My fines are by name. Check traffic police fines on your driver's license. How does a regular traffic police fine differ from a traffic police fine received by bailiffs?

Now you can check administrative fines for an individual online, having access to the Internet from any device.

Sanctions cause great inconvenience to the owner if they are not paid.

You can get punished for failure to pay a fine, get a ban on leaving, or have problems selling a car, so this opportunity really comes in handy.

When to pay

By general rule You must pay a fine for an administrative offense within sixty days, but there are exceptions to every rule.

So, the deadlines change if:

  1. Administrative penalties are imposed on foreign citizen or a stateless person with simultaneous deportation from our homeland. In this case, the amount is paid the next day after the order comes into force.
  2. The fine was issued for administrative offenses in the field of traffic. Here, half of the amount must be paid within 20 days, and the rest by the end of the two-month period.

It is important to know: the period begins from the moment the resolution enters into legal force. After the court decision, a person is given 10 days to appeal the verdict and only after that the counter for the number of days is turned on. Thus, fines can be paid within 70 days without consequences.

How to check

You can check your fines different ways, even via the Internet several services are available to inform the population

  1. The State Services portal allows you to view fines for traffic violations. To do this, you need to register on the portal and enter data about the driver’s license and the owner’s vehicle into a special form. Here you can also find out about tax arrears, as well as penalties and fines for non-payment. To do this, you will need to enter your passport data and TIN.
  2. Find out about delays and penalties in part tax obligations You can also find out in the taxpayer’s personal account. You must first obtain tax authority login and password for registration on the website, presenting your passport and TIN to a tax inspector.
  3. You can also get information about your fines on the bailiffs website You do not need to register on the site; you need to enter your data into the form: last name, first name, patronymic, region and date of birth. This site is the most important in our list, since only those fines for which the payment deadline has already passed are included in this database.
  4. In some regions, the traffic police also provides information upon request on the website.
  5. You can check whether a fine has been issued by the order number on many websites for free.
  6. There are a lot of paid services that, for a reasonable fee, are willing to provide a person’s complete statement of fines and other information, including credit history.

If a list of fines appears on the bailiffs website under your name, this is a reason to urgently take action, since sluggishness in this matter can be fraught with unpleasant consequences.

Note: Recently, drivers have been given a bonus in paying a fine: if the fine is paid within two weeks, then it is reduced by exactly half, that is, if the fine is issued in the amount of 500 rubles, then within two weeks you can pay 250 rubles and the violation will be paid off.

Payment Methods

If you receive a fine, you can pay it in various ways:

  • at the bank through an operator;
  • using an ATM;
  • through mobile bank or online bank of your banking institution;
  • through the State Services portal;
  • through the bailiffs website;
  • through payment services on the Internet.

Please note: Whatever payment method you choose, you will need details in any case. You can usually get them from the same service where the fines were checked.

What happens if payment is late?

People often forget to pay a fine or deliberately violate administrative laws. This approach to sanctions is fundamentally wrong and threatens the owner with trouble.

The fact is that if the fine is overdue, it becomes the responsibility of the bailiffs, who are obliged to monitor the execution of court orders with all that it entails.

Bailiffs can impose on you:

  • ban on traveling outside the Russian Federation;
  • seizure of accounts;
  • seizure of property;
  • seizure of the car and its subsequent sale.

As you can see, even the largest fine on an individual is not worth such problems.

Is it possible not to pay?

There is no legal way to avoid paying a fine.

Or rather, if you are confident that you are right, you can appeal the decision and cancel the sanctions applied to yourself.

Many residents of our country also use this method of evading payment of fines before the statute of limitations has expired.

The statute of limitations for many monetary penalties is set at 2 years. If during this time the bailiffs cannot find the person who committed the fine or there is nothing to take from him, the fine sheet goes into the archive and active work on it stops.

It is important to understand: The punishment still remains, just as the ban on leaving the country remains, so penalties cannot be left unpunished without payment.

Watch the video that explains how to check traffic police administrative fines online:


For non-payment, you may not even be allowed to leave the country on vacation. And the debtor may not even know that he has to pay something. That is why it is important to promptly inquire whether any offenses have been committed for which a fine could be charged. Administrative offenses entail two types of penalties. The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation strictly defines punishment in the form of a fixed fine. But there also exist, the exact amount of which is not indicated, but there is an interval between the minimum and maximum amount. Here the employee who imposed the penalty determines how much the offender should pay. For committing an administrative offense, a fee of at least 100 rubles is charged. The maximum amount varies depending on who broke the law. If an illegal act was committed by an organization, then maximum amount the fine cannot exceed 1,000,000 rubles. Officials who commit illegal actions may be required to pay a fine of no more than 50,000 rubles. And for individuals the maximum threshold should not exceed 5,000 rubles.

