Order in order: how to properly clean different rooms of the apartment. How to create your daily and weekly cleaning schedule General residential cleaning: finishing touches

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 9 minutes


When doing housework, a woman has to take into account her interests, hobbies and desires - washing, cooking and cleaning cannot be put off; these tasks require a lot of time and effort to solve on a daily basis. It is even more difficult for those women who work or who have a small child who requires constant attention. How can you make routine home cleaning an easy, step-by-step task?

Is it possible to do without general cleaning of the apartment?

It’s common practice that cleaning the apartment is often left behind at the end of the week. Since most women work on weekdays, cleaning most often takes place on free days, which would be good to use for rest - Saturday and Sunday. How can you clean your home? distribute evenly over all days weeks without spending much time on it?

There have always been attempts to create cleaning schedules and a certain order for household chores. For some housewives, this acquired a certain algorithm and became part of everyday life, while other housewives, not achieving success, abandoned this idea and returned to their old familiar schedule. IN 1999 in the West even such a concept as “” (“finally loving yourself” – or “finally love yourself!”) , which marked a whole movement of housewives who were not resigned to the routine of household chores and were trying to give them some kind of ordered system , uniform throughout the week and easy to do. This progressive model of housekeeping immediately began to conquer the world, and today many housewives gladly use it to organize such uninteresting, but always necessary work.

To make your home clean and tidy, you need to a lot of work one day per week, or a bit of housework every day . With a reasonable and thoughtful apartment cleaning schedule, weekends - Saturday and Sunday - can be completely excluded from them, leaving them only for relaxation and favorite things. Below we present to your attention approximate apartment cleaning schedule , which will help you unload your free time at the end of the week, devoting it to more enjoyable activities.

Basic principles of a weekly cleaning schedule - what to consider

The most important thing in planning your apartment cleaning for the week is to achieve uniform distribution of work by day of the week, otherwise the entire organized order will sooner or later “break” and cease to exist.

An ideal apartment cleaning schedule for a week that takes little time

On Monday we have - kitchen cleaning. If the kitchen has a balcony or pantry, these areas also need to be done
clean. Let's start cleaning the kitchen from the furthest cabinets, the cabinet under the sink, behind . First, you need to scatter the washing powder over the surface of the stove, over the sink - this will help the old grease “come off” more easily. Having rearranged the jars and dishes in the cabinets, you need to wipe the shelves underneath them and the cabinet doors. Once a week is necessary wash the hood , and once every two weeks - clean filters on her. You need to start cleaning the kitchen by cleaning the cabinets, then you need to wash the oven, stove and sink, and finish cleaning by washing the floor.

Advice: To ensure that cleaning the cabinets takes as little time as possible, and that all products and things are organized and in plain sight, it is recommended to purchase jars for storing bulk products, and not to store cereals and pasta in bags from which they can easily spill.

On this day we clean hallway, toilet and bathroom. First you need to apply the cleaning agent to enamel of the bathtub, on the sink, toilet so that it begins to act. Then you need spray tile cleaner along the walls of the bathtub and toilet, wiping them with a dry cloth, rubbing until shiny. After washing the plumbing, do not forget to wipe the nickel-plated surfaces with a dry cloth - shelves, taps, cabinet handles, shower stand. If there is a lot of residue left on them, it is recommended to use a spray or gel against limescale. Having finished working with plumbing, you need wipe the bathroom mirror, washing machine, shelves , wash the floors. In the hallway, you must first put things in order in the closet in front of the door, on the hanger - remove those clothes that no one wears anymore, put winter hats in bags and put them away for storage, sort out those things that need to be washed before storing them in the closet. Shoes should be wiped down, only those pairs that you and your family wear should be left at the door, the remaining pairs of shoes should be put in the closet. In the hallway you need to wipe down the furniture, and don’t forget about the front door - it needs to be wiped both from the inside and the outside. At the end of cleaning, you need to wash the floor, shake it outside and lay rugs by the door.

Advice: So that cleaning in the hallway, as well as in the bathroom, does not take much time, teach your household to wipe the tiles in the bathroom after a shower, clean the sink of toothpaste and rinse the soap dish, wipe shoes daily and put them away for storage in a timely manner, without piling up at the doorstep .

On this day you clean bedroom and dining room. In the bedroom it is necessary, first of all, put things back in place , change bed linen, make the bed. Since there are always a lot of things in this room, the dust must be wiped very carefully and the carpet must be vacuumed. On varnished surfaces, dust must first be removed with a dry cloth without any means. Then treat the same places with a napkin with a special product for varnished surfaces applied, polishing furniture to a shine , ensuring that it dries completely to avoid streaks. In the dining room, it is necessary to wipe down the furniture containing dishes, the backs and crossbars of chairs, picture frames, and vacuum the carpets. Finally, the floors need to be washed.

