How is foundation backfilling performed? Backfilling of foundation sinuses

Foreword. When building a house where the basement is not planned to be used, many developers ask themselves questions: Do I need to fill the foundation inside? How to fill the space inside the foundation? How to fill the pile foundation inside? Let's try to answer these questions in this article, consider what bulk materials can be used for these purposes and show a video of how to fill the foundation inside under the screed.

Before deciding on the choice of material and level of backfilling, you should pay attention to the level of groundwater in your area and the degree of subsidence of the soil on it. It's also worth considering. Calculate what will be cheaper - pour the basement of the house from the inside with lime, sand or other material with your own hands, or arrange a ventilated basement and make high-quality floor insulation in a wooden house from below.

An example of backfilling a foundation for a floor screed

After obtaining permission to build a house, the administration breaks down the site and starts production. earthworks. The issue of excavation should be taken very seriously, since the strength of the future structure depends on the implementation of this stage. The design and depth of the foundation depends on the geology of the site: the depth of soil freezing, the level of groundwater.

What affects the depth of groundwater

Doing your own backfilling of the foundation inside the building should be after the cement has completely hardened. A great danger for buildings is the spring flood, which significantly raises groundwater to the surface. As a result of this, swelling of the soil occurs, creating pressure in the soil, which literally squeezes the foundation up when the upper layers of the soil thaw.

Buckling is observed in clayey, peaty and swampy soils. Foundation pits and trenches for strip foundations should be dug below the freezing depth in your area. The interior of the trenches should be covered with sand by a third - sands and loams bulge less. If the groundwater in your area is at a depth of less than 2 meters, then the pits are made up to 80 cm deep.

To compact the soil, it is compacted and spilled with water. At the same time, the soil is significantly compacted, all voids are removed, and the soil becomes less moisture-intensive. If the groundwater on the site is above 0.5 meters, the interior of the trenches should be dug below the freezing depth of the soil. Next, let's talk about how to determine the subsidence of the soil when building a foundation.

Determination of subsidence of soil on the site

The porous soil inside the basement shrinks when wet, which harms the structure. To determine the subsidence of the soil, it is necessary to dig a hole, fill it back with earth and carefully spill it with water. If there is not enough soil to completely fill the dug hole, then the soil is considered subsidence. If you have determined that the soil in the area is subsiding, then it is spilled with water and rammed.

Construction and internal backfilling of the basement strip foundation must be done with an insulated blind area around the house. Be sure to be at least 80 cm and with a slope from the structure. The blind area must be made using geotextiles to drain melt water and precipitation from the building. Geotextile technical characteristics are such that it prevents soil mixing.

Before you start digging trenches for the foundation, you need to remove the top fertile layer of soil on the site, including the blind area and the basement of the house. The fertile layer can be used for a garden, and the resulting space should be covered with soil from the foundation pit and cellar, as it does not contain organic matter, plant roots and is safe for all structures. In the absence of sand, it should be ordered.

Materials for filling the foundation from the inside

Filling and compacting sand in the basement of the house

The volume of soil removed from the pit must comply with the project. Usually, the pit is filled with sand no more than 15 cm to the design mark. The sand is leveled and carefully compacted. In construction, soils are divided into chernozems (they are not used for backfilling inside the basement), clays and loams, soils mixed with rocks and rocky soils.

The best option that provides waterproofing and soil resistance to stress is loam or clay. Use clay without additives and impurities that can damage the waterproofing. Clay should be filled inside the strip foundation up to 300 mm with a high-quality seal to exclude air pockets. You can not use a sand and gravel mixture to backfill a pile foundation with your own hands.

You can cover the area inside the basement not only with clay, but also with sand or gravel, which do not change their properties under the influence of water. When using all materials, careful tamping is necessary. When using sand, it is additionally shed with water for compaction. Backfilling is carried out along the entire perimeter in a uniform layer to exclude different lateral pressure on the foundation.

