Typical designs of private residential buildings. Unique standard designs of country houses

Typical turnkey cottage projects have many advantages:

  • Financial benefit - choosing from an extensive catalog is always cheaper than ordering the development of a new one. The money saved in this way can be invested in finishing or arranging a personal plot.
  • Saving time - developing an individual construction plan requires some time, sometimes this process takes more than one month.
  • The opportunity to clearly see a building that has already been built according to a standard solution, and also to make suggestions for improvements if something is not initially satisfactory.
  • The proposed turnkey cottage projects are by no means clones. Due to the variety of finishing materials, they differ significantly in style and design, each becoming a unique creation of the architect.

Buying house and cottage plans is a great way to reduce the time required for the complete process of building a house. Complete set project documentation includes the architectural and construction part, as well as drawings for laying utilities - electrical equipment, water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation.

What is included in the finished project

What are house plans? This is a package of documents that describes all stages of cottage construction. Properly completed documentation allows you to obtain the necessary permits for the construction of a residential property.

Architectural section

The architectural section is the graphic part, which consists of a drawing plan of the future house. The number of floors, the height of each floor are indicated here, the locations of windows, doors, interior partitions and their thickness, roof plan, basement (if any) are indicated. The architectural part contains drawings of the external facade of a residential building, as well as design drawings of all outbuildings on the site.

Structural section

Before you buy cottage projects, special attention It is worth paying attention to the documentation from the constructive section. It contains all the information about the future foundation of the building, floor slabs, stairs, balconies, reinforcement schemes, piles, nodes, lintels. The design part provides dimensions and axial references. After reading this section, you can already have an idea of ​​the required volume of building materials.

Project passport

In order to coordinate project documentation with various authorities, it is necessary to present a construction passport - a summary document containing basic information about the residential property. It displays key dimensions, heights, number of storeys, area (living and general), plan land plot. Parameters such as exterior decoration, explication of the premises, technical specifications object, operational indicators.

Change any project of a house or cottage according to any of your wishes

You can buy projects of houses and cottages either unchanged or with your personal additions. So, for example, if the area of ​​the land allows, we can add additional buildings to the development plan - a garage, a bathhouse, outbuildings. You can also design an open terrace, gazebo or canopy.

Another option - cottage projects can be ordered in a mirror design or you can coordinate the redevelopment of the location of rooms within load-bearing walls. In addition, you can replace the materials of the stairs, doors, partitions, windows with any others that the customer likes.

More significant changes are possible by prior agreement. Thus, a typical project of one or two floors can be increased by creating ground floor. You can also buy cottage projects by ordering interior or external finishing other material than what was indicated in the catalogue. There are a lot of options, all of them are discussed individually with the site architect or construction team.

A modern home should be as comfortable and cozy as possible. When choosing a cottage project, you need to determine for yourself the criteria for the housing being designed. Among the factors that have a direct impact on the development of home and cottage projects, the number of family members and their gender and age should be highlighted. At the same time, the idea must have a real material base.

Benefits of standard residential projects

Ready-made house designs can be called a truly universal solution. The standard project is intended for subsequent repeated use and the purpose of its development is precisely this application.

Standard house designs cost an order of magnitude cheaper to create individual project. The noticeable difference in price is due to the possibility of selling a specific project many times.

The choice of standard house designs is also dictated by the speed of its purchase. Moreover, any ready-made option can be adjusted taking into account the specific wishes of the customer. The process will not take much time, and at the same time, the final result will fully correspond to the client’s ideas. Developing a custom project can take significantly more time.

Finished projects of houses and cottages cannot always be modified. It is worth using the option of purchasing the project from its author. In this case, you get the opportunity to make any adjustments to the standard project.

Selecting a finished project

Own country house– the dream of any metropolis resident. Projects two-story houses, one-story cottages, with a garage, attic and other elements - all these options are presented in our catalog. You can choose the one that best suits your financial capabilities and needs. In an effort to reduce housing construction costs, it makes sense to give preference to proven ready-made house designs. At high level standardization they have serious advantages. Such cottage projects are housing options that have been successfully tested over years of practical implementation experience.

By choosing the option of a ready-made residential project, you will not have to worry about resolving a lot of issues. You receive a fully prepared and appropriately designed solution at your disposal. The end result will completely satisfy you.

Project selection two-story house or another object looks like this. First you need to carry out geological surveys Your land plot. It is necessary to select a building according to its shape and conditions. The next step is choosing the architectural style of the building. Considerable attention should be paid to the issue of functionality. You also need to take care of working out such aspects as the approximate area of ​​the house and the number of floors in it. Once the key functional and style issues have been resolved, you can begin to select a suitable standard cottage project. The placement of exits, the functionality of the premises, the location of the veranda and windows - all these factors determine the final choice of a specific option for the finished housing project. By choosing these characteristics as a guide, you can easily choose the ideal housing for yourself, choosing a suitable standard project.

The set of project documentation includes floor plans, sections, architectural, structural and engineering sections. Purchasing a finished project for any residential building means receiving the entire set of construction documents provided.

Our base finished projects houses and cottages are constantly updated and supplemented. We offer you the opportunity to choose the most suitable one, taking into account your own preferences and capabilities. You can make the necessary adjustments to the selected project if the need arises.

Firstly, they were all developed under the guidance of architect Boris Zaitsev, and they can only be purchased from us.

Secondly, the uniqueness of our standard projects lies in their versatility. They contain the necessary set of rooms of appropriate dimensions for “Standard” class houses. At the same time, the layout and design of the house can be easily adapted to the needs of a specific customer. You can add (remove) a terrace, make it glazed, under a canopy or completely open area. Make a staircase on the side or in the center, or make steps on three sides, with or without railings. The roof can be made gable or hipped. Instead of a porch, make a terrace or a small canopy. There is no need to make a glass partition between the kitchen and living room at all, or it can be made opaque.

The premises provided in the house are functional. This means that the bed is placed in the bedroom, not diagonally, but along the wall; if the bed is double, then free access to it is provided on both sides. When designing a dressing room, we provide for storage systems to be placed there. There is enough space around the dining table to move chairs away and go around the table; The table is designed to be of such a size that all family members can fit behind it, depending on the number of bedrooms. Four bedrooms of 25 m² each with one bathroom of 3 m² - this is a clear imbalance.

Our projects have a simple geometric shape, as a rule, they are rectangular in plan. From the 8 years of experience of our bureau, we can conclude that the simpler the house in the Standard class, the greater the likelihood that it will be built according to the project and in accordance with the initial wishes of the customer, without problems and without “divorces”, which is already In 2-3 years, the owners will move into the house and that the construction will not turn out to be unfinished.

The laconic appearance of our houses is their great advantage. For Standard-class houses, the high cost of finishing is not appropriate. Conciseness does not mean monotony. Having selected a project based on functionality (trying out the layout according to your wishes), you can order changes appearance. Sometimes it is enough to change the pattern of the brick to make the house look completely different. We can finalize the project by completely changing its style or adding other accents to the existing composition.

It is much better to use high-quality materials than a complex form where there could be a simpler and more reliable solution. To implement complex structural components, highly qualified builders will be required, and you will need to pay more for their work. If complex structures are taken on, underestimating their complexity, this will affect the quality, and the reliability of the entire house may suffer.

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