Advice: To prevent dust from accumulating throughout the week, bedroom furniture must be wiped down daily. A furniture cleaner with an antistatic effect will work well - there will be less dust. Things should not be dumped in a chair, but hung in closets or sent to a laundry basket.

On Thursday it is necessary to clean in children's room, and at the same time you can study washing clothes in a washing machine, ironing dried laundry. On this day you can make it a rule watering indoor plants , wipe furniture and floors on balconies, clean shoes, repair clothes.

Advice: So that after washing the laundry does not have to be steamed for a long time when ironing, you need to remove it from the lines slightly damp, put it in piles, and iron it the next day. To ensure that cleaning the children's room does not take much time, you need to teach your child to put all his toys and things in their place within a week. At first, this process will not be very fast, but then it will be perfected by the child to the point of automatism.


On the last day of the working week, it is necessary to put things in order living room, for this you need to wipe down all the furniture, appliances, vacuum the carpets, wipe the windows, wash the floors. All extra things need to get out of this room in a week , and then there will always be order in the living room. If cleaning the living room is not enough, then on Friday you can wash the floors, stove, sink in the kitchen, wipe the plumbing, mirror and floors in the hallway, toilet and bathroom.

Advice: So that on Friday you don’t have to literally shovel things thrown by household members and toys out of the living room, set a rule that during the week all these things should be taken to their places.

So, the work week is over, the order in the house is properly maintained. You can devote two days of the coming weekend relaxation, hobbies, cooking delicious lunches and dinners, walks with the child . Products can also be buy during the work week, one evening so that you don’t spend time standing in queues on the weekend. Here . The smallest cleaning tasks can also be done on weekends - for example, clean the dressing table, the toy closet, iron washed clothes, repair those clothes that require repair. IN Saturday you need to wash your shoes thoroughly , dry it well and clean it with a cream suitable for this type of material. Napkins for wiping dust need to be rinsed well in water and dried - for cleaning next week.

Cleanliness in the apartment is the main component of comfort and home warmth. Daily cleaning of the apartment is an activity that, no matter how you look at it, you can’t do without. From time to time we have to do a general cleaning to wash and clean all the corners that we don’t look into every day.

The rest of the time it is necessary to maintain cleanliness at an appropriate level.

An apartment is a room where people live, which means there is always something to clean there. Even in rooms where no one has set foot for years, dust accumulates, what can we say about apartments where life is in full swing every day.

http://cleansale.kiev.ua/ will help maintain cleanliness at the proper level, and also help keep all things in order. And you will learn about the secrets of doing everyday tidying up in the shortest possible time, without overworking, from this article.

The first secret to maintaining order is to involve all the residents!

It is quite difficult for one housewife to maintain order in the house at a time when all the other residents are only “sources” of pollution. Therefore, you should not burden yourself with backbreaking work - everyone needs cleanliness, which means it needs to be achieved collectively.

Daily cleaning of the apartment will become much easier if you agree in advance and distribute responsibilities among all family members.

Even preschool-age children can do simple house cleaning tasks—don’t stop them from taking part in such family activities.

You can complete your daily apartment cleaning twice as fast, even by simply assigning just 4 tasks to your household members.

Here is a list of tasks you can assign to your older children or significant other.

  • Washing dishes.
  • Cleaning the hallway (floor and dust).
  • Cleaning floors, tables and kitchen sinks.
  • Stowing your personal belongings (everyone is responsible for their own).

By distributing responsibilities among family members in this way, you can save a lot of time, which can be spent on what interests you, for example, reading.

Where to start daily cleaning of the apartment?

If you have free time in the morning, and you don’t need to jump up and run to work in a hurry, then you can start tidying up in the morning so that you can enjoy cleanliness throughout the day and feel comfortable in a tidy room.

It will be much easier for you to cope with the task if you clearly know what you will do and why.

Here is a sample step-by-step guide to daily apartment cleaning that you can use as a basis for developing your personal daily cleaning program.

  • We turn on dynamic music for the mood.
  • We make the beds.
  • We return to their place all the things that are scattered.
  • Turn on the vacuum cleaner and remove dust from the surface of the floor and carpets.
  • The final touch is to pass a damp cloth over the surfaces to wipe off the dust.
  • We open the window to let in fresh, oxygen-enriched air.

That's it, now we enjoy order and praise ourselves for our efficiency!

Flylady - a new lifestyle!

Cleaning an apartment is a routine task, but nevertheless it is impossible to live without doing it. Cleaning up our home provides us with a comfortable existence, as well as safety and protection from various diseases that could affect us if we lived up to our ears in dirt.

But over the years, putting things in order becomes so boring - every day the same actions that do not develop are repeated, and so on endlessly. Routine becomes boring and kills our desire to strive for something interesting.

