The role of women in the green economy. Women get the green light. Gender is a social status that determines individual opportunities for education, professional activity, access to power, family role and reproductive behavior.

Text | Nikolay IVANOV

Photo | MXgroup

Tatyana Kunchenko, General Director of the Far Eastern automotive holding MXgroup, is convinced that the Far East can become a region of advanced development. Moreover, development based on modern environmental principles, which are actively promoted by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Tatyana Ivanovna, what, in your opinion, are the priorities needed in state programs for the development of the Far East?

First of all, I must say: as a resident and native of Vladivostok, it is very valuable for me that the President of Russia and the Government of the Russian Federation set the development of the Far East region as a priority. This is a well-founded choice of priority: our region has a unique geographical position, in particular, proximity to the rapidly developing countries of the Asia-Pacific region, huge natural wealth - minerals and renewable natural resources, such as fish and aquatic bioresources, forests ...

It is quite realistic in the foreseeable future to turn the Far East into a prosperous region, attractive for doing business. A key role will be played by a package of tax incentives, which are developed by the government and must be approved by legislators, the formation of advanced development territories (TORs) - now, as you know, the law on TORs is being considered. In addition, it is necessary to support the most promising sectors of the economy of the Far East region - the fishing industry; Agriculture; mining industry: coal, mining and metallurgical, diamond mining industries; forestry and woodworking industry, electric power industry; engineering.

The development of the automotive industry in the Far East is of great importance. First of all, this is a project of the Sollers company, approved by the President of the country Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. We, representatives of the automotive business, are actively working with the products of this company. It is equally important to set up production of other machine-building products: the region has experience, personnel, backlog, and production capacities for this.

And of course, one of the fundamental sectors of the economy of the Far East is the transport complex. The Far East is a key region for the formation of a global transport corridor through the territory of Russia between the Asia-Pacific countries and Europe. Already today, active transport construction is underway: new highways are being built, railway lines are being built and modernized, in particular the Trans-Siberian and Baikal-Amur Mainline, new airports and seaports are being built. But the volume of construction, the financing of this construction needs a cardinal increase.

I cannot but mention the prospects in the Far East for such an industry of the 21st century as tourism. It is now one of the fastest growing service industries worldwide. And the Far East has great prospects to form several tourism clusters at once, developing through domestic and inbound tourism. Such a cluster needs to be created around Vladivostok, Nakhodka and the Primorye gambling zone.

In Soviet times, Vladivostok was a closed city, and tourism in Primorsky Krai was not encouraged, especially international tourism. Meanwhile, Vladivostok is not accidentally called the Russian San Francisco. This is a city of unique architecture - with a slight touch of Chinese architectural style, traditions, cultural atmosphere of a seaside city. Primorsky Krai as a whole is a long summer (in the southern regions of the Krai): almost like in Sochi. But at the same time, unique nature - hills, forest, ocean, in which it is comfortable to swim not only in summer, but also in the second half of spring and the first half of autumn ...

The initial steps to form a tourism cluster are being made. The APEC-2012 summit made it possible to draw much attention to Vladivostok. Unique facilities built for the summit attract the attention of tourists, new congress and exhibition venues have become centers of event and business tourism, both Russian and global. Of great importance for the region is the creation of the residence of the President of Russia on Russky Island.

Primorsky Krai is not the only territory in the Far East region that is attractive for summer holidays, business and event tourism, and which is very important to open for Russian and international tourism.

Development programs for the Far East include the formation of a modern infrastructure, financial and business, and the creation of other most comfortable conditions that attract the attention of investors. Much has been done in the development of infrastructure in preparation for the APEC summit in Vladivostok, but this is only the groundwork for the formation of a modern business and economic infrastructure in the Primorsky Territory and the region as a whole.

It is important that the result of the implementation of government programs is not only the development of economic sectors, but also the improvement of the living conditions of the Far East, since the development of the economy is, first of all, modern human resources. Therefore, it is important to deal with the problems of financing the social development of the region, programs to support education, create comfortable living conditions and housing construction, develop education and culture, healthcare and sports.

There is a lot of work - both for the federal government, and for the regional, and for the municipal, and for business, and for public organizations.

- What is needed for success?

First of all, consistency, that is, firstly, the formulation of a clear list of goals and objectives for the development of the region, and secondly, the complex nature of their implementation. This requires the unification of efforts of all levels of government, on the one hand, and business institutions, as well as civil society, on the other.