You have 2 months to pay a fine for an administrative violation. As a rule, this is enough for most citizens. But if during this period it was not possible to pay the fine, then the legislation of the Russian Federation also recognizes this as an administrative offense as a result of which consequences arise. The culprit who has not paid the fine deadlines, will have to pay the same fine, but double the amount. This norm is specified in the Code of Administrative Offenses in Article 20.25. If after this the offender does not pay the fine, then the case is transferred to the bailiff service. Now on the side of the law is the possibility of forcibly collecting the unpaid amount from the debtor by seizing property or bank card. In addition, the bailiffs also impose payment on the debtor executive contribution- 7% of the fine amount, but not less than 500 rubles. If they do not influence the defaulter in any way, then the law provides for such types of punishment as administrative or performing public works in an amount of no more than 50 hours. To prevent this, it is necessary to pay fines in a timely manner. Unfortunately, some of them may not reach the recipient within the specified time. For example, fines recorded by a traffic video camera. Therefore, it is better to be sure that you do not owe anything and periodically check whether there are any violations.

Despite the fact that we do not always remember when and where we violated, under what circumstances we were issued a fine, do not leave this matter unattended. Most often, fines are issued for traffic offenses. In this case, contact the traffic police, providing the inspectors with one of the documents - TIN or driver's license number. The database search will display information on all administrative fines Traffic police available today.

If this option does not suit you, please call bailiffs at your place of registration, find out their work schedule and visit this office at the appointed appointment time. They have the most full information about all your administrative offenses - bailiffs can provide it to you in the form of a printout. After that, go to the nearest bank, fill out the necessary receipts and pay the fines.

Remember that fines for administrative offenses are not always issued directly by inspectors on the road; a large number of special cameras record them automatically through photos and videos. And only then are receipts generated for payment of fines for the offense committed, which are sent to the car owner’s registration address. If your registration address and actual place of residence do not match, take the trouble to check for fines at the traffic police yourself.

Until recently, it was only possible to find out about your unpaid fines using the above methods. But now the system has become much simpler for ordinary citizens. It has become possible to obtain the necessary information through special portals. The site is one of them. Only the owner of the car will be able to obtain the necessary information because when filling out the application, you will need to enter data such as the state number and car registration certificate. In order to find out about the presence of a fine, on the main page of the site, hover your mouse over the “Services” menu section and select “Check fines”. Enter the requested information and click Request Verification. The service will ask you to enter a captcha. As a result, you should get the result of the check. If no fines are detected, a green note will appear indicating this.

Have your passport and TIN at hand to fill out certain fields. Currently, the system for citizens to find out about their administrative offenses has been significantly simplified. Having the Internet at home or at work is enough. Go to the website or the official website of your regional or district inspectorate, enter your personal data in the appropriate “online service” section and receive the necessary information on all fines assessed to you. Print automatically generated receipts and pay them at the bank.

The Bailiff Service also has its own website where you can see the presence or absence of offenses for which you must pay a fine. On the main page of the site there is a form to fill out, thanks to which you can find out about the presence of fines. Enter your last name, first name, middle name and city. The system may also ask for your date of birth. As a result, you will receive information about the presence or absence of fines.

The guarantee only applies if payment is made through our service.

How does online payment work?

Payment occurs online in real time.

  • you will receive notifications about new fines

Methods of paying fines

  • Bank cards: VISA, MasterCard, MIR
  • Electronic money: Yandex Money, Qiwi,
  • Banking systems: Sberbank online, Alfa-Click, Promsvyazbank,, Russian Standard

Based on the payment result, you will receive a payment receipt

All payments are made by the non-bank credit organization "" (limited liability company) - NPO "MONETA.RU" (LLC) registered under Federal Law No. 161-FZ “On the national payment system”.

NPO "MONETA.RU" (LLC) operates on the basis of a license from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to carry out banking operations No. 3508-K dated July 2, 2012.

Photos and videos of rule violations

Along with the fine, you will receive access to photographs taken by means of automatic recording of violations. Unfortunately, sometimes there are cases where photographs are missing in the fines database. In this case, you need to contact the traffic police department that issued the fine, the name of the department is indicated in the detailed information on the page your unpaid traffic police fines.

In principle, there is no video of the violation; instead of a video, there will be a series of photographs.

When paying a fine, it is important to know:

  • Number of the protocol on the administrative offense (or the resolution on the case of the administrative offense if the protocol on the administrative offense was not drawn up);
  • The amount of the fine (including commission fees);
  • Details for enrollment (in banks and payment systems are determined automatically).

