Reso guarantee property insurance. Calculation of property insurance in Reso Guarantee. Insurance situations are considered

The Resogarant company appeared on the insurance market in 1991. It was then that the boom in the creation of private companies began, because the USSR with its state economy was already in fact disintegrating and new forms of management were emerging.

About company

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The company has constantly developed and expanded the range of services provided for legal and individuals. Today, the company with a 26-year history of success is considered one of the most stable in Russia. Over the course of its existence, it has become an international corporation: insurance companies are represented in Belarus, Armenia and Kazakhstan.

The range of services provided is extremely wide (more than 100 products).

The main areas of insurance activity are:

  • property insurance for individuals and legal entities;
  • insurance for tourists going on a long journey;
  • health insurance;
  • CASCO and OSAGO for all Russian motorists;
  • life and health insurance of citizens.

The company has repeatedly become a laureate of Russian recognition awards among insurance companies, received other prizes for its merits and good propositions for clients. The reputation of IC "Reso" is impeccable, because there have never been delays in paying insurance compensation to clients.


The company "Reso" is mainly engaged in insurance real estate citizens of the Russian Federation. Let's take a closer look at how cottages and houses are insured.

The list of insured events that are provided for by the norms of the company’s insurance contracts includes:

  • emergency situations (lightning strike, domestic gas explosion);
  • fire;
  • natural disasters;
  • flooding, consequences of rainfall;
  • illegal actions of third parties, robberies, burglaries;
  • consequences of an accident.

There are several options for insuring houses and summer cottages (depending on the list of insurance risks, the consequences of which are compensated by insurers):

In the area of ​​home and garden insurance, the company has developed several software products. Among them is the Resodom insurance policy.

Under this program you can insure:

  • dachas, garden houses;
  • cottages outside the city;
  • fences;
  • utility rooms in the yard;
  • bath rooms;
  • fences and fences.
  • select a risk package (for example, No. 3);
  • We note (or not) the possibility of insurance against terrorist acts;
  • write down the name of the region in which the property is located (for example, Kemerovo region);
  • indicate the objects of insurance (main building with an estimated value of 100,000 rubles, outbuildings at an estimated cost of 15,000 rubles);
  • we specify the features of the house and living conditions (we put marks. Let’s say the client wants to insure a brick house);
  • set the deductible amount (optional).

The insured amount will be approximately 483 rubles.

It is also possible to issue a product called “Policy without inspection”. What is its essence? There is no need to travel to obtain insurance insurance agent"Reso" to the location of the property.

Other benefits of insurance are:

  • It is possible to obtain protection for three buildings located at the same address. It is important to take into account that the cost of each building cannot exceed 1,000,000 rubles;
  • The policy period will begin 7 days after the document is issued;
  • the insurance company will only allow you to complete the contract if you provide 2 photographs;
  • It is possible to obtain home insurance online without visiting the company’s office.

To insure apartments, the company offers to take out a “Brownie” insurance policy (there are 4 types).

You can insure the following:

  • apartment designs;
  • finishing;
  • engineering and technical equipment and movable property located inside the insured property;
  • health and life of persons who live in the apartment;
  • civil liability to neighbors for harm caused to them.

The company offers powerful protection against such risks:

  • man-made accidents;
  • natural disasters;
  • actions of third parties with the aim of causing damage to structures or property of the owners;
  • falling objects or collision Vehicle(let's say the apartment is located on the ground floor near the roadway).

Now let's look at the conditions of each package in more detail, because there are differences among them.

So, the “Brownie Preferential” program provides the opportunity to insure:

  • apartment structures with an area of ​​no more than 100 square meters with coatings up to 1,500,000 rubles;
  • finishing and interior doors for no more than 300,000 rubles;
  • property of the owners and technical systems of the apartment (up to 300,000 rubles);
  • civil liability to neighbors.

The insurance premium will be 3,000 rubles per year.

The House Economy package provides the possibility of insuring the same elements, but there are some differences:

  • the amount of insurance coverage for apartment structures has been increased to 2,100,000 (outside Moscow) and 3,000,000 rubles;
  • the insurance limit for finishing elements has been increased to 450,000 Russian rubles;
  • the cost of the policy will be 4500 or 6000 rubles.

The House Express policy offers the company's clients a choice of design options and, accordingly, coverage amounts.