“Flying housewives” - Flay Lady - know how to cope with everyday boredom. The technique was developed by one creative American young lady - Marla Seelly.

Flay Lady is not just a method of performing daily apartment cleaning, it is a whole system of skills, a lifestyle and housekeeping.

The goal of Flay Lady is to get rid of routine and stagnation in household chores. Life is not given to us in order to spend most of it on routine, but at the same time necessary activities.

It is important to find time to spend it with your family, engage in your development, and simply enjoy the moment of relaxation. The Flay Lady system teaches you how to properly manage your time.

The essence of this system is to devote 15 minutes daily to certain activities related to maintaining frequency in the apartment. If you arrange your daily schedule in this way, you can keep your house clean in just 15 minutes a day.

Advantages of the Flay Lady system

  • You will no longer feel tired every day after cleaning.
  • You will not need to periodically deal with heavy contamination, which takes a lot of time and effort to wash off.
  • You will only spend 15 minutes a day cleaning and organizing. Now calculate how much free time you will have.
  • Your apartment will always be clean, and without Herculean efforts.
  • You will have free weekends in which you can spend time relaxing and enjoying life, and not spend it crawling around the house with a rag and a mop.
Use the achievements of scientific and technological progress

Everything that happens on our planet has an impact on humans. Scientific and technological progress is not just big words that our generation, who lives and uses its benefits, is proud of.

Scientific and technological progress has significantly influenced our lives, once and for all changing the type of life we ​​live, and at the same time opening up many more opportunities for us. So why not use his achievements to make routine work easier?

Think for yourself, 50 years ago housewives could not even dream of such household appliances as an automatic washing machine or a multicooker. Today, it was these devices that freed us up a lot of time that was taken away from us by washing and cooking.

Therefore, use household appliances for daily cleaning of your apartment that are designed to make your life easier. All kinds of vacuum cleaners, floor washing machines, dishwashers.

You will spend money on purchasing these devices only once, and you will have free time to earn them (for example) every day.

What needs to be cleaned every day?

There is no need to wipe the inside shelves of cabinets, wash tiles, or clean carpets every day; there is general cleaning for this. But, to maintain comfort and cleanliness in the house, you still have to do some things.

  • We work with a vacuum cleaner.

Even the most tidy person in the world always ends up with dust, sand and other debris on the floor of his apartment. If you don’t clean it daily, then within a few days you risk ending up in a dirty apartment.

Using a powerful vacuum cleaner, you can effectively remove all specks, crumbs and other debris from the floor surface.

When carrying out such cleaning daily, there is no need to wash the floor every day. Wet cleaning is only needed if there are children or sick people in the house.

  • Cleaning the kitchen.

In the kitchen, everything needs to be cleaned daily - from the countertop where you prepare food to the dining area where the family gathers to eat food. Washing dishes and wiping the table after eating is a daily necessity that you can make a little easier for yourself.

Agree with your loved ones to, for example, take turns doing such routine work - every day someone else washes the dishes and is generally “on duty” in the kitchen.

You can also agree to do everything together, together - this can also be a solution to the problem.

  • Living rooms.

This is where you can spend a lot of time - while you put everything in its place, while you brush off the dust, water the flowers - half an hour or an hour will pass, as if nothing had happened.

Therefore, it makes sense to agree here with the whole family - everyone cleans their own place, and general cleaning can be done together throughout the entire apartment. If everyone keeps things clean a little every day, then deep cleaning can be done much less frequently.

Plus, if everyone puts their things in order on their own, then it will be much easier to find something.

  • Bathroom and bathroom.

Every day, all family members spend some time in the shower and on the toilet. Therefore, especially if children live in the apartment, the bathroom needs daily disinfection.

You can clean your plumbing fixtures only once a day, and you can keep them clean and fresh with the help of special hygiene products.

Antibacterial plastic containers in the toilet, together with a special product, will help maintain cleanliness and protect you from pathogens, as they act every time you use the toilet, during flushing.

As you can see, if you find a reasonable approach, then daily cleaning of the apartment will no longer seem like a regular disaster.

You can breathe easy and enjoy a lot of free time if you feel sorry for yourself and begin to involve everyone who lives next to you in all your household chores.

More often remember the folk wisdom that says that it is clean not where they constantly clean, but where they maintain the home in this condition.

Good luck with your housekeeping!

Having a cleaning schedule for your apartment will help you maintain peace and quiet in your home and will also reduce the time it takes to do the job if you stick to it.

If you think that organizing and cleaning have nothing to do with each other, you are wrong. One directly depends on the other (and vice versa). If your home is organized, cleaning will be much easier. You will feel comfortable in it and consider it, if not perfect, then at least clean and tidy. Organization allows us to identify places to store things and develop habits of putting things in those places. But at the same time, any solution to an organizational problem begins (and sometimes ends) with cleaning. And besides, even the most organized home needs to be cleaned, in part to keep things organized.