There is no need to provide a receipt for payment to the traffic police. In order not to carry the receipt with you and to avoid misunderstandings with bailiffs, it is preferable to transfer fines through banks, terminals and credit organizations with which the Ministry of Internal Affairs has entered into agreements on information exchange. In this case, when paying a fine, the information very quickly gets into the violation database. The fine must be paid within 30 days from the date the resolution comes into force.

Check traffic police fines on your driver's license

Our service allows you to receive fines and pay them immediately. You need to understand that verification is only by driver's license, will find only those fines that were issued by the traffic police directly to the driver, and fines imposed by video recording will not be found.

Traffic police fines based on vehicle registration number

When checking only according to the state. registration number cars, you will only find fines issued by stationary means of automatically recording traffic violations, and fines issued by a traffic police officer to the driver vehicle will not hit completely.

It would be better to indicate all the data when searching for fines, this will allow you to find all the fines issued to you.

Traffic police fines - payment guarantee

After payment, in case of an error in the traffic police database, we will refund you the full amount of the fine and the amount of the commission.

To check traffic police fines, it is best to fill out complete data; this will allow you to find out about all the fines you have and will allow you to avoid unpleasant consequences in the future.

Pay the traffic police fine online

Payment occurs in real time.

  • payment takes less than 5 minutes
  • 50% discount is yours to keep
  • you will receive notifications about new fines

Payment of traffic fines with a 50% discount

In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 2014 N 437-FZ, amendments were made to the Code of Administrative Offenses, which allow, from January 1, 2016, to pay a fine for violating the Traffic Rules in the amount of half the amount of the fine imposed.

Part 1.3 has been added to Article 32.2 with the following text:

1.3. When an administrative fine is paid by a person held administratively liable for committing an administrative offense provided for in Chapter 12 of this Code, with the exception of administrative offenses provided for in Part 1.1 of Article 12.1, Article 12.8, Parts 6 and 7 of Article 12.9, Part 3 of Article 12.12, Part 5 of the Article 12.15, part 3.1 of article 12.16, articles 12.24, 12.26, part 3 of article 12.27 of this Code, no later than twenty days from the date of the decision to impose an administrative fine, an administrative fine may be paid in the amount of half the amount of the imposed administrative fine. If the execution of the decision to impose an administrative fine was delayed or spread out by a judge, body, official who made the decision, the administrative fine is paid in full.

Citizens can find out information about unpaid fines on our website, in the regional traffic police departments, on the Internet portal:

Traffic police fines that are not covered by the discount

  • The car is not registered (in case of repeated violation) fine - 5000 rubles
  • 12.8 Driving while intoxicated, transferring control to a drunk driver fine - 30,000 rubles
  • 12.9.6, 12.9.7 Exceeding the speed limit by more than 40 km/h (if repeated violation) fine - 2000-5000 rubles
  • 12.12.3 Driving through a prohibitory signal (in case of repeated violation) fine - 5000 rubles
  • 12.15.5 Meeting (in case of repeated violation) fine - 5000 rubles
  • 12.24 Causing harm to health fine - 2500-25000 rubles
  • 12.26 Refusal to test for alcohol fine - 30,000 rubles
  • 12.27.3 Drinking alcohol after an accident fine - 30,000 rubles

User reviews about searching and paying traffic fines

Alexander VasilievichPaid 6 finesRated at 2

From 250 rubles they increased another 25 rubles. And this is 10% of the amount. Don't you choke on caviar there?

Egor Stanislavovich Paid 1 fine Rated at 5

Convenient, but the commission is higher than through Sberbank Online

Galina Pugacheva Paid 1 fine Rated at 5

Excellent, fast and accurate.

Vladimir GeorgievichPaid 0 finesRated at 5

Hello! Yesterday I received a Yandex SMS-happiness traffic police for 250 rubles. with a link for payment. Naturally, I tensed up, they say, where did I manage to run into money (I’m a pensioner and I have an assistant, our Lada Largus). Naturally, I decided to check if this was a Russian scam. I went to the traffic police website, but there really is a fine , for speeding from 20-40 km 500 rubles, but where this happened and there is no photographic record (everything was there before). All my suspicions and missing information were dispelled by your site! For which THANK YOU so much!!! Everything is just SUPER!!! A clear picture of the photographic record, information about the location of the record, quick payment of the fine. Those who think it’s a little expensive (the commission) are simply SCARY. So I liked everything about the service and will only use it in the future and recommend it to EVERYONE!!!