In the first option there is an opportunity:

  • insure the structures of an apartment with an area of ​​up to 120 square meters with coverage of up to 7,000,000 rubles;
  • finishing elements worth up to 700,000 rubles;
  • technical systems and property of citizens with guaranteed coverage of up to 600,000 Russian money;
  • liability to neighbors is covered up to 1,200,000 rubles.

The price of this insurance option is 9800 rubles.

The second option provides for slightly reduced amounts insurance coverage risks:

  • no more than 5,000,000 (structures);
  • up to 500,000 (finishing, doors);
  • maximum 450,000 in case of damage to property and technical systems of the apartment;
  • civil liability is insured for up to 600,000 rubles.

The most profitable terms The Reso company offers its own clients as part of the Domovoy Premium service package.

Again, the client can choose one of two interesting options for receiving insurance compensation. Option #1 is:

  • insurance of structures without area limitation with compensation up to 15,000,000 rubles;
  • risk insurance for finishing surfaces with damage coverage in the amount of up to 2,000,000;
  • protection of technical systems and property (movable) of apartment residents in the amount of up to 1,500,000;
  • insurance civil liability in front of neighbors on the floor and below with coverage up to 3,000,000 rubles.

The cost of such a policy is 35,000 rubles per year.

Option No. 2 provides for the protection of the same elements of the apartment and payment of civil liability with the following reservations:

  • the area of ​​insured structures cannot exceed 150 square meters, and the amount of coverage is 10,000,000;
  • the maximum compensation for damage caused to the finishing cannot be more than 1,200,000;
  • liability to neighbors is covered by a maximum amount of 1,700,000;
  • if something happened to the property or technical systems of the apartment, the owner will receive a maximum of 1,000,000 as compensation.

The cost of purchasing such a policy is 27,000 rubles.


It is impossible to list all the insurance rules in a short article. Let's mention just a few of them:

  1. The list of insurance risks is specified in the insurance contract and is exhaustive, therefore the policyholder has no right to claim compensation for any other reasons.
  2. The validity period of any policy is 1 year.
  3. The company issues insurance for objects located exclusively on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  4. The contract is concluded only if all necessary documents are provided.
  5. The coverage area of ​​a specific policy is specified in the contract.
  6. The insurance contract loses legal force in the following cases:
    • full fulfillment of obligations;
    • expiration of its validity period;
    • liquidation of an insurance company;
    • death of the person who insured the property;
    • by mutual desire;
    • in case of recognition of the invalidity of the contract;
  7. Established in the text of the agreement maximum amounts insurance compensation for specific objects are conditional. The amount of specific compensation is established based on the severity of the harm and the destructiveness of the consequences of the incident in the apartment.

How to obtain real estate insurance for individuals in RESO

For registration insurance contract necessary:

  • contact the company office;
  • leave a request for registration insurance policy through the Internet.

Further actions can develop as follows:

  • the policy will be issued automatically after providing 2 photos of the object by email (private home insurance program “Policy without inspection”) and sent to the specified postal address after payment of the insurance premium is received in the company’s bank account;
  • An insurance inspector will go to the specified address of the property to assess the property.

After completing the assessment activities, the policyholder will have to prepare a package of documents and visit the company’s office to sign the contract and receive the policy.

Required documents

To conclude an insurance contract you will need:

  • compose, which is located on the object;
  • to write an application;
  • draw up a list of property that is insured, indicating the main technical characteristics every detail and cost;
  • provide documents confirming ownership of the apartment and property (exchange agreement or, certificate of inheritance, agreement social hiring, contracts, acts or invoices for the acquisition of property (if any));
  • provide floor plan and other technical documents for the apartment (house);
  • passport and identification code of the policyholder;
  • a certificate with a list of people living in the apartment.

What is civil liability insurance for the operation of an apartment? What types of third party insurance are there? How does developer liability insurance work?

Hello, dear readers! Welcome to the HeatherBeaver website and its expert, Denis Kuderin.

In this issue we will look at an interesting and relevant topic - civil liability insurance. The article continues the series of publications devoted to insurance protection of citizens and legal entities.

The material will be useful to owners of commercial and residential property, motorists, homeowners and many other categories of citizens.

1. What is liability insurance?

In previous articles, we wrote about how to provide insurance protection for personal property. But often in unforeseen situations, damage is caused to someone else’s property or health.