How to fill the foundation inside under the screed

Filling the basement under the concrete screed

Quite often, basements are not used - this applies to owners of plots on marshy soils, where high level ground water. In this case, many developers decide to fill the foundation inside the house under a rough screed, but they don’t know what is the best way to do it. In this case, the same materials can be used as for backfilling. pile foundation and basement inside the house.

The best way to make a high-quality and reliable backfill for a screed is to lay and carefully compact a layer of clay up to 300 mm to protect it from groundwater. Sand should be poured on top and also tamped and spilled with water. Next, you should lay a waterproofing layer - roofing material. On top of it, you can lay foam or again fill the basement of the house with sand under a concrete screed.

Any foundation is in conditions of constant humidity: either groundwater rises, or rains flood the site. Therefore, during construction, it is necessary to take care of the drainage of water from the strip foundation. For these purposes, drainage is arranged on the site, waterproofing of plinths and basements is carried out, and a blind area is arranged around the entire perimeter of the house. Look at the video, the better to fill the foundation inside.

The construction of the foundation is almost always accompanied by earthworks, the volume of which depends on the size of the building under construction. The excavated soil crumbles into construction site and later used for backfilling the sinuses of the pit. This allows you to solve several problems at once related to the disposal of the excavated land, as well as to increasing the stability of the base.

Backfill goals

Backfilling of the sinuses of the pit is carried out after all construction and finishing work related to the arrangement of the foundation of the building has been completed. The sinuses of the pit are the gap between its slopes and the walls of the basement or basement. They allow you to freely carry out the entire range of construction work:

  • Install and dismantle formwork for monolithic concrete pouring.
  • Mount prefabricated foundation elements.
  • Mount heat and waterproofing materials on the outer walls of the foundation.
  • Equip a drainage system around the building to drain ground, melt and rainwater.

After all the work related to the installation and finishing of the supporting base is completed, the sinuses of the pit are covered with soil. The whole process backfill at first glance, it looks simple to the point of primitiveness. However, to produce this work in compliance with all building regulations and regulations. No wonder this process is regulated by a separate SNiP No. 3-02-01 of 1987.

Backfilling should be done only after the concrete pouring of the foundation has gained at least ¾ of its final strength. It usually takes 2 to 4 weeks depending on the weather and the thickness of the pour. Otherwise, there is a high probability of damage to the supporting base: its cracking and deformation.

The only option when it is necessary to fill the sinuses even before the concrete has gained the necessary strength is when the weather forecast promises heavy rains, which can lead to the cement being washed out of the concrete or to the complete or partial washing out of the fresh pour.

To avoid this, the sinuses are backfilled with all precautions. After the sinuses are filled, without fail, a rough blind area is poured around the perimeter of the building. It will reduce the influx of rainwater directly to the walls of the freshly poured foundation.

Filling the sinuses of the construction pit allows you to successfully solve a number of problems, but only if all technologies are strictly observed.

  • Foundation insulation. Filling the sinuses allows you to create an additional external protective cushion against the penetration of cold into the basement or basement.
  • Increasing stability. The arrangement of sinuses along the walls of the foundation makes the whole process of its construction and finishing more convenient. However, this technology significantly reduces its stability. Backfilling voids between the slopes of a trench or excavation with soil makes the foundation more durable, increases its resistance to seismic, vibrational and other influences.
  • Diversion of sewage and subsoil waters from the foundation. Filling the sinuses with soil with good drainage properties makes it possible to prevent dampness from penetrating into the basement.

Dumping technology

The need to comply with building regulations turns a fairly simple procedure into a complex process that consists of several stages.

Soil moisture adjustment

According to the provisions of SNiP, soil of a certain moisture content can only be used for backfilling. It should be from 12 to 15% for light soils (sand, sandy loam) and no more than 20% for heavy soils (clay, loam, gravel-sand mixture).