The creation of a "double" post of presidential envoy to the Far East - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation for the Far East, contributed to the system and the unification of efforts. This post is held by Yuri Petrovich Trutnev, an experienced politician and manager who has worked both at the federal and regional levels. This post unites in the hands of one person the threads of managing the region within the framework of the presidential and government verticals. The creation of the federal Ministry for the Development of the Far East was also of great importance - recently it has been headed by Alexander Sergeevich Galushka, formerly a major businessman and co-chairman of Delovaya Rossiya. That is, such a minister does not have any difficulties in understanding with business. A great contribution to the comprehensive development of the Far East is made by the governor of Primorsky Krai, Vladimir Vladimirovich Miklushevsky, a former federal official who moved to the regional level initially in order to raise the Far Eastern Federal University. Later he was entrusted to lead the region. This is a prominent scientist, a leader with a global mindset, recently successfully re-elected for a second term as governor, as well as other heads of the regions of the Far East.

But the issues of consistency, coherence of the work of federal, regional and municipal structures, that is, the authorities, on the one hand, and business plus the public, on the other hand, have not been removed from the agenda in the Far Eastern territories. This is especially true for the involvement of business and civil society institutions in the implementation of government programs, that is, a comprehensive public-private partnership in the development of the Far East region.

- Today, raw material production prevails in the region ...

Yes. This is primarily the extraction of non-ferrous metal ores, diamonds, coal, timber industry, fisheries. At the same time, the task is to develop processing industries. After all, if we are not talking about expensive raw materials, it is quite possible that it is economically unreasonable to transport such raw materials to the European part of the country and, for example, to Europe.

- We see this, for example, in fish products ...

In particular, and not only on it. It is very expensive to transport products, and the adjacent markets - Russian regions and foreign ones - often cannot provide the necessary volumes of demand for raw materials. This is one of the key obstacles to the development of the economy of the Far East.

And here two options are possible - either reducing transport costs, or supplying the market with processed products, which are obviously more expensive than raw materials. Reducing transport costs (with cost compensation from the budget) is necessary in order for the supply to become profitable. For fish products, for example, I see no other option. Natural profitability will appear only when the transport accessibility of the region reaches another level, or the creation of processing industries, preferably for the production of final products. After all, processed products are significantly more expensive than raw materials. It's more profitable to release it in the end.

Why isn't this happening en masse?

Significant investments are required to create production capacities with, as a rule, an investment cycle that is usually long enough for processing. Moreover, it is necessary to invest in an economic situation fraught with various risks. And also to withstand the tax burden, which turns out to be higher for those involved in processing, high technology: these are VAT, which “winds up” with each new stage of processing, and payments to the state associated with the acquisition of modern, as a rule, imported equipment, and taxes on wages, which turn out to be higher for processors due to the fact that more highly qualified specialists are used.

- What types of processing industry should be developed in the Far East in the first place?

I think, first of all, these are industries related to the creation of end products from natural resources mined in the region, the processing of fish, agricultural products, timber, coal processing and coal chemical production.

I note that in order to develop these industries, the state must more energetically combat the export of capital from raw material supplies, create conditions for this capital to be invested in Russia - in the same processing industries. For this, both the measures to de-offshorize our economy, which are currently being implemented, and the effective protection of property and the protection of businesses from illegal actions of regulatory authorities and authorities are important.

- And also with the export of the raw materials themselves ...

Yes. In the forest, for example, it is quite realistic to effectively resist the export of unprocessed timber. After all, dozens of factories have been built on the Chinese border to process our timber. In fact, we are giving money for the Far Eastern forest to China!

But in addition to the export ban, that is, the stick, there should also be a carrot - the attractiveness of investments in processing. Otherwise, there will be an imitation of processing, and actually raw materials will still be supplied abroad.

In the conditions of the Russian food embargo, the restoration of the supply of Far Eastern fish to the domestic market is of great relevance. What does that require?

In Soviet times, the state paid special attention to the nutrition of the population and food quality control. Fish and seafood were rightly considered the most important part of the diet, especially for the younger generation. Such was the policy of the state - due to this, the economy of the fishing industry also developed. Perhaps we should return to the policy in the field of the quality of life of people. This will create important incentives for the economy, including for the agro-industrial complex and fisheries. And already their development will make it possible to create new social conditions, because in the Far East the fishing industry, as a rule, is a city-forming industry and plays a key role in the budgets of the regions and employment of people.

In terms of fish catch, the Far East region ranks first in Russia. And, since the development of the fishing industry is determined by the material and technical base and investments, it is important to maintain the industry at the proper level - with state participation, on the basis of public-private partnership.

In addition, customs clearance and taxation systems should work in such a way that it is profitable for fishermen to supply products to the domestic market, rather than export them abroad.

- Now it is more profitable to carry fish to neighboring countries?

Alas, yes. Far Eastern fishermen are placed in such conditions that it is more profitable for them to relocate to foreign ports, contributing to the development of the fishing industry, for example, in neighboring China, since the cost of fuel, equipment and maintenance in Russian ports is 2-3 times higher than in foreign ones.

