Instructions for the medical console at the insurance company. VHI from Reso Guarantee: registration via remote control or through the clinic’s reception desk. Telemedicine service

Below is information about the options for making an appointment with a doctor that are available from the insurance company. Reso Guarantee according to their VHI programs "Doctor Reso"


For the type of service “RECORDING THROUGH A RESO DISPATCHER,” the insured must contact RESO (the medical dispatch center or the VHI curator at the branch) to approve each insured event(acute illness, complaints). In this case, the dispatcher:
a) clarifies the problem the insured is addressing;
b) evaluates whether this problem is an insured event or not
c) determines, together with the insured health facility, from among those specified in the Insurance Program, in which the service (set of services) will be provided.
d) assists in enrolling the insured in the selected health care facility
e) sends a letter of guarantee to the health care facility for the provision of agreed services or diagnosis of the disease according to the complaints of the insured
f) informs the insured person of the details of the upcoming visit (address, name of the doctor, time and date, range of services, number of the letter of guarantee, etc.)

The insured must coordinate other visits to health care facilities or services prescribed by doctors of health care facilities if:
1) it is caused by a new insured event (new disease, new exacerbation, new complaints),
2) The health care facility prescribes a service (set of services) not specified in the valid letter of guarantee
3) The letter of guarantee has expired (usually the validity period is one month), and the treatment has not been completed
If the insurance program only provides for the type of service “Registration through the RESO dispatcher”, then during the validity period of the policy the Policyholder can issue an “Registration through the registry of the healthcare facility” in the prescribed manner:
1. The policyholder must sign the Application to change the insurance program (printed from the system). The Application clearly identifies one health care facility from among those specified in the insurance program, access to which will be provided in the future through its registry. All other clinics will continue to be accessible through the RESO dispatcher.
2. The insurer draws up an additional agreement to the Policy
3. The policyholder pays an additional insurance premium in accordance with the payment schedule specified in the additional agreement.


If the Policyholder has chosen “Registration through the registry of a healthcare facility,” then he must immediately determine one healthcare facility to which he will apply through the registry.
ATTENTION: Replacing the selected health care facility with another, as well as changing the type of service to “Registration through the RESO dispatcher” during the validity period of the policy is not allowed.
Selecting a clinic for the type of service “Registration through the registry of a healthcare facility” is possible only from the list of clinics of the selected price category.
ATTENTION: by selecting the 2nd category, you cannot select a clinic from the 1st or 3rd category for the “Registration through the healthcare facility registry” type.

For the type of service “Registration through the registry of a healthcare facility”, the Insurer sends a letter for attachment to the selected healthcare facility.
The letter is generated in the system automatically on the day the money is “bundled” with the policy in the system, and is sent to the health care facility on the next business day by an employee of the central center or branch. The deadline for attaching the insured to a health facility in a letter is until the date of the next payment (if paying for the policy in installments) or until the end of the policy (if paying for the policy in a lump sum).
After receiving the letter by the clinic, further appeals of the insured person to this health care facility and the appointment of the necessary treatment within the framework of the insurance program can be carried out without the consent of the Insurer. In this case, the insured must contact the health care facility’s reception desk directly (by phone or in person) to make an appointment with specialists.
In some cases, it may be necessary to issue a pass to a medical facility, for which the Insurer requests a photograph of the required format and other data of the insured. There is a corresponding note in the price list about healthcare facilities with a access system.
Appeals to all other health care facilities specified in the insurance program with the note “Recording through the RESO dispatcher” require prior approval from the dispatcher in the usual manner (see clause

The type of service “Recording through the registry of a health care facility” is charged more than “Recording through a RESO dispatcher”, because there is no primary “filter” for calls to doctors on the part of the Insurer. Consequently, healthcare facilities may prescribe unnecessary services, the validity of which is difficult to challenge later. As a result, the payment amount for such policies is higher.
The type of service “Registration through the registry of a healthcare facility” can be determined by the Policyholder both at the time of conclusion of the Policy and during the validity period of the Policy.
The amount of the additional insurance premium for the type of service “Registration through the registry of a healthcare facility” DOES NOT DEPEND on the remaining insurance period and is the difference between the tariffs for “Recording through the registry of a healthcare facility” and “Record through the RESO dispatcher”.
When insuring several insured persons in one policy, the “Registration through the health care facility registry” type of service can be provided to one/all/several insured persons.