The percentage of humidity is set in the laboratory using special equipment. If the soil is too dry during the laying on the construction site, it must be moistened before backfilling.

For moistening, you should not use ordinary water, but a cement-water solution. Professional builders call it cement milk.

You can prepare it right at the construction site. To do this, water is poured into the container, after which cement is added and thoroughly mixed. Can be used to prepare milk and concrete mixers. The result should be a milky white solution, while its consistency should be like that of plain water. Too transparent solution is considered weak, and too thick - too "strong".

If the soil is too wet, then it should be dried before backfilling. To do this, from time to time it is loosened and turned over with the help of bulldozers or excavators. Under the influence of the sun and wind, excess moisture is removed from the soil, and when it reaches the condition, it is poured into the sinuses.

Soil backfill

When filling the sinuses, it is also necessary to comply with the technical conditions for the work. The soil is not covered immediately, but evenly around the entire perimeter in thin layers. The thickness of each layer should not exceed 30-50 cm. After laying, each layer should be shed with cement milk and compacted.

Fertile topsoil should not be used for backfilling. Over time, organic inclusions rot, leaving behind voids.

During overburden work at the construction site, humus should be stored separately from inorganic soil. It will be possible to use black soil in the future for arranging adjoining territory. The internal backfilling of the basement space should be done only after all the external sinuses of the excavation have been filled up. If the project provides for a device basement or basement floor, internal backfilling is not performed.

The height of the backfill depends on the design of the base. If ventilation ducts are provided in the foundation walls, then the soil is filled up 20–30 cm below these holes, and the walls without such vents are equipped directly to the floor of the 1st floor. In the latter case, the backfill can serve as the basis for the concrete pouring of the subfloors.

Compaction of backfill is a mandatory technological condition. The denser the soil, the greater the stability of the entire supporting base of the building is ensured. Ideally, the density of the backfill should be about 0.9 - 0.95 of the density of the primary, undisturbed soil.

In practice, to achieve this indicator, layer-by-layer dumping is used with careful compaction of each subsequent layer. This also makes it possible to avoid the subsequent subsidence of the backfill, its washing out, sagging and destruction of the drainage area.

backfill material

Most often, sand and clay are used for backfilling, or a mixture of these types of soil - loam or sandy loam. Among civil engineers, there is no unequivocal opinion on what type of soil is best for backfilling, but most experts still lean in favor of sand.

In support, the following advantages of backfilling the sinuses with sand are given:

  1. Sand is one of the materials with good drainage properties. Rain and melt water does not linger for a long time in the sandy layer, but goes into the lower layers of the soil. Thanks to this, the space around the supporting base of the building will be spared from excess dampness, and therefore from adverse effects on concrete pouring moisture in the warm season and the heaving forces of the soil in winter.
  2. Sand is well compacted and, after compaction, is not prone to re-loosening when dried. This allows you to further strengthen the walls of the foundation of the building, give them stability and strength.
  3. Sandy soil does not belong to subsiding soils: over time, its density and bearing capacity only increase. The overall strength of sandstones is not great, but it is quite sufficient to ensure reliable fixation of the base of the building.

All of the above pluses "work" only on the condition that the backfill sandy soil has been prepared in advance in accordance with all the requirements of SNiP. Otherwise, it can become just a useless "ballast", easily washed away by water flows and not providing the necessary strength to the foundation.

Sand use

To ensure a long service life of the bearing base Special attention should be given to the process of compacting backfill soil. The effectiveness of compaction depends largely on the technical characteristics of the sand itself. It is best to use not the sand taken out when digging a pit to fill the sinuses.

If construction is carried out on clay soils, imported sand taken from the subsoil layers should be filled in - the so-called "ravine sand". Such a material contains a certain amount of the smallest particles of mineral salts, compounds of various metals, primarily iron and aluminum, which, when compacted or wetted, form strong bonds.

