Bank zenith. Stability and reliability of the bank. financial analysis of the bank bank zenith bank zenith reliability

Key positive impact on rating assessment provided systematic provision of financial support from the key shareholder - PJSC Tatneft - and a high probability of further support of the bank from shareholders in the medium term if the need arises. In addition, the agency notes the bank’s good competitive position in banking market(as of November 1, 2017, the bank ranks 37th in terms of assets in the Russian Federation) and the wide geography of its activities (8 branches in 6 federal districts and more than 70 others structural divisions). Low concentration had a positive impact on the rating active operations on objects of large credit risk (as of November 1, 2017, large credit risks to net assets amounted to about 25%), an acceptable balance of assets and liabilities in the short term and a high level of coverage by net interest and commission income of expenses associated with supporting activities (231% for the third quarter of 2017). Additionally, a high level of security of the loan portfolio of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and individuals is noted (as of November 1, 2017, the coverage of the loan portfolio with collateral, taking into account the pledge of securities, sureties and guarantees, was more than 860%, without taking into account - exceeded 240%) and the presence of a positive public credit history.

The main negative impact on the rating was the unprofitability of the bank's activities (according to RAS, ROE for profit after tax for the period from 10/01/16 to 10/01/17 was minus 5%; ROA - minus 1%) combined with a low level of net interest margin (for the period from From 10/01/2016 to 10/01/2017, the net interest margin was 2.3%). In addition, the agency’s analysts note the low quality of the bank’s loan portfolio (as of November 1, 2017, more than 25% of the total loan portfolio falls on loans of III-V k.k.; about 26% of the loan portfolio of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and individuals is represented by debt restructured without reduction quality category; requirements for receiving interest amounted to about 5% of gross assets), however, they allow for restrained dynamics of these indicators in the medium term due to the expected repurchase of part of the problem assets at the expense of the main shareholder in the short term. The stable rating outlook is based on the assumption that the period of business transformation, as a result of which the bank will no longer need support from beneficiaries, will largely be completed before the end of 2018, which will be reflected in the strengthening of its independent risk profile. Over the medium-term time horizon, the agency plans to weaken the influence of the significance of the main owner's support from strong to moderate, which, in the absence of positive changes in profitability and growth in the quality of loan debt (including through business expansion), may lead to a downgrade of the rating.

Among the negative factors, the agency highlights the high dependence of the long-term liquidity ratio on the stability of funds in client accounts (as of November 1, 2017, N4 excluding O* amounted to more than 147%) and the investment nature loan portfolio, making it difficult to predict its default given the lack of macroeconomic stability (the weighted average maturity of the 30 largest loans to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, taking into account changes in the repayment period according to Form 117, was about 7 years; about 48% of the balance of legal entities loans as of 06/30/17 falls on project financing, according to IFRS Banking Group for the 1st half of 2017). In addition, operational risks associated with the expected transition to a new ABS have a restraining effect on the rating.

– a very relevant topic for clients of this financial institution. In the wake of rumors about the revocation of the license and other problems of the organization, people are trying to get more full information about its prospects. In the article we will highlight important questions about the current state of affairs.

“Zenit” is quite large even by Russian standards financial institution. It has subsidiaries: since September 2018, this banking group began the procedure for the gradual integration of its subsidiaries. According to the results, in three years the association should include Devon-Credit, Lipetskkombank, Spiritbank and Zenit Sochi Bank.

The financial organization began operating in 1994. A year later, she received a license to operate from.

Important! At the moment, Zenit Bank is a licensed institution, and this situation is not considered subject to any changes.

Note 1. Information regarding licensing can be found on the organization’s official website. Look .

In terms of its financial indicators, the company has positive development trends (read about this below).

If we talk about the bank’s prospects, then we can note its stable position in the domestic Russian market, even despite quite serious competition. The fact that Zenit continues to progress despite the obvious popularity of such colossi as Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, Gazprombank, Raiffeisenbank, etc., speaks of good financial potential.

