Refusal to use UEC does not mean cancellation of the card. Refusal to receive or use the UEC does not impose restrictions on the receipt of services, benefits, etc. Services and benefits will be provided on the basis of existing documents.

Let's start with the fact that in 2010 the law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services" was adopted, on the basis of which the Universal Electronic Card is put into circulation.

The card itself includes:

  • bank card;
  • an identity document (although there is a reservation - in cases established by law, so do not rush to hide your passport in a far corner);
  • SNILS;
  • OMS policy.

You can “put” a ticket, pass, rights, housing and communal services application, etc. into it. With the help of the UEC, it will be possible to pay, for example, medical care, travel in transport, purchases, utility bills, make an appointment with a doctor and even apply to the registry office. All this is possible due to the presence of a built-in microchip, which will store all kinds of electronic applications.

In addition, the UEC certifies the rights to use federal, municipal, and also some commercial services. It will allow (at least, as they promise on the official website) to receive remotely even those services that were previously available only with a personal visit to a state institution. For example, to draw up real estate documentation, submit applications, etc., because the user's personal EDS will be placed directly on the card.

Regarding the relationship with the "Electronic Government Map" project, which competes in some functions, it was explained that the UEC is a much larger and multifunctional project.

To process transactions that will be performed using the UEC, the developers (apparently for patriotic reasons) decided to use the PRO100 system (who doesn’t know, this is Sberbank’s own PS).

What Universal Electronic Cards Look Like

The card looks like a regular bank card and can be serviced everywhere: in terminals, the Internet, ATMs, stores, as well as in government (and some other) access control systems. In this case, both non-contact and contact use is allowed.

The card itself must contain the following information:

  • Name of the owner
  • Photo
  • Number and validity period
  • Contacts of the authorized organization
  • Individual insurance number in the pension insurance system.

There is no barcode on the UEC.

To whom and when is it issued?

In accordance with the law, the Universal Electronic Card is issued from the beginning current year on the basis of an application submitted to an authorized organization. The applicant must be a citizen of the Russian Federation.

From January 2014, the card will be issued to all other Russians without any application.

Upon receipt of a card for a child under 14 years old, the application is signed by his legal representative (the photo on the "plastic" in this case is optional). To plug banking application this card is not allowed. If the child is between 14 and 18 years old, then connection is possible, but parental consent is required.

It was planned that in the near future the UEC would perform the functions of a passport, insurance and medical policies. This will allow you to solve most problems online.

UEC - what is it

UEC was called the Russian card, which was both a means of payment and a document. With its help, it was even possible to identify the identity of a citizen.

Since this (2017) year it has not been issued.

Map options:

  • fast payment and services
  • is a health care policy
  • insurance certificate
  • access to your e-wallet
  • you can connect a bank card
  • electronic signature (now no longer valid)
  • ticket.

The issue was made in Russia according to a statement written personally. There are no fees charged for using it. According to the plan, the UEC was to be reissued every 5 years.

How it is applied

To identify the card, there are special terminals and cash desks with a corresponding sticker that accept the Pro100 servicing system. To use the features of the card at home, you need to buy a card reader with a regular USB connector.

Electronic signature or UEC - what is it

This option is currently disabled. However, earlier thanks to her, the card received the following features:

  • identification– it is possible, without presenting a passport, to receive a number of public or commercial services (in the pension system, in medical institutions, etc.)
  • online identification, which allows you to perform legal, financial actions online. When this feature is activated, a secure connection is created between partners, which ensures the confidentiality and security of ongoing operations;
  • payment functionality(you can operate with bank account: pay for goods, services, withdraw funds from terminals that have the option of cashing out, transfer money to other accounts and cards. Valid if the bank has an agreement with payment system"Pro100". To do this, open an account, without commissions when visiting the bank in person);
  • personal data.

The user checks and edits his data himself, this option allows you to fill out applications and forms in a second when applying via the Internet.