RESO medical control panels

In those cities where RESO medical dispatch consoles operate, the Insured are served by their telephone numbers:
1) Moscow (24 hours a day)
2) St. Petersburg (24 hours)
3) Ekaterinburg (Mon-Sat from 8:00 to 20:00)

In other cities, services are provided by VHI curators at RESO branches during business hours.
The rest of the time, the insured can contact the Moscow 24-hour medical dispatch center (works federal number 8-800-100-63-65 – free for calls from other regions)
The telephone number of the control room/branch curator is indicated on plastic card The insured on the reverse side.

With this type of service, the insured must contact the Reso medical dispatch center to coordinate each insured event (acute illness, complaint). In this case, the dispatcher:

  • clarifies the problem the insured is addressing;
  • evaluates whether this problem is an insured event or not
  • determines, together with the insured health facility, from among those specified in the Insurance program, in which the service (set of services) will be provided
  • assists in enrolling the insured in the selected health care facility
  • sends a letter of guarantee to the health care facility for the provision of agreed services or diagnosis of the disease according to the complaints of the insured
  • informs the insured person of the details of the upcoming visit (address, name of the doctor, time and date, range of services, number of the letter of guarantee, etc.)

The insured must coordinate other visits to health care facilities or services prescribed by doctors of health care facilities if:

  • this is caused by a new insured event (new disease, new exacerbation, new complaints),
  • The health care facility prescribes a service (set of services) not specified in the valid letter of guarantee
  • The letter of guarantee has expired (usually valid for one month) and the treatment has not been completed

During the policy period, you can switch from service through the remote control to service through a health facility by paying the difference in price.

If the insurance program only provides for the type of service “Registration through a RESO dispatcher”, then during the validity period of the policy the Policyholder can issue an “Registration through the registry of a healthcare facility” in the prescribed manner

If the insurance program only provides for the type of service “Registration through the RESO dispatcher”, then during the validity period of the policy the Policyholder can issue an “Registration through the registry of the healthcare facility” in the prescribed manner:

  • The policyholder must sign the Application to Change the Insurance Program (printed from the system). The Application clearly identifies one health care facility from among those specified in the insurance program, access to which will be provided in the future through its registry. All other clinics will continue to be accessible through the RESO dispatcher.
  • The insurer draws up an additional agreement to the Policy
  • The policyholder pays an additional insurance premium in accordance with the payment schedule specified in the additional agreement.

Registration through the hospital reception desk

If the Policyholder has chosen “Registration through the registry of a healthcare facility,” then he must immediately determine one healthcare facility to which he will apply through the registry.

If the Policyholder has chosen “Registration through the registry of a healthcare facility,” then he must immediately determine one healthcare facility to which he will apply through the registry.

ATTENTION: Replacing the selected health care facility with another, as well as changing the type of service to “Registration through the RESO dispatcher” during the validity period of the policy is not allowed.

Selecting a clinic for the type of service “Registration through the registry of a healthcare facility” is possible only from the list of clinics of the selected price category.

ATTENTION: By selecting the 2nd category, you cannot select a clinic from the 1st or 3rd category for the “Registration through the registry of health care facility” type.

For the type of service “Registration through the registry of a healthcare facility” - the Insurer sends to the selected healthcare facility letter for attachment.

The letter is generated in the system automatically on the day the money is “bundled” with the policy in the system, and is sent to the health care facility on the next business day by an employee of the central center or branch. The deadline for attaching the insured to a health facility in a letter is until the date of the next payment (if paying for the policy in installments) or until the end of the policy (if paying for the policy in a lump sum).

After receiving the letter by the clinic, further appeals of the insured person to this health care facility and the appointment of the necessary treatment within the framework of the insurance program can be carried out without agreement with the Insurer. In this case, the insured must contact the health care facility’s reception desk directly (by phone or in person) to make an appointment with specialists.