Rating and financial indicators of Zenit Bank

Today, the characteristics of the bank’s activities boil down to the following data:

  • assets amount to 233 billion rubles;
  • loan portfolio – 130 billion rubles;
  • overdue debentures(in the loan portfolio) – 3 billion rubles;
  • the total volume of deposits of individuals is 64 billion rubles.
  • forecast – stable;
  • issuer default rating V foreign currency for the long term– BB;
  • issuer default rating V national currency for the long term– BB;
  • issuer default rating in foreign currency for the short term– B;
  • support indicator – 3;
  • stability indicator – b+.

Note 3. Explanation: BB – creditworthiness is at a level below sufficient, B – creditworthiness is at a significantly insufficient level.

Another agency, Expert RA, assigned a rating of ruA- (stable).

Current Issues and Latest News

Even the above rating indicators indicate that Zenit is not doing as smoothly as its clients would like. However, here you need to understand: this data is not updated every day - it takes some time before it is revised.

The bank has had some difficulties in the recent past. More precisely - in the period from 09.2017 to autumn 2018 there were signs of negative profitability. This became the basis for rumors about the revocation of the license by the Central Bank.

Of course, when such information hit the media, depositors - and especially individuals - hastened to withdraw their deposits. The inhabitants feared the non-return of their savings.

We have already said above that now Zenit license is out of danger, and there are no plans to withdraw it.

All existing problems have been resolved or are being actively resolved thanks to the intervention of the Bank of Russia and the attraction of investments. It's on this moment excludes the topic of closing Zenit.

Important! A certain strength of the organization is also explained by the fact that this is not a single company, but a banking group. In addition, the shareholder is Russia's largest oil producer Tatneft, which receives support from the state company.

Since February 2018, Zenit Bank has demonstrated net positive profit. This already indicates the improvement of the institution.

Important! Information on the financial status of commercial banks is publicly available on the website of the Central Bank and the Internet resources of the financial institutions themselves.

In addition to official sources, you can use the portal

To conclude the topic, let's talk about general situation Zenith affairs.

Current status of the organization

Although the bank's status is stable, there is evidence of impending changes. In particular, information appeared about Tatneft's intention to sell Zenit. However, this does not mean that the situation is bad: main reason for possible sale– desire to get rid of a non-core institution. Tatneft is an oil producing company and banking business she has no relation.

The second reason– growth of the loan portfolio. But this is not so much a question of the inefficiency of the bank itself, but rather a question of a decline in the standard of living of the country's citizens.

Note 4. Tatneft owns 71% of Zenit shares.

Other problems besides possible change The financial institution currently does not have a shareholder. It is also important to note that during the inspection carried out by the Central Bank, no violations in the company’s activities were identified either.

Reliability issues in 2019 were mostly determined by positive bank development statistics.


Zenit Bank had certain problems, but rumors about the revocation of its license now have nothing to do with reality. The main problems that have been acute in recent times have been solved. Doubt reliability banking organization no need to.

In contact with

The Zenith bank reliability rating is of interest to clients of this financial institution. organizations. This is a well-known institution that issues loans to millions of citizens of the Russian Federation. The structure has many compartments and ATM devices. Her financial security, as well as the rating for 2020 are discussed below.

Zenit is a Russian financial company. structure including affiliated companies and small commercial banks.

Financial assets organizations amount to 213 billion rubles. Let's take a closer look at the data:

  • total turnover amounted to 671 billion rubles;
  • briefcase borrowed money- 129 billion rubles;
  • loan debt - 3 billion rubles;
  • amount of individual deposits persons – 67 billion rubles.

According to the data presented, we can conclude that the company is stable, despite active competition. The stability of the organization is associated with a large number of offices throughout the country. Branches of the institution are present in each big city Russia.

The versatility of the company lies in the number of services provided for both individuals and legal entities. persons

Important! Fin. Organizational indicators are in the public domain, open to everyone. She is located at the office. Website of the Central Bank, at the office. Zenit website and You can check it out at any time.

Zenit bank credit rating

The place of the bank is zenith in the ranking of banks: according to indicators, the institution is in 41st place. It has risen one step higher compared to the previous period. RA "Expert" assigned the organization the status of "stable" and noted its moderately high level of creditworthiness.

