Will there be an article for parasitism? Will a tax for parasitism be introduced in Russia, as in Belarus? Who may not pay

On April 2, 2015, according to the order of President Lukashenko of Belarus, a law came into force stating that it is possible to introduce a basic decree on the prevention of social dependency, or parasitism in other words.

He introduced the right to collect (contractual agreement), which amounts to 4.2 million rubles, it can be paid over a period of time, no discount is provided. Everyone who falls into this category must pay it; payment is made to the tax service. You have to pay a large or small fee, but every parasite is obliged to do it.

First there is a warning, and then a fee, because the main thing for a person is employment. The amount of taxation is provided for by law; new laws may be developed in 2018.

Who will pay the tax on parasitism in Belarus 2018?

A Belarusian who did not work more than 183 days a year will pay. The list of exceptions includes minors, disabled people, pensioners, students or those citizens who left Belarus for a period of more than 183 days. It is not known when the country will be exempt from the tax, as long as it is included in the number of countries in whose territories the payment of the tax on parasitism applies.

Last news

Chairman Constitutional Court Belarus was informed that the implementation of the “decree on parasitism” does not violate the Constitution. Adopting a tax on parasitism in Belarus 2018, the latest news is that the adoption of the decree leads to changes in the code. Miklashevich said that unemployment has been minimized due to the real opportunity to work. The fee will be 4.2 million rubles, every parasite must pay. You can read more in the news. Also, a video about the tax was shot with the representative of Gavara, Elena Linkevich.

Which countries have or don't have tax?

Everyone is interested in which countries have a tax on parasitism besides Belarus and the USSR? There is no practice in the world of paying the fee; unemployed citizens will not pay. For example, in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, the Russian Federation and abroad the CIS there is no such law adopted. They are exempt from this fee. Each country, Russia independently organizes people so that they can work. The boss gives a choice, and the person decides which job is right for him.

Tax on parasitism in Belarus 2018 canceled

For now, the due collection from non-working residents will not be cancelled. Information was received from the relevant ministry that many citizens admitted that they were being supported by others. More than 100 residents have been able to pay the fee since January 1st. Cancellation is not yet envisaged.

Who won't pay tax for parasitism?

  • minors (child under 18 years of age);
  • pensioners;
  • disabled people;
  • housewife;
  • incompetent;
  • artisans;
  • a citizen who arrived in Belarus after March 31;
  • citizens who left the territory of Belarus, that is, stayed in it for less than 183 days;
  • citizens who have paid all taxes in full (20 basic units);
  • working under contracts;
  • members of creative unions;
  • Social worker;
  • served for more than six months.

For mothers who look after children under 3 years of age, no fee is paid. Regarding housewives, the fee is also canceled. You must present documents to avoid or evade paying the fee.

Tax on parasitism in Belarus 2018, who is exempt from the tax?

News in Brest “Charter 97”: the tax on parasitism was abolished in Vitebsk. In the Vitebsk region, 38 Belarusians reported that they did not participate in financing the country’s expenses. As a result, the amount was 115.8 million rubles, of which, according to latest news 18.4 million rubles were paid. You can read more in the news about who pays where and who is exempt.

Penalty for non-payment

If citizens did not have time to pay or did not fully pay the tax on parasitism, they imposed a fine in the amount of 2 to 4 basic units or administrative arrest. During it, a person is required to perform useful work for the public.

The list of objects and type of work is approved by local legislative bodies. Sometimes a submitted petition can delay the payment term; you can find out the detailed text and where to submit it on the forum.

Tax on parasitism in Belarus 2018 canceled or not

Taxation for 2018 has not been abolished; as of January 1, 420 people admitted to parasitism and paid the fee. By the first of October, a database will be created according to which to identify everyone who did not participate in the financing of government spending and admitted to this. Everything must be paid by the first of November. If any resident ignores the notice, he will pay 4 basic amounts or be administratively arrested for 15 days.

Do villagers need to be paid?

