The media learned about plans to introduce strict energy consumption standards. How is electricity paid in the Moscow region by meter and according to standards? Explanations and practical examples

The standard for electricity consumption per person without a meter does not have a specific meaning in Russia. It is adopted in each region independently and depends on local conditions, climate characteristics and the standard of living of the population in a particular region.

Promotion in 2017

Increases in water and electricity prices have been discussed for a long time, so it was not a surprise that this happened at the beginning of 2017.

Those whose homes do not have metering devices will pay 50% more for this utility service. Before this, the tariff according to the standard was unprofitable, but this year it became completely unprofitable.

These changes will again not affect those who do not have the technical ability to install a meter. There are different data on what part of the population still goes without a meter. According to various sources, this is from 75 to 90 percent.

The government set a course to provide a more favorable tariff to everyone who installed a meter back in 2013. Then it was assumed that those who installed the devices would immediately feel its benefits, and those who did not would want to have the same one. But in reality everything turned out to be much more complicated.

For example, there are apartments in which one person is registered and the standard is calculated based on this. If this citizen rents out his living space to a team of 10 workers, then it will not be profitable for him to install a meter, since he will have to pay based on the electricity actually spent. And in a particular case this will be a lot.

Standard per person

Lighting standards were first introduced in the Russian Federation back in 2013. Subjects of the federation, both then and now, have every right (that is, a legal basis) to set indicators in their region independently.

The same independence is present in calculating the cost of services. The legislature in each region sets it, taking into account limits of 40% of the established price.

  • Currently, the rate of electricity consumption throughout Russia is set at 350 kW/hour per person. The cost of a kilowatt in different regions is about 3 rubles.
  • How are standards set and what do they depend on:
  • depending on what kind of stove you use: gas or electric;
  • Calculation at several tariffs is possible.

All of the above reasons influence the standards, but within each region in different ways. For example, in the Nizhny Novgorod region the social norm for electricity consumption is 50 kW/hour (the figure is indicated per person). If you fit into it, then pay 3 rubles. 45 kopecks, if not - 5 rubles. 98 kopecks

Subject to the same norm, but with a two-tariff meter, Nizhny Novgorod residents pay 3 rubles. 58 kopecks per “day”, and 1 rub. 75 kop. - per night". If they exceed the tariff, then 6 rubles. 88 kop. and 3 rub. 59 kopecks respectively.

The following can be said about electric stoves. It must be installed officially, in accordance with the design documents for the house. The fare split must also be recorded. More and more people are switching to a two- and sometimes three-zone tariff.

Video about standards

Every year it becomes more obvious: installing a metering device is a profitable enterprise. Depending on the number of prescriptions, it pays for itself within a year or a year and a half.

The government is thinking about introducing a social norm for electricity consumption with a sharp increase in tariffs if the established limit is exceeded. This was reported on Tuesday.

According to the new project, the social norm requiring a minimum payment will be a monthly electricity consumption of 300 kW/h.

If this limit is exceeded, then an increased tariff comes into force. If monthly consumption exceeds 500 kW/h, an “economically justified tariff” will be applied.

Not per person, but per point

In this case, the volume of energy consumption will be recorded not per person, but per “connection point,” that is, per household. This category includes both single pensioners and families with children. With an average household size of 2.5 people and an average consumption of 220 kWh per month, most households should meet the social norm, ACRA experts believe.

According to the publication, the new scheme for limiting electricity consumption was approved by the Deputy Prime Minister at a meeting with the Ministry of Economy, which took place on September 19. It is noted that the ministries and the Federal Antimonopoly Service have been instructed to submit draft regulatory documents by January 15, 2019.

In fact, it is proposed to introduce draft regulatory documents before Epiphany frosts, that is, during the coldest time of the year.

The Russian authorities tried to introduce a similar energy consumption scheme in 2013-2014, but this project was subsequently frozen.

In 2013, in seven pilot regions, a standard of 50-190 kWh per month per person was established, and from July 2014 it was supposed to work throughout the country.

The president criticized this rule, noting that the tariff increase that would be required was too significant.

