Benefit up to 15 years minimum. Amount of unemployment benefit: minimum, maximum, payment procedure. Features of registration for the employer

Mothers and other relatives are entitled to a monthly child care allowance. A preferential payment is assigned at the place of work or by the social protection body in the absence of employment.

Types of benefits

The legislation defines the procedure for calculating three types of support for mothers with children. The amount of the benefit depends on the age of the child:

  • up to one and a half years;
  • from 1.5 to three years;
  • for low-income families up to 18 years of age, in some cases up to 23 years of age.
Information: when the child turns one and a half years old, the mother is paid compensation in the amount of 50 rubles at the place of registration of parental leave.

Who has the right to receive funds for up to one and a half years

The assignment of benefits is regulated by Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 “On State Benefits for Citizens with Children.” In 2020, child care benefits for children up to 1.5 years old can be received by the child’s mother, father, grandmother, etc., if they actually care for the child and because of this are deprived of the opportunity to receive wages or other income.

If two or more relatives are caring for a child, only one of them can receive benefits.

Support is provided to the following categories of parents (other relatives):

  1. Mothers or fathers, other relatives, guardians who actually care for the child are subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity.
  2. Mothers passing military service by contract.
  3. Dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization: mothers - during pregnancy or maternity leave, other relatives - during parental leave.
  4. Mothers or fathers, guardians actually caring for the child are not subject to compulsory social insurance.
  5. Other relatives who actually care for the child and are not subject to compulsory social insurance.
For information! If the mother is under 16 years old, then the assistance is issued to another adult relative or guardian. Download for viewing and printing:

Benefit amount

The amount of the monthly allowance for the mother of a child under one and a half years old depends entirely on the fact of previous employment:

  1. Employees are credited with 40% of their earnings for the previous two years of service, with the exception of citizens:
    • having less than six months of work experience;
    • receiving wages below the minimum wage (minimum wage). (from January 1, 2019 - 4512 rubles).
  2. The unemployed are given a fixed payment (from 02/01/2019):
    • for the birth of the first baby - 3277.45 rubles. ;
    • for the second and subsequent ones - 6554.89 rubles.

The maximum limit is determined at this level (in 2019):

  • for workers - 26,152.27 rubles.
  • for military personnel - 12,262.74 rubles. ;
  • for those dismissed during maternity leave due to the liquidation of the company - RUB 12,262.74.

How much do they pay for the child of a conscript?

If the father of a child under 3 years of age is called up for military service, then the amount of the benefit increases to 11,863.27 rubles.

It can be received by the mother or another relative (including a guardian) caring for the baby. The benefit is paid regardless of the right to other types of state benefits, i.e. the mother can receive child care benefits and such benefits at the same time.

  1. In this case, the following rules are observed:
  2. Only one relative can count on support.
    • It is calculated:
    • from the moment the newborn is born;
  3. but not before the beginning of his father’s conscription service;
    • Payments are terminated for one of the following reasons:
    • Dad's retirement;.
the date of the child's third birthday

Reference! The specified amount is indexed according to the rules established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Procedure for assigning assistance Parents or other relatives caring for the child can apply for payment.

  • An application with application package should be submitted:
  • at the place of work;
  • in the MFC;
to the social protection authorities.

For information: grandparents and other relatives can only contact the employer. The condition for granting the benefit is the actual employment of the mother.

  • It is necessary to notify the body making payments within one month about the occurrence of circumstances affecting:
  • on the amount of charges;

for the right to receive.

The transfer of funds stops (or the amount changes) from the first day of the month following the date of occurrence of the circumstances. Money paid unreasonably is subject to refund.

  • Advice! The mother receiving assistance has the right to choose one of the types of benefits if:
  • is on maternity leave;


Where to go for the unemployed Unemployed citizens must write an application to social security.

  1. These include the following persons:
    • Parent or guardian:
    • who is unemployed but does not receive appropriate benefits;
    • dismissed during maternity leave due to the liquidation of the company;
    • full-time student;
    • an entrepreneur who does not pay voluntary contributions to the Fund social insurance(FSS);
  2. Other relatives, if parents:
    • cannot care for a newborn due to health reasons;
    • died or were declared dead;
    • deprived of rights;
    • limited parental rights;
    • declared missing;
    • declared incompetent;
    • are serving a sentence for a crime in special institutions;
    • avoid raising children;
    • officially abandoned the child.
Reference! If unemployment benefits are paid, the applicant can choose one of the types of payments.

Required documents

The following documents must be provided to social security:

  • application (form issued on site);
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • certificate:
    • about living together with the baby;
    • from the employment agency about the lack of appropriate payments;
  • work book;
  • passport;
  • account details for transferring benefits;
  • a certificate stating that the child’s father does not receive such benefits.

Mothers dismissed due to the liquidation of production are additionally required to provide:

  • a copy of the leave order;
  • certificate of calculation of benefits assigned and paid.
For information! Money is transferred monthly from the date of birth of the child to one and a half years. You should apply within six months from the date the child is born.

Destination Features

If parents have been deprived of rights in relation to older children, then they are not taken into account when processing the application.Consequently, the benefit may be reduced in size.

For example, if a woman has two minors, she relies on the youngest - 6554.89 rubles.

  1. If parental rights are deprived of the first child, she will receive only 3,277.45 rubles.
    • Guardians should prepare:
    • death certificates of parents;
    • a court decision to deprive them of their rights;
    • a certificate stating that the parent is in prison;
    • court decision on the unknown absence of mom and dad;
    • a document stating that the baby was abandoned;
    • act of mother abandoning her newborn;
  2. birth certificate, in which the columns “mother” and “father” are not filled in;
    • Entrepreneurs are required to attach to the application:
    • a certificate confirming the absence of voluntary contributions to the Social Insurance Fund;
document on professional status (lawyers, notaries, etc.). Clue! Foreign citizens

are required to provide a copy of the residence permit.

