How to withdraw money from VK. Withdrawing money from the social network VK: available methods How to withdraw money from VK

VKontakte has a new feature called “money transfers”. That is, you can send money to another person. ? And how does this process happen? These are the questions that arise when you find out about this.

Each user now has a personal VKontakte account where they can store money. Thanks to this, applications can part with votes, online stores can accept money directly, and it has become easier to transfer money to friends.

We open a personal correspondence with another person, hover the cursor over the word “more”, where a list of functions appears, click on “money”.

It is worth noting that you can transfer money to VKontakte only bank cards from 100 rubles to 75,000 rubles, where Visa has a commission of 40 rubles or 1% of the amount (if the commission is more than 40 rubles). But MasterCard or Maestro transfer money without interest (until January 8, 2017).

By the way, such transfers look dangerous, because the contact receives all the data from your card, but that’s not all. When you fill out the data, the Sberbank window will load, where you will be asked for a password, which is sent to your phone when sending money.
After which a window will appear in the correspondence indicating that the transfer has been sent. This function eliminates fraud on both sides, that the money has not arrived, etc. This is what the window looks like:

Why do you need money transfers on VKontakte?

In fact, this is a very simple and convenient function that allows you to avoid going to the bank (who doesn’t have a online account), and will also help reduce transfer fees if you want to transfer money from another city or another country.

Or imagine another situation, you want to order a book or buy an item from a person on VKontakte, it’s much easier to send money directly to his account and be sure that the money has arrived. The whole procedure lasts a minute (with the data saved).

But it’s worth remembering a few rules!

Countries that can withdraw money to Visa cards and MasterCard:

17 countries - Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Germany, Georgia, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, Uzbekistan, France, Czech Republic, Estonia. (The list of countries may be updated)

As mentioned earlier, the amount of one transfer can be from 100 rubles to 75,000 rubles. And you can transfer up to 150,000 rubles per day. It’s only 600,000 rubles a month, thanks to Russian restrictions.

Disadvantages of money transfers VKontakte

Now let's introduce the dark side of this new feature. Now VKontakte will know your card details if you gave money to someone. That is, if a contact is hacked, your data can get into the hands of attackers who can easily withdraw money.

What if the account that had the money is hacked? Hackers will be delighted with this new feature; now you can not only get an account and votes, but also withdraw real money!

Director of ecommerce On VKontakte, Yuri Ivanov said that the creation of such a service was prompted by the popularity of bank cards among users. By the way, in Odnoklassniki, this function was implemented back in February 2016.

For those who are not indifferent: this article contains a lot of “subjectivity”, “hidden advertising” and “personal attitude”. If these concepts are like a red rag to a bull for you, or you are a “fan of movie bloopers,” then it’s better not to read. The first and only purpose of the article is indicated in its title. Thank you. Tomorrow the VKontakte payment system will be closed. The remaining rubles will be converted into votes. If there is something to pay for (advertising, online games), then in principle it’s all the same :). If you want to withdraw money while it is still money, there are many ways to do this. I highly do not recommend illegal ones. Huge commissions (up to 50%), or fraud, or both. You can legally withdraw it to a bank card, or pay for mobile communications/other services. This is done through a QIWI wallet. I recommend getting one, if you haven’t already - this is the only reasonable way to communicate with the QIWI payment system, because street machines are completely greedy - they charge up to 10% commission even for payments above 1000 rubles. Withdrawal scheme - payment for mobile communications/Internet/utilities/anything else registered in Qiwi. Plus - this is the only way to spend contact money without spending a penny in commission (Qiwis do not charge a commission if you pay from their wallet). The downside is that you can pay for anything, but you can’t withdraw it live. There is no withdrawal of funds. At least I don’t know of a single provider that eats money and then gives it back without loss. If you know any of these, please write them in the comments.

Qiwi still has the opportunity to issue a virtual Visa card. You can also pay with contact rubles. I wasn’t interested in this option for one simple reason: opening and replenishing a card costs a 2.5% commission, and I hate sharing my money with other people’s uncles. It’s better to immediately call the phone.