In such cases, you can compensate for the losses of the victims from your own pocket, or you can go the other way - insure your civil liability. In this case, the costs will be paid not by the culprit of the accident, but by the insurance company.

(GO) is a separate branch of the insurance market. The object of protection under this type of insurance is the liability of the insured for causing damage to property, life and health of third parties.


The Petrovs went to the dacha for the weekend. While they were resting, a pipe burst in their apartment. A neighbor's apartment on the lower floor was flooded with water. Fortunately, the Petrovs had a liability insurance policy. The losses of the victims were more than compensated by the insurance company. No one sued anyone, good neighborly relations were preserved, as were the finances of both parties.

True, from the administrative or criminal liability GO insurance will not protect. If, for example, you are at fault for an accident, the policy will allow you to pay for the losses of the injured driver, but you will still have to be responsible for the occurrence of the emergency.

Insurance allows you to reimburse the following types damage:

  • harm tangible property– the cost of restoration and repair and related expenses;
  • personal damage – costs of treatment, rehabilitation, care;
  • harm caused environment as a result of production or industrial activities;
  • moral damage.

Purchasing a civil insurance policy is relevant for car owners, apartment owners, businessmen - that is, for almost all categories of citizens. The document protects you from unexpected expenses and, which is also important, saves your nerves.

Such insurance is especially necessary for residents apartment buildings. In apartments where plumbing communications have not been updated for a long time, there is always a risk of an accident or leak.

What if your neighbors just renovated? What if water seeped through the ceiling and ruined expensive furniture? In both cases, insurance will compensate for the damage and eliminate long excuses. Although, of course, you still have to apologize for the inconvenience.

2. What is civil liability insurance - an overview of the TOP 7 types of insurance

Although the insurance industry we describe is relatively young, there are many types of liability insurance.

They can be divided into two large groups – voluntary and compulsory insurance. In the first case, everything is clear: the insurance contract is drawn up according to the goodwill and desire of the policyholder.

Things are more complicated with compulsory civil defense insurance. In essence, this is legalized coercion by the state of citizens and legal entities to take out policies with insurance companies. True, the law pursues a good goal - to protect the financial interests of persons injured in various types of unforeseen situations.

Examples compulsory insurance GO - car insurance, travel insurance for people traveling to Schengen countries, insurance of hazardous industrial facilities - hazardous industrial facilities.

Let us consider in detail all types of civil liability insurance.

Type 1. Motor Vehicle Owners Insurance (MTPL)

Known to all vehicle owners, “automobile insurance” is a typical example of compulsory civil liability insurance. Under the MTPL agreement, damage caused to one driver due to the fault of another is compensated not by the culprit of the accident, but by the insurer.

True, there is a specific limit of insurance compensation under the MTPL policy. In 2019 it is equal to 400,000 rubles per material damage and 600 thousand for damage to health.

You will find more detailed information about car insurance in the publication "".

If you wish, you can compensate for more significant costs, but to do this you need to take out a DoSAGO policy - voluntary civil liability insurance. Such a document complements the compulsory motor liability insurance policy and comes into force if the damage exceeds the limits regulated by law.

Issues of purchasing insurance are covered in the articles “” and “”.

View 2.

Regardless of the transportation method used, transport companies (carriers) are responsible for the safety of cargo and passengers. There are uniform international standards that determine the limits of carrier liability.

First of all, these standards concern the liability of air carriers and shipowners. Railroad workers and trucking companies have their own legal obligations.

Insurance situations are considered:

  • causing harm to the health of passengers and their lives;
  • damage to luggage;
  • loss or damage to cargo;
  • delay in delivery of cargo or passengers due to the fault of the carrier;
  • damage to third parties as a result of an incident involving the carrier.

The policyholders are legal entities who own or lease vehicles.

The insurer is released from payment obligations if the situation arose due to violation by the policyholder of the rules and conditions of transportation.

There will also be no compensation if the carrier violated fire protection standards or the damage was caused by force majeure factors.

For more information, see the article "".

View 3. Environmental Risk Insurance

This type of insurance provides protection for the policyholder's liability for risks associated with negative impacts on the environment.

Such agreements are drawn up by owners who own dangerous objects– power plants, mines, oil refineries and chemical plants, tankers, factories for the production of explosives and toxic substances.