Conditions for workers

  • Employed citizens turn to the management of the company. In this case, payments are made:
  • at the request of the employee;
  • during absence from work due to parental leave for up to three years;
  • for part-time employment:
    • part-time;
    • at home.

Clue! It is allowed to apply for a benefit for the father:

  • at the place of his work/service;
  • in social security.

Required documents

Employed persons must write to the manager an application for the appropriate payment.
Attached to it:

  • a copy of the birth certificate of the newborn child;
  • copy of passport;
  • a certificate stating that the second parent does not receive benefits of this type at the place of employment.

For information! In practice, it is customary to submit one application:

  • to provide parental leave;
  • for the calculation of the corresponding allowance.

How much will they pay

The amount of accruals is calculated using a special formula:

Rp = D 2 / P x 30.4 × 40%,

  • Рп - the required amount;
  • D 2 - total income for the two previous years, which does not include accruals:
    • on sick leave;
    • related to maternity leave;
  • P - the number of days in the period (two years), with the exception of the following periods:
    • illness;
    • providing child care;
    • forced paid downtime.
Clue! When calculating benefits for entrepreneurs, the amount of income is not taken into account. These individuals receive minimal amounts.

The accountant is obliged to take into account the boundary indicators when calculating benefits for up to one and a half years:

  • minimum is the amount of benefits received on the basis of the minimum wage;
  • the maximum income for the year cannot be greater than the established base of contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for the corresponding period.
Clue! If during the calculation the resulting amount does not reach the minimum, then the calculation is made on the basis of the minimum wage.

Deadlines for registration

An application for a benefit must be reviewed within ten days.
Payments are made on certain days:

  • during the payment of salaries to other employees;
  • on the date established by the social security authority.
Attention! Monthly assistance is accrued for up to one and a half years. Last month transfer of funds is when the child has reached the threshold age.

Working mothers are given the right to choose financial assistance. If it turns out that the benefit for up to 1.5 years is more maternity payments in size, then it is allowed to pay the described type of benefit from the date of birth of the newborn. In this case, maternity benefits already received will be taken into account. This can be done if a woman is on maternity leave and is pregnant/gave birth to a second child.

Allowance for the third and subsequent children

Since 2013 in Russian Federation an assistance program is being implemented. It was initiated by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, having signed decree No. 606 of 05/07/2012. 69 regions joined the events. Method of appointment additional support for families raising children, is developed and approved by the local government.

Reference! You should find out about specific conditions on the official websites regional authorities.

In general, the programs are designed to support mothers with children up to the age of three in families with more than 2 minor children. Assistance is provided to low-income families:

  • having an average income per person that does not exceed the minimum in the region;
  • those who applied for payments on their own initiative.

The application should be submitted to the social security office at your place of residence. In addition to the above documents, the following should be attached:

  • certificates of income of parents and other relatives living with the family;
  • information about family composition;
  • others (depending on the region).

Additional support is provided until the youngest child’s third birthday. You can apply for regional benefits when you have a third or subsequent children.

For information! Under federal law, an applicant who has multiple grounds for receiving assistance must choose only one. This does not apply to regional support measures.

You are allowed to receive help at the same time:

  • federal;
  • local.
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Statistics say that 63% of Russian citizens are unemployed or receive “black” wages, and only 16% of them are officially recognized as unemployed. 54% of the number of people registered with the employment service are women aged 31 to 50 years. In order to reduce tension in the labor market, the government decided to provide unemployed citizens with unemployment benefits in 2018, the maximum amount of which will be 4,900 rubles.

What is unemployment benefit

Citizens who are unable to get a job and are registered with the employment center may apply for financial assistance. Unemployment benefits will not be indexed in 2018. It decreases after a certain period of time. The amount of the unemployment subsidy is influenced by the size of the regional rate and the specialist’s length of service.

Representatives of some departments believe that individuals discredit this species social payments as a phenomenon, because try to get it as much as possible. Officials insist on introducing a full-fledged retraining system based on employment centers, which would reduce the costs of retraining specialists.

Unemployment status and conditions for obtaining it

Unemployed are considered able-bodied citizens who do not have a regular income or job. They must first register with the employment service to search for a suitable vacancy and demonstrate their readiness to take up suitable work. Employment center employees sometimes reject requests from people with disabilities to receive financial assistance, because... confuse the concept of ability to work and legal capacity. If a person is able to fulfill his job responsibilities, then he can, regardless of his state of health.

Legal regulation

According to Article 34 of the Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 “On Employment,” all citizens officially recognized as unemployed can receive unemployment benefits in 2018. An individual may apply for a job that will suit him in terms of qualifications, working conditions, health, transport accessibility. For example, if a citizen received previous work 15,000 rubles, then the labor exchange employee must select vacancies with a salary of at least 9,500 rubles.

Unemployed residents who have lost their right to receive subsidies may qualify for financial assistance. You can receive it upon retraining at the direction of the employment service or after 36 months from the date of registration of unemployed status. By law, individuals under 30 years of age can take advantage of retraining benefits. These include compensation for the cost of public transport, expenses for medicines (provided with a certificate from the hospital).

Who is eligible to receive

Any citizen of Russia who has reached the age of 16 without permanent or temporary income can register with the labor exchange and register as unemployed. Girls on maternity leave cannot take advantage of this right, because... they belong to the temporarily disabled population. A woman will be able to obtain unemployed status after her child reaches 1.5 years of age. Financial assistance for unemployment is not paid to the following categories of residents:

  • under 16 years of age;
  • students studying full-time;
  • pensioners;
  • individuals with status individual entrepreneur;
  • disabled people classified as incapacitated groups;
  • individuals who decide to apply at the place of temporary registration;
  • sentenced to correctional labor by a court decision;
  • persons who provided false information about their recognition as unemployed.