To radically change the situation, it is necessary to solve a number of legal, organizational, economic, technical and technological problems at the federal and regional levels, using foreign experience. So, for example, in some countries - the leaders of the world fish market, their own fishermen are not charged for fish resources, preferential fuel prices are set, preferential loans are provided for the construction of ships, state insurance is provided, and the costs of scientific research and protection of fish resources are financed.

At the same time, it is very important to develop processing capacities in the fishing industry. In general, processing should become the main goal of Russia's economic development in the coming years. It is very important for the Russian economy to abandon the unrestrained exploitation of resources, the sale of subsoil resources - to preserve them for future generations. And switch to environmental principles - the principles of the so-called green economy (GE). Russia, like the whole world, has come to the need to modernize the economy in such a way that, in addition to economic growth, to achieve an improvement in the living conditions of people both now and in the future. The principles of the "green" economy make it possible to preserve natural resources in the context of sustainable development.

- What role can the Far East play in the development of the "green" economy?

The Far East can play a key role in shaping GE in Russia. To do this, it is necessary that the modernization of production in the region meets the principles of environmental protection and improvement of people's lives. Here we can refer to the experience of our closest neighbors - South Korea, which has chosen "green growth" as a national strategy.

The transition to GE must be accompanied by investments that would go towards providing loans and tax cuts for businesses using clean technologies, recycling, allocating funds for greening and cleaning water, soil, atmosphere, and research in this area. If the development of the Far East goes along the “green” path, this will be a powerful incentive for the formation of a “green” economy in Russia.

The main value of the Far East region is wild nature, clean fresh water, clean air and picturesque natural landscapes that occupy millions of square kilometers of land and coastal waters. Therefore, the conservation and rational use of this huge resource should be a priority in the modernization and in the process of innovative development of the Far East.

- What is the role of environmental factors in economic development?

In my opinion, decisive. The technogenic (nature-destroying) type of economic development is becoming obsolete, as humanity comes to understand that if you continue to draw on the wealth of nature without restoring it and protecting it, this can lead to such devastating consequences that it will be impossible to reverse.

Now we need to think about the future, about what future generations will get. Economic development can only be sustainable if the environmental factor is taken into account. And it is important to understand this right now, when there is still something to restore and protect.

And what, in your opinion, is the role of the Far East region as a platform for developing a modern environmental policy in Russia?

First of all, I will say that the need for a holistic environmental policy on the scale of the state and the scale of the world community is obvious. It directs human activities in accordance with nature, with the help of the state and political parties, in order to ensure the preservation of the natural ecological balance.

The main priority of environmental policy is the preservation of biodiversity and ecological balance, on which the physical and spiritual health of people depends. Today, all the states of the world spend astronomical sums fighting epidemics and man-made disasters, which could not have happened if people had not destroyed the natural balance.

Recently, quite a lot of attention has been paid to environmental issues - both in the world and in our country, which cannot but inspire. It is too early to talk about the results of Russian environmental programs - they have been operating relatively recently. However, the process has begun, there are certain steps to change the legal framework for environmental activities, the issues of liquidation, disposal and recycling of waste are being addressed, sanctions for negative environmental impact are being tightened.

- How do you assess the president's active participation in environmental programs?

The fact that the president pays so much attention to environmental and wildlife protection issues, personally oversees a number of environmental programs, sets a high bar for everyone else, motivates and forms a new vision of economic development, taking into account environmental factors.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is directly involved in five major environmental projects: "Amur Tiger", "Far Eastern Leopard", "Irbis - Snow Leopard", "Polar Bear" and "Belukha - White Whale" and others. This means that the environmental movement in the country and the world environmental movement can count on state support from Russia, on the active participation of one of the world leaders in it.

- What role should business and political parties play in solving environmental problems?

Enterprises and organizations are obliged to take care of the preservation and protection of the environment. There are legal acts that establish the obligation of enterprises to take into account the impact of the production process on the environment, analyze the impact of production programs on humans and the environment, and eliminate possible harmful consequences.

But at the same time, it is difficult to overestimate the role of a conscious attitude of business to environmental problems. In addition to the social responsibility of business, which has been discussed since the early 2000s, today it is important to pay attention to its environmental responsibility. An initiative of this kind should be put forward by business organizations of various levels. And many coastal companies, in particular our group, were among the first in the country to announce their transition to an environmentally responsible business.

Forming their ideology and program, political parties cannot ignore environmental problems. And the popularization of their programs will contribute to the formation of ecological consciousness of the population. If the party wins the elections, it develops the concept of environmental policy and implements it with the help of legal documents. And the activities of the United Russia party confirm this.

- What role can women politicians and women entrepreneurs play in the environmental movement?