If a leak, accident, or man-made disaster occurs due to the owner’s fault, the insurer will bear the costs. Since the insured amounts in these situations can be quite significant, the insurer’s services will not be cheap.

Therefore, only large international insurance companies are engaged in insuring environmental risks. Such activities are regulated by environmental laws in force in the territory of a particular state.

In Russia, the protection of environmental risks for hazardous production facilities is mandatory. There are about 300 thousand such industries in the Russian Federation. They all must have compulsory insurance GO.

View 4. Liability insurance for manufacturers and sellers

Even three-time decorated and fully robotic production sometimes produces defective products.

The causes of production errors are numerous:

  • violation of working conditions;
  • omissions in the design and development stages of the product;
  • use of low-quality consumables;
  • human factor.

Damage in such situations is not only caused to the consumer. The manufacturer himself suffers large losses.

To protect itself from unexpected expenses associated with the production and sale of defective goods, the company enters into an insurance contract, the validity period of which is usually equal to the warranty period of the product being sold. The insurers in such contracts are either commodity producers or sellers.

View 5. Professional liability insurance

The essence of this type of insurance is most easily explained with a specific example.


A private lawyer promised the client that he would help him win his case in court and charged a fee for his services. However, as a result of unforeseen circumstances, it was lost, the client suffered property losses and sent a claim to the human rights defender.

Fortunately for his pocket, the prudent lawyer took out professional liability insurance, and the client’s costs were paid by the insurer.

This type of insurance is carried out exclusively in relation to individuals engaged in private professional activity. The service is relevant for lawyers, brokers, dealers, appraisers, doctors, and private detectives.

View 6. Developer civil liability insurance

In the Russian Federation, civil insurance for the developer is a mandatory procedure. Such insurance helps to return the funds spent to investors and shareholders or even provide them with living space in the event of bankruptcy and ruin of the construction company.

The law came into force in January 2014: from now on, developers can take money in advance from clients only if they have a liability insurance policy to shareholders.

View 7. Insurance for default

Quite a rare species voluntary insurance. Such a policy is purchased by borrowers who fear that they will not be able to repay the loan in full and on time. Wherein sum insured does not equal the loan, but is only part of it (80-90%).

The table shows the types of civil defense insurance clearly:

Kinds Peculiarities
1 Car owners insuranceMandatory procedure for all car owners
2 Protects the liability of transport companies for passengers and cargo
3 Environmental Risk InsuranceFor hazardous enterprises - a mandatory procedure
4 Manufacturers InsuranceLiability protection for manufacturing defects
5 Professional Risk InsurancePracticed by private individuals
6 Developer Civil InsuranceMandatory procedure since 2014
7 Insurance for defaultPracticed by debtors to banks

Insurance company "RESO-Garantia" provides insurance activities more than 25 years and is among the leaders in Russian insurance market. The company offers clients property insurance programs to reliably protect real estate from robbery, fire, flooding and other unforeseen incidents.

Advantages of property insurance at RESO-Garantiya

At the end of 2015, the company took 3rd place among Russian insurance organizations in the property insurance segment, collecting RUB 3,163,807 thousand. bonuses and paying 584,296 thousand rubles. for insurance cases.

The authorized capital of IC "RESO-Garantia" is 10.85 billion rubles, and the company's reliability rating is assessed by the Expert RA agency as exceptionally high "A++" with a stable forecast. The company's insurance obligations regarding payments are guaranteed by reinsurance companies Munich Re, Hannover Re, Gen Re, SCOR, Partner Re. Number customer base RESO-Garantiya has more than 10 million individuals and legal entities.

Other advantages of insurance in IC "RESO-Garantia" include:

  • the ability to insure a wide range of objects - apartments, houses, cottages, fences, swimming pools, greenhouses, technical equipment;
  • payment of an insurance policy in installments;
  • payment of insurance compensation within 15 days.

Insurance risks covered by the policy

All property insurance programs from RESO-Garantiya guarantee compensation for losses associated with the following insured events:

  • fire, gas explosion, lightning strike;
  • water damage;
  • natural disasters (earthquake, inundation, flood, hurricane, storm, tsunami, tornado, rockfall, landslide, avalanche, hail, mudflow);
  • robbery, burglary;
  • damage associated with illegal actions of third parties;
  • collision with foreign objects;
  • terrorism.