International agencies noted the positive dynamics of the rating of Zenit Bank. Among them:

  1. Moody's noted the relatively low vulnerability of the financial sector. structures. A positive prognosis was assessed.
  2. Fitch has given the institution a "B" rating in the short term. The forecast states “stability”.

Existing problems of the bank at the moment

Over the past period, the organization has accumulated problems. Since September 1, 2017, the organization has shown exclusively negative dynamics. Thus, opinions have emerged that the Finnish license. structures will be recalled.

If this information were leaked to the media, it would have a negative impact on the company's reputation. Depositors would begin to close deposits, fearing the liquidation of the organization. However, today the information is considered false. Official information about the revocation of the license has not been provided.

Existing problems can be easily resolved by contacting the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Also, you can attract investors, thereby improving the situation. It is worth considering that Zenit is not one bank, but a whole group of institutions, represented by a number of commercial structures. Its shares belong to Tatneft. She, in turn, is protected and supported by the state.

Not very represented in January 2020 good performance profitability of the company. So, at the beginning of the period, losses amounted to over 2 billion. However, by February the situation had stabilized and positive dynamics were already present. According to experts, the likelihood that the license will be revoked is zero.

Bank's position today

As of today, there can be no talk of revoking the license. The organization's clients do not have to worry about their savings and loans. However, there is information in the media that the company will soon undergo some changes.

Thus, Tatneft wants to sell the financial institution. Experienced specialists involved in pre-sale preparation will be involved. Please note that Finnish The organization owns 71% of the securities.

The institution is being sold in order to get rid of a non-core organization, since Tatneft produces and refines oil. Accordingly, it has nothing to do with the financial sector.

Due to the deterioration in people's living standards, the loan portfolio increased, hence problems arose with the sale of the institution. However, such dynamics are observed in almost all financial markets. structures.

Accordingly, selling is the only problem today. Therefore, the immediate task facing organizational leaders is to reduce credit debt and increase your attractiveness to potential buyers.

The problem, discovered at the beginning of the year, was resolved through rehabilitation. The Central Bank checked the institution and found no serious deviations. Measures to stabilize the dynamics brought positive results.

However, for this year the number of depositors decreased by more than 1%. The trend must be changed, otherwise it will have an extremely negative impact on the financial sector. indicators.

According to the data provided, the bank can be recommended to clients as stable and reliable. Therefore, you can safely start or continue cooperation with him. Problems that existed several months ago were resolved quickly and effectively. There is no point in doubting the reliability of the company at this time. The fact that the organization is being sold will not affect current clients in any way.

Here are the statistics on negative factors:

  • indicators indicating the unreliability of the structure - 1;
  • indicators indicating its instability - 6.

Date of credit report 26.08.2019

1. Full name of the issuer

Reg. number: 3255

Main components:

3. SWOT analysis

  • PJSC Bank ZENIT is average Russian bank(39th place in terms of assets and 31st place in equity capital as of 07/01/2019).
  • The bank has a developed network: 5 branches, 41 additional offices, 17 operational offices, 53 operations. cash register outside the cash register.
  • Reserve according to capital adequacy standards (N1.0 = 15.304%, N1.1 = 10.622% as of 07/01/2019 with thresholds of 8% and 4.5%, respectively).

  • Unstable financial results - the bank recorded losses for 3 years in a row - for 2015, 2016 and 2017.
  • The long-term nature of the loan portfolio is about 14.35% of corporate loans according to IFRS as of 03/31/19. accounts for project financing, 16.24% - mortgage loans.
  • A significant share of deposits of individuals in attracted funds from clients (44.12% of raised funds according to RAS as of 07/01/2019) creates a potential threat to liquidity, due to the possibility of early recovery provided for by law (the threat is partially offset by a significant share of balances less than the insured amount of the Civil Code " DIA").