“And in Murmansk, you say, in some municipalities it’s more than 200 percent. “Are you crazy,” Putin said in February 2013.

Reducing coefficients will be removed

In January 2014, the reform was postponed for two years, and by 2016 it was no longer remembered. Social norms were discussed again in the summer as part of a discussion of the problems of cross-subsidization - raising prices for some groups of consumers in order to reduce tariffs for others. Then the Ministry of Energy estimated the volume of the “crossroads” in 2017 at 368 billion rubles, and by 2022 - at 417 billion rubles. To reduce it by 2022 to the planned 89 billion rubles. an increase in household tariffs by 13.9% per year was required, which was also considered impossible.

The new version of the social norm will apparently be softer than the scheme that was introduced in 2013-2014. But at the same time, the government can reduce the list of consumers equated to the preferential part of the population, and completely abandon benefits for rural residents and city dwellers living in apartments with electric stoves.

Subsidies are provided for citizens in need of social support. Now these are gardening and gardening partnerships, garage cooperatives, outbuildings of the population (for example, sheds and cellars), religious organizations, housing at military units, places of imprisonment, etc. The “phased increase in the reduction factor” from 0.7 to 1 is separately described .

We are talking about the gradual abolition of preferential tariffs for villagers, as well as apartments with electric stoves or electric heating.

The Ministry of Economic Development proposed indexing tariffs from January 1, synchronizing it with the increase in VAT.

“On August 4, the Federal Law was adopted on amending the Tax Code to increase the amount of VAT from 18% to 20% from January 1, 2019. In accordance with the existing regulatory framework, this increase will be retranslated into payments for housing and communal services. At the same time, the actual increase in tariffs, according to the law, can only occur from July 1, 2019,” said the message received by Gazeta.Ru.

The ministry noted that as a result, in addition to the VAT increase of 1.7%, in accordance with current legislation, the tariffs will also include the costs of paying VAT for the first half of 2019, which will further increase their growth for the population.

The Ministry of Economic Development also noted that they are additionally studying the amount of tariff indexation in 2019 to ensure that the total change in tariffs in 2019 does not exceed the inflation target of 4%.

These innovations relate to the current housing and communal services system. And in new buildings, the authorities decided to immediately introduce intelligent energy consumption metering systems.

It is noted that he has already sent his proposals to. At the same time, the FAS made it clear that new houses should not be equipped with metering devices at the expense of citizens. The deputy head said that the department will not allow costs for the installation of “smart” electricity meters to be included in tariffs.

“The government annually approves a socio-economic forecast, which establishes the possibility of indexing electricity tariffs to a certain indicator. This means that exceeding one or another parameter is unacceptable. The analysis carried out by the antimonopoly agency showed that no excess of the established parameters was recorded,” Korolev was quoted as saying by RNS.

The deputy head of the FAS emphasized that “smart” meters will make it possible to move payment discipline to a higher level of quality, since information about the debt will be sent online to the energy supply organization.

Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated on August 27 that “pushing through” the growth of energy tariffs is unacceptable.

“Today, in some regions, the practice has developed of pushing through unjustified tariff increases; as a result, the proceeds do not go to the development of regional energy, but into the pockets of specific individuals close to those who make decisions of this kind,” Putin said.

Light / Electricity Tariffs

In the Moscow region, mass inspections of individual electricity metering devices are being carried out. If the meter is found to be faulty, the consumer is transferred to pay for electricity according to the standard. What does this mean in practical terms? publishes explanations of how the payment for light is calculated according to the meter and in the case of its absence.

Calculation of electricity in the Moscow region using a meter

If an apartment or private house is equipped with a working electricity meter, then the cost of consumed electrical energy is calculated based on the readings of the meter.

Readings for the current month are taken, and readings for the previous month are subtracted from them. The resulting volume of consumption is multiplied by the current electricity tariff. When taking readings from the electricity meter, the numbers must be taken into account up to the decimal point.