Types of property insurance programs

IC "RESO-Garantia" offers several real estate insurance programs that differ in the objects of insurance. The list of insurance risks is identical for all programs.


This program was created to insure country property and provides insurance for such objects as:

  • cottage, dacha;
  • interior decoration;
  • movable property;
  • fencing, fences;
  • landscape structures.

"Policy without inspection"

The insurance product is designed to insure any country buildings worth up to 1 million rubles. To conclude a contract, a preliminary inspection of the property by a company representative is not required.


This program is designed to insure an apartment, namely such structural elements as:

  • walls, windows, doors, pipelines;
  • covering walls, floors, ceilings;
  • Built in furniture;
  • heating, ventilation, sewerage, gas and water supply, surveillance and security systems;
  • movable property (interior items, furniture, electronics, equipment, household appliances, dishes, tools, clothing).

In addition to the listed insurance items, the program provides life and health insurance for apartment residents against accidents, as well as civil liability insurance. Registration of the “Brownie” insurance program is possible in four options depending on the selected amount of insurance coverage - “Economy”, “Preferential”, “Express”, “Premium”.

Cost of property insurance programs

The table below provides approximate data on the cost of property insurance from RESO-Garantiya in Moscow as of 2017.

The name of the program
Insured risks
Amount of insurance coverage, rub.
Cost of insurance, rub./year

fire, gas explosion, lightning strike;
water damage;
natural disasters;
robbery, burglary;
damage associated with illegal actions of third parties;
collision with foreign objects;
house - 6,500,000;
movement property - 500,000;
bathhouse - 800,000;
garage - 300,000;
fence - 150,000.
30 520
"Policy without inspection"
house - 500,000;
movement property - 50,000;
bathhouse - 250,000;
utility block - 50,000.
6 480
apartment design - 1,500,000;
finishing - 300,000;
movement property - 300,000;
3 000
apartment design - 3,000,000;
finishing - 450,000;
movement property - 300,000;
citizen liability - 300,000.
6 000
apartment design - 7,000,000;
finishing - 700,000;
movement property - 600,000;
citizen liability - 1,200,000.
9 800
apartment design - 10,000,000;
finishing - 1,200,000;
movement property - 1,000,000;
citizen liability - 1,700,000.
17 000

Rating: 1 Payout Score: 3

In August 2015, heavy hail occurred on the KMS in particular and in Mineralnye Vody; the size of the hailstones reached the size of a chicken egg, and some hailstones were the size of a tennis ball. My three storey house was insured under the RESO-Dom policy in the amount of 2,050,000 rubles for a mortgage from Sberbank. Policy number SYS911746094. The policy was chosen with the maximum risk package No. 3, which was possible for mortgage insurance. In general, the hail damaged the roof and its structural elements, the drainage system, the cap and lining of the chimney, the roof of the porch canopy, the glazing of the loggia, the cladding of the loggias, the gate of the first floor house, a block glass window, a double wooden window - 3 units.., All repairs inside the house were flooded with water; electrical wiring and wooden floors had to be replaced. In general, everything needs to be replaced except the gate. I collected all the documents, an expert from the insurance company arrived, took photographs of the house from the ground from all sides, and then they said wait.

A couple of times I was invited to the office to sign a preliminary calculation. In general, I called for three months to Moscow, Stavropol and Pyatigorsk asking when you would pay. I remembered all the numbers by heart, since all the specialists are very busy people. When signing the preliminary calculation in Pyatigorsk, I asked why there was so little, there
The amount was 120 thousand, I don’t remember exactly. I call Moscow and find who is taking care of my
business, and I ask him. I say that the roof is damaged and it needs to be completely replaced. I won’t give his last name, but he said that it was necessary to do a second examination due to newly discovered circumstances. They did an inspection and said that they would re-plate it using some kind of tables, and that it would turn out to be much more, since the roof was being completely replaced. Again, I constantly call Moscow, Stavropol, they feed me breakfasts and promises.

In December 2015, I received a payment of 56,271.14 rubles. I call the insurance company and
I’m asking if you made a mistake with the amount, but you over-corrected the amount of the loss. All in all
I am writing a claim to Stavropol addressed to the director and asking him to recalculate the amount of the loss. I receive an answer, do an examination. At the end of December I am ordering an expert
loss estimate that reflects the market value of restoration costs
(repair) of property taking into account wear and tear - RUB 446,697.25. This assessment did not include
hail damage on the wall of the house on the front side of the facing brick,
interior finishing, wooden floors and electrical wiring.