Payments at the labor exchange

The benefit is credited to the citizen’s account monthly from the moment he receives unemployed status. Persons who have lost their jobs due to the liquidation of a company, termination of the activities of an individual entrepreneur or due to a reduction in staff cannot take advantage of this privilege. According to article No. 178 Labor Code RF (Labor Code of the Russian Federation), such citizens retain an average salary for a period of job search equal to 2 months, and then they will be able to receive a subsidy, like other unemployed people.

Every 14 days, the specialist will receive requests for re-registration. You should react quickly when receiving them, because... If an individual does not regularly confirm his status, the provision of financial assistance is terminated. To resume payments, an unemployed employee will have to fill out the application again and collect the entire package of documents.

During what period are payments paid?

Financial assistance for unemployment begins to accrue from the first day a specialist is recognized as unemployed. The procedure for paying unemployment benefits in 2018 will not undergo any major changes. In case of early retirement, the unemployed loses the subsidy. The specialist will not be able to become a participant state program to combat unemployment if he works part-time or has a temporary part-time job.

The subsidy is paid for 2 years. After 7-12 months there is a six-month break. If a specialist has not found a job after this time, he must contact his supervisor from the employment center. After the official application, payments will be resumed for 7-8 months, and then there will be a six-month break again. After this, the subsidy will be transferred to the individual’s account for 4-5 months.

How much pay

When calculating the amount of unemployment benefits, three months' earnings at the last place of work are taken into account. In total, before dismissal, an individual must work for at least 26 weeks. If a citizen worked part-time, then the center’s employees first recalculate working hours. If the total amount is less than 1040 hours, the specialist is assigned a minimum benefit amount of 850 rubles. The exception is orphans. For the first 6 months they are paid benefits equal to the average regional salary.

Minimum and maximum size

The amount of payments is determined by the position and length of service of the employee. The maximum amount of unemployment benefit is 4900 rubles, which is 2 times lower than living wage. For 3 years, the government has been considering requests to increase the amount of this subsidy, but additional funds from the state budget have not yet been allocated for the implementation of this goal. The minimum subsidy amount is 850 rubles. It is installed:

  • first-time job seekers, university graduates and students;
  • those wishing to find a job after a long break;
  • persons who worked less than 26 weeks in a year;
  • specialists who were dismissed by decision of the trade union for violating labor discipline.

An orphan child has the right to receive increased unemployment benefits in 2018. It is equal to the size average monthly salary established in the region of residence of the citizen. The corresponding changes were made to Federal Law No. 89 and come into force on May 1, 2018. Financial support will be provided to the orphan for a continuous period of 6 months. If during this time the specialist does not find a job, the amount of the benefit is automatically reduced to 850 rubles. For disabled people, the amount of unemployment payments is calculated in the same way as for ordinary specialists.

Payment amount

The amount of unemployment benefits in 2018 directly depends on the size of the citizen’s salary at the previous place of work. At the federal level, its value cannot exceed 4,900 rubles, but in some regions of the country there are regional coefficients. In these regions, unemployment benefits will be greater than established by law. The subsidy in 2018 will continue to be calculated as a percentage of wages, if the following conditions are met:

  1. the citizen has worked for at least 26 weeks employment contract;
  2. less than 1 year has passed since the dismissal;
  3. The reason for job loss is not the illegal actions of a citizen (appropriation of property, violation of labor discipline, etc.).

Average earnings are calculated based on 3 months of information provided by the citizen. The resulting amount is multiplied by the regional coefficient. For example, in Buryatia it is 1.3. If the subsidy is equal to 900 rubles, then when multiplied it will increase to 1170 rubles. It happens that the amount of financial assistance, according to the calculations of the employment center employees, turned out to be 10,000 rubles. An unemployed specialist will not be able to receive a payment of this magnitude, because According to the law, the maximum subsidy amount is 4900 rubles.

The procedure for determining average daily earnings

The specifics of calculating benefits are described in the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated August 12, 2003. When determining average daily earnings Both the basic salary and other types of payments from the employer are taken into account. Remuneration based on the results of one calendar year is calculated not taking into account the full amount, but in the amount of 1/12 for each month of work. When calculating the average salary, information is taken for the 90 days preceding dismissal. When calculating benefits, in addition to salary, the following are taken into account:

  • bonuses for length of service and other labor achievements;
  • additional income, received due to overtime work;
  • bonuses and fees;
  • salary in kind.

Subsidies for previously employed persons in the first year

One of the mandatory conditions for increasing the amount of the subsidy is that the specialist must have continuous work experience for 12 months before dismissal. The payment of unemployment benefits in 2018 will not change in this regard. For the first 3 months, the specialist will receive 75% of the average monthly income, and the next 4 months – 60%. After this time period, there is often a six-month break in payments, and then for 5 months the specialist is credited with 45% of his salary.

Subsidies for the second year

In the second 12-month period, the citizen receives the minimum subsidy multiplied by the regional coefficient. For example, in Moscow this figure is 1.7, and the amount of monthly financial assistance will be 2890 rubles. After the second year, the citizen will be deprived of the subsidy provided. The total period for providing financial assistance cannot exceed 24 months when considering 36 calendar months.

Conditions for Moscow

The amount of payments is determined by the average income of a citizen for 3 months. In Moscow, unemployment benefits will be increased in 2018, because the regional coefficient here is the highest among all Russian cities. The authorities of St. Petersburg use a similar indicator when calculating payments. Moscow's unemployed will be able to take advantage transport benefits. They will be paid an additional 1190 rubles. Maximum size social benefits will be 6940 rubles, and the minimum – 2890 rubles.

After contacting the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, a citizen will receive unemployed status on the 11th day from the date of submission of all documents. During the first 10 days, together with the employees of the employment center, he studies the list of current vacancies. If the specialty is unpopular, the individual will be offered retraining. If within 10 days the search for a place of study or work is unsuccessful, then the citizen is assigned the status of unemployed and benefits begin to be calculated.