The environmental movement cannot be gendered. It is necessary that everyone, in their place, realize the importance of caring for the planet on which we live, and, to the best of their ability, contribute to the environmental movement. B

KUNCHENKO Tatiana Ivanovna , CEO of MXgroup. After high school, she worked at the Far Eastern Shipping Company. She was a Komsomol organizer, a member of the bureau of the Komsomol committee of the shipping company.

After graduating from the Far Eastern Fisheries Institute, she worked in trade. Since the beginning of the 1990s, she has been engaged in the business of selling auto parts for foreign cars.

Member of the boards of trustees of charitable foundations, organizer of many charity events, such as "Look into the eyes of a child", "Primorye without orphans", etc.

Awarded the Order "For the Glory of the Fatherland", Academician of the International Academy of Patronage.

Married, has a daughter, a son and two grandchildren.

In Art. 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993) it is written: “Labor is free: everyone has the right to freely dispose of their abilities for work - to choose the type of activity and profession.” Everyone has the right to work in conditions that meet the requirements of safety and hygiene, to remuneration for work without any discrimination and not less than the minimum wage established by federal law, as well as the right to protection from unemployment.

It would seem that the possibilities of applying the labor abilities of each person have expanded, but in real life they remain unrealized.

A developing market economy as a form of commodity-money relations presupposes free competition and pricing. The market should be formed in the interests of the people first of all. All forms of ownership must have equal conditions for development. Henry Ford rightly noted that "everything depends on the degree of planning and expediency."

The modern market in Russia has revealed a pronounced gender orientation in changes in the structure of employment in the labor market: a reduction in the share of women in all sectors of the economy, in jobs that require high professional skills and knowledge, especially in the field of intellectual

labor force, the concentration of women in sectors with unstable and legally unprotected employment, including in the informal economy.

Gender asymmetry shifted sharply “in favor of men” and created a qualitatively new situation in the labor market, employment and professions.

Currently, the Russian economy employs over 32 million women, or about half of the total number of employed. Women aged 30~49 have the highest employment rate, and the average age of employed women is 39.5 years, one year older than men.

Working women have a higher level of education than working men. For example, the share of people with higher and secondary vocational education in the total number of working women is 62%, and among men - 50%. However, the processes of economic modernization have introduced significant changes in the structure of women's employment.

The state of the economy is a decisive factor in social life, radically influencing the position of men and women. It is in the economy, where significant quantitative and qualitative changes have taken place, that a pronounced process of defeminization is taking place, that is, a reduction in the number of working women and, conversely, an increase in the number of employed men.

The data of the 2002 All-Russian Population Census show that the absolute majority of women employed in the economy, or 95.5%, are employed and only 1.1% are employers. The share of self-employed women among working women was 2.8%, against 3.4% among men.

Women find it harder than men to adapt to market conditions. In less efficient state-owned enterprises, 60% are women. They rarely resort to secondary employment. Additional earnings have 11% of working women and 20% of men. In connection with the birth of children, the performance of household duties, competition with men for jobs is much more complicated. Employers do not bother themselves with benefits for the payment of benefits to women - mothers, although this is established by labor legislation. Statistics state that among the employed, high incomes (over 3 or more subsistence levels) are received by 2.5 times more men than women.

In reforming Russia, women were ousted primarily from the sphere of skilled labor - management, instrument making, and electronics. Even in the traditionally “female” sectors, where the proportion of women has always been large - such as finance, communications, trade, housing and communal services - the process of replacing women with men has begun. And in prosperous, less prone to economic destruction enterprises, as a rule, positions that do not require high qualifications have become the sphere of application of female labor: packers, punchers, secretaries, while men work as machine tool operators with program control, craftsmen, repairmen, i.e. where professional education is required.

Meanwhile, the displacement of women from the labor market inevitably leads to numerous negative consequences: the undermining of opportunities for self-realization of the individual, the decrease in average per capita incomes and, accordingly, the impoverishment of families, and in the long term, the loss of a significant part of the educated and highly qualified labor force potential accumulated in previous decades.

A modern woman is faced with violations of the principle of remuneration due to the reduction of the female labor used in highly paid areas and the high differentiation of wages of workers by industry, and sometimes by individual enterprises.

In Russia, the average salary of women is almost 1/3 lower than that of men. Significantly reduced production, where women in the era of the existence of the USSR accounted for almost

50% (machine building, engineering corps, etc.). The light industry, where 80% of women are employed, is just beginning to revive after a severe crisis. The administrative apparatus in this industry, which consisted in the pre-perestroika period of almost 100% of women, has also undergone a significant reorganization.

More favorable conditions for the activity of the representatives of the weaker sex have been preserved in the field of education, medicine, the service sector and in the social sphere, as well as in the use of hard physical labor.