4. Ownership structure

Major shareholders:

3.4007% (3.4274%) - Nabertherm Limited, Rosemead Enterprises Limited (M.A. Sokolova, A.V. Sokolov, T.P. Shishkina through a number of companies);

5.75% (5.79%) - Tishchenko Alexander Sergeevich;

4.4999% (4.5353%) - Vitaly Vyacheslavovich Lipanov;

3.44% (3.46%) - VIEWCOM FINANCE LIMITED, Cyprus (controlled by M.A. Sokolova);

3.41% (3.43%) - Gatehill Limited (controlled by T.P. Shishkina);

3,4007% (3,4274%) -

3.09% (3.12%) - DANIKOM LLC (controlled by M.A. Sokolova, T.P. Shishkina);

1.25% (1.26%) - Sokolova Maria Alexandrovna;

0.0577% (0.0582%) - Shishkina Tatyana Petrovana;

0.0447% (0.04507%) - Nail Ulfatovich Maganov;

0.5416% (0.546%) - minority shareholders.

0.7792% (-) - own shares transferred into ownership credit organization.

71.1737% is controlled by the PJSC Tatneft Group. The Group does not have a main controlling shareholder (according to the Bank, 63.451% of the company's shares are in public circulation). The Government of the Republic of Tatarstan controls approximately 36% of the Group's voting shares.

Bank statements as of July 1, 2019 (billion rubles, changes for 6 months) according to RAS.

Capital 34.075 billion rubles. (-3.280 billion rubles) according to form 123.

Assets - 219.257 billion rubles. (-31.010 billion rubles)

10.603 billion rubles. (-3.906 billion rubles.) - cash register and correspondent accounts.

35.279 billion rubles. (-19.699 billion rubles.) - attachmentsVvaluablepaper.

4.294 billion rubles. (-3.894 billion rubles.) - interbank loans.

98.988 billion rubles. loanslegalpersons. (-11.951 billion rubles), including balance sheet overdue debt - 4.104 billion rubles (+1.676 billion rubles) or 4.15%.

31.145 billion rubles. loansphysicalpersons. (+0.427 billion rub.), including balance sheet overdue debt - 1.463 billion rubles (+0.025 billion rubles) or 4.7%.

RUB 2.048 billion.(+0.172 billion rub.)- property (fixed assets, capital investments and so on.)


44.398 billion rubles. (+0.657 billion rubles) - .

49.026 billion rubles. (-6.291 billion rub.) - legal means. persons

78.460 billion rubles. (-0.707 billion rub.) - contributions from individuals. persons

13.586 billion rubles. (+1.150 billion rub.) - formed reserves.

Profit/loss (according to RAS):

For 6 months of 2019 - net profit+1.517 billion rub. For 2018, profit +0.178 billion rubles. (For 2017, the loss was -2.366 billion rubles).

Loans to individuals

Composition of liabilities

Involved funds







Funds in accounts with the Bank of Russia

Funds in accounts with credit institutions


10 602 823

18 400 309

14 075 003

15 777 586

14 509 146

4 104 234

3 919 811

3 283 276

2 970 026

2 427 850

Loans to individuals

incl. Overdue debton personal loans

1 463 309

1 375 713

1 380 864

1 337 538

1 447 662

Requirements for letters of credit

Other loans

Loan debt

146 664 578

144 997 706

160 336 689

159 305 968

154 878 437

Financial assets

45 920 510

64 154 694

62 367 496

55 403 231

55 884 370

Funds in settlements

Accounts receivable

4 127 474

4 835 122

4 262 128

4 118 368

1 750 335

13 809 288

13 678 666

12 145 393

12 622 413

14 216 932


2 055 811

1 830 879

1 808 010

1 502 892

1 320 711

Other assets

-2 222 306

-418 938

9 047 407

8 761 996

8 311 241


221 137 654

247 514 895

264 106 885

257 515 183

250 896 928


Authorized capital

Extra capital

Retained earnings from previous years (uncovered losses from previous years)