The single-rate (single, without day/night breakdown) tariff for electricity from July 1, 2017 in the Moscow region is:

  • 5.04 rubles per kWh. for houses with gas stoves
  • 3.53 rubles per kWh. for houses with electric stoves
  • 3.53 rubles per kWh. for houses located in rural areas.

Two-zone (day/night) and three-zone (peak/buy/night) electricity tariffs in the Moscow region can be

Calculation of the cost of electricity according to the standard

If there is no electricity meter in an apartment (private house), or it is found to be faulty, or its verification period has expired (verification interval), then the cost of consumed electricity is calculated based on the standards.

The standard in this case is the estimated amount of electricity consumption per person, approved by regional authorities. It (this value) depends on the number of rooms in the apartment (house), the presence/absence of an electric stove and the number of registered (officially) residents. It is believed that standards are derived on the basis of certain statistical data regarding average per capita electricity consumption. But in practice they have little relation to real consumption.

After, in recent years, for apartments not equipped with meters, the standard fee began to be increased by an ever-increasing factor (since January 1, 2017, it is 1.5), the standard fee turned into some semblance of a fine for those who I haven't installed the meter yet.

Currently, in the Moscow region there are standards put into force by the order of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Moscow Region dated December 9, 2014 No. 162-RV “On approval of utility service consumption standards for cold and hot water supply, sanitation, electricity supply and heating.”

You can view the document in full at this link

For example: for a two-room apartment with an electric stove, where 3 residents are officially registered, the electricity consumption standard is 91 kWh. per month.

The amount of the monthly payment for light in this case is set as follows: the standard (91 kWh) is multiplied by the number of residents (three), the current one-rate tariff for houses with electric stoves (3.53 rubles per kWh) and an increasing factor of 1 ,5.

It turns out:

91*3*3.53*1.5 = 1445.535 rubles

You can avoid paying the 1.5 increasing factor if you can provide a certificate stating that it is not technically possible to install the meter. Residents of houses recognized as unsafe are also exempt from paying the increasing coefficient.

Electrical energy is one of the most expensive types of utility services; for exceeding its consumption, the user pays a significantly higher price.

From July 1, 2014, it was planned to introduce a social norm for the consumption of electrical energy in all regions of the Russian Federation.
The government is trying to do this based on the following considerations:

  1. Stimulation of energy efficient use of services in the public utilities sector.
  2. Avoidance of cross-subsidization* and the desire to reduce the burden of tariffs on large industrial producers.
  3. Increasing the efficiency of the citizen protection system.

*Note: Cross-subsidization: the population’s payment for electricity is lower than its real cost, and the enterprise’s payment per kWh is higher than the cost of electricity.

The consumption of electrical energy according to the social norm is set for families and households based on the location of the home, the presence of an electric stove, a water heater, while the owners of cottages equipped with heated floors, heated water in the pool and similar bells and whistles will pay for electricity consumption in full.

The introduction of payment according to the social norm was supposed to provide families of pensioners or single pensioners with payment for electricity, within the first year after the start of payment according to the social norm - a reduced tariff.

All subjects of the Russian Federation have the right to approach the establishment of their own meaning of social norms in accordance with the level of well-being of their region and the individual characteristics of the region. And this issue is resolved by each region independently.

The statistical service of each region makes an analysis of the use of electrical energy, the calculation is based on 10,000 citizens who live without a family, the total amount of electricity consumed is divided by 10,000 and by 12 months, the resulting result is the social norm for electricity consumption. In addition, climatic conditions and characteristics of the housing stock are taken into account.

For example, the standard for electricity consumption used in the Rostov region was 96 kWh, Transbaikalia - 65 kWh, Krasnoyarsk Territory - 100 kWh.

The amount of electricity consumption according to the social norm is directly dependent on how many people are actually registered and registered in the living space.

The size of the standard electricity consumption per person is influenced by some other factors, these are: the presence of an electric stove or its absence, electric heating in winter, the condition of housing, the presence of a hot water boiler running on electricity. The area in which a dwelling is located, a city or village.

Figure No. 4. Payment methods, requirements and standards for electricity consumption in 2015 according to RIA NOVOSTI data using the example of Moscow and the Moscow region.