These advantages are deprived of sand obtained by crushing rocks ("quarry sand") and washed by dredgers from the bottom of rivers and lakes (" river sand"). Before use, ravine sand should be cleaned of organic inclusions - chernozem, branches, rhizomes, but it is not recommended to wash it so that collagen particles that “glue” sand grains together are not washed out with water.

An even more effective way in terms of ensuring the density of the backfill would be to use a sand-gravel mixture (SGM) for backfilling. This mixture has sufficient density indicators and without the participation of additional binders. The optimal ratio of the components of the mixture will be 60% sand and 40% medium-sized gravel. Such a mixture is well compacted, has a sufficiently large mass and perfectly passes moisture through itself, preventing it from accumulating near the walls of the foundation or basement.

Clay use

In some cases, sinus sand may not be available or delivered to construction site costs too much. Then you have to use clay soil excavated during earthworks. Filling the sinuses with clay requires builders to comply with a number of technological rules.

For backfilling, it is better to use lean clay, as it is less likely to absorb and retain water. To facilitate the tamping process, about 5% of fatty clay should be added to hard lean clay. Such a small percentage will practically not affect the properties of backfill soil, but will speed up and simplify the whole process.

If clay is used for backfilling a foundation built on solid rocky rocks, then it differs little in its effectiveness from sand and ASG.

Oily clay can be used when backfilling sinuses for the construction of a clay castle - a waterproof layer designed to prevent moisture from penetrating deep into the backfill soil. To do this, after backfilling the sinuses, a layer of pre-soaked greasy clay 15-20 cm thick is laid on top. Clay should be laid in several steps, 3-4 layers of 5 cm each. In this case, each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous layer of clay dry and harden.

The video shows the technology of backfilling:

Despite the apparent simplicity, the work of backfilling the sinuses is a very responsible and complex process. Following all the recommendations of SNiP, with the help of dump soil, you can significantly increase the strength and extend the life of the foundation and the entire building..

The main stage of the construction of the strip foundation is completed - the concrete has hardened by 100%. In the course of work, gaps were formed in the sinuses, and free space is also present in the pits. The base must be dense, therefore, after complete drying, the foundation is backfilled. At the beginning, this task may seem simple, but in reality we will again need calculations and recourse to normative document for the construction of SNiP. Our goal is to make the process easier for you and explain in simple terms how backfilling is done, what is needed for compaction, and what should be the density factor.

Filling must be done when ground floor and the foundation is completely frozen. Only then will the foundation be able to take the loads from bearing walls without damage.

Properly done work will ensure that the baseplates will not sag or rise, become damp or move under ground pressure. On construction forums, you can find a lot of threads where people argue about which material is best for sealing. We recommend taking into account the coefficient and following the rules and regulations of SNiP.

Three points can be taken from SNiP and combined into one. The compilers of the SNiP tell us that the soil that was excavated from the foundation trench is best suited for backfilling. From this wording, we can understand that we are not recommended to take a mixture of sand and gravel for backfilling. In any case, there are exceptions when sand will be the only right solution - this happens extremely rarely. Instructions from SNiP will help save money, because you will immediately dispose of the extracted land.

To understand which points from the SNiP you need to be guided by, you need to consult with professionals. If you ordered a project, then it already contains information on how to backfill a tape, pile or column base. We will analyze the essence of the process, and also tell you about the main numbers that will be needed for proper construction.

Theory and coefficients

The SNiP says that the backfill should be covered with the same soil, but if sand cannot be dispensed with, then its compaction coefficient should correspond to this indicator of the original soil. To make the backfill correctly, you need to know the density of the soil. The ideal moisture-density ratio is 0.95. This indicator is set by geodetic services that work in each area. You will not need to hire them to report the coefficient. They already have the data, because construction work has most likely already been carried out on your site.

Options for backfilling the tape base. Various materials can be used for this work.

In order for the compaction process to be carried out correctly, the soil moisture index must be optimal. If you find out that the soil moisture in your area does not meet the required, you will have to moisten. The next step will be ramming.