Rural residents are exempt from paying; in their area, an exemption has been introduced such as paying a tax on parasitism. This category of the population must necessarily engage in agroecotourism; the person must be officially registered as a farmer. Belarus protects this category from payment. If a person is not engaged in agroecotourism, then he is taxed unlike other rural residents. Special clarifications are introduced and tax payment deadlines are introduced.

How to bypass the fee: latest news?

It is quite difficult to bypass payment for parasitism; even renting out an apartment does not exempt you from paying dependency tax. If a person is a freelancer, this is also not an indicator; it all depends on what amount was contributed to the state. The basic payment may not be made if a person joins the military. The next method of bypassing payment is to buy a house in the village and register it as an agricultural estate; you can also officially become a farmer. In addition, you can become a writer and go abroad for 6 months. In such cases the state budget others will raise it.

Tax on parasitism in Russia since 2018

And why giving birth to a child or becoming a mother of many children is not the best option.

And why giving birth to a child or becoming a mother of many children is not a good idea

A famous economist explained how you can avoid the fate of a “dependent” if you are left without a job and could not find a new one.

The Ministry of Labor predicts that about 250 thousand Belarusians may fall under the scope of Decree No. 1. In Resolution No. 239 of March 31, 2018, the Council of Ministers defined Belarusians as employed and not employed in the economy. It also became known that “parasites” will pay the full rate for housing and communal services and for the use of residential premises.

The head of the Mises Research Center, Yaroslav Romanchuk, at the request of Tomorrow of Your Country, named 5 ways to “deviate” from the updated decree on “parasitism.”

Method number 1: become a craftsman

The easiest thing is to register as a craftsman. You will make one wooden spoon per month or two per quarter, report, pretend that nothing is selling. The next six months or year can be devoted to creating a tin or wooden mug.

Method number 2: become a gardener

The second is to own an abandoned plot and grow tomatoes, cucumbers and so on there.

Method number 3: open a business

Third, registering an individual entrepreneur is a rather expensive subject.

Method number 4: join a creative union

Creative people can try to join a creative union and say that we are poets, writers, we write imperishable works and spend five years composing some kind of brochure, which should become a contribution to the development of state ideology.

Method number 5: leave Belarus

But the simplest thing - and I think many Belarusians will choose this - is to leave the country. First to earn money, and then forever - to cling to the market of Poland, Lithuania, Germany, Russia or Ukraine, as many do, and say: “Screw this country, whose authorities force us to pay for not working, and can't create jobs." This is the most dangerous thing that follows from this decree.

Five questions about the “parasite” decree

Those who are raising children under 7 years of age or raising three or more minor children are not included in the list of “parasites.” Maybe this resolution of the Council of Ministers will increase the birth rate, and many Belarusians will decide to “switch off” from “parasitism” by giving birth to a child, or better yet three?

Absolutely impossible. If registering a craftsman costs practically nothing, as does self-employment with a plot of land, then imagine how much it costs to have a child.

According to the document, priests are not “parasites.” But what about their wives who do not officially work?

I think the status of the Russian Orthodox Church in Belarus is such that a clergyman will always find a way to pray for the best solution to his issue. But this does not apply to Catholics - they do not have wives.

They will be allocated some plot of land near a military unit and will register as individual entrepreneurs or artisans. The need for invention is cunning. Psychological support for soldiers and cadets military units- here you go, a craftsman or individual entrepreneur.

Do you think there are many people who want to re-register their housing so that the “parasite” does not have to pay 100% for utilities?

It's complicated. It is still unknown how it will be calculated, one hundred percent or not. If the wife is in maternity leave, and my husband doesn’t work, how will payments for housing and communal services be divided? More questions than answers. They have confused themselves - so much energy, time and attention that officials (who receive a good salary!) spend on these regulations. For this money it was possible to raise an entire district from the ashes, build it and make a salary of a thousand dollars.

Unfortunately, in our country such a waste of resources is apparently considered productive. This suggests that the authorities have not learned to admit their own mistakes and have not even learned to put the brakes on them. We produce rule-making mugs, and then we hide behind these mugs and at the same time pretend to be a great IT country in which there are opportunities for business development, not realizing that today the development of the economy and business is, first of all, human capital. People who are forced to work by taxes and additional payments for services are not free capital. This means it will not work productively.