Unused profit (loss) for reporting period

Other revaluation and reserve fund

25 374 551

24 471 336

31 216 156

31 622 889

31 485 546

Provision for possible losses

14 843 638

14 475 988

18 640 002

18 187 361

18 698 680

Funds from credit institutions

Legal funds persons

Involved funds

177 859 886

204 848 758

211 666 921

206 092 851

197 782 016

Other obligations

3 041 722

3 563 241

2 470 359

1 612 082

2 913 249


221 137 654

247 514 895

264 106 885

257 515 183

250 896 928




268 316 068

285 494 051

275 908 558

281 734 722

291 514 931

Contingent liabilities

59 961 373

54 445 142

56 698 734

56 473 380

53 603 696

Subsidiaries and related companies

Also, the Bank owns 100% of the capital of ZENIT Finance LLC, 100% of the capital of Zenit Investment Service Inc., a company registered in the British Virgin Islands, 100% of the capital of ZENIT FINANCE LLC (carrying out a factoring business), 100% of the capital of ZENIT Leasing LLC, 100% of the capital of ZENIT FACTORING SME LLC (carrying out factoring business).

Structure of the Group’s loan portfolio according to IFRS (as of March 31, 2019)

Customer funds (by type) in liabilities according to IFRS (as of 03/31/2019)

Appendix 8.

Rating moneyzzz(together with @riskovik) :

Previous conclusion

Date of credit report 07.11.2018
Recommendations are valid for 1 year

1. Full name of the issuer

Bank ZENIT (public joint-stock company)

Reg. number: 3255

The table shows the final rating.

Main components:

  • The bank's own rating in a stable situation is B.
  • The bank's stress rating is C.
  • The expected level of support is high.

Based on the results of the risk assessment, we recommend carrying out placement operations Money V financial instruments Bank within the limits of the insured amount of the DIA Group - 1.4 million rubles.

3. SWOT analysis

Key positive points:

  • PJSC Bank ZENIT is an average Russian bank (40th place in terms of assets and 32nd place in equity capital as of 10/01/2018).
  • The bank has a developed network: 5 branches, 18 additional offices, 18 operational offices, 51 operations. cash desk outside the cash desk, 1 credit and cash office.
  • Reserve according to capital adequacy standards (N1.0 = 16.199%, N1.1 = 11.297% as of 10/01/2018 with thresholds of 8% and 4.5%, respectively).
  • There is a high probability of support for the Bank from the main shareholder - PJSC Tatneft.

Key negative points:

  • Unstable financial results - the bank recorded losses for 3 years in a row - for 2015, 2016 and 2017, and only in 2018 showed positive financial results for 9 months.
  • Low quality of the loan portfolio - more than 25% of the loan portfolio falls on loans III-V k.k.
  • The long-term nature of the loan portfolio - the weighted average maturity of the 30 largest loans to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, taking into account changes in the repayment period according to Form 117, was about 7 years; about 31.13% of corporate loans according to IFRS as of 07/01/18. accounts for project financing.
  • Significant share of short-term balances on clients' current accounts legal entities(15.7% of raised funds) and funds of credit institutions (31.56%) with a high concentration of funding, as well as a significant share of individual deposits in raised customer funds (34.6%) creates a potential threat to liquidity.

4. Ownership structure

  • 63.67% - share of shares with voting rights (63.16% - share in actual ownership) - PJSC Tatneft named after. V.D. Shashina;
  • 8.45% (8.52%) - Tatneft Oil AG (controlled by PJSC Tatneft named after V.D. Shashin);
  • 6.01% (6.06%) - Nabertherm Limited, Rosemead Enterprises Limited (controlled by M.A. Sokolova, A.V. Sokolov, A.A. Sokolov, T.P. Shishkina, T.A. Zanozina) ;
  • 5.75% (5.79%) - Fletcher Group Holdings Limited, Cyprus (controlled by V.S. Lisin, Yu.V. Lisin);
  • 3.44% (3.46%) - VIEWCOM FINANCE LIMITED, Cyprus (controlled by M.A. Sokolova)
  • 3.41% (3.43%) - Gatehill Limited (controlled by T.P. Shishkina)
  • 3.09% (3.12%) - DANIKOM LLC (controlled by M.A. Sokolova, T.P. Shishkina).
  • 3.54% (2.80%) - shareholders - minority shareholders

4.1. Primary ultimate beneficiary

72.12% is controlled by the PJSC Tatneft Group. The Group does not have a main controlling shareholder. The Government of the Republic of Tatarstan controls approximately 36% of the Group's voting shares.