How to create a proper home cleaning schedule

  1. Consider what cleaning tasks in your home need to be completed on a daily and weekly basis. Our life goes on every day in a vicious circle. Clothes become dirty and need to be washed, dried, ironed and put back in the closet. It’s the same with dishes, for example. Therefore, we want to ensure that our home does not turn into a place where this cycle one day stops closing. The hampers are filled to capacity with dirty laundry, the sink is full of dirty dishes, and there is nothing but dust and dirt everywhere. Unfortunately, most of us cannot afford to hire house help to do all this dirty work, and we have to make the whole wheel turn ourselves. Graph cleaning is cyclical, that is, repeated constantly and with a certain frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, every six months or year). Having a cleaning schedule and sticking to it is one of the best and easiest ways to make sure that the work is completed according to the house is completed on time, and the cycle does not stop. Of course, not all tasks need to be done every day. Therefore, you should have several cleaning lists:
    • daily;
    • weekly;
    • monthly;
    • seasonal cleaning schedule (in a seasonal one, you can divide tasks into quarters, half-years, or into those that need to be done once a year).

    The most important of these schedules are daily and weekly, because doing these things will keep our house from turning into a garbage dump, and you will be firmly confident that everything is under control. It is these graphs that we will focus on now.

    In order for you to be able to adhere to the schedule you create yourself, remember the most important rule - it must be realistic. You must clearly define which tasks must be completed on a daily and weekly basis. But at the same time you must be able to complete them. If you work full time and write in your schedule as a daily task to wash the floors throughout the house, it is likely that your schedule will remain just plain paper. Therefore, think about which things are really necessary and possible to do every day, and which are enough to be done once a week or even once a month (etc.)

    If, nevertheless, in your opinion, in order to achieve cleanliness of your home, you need to do more daily and weekly than you can, it’s time to attract helpers and distribute some of the overwhelming responsibilities to other members of your family.

    All houses and apartments differ from each other (in area, number of rooms, their functional purpose), but most of them are still similar. Therefore, to create a cleaning schedule, I suggest you use ready-made templates:

    • how to create a cleaning schedule;
    • cover of the “Cleaning” section of the Home Organizer;
    • cleaning schedule by room (zone) for the whole year;
    • daily, weekly and monthly cleaning checklist;
    • seasonal cleaning checklist;
    • planning sheet for cleaning the room (zone).
  2. Create two schedules for cleaning your home: daily and weekly
    To more clearly understand how to correctly distribute daily and weekly tasks, I suggest you consider several ready-made practical solutions.
    • Weekly cleaning schedule according to the Fly Lady system. If you are not yet familiar with the fly lady system, you can familiarize yourself with it on the official English or Russian website. This is what a weekly cleaning schedule looks like using the Fly Lady system (on the left are tasks that need to be completed once a week, on the right are tasks that need to be performed once a day throughout the week.

    Every day, according to the fly lady system, you need to:

    • dismantle hot spots (hot spots) where dirt, garbage and things that are completely unnecessary accumulate there;
    • refresh the toilet and sink;
    • wipe surfaces in the kitchen (stove if necessary);
    • carry out Kelly's task.

    Weekly tasks (performed once a week) are (in the fly-lady system this is ECU or weekly cleaning hour):

    • vacuum the floors;
    • wipe the dust;
    • wipe mirrors and doors;
    • remove magazines (and apparently everything that comes across the top in the wrong places);
    • change bed linen;
    • to throw out the trash.

    Monthly household chores (in the fly-lady system these are mainly Kelly’s tasks (mainly because they also add seasonal and annual household chores, which are suggested to be done 15 minutes a day (clean the ventilation grill or radiator in the bathroom, etc. ), that is, those things that we do only once a month:

    • wipe down the refrigerator;
    • wipe down the microwave;
    • wipe switches and sockets;
    • wash the baseboards;
    • polish furniture, etc.

    These tasks in the fly lady system are divided into a month and are performed in each zone. In short, the entire apartment is divided into 5 zones, in accordance with 4 full weeks of the month + several days at the beginning of the month of an incomplete week (if such exist). Everyone divides their house or apartment into zones in their own way, but most often everything is quite similar.

    • Zone 1: first few days of the month until next Sunday: entrance, hallway, corridor.
    • Zone 2: first full week of the month: kitchen, dining room, pantry.
    • Zone 3: second full week of the month: children's room, bathroom.
    • Zone 4: third full week of the month: bedroom, toilet.
    • Zone 5: the last few days of the month from Monday to the 1st - living room, balcony.

    But before you create your list of daily, weekly and monthly tasks in each zone, I recommend making a complete list of all possible tasks in your home for each zone (or room). Use the template: Cleaning schedule by room (zone) for the whole year. A basic spring cleaning plan will help you fill it out. Take it as a basis and distribute what tasks you do daily, weekly or once a month. Seasonal cleaning and things that need to be done once every six months (for example, replacing the filter in the kitchen hood or even once a year (for example, deep cleaning of carpets or dry cleaning of sofa upholstery).