How many Belarusians will end up on commissions for “parasitism”?

If there is a referendum in 2019, then, of course, it will not be enough. The political context is not the right one to irritate people further. And besides irritation, it will definitely not cause anything.

“The resolution of the Council of Ministers is the bottom of Belarusian legislation”

- There is no scientific logic there. It was necessary to present something by April 1, so they presented it. This, in fact, is the face of power.

To figure out which Belarusians are “parasites” and which ones find themselves in difficult life situation, there will be commissions.

The creation of commissions is provided for by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of March 31, 2018 No. 240, which approved approximate regulations on a permanent commission for coordinating work to promote employment of the population.

“The approximate provision on a permanent commission is the bottom of Belarusian legislation and legal science, because things cannot get worse,” comments Yaroslav Romanchuk. - The law must be clear, unambiguous, and understood equally by everyone. When a law calls a provision approximate, it is the same as an approximate Criminal Code, an approximate amount of a fine and punishment.

The expert suggests that the government does not know how to get out of this situation, and therefore leaves decision-making to local authorities.

- Executive committees can use this document against those who criticize the authorities. This is a form of neo-feudalism or Belarusian serfdom. Decree No. 1 only strengthens it, the economist believes.

According to Romanchuk, this document is absurd, and local authorities They haven’t sunk to that level of absurdity and will ignore it. For example, catching an alcoholic for show. Like, look how we work, we care about employment and order.

He ordered the suspension of Decree No. 3 - “On the Prevention of Social Dependency,” better known as the “law on parasites.” Throughout 2017, fines prescribed by this document will not be issued to Belarusian citizens.

“During March, if necessary, we need to adjust this decree. But the decree will not be canceled. First of all, tell the officials that it will be implemented with the adjustments that I mentioned,” the press service of the President of Belarus quotes Lukashenko’s words.

The politician also emphasized that the purpose of the law is not economic, but moral: to encourage the population to go to work.

“Control is with the governors and the mayor of Minsk. You should have these lists of slackers there who need to be forced to work. And honest people should not have been touched at all. We should not offend people, especially at this time,” Lukashenko said.

“And those who today, 200-500 people each, take to the streets and start shouting, these are not those parasites who are really parasites. These are mainly the people who are offended, to whom we sent these notices out of the blue,” added the Belarusian leader.

Mass street protests have been going on in Belarus since mid-February - something like this has not happened since the 2010 presidential elections. The protest wave, however, was not initiated by the opposition: it is not so much political activists who take to the streets, but people who have never participated in public protests before. Belarusians oppose the so-called tax on parasites.

Decree No. 3 “On the Prevention of Social Dependency” was a problem for official Minsk. The document was initiated and signed by Alexander Lukashenko, and for him to back down publicly meant losing face. But at the same time, it was obvious that the wave of protests was growing, and, which is completely unusual for Belarus, it was going through provincial cities. For example, in Vitebsk, the protest against the tax on parasites turned out to be the largest in the history of the city, which neither the authorities nor the opposition expected.

The culmination of the protests was expected on the so-called “Freedom Day” - March 25. The Minsk authorities apparently did not want to repeat the riots of 2010 that rocked the country after the presidential elections.

Until now, no one had dispersed the performances of the “parasites” - but then their participants en masse received summonses from the police and “24 hours” under administrative protocols. State television at the same time intimidated with the prospect of a “Maidan” and “militants with Molotov cocktails.”

It became clear at the beginning of the week that the decree on parasites would be changed. On March 6, Deputy Speaker of the Belarusian Parliament Boleslav Pirshtuk met with representatives of the opposition (which is extremely rare for Belarus) and promised that by mid-March the decree would be seriously revised and the list of social dependents would be significantly reduced.