The Government of Tatarstan is also the holder of the “golden share”, which gives it the right to appoint one representative to the Board of Directors and one representative to the Audit Commission of the Company, as well as to veto certain important decisions, including decisions regarding changes in share capital, amendments to the Charter, liquidation or reorganization of the Company, as well as approval in relation to “major” transactions and “interested party transactions”.

4.2. Probability of shareholder support in case of crisis

The likelihood of support for the Bank from the main shareholder (Tatneft PJSC Group) is assessed as high.

5. Analysis of key financial indicators

Bank reporting as of 10/01/2018 (billion rubles, changes for 9 months) according to RAS (data and interpretations according to IFRS for 2017 and the 1st half of 2018 are also used).

Capital - 36.870 billion rubles. (-3.627 billion rubles)123 eachform.

Assets - 256.851 billion rubles. (+13.369 billion rubles), including:

15.778 billion rubles. (+2.806 billion rubles.) - cash register and correspondent accounts.

54.349 billion rubles. (-1.982 billion rubles) -attachmentsVvaluablepaper.

15.712 billion rubles.(+6.411 billion rubles) - interbank loans.

104.578 billion rubles. loanslegalpersons including balance sheet overdue debt - 2.970 billion rubles. (2.84%).

As at 30 June 2018, the aggregate amount of loans before impairment provisions issued to the 22 largest borrowers, individually exceeding 5% of the Group’s capital, amounted to RUR 61,593,885 thousand, or 35.6% of total amount loans and advances to customers.

As of January 1, 2018, according to IFRS reporting, the share of loans with overdue payments of more than 30 days and impaired, restructured and requiring increased control was 3.95%.

31.961 billion rubles. loansphysicalpersons including balance sheet overdue debt - 1.338 billion rubles. (4.19%). As of July 1, 2017, according to IFRS reporting, the share of loans with overdue payments of more than 30 days and impaired, restructured and requiring increased control was 7.13%.

1.464 billion rubles.(+0.238 billion rubles) - property (fixed assets, capital investments, etc.).


66.185 billion rubles. (+16.674 billion rubles.) - legal means. persons

As at 30 June 2018, customer accounts under IFRS included balances of 19 customers, individually exceeding 5% of the Group's equity. The total balance of funds of such clients amounted to RUB 56,051,626 thousand, or 31.5% of the total amount of client funds.

62.986 billion rubles. (+10.877 billion rubles)- funds from credit institutions

As of June 30, 2018, under IFRS, due to other banks included balances of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation exceeding 5% of the Group’s capital in the amount of RUB 4,436,896 thousand, or 16.1% of the total amount due to other banks.

As of June 30, 2018, under IFRS, due to other banks included balances of three Russian banks with a rating of at least Ba3 (Moody's), individually exceeding 5% of the Group's capital, in the amount of RUB 11,457,046 thousand, or 41.5% of the total amounts of funds from other banks.

71.237 billion rubles. (+0.365 billion rub.) - contributions from individuals. persons

17.528 billion rubles. (+1.658 billion rub.) - formed reserves.

Profit/loss (according to RAS):

Net profit for 9 months of 2018 - 0.658 billion rubles. For 2017, the loss was -2.366 billion rubles. (For 2016 - loss -7.443 billion rubles, for 2015 - loss -6.051 billion rubles).

Information on the quality of loans to legal entities as of 01/01/2018

Appendix 4. Dynamics of the composition of liabilities (including raised funds) and profitability indicators.

Composition of liabilities

Involved funds

Appendix 5. Main indicators according to RAS, thousand rubles.