When payments stop

After official employment the citizen ceases to receive unemployment benefits. Upon registration of the death of an individual, the payment of financial assistance ceases. If a citizen does not come to the employment center for more than 1 month, the state will stop transferring money. The employment center may refuse to provide unemployment benefits if:

  • the citizen is serving a criminal sentence;
  • the individual was sentenced to correctional labor;
  • when a citizen undergoes official vocational training or receives additional education with the payment of a regular cash benefit;
  • when an individual provides false information about himself;
  • citizen's refusal to help government agencies in search of work.

In what cases are payments temporarily suspended while maintaining the status?

When a citizen leaves his place of residence due to retraining or advanced training in institutions vocational education the money will not go to his account. During conscription and compulsory military service, individuals are not provided with benefits, because the maintenance of military personnel is paid by the state. The restriction applies to maternity leave. Payments are suspended for up to 3 months if:

  • citizen refused 2 suitable options work during your stay at the labor exchange;
  • the individual refused to re-profile or participate in public works;
  • the unemployed person was fired from his last place of work for violating labor discipline and other actions specified in Article 35 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • the citizen was expelled from the place of retraining;
  • an individual left training without permission following a referral from the employment center.

How to apply

The first step of any person who decides to obtain official unemployed status will be to contact the employment center at the place of registration. An authorized employee of the department will give the unemployed an application form and a list of documents that must be submitted to receive financial assistance. After receiving all the certificates, the individual can contact the employment center employee again.

An employee of the department will record the fact of submitting documents, and then offer the citizen several job options. When searching for vacancies, a labor exchange employee should place emphasis on a person’s education, qualifications and work experience. For example, if an engineer is offered a job as a cook, he has the right to refuse such an offer. Often workers are sent for retraining and then suitable vacancies are found for them. If all of the above measures do not help with finding a job, then the specialist is assigned the status of unemployed.

Where to contact

There are employment centers in every region of Russia. A citizen who wants to officially become unemployed must come there. A specialist working with the unemployed population will provide the individual with a list of documents that will need to be collected in order to receive benefits. You can become a participant in the state program only at your place of permanent registration. If a specialist is registered in Khabarovsk, but is temporarily registered in Moscow, then he must return to his hometown and look for work there.

What documents are required

Registration of unemployed status takes 11 days. An individual who is recognized as unemployed can receive unemployment benefits in 2018. An unemployed person can spend the money on utility bills or his own food. The decision to register a person as unemployed and to pay monetary compensation is made on the basis of the following documents:

  • passports;
  • completed application;
  • work book or a document that replaces it;
  • diploma of education and other documents confirming the qualifications of a potential employee;
  • certificate of average earnings for 3 months from the last place of work;
  • SNILS (individual insurance number personal account);
  • TIN (individual taxpayer number);
  • number bank account to deposit money.


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Unemployment benefits in 2018: procedure and amount of payment

From February 1, 2019, child benefits are increasing, which are paid to one of the parents until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 N 81-FZ. The Russian government will index as minimum amount benefits, and the maximum.

Let us tell you in more detail how many rubles the child care benefit for a child under 1.5 years of age is in 2019 in Russia - the changes affected both the maximum and minimum amount of payment.

Who is entitled to receive benefits?

The benefit can be applied for by the relative of the child who actually takes care of him from birth until he reaches 1.5 years of age. Most often it is the mother. But the baby’s father or another relative or guardian can also go on parental leave. This person has the right to count on receiving assistance from the state in the form of benefits. Only this right needs to be confirmed. When a childcare benefit for a child under 1.5 years of age is issued at the place of work by one of the parents, he submits a certificate stating that the other does not receive such payments from his employer. If, for example, a grandmother goes on parental leave and receives child benefits, then certificates must be provided from both parents.

Child care allowance up to 1.5 years old in 2019 (an online calculator will allow you to make calculations quickly and independently) for general rule is 40% of average earnings. There are restrictions on the size of the benefit, both in terms of the upper limit and the lower limit.

Minimum salary

The minimum amount of benefits for child care up to 1.5 years in 2019 is provided to unemployed mothers/fathers or in cases where the work experience is less than 6 months.

For 2018, the coefficient was established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 74 dated January 26, 2018 (its size is 1.025). Therefore, until February 1, 2019, the benefit for the first child, which was in force previously - 3,142.33 rubles, continues to apply.

According to the draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation, in 2019, from February 1, child benefits will be indexed and will increase by a factor of 1.043. The project is called “On approval of the amount of indexation of payments, benefits and compensation in 2019”, ID 01/01/12-18/00086773, developed by the Ministry of Labor, date of creation - 12/11/2018.

  • RUB 3,277.45- This is exactly the amount of benefits the unemployed are entitled to for their first child this year.

Another situation is when the recipient of the benefit is working, but in billing period had no income or his salary did not reach the current minimum wage for a full calendar month. Let us remind you that the minimum wage from January 1, 2019 is 11,280 rubles. Such persons will receive 4,512 rubles monthly for the first child from the beginning of the year.

In this case, the amount of benefit for the second and subsequent children is:

  • RUB 6,284.65 - until 01/31/2019;
  • RUB 6,554.9 - from February 1, 2019 (taking into account the expected indexation).

Maximum speed

The maximum amount of benefits for child care up to 1.5 years in 2019 is paid to a working citizen if his salary exceeds the upper limit. Earnings accrued for the 2 years preceding the year in which the baby is born are taken into account. When there are periods in which there was no earnings, the minimum wage amount is taken.

Formula: (amount of salary for 1 year + amount of salary for 2 year)/730 (number of days in 2 years) x 30.4 (average length of month) x 40%

The amount taken into account for the year should not exceed the established limit:

  • in 2018 – 815 thousand rubles;
  • in 2017 - 755 thousand rubles;
  • in 2016 - 718 thousand rubles.