A very bad experiment

In theory, the goal of Decree No. 3 was to “bring out of the shadows” people working unofficially, without paying taxes and social fees. However, the fact that “non-state” sociology is banned in Belarus has played a cruel joke on the country’s leadership. The fact is that official sociologists gave Alexander Lukashenko a figure of 500 thousand people who do not participate in financing government spending. The head of the country, in his speeches, began to publicly call them parasites, and soon signed a decree providing for a special collection from such people.

According to the document, if a citizen does not work 183 days a year (and is not registered as unemployed), then he must pay a special fee - 360 Belarusian rubles($185) for 2015 (until February 20, 2017). And another 420 rubles for 2016 (until November 15, 2017). The total is $400, which is higher average monthly salary in the country. In total, the tax department sent out about 470 thousand notices for payment of the fee.

That is, every tenth citizen of working age received a letter of happiness.

However, the result was unexpected for the authorities: instead of money, they received mass civil disobedience. The vast majority of tax evaders are not underground “guild workers” at all, but residents of the provinces working in dying factories, where they are employed one or two days a week and receive almost nothing. These people cannot get another job - it simply doesn’t exist. Among the “parasites” were also mothers who stayed at home with small children.

People also do not want to register as unemployed. Unemployment benefits in Belarus are $10 per month, are issued only for a limited time, and the unemployed must still participate in unpaid public works.

As a result, by February 20 (the deadline for paying the fee), despite threats of fines and imprisonment, only 10% of those who received notices had paid the fee. But protests by “parasites” began: in February they took place in Minsk, Gomel, Vitebsk, Brest, Bobruisk and Baranovichi. The rally in Minsk became the largest since the dramatic events of 2010. But the main thing is that people who had never before participated in opposition actions took to the streets.

Even the recent increase in the retirement age did not cause such a painful reaction. Not only the authorities were unprepared for such protests, but also the opposition leaders, who belatedly and largely unsuccessfully began trying to lead street actions.

Economics of parasitism

While citizens on the streets are outraged that the state is demanding money from the unemployed and mothers with small children, economists point to blatant miscalculations in public administration. For example, against the backdrop of the crisis that has lasted since December 2014, Belarus is losing 70 thousand jobs every year. But at the same time, enterprises often do not fire people who are actually unemployed—local authorities prohibit them from doing so, so as not to spoil the statistics.

Meanwhile, the number of paid services has grown so much that Belarus can no longer be called “ social state" Many benefits for schoolchildren, pensioners and Chernobyl victims have been cancelled.

Prices in the country are such that everyone who can tries to go for food and consumer goods to neighboring Lithuania and Poland, where everything is half the price. Weekend trips “to purchases” abroad in Belarus were purchased in last years mass character (in particular, Belarusians provide more than 40% of the turnover of Vilnius stores).

However, the main failure of the tax on parasites is that its administration turned out to be much more expensive than the amounts received into the budget. Since 90% of those notified refuse to pay, officials have to deal with each case individually. As a result, work was simply blocked tax inspectorates, local executive committees, and to a large extent - also clinics, since doctors have to find out whether the “parasite” suffered from diseases that did not allow him to work in 2015 and 2016.

In addition, it turned out that government databases on citizens of different departments do not fit with each other. Often notifications came in the names of people who had died long ago or were living abroad.

“The state does not return the money”

The Belarusian correspondent of Gazeta.Ru also received from the tax office a “letter of happiness for parasites” - a requirement to “take part in financing government spending for 2015.” However, then everything was quite simple. It was necessary to get to , show the ID of the correspondent of Gazeta.Ru in Belarus, and then send documents from the editorial office by e-mail. Two weeks later, a letter came back with an official notice that the demand for payment of the fee was “cancelled.”

This is happening to many Belarusians, who, since November 2016, have also received demands to pay the tax on parasites. It is enough to write a statement indicating almost any reason why you could not work in 2015, and the requirement to pay the fee will be canceled.

This is probably how the authorities are trying to reduce the intensity of mass protests - not by canceling Decree No. 3 itself, but by reducing the number of potential Protestants.