Sent in March pre-trial claim with a request to reconsider the unreasonably underestimated amount of payment in the amount of 56,271.14 rubles, in case DCH6375525 with a determination report market value, costs of restoration (repair) of property damage. There is still no answer (04/09/2016), I call Pyatigorsk and ask them to see what is there about my case. In response, the case was closed.

As a result, six months of time and a lot of nerves were lost. Also in December, I asked in writing to issue a copy of the act of insured event, asked for a copy of the insurer’s insurance rules, on the basis of which the contract was concluded with individual conditions insurance policy No. SYS911746094 and what limits of liability for individual elements as a percentage of the insured amount it provides, asked to issue a damage calculation. In response, they made it clear to me that you will not receive anything. No one at RESO could tell me what limits of liability for individual elements of the house as a percentage of the insured amount I am entitled to under my policy. They said what is written in your pole is a standard form and cannot be trusted. Nobody said what exactly this pole insures against
what kind of damage?

As a result, I advise everyone, do not believe in the words of the stories from the insurance company. One gets the impression that RESO is deliberately dragging its feet and harrassing people, hoping that the person will spit on all this disgustingness and will not continue to bother with the insurance company, trying to get at least some adequate payment for the damage.

I no longer hope for a peaceful solution to the problem, and I advise everyone not to believe in stories from RESO that everything will be fine. I wrote this for people who are going to insure their home with a mortgage, so that they don’t make the same mistake as me.

RESO-Garantiya 04/20/2016 9:50

Good afternoon, Oleg Igorevich!

The company’s specialists have once again studied the materials of your payment case.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the property insurance policy was issued in accordance with the requirements of the Bank, which is the Beneficiary under this agreement.

The structure of the house (main structure) is insured under the contract. Interior decoration, electrical wiring, the restoration of which you are applying for, were not insured.

Insurance compensation was paid for damage to the roof (roof), as well as windows.

We regret that the payment amount does not meet your expectations. But we remind you that the payment was made in full accordance with the terms of the concluded agreement.

Elena / Houses, dachas

Policy: SYS936144206

On December 17, there was an insured event - until now. Despite repeated complaints, the RESO-Garantiya company did not react in any way, so I am filing a lawsuit against it.
People, avoid this company as far as possible! Do not under any circumstances have anything to do with her!

Permanent address of review

Irina Property insurance for individuals / Houses, dachas

Policy: SYS841900368

For 8 years I insured my dacha with semi-annual payments. After another contract extension in August, RESO increased insurance cost and accordingly the contribution. I agreed. But in the policy, the valuation of the house remained the same (i.e., if anything happens, the money will be returned based on the estimated, not the insured value!). This is RESO's first trick! They redid the policy, but removed the notes that the house is insured without a foundation (which is 22% of the cost of insurance). This is RESO's second trick! Corrected. And now, after 5 months. They send a notification that it’s already 5 months. The contract with me was terminated due to non-payment of 100 rubles!!! Those. I didn’t even know that because of their corrections, I had a debt, and when I had to pay for the 2nd half of the year, that’s when they showed up. And if something happened to the house - sorry, the contract was terminated for non-payment! When I demanded a refund for these 5 months, they told me that a mistake had occurred - the contract was not terminated (although 2 operators and employees of the RESO branch confirmed that the contract was terminated!!). This is such CYNISM!