    • Weekly cleaning schedule from the author of the Clean Mama.net blog. It can be modified, customized and improved.
      This is an analogue of the weekly cleaning schedule from Becky, the author of the cleanmama.net blog. The main difference between this schedule and the fly system schedule is the distribution of the list of weekly repeating tasks performed in the fly system. According to the fly system, all of them are performed on Monday during the weekly cleaning hour. But an hour to complete all these tasks may not be enough. ECHU on Mondays is only possible if you are a housewife. For Becky, all these things that are done on Monday according to the fly system are evenly distributed throughout the week. On Monday: we clean the sinks and toilets (according to the fly system, this must be done daily), on Tuesday we wipe the soap, on Wednesday we vacuum, on Thursday we wash the floor, on Friday we take out the trash, on Saturday we change sheets and towels.

      The following daily routines are also performed daily:

      • wash;
      • ironing;
      • all exposed surfaces are wiped;
      • clean floor (the floors are cleared of anything that could fall on them, i.e., of everything unnecessary that should not be on the floor. There is no need to vacuum and wash the floors every day. This is simply an analogue of analyzing hot spots in the fly-lady system )

If you liked Becky's Weekly Cleaning Schedule, you can print this schedule and use it for yourself:

How to create a cleaning schedule

Cleaning schedule from the author of the blog First home love life

The cleaning schedule is also very good in my opinion and deserves our attention. Weekly tasks are distributed mainly by the type of surface being cleaned, with repeating routines performed daily and one additional task added to them: vacuuming or mopping the floors. Moreover, each case concerns only one area (kitchen or bathroom, for example).

Weekly cleaning schedule from a mother of 3 kids and the author of the blog My 3 monsters

In this schedule, tasks performed once a week are distributed depending on the corresponding zone (room) of the house. It’s very convenient and, unlike the fly system, you don’t have to remember which zone you’re working in this week. Monday is the kitchen and dining room, Tuesday is the living room, Wednesday is the parents' bedroom and bathroom, Thursday is dedicated to the children's bathroom, Friday is dedicated to the children's room (and guest room). Add a children's room to the original schedule, since in our country these are still more likely to be children's rooms than guest rooms. That is, if in all the previous schedules we simultaneously vacuum the entire apartment on some day, this schedule asks us to focus every day on a specific area of ​​our home. Every day, approximately the same routines are performed as in all other schedules.

Housekeeping. Cleaning

I think visual examples give more understanding of how to separate daily tasks from weekly ones (monthly or yearly). So now you're ready to start creating your own daily and weekly cleaning schedule.

Cleaning control

Some more tips for creating a daily to-do list:

Cleaning Schedule Template

Your weekly cleaning schedule is a list of repetitive tasks that you must do daily (or once a week) sufficient to keep your home clean. Try to keep this list as simple as possible.

Be realistic and after making your list, take another look at how long your daily activities will take. This list should not be too long and take more time than you can spend on it, because in addition to daily and weekly tasks, you should spend time doing the most ordinary (including personal) routines.

You can also break down your schedule and determine which list items you'll do in the morning, which in the afternoon (if you're not working), and which in the evening.

Some tips for creating a weekly cleaning schedule:

As we said above, you need to make a list of things that you will only do once a week. We recommend dividing their implementation evenly for each day of the week and spending 15-20 minutes a day on this task. You can base it on the type of activity or room (see more details above) or even combine them, as is more convenient for you.

How to make your home clean

Each day, once you have completed your daily routine, you can begin doing one or more weekly recurring tasks.

Only you can decide how to distribute them so that they fit into your life schedule, and do not forget to involve help in the cleaning process, because practically most of our energy goes into cleaning our house. Be realistic when scheduling recurring tasks each week.

Create a habit of sticking to your daily and weekly cleaning schedules.

Once you have created what you think is a good cleaning schedule for your home, your next step is to force yourself to get used to it and stick to it strictly. Force, because, unfortunately, this is true. Give yourself at least one month to do this, and believe me, it will be easier, because following this schedule will become a habit. But at first it will be very difficult.

How to force, you ask? So you've made your cleaning schedule. Print it out. But don’t put it in your home organizer, but hang it in a prominent place as a reminder to yourself. This could be your home command center, your desk, or any other place that you will constantly pay attention to. Use this schedule to remind yourself what task you need to complete today. An equally important task after execution is the process of monitoring execution.
For control, fill out and hang it in a visible place, or even better, just print it out and attach it to a tablet that you can carry around the house with you.