In some cases, it may be necessary to issue a pass to a medical facility, for which the Insurer requests a photograph of the required format and other data of the insured.

Appeals to all other health care facilities specified in the insurance program with the mark “Recording through the RESO dispatcher” require prior approval from the dispatcher in the usual manner.

The type of service “Registration through the registry of a healthcare facility” can be determined by the Policyholder both at the time of conclusion of the Policy and during the validity period of the Policy.

The amount of the additional insurance premium for the type of service “Registration through the registry of a healthcare facility” DOES NOT DEPEND on the remaining insurance period and is the difference between the tariffs for “Recording through the registry of a healthcare facility” and “Record through the RESO dispatcher”.

When insuring several insured persons in one policy, the “Registration through the health care facility registry” type of service can be provided to one/all/several insured persons.

We recommend that you start servicing in Reso Guarantee with the “through the insurance company’s remote control” type - which will allow you not to overpay extra money. If this type turns out to be completely inconvenient, you can always switch to recording through a medical facility.

We recommend that you start servicing in Reso Guarantee with the “through the insurance company’s remote control” type - which will allow you not to overpay extra money. If this type turns out to be completely inconvenient, you can always switch to recording through a medical facility.

RESO medical dispatch consoles:

In those cities where RESO medical dispatch consoles operate, the Insured are served by their telephone numbers:

  1. Moscow (24 hours)
  2. St. Petersburg (24 hours)
  3. Ekaterinburg (Mon-Sat from 8:00 to 20:00)

In other cities, services are provided by VHI curators at RESO branches during business hours.

The rest of the time, the insured can contact the Moscow 24-hour medical dispatch center (the federal number is 8-800-100-63-65 - free for calls from other regions).

The telephone number of the control room/branch supervisor is indicated on the reverse side of the Insured's plastic card.

Our work experience shows that insurance opportunities are much broader than simply assigning your employees to a clinic. With the help of insurance, such problems can be successfully solved. personnel tasks, as motivating staff, maintaining their loyalty, increasing labor productivity and the level of staff health. Our experience enables us to say that insurance offers you considerably more than just services of a particular clinic to your staff members. Insurance schemes and cover enable to motivate your human capital, loyalty sustain, and improve performance and efficiency and more importantly health level.

We offer comprehensive solutions in the field of voluntary health insurance, including service components of various directions: We offer complex Voluntary Medical Insurance (VMI) solutions covering various service areas:

Standard VHI programs Standard VMI schemes

  • outpatient care Out-patient clinic services
  • dental care Dental care
  • ambulance services medical care Ambulance
  • inpatient care In-patient clinic services

Telemedicine service Telemedicine service

Consultations with general practitioners and specialized specialists, online via text messages, audio and video communications without a visit to a medical facility, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Consultations of doctors (therapists and highly specialized specialists) via online text messages, audio- and video-communication not visiting medical facility, 24 hours, 7 days per week.

Technologies “Collective Health Management” (Health Management) Team Health Management Technologies

  • identifying the needs of different employee segments for preventive measures; Enable to identify needs of various segments of staff members for illness prevention purposes;
  • disease prevention and health education; Enable to improve team health level through awareness and preventive measures;
  • increasing the availability of medical care; Enable to improve accessibility of medical aid;
  • individual patient management programs; Enable to design customer tailored patient medical care programs;
  • development and maintenance of personnel health management programs. Enable to launch team health management programs.

Systems of office doctors based on our own medical company MEDCORP: Office Based Doctor Systems offered by in-house medical company MEDCORP:

  • initial reception of employees in offices at the place of work and in medical institutions; Initial doctor appointment in the office and in medical institutions;
  • drawing up an optimal treatment plan, referral to specialists; Development of the best possible treatment plan including appointments with medical specialists;
  • screening examinations of the team and preparation of the company’s Health Passport; Team screening assessment to issue overall Company Staff Health Condition Statement;
  • adapting the program to the specific needs of the team; Adjustment of the insurance cover to accommodate specific needs of the team;

Online portal and personal managers Online Portal and Personal Account Managers

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