“The Belarusian authorities will not cancel the decree, but they will not demand payment of tax for 2016. It’s more difficult in 2015, since some people have already paid the tax. Simply canceling it retroactively won’t work—you’ll have to return the money to those “parasites” who have already paid the tax,” Olga Karach, a Belarusian politician and head of the Our Home civil campaign, told Gazeta.Ru. “But our state does not return the money.”

However, for now Lukashenko promises the opposite. According to him, in 2017, “parasites” will get their money back if they get a job. The funds already collected, meanwhile, will remain in the area and go to schools and other children's institutions.

“I have several friends who had a rather controversial situation about whether they should or should not pay this tax. It is customary in our country that the state interprets all doubts in its favor. But then something completely unusual happened: all doubts were interpreted in people’s favor, and they were exempted from payments,” says Gazeta.Ru’s interlocutor.

“I think that before the end of 2017 the tax on parasites will be quietly forgotten. No one will ask the tax office if he needs to pay anything else, and she herself will not remind him. This will be an unspoken agreement between citizens and the state that will allow the authorities to save face,” Karach added.

The Russian authorities want to impose taxes on many categories of the population, including those who do not have official income. The idea of ​​introducing a tax on parasitism appeared several years ago, but so far these plans have not been realized. It is possible that the law will come into force in July 2019.

Deputies claim that this tax is not aimed at combating parasitism, but at ensuring that people who do not have official income take an active part in social life of your country. In fact, they use many social services for free, and at the same time do not make any contributions to the treasury.

On this moment, statistics show that the number non-working population in Russia is 16-18 million people. Many are confident that with the implementation of this law, this figure will decrease significantly.

The Russian Constitution states that a person has the right to choose the type of activity, therefore this law will not force people to go to work. Meanwhile, people who work unofficially will demand from their employer official employment and promotions wages to compensate for additional expenses.

At the moment, it is difficult to say whether a tax on parasitism will be introduced in Russia next year, because many nuances remain unresolved.

Parasites include that category of the population who have no official income. Most of the population falls into the category that receives wages in envelopes.

The following citizens are exempt from the tax on parasitism:

  1. People of retirement age;
  2. Women raising children under 7 years of age;
  3. People who care for sick parents, children or relatives;
  4. Pupils and students;
  5. Minor citizens;
  6. Disabled people and beneficiaries;
  7. Persons who are registered with the Employment Center.

At the moment, at the legislative level there is no such thing as parasitism. It is not yet known what specific criteria will be used to enroll this category of people. Many believe that the reconciliation of citizens will take place in tax service and pension fund.

It is possible that this system will show its failures, as it happened in the neighboring state. Ultimately, “letters of happiness” were received by those citizens who had official work and regularly paid contributions.

Should know
Not long ago, information spread that the authorities want to take on the self-employed. This category includes people who provide any services, but do not pay taxes.

This issue is very controversial and has not yet been resolved. At first, the initiators of the law announced a figure of 25,000 rubles. per year, but after a while this figure was reduced to 20,000 rubles. year.

Some deputies proposed to equalize the tax amount with the minimum wages. After this, a proposal was made that unemployed citizens should pay 30% of the minimum wage every month. So far this amount is 3.5 thousand rubles.

Only those who have good reasons for this may not pay the tax. This may include the death of one of the spouses and a serious illness.

In turn, experts oppose the introduction of this tax. They claim that this amount is very large for the population. By and large, the tax amount should not be more than 8 thousand rubles.

Experts are confident that the smaller the tax, the greater the chance that people will start paying the tax on time. Otherwise, people will start looking for workarounds. In this case, the state will not only be unable to increase revenues, but will also incur additional expenses.

To avoid liability, people will begin joining the labor exchange en masse. This method will be the fastest and easiest to solve the problem that has arisen, but in this case the state will have to pay much more to unemployed citizens.

The Russian authorities are ready to adopt the “best practices” of Belarus and impose taxes on citizens who already have no income.

The tax on parasitism, the introduction of which is being prepared by the government of the Russian Federation, should take into account all possible incomes of people who are of working age, but do not have official work, said Labor Minister Maxim Topilin.