It turns out that the maximum average daily wage, which is used to calculate the amount of benefits, in 2019 is RUB 2,150.68

Taking into account the latest indexation, the maximum benefit amount will be RUB 26,152.27(RUB 2,150.68 x 30.4 days x 40%). For last year, the current value was 24,536.57 rubles.

  • mothers serving under contract;
  • mothers and fathers serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, State Fire Service, Penitentiary Service, Customs, and on parental leave;
  • mothers fired during pregnancy due to liquidation or closure of legal entities or individual entrepreneurs.

Accordingly, using the new coefficient of 1.043, this amount will increase to RUB 13,109.81

Where and how to apply for benefits?

When both parents are officially employed, there are no problems: registration goes through the employer’s HR department. Let's say a mother writes a statement on standard sample, dad provides a certificate from work that he did not receive these funds and did not request them. You must also provide birth certificates for your children. It is not the employer who pays the money: it is provided by the Social Insurance Fund from contributions deducted from earnings.

Matters become more complicated when the other parent does not work. Then he receives a certificate of no payments from the Social Insurance Fund. If the employer (to whom you planned to apply for benefits) ceased to exist, you will also have to contact the Social Insurance Fund.

When both parents are unemployed, social insurance pays the minimum amount of benefits.

What has changed regarding child benefits in 2019?

Anyone who is counting on childcare benefits for children up to 1.5 years of age in 2019 (changes occur frequently in Russia) should keep an eye on regulations about this theme. It is better to study calculation methods; you can use calculators on special websites.

The fact is that child benefits are indexed by a coefficient calculated based on the inflation rate of the previous year. According to Law No. 81-FZ, this happens in February current year, but regulations are usually issued earlier - in January, and come into force in February. Example - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 74 of January 26, 2018, relevant for last year, mentioned above.

From February 1, the current amount of benefits will increase by 4.3% in accordance with draft resolution No. ID 01/01/12-18/00086773.

It is important to take into account that if regional increasing coefficients are used in the area, they are used in the calculation after the indexation of the benefit amount. This happens on the basis of Art. 5 Federal Law No. 81.

Important changes last year affected additional child benefits up to 1.5 years. They are not provided to everyone, but only to those families where the average per capita income per month does not exceed 1.5 times the regional minimum wage (established for the 2nd quarter of the last year for working population). The benefit is paid in an amount equal to the “children’s” subsistence minimum established for the 2nd quarter of the previous year. If the family meets the conditions, then funds are provided for the first, for the second child (from maternity capital funds), for subsequent ones, and until the baby turns 1.5 years old.

There has been no indexation of child benefits since January 1, 2017. Therefore, in January 2017, employees were paid child benefits in the same amounts as in 2016.

However, from February 1, 2017, “children’s” benefits must be indexed to the actual growth rate consumer prices for 2016. This is provided for in Article 4.2 of Federal Law No. 68-FZ dated 04/06/2015. The Government of the Russian Federation approved this indexation coefficient in the amount of 1.054. This coefficient is recorded in the following documents:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 19, 2017 No. 36 “On approval of the indexation coefficient from February 1, 2017 of the amount of a fixed payment to the insurance pension”;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 19, 2017 No. 35 “On approval of the consumer price growth index for 2016 to establish the cost of one pension coefficient from February 1, 2017”;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 26, 2017 No. 88 “On approval of the amount of indexation of payments, benefits and compensation in 2017.”

1,054 – indexation coefficient

from February 1, 2017, “children’s” benefits will be paid taking into account the new coefficient established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Taking into account the new coefficient, from February 1, 2017, “children’s” benefits will be paid in the amounts shown in the table below.

In districts and localities where regional wage coefficients have been established, “children’s” benefits (both in January 2017 and from February 1, 2017) will be higher, since they need to be additionally increased by the amount of the increasing coefficient (Article 5 of Law No. 81-FZ).

Features of indexation of child care benefits

The minimum basic amount of child care benefits is established by Part 1 of Article 15 of the Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ and is:

  • when caring for the first child - 1500 rubles. per month;
  • when caring for the second and subsequent children - 3000 rubles. per month.

These amounts are indexed each year by the appropriate coefficient. Taking into account all indexation coefficients, as of February 1, 2016, the minimum amounts of child care benefits were:

  • 2908.62 rub. – caring for the first child;
  • 5817, 24 r. – caring for the second and subsequent children.

However, from July 1, 2016, the minimum wage increased to 7,500 rubles. And it turned out that if you calculate the allowance for caring for one child from the minimum wage, then the amount of the benefit would be more than 2908.62 rubles. Namely - 3000 rubles. (RUB 7,500 x 40%). In this regard, from July 1, 2016, it was impossible to pay less than 3,000 rubles per child. However from February 1, 2017, it is necessary to index not 3000 rubles, but 2908.62 rubles. Therefore, in the table, the child care allowance from February 1, 2017 is presented as 3065.69.

Benefit for registration in early pregnancy

This benefit is supposed to be paid once. Women who:

  • registered in medical institutions before 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • have the right to maternity benefits (Article 9 of Law No. 81-FZ).

This benefit will be paid in a new amount from February 1, 2017 – 613.14 rubles. However, a controversial situation is possible. Let's give an example.

Allowance for registration in 2017

The employee goes on maternity leave from February 2, 2017. On January 26, 2017, the woman submitted to the accounting department a certificate from the antenatal clinic stating that in 2016 she registered in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks). How much benefits should I pay for early registration?