How to quickly and easily withdraw money from your VKontakte advertising budget? - In contact with

How to quickly and easily withdraw money from your VKontakte advertising budget?

It seems that you can contact TP, and they will return the votes to your personal account (5 rubles per vote). Next sell votes here)

Or an application for withdrawal (very tedious and time-consuming)

Are there any third-party services?

what amount do you have in your account?

500 rubles

what amount do you have in your account?

I have 500, I also want to withdraw

I have 500, I also want to withdraw

Write to me in PM, I’ll help you withdraw it for a percentage

I remember writing on VK about this a long time ago.

My brain began to float and was never returned.

If the amount is small, then it is better to spend it on advertising

I tried to return 1800 rubles, but they said that I couldn’t advertise anything

What kind of money is this? Which ones did you add to VK yourself?

How to withdraw money from VKontakte

As everyone knows, payment system VKontakte works last month. The management of the social network notified everyone about this action. If you missed this news, you can see the details here. But the VKontakte administration did not give any instructions on how to withdraw money from the wallet of the closing payment card.

Now we will consider in detail one of the options on how to do this.

Here, directly, is the notification about the closure of the VKontakte payment system

payment system in contact

How to withdraw money from a VKontakte account:

1. Make sure there are funds in the account

payment system

2. Go to “Applications” on the VKontakte website

contact payment system

3. Looking for the application “ QIWI wallet 2.0"

payment system is closed

4. Install it. 5. Register if you don’t have a QIWI account.

payment system withdraw money

qiwi payment system

cash withdrawal payment system

9. Enter the phone number, payment amount, select “Payment in VKontakte rubles”

payment system

10. Let's dance Based on materials from Habr

How to withdraw money from VK? - About various things

A friend of mine on VK still has some money left in the form of votes (he donated it to the game). In this regard, the question arose: is it possible to somehow withdraw this money from VK? Selling votes for 3.5 rubles is not an option, since he charged 7,500 rubles and, of course, doesn’t really want to lose a significant part of this money upon return. P.S. I apologize to the administration if the topic is not formatted correctly and the wrong section is selected.

It turns out he squandered 7500 rubles?

It turns out he squandered 7500 rubles?

A friend of mine on VK still has some money left in the form of votes (he donated it to the game). In this regard, the question arose: is it possible to somehow withdraw this money from VK? Selling votes for 3.5 rubles is not an option, since he charged 7,500 rubles and, of course, doesn’t really want to lose a significant part of this money upon return.

P.S. I apologize to the administration if the topic is not formatted correctly and the wrong section is selected.

It turns out he squandered 7500 rubles?

Well, you can sell it for 3-4k

This is very sad then ((Gambling addiction is evil in the end(

Why did you have to throw in so much?

In this game, this is the cost of just one package of goodies, which you need in packs to upgrade.

Let him admit that he is a nerd and just lost his money. Only selling votes, nothing else

Yes, he admitted this a long time ago)) I have a whole alliance of these nerds, well at least I started it myself.

you can earn more money for game status

This is what he understands more than the sale of votes, he gave away or sold the game account, there are simply several types of bindings for purchases in the game (google, vkontakte and Facebook, apparently), he untied the game account from everything and gave it to another by screwing on any of the bindings of the new one owner.

This is very sad then ((Gambling addiction is evil in the end(

He’ll return half of it, if he’d spent it on the game, he’d never have seen it again

it seems like a separate application on Android, not from VK

The social network VKontakte is expanding its functionality. For example, it now offers the opportunity to create your own online stores and exchange goods and services. For many users it has become topical issue about how to withdraw money from VK.

Is it possible to withdraw money from VK?

Since 2017, it has become possible to withdraw money from VKontakte to all users site using the system money transfers . Before this, withdrawal of funds was either impossible (for example, when purchasing advertising, the remaining budget was automatically converted into votes), or was only available application owners who could withdraw income from purchases made by users within the game.