There are several main indicators by which you can determine the moisture content and degree of soil compaction:

  • the moisture index for heavy soil is 16-23%, while the coefficient of waterlogging and compaction here will be 1.05%;
  • the moisture content of light and heavy dusty soils, as well as for light loam, is 12-17%, the compaction coefficient is 1.15;
  • for light sands with a coarse fraction, as well as for dusty sand, the moisture index will be in the range of 8-12%, while the compaction coefficient will be 1.35%;
  • light and silty sandy loams have a moisture index of 9-15% - this is the optimal indicator, the degree of waterlogging and soil compaction is 1.25%.

This data from SNiP is general. As for the exact indicators, they can only be obtained through laboratory analysis. If there is no information on your site, then you need to contact the employees of the geodetic service. After taking a soil sample, it is compared with the norms from SNiP. If there is excess moisture in the soil, it is drained. If the moisture coefficient is too low, then it is necessary to carry out wetting of the soil.

IMPORTANT! Soil moistening cannot be done with ordinary water; cement or clay milk is used for this purpose. On the net, you can easily find the proportions for making such “milk”, but we recommend using our recipe.

Prepare cement milk as follows:

  1. A small handful of cement is placed in water. Water and cement must be mixed until smooth.
  2. According to its fluidity and viscosity, milk should not differ from ordinary water.
  3. The solution should have a cloudy white color, hence the name - cement milk.

What is required for work?

Most often, backfilling of the foundation is carried out with clay, which in construction documents is referred to as category 2 soil. Ordinary soil is not suitable here, and you should not take black soil for this purpose. Sand and gravel, crushed stone or ordinary sand are not suitable for backfilling the sinuses. The reason is that these materials have poor waterproofing, as a result, the stability of the foundation will decrease.

The photo shows the process of backfilling the soil with an excavator. You can do the work with your own hands without renting construction equipment, but then the process will take much longer.

As for backfilling and compaction with crushed stone or sand, it is used in areas where the groundwater level is too high for ordinary clay. With the help of sand, you can build the foundation of a future building. It is also possible to cover the base with sand if the permeability of the soil in the area where construction is underway is not lower than that of sand.

Backfilling the pit

With the help of special equipment, it will be much easier to carry out the work of backfilling the pit. But you can deal with the backfill on your own.

When selected suitable materials and an approximate work plan has been determined, it remains only to place the filler in the pit and sinuses. In order for the work to be done efficiently, the following points must be considered:

  • After backfilling, a high-quality tamping of the soil will be a mandatory item. Of course, mechanical tools will do the job best. You should think about buying or renting a vibrating plate or special tool for rammer. On jackhammers they sell nozzles for rammers.
  • Check that the clay to be used for backfilling is not too dry or too wet. In some cases, the clay has to be diluted or vice versa dried.
  • When the backfilling of the sinuses and the pit is completely completed, it is necessary to lay a blind area around the entire perimeter of the base. This element is used to ensure that surface water does not destroy the structure.

Backfilling of the sinuses

After the construction of the foundation remains engineering structures, which also need to fall asleep. This work is carried out so that the foundation of the house is as strong and stable as possible. Backfilling of the trench is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. At the bottom of the trench, it is necessary to put a layer of crushed stone within 10-15 cm. On top of it, you need to fill the trench with sand with a layer of 30-40 cm. This work must be done before the installation of the pipeline. On top of the sand cushion, it is necessary to lay plates under the wells in advance, which will be needed during the installation of the pipeline.
  2. When already rammed into the trench, you can begin the installation of the pipeline. We recommend immediately installing control and shut-off valves in the design.
  3. The next step is the manufacture of well shafts. These elements are best made from concrete rings or standard brickwork.
  4. It is possible to fill up the trench only after a complete check of the quality of the installation of the well. You will need to put a 30-40 cm layer of sand on top of the pipe. The pillow can be rammed with the help of special equipment or with your own hands.
  5. Further, the soil, cleared of organic matter, is drained into the trench until it is completely filled. It should go in layers of 50-70 cm.
  6. The final stage is backfilling the soil over the contour. The result should be a 20-centimeter "hill" that protrudes above the ground. You don’t have to worry about it, because in the fall the dirt hill will go down.