The benefit for registration in the early stages of pregnancy should be paid in addition to the maternity benefit (Article 9 of Law No. 81-FZ). Therefore, the benefit for registration in the early stages of pregnancy must be transferred in the amount that is established on the start date of maternity leave. In our case, the woman went on maternity leave on February 2, 2017. Therefore, the registration allowance should be paid in the amount of 613.14 rubles (including indexation by a factor of 1.054). If the start of maternity leave was in January 2017, then the benefit would be in a smaller amount - 581.73 rubles.

One-time benefit for the birth of a child

One of the parents has the right to a lump sum benefit upon the birth of a child. If two or more children were born, then the benefit is paid for each of them (Article 11 of Law No. 81-FZ). A one-time benefit for the birth of a child is assigned if the application is made no later than six months from the date of birth of the child (Article 17.2 of Law No. 81-FZ). Due to the indexation of benefits from February 1, 2017, an ambiguous situation may arise when assigning.


The child was born in 2016, and the woman came to the accounting department in February 2017 to receive a one-time benefit for the birth of a child. How much benefits should I pay?

The amount of a lump sum benefit for the birth of a child should be calculated on the date of birth, and not on the date of application for benefits (FSS letter dated January 17, 2006 No. 02-18/07-337). In our case, the child was born in 2016, so the benefit amount will be 15,512.65 rubles. R. (excluding indexation by a factor of 1.054). Pay a one-time benefit for the birth of a child in the indexed amount (16,350.33 rubles) if the child is born from February 1, 2017.

Monthly allowance for child care up to 1.5 years

ABOUT minimum size We described the monthly child care allowance as of February 2017 above. New sizes:

  • RUB 3,065.69 – when caring for the first child;
  • 6131, 37 rub. - when caring for a second child.

This benefit is not limited to a maximum amount. However, the amount of average daily earnings on the basis of which child care benefits are calculated is limited.

It has been established that the amount of average daily earnings for calculating benefits cannot be more than the amount the maximum values ​​of the base for calculating insurance premiums for the two years preceding the year of parental leave, divided by 730 (Part 3.3 of Article 14 of Law No. 255-FZ). Therefore, to calculate the maximum amount of average daily earnings, the following formula is used:

Maximum average daily earnings = sum of the maximum values ​​of the base for calculating Social Insurance contributions for the two previous years / 730

Therefore, if a woman’s vacation begins in 2017, then in the calculations we should take the values ​​of the maximum values ​​of the base for calculating contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for 2015 and 2016.

In 2015 limit value base was equal to 670,000 rubles. (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 4, 2014 No. 1316), and in 2016 – 718,000 rubles. (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 26, 2015 No. 1265).

Taking into account the specified values ​​for limit base, in 2017, the maximum value of average daily earnings for calculating the monthly care allowance is 1901.37 rubles. (670,000 rub. + 718,000 rub.) / 730.

1901.37 rub.

maximum daily earnings to calculate benefits in 2017

Now let’s calculate the maximum average earnings for a whole month. For these purposes, we multiply the average daily earnings by the average monthly number of calendar days - 30.4 (Part 5.1 of Article 14 of Law No. 255-FZ). In 2017, the maximum average monthly earnings for calculating benefits will be 57,801.64 rubles. (RUR 1,901.37 × 30.4).

The amount of the monthly childcare benefit for a child up to 1.5 years old is generally equal to 40% of the average monthly earnings (Part 1, Article 15 of Law No. 81-FZ). Therefore, in 2017, the maximum amount of monthly benefit per child will be 23,120.66 rubles. (RUB 57,801.64 × 40%). Moreover, this size is valid both in January and February 2017. The February indexation of benefits by a factor of 1.054 did not affect him in any way.

from February 1, 2017, the amount of child care benefit paid for a full month cannot be less

RUB 3,065.69

Maternity benefits are not indexed annually. That is, from February 1, 2017, maternity benefits have not increased. However, please note that the maximum benefit amount has increased since 1 January 2017, as the new maximum average daily earnings must be taken into account when calculating benefits from the beginning of 2017. Let me explain.

Maternity benefits are paid in a lump sum and in total for the entire period of maternity leave, which is (Part 1, Article 10 of Law No. 255-FZ):

  • 140 days (in general);
  • 194 days (with multiple pregnancies);
  • 156 days (for complicated births).

Maximum maternity benefit

For calculation maximum amount maternity benefit from January 2017, the maximum amount of average daily earnings must be taken into account. It is calculated using the same formula as when calculating child care benefits for children up to 1.5 years old (Part 3.3 of Article 14 of Law No. 255-FZ). That is, in 2017 it will also be 1901.37 rubles. (RUR 670,000 + RUR 718,000) / 730. Therefore, from 2017 maximum dimensions

  • maternity benefits reimbursed from the Social Insurance Fund are:
  • RUR 266,191.8 (RUR 1,901.37 × 140 days) – in the general case;
  • RUB 368,865.78 (RUR 1,901.37 × 194 days) – for multiple pregnancies;

RUB 296,613.72 (RUR 1,901.37 × 156 days) – for complicated childbirth.

From February 1, 2017, the maximum amounts of maternity benefits have not changed. The indexation coefficient did not affect these values.

Minimum maternity benefit

When calculating maternity benefits, the average daily earnings cannot be less than the value determined by the following formula (Part 1.1, Article 14 of Law No. 255-FZ):

Minimum average daily earnings = minimum wage at the beginning of vacation x 24 / 730

  • From January 1, 2017, the federal minimum wage is 7,500 rubles. Therefore, if maternity leave began in 2017 (from February 1 to June 30), then the minimum average daily earnings for calculating maternity benefits should be taken equal to 246.58 rubles. (RUB 7,500 × 24 / 730). This value is used for further calculation if it turns out to be greater than the actual average daily earnings of the employee. The minimum amounts of maternity benefits in January 2017 are as follows:
  • RUB 34,521.20 (246.58 rubles × 140 days) – in the general case;
  • RUB 47,836.52 (246.58 rubles x 194 days) – in case of multiple pregnancy;

RUB 38,466.48 (RUR 246.58 x 156 days) – for complicated childbirth.