15 777 586

14 509 146

10 332 069

12 971 449

26 603 126

Interbank loans (deposits) provided (placed)

Loans to the Ministry of Finance, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and authorities local government

Legal loans individuals and individual entrepreneurs

incl. Overdue debt on loans to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

2 970 026

2 427 850

1 762 369

1 679 731

8 869 259

Loans to individuals

incl. Overdue debt on personal loans

1 337 538

1 447 662

1 388 740

1 260 824

1 249 470

Requirements for letters of credit

Drag. metals provided

Other loans

Investments in financial lease (leasing) operations and acquired rights of claim

Loan debt

159 305 968

154 878 437

140 173 749

145 328 542

164 266 491

Financial assets

55 403 231

55 884 370

54 502 968

56 331 592

43 096 217

Funds in settlements

Accounts receivable

4 118 368

1 750 335

2 131 736

2 215 996

3 129 802

Requirements for receiving interest

12 622 413

14 216 932

13 620 159

13 556 281

15 156 865

Business reputation


1 502 892

1 320 711

1 285 377

1 236 898

1 657 723

Other assets

8 761 996

8 311 241

10 681 011

12 076 922

13 085 824


257 515 183

250 896 928

232 777 368

243 816 111

267 016 186


Sources own funds

31 622 889

31 485 546

31 432 384

33 454 589

34 630 186

Provision for possible losses

18 187 361

18 698 680

18 580 618

16 204 562

27 634 997

Funds from credit institutions

Legal funds persons

Funds from budgets, the Ministry of Finance, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments

Deposits (funds) of individuals and individual entrepreneurs

Other borrowed funds from legal entities and individuals (including unfinished settlements)

Debt issued

Obligations to pay interest

Involved funds

206 092 851

197 782 016

181 647 315

192 828 027

197 810 041

Other obligations

1 612 082

2 913 249

1 111 402

1 122 209

6 793 809

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss


257 515 183

250 896 928

232 777 368

243 816 111

267 016 186




Precious metals

Collateral for placed funds

281 734 722

291 514 931

308 305 520

323 211 793

377 714 110

Issued guarantees and warranties

Unused limits for issuing guarantees

Non-credit contingencies

Unused credit lines and overdraft

Contingent liabilities

56 473 380

53 603 696

48 052 054

48 522 906

49 248 826

Subsidiaries and related companies

The Group includes the following subsidiary banks:

The Bank also owns 100% of the capital of ZENIT Finance LLC (in January 2018, the reorganization procedure of Arsenal Group LLC was completed by merging with Regional Development LLC, with subsequent renaming to ZENIT Finance LLC).

The bank owns 100% of the capital of Zenit Investment Service Inc., a company registered in the British Virgin Islands.

In June 2018, the Bank acquired control of ZENIT FINANCE LLC, which carries out the factoring business.

In the second quarter of 2018, the Bank created ZENIT Leasing LLC to carry out leasing activities.

Appendix 7. Industry structure of the loan portfolio and concentration of customer funds according to IFRS

Industry structure of the Group’s loan portfolio according to IFRS (as of July 1, 2018)

Customer funds (by type) in liabilities according to IFRS (as of 07/01/2018)

Appendix 8.
Dynamics of the Bank’s financial results and assets since 2008.

Dynamics of financial results (million rubles)

Dynamics of assets (million rubles) and their growth rates (year/year, %).

Appendix 9. Scheme of relationships between the bank and persons under whose control or significant influence the bank is located

Elena: Hello! Tell me, what are the chances of the Zenit group banks to stay afloat in the near future?

27th place in terms of assets.

In liabilities, 78 billion are funds of organizations, another 45 are accounted for by deposits. For both indicators, there is good growth over the year, by 16% and 19%, respectively.

The bank lends mainly to legal entities; the corporate loan portfolio exceeds 146 billion with an increase of 13% over the year. Delinquency grew more slowly, by 7%. As a result, 2.4% of corporate loans are overdue.

Increased by 33% customer credit, with a slower growth of delinquency of 9%. The portfolio of loans to individuals reached 19 billion, with an overdue rate of 2.9%.

In general, the situation with loans is controlled. Positive dynamics are visible for both packages (individuals and legal entities), both in growth and in the fight against delinquency.

Over the year, the bank increased its capital by 17%, to 33 billion. Increased investments in securities by 24%, final investment portfolio amounted to 30 billion.

Showed relatively stable profits. At the same time, in some months it dropped to small positive indicators. But this is rather the norm for current situation in economics. It's good that there were no losses.