Permanent address of review

Vladimir Property insurance for individuals / Houses, dachas

Policy: ID6116822

We have been insuring our house since November 2008. First with Rosgosstrakh, then with VSK, and for the last three years with RESO (Case No. ДЧ4972350). During the entire period of insurance, the amount remained virtually unchanged. On December 12, the house burned down. Moreover, it was completely destroyed, even the monolithic reinforced concrete foundation was partially destroyed. As expected, “according to the rules,” we notified the insurers, filled out an application, provided everything Required documents and photo. They sent an “independent” expert from DVS-Group LLC to the site. On December 23, being an hour late and without apologizing, the expert took photographs of everything, drew up a couple of protocols about what was left and burned - and that’s where we parted. On the same day, we sent the insurers a resolution from the fire inspection department by email. In order to avoid discrepancies, the original was transferred through the expedition on December 25. It would seem that all formalities have been met, you can expect payment within 15 working days, and the amount in accordance with the insurance contract is clear. For combined buildings (the house was lined with bricks), in accordance with the insurance contract, the “whole foundation” amounts to 16% of the insured amount of the building (excluding property). If it is partially destroyed - significantly lower. What would seem simpler - assess the damage to the foundation and here is the result to be paid. However, it turned out that everything was not so simple. In accordance with the Rules, after 15 working days, we call the insurance company - when to the cash office? Vyacheslav, a RESO expert, states that the calculation has not been made and could not clearly explain when the payment will be made. Interesting - again no apology. Then it’s even more interesting - an expert from ICE calls us back and “proudly” reports that he will make a damage calculation, at best, by January 24, since he was not given the task of “considering” the RESO experts. Let me note that in response to my question - why did the internal combustion engine expert call me, because I don’t have any “relationship” with him, the deputy head of the RESO payment department, Inna, could not explain to me. A legitimate question arises: why and for whom does the insurance company write the rules? An even more interesting question is: how much will the damage be assessed to us and when? In a week, of course, you can roughly calculate something (a mystery - how?), and why not start from the amount in the policy and liability limits? I wonder what they are needed for then? After all, at the stage of concluding an insurance contract, the value of the property was calculated. Where are these calculations? It turns out that you have been paying the insurance premium regularly for 6 years - there are no questions, an insured event has occurred - we consider the damage to something that no longer exists, practically none at all. Previously, RESO was considered a reputable company, but now?

Permanent address of review

Vyacheslav Property insurance for individuals / Houses, dachas

Policy: sys278958247

Insured for more than 5 years in the RESO-GARANTIA company. Two plots are insured, 6
buildings, apartment, car. In winter in one of
buildings, an insured event occurred, a roof collapsed with water spilling into the building. As expected, I contacted insurance company With application, on time I collected the full package and estimated the amount of damage to be at least 15,000 rubles. the builders asked for 20,000 rubles. I thought everything was fine, I was sitting waiting, no answer, not a hello. I ACCIDENTALLY found out that they refused to pay me from their agent and was very surprised, the wording was NOT AN INSURANCE EVENT (INSURED UNDER THE FULL PACKAGE). Yesterday I wrote a pre-legal claim. I will Let's see what happens next. I'll post the result!
Conclusion! DO NOT LISTEN TO AGENTS when they say that you need to pay for insurance from large, reputable companies. No one wants to pay for it. I WAS LITING WITH ROSGORSTRAKH for 2 years for my mother-in-law’s burnt down house. I received the money in full by court decision!

Permanent address of review

Tatiana Property insurance for individuals / Houses, dachas

Policy: SYS399747196

Three years ago, I insured my dacha with the RESO-Garantiya company; in the winter of 2012, the house burned down completely, the exact date of the fire is unknown, since no one lives in our village at this time and there was no call to the fire department. The fire inspector expressed a personal interest in investigating the fire, but I did not reciprocate. After that, I received a resolution in my hands, which stated that the cause of the fire was the destruction of the fireproof masonry between the stove and the wall of the house and the date of the fire was indicated. I wrote a separate statement to the insurance company, in which I explained that the stove did not have the indicated defects, on the specified date of the fire I was in Moscow, and not in my village, and could not have broken anything in any way, and it is not at all clear on what basis the inspector Fire supervision established the date of the fire. However, the employees of the property payments department of the RESO company were not interested in my explanations; no one even asked me how the events happened. I naively believed that the Company was ready to fulfill its beautiful promises on the website and valued me as a client. BUT in fact, the decision on payment is made not on the basis of RESO Company’s own investigation into the causes of the fire, but on the basis of the Resolution of the fire inspector. Do you think the fire inspector knows that the decision to pay the RESO insurance company depends on what cause of the fire he writes in the decision, does he have a personal interest in helping the client of the RESO Company? Of course yes. So, formally, all the grounds for refusing payment have been met.
Now I know for sure that the beautiful words on the RESO Company website “we are pleased to offer you various options property protection” is just a slogan to collect money from the gullible population. No one was even going to protect my property, they charged me the cost of the policy for 3 years and the RESO Company made its profit.
DC 4362491, policy SYS399747196

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