What else was planned to connect

It was understood that a single card of a Russian citizen, capable of replacing many documents, including those that are written with one's own hand, would expand its functions. Potential Features:

  1. Creation and free entry on the card to your Personal Area on public services, usage available services portal.
  2. Virtual notary. Allows you to fill out significant documents for the work and receiving services of various services, while using an electronic signature. An electronic document is stored as a regular document and has legal force.
  3. Pension insurance. It replaces a pension certificate, serves as an identity tool for a pensioner, provides access to his pension account from home.
  4. Medical services. used as electronic policy, at home at the computer you can: make an appointment with a doctor, buy medicines, pay for services(including concessions) , register for preferential services in pharmacies.
  5. Single travel card(Unlimited travel on public transport at an average cost, purchased train and plane tickets, travel concessions for eligible categories of citizens, an electronic account that can be topped up from home).

The concept of what UEC is for instant confirmation was planned to be expanded:

  • informing about your car and its maintenance;
  • obtaining data about your child (his progress, schedule, food payment, enrollment in school and kindergarten, etc.);
  • payment for sports activities, including rental of premises, sports equipment, booking and purchase of tickets for matches, up-to-date information about sports competitions;
  • Registry office at a distance - to marry, divorce, register a newborn;
  • FMS - register at the place of stay, order a passport;
  • receipt of invoiced payments public services, taxes, electricity, etc.

The list provided is not complete. With the help of this card, a citizen could solve most of his problems without going anywhere, but simply by turning on the computer.

How the security of user data and his actions was ensured

The card has been chipped. It printed the identification data of the citizen, as well as the data of the existing options (SNILS, compulsory medical insurance policy number, travel money, electronic signature, etc.). In case of loss or theft, it was possible to report this, after which it was blocked. All data and photos were applied by laser engraving, that is, the text and images were in the structure of the card, so it was extremely difficult to replace or fake it.

When submitting documents for release, a video was recorded - all papers were immediately locked in a safe. Delivery of the finished card was carried out separately from the envelope with the pin code. It was also possible for security reasons to limit the number of available options.

What was expected from the card

The creation of such a medium was to be part of an extensive program based on the principle of "one window". Make ordering and receiving public services easier and more accessible for all citizens. This could save us from bureaucratic red tape. It would also ensure that holders are constantly informed of their rights. The staff of officials of all ranks would be reduced. It would be possible to create and develop a database of electronic signatures for individuals countries. The share of non-cash payments would increase. It is likely that many other changes could be brought about.

What shortcomings were found in the implementation process

The map, in a certain sense, could not stand the competition with paper documents. Due to its versatility, the card has become too valuable - its loss, damage, theft led to the fact that a person was left without important documents(medical policy, SNILS, etc.). The presence of such a single and comprehensive source of all data about a person opened the way to all information about him, all options and opportunities - this made a person very vulnerable, especially in the presence of ill-wishers with some skills.

The logo of the bank that opened the current account of the cardholder was put on the card. If a citizen would want to change the bank, then the card would have to be changed. Also, a reissue would be required in the event of a change of surname, other data presented on the surface.

Not everyone wanted to delve into the intricacies of the UEC functionality. The elderly are often left out of the benefits provided. In addition, there are people who simply do not have a penchant for constant contact with a computer.

For full-fledged work with the card, one would have to buy a special device and master new software, which also did not please everyone. In conditions when computer dependence is already growing exponentially, the functionality of the card is able to increase it even more.

If the PIN code is entered incorrectly by the owner, the UEC is blocked, which deprives him of documents and opportunities. Herself a plastic card often does not withstand the load: with its active use, including as a transport vehicle, it leads to wear long before the expiration due date actions.

Despite the wide possibilities, it does not eliminate the need to carry a passport with you, since it cannot be recognized as an identity document. The need to equip all potential places of its use with special terminals and readers pleased not everyone. There are other shortcomings, which turned out to be many in practical use.

Plus to this:

  1. Attempts were made to track the movements of cardholders, for example, in the subway, which, in the end, did not please anyone.
  2. There were fears that the presence of the UEC would enable total tacit control of the private life of citizens.
  3. Some citizens fear that it will make fraud and fraud simple and affordable.
  4. About 10% of those surveyed considered it an entrance to unauthorized third-party awareness of their private lives.
  5. At the same time, almost half of the persons prefer to have documents separately.

Is it possible to get this card now

In December last year, the UEC was canceled, while holders of already issued cards can continue to use them until the expiration date. Universal electronic card of a citizen of the Russian Federation - what is it and how to get it? These questions are closed. This project was stopped for many reasons, one of the reasons is the international situation.

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