The experience of Western countries in the field of market relations, unfortunately, is little used in Russia. In the West, firms are often run by women. At the same time, it was noted that there are practically no strikes in these firms, and bankruptcy is less common. A woman leader does not put herself above her team, she is more sociable, democratic, willingly communicates with her subordinates, is well informed about what is happening in the company, delves into all the details of production, painstakingly studies the problems that arise.

Thus, in Canada, women own 1/3 of small and medium-sized businesses. Canadian entrepreneurs created more jobs than the top 100 companies combined in 1997. In the US, women own 40% of all firms in the country, employing one in five workers. American women's business created 18.5 million jobs, bringing annually 2.3 trillion dollars (US) to the national economy.

The intellectual labor market in Western countries is also widely open to women whose profession is a journalist, lawyer, broker, real estate dealer.

In the conditions of the formation of market economic relations in Russia, a woman has become the main victim of transformations. In the late 80s - early 90s. of the 20th century, the Institute of Sociology of the USSR Academy of Sciences conducted sociological research

individual aspects of these relations: the socio-demographic aspect was studied by the Institute of Socio-Economic Problems of Population of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the sociology of politics - by the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU (sociological center). Surveys were conducted among the population. A study was also carried out on the project “Women and democratization. Women's Public Opinion on Socio-Economic Issues”.

It was found that until 1989, women still had hopes for an increase in their standard of living, family well-being, and the formation of new rights under the law. However, already the beginning of the 90s was characterized by a loss of faith in improving living conditions, and discrimination against women in all spheres of society began to clearly manifest itself. All this led to a drop in the level of social optimism. A skeptical attitude towards reforms was outlined and began to grow, since there were price increases, inflation, a decline in living standards, the threat of mass unemployment, the growing role of the shadow economy, the impoverishment of a significant part of the population and the lack of social protection.

The existing differences in the socio-economic status of men and women are also due to the persistence of gender stereotypes in society. In particular, there are two well-established opinions regarding the gender preferences of employers. The first is related to the fact that, according to employers, the female workforce is less “profitable” and more costly. Such a stereotype, in addition to deep socio-cultural roots, is partly based on the legal benefits and guarantees that are established for working women today. Therefore, employers often prefer male employees. The second stereotype is based on the fact that, according to personnel officers and employers, there are “female” and “male” professions.

Under Soviet rule, women were guaranteed jobs from the state, but under the new conditions, not everyone was able to quickly reorganize and show their own initiative. Women began to concentrate mainly in industries with low wages. More and more they were limited in their professional rights. In other words, women in Russia began to be squeezed out of social production.

It should be noted that women have always had more limited freedom of maneuver compared to the opposite sex due to the double workload and it is more difficult for them to cope with competition in the labor market.

The forecasts for the future are also quite unfavorable: a possible economic growth, according to experts, will require, first of all, an increase in the number of male job vacancies in the raw materials and manufacturing industries. And in such an area as education, where women are traditionally employed, a reduction is expected due to the ongoing demographic decline and a decrease in the number of young students, the processes of restructuring educational institutions.

Public works development programs in the regions are also weakly targeted at women. First of all, they provide for the construction of roads, landscaping, and least of all - the development of social services. The presidential program for advanced training of managerial personnel abroad is practically focused only on young men.

One of the promising areas that “support” women's employment in the conditions of the formation of market economic relations can be the actively developing sphere of social services for the population. Currently, in Russia, social services are provided by more than 27 thousand state institutions and services (of various profiles and purposes). In 2007 alone, about 25 million people, who can be classified as social risk groups, took advantage of their opportunities. Among them, first of all, are the elderly and the elderly, the disabled, women and children who find themselves in a difficult life situation. However, despite the positive dynamics, the network of social service institutions still cannot fully meet the needs of the population. Stimulation of the development of the sector of paid social services, revival of the domestic light and food industries could help increase women's employment.

The insecurity of the socio-economic position of the weaker sex is also due to the imperfection of the system of legal regulation of labor relations - the lack of legislative norms on certain aspects of the problem, non-compliance with the current labor legislation, especially by private entrepreneurs. The regulatory role of the state in the field of labor relations in the post-reform period has significantly weakened. Working women during pregnancy and caring for a small child found themselves in a difficult situation.

When dismissed due to staff reduction, liquidation of the enterprise, the rights of women are often not taken into account, their illegal dismissals are allowed. When hiring, men have an advantage. Private employers refuse to provide women with maternity leave, do not pay sick leave, do not give employment records to employees, and often force them to work only by verbal agreement. Quite often violations of working conditions, safety regulations began to be allowed. The number of industrial injuries has increased.

Social guarantees in the field of labor relations, established by the legislation for women, have been lost.