How to control cleaning

If you think you don't need this, you're wrong. At least try to use it for a few months until you form a habit. Perhaps in the future you will simply understand how convenient it is. How nice it is to check off boxes on the list after completing another task!

If you declutter and organize your home regularly, sticking to this schedule won't be too much of a hassle. But if your home isn't already organized and cleared, there's a good chance there will be a lot more cleaning than you'd like. Therefore, do not expect results right away, give yourself time, regularly declutter your home and organize it, and believe me, it will become much easier for you to solve cleaning problems than it seems at first. The main thing is to stick to a regular schedule and regularly declutter and organize your home.

But be realistic and revise your schedule if necessary if you feel it's too much for you. You cannot let maintaining cleanliness in your home turn into flour and hard labor for you.

Remember that your cleaning schedule should be consistent with your typical routine. Try to make your schedule as flexible as possible, and try to get most of it done.

Finally, don't be afraid to rework your schedule if it turns out that it doesn't meet your needs. Work with your schedule for a few weeks, you may realize that you have been too harsh and demanding and the schedule you created simply cannot fit into the time you have and you have failed. Or perhaps, on the contrary, you were too modest and relaxed, and your schedule cannot provide the minimum cleanliness that you wanted to achieve. Don't despair, try changing your schedule to better suit your needs and time constraints and try again.

Before you start cleaning, load dirty laundry into the washing machine. By the end of cleaning, some things will have time to dry and you can iron them.

Start cleaning from the kitchen. Unload the contents from the lockers. Wipe down shelves with kitchen disinfectant. If necessary, rinse and dry tableware and glassware.

Then move on to cleaning the stove and oven. Pay attention to the section of wall around the slab, as well as the side of the slab. Clean stains that are too dirty, hardened or burnt with special grease removers: leave the product to act for a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Wipe down all kitchen doors, as well as the tops of cabinets.

Clean the sink, treat the trash can and the area around it with a bactericidal agent.

Vacuum and wipe down the radiators, wash the window sill and lighting fixtures.

The floor is the last point of cleaning in the kitchen. Vacuum first to remove coarse dirt and dust, then wipe.

Your next destination is the bedroom.

If necessary, provide clean bed linen.

Take out clothes, wipe down shelves.

Place frequently used items at eye level. If possible, store underwear, socks and tights in drawers.

Wipe window sills, radiators, photo frames, picture frames, lighting fixtures, furniture. It is better to wipe small objects with a damp cloth, because... They accumulate the most dust.

Proceed to cleaning the floor - carefully vacuum and wipe under the bed in the corners.

Move to the living room.

Wipe dust off furniture.

Vacuum upholstered furniture using a special attachment. If there are animals in the house, fur from upholstered furniture can be cleaned using special brushes or mittens for grooming cats - in this case, get a separate mitten designed specifically for upholstery.

Finish with the hallway, bathroom and toilet.

In the hallway, if necessary, sort out shoes and outerwear in the closet. What you don't wear now, put it away for storage.
Use a damp cloth to wipe down the shelves where your shoes are stored.

Vacuum and clean the rug using carpet cleaning shampoo.

Vacuum the entire hallway and thoroughly wash the floor.
Go to the bathroom and toilet.

First, remove all jars of cream, tubes and bottles from the shelves - they can be placed in the sink or in a plastic bowl.
Wipe down cabinets, shelves and mirrors. Place your jars back after wiping them with a clean, damp cloth.
Thoroughly rinse all the rags and sponges that you used during cleaning, wash the bucket and fill it with clean water - this is necessary for washing the bathroom floor at the end of cleaning.

Wash the floor, rinse the cloth and empty the water into the toilet.

Now clean the toilet with disinfectants.

Storage system

To prevent summer clothes and shoes from taking up extra space in the closet in the winter, and winter ones in the summer, put seasonal clothes on the mezzanine or somewhere where they won’t get in your way.

Place seasonal items in bags after washing or cleaning. Place special moth repellents or lavender bags in bags with wool and fur items.

Wipe shoes that you are not currently using and put them in boxes. Before loading shoes onto the mezzanine, it is advisable to ventilate the shoes on the balcony and dry them in the sun, removing the insoles if possible.

It will be easier to find the pair of shoes you need if there is a sticker with a description on the box.

It is advisable to put fur-lined boots in a bag before putting them in a box.

Simple tips

Glass, crystal, devices

It is best to wipe crystal and glass with a dry and clean cotton cloth.

You can rub the bathroom mirror with newspaper, then wipe off small particles of paper with a clean cloth.

Silverware and cupronickel can be easily cleaned with tooth powder.

Hygiene and disinfection

To clean toilets, trash cans and other places where bacteria can accumulate, use old sponges and cloths that you can then throw away.

After cleaning, the trash can can be doused with boiling water and poured into the toilet.

To block street dirt and bacteria from entering your apartment, place a special rubber-based dirt catcher mat at the door.