The minimum maternity benefits have also remained unchanged since February 1, 2017. They have remained the same sizes.

Comparative table of benefit amounts

Type of benefit

Benefit for registration in early pregnancy

613, 14 rub. (RUR 581.73 x 1,054)

One-time benefit for the birth of a child

16,350, 33 rub. (RUB 15,512.65 x 1,054)

Care for the first child - 3000 rubles;
care for the second child RUB 5,817.24

Care for the first child - 3065.69 rubles. (RUR 2,908.62 x 1,054)
care for the second child - 6131.37 rubles. (RUB 5,817.24 x 1,054)

Maximum monthly allowance for child care up to 1.5 years

Minimum amount of maternity benefit

RUB 34,521.20 - in the general case;
RUB 47,836.52 - during multiple pregnancy;
RUB 38,466.48 - during complicated childbirth.

Maximum amount of maternity benefit

RUR 266,191.8 - in general;
RUB 368,865.78 - during multiple pregnancy;
RUB 296,613.72 - during complicated childbirth.

In order to improve the standard of living of Muscovites with children, federal child benefits are paid in the capital, as well as a whole range of regional (city) measures of additional social support. Totally in accordance with the law of the city of Moscow "ABOUT social support families with children" Muscovites are paid more than 20 different types of child benefits and compensation (one-time, monthly and annual). In accordance with the decision announced by the mayor of the city Sergei Sobyanin in October 2017, from January 1, 2018, child benefits in Moscow will be increased by 2 times or more(cm. ). In total, this increase will affect more than 2 million Muscovites - these are large families, low-income families and those raising a disabled child.

Unlike many other regions of the country, payment of regional maternity capital in Moscow is not provided, but instead there are so-called Luzhkov payments to residents of the capital region, the size of which is comparable to regional maternal certificates.

It is noteworthy that, unlike many other regions of the country, registration of child benefits in Moscow occurs via the Internet on the City Services Portal (CSP). To do this, you need to go through the registration procedure - get a special access code for “ Personal account" To issue this code, you must enter personal information about the applicant (full name, SNILS, personal email address and phone number).

To receive benefits online you must:

  • fill out an electronic application form and upload a specific list of documents;
  • original documents (upon request) must be provided to a specialist of the Multifunctional Center (MFC) on any weekday from 8-00 to 20-00;
  • The calculation and payment of city benefits is carried out by the Moscow Social Security authorities at the place of permanent registration of one of the parents.

Payment of federal benefits to families with children in Moscow

Based federal law No. 81-FZ dated May 19, 1995 “On state benefits for citizens with children”, Muscovites are paid the following types state benefits.

Name of state benefitAmount of payment in Moscow from 02/01/2018, rub.
workers are paid in the amount of 100% of average earnings, but not less than 43,615.65 (when calculated according to the minimum wage)
in the antenatal clinic628,47
(when placed in foster care with a family)16759,09
conscript service26539,76
  • working - 40% of average salary, minimum - 3788.33 rubles;
  • not working:
    • 3142.33 - for the first child;
    • 6284.65 - on subsequent

Regional children's benefits in Moscow

According to the MSC law of November 23, 2005 No. 60 “On social support for families with children in Moscow” and Decree of the Moscow Government dated January 24, 2006 No. 37-PP “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for assigning and providing cash payments to families with children” Muscovites are paid more than 20 types child benefits and compensations, which can be divided into three categories:

List of main documents required to apply for benefits:

  • the applicant’s passport, with permanent registration in Moscow;
  • passport of the second parent;
  • certificates of family composition;
  • birth certificate and registration of the child in the city;
  • other evidence:
    • about establishing paternity;
    • on registration (divorce) of marriage;
    • about a name change;
  • for single-parent families:
    • certificate of form No. 25 from the registry office (if the child’s certificate contains the father’s full name according to the mother’s words);
    • death certificate of one of the parents, or a court decision on his missing person;
    • a court decision to deprive (limit) the parental rights of one of the parents;
  • a certificate from school for a student over 16 years of age;
  • details of the recipient's personal account (for transferring benefits).

Recipients of monthly and annual benefits obliged within a month notify the Social Security authorities about circumstances affecting the amount and right to receive. If he refuses to voluntarily reimburse the funds received unjustifiably, they will be recovered through the court.

If the recipient within a month did not notify the USZN authorities about the circumstances affecting the payment of benefits to him:

  • it will be necessary to reimburse in cash (through the bank) the amount received;
  • or from current accruals, the Social Security Department will deduct 20% of the due payment.

Social security authorities can refuse to receive payments for the following reasons:

  1. For one-time payments:
    • if the child is in state custody. provision (in the orphanage);
    • if parents are limited (deprived) of parental rights;
  2. For monthly The above cases are valid, and the following are also added:
    • if the child (disabled child) has registered a marriage or is recognized as fully capable;
    • assignment to the guardian of an allowance for the maintenance of the ward;
    • if payment is not received for 6 months in a row;
    • if the child died or was declared missing by the court;
    • provided that after 16 years of age the child did not continue studying at school;
    • the recipient or child moved for permanent residence outside the city;
  3. For annual The following is added to the previous paragraphs:
    • the condition regarding the number and age of children in the family is not met.

Additional maternity benefit

This benefit is paid to women who have a permanent place of residence in Moscow, who were dismissed upon liquidation of an organization or upon termination of activities by an individual employer within 12 months preceding the day the status of “unemployed” was acquired.