The existing and aggravated discrimination against women in the context of economic transformations makes it possible to draw the following conclusions:

  • there can be no true democracy with the existing discrimination of a part of the population in the sphere of the economy;
  • the opportunity for women to choose their way of life and professional career has been reduced;
  • eliminated the economic independence of women;
  • it is difficult to form partnerships with men in the economic sphere;
  • real democracy can be based on the self-sufficiency of each individual at the expense of his own labor and property, as well as wide access to state social services (education, health care, housing and communal services, organization of recreation for children and families, etc.).
  • Ford G. My life, my achievements. - M., 1959. - S. 13.
  • Klimantova G. I. Analytical Bulletin. No. 8 (201). - M., 2003. - S. 8.
  • Shvedova N.A. On Gender Modernization of Power // On Some Problems of the Methodology of Gender Expertise of Legislation. - M., 2002, -S. 25.

On November 19, 2014, Moscow hosted the 8th International Forum "Women in the modern economy: a course towards entrepreneurship?" economic development of the country. The forum was held at the Four Seasons Moscow Hotel (Moscow, Okhotny Ryad, 2)

Post release:

More than 130 people took part in the Forum, including women entrepreneurs from 13 regions of Russia. This day was also marked by the presentation of a new initiative - the International Women's Entrepreneurship Day (WED), which will now take place annually on November 19th. The Forum “Women in the Modern Economy: A Path to Entrepreneurship?”, organized by the Committee of 20, was the first landmark event of this initiative.

The role of women entrepreneurs in the Russian economy is becoming increasingly significant. The number of women wishing to start their own business has increased significantly over the past two years, which is an indicator, if not of an improvement in the business climate, then at least of the growing popularity of the very idea of ​​entrepreneurship in Russia. And this is despite the fact that the main barriers and problems lie in the same areas as several years ago - regulation, financing, training and communication between entrepreneurs, noted Elena Fedyashina, Executive Director of NP "Committee 20".

Anna Belova, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Center for the Development of Entrepreneurship, Professor at the Higher School of Economics and Chairman of the Board of the NP Committee of 20, noted that it is important to support not only individual entrepreneurs, but to create an eco-system and ensure the effective development of its three important components - creating an entrepreneurial culture, stimulating people who embark on the path of entrepreneurship, and ensuring that resources are available to them. Today in Russia, the potential of women's entrepreneurship is underestimated, so it is important for market players and start-ups to assess the situation faster than their competitors and think about what can be offered to the consumer.

And yet, women entrepreneurs, first of all, must and can rely only on themselves. Some achieve such success in their projects that they become a way of building an effective entrepreneurial business even for more experienced Western colleagues. And an example of an amazing woman Svetlana Preobrazhenskaya, Director of the NIL Peasant Farm, the best proof of that. Starting 20 years ago with 20 liters of milk, today the company produces 200 tons per day. The entire range of products (milk, sour cream, cheeses, cottage cheese) are created not only in accordance with the highest quality standards, but also packaged and presented in accordance with the latest market requirements. Having achieved success with a proven product line, NIL continues to follow the latest trends and consumer demands. Has there been a demand for domestic mozzarella? So they study the technology of its production in Italy and start making mozzarella in the Kaluga region. When a delegation from Switzerland comes to their farm, they are surprised to see that we also have cheese dairies in Russia, which even Western farmers should learn from.

In confirmation of the growing business activity of women, the forum presented the results of a study conducted in the fall of 2014 by the "Committee of 20" with the support of the Department for the Development of Small and Medium Business of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and Exxon Mobil Russia.


In Russia, it is more difficult for women to conduct entrepreneurial activities than for residents of European countries. While administrative barriers proved to be more difficult for men, for women entrepreneurs a more serious problem was the lack of knowledge and experience in doing business (40% versus 32% for men).

Women are extremely interested in correcting this situation, and they are counting on the help of the state and business associations. Entrepreneurs believe that Russia needs additional programs or measures to support women's business (52% versus 28%).

Although these studies have shown that the level of education of women entrepreneurs is higher than that of men. Thus, 16% of female entrepreneurs who participated in the survey have an MBA or a Ph.D. degree (against 9% of men)

How are women entrepreneurs different from men? First of all - courage and optimism.

Russian women are more positive and constructive than men. Their assessments of the business climate in Russia as a whole are significantly higher than those given by male entrepreneurs. This applies both to climate assessments for the country and in the region of doing business.

Among women entrepreneurs, there were more of those who intend to leave the business unchanged in the short term, maintaining the turnover at about the same level (28% versus 20% of men).

Its full version can be found on the website.

According to Elena Fedyashina, Executive Director of NP "Committee 20", data from a study assessing the country's entrepreneurial climate, as well as the effectiveness of measures aimed at supporting small and medium-sized businesses, just highlight the observations that the Committee encounters in the course of working on their mentoring program. With the growth of business activity, the demand for entrepreneurial education is also growing - and this, first of all, is the exchange of experience, receiving mentoring advice from mentors with significant experience in managing large companies and projects.