OJSC Tatneft is the main beneficiary, owning 24.56% of the shares. Others are distributed among various individuals. Basic corporate clients Bank - oil producing and processing companies.

I didn’t find any problems in the statistics. The bank has been growing steadily throughout the year at a moderate pace, no negative news has been found recently. I think it deserves a “yellow” rating with a positive outlook.

I won’t rate it higher for now, because... the bank had problems with some borrowers in the recent past (in 2011-2012) and there was a significant “drawdown” in profits.

The bank was founded in December 1994 by the oil company Tatneft*, the Academy National economy under the government of the Russian Federation and a group of other legal entities. Registered with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in June 1995 in the form of an LLC.

In 2002, he received a general license from the Bank of Russia and a license to work with precious metals, and also changed its organizational and legal form to an open joint-stock company.

Since December 2004, the credit institution has been participating in the deposit insurance system for individuals.

In 2005, Zenit Bank bought 90% of the shares of Devon-Credit Bank from Tatneft.

At the beginning of 2007, as part of regional development acquired 85.3% of the shares of Gazprombank's subsidiary, Sochigazprombank (now Zenit Sochi Bank).

In 2007, the Zenit banking group** was replenished by Lipetskcombank, which previously belonged to the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant (NLMK).

In December 2008, Tula SpiritBank also joined the group.

According to the decision general meeting shareholders at the end of 2014, the form was brought into compliance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and re-registered as a public joint-stock company.

In September 2019, the procedure for merging Devon-Credit Bank and Lipetskcombank into Zenit was started.

In 2019, it is planned to complete the merger of four subsidiary banks with Zenit Bank.

As of June 1, 2019, the volume of net assets of the credit institution amounted to 216.7 billion rubles, the volume of equity funds - 34.5 billion rubles. Based on the results of the first five months of 2019, the bank shows a profit of 2.1 billion rubles.

Network of divisions:
head office (Moscow);
5 branches (St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg);
53 operating cash desks outside the cash desk;
35 additional offices;
17 operational offices.

PJSC Tatneft named after. V.D. Shashina – 71.12%;
Maria Sokolova – 8.20%;
Alexander Tishchenko – 5.75%;
Tatyana Shishkina – 4.82%;
Vitaly Lipanov – 4.50%;
Arkady Sokolov – 3.07%;
minority shareholders – 2.54%.

Board of Directors: Nail Maganov (chairman), Vladimir Borutsky, Shlomit Gruman-Navot, Vitaly Lipanov, Arkady Sokolov, Alexey Panferov, Nurislam Syubaev, Shafagat Takhautdinov, Inabat Terek, Evgeny Tikhturov, Sergey Shibaev.

Governing body: Oleg Mashtalyar (chairman), Sergey Boev, Andrey Dobrynin, Mikhail Stepanov, Dmitry Yurin, Ilya Poz.

* PJSC Tatneft is one of the largest oil companies in Russia and one of the largest public companies with market capitalization as of March 2019 - about 1.7 trillion rubles. Structures controlled by the Republic of Tatarstan own about 34% of the shares in the company’s authorized capital; 23% of shares are traded as global American depositary receipts(ADR); other shareholders own another 43% of the shares. The revenue of the Tatneft group, according to IFRS data, for the first quarter of 2019 amounted to 227.3 billion rubles. Profit for the first quarter amounted to 60.2 billion rubles; oil production by the group in the first half of 2019 amounted to 14,829 thousand tons (+3.7% compared to the first half of 2018).

** Zenit Banking Group is a large Moscow banking group with significant interests in Tatarstan. Provides a full range of banking services. Currently, the group, in addition to its core JSCB Zenit, includes four more banks: PJSC Lipetskcombank, PJSC SpiritBank, JSC Bank Zenit Sochi, PJSC AB Devon-Credit.

According to IFRS reporting for the first quarter of 2019, the group’s assets amounted to 249.4 billion rubles, capital - 24.5 billion rubles. The co-owners of the group are members of the board of directors and management; a large block of shares is owned by PJSC NK Tatneft.

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