What regional law establishesArt. 6 of Moscow City Law No. 60 of November 23, 2005
Amount of additional benefitdetermined based on 1,500 rub. per month:
  • 7,000 rub. - in 140 days;
  • 7,800 rub.- in 156 days;
  • 9,700 rub. - in 194 days
Documents required for registration
  • certificate of incapacity for work;
  • certificate of recognition of the woman as unemployed from the employment center (PEC);
  • solution from tax service about the state registration of termination individuals activities as an individual entrepreneur, notary, lawyer, etc.
Deadline for applying for paymentpaid for 70 (for multiple pregnancies - 84) days before birth and 70 (in case of complex births - 86, for the birth of two or more children - 110) after

This compensation is paid together with the federal maternity benefit in the minimum amount (RUB 581.73 per month in 2016) through the Moscow Social Insurance Fund.

One-time benefit for women registered with a doctor before 20 weeks of pregnancy

The benefit can be assigned only to women permanently residing in the capital.

One-time compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses at the birth of a child

One of the parents (adoptive parent, guardian) can apply for this compensation, provided that they permanently reside together with the child in question in Moscow.

When determining the order of a child, children previously born to his mother and raised in a given family are taken into account.

If several children were born in a family at the same time, then this compensation is assigned for each child. This payment does not apply to a stillborn.

One-time compensation for the birth of three or more children at the same time

One of the parents can apply for benefits if the family has three or more live-born children at the same time.

Additional one-time benefit in connection with the birth of a child for young families

Families in which the parents were under 30 years of age at the time of the child’s birth can apply for benefits. And at least one of them has Russian citizenship and permanent registration in the capital.

What is installed
  • Law of the city of Moscow dated September 30, 2009 No. 39 “On Youth”
  • by resolution of the city Government dated 04/06/2004 No. 199-PP
Benefit amount
  • for 1st child - fivefold the value of the Moscow subsistence minimum valid at the time of the birth of the child ;
  • for the 2nd child - sevenfold;
  • for the 3rd and subsequent children - tenfold
List of required documents
Period for applying for payment12 months

When determining the number of children raised in a family, not only children born to a given mother are taken into account, but also the husband’s children living with them - provided that the marriage between the spouses is officially registered before the baby is born.

Monthly child benefit

This payment is provided for children from 0 to 18 years of age from low-income families(If total income family, per each member, not higher than the minimum subsistence level established in the city). Every year it is necessary to confirm the right to receive this monthly benefit from January 1 to September 30 by providing certificates of family income for the previous calendar year (2-NDFL, for individual entrepreneurs - 3-NDFL).

What is regulated
  • Law of the city of Moscow dated November 3, 2004 No. 67 “On monthly allowance per child"
  • by Decree of the City Government dated December 28, 2004 No. 911-PP
Benefit amount
  • 1,500 rub.- for children under 1.5 years old and from 3 to 18 years old;
  • 2,500 rub.- from 1.5 to 3 years;
  • for children of single mothers:
    • 2,500 rub.
    • 4,500 rub.- from 1.5 to 3 years;
  • for children of military personnel and whose parents evade paying child support:
    • 1,900 rub.- up to 1.5 years and from 3 to 18 years;
    • 3,300 rub.- from 1.5 to 3 years
Required documents for appointment
Circulation perioduntil the child reaches the age of 18

In the absence of information about family income without a good reason, payment of benefits will not be made.

Monthly compensation payment for children under the age of one and a half years

Residents of Moscow who were fired due to the liquidation of an enterprise during pregnancy, as well as during maternity leave or care for up to 1.5 years.

What regional law providesArt. 8 of city law No. 60 of November 23, 2005
Payment amount1,500 rub.
Documents for granting benefits
  • child's birth certificate;
  • a certificate from the city central employment center confirming non-receipt of unemployment benefits;
  • a copy of the order assigning care leave (if leave was granted);
  • a certified extract from the employment record of the last place of work;
  • decision from the tax service on state registration of termination of physical persons acting as individual entrepreneurs, notaries, lawyers, etc.
When to apply for paymentfrom the date of dismissal or after payment of all accrued benefits from the liquidated organization until the child turns 1.5 years old

Monthly compensation for reimbursement of expenses due to the rising cost of living for certain categories of families with children

Complete this compensation payment The following categories of families can:

  • single mothers;
  • large families;
  • families of military personnel serving in the army;
  • families in which one of the parents does not pay child support;
  • if the spouses are disabled or pensioners raising a child under 1.5 years old.

Both a natural parent and a stepmother or stepfather can apply for benefits for children under 16 years of age living with them (up to the age of majority - for a schoolchild).

Monthly compensation to reimburse the increase in food costs for certain categories of citizens for children under 3 years of age

The payment is intended for the following categories of needy families:

  • large families;
  • single mothers;
  • military families;
  • student families;
  • raising disabled children.

Monthly compensation for a person caring for a disabled child

  • one unemployed parent caring for a disabled child;
  • for a working parent caring for a disabled minor child:
    • single mother (father);
    • widow or widower;
    • who is divorced from the father (mother) of the child;
    • when establishing paternity of a child;
    • one of the parents with many children.

Monthly compensation for disabled children who have lost their breadwinner

Monthly payment for a child under 18 years of age with disabled parents

Compensation is provided for each child under 18 years of age from a family in which both (or the only parent) are unemployed and are disabled people of group I or II (or III or II).

Monthly payment for the purchase of children's goods for large families

Large families can take advantage of this compensation:

  • raising 5 or more children under 18 years of age;
  • Families of 10 children raising at least one minor child.

Monthly compensation for families with 10 or more children

Monthly compensation for mothers who have given birth to 10 or more children and receive a pension

The payment is additional to the pension of a mother with 10 or more children, regardless of the assigned pension.

Monthly payment to reimburse expenses for housing and utilities for large families

Compensation is paid to one of the spouses, regardless of receipt large family benefits for payment for housing and communal services and the number of housing.

Monthly reimbursement for telephone use for large families

Annual compensation for International Family Day

Annual cash payment for Knowledge Day

The family must be registered with the Social Security authorities at the beginning of each school year.

Articles on the topic