According to him, when taxing self-employed citizens, the authorities intend to take into account the property that they own.

The tax could amount to 25 thousand rubles per person per year, Topilin said.

Tax on beloved wives

Administering such a tax, first of all, will cost more than the funds that can be collected with its help. And secondly, this will cause massive discontent among the population, which the authorities have absolutely nothing to do with on the eve of the elections, the doctor believes economic sciences Andrey Gudkov.

“The introduction of such a tax is not clear how it is consistent with the Constitution currently existing in Russia, which, unlike the Soviet Constitution, does not mention the right to work. And if a certain right is not provided for, then you don’t have to be a lawyer to understand that no reprisals are possible for non-use of this right. For only right gives rise to duties,” he told Reedus.

From a practical point of view, levying such a tax also raises many questions, the main one being how the tax authorities intend to separate those citizens who are “parasitizing” maliciously, and those who have a completely legitimate source of livelihood, but not related to making money by going to the streets every day. factory?

“You can find “parasites” only using the Pension Fund of Russia database. But a huge number of people live at the expense of their spouses, “working” as parents of young children, grandparents of their grandchildren, or, in the end, beloved wives of their hard-working spouses. For this, their relatives support them. Is it also proposed to impose a tax on parasitism on these people?” - says Gudkov.

Moreover, “the beloved woman of mechanic Gavrilov” can live with him in a civil marriage, and she will not be able to prove with documentation that she does not need to go to work every morning.

“After all, throughout the Russian expanses you can find examples where in remote villages their residents live on subsistence farming. Baba Masha grows potatoes and exchanges them with Aunt Vera for cucumbers, and she exchanges them with Uncle Vasya for moonshine. They do not enter into monetary relations, and formally, according to the letter of the proposed law, they will have to pay 25 thousand - more than all their cucumbers and potatoes cost together,” the expert points out.

The experience of Belarus has demonstrated that even in this calm and “Soviet” country, attempts to introduce a tax “on parasitism” caused massive spontaneous protests in Minsk. In Russia, even more so, such an innovation will be a gift to the non-systemic opposition, he warns.

In Belarus, since 2015, unemployed citizens are required to pay to the treasury 20 minimum wages per year (about $200) “in order to encourage able-bodied citizens to work and ensure that they fulfill their constitutional obligation to participate in the financing of government spending.”

Your own employer

In May, the Russian Ministry of Justice developed a bill on self-employed citizens in the Russian Federation (the dissonant Soviet term “parasitism” is, of course, not used in the document).

Self-employment as a concept appeared in Russia (in the last years of the USSR) almost simultaneously with the elimination of the article of the Criminal Code “Parasitism”.

Self-employed are a large number of citizens who carry out entrepreneurial activity without hiring employees and registering as individual entrepreneurs (for example, tutors, caregivers, nannies).

Difference between individual entrepreneurs and self-employed persons today is purely nominal, and there is only one criterion for the differences between them, says Natalya Tode, a former employee of the Institute for Management of Social Processes at the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

“This criterion is that both the individual entrepreneur and the self-employed person do the same work, provide the same service, with the only difference being that the first one does it with the payment of taxes, and the second one does it in a shadow way. And this is not the first time that the authorities have made attempts to bring the second category out of the shadows, but every time talented economically active Russians find ways to remain in the shadow sector,” she told Reedus.

In an attempt to draw a line between individual entrepreneurship and self-employment, the state is now also balancing in a very shaky legal field, Tode agrees with Gudkov.

“Take for clarity the difference between self-employment and, excuse me, begging. Here is a man standing on the sidewalk with a hat in his hand and begging for alms. Formally, it falls under the current article of the Criminal Code “Begging”. But if he does the same thing, but at the same time reads poetry out loud, then there will no longer be a formal crime in his actions: after all, he is doing you a favor! Another thing is that you don’t need this “service” at all, but purely legally the difference is huge,” she explains.

The sanction for begging migrated to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation from the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, but the concept of “self-employment” was not in either the Soviet Labor Code or the current Russian Labor Code.

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