Therefore, on the same day, the “Committee of 20” held an expert and consulting Mentoring session, organized at the request of regional participants, during which members of the “Committee of 20”, experienced entrepreneurs, invited experts held master classes and answered questions from entrepreneurs on the following topics: IT -technologies for business development, changes in tax legislation in 2015, work with people.

What to do if there are ideas, energy and experience, but there are not enough funds for their implementation? Fortunately, today in Russia there are and effectively implemented business assistance programs both at the federal and regional levels.

Alexey Shestoperov, Deputy Director of the Department for the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses and Competition of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, spoke about the areas of state support for women's entrepreneurship: “Since 2005, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia has been implementing a large-scale program to support small and medium-sized businesses with annual funding of about 20 billion rubles. There are more than 40 events aimed at solving targeted problems faced by businesses at different stages of their development. Due to the program, in all regions of the country, entrepreneurs have the opportunity to receive a subsidy for business development, attract a microloan or a loan guarantee, seek advice from specialized business support centers, and become a resident of a business incubator or technology park. It is important to emphasize that female entrepreneurs can participate in ongoing activities without any restrictions. Already, the activity of women entrepreneurs is very high. On average, about 35% of microloans within the framework of activities created under the program of microfinance organizations in 2013 were provided to women. During the same period, about 40% of small businesses that received grants to start their own business were founded by women. It should be emphasized that in the medium term the implementation of the program will be continued. At the same time, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia is ready to listen to any wishes and proposals from the female entrepreneurial community in order to expand the priorities of the program.”

However, today's realities pose tough challenges for entrepreneurs to create and maintain a business. What can be done, regardless of objective factors? As the discussion of experts showed - a real entrepreneur can do quite a lot.

Top tips from panellists on living in an era of change Svetlana Balanova (IBS), Marina Malykhina (MAGRAMmarketResearch), Stanislav Kostyashkin (ContinentExpress), Igor Nikolaev (FBK), Elena Tarasenko (Turnergroup), Raisa Demina (Velkom) and Alena Popova (startupWomen) can be adopted not only by women entrepreneurs, but also by men.


  • Make an audit of the infrastructure of the business and personnel - get rid of the ballast, reduce inefficient areas, devote resources to the development of strengths.
  • Optimize the organizational structure of the company and consider effective solutions: commercial promotion, staff outsourcing, outsourcing.
  • Offer clients real solutions to their problems. For example, offer a product or service that will reduce customer costs by 30%.
  • Analyze the market and consumer. Studies have shown that today, not only in business, but also in consumption, it is necessary to place a bet on women. They spend less, but more regularly than men.
  • Even if the crisis has not affected the company today, prepare a plan "B" for tomorrow. An entrepreneur must always be ready for change.
  • While cutting costs today, one should not forget about what will help the company survive tomorrow - business development, sales and marketing - this is the basis of business competitiveness, especially in times of crisis.
  • Operational efficiency and investment in technology: today it is impossible to be efficient if you work manually.
  • Look for niches in the light of today's situation. Experts named several industries, but there are probably many more:
    • In the field of production - dairy business, production of salt and spices, packaging business. That is, what until recently accounted for the lion's share of imports. Today, in the light of the relevance of import substitution, these niches have a huge potential.
    • In the service sector - e-commerce, children's goods and services, on-line education and other modern services.
    • Move, move and move again. In the fat years it was possible to relax, but today it is a luxury that business cannot afford.

If difficulties do not kill the entrepreneur, then they make him stronger. The most important thing that worries business in Russia is a fuzzy understanding of the future. It is very important for a real entrepreneur to see his business in the long term. Therefore, it is important for him to understand the rules of the game and know that they will not change, especially in hindsight.

The dynamic sector of women's business can be considered the real driving force of the Kazakhstani economy.

Issues related to the participation of women in the implementation of "green" projects in the economy, business and social life were discussed at the II International Forum "Energy of the Future: Women, Business and the Global Economy". The meeting within the framework of the EXPO-2017 exhibition was organized by the Library of the First President - the Leader of the Nation, the international organization Expo&Women, the coalition for the "green" economy and the development of G-global with the support of public organizations and commercial companies.

As Deputy Director of the Library of the First President Amerkhan Rakhimzhanov noted in his speech at the plenary session of the forum, much attention is paid to gender issues in Kazakhstan. However, such forums make it possible to more fully see the whole picture of the participation of women's business in the development of the country.

“Here, at the forum, we can see the success and potential of the fair sex in the implementation of green projects and social programs,” he said. “The women of Kazakhstan have played an outstanding role in strengthening the country's economy. As the President of the Republic noted, in the difficult time of the formation of independence, they carefully kept home comfort, supported men, strengthened their fortitude and strong will. They took on any job, setting an example for the strong half of humanity.