Alexey Borisovich Paid 1 fine Rated at 5

Convenient, fast

Maksim Paid 4 fines Rated at 3

Everything would be fine... and quite convenient..., but your commission is too high... (10%)... this is too much

Svetlitskaya Larisa Anatolyevna Paid 1 fine Rated at 1

A very expensive service. 25 rubles is a lot.

Baranov Andrey Paid 3 fines Rated at 5


VictorPaid 7 finesRated at 5

Very convenient service. And the commission is less than on other accounts

Izzatzhan Sayfullovna Paid 1 fine Rated at 5

Thank you for such a service. Very comfortably.

Khilko AlexanderPaid 5 finesRated at 5

Notifications arrive on time, everything is fine and convenient!

Nikolay Paid 1 fine Rated at 5

Fast Large commission Possible, but better not to violate

Vnukov A.M. Paid 1 fine Rated at 3

I can’t evaluate it yet, the fine has not been confirmed that it has arrived

On our website you can find fines by driver's license number and pay them immediately on the website.

It is important to know that a search solely based on a driver’s license will only find fines that were issued by the traffic police inspector to the driver personally when he was stopped, and fines imposed based on the results of video recording of traffic violations will not be found.

Traffic police fines based on vehicle registration number

When searching for your fines according to reg. car number, state registration number, you will only find decisions issued through automatic video recording devices. To check fines issued to drivers, they must provide their driver's license number.

When checking fines, it is safer to fill out absolutely all fields of the form; this will give you the opportunity to find all the orders issued to you regarding traffic violations.

Photos and videos of fines

Fines issued by means of automatic recording of traffic situations almost always include photographs. Unfortunately, it is still not uncommon for there to be no photographic records in the fines database. In this case, you will have to contact the traffic police department that issued the this fine. The name of the traffic police department can be found in the detailed information on the page your unpaid traffic police fines.

In principle, there is no video of the violation; instead of a video, there will be a series of photographs.

Traffic police fines - payment guarantee

After paying the fine through the service, we will refund you the full amount of the fine and the amount of the commission, if 14 days have passed since payment and the fine has still not been paid.

The guarantee only applies if fines are paid on our website.

If you paid the fine elsewhere, then claims must be sent to the place of payment.

Pay the traffic police fine online

Payment occurs in real time:

  • payment is made in less than 5 minutes
  • 50% discount
  • you will receive notifications about new fines

Payment Methods

  • Bank cards: MasterCard, VISA, MIR
  • Electronic money: Yandex Money, Qiwi,
  • Banking systems: , Alfa-Click, Promsvyazbank,, Russian Standard

After payment you will receive a payment receipt

All payments are made by Non-Banking credit organisation"" (limited liability company) - NPO "MONETA.RU" (LLC) is registered under Federal Law No. 161-FZ "On the National Payment System".

NPO "MONETA.RU" (LLC) operates on the basis of the license of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for banking operations No. 3508-K dated July 2, 2012.

Payment of traffic fines with a 50% discount

In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 2014 N 437-FZ, amendments were made to the Code of Administrative Offenses. From January 1, 2016, you have the right to pay a fine for violating traffic rules in the amount of 50% of the amount of the fine imposed.

Part 1.3 has been added to Article 32.2:

1.3. When an administrative fine is paid by a person held administratively liable for committing an administrative offense provided for in Chapter 12 of this Code, with the exception of administrative offenses provided for in Part 1.1 of Article 12.1, Article 12.8, Parts 6 and 7 of Article 12.9, Part 3 of Article 12.12, Part 5 of the Article 12.15, part 3.1 of article 12.16, articles 12.24, 12.26, part 3 of article 12.27 of this Code, no later than twenty days from the date of the decision to impose an administrative fine, an administrative fine may be paid in the amount of half the amount of the imposed administrative fine. If the execution of the decision to impose an administrative fine was delayed or spread out by the judge, body, or official who issued the decision, the administrative fine is paid in full.

Fines that are not eligible for the 50% discount

  • Violation of parking rules and non-payment for parking in Moscow fine - 5000 rubles
  • 12.8 Driving while intoxicated, transferring control to a drunk driver fine - 30,000 rubles
  • 12.9.6, 12.9.7 Exceeding the speed limit by more than 40 km/h (if repeated violation) fine - 2000-5000 rubles
  • 12.12.3 Driving through a prohibitory signal (in case of repeated violation) fine - 5000 rubles
  • 12.15.5 Meeting (in case of repeated violation) fine - 5000 rubles
  • 12.24 Causing harm to health fine - 2500-25000 rubles
  • 12.26 Refusal to test for alcohol fine - 30,000 rubles
  • 12.27.3 Drinking alcohol after an accident fine - 30,000 rubles
  • The car is not registered (for repeated violation) fine - 5000 rubles
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