Try to rinse well and change floor cloths frequently to ensure the floor is always clean.

Wear gloves to prevent your skin from being exposed to cleaning products.

Floors, carpets Parquet floors should be washed with plain clean water and a soft cloth, preferably 2-3 times.

The rag should be damp, but not wet, so that excess moisture does not get into the cavities.

Carpets made from synthetic fibers should not be taken out into the cold for cleaning. Otherwise they may crack. However, they are not afraid of moisture; they can be cleaned with a washing vacuum cleaner, but only with cold water.

To prevent dark marks from the carpet from forming on the parquet and preventing it from slipping, purchase special underlays for the carpet in large stores that sell carpet products.

Two carpets will not move apart if they are connected with double-sided tape.

To polish furniture, you can use soft suede cloths, for example, you can cut out scraps from an old suede jacket. Pieces of fur are also perfect for the same purposes.

Indoor plants with small leaves are easiest to wash in the shower. After a shower, you can shake them and leave them in the bathroom for a while to let the water drain and dry.

How to fold things correctly


Fasten all the buttons on your shirt.
- Turn the back upside down and fold the sleeves.
- Fold the shirt at the sides.
- Straighten and carefully fold in half.
- Fold again if necessary.


Turn the shirt over and fold it to the sides.
- Fold in half.


Fold the socks and roll them into a roll.
- Pull the edge of the sock, which is located on the outside, and fasten it as shown in the picture.
- You should end up with a compact and tight package.

Traditionally, spring begins with cleaning. This is logical: there were times when people mostly stayed at home in the winter. Of course, we visited each other and went out into the yard, but the main activity was centered around the warm fireplace in the house. Naturally, the space gradually became overgrown with dirt, which there was no strength to clean (it’s winter!), no opportunity (the house is cramped, someone is always doing something), or much sense. And a constantly working hearth or stove also made a contribution. In addition, supplies for the winter were brought into the house and, in general, everything that could spoil from the cold or be needed in winter could be kept in the house, and newborn lambs and calves could be kept in the house.

And now - spring. Those who do not take care of the house have things to do outside the home and the opportunity to do them. The space around the house becomes suitable for life and activity - you can take something there at least for a day, you can hang clothes there to dry. You can open all the windows and doors and ventilate the house, ventilate it, not let it get cold. It’s also time to hide winter clothes and winter craft tools and take out what has been hidden since the fall.

Even in city life this memory makes itself felt. Moreover, the same ventilation has not gone away, because in winter it is really difficult to properly ventilate the apartment. But the reality has changed somewhat. If earlier a big spring cleaning was the main task of the housewife, or rather, of all the residents of this house, now no one has canceled the main work, and neither has the spring loss of strength. Perhaps, in the city it is even more noticeable, because winter is usually spent not hibernating behind quiet work and fairy tales, but as the most productive season.

Making a cleaning plan

Yes, you can hire a cleaner, or, as they are now more often called, an au pair. Sometimes this is really a solution: such an assistant usually knows how to wash this and that, and may even come with her own cleaning supplies and equipment. But she is unlikely to be able to put things away for storage or take them apart, because a stranger will not be able to decide for you where to put your things.

You can handle it yourself. And some flylady ideas will help us with this, adapted to our reality and our task.

First of all, we need a plan. Let's take a notepad and pen and walk around the apartment, writing down all those places that scratch the eye, all those places where we usually don't look, all those places where something is stored or will be stored. Don't rely on your memory - write it down.

We combine problems of the same type (for example, a tampered switch in the room, a tampered switch in the kitchen, a tampered switch in the toilet turn into “tampered switches”, fortunately there are not many of them in the apartment). If possible, we try not to enlarge too much: ideally, each individual problem should be solved in 10-15 minutes.

On a separate piece of paper (can be on a smartphone or in any suitable computer program) we write down those tasks that are clear how to do and are feasible to do. Scrubbing all the switches in an apartment is a good example of such a task (Scrubbing is a strong word. We take window cleaner and a microfiber rag, spray the product on the rag - and in a few movements the switch is clean. It is better not to splash on the switch itself - the liquid may flow to the contacts ). A little trick: it’s better to write tasks immediately in the format of “what exactly needs to be done.” Not just “mirror,” but “wash the mirror in the hallway.” It will be easier and more pleasant to work with such a list.

We write out separately large spaces with which it is not very clear what to do. For example, we rarely look under the bathtub and don’t know what we’ll encounter there. Maybe new life has already started there. The same list includes those problems that seem to need something done, but it is completely unclear what exactly.

What are the hidden storage spaces?