Amerkhan Rakhimzhanov emphasized that the dynamic sector of women's entrepreneurship has become a real driving force of the Kazakhstani economy. At the same time, the majority of domestic businesswomen have gone through all stages of business development - from "shuttle" trade to the creation of enterprises that produce high-quality products for export.

The significant role of women in the development of the economic and political components of the life of the country was also noted by the Deputy Director of the Library of the First President Botagoz Kaipova.

- This forum is attended by representatives of the fair sex, who take an active position in public life, - she drew attention. - Sociologists have proven that if about 50-60% of women are in power, then many issues important for the formation and development of the state are resolved successfully.

Speaking about the fact that the forum is dedicated to the problems of introducing "green" technologies and the participation of women in this process, Botagoz Kaipova highlighted another important aspect: the building in which the meeting is held, in fact, is also the embodiment of "green" technologies.

“The eye-shaped building is an architectural solution proposed by the Head of State,” she said. – The center of the complex is the atrium. Due to the peculiarities of the structure - a transparent roof made of special glass - the room is provided with lighting and heating by means of solar energy.

In addition, Botagoz Kaipova emphasized the great role of women entrepreneurs in promoting ideas and strategies for sustainable development.

– The President in the program article “Looking into the Future: Modernization of Public Conscience” says that for further development and movement forward it is necessary to change the attitude towards the world, – she noted. “We are already facing a situation where innovations that were exciting yesterday are becoming obsolete today. The same applies not only to knowledge, but also to the economy. The head of state emphasizes that many professions will go into oblivion, you need to be ready to quickly, mobilely, dynamically find a scope for your knowledge. And here, more than ever, the flexibility of thinking and responsibility inherent in women is important.

This point of view was supported by the head of the OSCE Program Office in Astana, György Szabo.

“A society that promotes women both economically and politically is a strong society,” he says. – The OSCE actively encourages the governments of all participating States to support gender equality.

According to him, the topic of developing a "green" economy requires non-standard approaches and great energy. And it is women who are at the forefront of such ideas, who are well aware of the need to preserve nature and promote environmentally friendly business formats.

“I would say that the true energy of the future is precisely women,” said Gyorgy Szabo. - Their inexhaustible energy and high responsibility - that's what allows us to develop the ideas of a "green" economy.

The session participants discussed the role of women in addressing global issues of climate change, stressed the need to reduce environmental pollution.

The strategic session "Women for the Energy of the Future" was held at the site of the Second Eurasian Women's Forum. The discussion was moderated by the Secretary of State, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Anastasia Bondarenko.

The event was supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation.

The curator of the event is the Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management Irina Gecht.Hecht
Irina Alfredovna
representative from the executive body of state power of the Chelyabinsk region

The Chairman of the Board of the Association of Legal Entities "Coalition for the Green Economy" and the development of "G-Global", a member of the Council for the transition to a "green" economy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, spoke about the contribution of Kazakhstani women to the development of the energy of the future and the "green" economy Saltanat Rakhimbekova.

The participants of the session discussed the role of women in solving global issues of climate change, stressed the need to reduce environmental pollution and switch to new energy sources. The achievements of women in the field of alternative energy and the "green" economy, the contribution of women to the development of high-tech sectors of the economy and the use of resource-saving technologies were also considered.

As a result of the event Irina Gecht emphasized that improving the ways of using energy and other natural resources is a necessity that humanity is facing today. The role of women in the development of the "green" economy and alternative energy is especially significant. As a rule, it is women who have a heightened sense of social responsibility, they realize that not only acute environmental problems, but also social ones are associated with the production and use of energy. Women around the world can join forces to save the planet for future generations, the senator is sure.

According to her, this session is a sign of continuity in the development of the theme of the "green" economy and energy. Irina Gecht recalled that in 2017, within the framework of EXPO-2017, the Forum "Women for the Energy of the Future" was held. The parliamentarian personally took part in this event, which was held in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The senator noted that achieving sustainable energy and environmental development based on a "green" economy is possible while ensuring the rational use of natural resources, preventing environmental pollution and increasing the use of alternative energy sources.

According to Irina Hecht The relevance of this topic is also demonstrated by the fact that recently a number of authoritative platforms have appeared where women's contribution to the formation of a new environmental model and strengthening environmental safety is discussed. She recalled that in 2015, under the patronage of the Federation Council, the First Eurasian Women's Forum was held, within the framework of which a discussion was held on the topic “Women in a Changing Economy: New Opportunities and Challenges”. The final document of the forum noted the importance of increasing the role of women in the development of high-tech sectors of the economy, the need for full participation in socially oriented sustainable development and environmental protection.

The meeting was attended by delegates of the Second Eurasian Forum, representatives of ministries and departments of the Russian Federation, experts from international organizations.

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