Calculation of payments according to electricity consumption standards

The calculation procedure is determined in Government Decree of the Russian Federation No. 614 dated July 22, 2013.

According to the Law “On Energy Saving”, energy sales enterprises and public utilities are pursuing a policy of equipping apartment buildings with common building meters.

Calculation of electricity consumption consists of summing up the readings of an individual meter plus the readings from the general house energy meter, the calculation is made depending on the number of people living in the apartment, if two people live, then they will pay at the social cost for the standard determined in this region for two people, let it be will be, for example, 150 kWh. for 3.5 rub. per kWh everything above is paid at the regular price according to the regional tariff, for example, 3.90 rubles.

In the case where there is no residential electricity meter, the standard for electricity consumption without a meter will be significantly higher; for apartment buildings this standard will increase by 80%, citizens living in the private sector will pay even more.

Electricity consumption standard without a meter

The social norm is calculated using the increasing coefficient “K” of approximately 60% until 2017 or in another way,

from January 1, 2015 to June 30 it will be 1.1,
from 1.0.6. 2015 to December 31, 2015 – 1.2,
from January 1, 2016 to June 29, 2016 – 1.4;
from June 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016 will be 1.5;
after 2017 it will be equal to 1.6.

For failure to take test meter readings for two or more times, the cost of electricity charges is also calculated using increasing factors.

The key principle of distribution of general house consumption is considered based on the proportional area in m2 of all premises inclusive.

It is important to know: some regions, for example, Kuzbass and Lipetsk region, Primorsky Krai, did not accept the pilot project and the introduction of a social norm, the reason for this was the lack of electronic passports in many residential buildings, which makes the calculation of the norm biased and fundamentally incorrect, in addition to these reasons, the ministry regional development did not provide regions with methods for correctly determining consumption standards.

In particular, for Kuzbass, the introduction of the norm will exceed the level of 6% increase in payments for utility services, which cannot be allowed as this action will lead to a social explosion.

If your home does not have an electric meter, you will have to pay for electricity depending on what consumption standards are established per person. They differ by region, as shown in the figure below.

Electricity consumption standards by region in kW. h/person

In addition, there are differences in the cost of electricity in different areas.

Calculation procedure

P i = n i x N j x T, Where:

  • n i – number of residents;
  • N j – consumption rate per person (kWh/month);
  • T – electricity tariff (RUB/kWh).

The rate of electricity consumption depends on the number of people living in the house. The figure shows consumption standards, from which it can be seen that with an increase in the number of residents, less electricity is required per person.

Norms of monthly electricity consumption depending on the number of people living in the house

If any of the residents are absent for a long time, this can be taken into account when calculating electricity according to standards. To do this, you need to submit a written application to the management company, which can adjust the calculation of electricity consumption.

The absence of any electricity consumers must be documented:

  • an act of non-residence at the electricity metering address with the presentation of passport data and confirmation of three neighbors;
  • a document confirming temporary registration at another address;
  • a copy of the travel document;
  • a certificate of treatment in a hospital medical institution;
  • travel documents or certified copies;
  • bills for living elsewhere.

Electricity supply to public areas, such as entrance lighting, is not included in utilities. It refers to the costs of maintaining the property of a multi-storey building. At the same time, apartment owners are required to bear the costs for this. Their value depends on the presence or absence of a common counter.

A multi-storey building is equipped with a communal electricity meter.

Household electricity meter

In apartments, electricity consumption is taken into account based on the readings of individual metering devices, and if there are none, according to approved standards. In this case, an additional fee for consumption for general household needs is added to the accounting expense, where approximately 7 kWh/month is taken as the basis. for each resident.

Thus, the calculation of the payment by each apartment owner for the use of electricity in common areas not equipped with metering devices must take into account the undistributed amount of electricity inside the house, taking into account the ratio of the areas of the apartment and the entire house.

Calculation for general house needs (GDN)

Electricity in the house is spent more than it is consumed by residents in apartments. It depends on how much of it is used for general needs. It is convenient to consider how much to pay for electricity using examples.

Example 1. There is a communal meter, and some apartments have metering devices.