We are working with storage spaces. Can you tell without looking inside what exactly is stored there, or at least what kind of items? Or is it a “black hole” with a “trash” sign and anything can be there? As practice shows, it is in such “black holes” that things get lost, it is from there that dirt spreads throughout the house, and it is with them that the worst thing is to deal with. Consequently, cleaning them gives a special spring feeling of a breathing home. To begin with, we simply mark the “black holes” on our list, and for the remaining places we leave notes on what exactly is stored there, whether it needs to be taken out for the warm season, whether something needs to be hidden there when the cold weather ends.

The main list is the one with clear and feasible tasks. In it we mark those tasks that are advisable to do only after everything else: washing the floors, hanging clean curtains, etc.; clean the bathtub if it is expected that you will also wash winter shoes, flowerpots with plants, etc. in it.

We will add tasks from other lists to the same list.

So, large, incomprehensible spaces. Right now, with a piece of paper in hand, let’s go and look there. Usually the task arises to “wash it out,” or maybe “reconsider what’s there and throw away what’s expired.” Or you may discover that this space is filled with some kind of incomprehensible rubbish and has turned into a “black hole”, then all that remains is to send it to the list of “black holes”.

To solve problems that you don’t know how to deal with, you can search for answers on the Internet and ask questions in specialized communities. But don't rush to do it right now! We write in the list of tasks “Google/ask how to wash this thing.” Then, when you complete this step, cross out either the words “Google/ask” or the entire line, if you don’t like the methods found and decide to leave everything as it is.

Another option is to make a separate list of such problems and invite an assistant to specifically deal with them.

Further. Storage places that are okay. Usually it is enough to go with a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth - we write this down on the list. If you need to get something from somewhere, write “get X from place Y” to the list. If something needs to be hidden somewhere, we write in the list “hide X in place Y” (if you first need to do something with the thing - wash it, iron it - write that too). We group tasks so as not to climb into the same place many times.
A little trick: it’s convenient to immediately write down a list of everything that is stored in a specific place if it’s not very convenient to get there. Then from the list you can quickly understand whether to look for what you need here or somewhere else.

"Black holes" remain. You'll have to use your head here.

For each “black hole” you need to understand what kind of things would be convenient to store here. Otherwise, even if everything is taken apart, this place will again become a “black hole.”

It is also convenient to leave one of the storage places, preferably easily accessible, for those things for which there is no other place. Yes, it could become a “black hole” again, but since there is only one, it will always be clear that what is lost must be looked for here.

For each “black hole” we write our own chain of tasks:

  • Take everything out of some part of it (if it’s a closet, then one shelf, not the entire closet).
  • Wash this part.
  • Put in there whatever you took out that now has a place there (if necessary, wash this too).
  • Put together what was taken out (and from the “pile”) that can already be put back in place.
  • Send to the “heap” something for which we cannot yet find a place. You can sort, or you can not.
  • And so on for each logical part.

“Heap” is a kind of buffer for things. It might actually be a pile in the middle of the room.

I prefer to put it in a large garbage bag if there are a lot of things, or in a basin if there are few or they are small. The main thing is not to try to hide it all right now. There is a time for everything.

Once again about the task list

Finally the list is ready. Let's look at it again.

Is everything in it clear? Is each individual task feasible? Maybe you need to buy some more detergents or buy something else?

If some tasks look unpleasant, maybe you can ask someone? Or you can not do it at all? Or somehow make this task not so disgusting? Before such tasks we add “Google/ask how to make it easier.”

And we separately check whether things related not to evening cleaning, but to everyday life, are included in this list. The same washing dishes, for example. Of course, you need to wash the dishes, but on this list it’s better to only include those things that you can do once now and not think about them for another year or at least six months.

Now all that remains is to do this. Most likely, the list is long, and just looking at it you can feel like Cinderella.

But we don’t have to do it all in one day!

Everything is much simpler.

If you solve one problem every day, how many days will the list last? What if there are two? What if there’s one on a weekday and five on weekends? There is no obligatory rhythm; each housewife chooses her own. Personally, I like the principle “one thing is a must, then the next one depends on your mood.” It happens that you do one thing and want to continue right away: dismantle the second shelf or wash something else.

We separately note in the list what is difficult to do on your own, which requires either a second pair of hands or male strength. And on occasion, we simply hand over a list with notes to one of our close men with an offer to choose a feasible business for ourselves. Such requests are responded to better than the vague “help around the house,” because it is clear what exactly needs to be done.

Some tasks can be crossed out just because you changed your mind.

And the main trick: you don’t need to go through the list sequentially. We scan the list with our eyes and select exactly the task that we want to do right now, which is possible and convenient to do right now. Our tasks are different, so there is something for every mood. It helps a lot against a bad mood when you scrub something with wide movements or take trash out of the house. If you don’t have the strength to move, you can google something or ask in a thematic community, you can also wash some little thing, cross it off the list and calm down on that. If you want to meditate, you can sort through some pile of forgotten things - the inhabitants of the “black hole”. You can also turn on music or an audiobook - whichever you like best.

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