Foundation backfill and soil compaction ratio updated: February 26, 2018 by: zoomfund

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The main attention in the construction of a house is given to the main processes: the arrangement of the foundation, the construction of walls, roofing and cladding of the building. However, some stages of construction require additional actions. For example, the construction of a foundation is accompanied by the formation of voids (sinuses), which subsequently need to be filled with some kind of material.

What materials are best used for backfilling the foundation

  1. Most often, the return filling of the sinuses is carried out using the soil, which was taken out to form a pit. However, it is more practical to use materials that are better and denser than excavated soil.
  2. When backfilling with clay, a kind of clay castle is created, which blocks the way for sewage and melt water, preventing them from entering the foundation zone. It is recommended to use clay not in its pure form, but in combination with any soil.
  3. On soils subject to severe heaving, it is best to use a mixture of crushed stone and sand for backfilling, through which water passes without delay. This prevents it from freezing in the ground, excluding its heaving. But there is also a minus of such a mixture. Passing through the backfill, water can accumulate at the base of the foundation, posing a threat to the foundation of the house. In this case, it helps to solve the problem.
  4. Less often, clean sand is used to backfill the foundation. The difficulty of using this material lies in the fact that it must have a certain moisture content. Only in this case it is possible to perform high-quality backfilling.

The use of sand to backfill the sinuses of the foundation requires compliance with a certain technology:

  • Before carrying out work, it is necessary to prepare the material. To do this, the sand is sieved, removing debris and large particles.
  • Next, the actual backfilling begins. Sand is poured into the sinuses with a layer of no more than 30 cm and carefully compacted. Do not pour a large amount of sand, as you can not achieve high-quality compaction.
  • The second and subsequent layers are filled in the same way, carefully compacting them.
  • Work continues until the required level is reached.

The process itself is not difficult, so it can be done by hand.

Backfilling with Clay

The cheapest and most affordable material used for backfilling the foundation is clay. To avoid unpleasant consequences, clay backfilling must be carried out according to certain rules:

  • First, prepare the material for work. The clay is cleaned construction debris and large items.
  • Backfilling the foundation with clay is recommended to be carried out in small portions in order to qualitatively compact the soil. With manual compaction, the clay layer should be no more than 30 cm. When using special equipment, the clay layer can be increased to 50 cm.
  • It is necessary to start compacting the clay layer from the foundation walls, gradually moving towards the edges of the pit or trench.
  • Having finished compacting the first layer, proceed to the next. In this case, similar actions are performed.

Compliance with the rules for backfilling the foundation with clay will allow you to reliably protect the foundation.

How to properly backfill

This process at first glance may seem quite simple, but you need to approach it very responsibly. The implementation of some rules will allow high-quality backfilling.

  1. Backfilling of the foundation is necessarily preceded by work on the formation of the foundation.
  2. Work should begin only after it has been waterproofed.
  3. Soil moisture should be checked before backfilling. It should not be too dry and not too wet. The normal state of the soil is achieved by drying in the sun or wetting with special cement milk.
  4. Backfill soil should not contain more than 5% organic matter.
  5. Soil backfilling and compaction must be carried out with great care to prevent damage to the waterproofing layer.
  6. Backfilling of the foundation is carried out simultaneously around the entire perimeter.
  7. The completion of the backfilling of the foundation is the arrangement of the blind area.

In some areas during operation, additional loads on the ground are possible. In this case, you can not carry out additional compaction. However, the roller is filled around the entire perimeter. Given the natural shrinkage of the soil, the backfilling of the sinuses is carried out with some margin:

  • When filling with sand, the headroom should be about 2%.
  • When backfilling with clay - about 3%.