If previously it was possible to exchange within the network only internal “currency” - votes, now users can fully carry out money transfers, pay for advertising, services, goods directly through the social network. This feature has become available to absolutely everyone, not just application developers and community administrators, monetized advertising.

General information on withdrawal of funds

Using a money transfer system, money you can withdraw quickly and safely, and also transfer them between users with maximum benefit. This is implemented by crediting funds to the VK user account, after which the recipient himself decides where to withdraw the received funds, and can do this with minimum commission or without it at all.

There is a serious limitation in the operation of this system - you can send money only from the pages of users registered on phones in Russia or Kazakhstan (sending from MasterCard, Maestro, VISA, MIR cards). You can transfer money to MasterCard, Maestro, VISA cards from 17 countries, including Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan and others. You can withdraw money from them at any banks available for cooperation with VKontakte.

Online transfers are carried out instantly in most cases, but sometimes the receiving bank may withhold cash for up to 5 days. In addition, in addition to the transfer fee indicated on the transaction page, you may be charged additional fee from the user's bank. You must first familiarize yourself with the terms of the monetary transaction.

All money transfers in the system are protected by double authentication - to confirm the operation to the user on the linked mobile phone A one-time code is sent, which must be entered into the form on the website.

Popular methods and instructions for them

To send money, you need to perform the following series of actions:

  • enter a dialogue with any user and select the “Send money” button;
  • enter the required amount, select the type of debit source (phone, card) and optionally link it to your account;
  • confirm the payment by entering the one-time code from the SMS message.

After the user receives a transfer in the VKontakte system, he receives a notification about the completed transaction. You cannot transfer money to yourself. When opening the message, you must select the purpose of the transfer. If a bank card is selected as the destination, then enter its details and confirm the payment.

Today, as part of the promotion, you can transfer money from MasterCard and Maestro without commission. Further, these cards will be charged a commission of 0.6% + 20 rubles for each transfer operation. For transfers from VISA and MIR, a commission of at least 50 rubles is charged, 1% of the amount.

You can transfer from 100 to 75,000 rubles at a time. You can transfer up to 150,000 rubles per day, and 600,000 rubles per month. The invoice is separate for sending and receiving funds.

Transfers are made only in Russian rubles. If the recipient has a card opened in a different currency, a fee may apply. additional commission for currency conversion at the internal rate of the receiving bank.

How to withdraw money from the VKontakte advertising account

Funds from advertising cannot be withdrawn directly from VK. An advertising request is considered completed when the community owner publishes an advertising entry on the wall and does not remove it from there within 24 hours. After this period, the status of the advertising application is considered completed, and the funds are credited to the community account.

Money for advertising is stored in the community account for an unlimited amount of time. They can be withdrawn at any time through an intermediary. The VKontakte administration cooperates with the SocialCentrum service, which allows you to withdraw money received through electronic wallets Webmoney and Yandex. Money. If the community owner has status legal entity, then he can withdraw money to a bank account, after which it can be received in cash.

To withdraw funds from SocialCentrum, you must complete the following steps:

Transfer votes from Contact to money

“Voices” is the internal currency of VKontakte, which can be purchased for rubles to be exchanged for various purchases within the network - stickers, functions in applications, etc. There are two legal ways to turn votes into rubles:

  • Conclude an agreement with the resource administration through the “ Personal Area applications" (where targeting, audience coverage, etc. are indicated). At the same time, the user must have a large number of votes and stable monthly turnover (you can earn income, for example, by selling the same stickers or add-ons to applications). The system will withhold VAT at the rate of 18% from the funds received.
  • Withdraw money through the Roboxchange system. An agreement with Contact is not needed in this situation, but you must be a member of an official group of trusted developers. To do this, you must be the developer of at least one application that has been fully moderated. The system withholds a commission of 6% and income tax of 13%.

These were legal ways withdrawing votes from a social network. Withdrawing money can also be done through third parties, however, the user who resorts to such services must understand that the offices involved in such exchanges do not provide any guarantees for their own actions, even if their conditions seem very favorable.