How much to pay for one apartment, for example, No. 1, depends on the share of occupied living space: P apt. No. 1 = (P general - P general apartments - P general non-residential) x S apt. No. 1 / S total . Houses.

The figure shows the formula for calculating the fee for one unit in pictures.

Formula for calculating the fee for one-room heating device in pictures

Simply put, one apartment accounts for part of the remaining electricity, which is not paid for and depends on the ratio of the housing area to the total area of ​​the house.

Example 2. Payment according to the standard coefficient.

When there is no common meter in the house, the consumption for one unit can be calculated through consumption standards. If the standard coefficient is 2.75 kWh/month. per 1 m 2, electricity consumption is determined as follows:

P = 2.75*500*55/6000 = 12.6 kW/h,

where 500 is the area of ​​common areas, m2;

55 – area of ​​the payer’s housing, m2;

6000 – total area of ​​living quarters in the house, m2.

At a tariff of 2.87 rubles/kW, the monthly fee will be 12.6 * 2.87 = 36 rubles.

The figure shows the rules for calculating the costs of one-room service, which should be followed by those living in a multi-storey building.

How to determine the costs of general house needs

Energy Saving

Electricity tariffs are constantly rising, but remain quite moderate. The national average per person is about 70 kWh per month. This amount is quite enough. You can save energy in the following ways:

  1. There is no need to use more than one refrigerator. It does not need to be installed close to heating appliances, nor does it require storing heated foods.
  2. When calculating energy consumption, the rated power of electrical appliances is taken. In fact, old equipment requires more energy than new ones.
  3. Effectively use multi-tariff meters, shifting maximum energy consumption to night time.
  4. The use of energy-saving lamps allows you to significantly save on lighting. But you should take into account how much the lamp costs. It may be more expensive, but its high technical characteristics create certain advantages. In addition, the load on the wiring is reduced, which is also important.

The figure shows the electricity consumption of the main electrical appliances in the apartment, where the main consumption is the refrigerator, electric stove and lighting.

Energy consumption of main electrical appliances in the apartment

The data provided is approximate. In some families, computers consume more electricity than other devices (up to 45 kWh per month).

Calculation of fees without a meter

Calculation without a meter is made in the following cases:

  • the meter is installed, but the readings are not transmitted in a timely manner;
  • the meter is out of order;
  • Representatives of the energy supply company do not have access to the meter;
  • deliberate damage to the device was established;
  • there is no counter.

If meter readings are not transmitted in a timely manner, in this case the fee is calculated based on the average monthly electricity consumption, based on data for the last six months. On the seventh month of no transmission of readings, the energy supply company transfers the user to another one, where electricity consumption standards are taken as a basis.

If the device is faulty

The meter is considered faulty after submitting an application to the energy sales company about it or from the date of drawing up a report on the fault by the inspector. If it is impossible to determine the exact date, the countdown begins from the month when the event occurred. From this time on, the consumer is transferred to paying according to the average monthly expense. This can last no more than 3 months, after which you will have to pay through regulations.

If you don't have access to the meter

Inspectors must alert the user to check the meter in order to gain access to it. If admission is not obtained two times in a row, subject to an agreement on a visit by inspectors, a report is drawn up stating that admission to the meter was denied. After this, payment is made based on average monthly consumption per person. If the admission problem is not resolved within 3 months, the user is transferred to standard payments.

No counter

There are also cases where there is no counter. Then a standard calculation of the fee is made. Three indicators are taken as a basis:

  • number of residents in the apartment;
  • electricity consumption standard;
  • current tariff.

By multiplying these 3 numbers, the cost of electricity is found. Electricity without a meter becomes more and more expensive over time. Therefore, it is better to install a meter.

Connection to the meter. Video

You can learn about the features of connecting to the VR-006 electricity meter using 3G/4G from the video below.

In an apartment without a meter, payments for electricity use are made according to standards. It is more profitable to pay for electricity using a metering device, since it is possible to save it. In addition, users are charged a fee for general house needs, regardless of whether they use electricity in the apartment or not.

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