To fill the narrow sinuses between the foundation and the foundation pit, it is desirable to use materials that have low shrinkage. It can be fine gravel or a mixture of sand and gravel.

At the moment, a question often arises related to the disposal of soil masses extracted from the trenches of the pits. You can fully solve the problem thanks to the backfilling of the sinuses of the foundation. In addition, the bedding in question optimizes thermal, and the foundation for a house with a basement becomes more comfortable. It is important to understand that backfilling the sinuses of the pit allows you to achieve the two tasks described above, if all prescribed technological requirements are met.

The backfilling of the foundation into the basement cavity is carried out only after the end of the solidification of the body and the completion of all work related to the arrangement of the basement area. There is no need to rush to complete this process, since the foundation cannot be loaded at all until it solidifies completely. Among other things, the foundation with a basement can be equipped before backfilling.

Backfilling can be started after twenty or twenty-five days. It is important to note that this time is quite enough for the mortar to turn into a cement monolith with a strength percentage of eighty-five.

When backfilling, it is possible to use the soil removed from the trenches at the time of the foundation. Of course, it is best to get rid of elements such as gravel, sand, and so on in advance. This is unprofitable and not practical.

Technological process of backfilling

Sprinkling soil or sand is very simple. The mixtures are placed between the walls. But even the process under consideration has its own individual nuances that can easily turn easy actions into the most complex technological work. Backfilling of the foundation is carried out in several stages:

  1. Determination in the laboratory of soil moisture. Wet materials are unsuitable as bedding, as they have the same consistency comparable to ordinary dirt. Also, too dry soil should not be used. The most optimal humidity level is twelve or twenty percent;
  2. Ground moisture should be brought to a normalized state. It can be secondary moistened or dried. Of course, at the moment of moistening, in no case should water be used. The best option there will be cement milk, that is, a combination of water and cement;
  3. Sprinkling the perimeter and filling the sinuses of the trench is the next important step. The entire full-fledged process must be carried out simultaneously from both sides, starting from the immediate bottom of the pit. The thickness should not be more than 0.5 meters. Do not forget about sealing with cement milk;
  4. The last step is filling the basement. does not require additional filling of the plinth. It is quite possible to partially fill the sinuses.

At the time of the work, it is necessary to focus not only on the movement of mixtures, but also on the thoroughness of the compaction. Through careful monitoring, further undesirable settling of the backfill can be prevented.

Fundamental aspects of backfilling

Backfilling of the sinuses of the pit is correctly performed if the main principles are taken into account and observed:

  1. Groundwater and its level relative to the base of the foundation;
  2. Normalized composition of the soil extracted from the trench;
  3. There is a basement with a basement;
  4. Vertical state of foundation waterproofing.

A foundation with a basement can be covered with some types of materials:

  • Sand;
  • Fossil soil removed from the excavation during construction;
  • Clay.

ground material

The foundation for a house with a basement can be covered with soil if it is not heaving. In frost, this variety is deformed, covered with cracks, and subsequently collapses. Also often decay. That is why during construction it is necessary to follow all the rules and instructions for correct backfilling.

Backfilling with sand

Sand has a number of important advantages over other types of materials:

  1. Not afraid of heaving;
  2. Quality fluidity.

Despite the important advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  1. Increased water permeability. Water can freely accumulate in the sinuses of the foundation.

Clay backfill

The foundation for a house with a basement can be filled with material such as clay.

It is important to note that clay is endowed with a high density. In addition, it is unable to be highly saturated with water, making the composition not heaving. When working with the material in question, the solution must be homogeneous, that is, there must be no other types of substances.

It is in this form that clay is able to hydraulically protect the full base of the foundation. The foundation for a house with a basement must be filled up as accurately and correctly as possible.

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