Possible problems and their solutions

When withdrawing money, payment delays may occur beyond guaranteed withdrawal period. To figure out this problem, you must save all payment documents (screenshots of payment confirmation, printouts of receipts, etc.). If difficulties or delays arise, the user should contact VK support service (if the withdrawal was made directly from the site) or the exchanger from which the funds were transferred.

In some cases, users of the Vkontakte payment system (hereinafter referred to as VK) accumulate funds that they do not plan to use in the future. And then you need to figure out how to withdraw money from VK, and do it with minimal losses. It must be remembered that when performing some transfers, a commission fee may be charged, which can reach a significant amount.

The sources of funds accumulated in the system can be very different:

  • Transfer from a bank card.
  • Receiving from another user.
  • Advertising earnings.
  • Converting votes into rubles. Often used by application developers.

Electronic money ensures the functioning of various commercial projects systems. And most users spend them to pay for goods and services without converting them into real rubles. If you nevertheless decided to withdraw funds from Vkontakte, you need to take into account that the conditions for receiving them are different for residents and non-residents of our country:

  1. Russians have the right to withdraw funds to a bank card, Yandex.Money, or transfer into votes.
  2. Citizens of other states can only convert money into votes. In this case, a benefit is provided, and the cost of one vote is five rubles. If foreign persons If you put money into the VK system from a bank card and didn’t spend a penny, they can return it in full.

Since 2016, the VK system has been offering the service of non-cash money transfers from card to card. The user can send a transfer to another person online. To do this you need from the correspondence section:

The operation is carried out from one bank card to another very quickly. Therefore, it is convenient to pay for purchases and transfer money to relatives in this way without leaving home. The recipient can immediately confirm the transfer. At the same time, he does not need to provide his bank card details. The funds will go to his account. If the recipient does not want to accept the transfer, he has the opportunity to reject it. In this case, the money will be returned to the sender's bank card.

The QIWI payment system can help you convert money from VK into real rubles. A significant advantage of the QIWI wallet is the absence of commission fees when paying for utilities, communication services, and the Internet. To withdraw funds to a bank card, you will have to pay interest. The order of withdrawal is as follows:

  1. Make sure that VK has money in rubles.
  2. Go to the application and mark QIWI wallet.
  3. Enter your login and password.
  4. Click on the “Payment” button.
  5. Select the service to pay.
  6. Enter the amount.
  7. Click the “Payment in VKontakte rubles” button.

In addition to paying for services, it is possible to issue a virtual card. If the user often uses this method when making calculations, you should pay attention to this service. Naturally, you will need to pay interest to issue a card.

Operations for withdrawing money to the WebMoney and Yandex.Money payment systems are performed in the same way. Payments through electronic wallets are not automatic; they are pre-considered by the administration. Therefore, withdrawals sometimes take several days. This should be taken into account when planning calculations.

The VK electronic payment system allows users to spend money not only on games and virtual gifts, but also to pay for purchases in online stores. To make purchases, a person who has an account in VK needs on the store’s website:

  1. Select product.
  2. Find the “Pay VKontakte” button.

The amount that can be withdrawn from VK has restrictions:

  • a one-time transfer should not be less than 100 rubles and more than 75,000 rubles;
  • per day the user has the right to withdraw up to 150,000 rubles;
  • The monthly withdrawal limit is 600,000 rubles.

For transfers you can use MasterCard, Maestro and Visa cards from Russian banks. Recipients of the funds may be owners of MasterCard and Maestro cards from banks in some foreign countries. When making transfers from a Visa card, you must remember that the payment system will charge a 1% percentage of the amount for transactions. Minimum size the commission will be 40 rubles.

When transferring money between bank cards, concerns arise about the use of secret data by unauthorized persons. Even if the sender does not disclose the card information and security code to anyone. Account hacking, unfortunately, is not uncommon on the Internet, including in the VKontakte system. But the bank will never perform a funds transfer operation without receiving confirmation from the user. More problems may arise if you take advantage of offers to withdraw money illegally. Such methods can lead to both the withdrawal of huge commissions and the complete loss of funds on personal account VC.

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